IV % By F. M. , KIMMELL. Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co. REPUBLICAN TICKET. HTATK. Sui > rtino Judge HTATK.M. . H. Hoosc of Lincoln 12. G. McQilton of Omaha W. 11. Ely of Aiiibwortli JUDICIAL. JudRO 14th district. .G.W. Norris of Denver Citj COUNTY. Clerk . S. W. Clnrk of Hartloj Treasurer . O. L. Thompson of Qervoi Sheriff . Fn > il KiiiRhorn of Box Elcloi Clerk Dint. Court. . F.Q.StilKobouor of Danburi Superintendent. . Martha J. Cordeal of McCooi Judge . G. S. Bishop of McCool Surveyor . E. S. Hill of Imiianolc Coroner . Jo.-mnh Spotts of McCool Commissioner . D. A. Waterman of Lobanor CANDIDATE BROWN'S declination it pretty warm rending. Next column. THERE is not a flaw on the Republicar state ticket and Republicans past anc present should rally to its support will earnestness and enthusiasm. Remeui her , M. B. Reese is a lawyer , and not i politician. The supreme bench need ; lawyers and not politicians. It need : Reese. Vote for him. THE TRIBUNE makes bold to clam for Jud e Norris that he has made th ( best judge who has ever sat upon tlu bench of the Fourteenth district. Anc this fact should , and THE TRIBUNE has many reasons good and sufficient to be lieve that it will , insure his reelecttor on the 6th day of November. THE strength and increasing popular ity of O.L.Thompson is as much a source of consternation and amazement to oui friends the enemy as it is a matter ol satisfaction and pleasure to his manj friends. There is small room for ques tion that he will be the next treasurer ol Red Willow county. There are sonu enthusiastic fellows offering odds , al ready. WE quite agree with the ludianola Reporter in the following article respect ing Judge Norris : "The renomination ol Judge Norris was the proper thing to do , Judge Norris is just such a man as the people of the Fourteenth judicial district want for judge. His record upon the bench has been such as to merit the ap proval of all fair-minded men regardless of party. " AMONG best selections made by the late Republican county convention was the nomination of Foster G. Stilgebouer of Daubury. Thorouhly equipped in every respect , energetic , young and cap able , we take pleasure and pride in rec ommending him to the voters of the county for their favorable consideration , and for their votes in November. He is in every respect worthy and capable. Vote for him. W. B. MILLER , the Fusion candidate for judge of the Fourteenth district has formally vacated his position on the ticket , giving as his reasons illness. This action conies to the Fusion camp like a stroke of lightning out of a clear sky , and the central committee of the combined Populist and Democratic com mittees will meet in this city , this after noon , to attempt to patch up the hole made by Miller's "flunk" by selecting another candidate to lead the forlorn hope. THAT pair of white wings Colonel Comfort made for Ike Sheridan , last week , will do little toward making Ike county judge. White wings are good , but they don't become Ike. Judge Bishop has performed the duties of that important trust most carefully and satis factorily and the people of Red Willow county will not trade horses in the mid dle of the stream. Not this year. A vote for Bishop means the helping along of a good thing , a thoroughly capable and honest man. "IT was uot an accident , " wisely states the Comfort , "that secured young King- horn's nomination. " Correct again , colonel. It was no accident ; it was the cool determination of an earnest , inde pendent lot of delegates in convention assembled. It will be no accident that secures j'oung Kinghorn , as the colonel is pleased to call a young man who was man enough to fight gallantly with the Fighting First Nebraskans , the election as sheriff of this county. It will be tbe cool determinate action of the voters of this county. No deals , no trades , no sell-outs ; just goo'd straight Republican votes and others. THE Comfort wants to know whether or uot , "Fred Kinghorn is the person the people of Red Willow county want for sheriff ? " We violate no confidence in stating that they do , and the votes in November will corroborate this confi dence. Then the colonel wants to know , "How he secured the nomination ? " That's "dead easy. " colonel : A majority of the delegates in the late Republican county convention simply wanted to nominate him , and did so without his even asking for it. They thought he was the man to win the race , and he will. ( This is also no violation of confidence. ) It will take more "deals" than have so far been successfully made to defeat Fred Kinghorn for sheriff of Red Willow county. