The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 06, 1899, Image 3

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'Tho Eero on Boayd Delighted to Eeach
His Native Shorca.
At ItouclicH Vart Two Day * Ahead of
Tlina Kxprctfd llvitr Admiral Samp-
HOII ami Olhurn 1'ny Their ltenpi-otH
Typhoid 1'cvvr Aiiifinx tlm Crow.
NEW YORK , Sept. 27. Admiral
George Dewey arrived off Sandy Hook
at dawn ami the Olympla Is now an-
choied in American waters in the light
J ) of Sandy Hook.
The first shout of welcome was from
the pilots and crew of pilot boat No. 7 ,
fifteen miles south of the Hook light-
ship. It happened to be Pilot John
Peterson's turn , and at 5:50 a. m. he
was put aboard the Olympia and
brought it around the Hook and into
the lower bay.
The marine observers along the
coast had sighted the Olympia in the
first light of the morning. The shor
batteries of Fort Hancock , manned by
gunners called from breakfast , let loose
seventeen guns. The flagship replied
with twenty-one and let go its anchor
not far from where the cup challenger
Shamrock is moored.
The admiral was in his own country
4 again after twenty-three months' ab
sence. He had returned "great with
the arduous greatness of things done , "
and his excellency seemed to realize it.
The pilot brought aboard the Sunday
papers and a reporter of the Associated
Press was received by the admiral in a
cabin littered with the illustrated
Dewey editions , which , together made
hundreds of pages in black and white
and in colors , all concerning the great
admiral and the preparations made to
receive him.
"It almost saddens me , " he said , "to
see what my people are doing for me.
The pride and gratification is immense
and I cannot express the appreciation
, /
, I feel. I did not know , I did not really
perceive until this moment the splen
did welcome that iny countrymen are
giving me. The governors of many
states are coming to seejne and troops
from Florida , Georgia and other far
away states are on tneir way to take
part in receiving me. "
The admiral stroked the head of a
tawny-haired dog , the "Chow" do ? of a
Chinese breed tnat appears in the il
\i \ J lustrated interviews of the admiral.
"Bob here , " he said , "is not well. He
yearns to be ashore. He is sick to get
fl. little grass and to scamper around.
1 feel a good deal that way myself. I
am mighty glad to get home. It is not
good for a man any more than a dog
to live on board ship for twenty-three
months. "
To I.VIIYO October 4 for { ialfsbur ; ? . Cht-
c-iKoaiitl St. Paul
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Sept. 27. All
the members of the cabinet attended
yesterday's meeting except Secretaries
V -r Hay and Gage , but the meeting was
entirely devoid of results. A few routine
. >
tine matters were taken up and the
dispatch of Admiral Watson announc
ing the details of the loss of the gun
boat Urdarieta was read.
The arrangements for the Dewey
reception and sword presentation in
this city were gone over and the de
tails of the president's western trip
were discussed. The president will bs
accompanied by Mrs. McKinley and
the members of the cabinet. They will
leave here October 4 , the morning
after the Dewey dinner at the White
house , and will be gone about two
weeks. They go first to Galesburg. 111. ,
thence to Chicago and on to St. Paul ,
Sioux City and Aberdeen , S. D. The
full schedule of the trip has not yet
been completed.
Jllcxico's President Cannot Ipnvc and
Will Send a Cabinet Ofileer.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 27. The Mexi
can ambassador , Senor Azpiroz , has re
ceived a dispatch from the secretary of
state of Mexico confirming the press
advices to the effect that President
Diaz will not attend the coming cele-
graiion at Chicago on October 9 and
that the secretary of state will go as
his representative.
The state department alco received
the following telegram from United
States Minister Clayton at the City of
Mexico : "President will iot visit Chi
cago. Minister of foreign affairs gees
instead. "
RoitsrH Klders In School.
DEADWOOD , S. D. , Sept. 27. Char
lie Blake , well known in the Black
Hills , passed through Deadwood on his
way to Lincoln , Neb. , where he will
enter the state university to pursue
a course in law. He was a member
of Colonel Torrey's rough riders in
Wyoming and while in the regiment
Avo'n the good will of Colonel Torrey.
and he is now to have five years of
university work , the expenses to be
paid by the colonel.
