The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 13, 1899, Image 7

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rr. Green' * Ounloii A
Load , Willlo Will Carry u Smart
iMMl Htircuftcr Quaor Turtle
The 1'rlnces of Ktletibuy.
The 1'rlncoft of Kdonlmy.
There were two little princes of Eden-
Princes I Can't and I Can ;
And to school they went on the very
first day
That the very first school hegan.
And the Prince I Can't took a poor
little whim
Into his royal head ;
And whenever a task was given to him ,
"I can't ! I can't ! " he said.
Now he wasa prince who had his
way ,
And a poor little way 'twas , too !
For he nothing did from day to day
Save just what he wanted to do.
But his brother I Can , a younger lad ,
"Was made on a different plan ,
Tor to every single lesson he had
He would say , "I can ! I can ! "
S& wise and great grew the Prince I
Can ,
By doing as he was hid ;
\ But the other became an ignorant man ,
ij And naught that was good he did.
These princes' descendants you'll find
Wherever Is civilized man ;
" ' " have had their
The "I Can't" folks who
way ,
And the people who say "I can ! "
Emma C. Dowd.
( BTr. Croon's Gnrden.
, t Next to the small red cottage where
4 ! Archie and Nellie King lived there was
a large vacant lot with a high fence
Vound it. The only yard the Kings
' ' 'had was a narrow strip back of the
i house , and as they had once lived in
J the country , this seemed very small
to the children , and they used to
peep through the cracks in the fence
and wish they could get over there
among the weeds to play. Archie was
nine years old , but a hurt received
when he was a baby had made him
lame , and Nellie , who was two years
younger , was almost as tall. Their
father was dead , and Archie was very
anxious to help his mother , who had
to work hard to support them ; but
there did not seem to be anything
for such a little boy to do except to be
useful at home , and he tried to be
that. On the other side of the vacant
lot there was a shop that had been un
occupied for a long time. One morning -
* ing , when the children passed on their
' way to school , the door was wide open ,
and a tall , rosy-faced man stood there
superintending the carrying in of a
quantity of lumber. He nodded pleas
antly to them in a way that said quite
plainly , "I like little people. I was
young once myself. " It was not long
before they found out that his name
was Green , and that he had rented the
shop for some sort of carpentering )
work. One day , .when they were at
play in the hack yard , the children dis
covered some men cutting down weeds
In the vacant lot "What do you sup
pose they are going to do ? " asked Nel
lie. "Build a house , I guess , " said
Archie. The prospect of this was ex
citing , and with the aid of some barrels
and boxes they contrived to get up
high enough to see over the fence.
And there was Mr. Green busily directIng -
Ing the men ! He saw them and waved
his hand. "I am going to have a gar
den in a short time , " he said. This
' 0 made Archie think of the garden they
used to have in the country , where cab
bages and potatoes and all kinds of
vegetables grew. He had helped his
father take care of it. and he won
dered if Mr. Green would not want a
boy to weed his. He spoke to Nellie
about it , but she was sure it would be
a flower garden , for people didn't have
vegetable gardens in town. This might
' be. Mr. Green had not said what he
< 'A expected to raise ; but then , flowers
> ould have to be weeded and watered.
-So without saying anything to anyone
Archie slipped over to the shop next
day. When he was fairly inside the
door his heart almost failed him , and
when Mr. Green looked up from his
desk , where he was writing , and ex
claimed , "Hello ! Where did you come
from ? " he was so startled he came
near running away. He didn't , how
ever , but went bravely up to the desk.
"I have come to see if you don't want
a boy to weed your garden , sir. I
know how , and could do it , and I am
anxious- find a place , because there
! s no one else to help mother. Nellie
would help , too , and we'd be very
careful. " Mr. Green looked down at
him with an odd expression in his
ayes , and said : "So you want to weed
my garden , do you ? Well , I may need
i boy , by and by , when my crop begins
lo grow. " The children went away for
several weeks , and came home late one
evening. Early next day they ran out
lo see how Mr. Green's garden was
coming on , and beholdinstead ! , of po
tatoes and cabbages , or even flowers ,
there were rows of gaily painted
swings. There were single swings ,
and double swings , and swings to
hold four persons , and some had awnIngs -
Ings over them to keep off the sun.