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . OUR amiable contemporary , the lu- dianola Reporter , seeks the defeat of the Republican county ticket by making vague charges of bossism , machine poli tics , tyranny , despotism , and other non sensical folderol. But tbe hard , cold facts of tbe case are that no ticket has ever been named in Red Willow county in anv party convention more fairly , openly and "more devoid of influence and tyranny and bossism and all that sort of thing than was the last Republi can county ticket named in tbis county. No man who was in that convention can truthfully and fairly make such a charge , and this paper does not believe that Colonel Phillips believes any such stuff and balderdash. Whether he .does or if , Republicans in Red not , few , any Willow county can be made to believe such vaporings ; and none who desire Re publican success. NOT A .CANDIDATE. EDITOR TRIBUNE : Please allow me space in your columns to inform the public that I AM NOT a candidate for coroner as announced in the Courier. My name was placed upon the ticket without my knowledge or consentwhich action is wholly antagonistic to the prin ciple of a "government by the consent of the governed , " which is so tenaciously advocated by the Populist party. Another principle violated in the nom ination of the "Popoilem" ticket of Red Willow county , this year , is the aban donment of principles for the sake of gaining the offices of tbe county. Fusion of any two or more parties can not be , never has been and never will be accom plished without tbe sacrifice of principle by one or all the parties participating in the fusion. The scheme of the Democrats to effect fusion with the Pops or any other par4ty is wisdom ; they are thereby adding to their ranks voters for the presidential campaign. But fusion of the Pops is entirely inconsistent with their party platforms , and the party in this county will find it so when the polls are closed in November. There are to my knowl edge over thirty voters in this vicinity who have always been staunch Populists who will not vote the Fusion ticket this fall. fall.It is a matter plainly manifest that the Populist party is rapidly drifting on the political sea toward the shoals and quicksands of destruction. The ship is being scuttled fore and aft , larboard and starboard , by ravenous office-seekers and by the Democrats , and after the polls close in November , 1900 , nothing but an echo of the Populist party will be left. It is now advisable for all true Popu lists , who are sincere in the principles advocated , to forsake the rotten'old hulk and seek refuge on the shores of pros perity and advancement. Therefore ] now say , good by old ship I love you , but I can't stay with vou always. DR. J. M. BROWN. Bartley , Nebraska. NOW AND THEN. BEFORE the late Populist county con vention , Colonel Mitchell of the McCook Comfort boldly stated that the nomina tion of Berge , Green and Neel would "Place the Populist party in a position where we will be obliged to make a campaign of apology. " In tbe agony ol his soul he cries out , "Are there none others in the rank and file worthy to be elected to office ? If there are .none , then let us dissolve our county organiza tion. " In order to make the matter stronger , he advises Berge , Green , Neel et al. , to "Refuse to listen to the siren songs of disgruntled and designing Re publicans or faint-hearted friends of present incumbents who fear to face the foe with new candidates. " "Let , " he shrieks , "the idea of perpetuity in office be abolished and the policy of two terms and out be fixed solid as a rock. We cannot afford to violate time-honored traditions for any man or set of men. " But this was before the convention , be fore the hand-full of Democratic spell binders got in their work and captured the Populist convention , bag and bag gage , despite the heroic opposition of Doc Miuniear and his middle-of-the-road compatriots. It is different now with the colonel and his Comfort. Principles have flown before the alluring gold of the sheriff's office , and now he has it thusly : "The only reasonable objection given for castiug a vote against them is that they are third-timers. " Forgetful of the "campaign of apology" the colonel now feels that "Defeat means disorgani zation , and it would take years of bard work to retake the ground lost. ' ' The