D CHAPTER XIII. ( Continued. ) The Rector was the only person ex cepting myself cognizant of Mr. Wid- dringlon's failure and discoveries. I felt very small in the worthy person's presence. I had for the second time been outwltfed by a woman , and It was on account of my careless blundering that the whole work had to begin over again. "Don't tell the ladies , " advised the Hector ; "keep It from them as long as ; you can. 'Miss Elmslie is the veriest gossip , good little soul as she is , and , as we have just proved , 'a man's foes are those of his own household ; ' ti very 'walls have ears , and a bird of the air shall carry the matter ! ' " con tinued Mr. Heathcote , losing all con trol of himself in the heat of quotation. " 'If Widdrington is to recover the trail vvo must be silent as mice. " "His groom get-up was capital , " I remarked ; "it completely took me In. " "Yes , " said the Rector complacently , "I think we did that rather well. But I did not expect to blind you. When I found you had not recognized Wid- drington as soon as you arrived I kept Tip the joke , you know. " "It is hardly fair , is it , " I demurred , "to keep Miss Branscombe in the dark ? I believe she would be discreet. " "Of course you do ! " laughed Mr. Heathcote. "You would be a sorry lover if you did not believe that and everything else that Is good of her. " "It may be necessary to put her on her guard against the lady's maid , " I suggested. "Yes , it may. I hardly know what course to adopt with regard to the woman , " said the Rector thoughtfully , "or how Widdrington has left matters with her. It seems to me important to retain her ; she may help us if she will. Well , with regard to Nona , you must use your own discretion , Fort ; I can- and her eyes gleamed with anger. She rested one hand upon the table , clench ing and unclenching the other as she spoke. "I have a few questions to ask you , sir , " she commenced , in a significant , quiet tone "questions I should like answered. " "I am at your service , " Miss Wood ward , " I responded , putting my papers together with an airy assumption quite at variance with my real feelings. "I want to know , " she went on , "if you think it is the action of a gentle man to set a spy upon a respectable young woman , to deceive her by false promises and lies and shameful , dou ble-faced ways and tricks , to get out of her all he wants to know all for your information , sir" she was becoming somewhat involved "and for your pay. I suppose ? Is this a gentleman's ac tion , I ask you ? " "If you mean , " I began. "I mean , " she interrupted , "that I have always heard you lawyers are as cunning as Satan himself. But I never could have believed that a gentleman like you , so pleasant-spoken and straightforward as you seemed , could have been guilty of such a trick ! " "As what ? " I asked. "I am not aware of any conduct on my part of which you have a right to complain , Miss Woodward. I rather thought , do you know , that things were the other way about that I had some cause of complaint against you. " "That fellow , Tillott or whatever his name is , " she said , with bitter con tempt "v/as your spy , was he not ? Didn't you send him down to hunt out your business ? " "I did not know of his being here until last night , " I answered truthfully , if a little evasively. "But he was your spy , " she per sisted , "and you didn't care how he 'I HAVE A FEW QUESTIONS TO ASK YOU , SIR. " not advise. Perhaps we may hear something from Widdrington to-day or to-morrow. He has left us in a terri ble mess at present ; but no doubt he ! i couldn't help it The failure must have been a blow to him. 'There's ' and the lip/ many a slip 'twixt the cup you know. " CHAPTER XIV. Before I left the rectory I had to endure an Interview , quite unsought , and I think I may add quite unde served on my part , painful and embar rassing as it was to me. Woodward Widdrington's deserted and betrayed lady-love her face pale , her eyes lurid with suppreF. < ri fury , en tered the rector's study .vnere I had established myself in rder to write letters for the'afterp .jn post , and de manded a hearing. I must here coniess to a weakness to -which I have always been , and am still , afraid of an a prey I am morally angry woman. I can face any number of furious men , my spirits indeed ris ing at the prospect of a fray , but before an angry woman I am an arrant cow ard. ard.My feelings therefore can be imag ined when the lady's maid advanced upon me. There was no mistaking the expression of her whole person as she closed the door and approached me. At the first glance I thought of the words "Earth holds no demon like a woman scorned. " Innocent factor as I was in the "scorning" of this particular woman , why should I have to bear the brunt of her demoniacal fury ? This was the question which shook my craven soul as I braced myself up as well as I could for the encounter. Miss Woodward planted herself on the opposite side of the writing-table , facing me. I was glad at that moment of the intervening breadth of leather- covered mahogany. 