The ground was covered with tanbark -
bark except around the edge , where
there was a border of grass , and the
board fence on the street had been replaced -
[ placed by an iron one with a gate ,
* ibove which was this sign : "Automat-
; Swing Co. " While the children were
razing at this surprising sight , Mr.
Sreen came walking down between
the rows of swlugs and asked thorn
how they liked his garden. The/ lik
ed It very much , Indeed , hut Archie
couldn't help feeling disappointed un
til Mr. Green said : "I have to bo In
the shop most of the time , and I want'
some one to stay around here and let
me know when customers come in. Do
you think you and Nellie could do
this ? Of course I'd expect you to
swing a good deal , for that will help
to advertise. " So it happened that all
throv&h the summer in pleasant weath
er passers-hy saw two blue-eyed chil
dren in a swing near the gate , and if
any one entered he was met by Archie
with , "Do you want to look at swings ?
We have some very nice ones. I'll call
Mr. Green. " The Automatic Swing Co.
did a good business that season , and
every Saturday the children dropped a
silver quarter Into their bank , and even
Archie came to the conclusion that for
a town a swing garden was better than
a vegetable garden.
A T.azy Man's
Thump , thump , thud ! How many
times It had occurred In the last few
minutes that noise ! Willie didn't
cry , for hadn't grandma called him ,
only that morning , "My little man ,
and who ever heard of a man crying
because he had let fall an armful of
wood ? Nevertheless , ho did look so
woe-begone and
humpty-dumpty-like ,
sitting on the lowest stair in grand
pa's well filled woodshed , with his late
armful of wood scattered about him
like a "spill" of gigantic jackstraws !
Slowly he picked himself up , and care
fully gathered the straggling sticks ,
making ' "most a cord , " it seemed to
Willie. One , two , three stairs had
been mounted , when again thump ,
thump , thud ! went his wood , flying
in more directions than before. "Well ,
well , well ! " 'Twas grandpa's jolly
voice as he looked down from the floor
above. "O , grandpa ! I've had just
the awfulest time ! The wood won't
stay where I put it ! " and Willie's so
ber , upturned face was met by grand
pa's smiling countenance coming down
the stairs. "I'm afraid my Willie-boy
has been taking 'a lazy man's load , '
hey ? " said grandpa , as he surveyed the
crisscross sticks on the floor. "Why ,
grandpa , I'm not lazy , am I ? " asked
Willie , quickly. "I tried and tried to
carry as much as you could I did ,
really and truly ! " "Ah , there's where
you made your mistake , my boy ,
Couldn't you have gone a number of
times easily with a smaller load , while
you were tugging away with so
much ? " "Y-e-s ! " answered Willie ,
thoughtfully. "Trying to carry too
much of anything , " said grandpa , slow
ly , as he sat down on the sawhorse , "is
what I call 'a lazy man's load ; ' for a
lazy man always tries to carry every
thing at once , for fear he may take a
few useless steps , and by so doing
causes himself double work , besides
unnecessary worry and trouble. Had
you taken a smaller load , you would
have had no trouble in carrying it , and
by this time your wood box would
have been full ! " "Grandpa , " and Wil
lie put his sturdy little arms resolute
ly about his grandfather's neck , "I'm
tired carrying a lazy man's load , and
shall always carry a smart man's load
hereafter. " Then as he ran away
whistling with what wood he could
comfortably carry , grandpa nodded ,
"And he'll remember it , too ! "
Smile on Sic.
A sweet story is told by Miss Anna
Gordon of a little three-year-old girl ,
the pet of the household , who came
down a few minutes late to breakfast.
She had one foot on the round of her
chair , but was not allowed to climb
up until her papa had asked the bless
ing. Then , as she looked all around
her and saw every face grave and seri
ous , she thought the family were of
fended , and her child's heart was
broken. "Oh , mamma ! " she cried ,
with quivering lips , "smile on me. "
The child's impulse was natural. A
smile means cheer , love , sunshine , and
the cry of the human heart always is ,
"Smile on me ! " A young girl on her
way to school met a poor old man on
the street corner with flowers to sell.