California Kejrnlars Hand.
SAil FRANCISCO , Sept. 27. The
City of Para , which arrived yesterday
from Manila with the California regu
lars on board , was docked today , the
soldiers marching from the transport
to the ferry building , where they were
breakfasted by the reception commit
tee , after which they marched to the
Presidio. The men were given a very
enthusiastic reception all alone : the
line of march. The soldiers will re
main in camp at the Presidio but s
few days , awaiting the paymaster.
Ot i T.Tay 1\v ICt-callcd.
NEW YORK , Sept. 27. A special
to the Traes from Washington says :
Coincident with the near approach of
Admiral Dewey the rumors about Gen
eral Otis' recall have been revived.
Tt is again reported that his recall
has actually been decided upon. There
has also been a rumor lately that Gen-
eial Brooke was to leave Cuba shortly ,
and as it is now said that a major
general is to be sent to the Philippines
there ? is some disposition to regard
that as General Brooke's future berth.
The basis for all mis gossip seems to
be the report that Admiral Dewey has
a poor opinion of General Otis.
Olyniplu .Steams Up tlio Buy Amid
IMaudltH of Mia 1'c'oplo.
NEW YORK , Sep : . Z3. Through
, 'rollcking whitecans tlio Olympla
moved majestically up the lower bay
today and passed through the pictur
esque strait guarded by Forts Wads-
worth and Hamilton , amid the boom
ing of great guns , and there inside
the city gates Admiral Dewey and his
gallant tars received the glorious ,
thunderous welcome of the steel-
walled men-of-war , as the ship glided
up to its position at the head of the
column , there to remain until the
great naval pageant starts on Friday.
Never before perhaps , did a trium
phant warrior returning from a vic
tor louts campaign receive a more thun
derous welcome. Though thousands
upon thousands witnessed it from
shore , and the anchorage at Tomklns-
ville , where the fleet lay , fairly
swarmed with tugs , yachts and steam
ers and every sort of harbor craft ,
all jet black with wild cheering , ex
ulting people and the towering whlto
walls of the city beyond were brave
with a million of welcoming flags , to
day's greeting to Dewey was the greet
ing of his comrades of the navy , and
it was eminently fitting that his com
rades in arms should have the first
chance at him whom the millions are
waiting to honor.
Very early in the morning , before
Dewey left his anchorage inside Sandy
Hook , Rear Admiral Howiaon , com
mander of the South Atlantic squad
ron , aboard the Chicago , which ar
rived outside last night , travel-stained
and weather-beaten , after Its journey
of 21.000 miles around South Africa
foamed in past the Hook anxious to
join the North Atlantic squadron In
receiving Admiral Dewey.
Dcwey's flagship was no sooner rec
ognized than preparations were made
to give the loudest welcome the ship
could give. The guns were manned ,
the marine guards were paraded and
seventeen guns were loosened in honor
of Dewey.
\o thing- but American Vessels Allowed
to Knter Closed 1'orts.
MANILA , Sept. 28. The American
authorities have declined the request
of General Mamamillio , the Spanish
officer who is settling Spain's military
affairs in the Philippine islands , to
send a vessel under the Spanish flag
to collect rhe Spanish prisoners at
insurgent ports , as stipulated by the
Filipinos , on the ground ttat the ports
are closed , that such a step , therefore ,
would be unlawful , and because they
declined to accept the Filipinos' dec
The authorities are ready to send
an American vessel. The Spanish
committee , herefore , will return to the
insurgent lines and endeavor to effect
an arrangement for the delivery of
the prisoners on board an American
Reports From Triinsiuul Indicate ail
Early Outbreak.
LONDON , Sept. 28. The Capetown
. orrespondent of the Daily News says.
The pass of Laingsnek will be occupied
tomorrow , Thursday , with sufficient
strength for the present needs , under
the belief that the Boers will attack
Natal immediately , hoping to forestall
the landing of the Indian contingent.
The Daily Telegraph publishes the
following from its correspondent in
Capetown : I regret to note a uni
versal opinion that war is very near.