'She was a little woman of a dark complexion. Her thick well-marked brows met on her forehead , giving a look of determina tion a sinister look , I thought at that moment to her thin , sharp-featured face. Her face was always somewhat colorless , but it was lividly pale now. got at what you wanted to know so long as he did get at it. You didn't care if he lied and deceived , and made a poor woman ashamed to hold up her head again. It was all for your money. " "My good girl , " I remonstrated , "I am really very sorry ; but I am not re sponsible for Mr. Tillott's conduct. " "It was you who tempted him , " she persisted "who set him on me ! Oh , it was the meanest , basest thing ! He was to have married me our names are up at the registry-office in Ilmin- ton. I can have the law of him for false statement , and that's what I mean to do ! Tell me his address it's the least you can do for a woman you have helped to insult and mislead. " "Who put up the names ? " I asked , beginning to feel that Mr. Widdring ton had gone to unwarrantable lengths indeed. "I did , " she answered , "a fortnight ago the time would be out next week. He wouldn't let me give notice to Miss Branscombe , and we were to have been married on the sly , because his friends in London were such grand people , and he would tell them after wards , he pretended the false trai tor ! " "Then , if you gave the names , I am afraid you cannot make Mr. Tillott re sponsible for any statement you have yourself made at the office , " I said. "It is a vile , shameful trick ! " she panted. "Yes , it is too bad , " I assented , sym pathetically. "But how did it happen that you , with all your experience , al lowed yourself to be so taken in ? " "I never suspected him for a minute , " she replied , softening under my sym pathy. "I never supposed that men could be so wicked. And I don't be lieve now that he would if he hadn't been put up to it. I found his letter to you , telling you how your schemes had all succeeded , and then I knew how a gentleman could demean himself ! " with renewed contempt. "You found a letter ? " I asked. "Yes. " "And you read it ? " "Yes" shortly and sharply. "Why not ? It was In his handwriting , an wo were almost man and wife ; I ha a right to read his letters. And it well I did ! What have you to say t that , sir ? " "Nothing , " I answered. "Only th law might have something to say , yo know , to your taking possession of letter addressed to another parson. " v/as gaining courage as her reckles temper placed her In my power , should advise you to be" a little mor prudent , Miss Woodward. " "I don't care that for the law , " sh cried violently , snapping her fingers i ray face. "The law says nothing to woman being deceived and insultet and cheated with false promises. " "Oh , yes it does ! " I said. "There i such a thing as breach of promise- only I am afraid you are hardly in position to avail yourself of the law. My spirits had so far revived that was able to try a little iutimidatio : now. "You see , by your own con fession , you have made yourself amen able to the law in one if not in tw < instances. " "I tell you I don't care , ' she cried "and I'm glad of what I did. I had m ; revenge. I upset all your fine plans- and his. You were neither of you : match for a woman from beginning t < end. " "That is quite true , " I assented , hum bly ; "you were very clever , Miss Wood ward. I don't think I ever heard of : cleverer trick. I give you great credi for your splendid management , and , i you will allow me to say so , I thinl your talents are quite wasted in you present position as a lady's maid , should really advise you to turn you attention to , say , the female detectivi line. I think I can perhaps be of usi to you in that sort of a career if yoi decide on it. " CHAPTER XV. I was determined that she should no remain in her present post about Nona and deemed it advisable to manage he : resignation as quietly as possible. designing , vindictive woman , burning with a sense of injury , and capable o the elaborate dissimulation she had al ready practiced , was certainly not fi for attendance on my guileless , tendei Nona. Miss Woodward must leave thi Rectory before my own departure. "The authorities at Scotland Yard , ' I suggested , "will , I think , most proba bly be glad tf your assistance. I car perhaps arrange the matter. " "D"o you think that I will be be holden to you for anything ? " she burst out. "Do you think I will let you laj another trap for me ? No , I'm not sunk so low as that comes to ! " "It might be worth your while , " 1 said carelessly , "to think over my offer. I am afraid after what has passed the Rectory will not be either a. pleasant or a safe home for you" meaningly. "And do you think , " she cried , "that [ 'm going