Looking for . , . Winter Underwear ? We have an elegant , all-wool fleeced article seldom sold for less than one dollar , which we are now offering 50c fering : for , per garment A fine all-wool camel's hair of excellent value for , per suit $2.00 The finest grade camel's hair for , per suit - $2.75 Over shirts. We have an all-wool overshirt , heavy weight , in all colors and sizes , for $1.00 Extra heavy Jersey knit overshirt , good value , for 75c Finer grades of woolen overshirts , an elegant assortment to select from , up to All these goods are bought in case lots from factory , saving jobbers' profits. All the latest things in percale laundered shirts. FRANK "MORGAN The Leading Clothier H. H. TARTSCH , Manager. MENARD BLOCK f THE HOBBY HORSE In Our Window will be / fg | GIVEN AWAY. I The flam moth Egg will hold the Prizes until. . . H DECEMBER 2Oth m Don't fail to visit Our Store this coming week ; there will be . . . OTHER PRIZES we can show you a beautiful line ; rich colors and designs , something to please the eye , and with prices to fit your pocketbook. THE "BEE HIVE , " . ' * - jV j > Nebraska. is Worth a Quarter but you can crib it for a cent a bushel by using- W. 0. BULLARD & CO. . McCook , Nebraska. "Best on the market ior coughs and colds and all bronchial troubles ; for croup it has no equal , " writes Henry R. Whitford , South Ca- inaan , Conn. , of One Minute Cough Cure. White's Cream Vermifuge is a highly valu able preparation , capable , from the prompti tude of its action , of clearing the system in a few hours of every worm , rnce 25 cts. at McConnell & Berry's. The most stubborn cases of bronchitis suc cumb to Baliard's Horehound Syrup. Price 25 and 50 cts. at McConnell & Berry's. E. E. Turner , Compton , Mo. was cured of piles by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve after suffering seventeen years and trying over twenty remedies. Physicians and surgeons endorse it. Beware of dangerous counterfeits. D. W. Loar. He says : "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not ti r i over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Hitters , she is wonderfully improved and able lo do her own work. " This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness , sleeplessness , melancholy , headache , back ache , fainting and _ dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak , sick ly , run down people. Every bottle guaran teed. Only 50 cents. McConnell & 1'erry. P'or all fresh cuts or wounds , in either the human subject or in animals , as a dressing , Uallard's Snow Liniment is excellent : while for sores on working horses , especially if slow to heal , or suppurating , its healing qualities are unequalled. Price , 25 cts. and 50 cts. at McConnell & Berry's. A New Jersey girl is now conducting her second breach of promise suit. That's as near as she may ever come to getting a man : a pair of breaches , don't ye know. Thousands of the most stubborn and dis tressing cases of pijes have been cured by Tabler's Buckeye Tile Ointment. It never fails to cure. Price ; 0 cts. in bottles , tubes 75 cts. at McConnell & Berry's. Prize fighters never lack wind in pulling off their contests. For wounds , burns , scalds , sores , skin dis eases and all irritating eruptions , nothing so soothing and healing as DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs. Emma Belles , Matron Englewood Nursery , Chicago , says of it : "When all else fails in healing our babies , it will cure. " U. W. Loar. Old fashions in dress may be revived , but no old-fashioned medicine can replace Cham berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. For sale by McConnel ! & Berry. SURE and CERTAIN known for 15 year REMEPYfor pireit7BlCEA2DS01IM D. \HNKSJEM Ar. NELL & BERRY'S. MAKE American Beautie < ? F.C. AND PLAS8. ilfflZOO CORSET'CD , SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLD BY THE THOMPSON D. G. CO. , MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. jKsXS Are pleased , ! U > UHIUH $ tlify pny no moro for Now and 3fi5i Reliable Clothing , made by the Bent Manufacturers , m than others iisk you for sliop-\vorn W3im J3M51 m Men's AH WooI Suits - $4.45 to $1.500 aFftS Boys' Long-Pants Suits $3.00 to $14.00 Boys' Knee-Pants Suits $1.00 to $ 6.00 DJS Men's Fall Overcoats . . . ii . . . . We have some of the latest styles im in Coverts and Herringbone ; also a good line of Ulsters for Men and Boys. We m 1 LJ Sell the famous Zero Collar Ulsters. iaSS P We invite you to see the New Suits and Overcoats = = we believe you will rec = ognize their superiority. G. L. DeGROFF & GO. MEATS. BACON , BOLOGNA . CHICKENS. TURKEYS. & .C , A.C -AND' Give Your Order for Anything : Handled or Kept in Stock by a First = CIass and Up = to = Date Dealers In Live Stock o a a 0 Cash Paid for Hides EVERIST , MARSH & CO. McCook Transfer Line J. H. DWYER , Proprietor. Speuial attention [ xml to hauling furniture. Leu\e ordt-if- at either lumber yard. LAOIE'S Friend 'r ' ± " : mJ I'ennyroyai PiPri ! rfien trtiut ion ! o Uif ( i- \ . Novcr fail. No I'atu ; \ < > nitp | > oiiiiiicni. $1 00 box ; boxen cure : ii.j no matter as tn can- ] Hahn's Pharmacy. ! Dept. T. Omaha , - i B MICA lightens the load- AXLE shortens the CREASE road. helps the team. Saves -wear and expense. Sold everywhere. MADE BY STANDARD OIL CO. HIM Vv- , , , ( braitiH . > ni.iki' : i man of y ' : i t ftiiil fur iii ' ) f ir Doctor's Oi . - . .n } : \ ra-- tr --i ; i. ? > 4fcs * ' 4ULKS- I > \v r. i. . , : i- - JiftfT.to i- , pr - - 111:11 ti rtl i > < - . . . . , - _ . Virii'oci-lc < nr . . . i > r\ \ i U nohirii < - . V. I- you ate -uln-i i.jr ' from ; ll'i't - < .f M-II " ; > ; i I > u \v - : i r - ii ; p'i-iM-l ' : to sty Ih-t , < i r - - \ only firm vilio i.n - v , ? ' y i" fft , "ujiran" ' ' * : ' .r . - hlfe.l 'ZZ MS * wltlio.jrTurki--t I. . < . Vo never fail to rur > - nr ioi ' - . Do not look futiiii-i. as wil , ; : i t our blank. tnodiriiif i. > si. ir r n r : > v ri o. no inat5 ir IMIV. - i r . i . . - ' : - . _ . \\th : Tli M--l - ' ' ) \ A I fl'K. .1 . < f.- l-1 .if - | . i ' ' U . ' i-N'S PHAPM4CY. Dyspepsia Cure J I 8 Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. Xo other preparation can approach it in elliciency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn , Flatulence , Sour Stomach , Nausea , SickHeadacheGastralgiaCrampsand all otherresultsof imperfectdigestion. Prepared by E. C. OeWittaCo. . Chicago. OVAJ K. HOOKS i"or sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Bt-st in the market.