Everywhere the Boers are active and
bellicose. They are arming and stor
ing supplies for a protracted struggle
The Transvaal government has failed
in an attempt to purchase 10,000 sacks
of wheat here , but Boer agents are
securing South Africa to buy cam
paign provisions.
One Battalion of Kcglment Leaves New
York for Fort Crook.
NEW YORK , Sept. 28. The troops
that arrived here on the McFherson
were sent to their destination yester
day. They consisted of one battalion
of the Second United States infantry
and one of the Tentli infantry. The
former was in command of Captain
Pickering and Captain Purcell com
manded the Tenth. The former went
to Fort Thomas and the latter to Fort
Crook , Near Omaha.
Peary's Men Urinjj Suit.
ST. JOHNS , N. F. , Sept. 2S. The
crew of the Peary steamer Windward ,
have entered suit against her , alleging
that they were promised a bonus ot
ons-third in addition to their wages ,
If obliged to winter in the north , and
that this promise was repudiated on
their return. Captain Bartlett says
the bonus was conditional on tneir
reaching Sheward Osborne ford , which
point they did not attain. The case
is likely to be heard at the next term
of the supreme court.
Bryan Compliments Dewey.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Sept. 28.
At the close of a two-hours' talk in
the open air in this city this evening
W. J. Bryan gave the following en
Dewey's arrival :
"The American people will welcome
Dewey with open arms ; nothing should
be left undone to prove to him and to
the woru" that his Gistlnguished ser
vices art appreciated by his country
men. He has added glory to American
arms and won for himself an enduring
place in our nation's history. "
President's "Western Trip.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Sept. 2S.
President McKinley is yet undecided
whether to take in Omaha on his tour
of the western states. Personally he
would again like to visit the metropo
lis of Nebraska , but he is seriously in
doubt whether his itinerary can be
arranged so as to include the Gate
Uity. So far his itinerary does not
include Omaha , Aberdeen. S. D. , and
3ioux City. A number cf members of "
the cabinet will accompany the presi
dent on his visit to the northwest.
The click of the well-filled purse Is
a snap.
It is estimated Jiat the cost of the
census in Havana alone Avill be $13,000.
The death of Sloper Clark , the
American comedian , occurred at his
home , Westbourne houss , Surbiton , on
Fire destroyed a large portion ct
one of the best business blocks in
Marion , 111. Loss $30,000 , including
the postoffice.
General Manuel Guzman Alvarez ,
governor of the province of Bermudez ,
Venezuela , has revolted against the
Venezuelan government.
Frank E. Fitz , senior special justice
of the Chelsea , Mass. , polic court , has
filed a petition m bankruptcy. Lia
bilities , ? 2G,11Y ; assets , $5,425.
Alfred C. Harmsworth , the London
newspaper and magazine owner , is not
yet 35 years jld , but is said to be worth
$15,000,000 , all through his own efforts.
J. & W. Seligman & Co. , agents for
the Anglo-California bank of San
Francisco , announced a consignment
of Australian gold amounting to ? ! , -
A new boxing club , to DC known aa
the St. Louis Athletic club , has been
incorporated at at. Louiii , Avlth Jamea
J. Butler cf uie standard theater us
Miss Helen Gould has given $1,250
toward the Dewey home fund , of which
$750 was sent to the committee at
Washington and $500 to the New York
W. K. Vanderbilt , who has now be
come the head of the Vanderbilt fam
ily , will be 50 years old in December.
His middle name , which is rarely seen
in print , is Kissam.
A report received by the coast sur
vey shows that the earthquake recent
ly reported in Yakutat bay was also
felt in Prince William's sound. No
damage Avas reported.
At the Newmarket first October
meeting the Visitor's plate of 150 sov-
sovereigns Avas Avon by Funny Boat.
Ted Sloan rode Lord Donavan's Ma
Janette , but was unplaced.
The descendants of Matthew Grant
are to hold a reunion in Windsor ,
Conn. , October 27 , and the committee
of arrangements is hoping to have
Mrs. U. S. Grant present as a guest.
The Mexican ambassador at Wash
ington has received a dispatch from
Mexico confirming advices that Presi
dent Diaz will not attend the coming
celebration at Chicago , October 9.