to take my warning to leave from you ? You are not my master. I was not engaged by you , and it's not for you to dismiss me. " "All that is quite true , " I assented ; 'nevertheless it may be as well for you to think over what I have said , Miss Woodward. Miss Branscombe will , I know , be as anxious as I am myself to scandal exposure avoid any unnecessary or posure before the other servants. And she has been a kind mistress ; you ivould not , I am sure , wish to give her unnecessary pain or distress. " "Miss Branscombe is a thousand times too good for for those who have got her , " announced Miss Wood ward. "As sweet a young lady as ever trod the earth , she is , and above all the mean tricks that seem all right to law- vers , no doubt. And if things had gone as they should have gone we might have seen her in her own proper place , with as real a gentleman as she is a lady. " ( To be continued. ) DOUBLE EAGLE. As It Appeared on the Arras of Russia and Austria. The eagle , as an emblem of authori- y , is so old that it would be impossible : o clearly trace its origin. It is found apon the most ancient sculptures that iiave yet been discovered , and was no Joubt one of the very oldest of the to tems , or tribe signs. The early Per sian empire appears to be the first which adopted it as an imperial em blem. Among the Greeks the eagle ; vas the emblem of Jove. The Romans Use adopted the eagle as their stand- ird , and so it became the token of Ro- nan dominion. When Constantine be- : ame emperor .he adopted the double- iieaded eagle as the insignia of his xuthority over east and west. When ; he German empire came into being in : he twelfth century this emblem was 'evived as being that of the Holy Ro- nan empire , and Rudolph of Hapsburg idopted it as his imperial arms. It ap- > eared in the Russian imperial arms in ; he sixteenth century , when Czar Ivan Basilovitch married Princess Sophia , liece of the eleventh Constantine , and ; he last of the Byzantine emperors. About Necks. The array of necks presented for in spection at a theater is various. All sorts and conditions of necks are there , ind there is as much variety in them is there is in the faces above them. Scraggy necks should , if surmounting jood shoulders , have a discreet ribl/on ound them ; black velvet or white : ulle are the most becoming things for : he complexion. Pearls on a white ; hroat are really exquisite ; for dusky iccks the most becoming stones are jmeralds or rubies. When the bones it the base of the throat are too in- ; rusive on the attention they may bo soerced into submission and conceal- nent by a narrower ribbon tied vith a pendant. TAIMAGB'S SERMON THE STRIKE EPIDEMIC LAS SUNDAY'S SUBJECT. 'The Eye Cannot Say "Unto tlio Hani I Ilavo ffo Jfecd of TUoc" From tJi First Book of Corliitliliius , Chaptc 1 : Verse 31. Fifty thousand workmen In Chlcag ceasing work in one day ; Brookly : stunned by the attempt to halt its rail road cars ; Cleveland in the throes of labor agitation , and restlessness amen toilers all over the land have cause an epidemic of strikes , and somewha to better things , I apply the Pauliu thought of my text. You have seen an elaborate piece o machinery , with a thousand wheel and a thousand bands and a thousan pulleys all controlled by one grea water wheel , the machinery so adjuste that when you jar one part of it yo jar all parts of it. Well , human so ciety is a great piece of mechanlsn controlled by one great and ever-re volving force the wheel of God' providence. You harm one part of th machinery of society and you harm al parts. All professions interdependent All trades interdependent. All classe of people interdependent. No sue ! thing as independence. Dives canno kick Lazarus without hurting his owi foot. They who threw Shadrach inti the furnace got their own bodie scorched. Or to come back to the fig ure of the text , what a strange thin ; it would be if the eye should say , oversee the entire physical mechanism I despise the other members of tin body , if there is anything I am dis gusted with , it is with those miserable low-lived hands. Or , what if the ham should say , I am the boss workman o the whole physical economy ; I have n < respect for the other members of thi body. If there is anything I despise it is the eye seated under the domi of the forehead doing nothing but look I come in and I wave the flag o truce between these two contestants and I say : "The eye cannot say to thi hand , 'I have no need of thee. ' " That brings me to the first sugges tion , and that is , that Labor and Capi tal are to be brought to a better un derstanding by a complete canvass o the whole subject. They will b < brought to peace when they find tha they are identical in their interests When one goes down , they both gc down. When one rises , they both rise There will be an equilibrium aftei awhile. There never was an exceptioi to the rule. That which is good foi one