The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 15, 1899, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance
f u
Republican Newspaper
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co.
Hastings Street Fair.
From 9 a. in. Monday , Sept. 18 , when
the Queen of the Carnival will enter the
city in her royal chariot , until midnight ,
Saturday , Sept. 23 , the city of Hastings
will be the scene of the most enthusias
tic celebrations ever held in central Ne
braska. The programme includes horse
races , ball games , shooting , firemen's
and band contests , parades and sports
of all kinds , for which prizes aggregat
ing $7,500 are offered.
A circus , balloon ascensions , with par
achute drop , a Midway with all the ori
ental features of the Streets of Cairo
and a grand floral festival are some of
the special features which have been
arranged. Every night a splendid dis
play of fireworks will be given which
the people of Hastings promise shall
surpass anything of its kind ever at
tempted in the west.
A rate of one fare for the round trip
to Hastings will be in effect. Selling
dates , Sept. 16 to 23. Tickets good to
return until Sept. 25. Buy one take the
Burlington Route to Hastings and "go
up against" the biggest bushel of fun
ever provided for the amusement of the
people of central Nebraska.
Festival of Mountain and Plain.
Denver , September 25-30. An exposi
tion , a street fair , a horse show , the re
turn from Manila of Colorado's volun
teers , parades beyond number , a mas
querade ball , and a grand state ball.
This is a brief outline of the pro
gramme which the citizens of Denver
have arranged for the amusement and
entertainment of visitors during the
week beginning September 25.
It will be Denver's fifth Festival of
Mountain and Plain and it will be as far
ahead of last year's celebration as it was
ahead of that of 1897.
Appreciating the wide-spread interest
in this unique celebration , the Burling
ton offers reduced rates to Denver from
a wider territory than in the past. The
round trip rate from McCook will be $8.
Tickets will be on sale September 24 to
28 and will be good to return until Oc
tober 2d. J. FRANCIS. General Passen
ger Agent , Omaha , Neb.
A Fractured Leg.
G. B. Dimmitt had the misfortune to
fall , Wednesday afternoon , and break
his leg near the hip. The barn door
blew against him , knocking him over.
In the fall the leg was fractured. He is
resting comfortably ,
The Republican county convention at
Indiauols , tomorrow. It will be the real
Guy Curlee of Redwillow spent Sunday at
Miss Anna Wheeler is very low with ty
phoid fever.
I. E. Wympre left , Tuesday , to enter the
state university.
Miss Ella King is attending conference at
Broken Bow , this week.
Alderman Jones made a business trip to the
county capital , Tuesday.
C. A. Bede is running a force of seventeen
hands in his broom corn.
J. H. Rosenfelt of Cambridge was looking
after his interests here , Tuesday.
S. \ \ ' . Clark had his ringer on the political
pulse in the county seat , Tuesday.
G. W. Jones has made a substantial addi
tion , 20 x 24 feet , to his storeroom.
Dr. Brown made a trip to Indianola in the
interest of the county fair , Wednesday.
The north room in the Nash building is be
ing prepared for occupancy by J. G. Ogg.
Dr. J. E. Hathorn took Charles Colling of
Indianola to Lincoln , early in the week , for
an operation for appendicitis.
Miss Maud Vickrey departed , Tuesday
morning on 12 , for Lincoln , where she will at
I tend the Wesleyan the coming term.
Miss Carrie Scott went up to McCook , last
Friday evening , and left on 2 the following
morning for Lincoln to attend school.
I ! Frank D. Walsworth left on Tuesday for
Kansas City. He will spend two or three days
at the exposition in Omaha , en route.
Rev. A. A. Arlhur will give a series of lect
ures in the Christian church , Wednesday ,
Thursday , Friday and Saturday evenings.
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Ransom returned from
their Colorado trip , Sunday evening. Mr.
Ransom's condition is not much improved.
Rev. Foutch preached his farewell sermon
to a large congregation , last Sunday evening ,
I < and , accompanied by Mrs. Foutch , departed
for Broken Bow , Tuesday , to attend the M. E.
conference ,
Lyman Jennings has disposed of his racket
store to Cy. Cowles , who took possession on
Tuesday. Mr. Jennings expects to leave soon
on a visit to his mother in Connecticut , and
will be in New York for the Dewey festivities.