Judge Williams of Columbus , O. , is
sued a temporary restraining order
restraining the Columbus Street rail
way company for A'oting authority to
buy the other street railways of the
Rev. Father John P. Chadwick , late
chaplain of the Maine , has accented
the post of chaplain general of the
Spanish War Veteran Volunteers' as
sociation , to Avhich he Avas lately
Nine of tie twenty-three stalls of
the Omaha roundhouse in Sioux City
and the woodwork 01 four locomotives
burned , Avith $15CoO loss , fully cov
ered by insurance. The explosion of
a lamp caused the nre.
Ed Butler , Avlio built the Standard
theater in St. Louis , has purchased
property at Twelfth and Central
streets , Kansas Uity , upon which he
expects to build a playiiouse that Avill
exceed in seating capacity tne largest
house in Kansas City.
Miss Julia Morrison , tlie actress , ami
her husband. F. H. , iames , were ar
raigned at Chattanooga , for a prelim
inary hearing , on the charge of mur
dering Actor Leidenheimer. The case
against James was dismissed. Miss
Morrison was held to the grand jury.
A head-end collision between a New
York Central passenger train and a
freight train occurred just Avest of
Old Flatbottom bridge , about half a
result three people are dead , two fat
ally injured and four seriously injured.
The dead are : Emmet Lancelot , ot
Rochester , engineer of the freight
train ; J. G. Curry of Kocnester , nre-
man on the freight train ; James E.
King of Skanateales.
A Calcutta dispatch says : No rain
has fallen since last reports in the vi
cinity of Darjoling , in the lower Him
alaya , where , on Sunday night great
damage Avas wrought and many per
sons were killed by earthquakes , floods
and landslides. During the nigui seAr-
eral other landslides occurred. lhe
Phocl Bazaar was completely cver-
Avhelmed and 200 person lost their
lives. At Tansonbustee twenty-one
bodies have been recovered , and"it is
btiieveu that twenty others perished.
At Darjeeling 100 tatalities occurred.
Landslides have also occurred at Hur-
meh and there , too , several were killed.
Omaha , Chicago and New York .Market
Butter Creamery separator. 10 @ * > 0
Butter-Choice fancy country itj to ) n
pKh Fresh , per doz 15 < 5 > m
Chickens Spring , per ib. . . . s < & bV-
Pigeons Live , per dozen. . . . 75 6J > SO "
Lemons Per box 525 at 5 50
Cranberries C. Cod , per bbl 5 75 ( a > 6 00
Apples Per bbl 225 @ " " 50
Potatoes Per bu 23 M ) ' ' 5
Sweet potatoes Per bbl 200 < ft > > 25
Hay Upland per ton 5 00 dj > U 03
Hides No. 1 green c'7
Hogs-Choice light 435 @ 4 37
laogs Heavy weights 425 fit ) 4 : J5
Beef steers 300 < ? i 5 CO
ulls 2 05 @ 2 G5
fatags 350 fu ! 4 00
Calves 400 @ C 50
Westerns 27. . & 3 65
Stock cows , and heifers 3 25 f j ) 3 50
Steers and heifers 3 05 ( u > S 70
flows 2031375 (
Heifers 340 < Ti 3 56
Stackers and feeders 3 50 ( .u 4 40
Sheep Lambs 4 70 Cn. 4 S5
Sheep Feeder wethers 3 05 § 375
"Wheat No. 2 spring c < 0 >
Corn Per bu 33 @
Barley No. 2 39 < t ?
Oats Per bu 22 St
Rye No. 2 5S ft
Timothy teed , per bu 2 40 < § 2 45
Pork per cwt 7 SO ( fi 7 25
Lard 530 © 545
PaUlo-Stockers and Feeders 3 00 < a 5 00
Rangers 335 < jf 5 10
HOBS Mixed 440 & 4 75
Sheep Lambs 3 75 (35 ( 50
Sheep AVestern Ranger s 3 50 @ 4 10
"Wheat No. 2 red 70 ft 76 ? {
Corn No. 2 40 (3 ( 40 = $
Oats No. 2 2b' . fT 23'
Sheep Muttons 3 S3 © 400
Hogs-Mixed ' 40 "it 4 00
Cattle Stockers and feeders 3 75 @ 3 03
s tlio Klcctloii I-mr.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Oct. 2. There
ccems to be a very general misunder
standing regarding the correct inter
pretation of the election law in respect
to the filing of certificates of nomina
tion and statements of expense. Can
didates have until twenty-five days be
fore election to file certificates of nom
ination , but their expense statements1
must be on file within ten days after
the convention. According to the gen
eral understanding of the law it is not
necessary for judicial candidates to flln
certificates with the secretary of state.