class of society eventually will b < good for all classes of society , and thai which Is bad for one class of societ ] will eventually and in time be bad foi all. Every speech that Labor make : against Capital postpones the day ol permanent adjustment. Every speed that Capital makes against Labor post pones the day of permanent adjust ment. When Capital maligns Labor , ll Is the eye cursing the hand. Wher Labor maligns Capital it is the bam cursing the eye. As far as I have ob served , the vast majority of capitalists are successful laborers. If the capital ists would draw their gloves , you would see the broken finger nail , the scar of an old blister , the stiffened finger joint. The great publishers ol the country for the most part vere bookbinders , or typesetters , on small pay. The great carriage manufacturers for the most part sandpapered wagon bodies in wheelwright shops. While , on the other hand , in all our large manufacturing establishments you will find men on wages who once employed a hundred or five hundred hands. The distance between Capital and Labor is not a great gulf over which is swung a Niagara suspension bridge ; it is only a step , and the capitalists are crossing over to become laborers , and the la borers are crossing over to become capitalists. Would God they might shake hands while they cross. On the other hand , laborers are the highest style of capitalists. Where are their Investments ? In banks , No ! In the railroads , No ! Their nerve , their muscle , their bone , their mechanical skill , their physical health are mag nificent capital. He who has two eyes , two ears , two feet , two hands , ten fin gers , has machinery that puts into nothingness carpet and screw and cot ton factory , and all the other imple ments on the planet. The capitalists were laborers , the laborers were capi talists. The sooner we understand that the better. Again : There is to come relief to the laboring classes of this country through" co-operative associations. I am not at this moment speaking ol trades unions , but of that plan by which laborers put their surplus to gether and become their own capital ists. Instead of being dependent upon the beck of this capitalist or that capi talist , they manage their own affairs. In England and Wales there are 813 co-operative associations. They have 340,000 members ; they have a capital of 518,000,000 , or what corresponds to our dollars , and they do a business an nually of $63,000,000. Thomas Brassey , one of the foremost men in the British parliament on the subject says : "Co operation is the one and the only re lief for the laboring populations. This Is the path , " he says , "by which they ire to come up from the band-to-the- mouth style of living , to reap the re wards and the honors of our advanced civilization. " Lord Deroy and John Stuart Mill , who gave half their lives to the study of the labor question , be lieved in co-operative institutions. The co-operative institution formed in Troy , N. Y. , stood long enough to illus trate the fact that great go-'d might : ome of such an institution , if it were rightly carried on and mightily de veloped. "But , " says some one , "haven't : hese institutions sometimes been a "allure ? " Yes. Every great movement las been a failure at some time. Ap plication of the steam power a failure , ; lectro-telegraphy a failure , railroad- Ing a failure , but now the chief sue cesses of the world. "But , " says some one , "why talk o surplus being put by laborers Into co operative associations , when the vas multitude of tellers of this countr ; are struggling for their daily bread and have no surplus ? " I reply : Pu Into my hand the money spent by th laboring classes of America for run and tobacco , and I will establish co operative associations in all parts o this land , some of them mightier thai any financial institutions of the coun try. We spend in this country eve $100,000,000 every year for tobacco We spend over $1,500.000.000 , dlrcctl ; or indirectly , for rum. The laborin ; classes spend their share of thi : money. Now , suppose the laborin } man who has been expending hi : money in those directions , should jus add up how much he has expendec during thess past few years , and thei suppose that that money was put int < a co-operative association , and the : suppose he should have all his friend : In toil , who had made the same kind o expenditure , do the same thing , am that should be added up and put into i co-operative association. And thei take , all that money expended for overdress and over-living dress and over-style on the part of toiling people in ordei that they may appear as well as per sons who have more income gathei that all up and you could have cooperative erative associations all over this land I am not saying anything now aboul trades unions. You want to know what I think of trades unions. I thinl they are most beneficial in some direc tions , and