The delegates to the Republican county
convention at Indianola , tomorrow , named at
last Saturday's primary , are as follows : J. E.
Hathorn , S. W. Clark , C. W. Hodgkin , E. E.
Smith , J. A. Finnegan , R. E. George , W. W.
Rector , T. C. Jones.
No Right to Ugliness.
The woman who is lovely in face , form and
temper will always have friends , but one who
would be attractive must keep her health. If
she is weak , sickly and all run down , she will
be nervous and irritable. If she has consti
pation or kidney trouble , her impure blood
will cause pimples , blotches , skin eruptions
and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters
is the best medicine in the world to regula'e
stomach , liver and kidneys and to purify the
blood. It gives strong nerves , bright eyes ,
smooth , velvety skin , rich complexion. It
makes a g ood-fooking , charming woman of a
run-down invalid. Only 50 cts. at McConnell
& Berry's.
W. T. Ilenton spent Wednesday night in
the county capital on matters politcal.
Mr. and Mrs. S.W.Stilgebpuer and daughter
Lulu visited relatives in Wilsonville over last
Ed Lister was over in the county capital ,
Monday , in consultation with the somewhat
demoralized Fusion forces.
Danbury , Neb. , September 1,1899.
Notice is hereby given that A. L. Haley has
filed in the village clerk's office his bond and
petition for a license to sell Malt , Spirituous
and Vinous liquors in the Village of Danbury ,
Red Willow county , Nebraska , for the re
mainder of the municipal year ending April
30,1900. 9-l-3ts A. L. HALEY , Applicant.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
Miss Adelaide Streff is in McCook , with
the family of C. F. Lchn.
The county fair will open in this place , next
Tuesday , and you are invited.
Miss VVelborn was in the county seat , last
Saturday , on county school business.
Miss Ora Smith was the guest of Deputy
Sheriff Smith's family in { he county seat ,
Saturday last.
Charles Colling went down to Lincoln ,
Monday , to undergo an operation for append
icitis. Dr. J. E. Hathorn of Bartley accom
panied him.
W. O. Bond whom Jasper loves like a
brother and G. H. Short were political pil
grims to the valley's finest , Wednesday night ,
returning home safe and sound , strange as it
may seem , Thursday morning on 12.
Commissioner Crabtree and son Bert , late
ly returned from the Philippines , were in Mc
Cook , Tuesday , consulting a physician con
cerning Bert's condition , which has not been
satisfactory for the past three months. They
were advised to go to Omaha to seek relief ,
and it is probable that an operation may be
necessary. His trouble is of the liver and is
assuming a stage demanding attention.
It comes a little late , but coming from the
editor himself , it must be true , that the Re
publican was not bought by Mr.Thompson in
the senatorial contest last winter. But your
correspondent can relate some very suggest
ive facts in this connection , which will take
more than a simple denial to controvert. But ,
come to think of it , who ever made a state
ment that the Republican had been bought ?
The editor of the Republican seems to have
: 'scooped" himself , as this is the first public
reference to this generally accepted idea.
His Life Was Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly , a prominent citizen of Han-
n'bal , Mo. , lately had a wonderful deliverance
"rom a frightful death. In telling of it he
; ays : "I was taken with typhoid fever , that
an into pneumonia. My lungs became hard-
: ned. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up
n bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to
eon die of consumption , when I heard of Dr.
vine's New Discovery. One bottle gave
freat relief. I continued to use it , and now
im well and strong. I can't'say too much in
ts praise. " This marvelous medicine is the
urest and quickest cure in the world for all
liroat and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50
ents and $ i. Trial bottles free at McConnell
: Berry's drug store ; every bottle guaranteed.
John Randall is putting up alfalfa.
Politics are becoming very interesting at
A. J. Hawkins is helping W. S. Fitch put
p alfalfa.
Clarence Goheeu is hauling hay to town for
/ . S. Fitch.
B. C. Bowman was on the sick list , the fore
art of the week.
The South Side Endeavor have changed
icir hour of meeting to 3 o'clock , P. M. be-
* use many of the people cannot attend at
Many of the South Siders have been attend-
ig the weekly concerts given by the K. P.
and of McCook and will agree that they are
It is claimed by many of the farmers of
outh Side that the birds , of late , have been
leaning out the grasshoppers until there will
e less eggs laid this year than last.