The law In this respect provides that
all persons nominated for any judicial
cr state office by a convention repre
senting a district larger than a county
shall file certificates with the secretary
of state , except as otherwise provided.
Another section provides that judicial
candidates must file certificates with
the county clerks and that they may
file them with the secretary of state.
So far only the Fourth .district judicial
candidates have fileu certificates.
Itiirlingtoii I > ( ( lot
EERTRAND , Neb. , Oct. 2. Fire
started at the Burlington depot , which
stands at the north side of town , and
before the fire company could get to
work the building was enveloped in
flames. The lumber yard just soulh
of the depot , belonging to F. P. McCormick -
Cormick , demanded the attention of
the citizens to keep back the spread
of the flames , as a strong wind was
blowing from the north , and if once
the lumber yard caught the entire west
portion of the town would have been
swept away. The depot was entirely
HASTINGS , Neb. , Oct. 2. An im
portant decision in regard to the pas
turing of cattle on the public highway
has been given in the district court in
the injunction suit of Jacob F. Suively
against Francis E. Harrington. For
many years Snively and Harrington
had been neighboring farmers until
Harrington got into the habit of allow
ing cattle to run on the public road.
Snively , who had often remonstrated ,
brought suit against Harrington and
a permanent injunction has been is
sued holding it is illegal to pasture
cattle on a highway.
I'raiililiu County Fair Close * .
FRANKLIN , Neb. , Oct. 2. Franklin
county's fair closed successfully. There
were over a thousand more exhibits
this year than any previous year and
the attendance by far the largest.
Much interest was taken in the race. ?
and some good time was made. The
ball game between Riverton and Na-
ponee resulted in a score of 5 to G in
favor of Naponce. The foot ball game
was won by the Franklin academy by
a score of 10 to 0. The Bloomington
Gun club got first money in the blue
rock shoot.
llool.s Lost.
OMAHA , Oct. 2. The Nebraska
friends of Mrs. Elia W. Peattie will
bo pained to hear that "Wildwood , "
her log cabin studio near South Haven ,
Mich. , Avas burned to the' ground.
More than fifty ot Mrs. Peattie's un
published manuscripts , including two
unfinished noA'els and twenty lectures
among them the Kipling lecture
which stirred literai-y Chicago last J
winter were destroyed. All of Mrs. I
Peattie's notes and memoranda for
stoiies and essays Avere lest , Avith the c
manuscripts and her working library. 1t
T.arjje Mortgage Foreclosure.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Oct. 2. Alonzo L.
Clarke , trustee , against the Nebraska
Real Estate and Live Stock associa-
t'on , has filed suit for foreclosure of
mortgage on the lands and properties
in the counties of Adams , Kearney ,
Phelps , Hall , Dundy , Chase , Nuckolls.
Harlan , Furnas and Red Willow for
money loaned by stockholders aggre
gating over 580,000. The suit involves
many tracts of valuable land within
and close to Adams county.
it" ; Suiasliup at Lyons.
LYONS , Neb. , Oct. 2. While Charles
Snyrler was engaged in hauling corn '
with his team and wagon from the
&hellers out of the Peavey elevator )
cribs near the depot a gravel train on
the Omaha toad struck the wagon ,
killing the horses outright and wreck
ing the wagon. Snyder Avas thrown
fifty feet , and picked up unconscious
but not seriously hurt.
Nebraska City Healer on Trial.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Oct. 2. L
The attention of Judge Ramsey and a :
jury was held an entire day in hearing
evidence in the case of the state vs.