"I had no pennies to buy flowers
with , " the girl said simply , "but I gave
him a smile. " The smile warmed the
old man's heart for the next hour and
softened his hard life with a glint oC
happiness. It is a pity that any one
in the whole world should go hungry
for a smile when a smile costs noth
ing. With each one of us , we know
how loneliness and heartache may be
eased and how the aspect of a whole
day may be changed by a kindly
glance , a friendly look. Let us see to
it that we do not withhold this com
fort from one another. In heaven God
shall wipe away tears from all eyes.
Let us anticipate heaven , and make
earth as much like it as possible by
remembering the little child's cry ,
"Smile on me.Frances Bennett Cal-
Queer Turtle Fishing : .
A curious mode of catching turtles
is practiced in the West Indies. It
consists in attaching a ring and a line
to the tail of a species of sucker fish ,
which is then thrown overboard , and
immediately makes for the first turtle
he can spy , to which he attaches him
self very firmly by means of a sucking
apparatus arranged on the top of his
head. The fisherman tten hauls boih
turtle and sucking fish in.
Xo Candy or Cakes.
The Cubans make no candy to speak
of , and their cakes are so high in price
that only the rich buy them.
Do not anticipate trouble or worry
about what may never happen. Keep
in the sunlight. Franklin.
Excitement was caused in a church
In London during the morning service
last week by a loud voice from the
gallery forbidding the banns of a cou
ple desirous of getting married , be
cause the woman had a canonical hus
band living. The voice was that of
the famous Father Black , who takes
every opportunity to protest publicly
against the marriage of divorced per
sons. Curiously enough , Father Black
is well known and popular in English
society and is much sought after as a
guest in country houses.
There is more Catarrh in this section of the
country than all other diseases put together ,
and until the last few years was nupposed to bo
incurable. For a ifreat many years doctors pro
nounced It a local disease , and prescribed local
remedies , and by constantly failing to euro
with local treatment , pronounced it Incurable.
Science has pro-en catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease , and therefore requires consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure , man
ufactured by P. .T. Cheney & Co. . Toledo , Ohio ,
is the only constitutional cure on the market
It Is taken internally in doses from 10 drops tea
a teaspoonfuL It acts directly upon the blood
nnd mucous surfaces of the system. They offer
ono hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure.
Send for circulars and testimonials. Address
F. J. CHKNEY & CO. , Toledo , Ohio.
Sold by Druggists , TSc.
Hall's Family Pills arc the best.
It takes more religion to hold a man
level in a horse trade than it does to
make him shout at a campmeeting.
Its wonderful resources .and superior
advantages to homeseckers are set
forth in a handsome illustrated pam
phlet just issued by the Frisco Line
Passenger Department. Copy will be
mailed free on application to Bryan
Snyder , General Passenger Agent , St.
Louis , Mo.
Everbody wants to get In on the
ground floor. That's why there is al
ways plenty of room at the top.
The annual report of the Chicago ,
Burilngton & Qulncy railroad shows :
Gross earnings for the year were
? 43,389,424 , as compared with ? 42,800-
162 last year ; operating expenses were
$28,253,959 , an increase of $325,679 over
1898 ; $5,238,370 were paid in dividends ,
leaving a surplus for the year of
? 1,489,929. The report gives the total
mileage of the system as 7,249 , an In
crease of ninety-nine miles over last
Some women are considered wise
because they are considerate enough
to keep their opinions to themselves.
Two bottles of Piso's Cure for Consnmp-
tioii cured ine of a bad lung trouble. Mra.
J. Nichols , Princeton , Ind. , Mar. 26,1895.
He who rules with a rod of iron
should select a malleable one.
Don't Go Brolco IVlien Von Hot.
Send for my invaluable svstem. Geo. H.
Richmond , 225 Dearborn St. , Chicago.
Clever persons often bore stupid
ones more than stupid ones bore them.