colonel forgets all about the "violation of time-honored traditions of the party. " and climbs up onto the band-wagon with his mouth wide open for pie. And the colonel forgets his greatest benefactor John Neel , who was bodily thrown over the transom in order that "time honored traditions of tbe party" might be "hon ored" and tbe Populists be swallowed up by the Democrats. If the colonel is to be taken seriously , when shall it be , before or after the convention ? Or is he just one huge joke ? IN view of the supreme qualifications of the Republican nominee for county superintendent , Mrs. Martha J. Cordeal , it is pleasing and encouraging to note the fact that many who seek only the betterment of our common or public schools , many who desire higher and better and more efficient things from the immense sums paid for public educa tion , should turn to Mrs. Cordeal , re gardless of party affiliations. By long experience and continued and special education she has placed herself in the very front rank of educators in this part of Nebraska , and her election to tbe sffice of county superintendent of Red Willow county , would be tbe recognition sf highest talent , would be a distinct ind marked step forward in our educa- lional matters , and would do honor to : be judgment and wisdom of the voters jf this county. SOUTH SIDE. Capt. I. H. Wasson is putting up his third : rep of alfalfa. . . . John Burtless is putting in vinter wheat. . . . Aaron Grinnell is picking : orn for Willard Dutton - W. S. Fitch , with .he help of friends and neighbors , is putting he public highways in proper shape for vinter - May Thompson visited in South side , the fore part of the week - \Y e nnder- , tand that Roy Barnes will return to his old lome in Otoe county , Neb. , next Monday , on i visit _ There was an exceptionally good neeting of the South Side Endeavor Union , ast Sunday. The society has been getting ilong nicely of late not so large an attend- ince , but those who do come are very ener- jetic and the meetings never drag. A. H. L'irnll leads next Sunday ; all are cordially nvited _ Flovd Berry of McCook was a juest of the Endeavor , Sunday , and made ; ome very good remarks on the topic. DeWitt's Little Early Risers permanently : ure chronic constipation , billiousness , ner vousness and worn out feeling ; cleanse and egulate the entire system. Small , pleasant , lever gripe or sicken "famous little pills. ' ' D. W. Loar. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident , of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia , was the subject , is larrated by him as follows : "I was in a most Ireadful condition. My skin was almost yel- o\v , eyes sunken , tongue coated , pain contin- lally in back and sides , no appetite gradual- y growing weaker day by day. Three phy- icians had given me up. Fortunately , a riend advised trying Electric Bitters ; and to ny great joy and surprise , the first bottle nade a decided improvement. I continued heir use for three weeks , and am now a well nan. 1 know they saved my life , and robbed he grave of another victim. No one should ail to try them. Only 50 cts. , guaranteed , at ilcConnell & Berry's. A child fresh from its bath in clean dainty clothes is a suggestion of Ivory Soap. All dainty washable things may be restored to their original freshness without injury , by use of Ivory Soap. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps , each repre sented to be "just as good as the 'Ivory' ; " they ARE NOT , but like all coun terfeits , lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. . COPYRIGHT IBOQ BY THE PROCTER It GAMBLE CO. CINCINNATI . T V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER , * CITIZENS BANK # * * m OF MeCOOK , NEB. # Paid Up Capital , $50,000. , Surplus , $5.000 = DIRECTORS s V. FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , . C. H. WILLARD. -J n i Vwixx N-r # * > rWc i . IMS-NATION ALv OOO Authorized Capital , $1OOOOO. Capital and Surplus , $60,000 \ GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. "Best on the market for coughs sind colds ind all bronchi.il troubles ; for croup it has no squal , " writes Henry \YhitforH , South Ca naan , Conn. , of One Minute Cough Cure. White's Cream Vermifuge is a highly valu- ible preparation , capable , from the prompti- .ude of its action , of clearing the system in a tew hours of every worm. Price 25 cts. at McConnell & Berry's. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum * Alton baking powders arc the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. , NEW YORK. Nature can only feed the flame of life with the food eaten which is digested. Herbine will reinvigorate a weak stomach , and so im prove digestion as to insure the natural bloom of health. Price 25 and = ; o cts. at McConnell & Berry's. _ No Hunting Allowed. We the undersjgned , realizing that prairie chickens and quail in the destruction of grass hoppers and other insects are our best friends , hereby give notice that no hunting1 will be allowed on our farms or lands in our care , erin in the public highway adjacent. John Wlnttaker , S. G. Goheen , W. S. Fitch , W.J. Evans , I. H. Wasson , W. F. Lawson , Charles A. Wasson , M. II. Meyer , Frank A. Fitch , F. S. Wilco.x , Wm. Thomas , A. McMillen , J. W. Randal , G. W. Dillon , F. L. Barnes , Wm. H. Harmon , W.T. Stone. W. G. Iligbv , J. II. Randal , Jas. Barnes , B. C. Bowman , L. C .Wolff , M. C. Maxwell , A. P. Welles. Dizziness , loss of appetite , flatulency and nausea are all connected with dyspepsia or indigestion. Herbine will give prompt relief. Price 50 cts. at McConnell & Berry's. The most stubborn cases of bronchitis suc cumb to Bahard's Horehound Syrup. Price 25 and 50 cts. at McConnell & Berry's. E. E. Turner , Compton , Mo . was cured of piles by DeWitt's \Vitch Hazel Salve after suffering seventeen years and trying over twenty remedies. Physicians and surgeons endorse it. Bexvare of dangerous counterfeits. D.W.Loar. We have never been so well equipped in the line of Ready-to- Wear Garments , including : Capes , Jackets , Wrappers , Skirts , Dress Skirts , Shawls , Fur Collarettes , Muffs , Children's Fur Setts , Mack intoshes , Silk and Yarn Mittens , etc. etc. In Ladles' Capes and Children's Jackets and Long : Coats our line Is very complete , starting- $1.85 and up to $10.00. sixteen styles of Chil dren's Short Jackets. Our $4.00 one is of heavy Melton cloth , braided and edg-ed with heavy Thibet-fur around the collar and shoulder-cape. Conies In black or cardinal. * * * 1 * HHinMaiMMBIMM nM > BMM MB M iMMiHB We call special attention to our No. 1404 Ladles' Heavy English Curl Jacket shown in cut , which we sell for $5.00. Storm collarlined through out body and sleeves with silk finish lining. Eight large buttons on front , buttoning through. Price , $5.00. We also have a heavy Beaver Jacket for $5.00. These two styles are un equalled values. -ggfj THIS BETTER GARMENT . . . . trimmed front and back with Kersey straps is our $ r.oo Jacket. In weight 'tis half heavier than the $5.00 Jacket ; In lining sim ilar and In trimming very handsome. We have a beautiful style Venetian Clrth Jacket for $6.75. Other Jackets from $4.50 to $12.50. WE SELL _ Good heavy half wool sox for lie a pair. Stout , warm , Jersey-knit overshirts , lace front oc. Men's black Duck coats , blanket-lined , corduroy collar , 75c. Vests , SDC ; pants , Si. See them. Men's heavy , blanket-lined Duck ulsters , "Tri plex" cloth , $400. Men's $6 pants , $ . ] 25 ; $5 pants , 53.75 ; $4 pants , 52.75. 350 pairs. Best skirtliningc ; best prints , 5c ; others , 4c ; outings , 5 to IQC. Men's double chest and back fleece-lined under wear , 5oc ; Children's union suits , fleece-lined , 25c to 85c ; Ladies' ditto at 35c , 500 , Sl.oo , $1.75. WE HAVE NO real competition on good , new , worthy merchandise. "CASH ONLY" ex plains it. We Solicit Your Trade , Postoffice Per in same Building. GEO. E. THOMPSON. MCCOOK , NEB. ONE PRICE PLAIN FIGURES CASH ONLY On The Southwest Corner of Main and Dennison Streets. , McCook , Nebraska. Fast Nearing The End , We are Retiring From Business Forever. There Will Be No Reorganization. fl No Starting Up Under Another Name W but this is just what we advertise , a straight retiring from business sale , and the prices that we have made are selling out prices = = the lowest ever known , for fine Clothing. There are still many great bargains left = = but be quick or.you may be late , as the time is now short. 7 Boys' and Children's Hats at one-third Regular Prices. Boys' and Children's Fall and Winter Suits Half Regular Prices. Boys' and Children's Over Coats 35 to 50 per cent less than value. < M , We want the Fathers and Mothers to bring r in their boys , for such little prices for Boys' Clothing are a revelation. Umbrellas , Traveling Bags and odd Lots of "Suits , ( ' Pants , and Over Coats for Men and Boys Exactly Half Price. Open until 9 P. M. Evenings. Saturday evenings until 10 STORE FIXTURES JONAS ENGEL , FOR SALE. Manager r