Prof. Theo Kharas , the magnetic '
healer who is charged with practicing
medicine without license as required
by the laws of the state. At the ad
journment of court the case Avas not
completed. [
Theodore Kcrslia to IJp Carfd IVr.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Oct. 2. Theodore >
Kersha , a harmless half-wit , common >
ly known by the name of "Crazy Thdo- ii
dore , " was taken before the commis
sioners of insanity and pronounced in
sane. He had been to the Norfolk asy
lum twice and will probably be sent
to the home for the feeble minded.
Kesldenco iiirei.i. ;
FREMONT , Neb. , Oct. 2. A fire
at the home of Ed Bokowsky destroyed
the house and furniture almost com
pletely. A lamp explosion was the tl
cause. In surance of § 700 will not tlH
cover the loss. Some of the family tlal
had narrow escapes.
Friend Courting : Meet.
FRIEND , Neb. , Oct. 2. All details
are arranged for the Friend coursing ta
meet at this place October 11 , 12 and taai
13. The association has entered forty- It
three of the best greyhounds from le
South Dakota , Kansas and Nebraska , lePi
so there will be no question about the PiS :
sport being good. The meeting will W
be personally conducted by Dr. G. Wb
Irwin Royce ot Minneapolis , Minn , b <
the recognized authority on this new ly
anil popular sport. The grounds are P <
properly fenced and so situated that ei
the spectators can see every jump in th
the r-ce- 01
Timed tint Attack * Alf.ilfn.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 2D. There haa
recently appeared in large numbers in
Nebraska an insect which , although
known some time to exiot in the atate ,
has not until this year become alarm
ingly numerous or destructive. Prof.
W. D. Hunter , assistant entomologist
at the state university , lias investi
gated the damage done by the insect ,
and so far he has been able to ob irvo
it prefers alfalfa as food" to any of the
crops which are commonly grown , not
withstanding this plant has been wide
ly recommended as one practically ex
empt from injury from this class of
pests. The insect has been known to
go twenty rods around a wheat field
to reach one of alfalfa , and it has al
ready been named "the alfalfa worm"
by those whose crops have suffered
from it.
Specimens which render the identi
fication positive have been received at
the experiment station of the univer
sity from Johnson , Uage , Nemaha , Sa
line , Fillmore , Douglas , Washington
and Dodge counties. Specimens have
also been found in Boyd county , in the
northern part of the state , and In Dawson -
son county , in the western portion ,
making its extent over the state quite
wide. The greatest damage haa re
sulted in Johnson county , Avhere many
entire flclds of alfalfa have suffered
the loss of the third cutting. Many
beet fields Avere attacked , as were also
those of corn , kafir corn , wheat , oats
and cabbage , and pasture grass and
blue grass lawns Avere in many place-
injured or entirely destroyed.
Younsr AVlfo Itcpuiilff of Artioti. *
TEKAMAH , Neb. , Sept. 29. Warnio
Taylor , who ran away with and mar
ried 13-year-old Emma Averill , and
who is now under bond to appear be
fore the district court on the charge of
rape , endeavored to secure possesaiou
of his wife by habeas corpus proceed
ings. The case came before Judge
Keysor , who , after hearing a number
of witnesses , including the young wife ,
dismissed the case and returned the
young lady to the custody of her par
ents. Since coming under parental
authority the young v/oman seems to
have repented her escapade and tired
of her Lcchinvar lover.
on a 1'oKtiuantcr.
WYMORE , Neb. , Sept. 29 The ap
pointment of J. C. Burch as postmaster
at this place Avas quite a surprise , few
persons being awarr he was a candi
date for the place. Since his nomina
tion has been made public some un
friendly persons have been busy get
ting signers to a protest , Avhich will
be forwarded to Washington to have
the appointment annulled. The fight
against Burch is being made on the.
ground that he was president of the
Bank of 'Wyinore at the time of its
Victim of
WAHOO , Neb. , Sept. 29. The A. G.
IT. W. of this city were called upon to
lay one cf their respected members in
his last resting place in Sunrise ceme
tery , near this city. Chris Jensen died
at his home in this city of appendicitis
after an illness of only two days.