TVe will pay $15.00 per week and expenses for
man with rig to introduce our Poultry Mixture
and Insect Destroyer in the country. Address ,
with stamp , EXCELSIOR MFG. Co.ParsonsKan.
Minister Russell , at Caracas , has in
formed the state department that the
Venezuelan government has ordered
t.jat , for a period of sixty days , corn
and beans shall be admitted free of
duty , and that for the same period
rice shall pay only 2 cents per kilo.
Some people are so mean that they
won't even speak the truth unless it
is for the purpose of hurting some
one's feelings.
When one Avoman praises another
the praise is usually tinged with sar
woman suffering from any female trouble cau be
EVERY by Mrs. Pinkham. This statement is based on
sound reasoning and an unrivalled record. Multitudes
of America's women to-day bless Mrs. Pinkham for competent
and common-sense advice , c Write to her if you are ill. Her
address is Lynn , Mass. Absolutely no
charge is made for advice. "I suffered
seven years and would surely have died
but for your help , " writes MRS. GEO.
BAINBRIDGE , Morea , Pa. , to Mrs. Pinkham.
It is with pleasure I now write to inform
you that I am now a healthy woman , thanks
to your kind advice and wonderful medi
cine. I can never praise it enough. I was
a constant sufferer from womb trouble , and
leucorrhrea , had a continual pain in abdomen. Sometimes I
could not walk across the floor for three or four weeks at a
time. Since using your medicine , I now have no more bear
ing-down pains , or tired
feelings , and am well and
hearty. I shall recommend
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound to all my
suffering friends as the
greatest remedy for all
female weakness. "
1821 Callowhill St. , Phila
delphia , Pa. , writes :
had inflammation of the
womb and painful men
struation , and by your
advice I began taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. Have
taken four bottles and used
one package of Sanative
Wash and feel like a new
woman. I thank you so
much for what your medi
cine has done for me. "
MRS. M. BAUMANN , 771 W. 2istSt ,
Chicago , 111. , writes : "After two
months' trial ofLydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I can
not say enough in praise for it. I wes a very sick woman
with womb trouble when I began its use , but now I am well. "
A well preserved Roman camp has
been discovered on the right bank of
the Narenta , in Herzegovina. A sec
tion 310 feet long by 270 feet wide has
been traced. Part of the walls , gates
and towers are still standing , and
many utensils and weapons have been
dug up. It Is believed that the camp
was erected In the time of Nero.
Perhaps you may have observed that
a lawyer charges a larger fee for ob
taining a divorce than a clergyman
does for performing the marriage cere
Fred Pelton , colored , was sentenced
at Little Rock , Ark. , to 115 years in
the penitentiary for attempting to out
rage seven women in this city in Au
gust. The grand jury returned indict
ments against him at noon , and he was
arraigned within a few hours. He
acknowledged his guilt and his attor
ney asked the mercy of the court. If
assessed , the maximum punishment in
all seven cases would have been 147
It is said there is no fool like an
old fool but there are some young
ones that run a close second.
Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets removes
the cause that produces I > u Grippe. E. "W.
Grove's signature is on each box. 25c.
Conan Doyle's pet amusement is
Even the quiet waiter is frequently
called to order.
They Would
If a man should wear his pantaloons
so long that whenever ho appeared on
the street ho would be obliged to roach
around behind r.nn-grah hold of tha
basement and hold them up , wouldn't
the ladles laugh ? Lowvllle ( N. Y. )
Sometimes when a man tolls you ho
is discouraged he Is merely preparing
to spend the rest of his days in Idle
Love , like honesty , is moru talked
about than understood.
Look at your tongue I If it's coated ,
your stomach is bad , your liver out of
order. Ayer's Pills will clean your
tongue , cure your dyspepsia , make
your liver right. Easy to take , easy
to operate. 25c. All druggists.
Wunt your iiiniistiiclio or board a beautiful
lirown or rich Mack ? Tlien nun
porn , or DRUGCI * * R. P. HIL A Co. N * MII , M. H-
No. 150. This fnshionnblo Antnmn Style
Ladies' Two-pieco Suit , consisting of
jacket and skirt , ismndo of line quality
" plain navy blue or black suiting cloth.