they have a specific object and in this day , when there are vasl monopolies a thousand monopolies concentring the wealth of the peple into the possession of a few men , un less the laboring men of this countrj and all countries band together thej will go under. There is a lawful use of a trade union , but then there is an unlawful use of a trade union. If It means sympathy In time of sickness , if It means finding work for people when they are out of work , if It means the improvement of the financial , the moral or the religious condition of the laboring classes , that is all right. Do not singers band together In Handel and Haydn societies ? Do not news paper men band together in press clubs ? Do not ministers of religion band together in conferences and asso ciations ? There Is not in all the land a city where clergymen do not come to gether , many of them once a week , to talk over affairs. For these reasons you should not blame labor guilds. When they are doing their legitimate work they are most admirable , but when they come around with drum and fife and flag , and drive people off from their toll , from their scaffoldings , from their factories , then they are nihilistic , then they are communistic , then they are barbaric , then they are a curse. If a man wants to stop work let him stop work , but he cannot stop me from work. But now suppose that all the labor ing classes banded together for ben eficent purposes in co-operative asso ciation , under whatever name they put their means together. Suppose they take the money that they waste in rum and tobacco , and use it for the eleva tion of their children , for their moral , intellectual and religious improve ment , what a different state of things we would have in this country , and they would have in Great Britain ! Do you not realize the fact that men work better without stimulant ? You say , "Will you deny the laboring men this help which they get from strong drink , borne down as they are with many anxieties and exhausting work ? " I would deny them nothing that is good for them. I would deny them strong drink , if I had the power , be cause it is damaging to them. My father said , "I became a temperance man in early life because I found that in the harvest field , while I was naturally weaker than the other men , I could hold out longer than any of them ; they took stimulant and I took none. " Everybody knows they cannot en dure great fatigue men who Indulge In stimulants. All our young men un derstand that. When they are pre paring for the regatta , or the ball club , or the athletic wrestling , they abstain from strong drink. Now , suppose all this money that is wasted were gath ered together and put into co-operative institutions Oh ! we would have a very different state of things from what we have now. Let me say a word to all capitalists. Be your own executors. Make Invest ments for eternity. Do not be like some of those capitalists I know who walk around among their employes with a supercilious air , or drive up to the fac tory in a manner which eeems to indi cate they are the autocrat of the uni verse , with the sun and moon in their rest pockets , chiefly anxious when they go among laboring men not to be touched by the greasy or smirched band and have their broadcloth In- lured. Be a Christian employer. Re member those who are under your : harge are bone of your bone and flesh Df your flesh ; that Jesus Christ died for them and that they are immortal. Divide up your estates , or portions of them , for the relief of the world , be fore you leave it. Do not go out of the tvorld like that man who died in New i'ork , leaving in his will $40.000,000 , ret giving how much for the church of jed ? how much for the alleviation of auman suffering ? He gave some money i little while before he died. That was yell ; but in all this will of $40,000,000 low much ? One million ? No. Five mndred thousand ? No. One hundred lollars ? No. Two cents ? No. One : ent ? No. These great cities groan- ng in anguish , nations crying out for : he bread of everlasting life. A man In i will giving forty millions of dollars ind not one cent to God. It Is a dis- jrace to our civilization. Or , as illus- ratc d in a letter which I have con- : erning a man who departed this life , caving between five and eight millions dollar was left dollars. Not one of comfort the aged this writer Hays , to doi not one and workwomen , workmen hundreds Instruct the lar to elevate and childish stifled their children who of pale ot ish growth in the heat and clamor st tne his factory. Is it strange such of toil follow curse of the children of could one Ingratitude ? How well his many millions have been disbursed benefit of for the present and the future had woven literally those whose hands ' Pr'11"1 ' man's the fabric of the dead fortune. O ! capitalists of the United . Be a States , be your own executors. need be on a small George Peabody , if , steward scale. God has made you a discharge your responsibility. all laboring men In My word Is to this country : I congratulate you at your brightening prospects. I congratu late you on the fact that you are get ting your representatives , at Aloany , at Harrisburg. and at Washington. I have only to mention such a man of Wilson , the shoemaker the past as Henry maker ; as Andrew Johnson , the tailor ; as Abraham Lincoln , the boatman. The - ; living illustrations easily occur to you. This will go on until you will have representatives at all the headquarters , and you will have full justice. Mark that. I congratulate you also at the op portunities for your children. I con gratulate you that you have to work and that when you are dead your chil dren have to work. I congratulate you also on your opportunities - portunities of information. Plato paid one thousand three hundred dollars for two books. Jerome ruined himself financially by buying one volume of Origen. What vast opportunities for intelligence for you and your children. A working man goes along by the show window of some great publishing house and be sees a book that costs five del lars. He says , "I wish I could have that information ; I wish I could raise five dollars for that costly and beautiful book. " A few months pass on and he gets the value of that book for twenty- five cents in a pamphlet. There never was such a day for the workingmcn of America as this day and the day that is coming. I also congratulate you because your work is only prefatory and introduc tory. You want the grace of Jesus Christ , the Carpenter of Nazareth. He toiled himself , and he knows how to sympathize with all who toil. Get his grace in your heart and you can sing on the scaffolding amid the storm , in the shop shoving the plane , In the mine plunging the crowbar , on shipboard climbing the ratlines. He will make the drops of sweat on your brow glit tering pearls for the eternal coronet. Are you tired , he will rest you. Are you sick , he will give you help. Are you cold , he will wrap you in the mantle of his love. Who are they be fore the throne ? "Ah ! " you say , "their hands were never calloused with toll. " Yes they were ; but Christ raised them to that high eminence. Who are these ? "These are they that came out of great ' tribulation and had their robes washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb. " That for every Christian work ing man and for every Christian work Ingwoman will be the beginning a eternal holiday. Population of France and Britain. In the year 1801 Great Britain was a long way behind France , who then had nearly twice her population ; but , In. the present year , 1899 , Britain has suc ceeded in getting an appreciable lead over France , to the extent of about two millions of population. In 1801 France's population was over 27,000,000. In 1801 Britain's population was under 16,000- 300. In 1851 France's population -was under 36,000.000. In 1851 Britain's population was over 27,000,000. In 1899 France's population is 38,500,000. In 1899 Britain's population is 40,500,000. Fhus , in 1801 , the British were ( nearly ) 12,000,000 fewer than the French ; In L851 the British had reduced the French lead to under 9,000,000 , and , in : he present year , they lead France'on : he score of population , by almost ex- ictly 2,000,000 persons. Great Britain outran France in population for the irst time in the history of the world : n 1893 or 1894. A Diamond tover In Love. \ A collector of gems in Boston pos sessed three perfectly matched soll- aires , of blue , rose and yellow , and vould show them to his friends as tha oveliest combination of colors he cnew anything about. The true lover ) f gems prefers stones unset , so he : an stir them about with the point of L jeweler's nippers or a pencil and en- oy their unalloyed sparkle and pu- ity in every phase of light. These hree perfectly colored diamonds' vhich were carried in the man's vaistcoat pocket , wrapped in cotton vere valued at several thousand dol- ars , but one day Cupid appeared Jid then one of the precious stones rent into a blazing engagement ring .nd the remaining two eventually ound themselves turned into "jew- Iry. " Such is the power of love. -Boston Herald. The Elder's Inspiration. At the close of the forenoan session f a ministerial conference , in an- louncing the opening subject for the fterncon , the presiding officer said : Elder H. will present a paper on 'The > evil. ' " Then he added earnestly : Please be prompt in attendance , for Irother H. has a carefully prepared aper , and is full of his subject. " And he Homiletic Review says that it was erne minutes before the presiding of- cer understood the laughter whici ollowed his remark. To Be or Xot to Be ? He Is there anything in the world hat bores you more tuan flattery' he Only one thing that I now thin * f. He What is that ? She Not free e flattered. Detroit Free Press