Surgeons were telegraphed to come
from Lincoln. The offending organ
was successfully removed , but the dis
ease Avas of a peculiarly malignant
form and developed so rapidly that his j
life could not be save.'l.
Tvro Farm House * Uurn.
AUBURN , Neb. , Sept. 29. Dock
Lawrence lost his dwelling house" by
fire. The property was worth about
$700 , Avith no insurance. The home
of Tom Engles was also burned. The
fire is supposed to have started from
the kitchen stove. The barn , corn
cribs and granary were all licked up
by the flames. Mr. Engle's loss , in
addition to the buildings , which were
worth about $900 , is 0,000 bushels of
corn. 1,000 bushels of oats and 800
jushels of wheat , with no insurance.
J'ninfu'ly ItruUetl.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Sept. 29.-
3eorge Ganz , an old resident here ,
while coming to the city with a load
af wood , received quite a number of
iruises by being thrown from the load ,
rlis team became frightened at a trac-
ion engine and started to run , when
me of the front Avhcels of the Avagon
went into a gully , throwing Mr. Ganz
'rora the wagon , and one of the wheels
jassed over his left arm and he was
therwise bruised.
Hogs Uyliitr.
County Hogs Dying
GENEVA , Neb. , Sept. 29. Reports
lave been coming in of heavy losses of
logs from cholera. Joe McDonald of
Chelsea township called on Dr. Wine-
n-alce and reported that he had lost
large number of hogs from what he
alled cholera. The doctor went out to
he farm and made * . careful examina-
ion of several of the carcasses and
'ound that death was the result o/
Disastrous T > amp Explosion.
FREMONT , Neb. , Sept. 29. The t
welling house of Edward Bokowski ,
n Jensen street , caught fire this
norning from a lamp explosion in a
edroom. The family were in another
art of the house and the entire build-
ng was afire before It Avas discovered
md was completely gutted. The loss
s about $800 , with insurance on house
ind contents of $700.
Fatal Ace dent.
LEXINGTON , Neb. , Sept. 29. At the
lose of the one-mile bicycle race here v
lerman Kugler , who had won second
aoney , continued at full speed until
he rope stretched across the street at
he boundary line caught him across
he neck , throwing him to the ground ,
le Avas carried home and died soon ,
fter , his neck haA-ing been broken.
BEEMER , Neb. , Kept. 29. The es-
iblishment of a bank in this city is
n indication of the town's rirogress. . .
is now doing business with G. Kar- .
m as president , Felix Givens as AMCC
resident and Vr. A. Smith as cashier.
t :
iubstantial improvements under
ay in all quarters of the town and liC lin
teenier is advancing at a rate that n
odes much for the future. Its week-
paper , the Times , Is stirring up the
eople to the good work and is a pot-
at influence in the progressive spirit
tiat is abroad. Put down Beemer as
ne of the live towns of this live state.
Tint Hartley IConil Cii
LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 30. Tlio dis
trict clerk , on application from Attor
ney General Smyth , handed the sheriff
an execution on the judgment In the
Hartley bond case for him to servo
upon the Lancaster county bondsmen.
The amount of the execution is $ ( 1G.-
000 , and thiis is to bo nerved upon K. 13.
Brown , N. S. Ilarwood and John H.
Ames. Mrs. Fitzgerald was released
from liability in the trial court an 1
her name is not included. Similar
executions are to be served in each
county where the bondsmen live or
where property of bondsmen la situ
ated. An execution is said to have
been served in Dctiglas county some
time ago , but no reports have beer
received to indicate that property ha
been actually levied upon. Attornov
General Smyth recently said in an In
terview that he favored a compromise
between the legislature and the bonds
men in case the judgment is sustained.
This has given rise to the belief that
no property ot the bondsmen will be
taken until the supreme court passes
on the case filed yesterday by thu
bondsmen. Several of the bondsmer
are reported to be execution proof.