"We Measure Values
The jacket is made tight-flttinK 'with
ues by the rule of velvet collar , double-stitched scams , lly
front , lined with high colored silk ser o
highest possible nnd faced with black silk borne ; the
skirt is nindo in tlio now and popular
for the
qualities tunic effect , \vith two rows of mohair
lowest possible braid , which is applied in serpentinn
effect , as shown in the illustration ; lined
prices. Our with line quality pcrcalino and Ixjnnd
with velveteen. The fabric is of sulli-
goods are fresh , cicut weight to admitbcini ; worn nil sea
original , solid , sons , nnd beinR thoroughly shrunk be
fore making , will hanp nicely ( ! lit na
sensible and ser smoothly after months of we-ir as the
viceable day purchased. The chain of perfection
styles ; lias no missing links ; from the time the
qualities in every cloth is placed in the hands of the cutter
it passes through none but the hands of
instance dependable artisans until completed and ready for
wear. If yon are not already ono of our
able and values
customers let this suit bo your initial
unquestionably order there's value in it you'll appre
ciate. Sizes , _ jacket IKi to 42 inches oust ;
right. skirt22to30inches wnist ;
length 39 to ! 1 inches.
n which is listed at lowest wholesale prices
everything to eat wear and useis furnish ;
ed on receipt of only 109 to partly pay
postage or expressage and as evidence
of good faith the 109 is allowed on first
purchase amounting to 199 or above.
Washington , B.C.
, Succe me.
I.ate Prln ureau.
3vrainclv attyfiince.
HAY < vlIRF We pay S4 a day salary
for a man with rie to
introduce our goods in the country. Send statnc
for terms. KANSAS FOOD CO. . 613 W. 5th
for fall and winter to Gent or
Lady IntroducInR our goods in
this county. Particulars FUEE. K. H. TKiSAT A :
CO. . Publishers , New York City.
Ci-no in I arHoe Letter and particulars regarding
rlCC IU LOUIca "Praetli-amevlte" no lady should
bewithout. . Confidential. Enclo&e t > tamp. Lady
asents wanted. Eureka Appliance Co. , Equltablo
Building , Baltimore , Md.
| & | ( g Be ? Your Pension
Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Asent ,
1425 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON. D. C.
KS SpaniKli ami Civil Ware. Sol
pEHSIO diers , Sailors , Widows.Childrcn ,
U Fathers and Mothers. No fee unless succoss-
Jlll. E. II. CEL8TOX CO. , MlurarjtTathIagton , I ) . C.
| wanted to travel and
app' ml
per month salary and
hompson's Eye Wafer.
10NEY-MAKINC SECRETS mailed free.
.T.L.UCCV.CU Uroadway , > cw VorkCIty.
" I take nleaiaro In praising " I have
gene 14 clay * at a time
your valuable remedy CASCARETS. without movement of the
I and my whole family received relief Txiivcln. Chronic constipation for
from the first small box ivo tried. I seven years placed me in thU tarrlble
certainly recommend CASCARETS for condition- did everything I beard
the cures they make and trust they of but never found any relief until I
will find a place in every home. Yours began UKingCASCAKETS. 1 now have
for success. " PcTSttWEBE.Jr. , from ono to three passages a day.ancl
Palm Grove Ave. . McKeesport , Pa. if I was rich 1 would gfvo C10000 for
each movement ; it is such a relief. "
. 1GS3 Ru iell St. . Detroit. Midi.
"I shnllncvcr be T lthont
always delighted when I giro them a
portion of a tablet , and cry for more. " I have iiied year valuable *
They are the most pleasant medicine CAHCWJtETS and nnd them per
1 have over tried. They have found a fect. Couldn't do without them. I
permanent ploco In my homo. " have need them for some time for In-
Mas. Jotur FLAGEL , digertlon and bllioniness and am HOT
Box 6SO , Michigan City , Ind. completely cured. Recommend them ,
to every one. Once tried , joa will
never be without them in the family. ' '
FOR PILES. . A. M AUX , Albaay. K. Y.