Luther Fitch returned , Thursday , to his
ome in Iowa , after a long and pleasant visit
i Nebraska. He seems to like this state and
as made many warm friends during his visit
The Driftwood primary for the Republican
arty was held , last Saturday evening , and
ic delegates elected for the county conven-
on were : Capt. I. H. Wasspn , C. T. Eller ,
larry Wade and Frank A. Fitch.
Several of the South Side boys have gone
) help hunt for Robert Barr , and it is hoped
lat their search will not be fruitless this
me. Mr. Barr was well known in this
eighborhood and was liked by all.
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health. In-
omitable will and tremendous energy are
ot found where stomach , liver , kidneys and
owels are out of order. If you want these
iialities and the success they bring , use Dr.
king's New Life Pills. They develop every
ewer of brain and body. Only 25 cents at
IcConnell & Berry's.
Perhaps there are same people that don't
now there is such a place ; so we thought we
ould take the best means to enlighten such
Improvement is the watchword here.
The elevator is complete -and running day
id night.
Our lumber yard 'S in full blast with nails
i help out ; also a car of coal and one of
Our stock buyers have their yards complet-
1 and one of them has bought bunches of
ittle , sheep and hogs.
Wednesday night a passing train set a fire
the west suburbs , giving the inhabitants
lite a scare. Did not learn the damage.
The first business to be completed and in
orking shape was the telephone line. If you
ant anything at Redwillow call up the oper-
or and he will try to fill your order , from a
ess of fish to a carload of almost any old
One of our citizens seems to have a great
: sire to save the country in the capacity of
unty clerk. But I should judge from what
see and hear that he is too busy to let the
iliticians know anything about it. I think
ough , that what troubles him the worst is to
e the salary attached to that office , rinding
i way each succeeding year , into the pockets
the enemy.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand , but skin eruptions rob life of joy.
icklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also olc ,
nning and fever sores , ulcers , boils , felons ,
rns , warts , cuts , bruises , burns , scalds , chil-
ains , chapped hands. Best pile cure on
rth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25
nts a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Mc-
mnell & Berry.
Thos. Real hauled out some lumber , Thurs-
y.bchool in district 65 commenced on Mon-
y with Miss Keller , teacher.
Those young married people that poked a
tie innocent fun at Bert Wales want to
> ok a Jeetle out. " Its "ketchin" ' and some-
nes its twins.
The Baptist Southwestern association will
Id their meeting at Zion Hill church in
is town , on next Friday , Saturday and Sun-
y , the 22,23 and 24. Remember the place
d date and turn out.
' * *
The Visit of the World's Greatest
Shows Rapidly Approaching : .
, Ringling day is almost hete. The
coming of Riugling Brothers' famous
big circus , next Monday , September 18 ,
is the one subject of conversation. Ex
pectation has been aroused as never be
fore. The public confidently looks for
ward to beeing a great show , and it will
not be disappointed. The parade which
inaugurates circus day would be sufficient
to stamp the show as the monarch of all
tent amusements. This stupendous dis
play engages the services of over a
thousand men , women and children ,
and fully five hundred thoroughbred
horses. There are over a hundred mag
nificently carved and gold illuminated
cages , dens and tableau floats. Each of
the thirty great sections in which the
parade is divided would be a lavish dis
play for any other circus. The proces
sion will leave the show grounds at ten
o'clock , and the route will be the usual
one over the principal downtown streets.
Do not miss it. It will be the spectacle
of a lifetime. The magnitude of the
parade will prepare the public in some
measure for the wonders of the exhibi
tion. And it is indeed a wonderful ex
hibition. Imagine a vast hippodrome
pavilion , with seats for 18,000 persons.