( tovcriior mi tlio IJonrx.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 30. A New
York newspaper telegraphed Governor
Poynter that a public meeting would
be held in Now York city on or about
October 0 to express sympathy of
Americans with the 15oer republic In
its stand for independence. The gov
ernor was asked if he would authorize
the use of his name as honorary vice
president and send a brief sentiment
for publication. His answer was :
"I am glad to allow my name used
in the furtherance of such a laudable
object. Every American citizen who
loves our republican government and
believes in our grand Declaration of
Independence must sympathize with
any people struggling for liberty. "
ICoK-rsal of tliiil4iiiftnt.
LINCOLN , Neb. , SepT. CO. The
bondsmen of ex-State Treasurer Hart
ley filed a petition in the supreme
court asking for a reversal of the judg
ment given recently in the district
court of Douglas county. The judg
ment was for § G1U8.15 ( : and costs ,
taxed at $9ti.5G. ; : The judgment was
the result of a suit by the state against
the official bondsmen of Mr. Hartley.
The first trial in the district court
resulted in a verdict for the defend
ants. The supreme court reversed the
judgment and remanded the case for
a new trial , and on the second trial
judgment for the amount named was
given. The bondsmen did not attempt
to give bond to supersede the judg
ment , but now brings the cusc to Ilia
supreme court en error.
Tomis : Ttlan Crnshc.I to Dciilli.
FORT BODGE , la. , Sopt. : ! 0. A fatai
accident occurred on the Illinois Cen
tral at Tara. Engineer Gray and Con
ductor McKinsey were in charge oC
gravel train to bs use : ! en the Fort
Dodge & Omaha , v/hcn coupling pin.- ;
broke in two placs , allowing tlus
parts of the train to come together.
There were several employes on the
train , and most of these were thrown
from the cars by the jar , but all
escaped without serious injurywItJi
the exception of Carl Henningsen of
Newell , who fell uder the wheels an. !
had the life crushed out of him.
A nt I-TOT : ! m * .Association.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. . Sept. ? ,0.-
rhc articles of incorporation of the
anti-toxin association Wive been fieled
with the secretary of state and coiintv
clerk. The capital stack is placed at
S25.000. and the inosrnorators are Dr.
S. J. Champney , II. C. Freeman. James
W. Eaton , John W. James. John W.
Steinhart , Joseph Sc-roggs and W. A.
Hughey. The business of the associa
tion is the manufacture and sale of
anti-toxin serum and other chemical
Cli"m.- l Oitl.
BURLINGTON , la. , Sept. HO. Th.i
"midway" feature or the Burlington
street fair is no more. It was situated
on the Burlington route depot grounds
by permission given with the under
standing that no immoral exhibitions
should be included. It was discovere-1
that the shows were all vile and the
authorities ordered the managers to
suspend them. The order was ignored.
The railroad officials then ordered As
sistant McPartland to clear the
grounds , which he did.
Oirl's Snlclilf I'laiis 3Iay Pair.
FAIRFIELD , Neb. , Sept. 30. Eliza
beth Hawes , aged 14 , a domestic in the
Kyrd hotel , cttemptcd suicide by
shooting herself with a 32-caiber re
volver. She had evidently laid delib
erate plans to kill herself , as during
the day she had asked the exact loca
tion of the heart and if a bullet
through the heart would kill at once.
The bullet passed through the left lung
and lodged in the muscles of the back.
She will likely recover.
Kdiiar T.ivrry IJarn iinm.
EDGAR , Neb. , Sept. CO. The livery
Sara on the corner of Fourth and D
streets was found to be on fire ari'l
ivhen discovered about 2 a. m. the fire
ivas under such headway that the
Building could not be saved. Two
icrses , some harness and one carriage ,
ilso a quantity of grain and hay were
nirned up with the building. The fire
s supposed to be incendiary. There
vas ? 500 insurance on the barn , bu
ione on the other property.
Insurance Complaints
LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 30. George
P. Staats and thirty-six other resi-
lents of Saunders county have peti-
.ioned Insurance Commissioner Bryant
o investigate the management of the
Sraln Growers' Mutual Hail associa-
ion of Omaha , a company that was
icensed by Auditor Cornell. Frank
1 May and twenty-five farmers living
lear Hieknian and John Weis and
hree others of Cedar Rapids have peti-
ioned similar action. Mr. Bryant has
idvised the farmers to employ counsel
is he has no funds to prosecute an