"I Buffered the torture * of
the damned with protruding piles FOR WORMS.
brought on by constipation with
which I was adlctcd for twenty "A tape vrorm eighteen feet
years. I ran across yoarCASCARETS lontratlcattc&mcon the rceno after
in the town of Newell , la. , and never my taking two CASCAKETS. This \
found anything to equal them. To * am euro has caused ray bad health for
day 1 am entirely free from piles and tbopostthreo year * . I am still talf-
feel like a now man. " C. U.KEITZ , IDS Cascarcta , the only cathartic
1111 Jones St. , Sioux City , la. wortiiy of notice by fcnbiblo people. "
9 GEO. V/.BOWLKS , Bsil rclJIl3Z.
"Both \vlfo and *
myvlfo myself
have been using CASCARETS , and "For nix yearn I tvaavlc -
they are the best mcdicino wo liavo tltu < > rdy pep Ui In Its worst form.
ever had in the house. Last week my J couitl nothing but milk toast ,
wife was frantic with licadicho for anu at tlruci my ctotnach would not
two days : she tried some of your retain and digest even that. Laet
CASCAKET3 and they relieved the JIarch I bewail taking CASCARETSJ
pain in her head almost immediately. and since tnen 1 have steadily im
Wo both recommend Cascaruts. " proved , until I am as rell as I ever
CUAS. STEDEFOKD , was in my life. "
Pittsburgh , Safe & Deposit Co. , IMYID H. Mcumr , XeTr&rk , O.
Pittsburgh , Pa.
. "IhaTcIieentroaljledasrreat
* 'I have been nslnir CASCA- York."A a torpid liver , irlilch pro
ItETS and as a mild and effective is the of the and the duces constipation. I found OASCA-
laxative they are Dimply wonderful. Unerring judgment people , people like Cascarets. The sale this year HLTS to bo all you claim for them ,
My daughter and 1 were bothered and secured Euch relief tlio first trial
with sick stomach and our breath was will be 5,000S00 boxes. Nothing succeeds like success and Cascarets are successful that 1 purchased another zcpply and
very bad. After taking a few doses , , wta completely cured. I shall only
of Uascareto wo have improved won because bctooKlad to recommend Cascareta
derfully. They are a great help in , whenever the opportunity la pre-
the family. " WILHKLMISA NAOEL. - . .
1137 Rlttenhouso St. , Cincinnati , Ohio. First , They are BO good that they outsell all other laxatives. Their tremendous sale proves -XK OSusquebanna Ave. ,
Philadelphia , Pa
FOR PIMPLES. their merit , and their merit explains their tremendous sale ;
_ wife had pimples on her Second , Cascarets are the pioneer people's price preparation ten cents a box , and more health " *
face CARETS , but and she they has been hare taking nil disap CAS- in a ten cent box of Cascarets than any 25c bottle of pills in the world. medicine. for "CASCAEirrS them and aio a truly ( lo all wonderful clalmerf
peared. I liad been troubled with Third Cascarets results natural action of liver and Ihaicoftcn wiclied for a
constipation for xomo time , but after , bring healthy , bowels never fail. The medicine last have pleasant found to take , and at
no toting trouble the flrst with Caicaret this aliment. I hare had Wo manufacturers guarantee a cure or refund purchase money. Since tr.kins them it mr in blood CASCARBTS. haa been
cannot rets. " apeak too FSED highly WARntAK of Casca , Fourth , Cascarets are successful because they deserve it. If your druggist don't sell Cascarets , better uroved purin > In d wonderfully and my complexion . , " and 1 feel has much 1m-
6703 G rmanwmn Are , he's behind the age. In that case order direct from us by mail post free. Address STERLING KEJIEDY every Maa. SALIJE way. E. Setum ,
Luttrell , Tena.
COMPAITT , Chicago or New York.
This is the tablet , always stamped "COG" dealers try to substitute , they want to
Don't take a substitute ! Get wliat you ask for ! make more money out of you. Don't let them !