Fill this great amphitheatre with rings
and stages , and a bewildering maze of
aerial apparatus. Surround the rings
with a great fourth-mile racing track ,
and fill rings and stages , track and mid
air with an endless array of aerialists
and acrobats , riders and racers , all at
tired in the most beautiful silks and
cloth of gold , and each vicing with the
others in grace , dexterity and daring
imagine all this , and you will still fall
far short of the reality. The perform
ance opens with the beautiful patriotic
spectacle , "The Last Days of the Centu
ry , " a noble introduction to a noble
show. The arenic surprises that follow
include O'Brien's famous sixty-one horse
act ; three troupes of remarkably trained
elephants , embracing Lockhart's ele
phant comedians , Souder's sensational
elephant brass band and Marchand's
pugilistic proboscidians ; an international
horse exhibit , introducing beautifully-
effective high-class menage riding by
Mine. Ada Castello and Miss Allie Jack
son ; a complete company of aerial artists
headed by the great Fishers ; the world's
greatest possible acrobats , the incom
parable Da Comas ; a score of famous
bareback riders , including Michael and
John Rooney , Edward Shipp , Julia
Lowandle , Elena Ryland , Olga Reed
and Albert Crandall , whose sensational
act of equestrianism is performed upon
Lhe back of a mule ; and scores of others
equally famous. The menagerie is the j
Snest collection of rare wild animals to
be found within the boundaries of civili
sation , and the show in its entirety is a
evelalion of what managerial ability ,
Drogressive originality and unlimited
: apital can do in creating a great public
Reserved numbered seats and adniis-
ions , show day , without any advance in
> rice at McConuell & Berry's drug store.
The most delicate constitution can
afely use Ballard's Horehound Syrup ,
t is a sure and pleasant remedy for
oughs ; loss of voice , and all throat and
ung troubles. Price 25 and 50 cts. at
JcCounell & Berry's.
Such Real , Genuine Bargains Have Never Been Known Before. Come and See Them f
BOYS' and
in great variety.
25c , 35c , 50c , fSc and $1.00.
About half the price they
are generally sold for.
$1.10 now 75c
$1.50 - now $1.19
$2.25 now $1.49
Every One
of a
Guaranteed Make.
Our Line
Men's and Boys'
Special Attention.
Prices cut 'way down.
Half Price.
Tim rn
v. - - - * ; , t
% Ss
Having heretofore carried in stock a few . . . .
P. C. CORSETS tii.
. . . ana becoming acquainted with their splendid qualities we
decided to make them our chief line and have placeed in stock
tr T
a very complete asssortment of them. Notice their points !
MATERIALS. They are made of extra
quality Coutil in plain and in figured , in
White , Drab and black , stiffened with "s " "
FEATHKUUONK , which is absolutely un L A _
breakable , elastic , and rust proof. n' z sz ' - T zszsy'zs. . '
carry them in
HIP. NURSING , poc , $1.10 , $1.25 , $1.40
and in CORSET
WAISTS. Black Peau De Soie
at $1-25
PRICES. Good Light-weight Corsets 35C Black Faille at
Handsome Fine Lustre Brocaded Saline 5oc $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50
Black in Chinas
Nursing Corsets 500 Also
The heavier and better grades $1.00 Taffetas , Satins and Bro
_ _
GUARANTY. These Corsets are all sold
under an Absolute Guaranty that they are COLORED SILKS.
made-of Substantial and
Perfect Materials , with F.C Embroidered Taffetas ,
Best Workmanship , and
are Perfect Fitting. Corded Taffetas , Fancy
Stripes Fancy Plaids.
FUNDED after four weeks'
trial if not satisfactory. China Silks , Brocades ,
No other manufacturer White Checks
Black and ,
goes as far in support of
his goods. Notice the Satins , Plain Taffetas , etc.
models in our window ept
and come in and ex s.
amine. Prices from 350 to $1.50.
180 pieces to select from.
Posloffice in Same Building1. . . . . . . . McCOOK , NEBRASKA
Exceptional bargains in . . .
Men's ' Sack Suits ,
Large Sizes = = 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 and 48.
Giants , come and see them.
Special prices in . . .
Light-Weight Suits
Only a very few left. Come and see if
your size is among them.
Some rare bargains in . . .
Men's Odd Vests .
For General and Dress use.
Great cut in prices on . . .
Overcoats , Ulsters ,
Suits for Dress and Business
and Extra Pants.
You should see them.
SILK and
at half price.
$1.00 now 5oc
$1.50 now 75c
$2.00 now $1.00
$2.50 now $1.25
$3.00 now $1.50
Come and see them.
Real and Split Leather
Traveling Bags
at half price.
$1.00 - - nowsoc
$1.50 - now 75c
$2.00 - _ now $1.00
Finer Goods
Same Proportion.
"Fish Brand" Slickers.
Best Yellow - $1.98
Black - - $1.79
Best Duck Ulster
$4'50 now $2.95
Mothers , bring the hoys.