The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 18, 1899, Image 1

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Flowers and Music and Prayer.
Last Saturday morning , with the beau
tiful and impressive accompaniment ol
flowers and music and prayer , were held
the last tender rites , were paid the lasl
fond tribute of respect , over the remains
and to the memory of Kay Ludwick.
The services were conducted in the
Methodist church by Rev. J. A. Badcon ,
who came up from the Epworth assem
bly at Lincoln for that purpose. The
church was Shed with sympathizing
friends and the services were touching.
Among those in attendance was the Sun
day-school class of which the deceased
was a member , in a body , headed by
their teacher , Mrs. J. I. Lee.
The floral offerings were unusually
beautiful and numerous. They con
sisted of set pieces and a splendid pro
fusion of cut flowers and potted plants
The music was a special and elaborate
feature of the impressive services.
Interment was made in the family
plot in Longview cemetery.
[ HARVEY KAY LUDWICK was born in
IVIcCook , Nebraska , November 20th ,
1885 , and died August loth , 1899 , aged
13 years , S months and 20 days. Two
brothers and one sister have passed on
before. Father and mother , three broth
ers and one sister remain. Harvey was
a true and upright boy beloved by all
who knew him , and loved most by those
who knew him best. Whether in the
home , or on the street , on the farm or in
the Sunday-school , he always carried a
suiile. The comfort that conies to the
parents is that as it was a sudden death ,
it was a sudden glory. Harve3 * has gone
to be with his two brothers and sister
and loved ones gone on before. He wiH
watch for the loved ones to come , when
God shall say , "It is enough. " What a
happy meeting that will be.
The funeral services were held in the
First M. E. church. Saturday , August
12th , at 10 o'clock. The sermon was
preached by Pastor Badcon to a large
congregation. The sympathies of the
utire cointnunitj * go out to the be
reaved family. And may they find be
neath them the arms of the Great
Father , who knows what is meant by this
providence , which seems to he so strange
to us. The interment was made in
Longview cemetery , McCook , Nebraska.
3 Tow fair the rose , that beautiful flower ,
The glory of April and May ;
Hut the leaves they begin to fade in an hour ,
And they wither and die in a day.
ijo frail is the youth and the beauty of man ,
u Though they bloom and look gay like the
rose ,
15ut all our fond cares to preserve them is
vain ,
Time kills them as fast as he goes.
Then father and mother , I'll not be proud of
my youth ,
Since it withers and fades ,
\ Hut gain a good name by well doing my duty ;
This will scent like a rose when I'm dead.
j. A. B.
"tt'e desire in this way to express our
heart's gratitude to the kind friends
who did so much to assist us , and to all
whose sympathy and prayers were of
fered in our late bereavement , and es
pecially are we thankful to those who
remembered us with beautiful flowers
at our home and decorations at the
church. To all , our prayers are that
your homes may never know the awful
sorrow that has the second time come to
ours in the death of dear Kay.
Again Bereaved.
Death has again entered the home of
Mr. and Mrs.G.W.Predmore and robbed
them of one of their little ones. Last
week , their infant child fell a victim to
a. complaint of the summer season , and
on Monday of this week , their little son
Charlie , aged about two and one-half
years , also succumbed to the same com
plaint. The funeral services were con
ducted by Rev. H. H. Berry in the Meth
odist church , Tuesday afternoon , being
attended by many friends who deeply
sympathize with the doubly bereaved
parents in their great sorrow. Interment
was made in Longview cemetery.
We feel most grateful and thankful
to the kind neighbors and friends for all
the acts of kindness and helpfulness
rendered us during the illness and after
the death of our little children , and ac
knowledge our appreciation and express
our thanks.
Parties.not subscribers.wishiug phones
placed for immediate use will please let
me know at once , as a man is now here
for that purpose.
Subscribers having trouble with their
instruments or objections from other
causes will report the fact to me without
deliy. C. I. HALL , Manager.
O. G. Vahue & . Son , properly trans
lated , means the best of everything in
the meat line. Call and see.
MRS. M. E. BARGER is visiting over
in Carroll. Iowa.
Indianola visitors , Sunday.
MAYOR KELLEY and Robert Byers
were both Lincoln visitors , Tuesday.
Miss LILLIAN SMITH of Red Cloud is
visiting her sister , Mrs. W. D. Burnett.
MRS. J. H. BENNETT was down from
the farm near Max , early' part of the
MRS. CLARA HARBISON is spending a
few days visiting Culbertson relatives ,
this week.
MRS. W. R. STARR arrived home ,
Tuesday night , from her long absence
in the east.
MR. AND MRS. D. W. COLSON and the
baby arrived home , Friday night , from
their Wisconsin visit.
ANDREW ANDERSON and little son re
turned , Tuesday noon , from visiting
John Miller at Stratton.
MosE STERN was out from Chicago ,
fore part of the week , looking after his
property interests here.
H. W. COLE was one of the local
Masons who took in the gathering at
Denver , close of last week.
the Masonic gathering at Denver , close
of last and first of this week.
home , Sundaj' evening , from visiting
Indianola relatives and friends.
MRS. J. J. CURRAN and the children
are visiting in Republican City , going
down on 2 , Wednesday morning.
RECEIVER PIPER went down to Lin
coln , Wednesday night , to be gone the
rest of the week , visiting the family.
MRS. E. A. HALL , formerly of our
cit } ' , was married to George W. Francis
in Red Cloud , Thursday evening of last
week , August loth.
FRED BEARDSLEE spent Saturday
night in the city on his waj- home to
Indianola on a short visit from Denver ,
where be is now employed.
MRS. T. J. SMITH and Mrs. Jeaunette
McCarl , who have been visiting relatives
here for the past few weeks , departed
for Lincoln , Wednesday morning.
MRS. H. G. BORNEMAN , Miss Carrie
Frazier and Bessie were guests of Mrs.
Borneman's cousin , Mrs. C. F. Herring-
ton , at Arapahoe , part of last week.
W. F. LAWSON went up to Denver ,
Monday night , and returned home ,
Wednesday night , accompanied by the
family , who have been spending a few
weeks there.
O. G. VAHUE and sons will move into
the residence of Asst. Supt. Harris ou
north Main , soon. This will give them
one of the most comfortable and roomy
houses in this city.
parted , Monday morning on 2 , for Iowa ,
on a vacation. Mrs. Ketman will be
absent about a month , the reverend gen
tleman a lesser time.
A. D. STORRS , general superintendent ,
was out from Omaha , first of the week ,
getting matters in shape for the opening
of the local telephone exchange , which
commenced business on the
MRS. C. W. BENEDICT of Chicago ,
who is here on a visit to her parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Bishop , has been up
in Trenton , part of the week , visiting
her mother-in-law. Mrs. Benedict is
here for her health.
Miss ANNETTA BALL came up from
Lincoln , Monday night , and will visit
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Babcock for a couple
of weeks , after which she will return to
Lincoln , having resigned her position as
nurse and clerk in the hospital here.
MRS. Lo' . , M. BOUK , state organizer
of the Lady Maccabees of Nebraska , was
in the city , last Friday , and had a spec
ial meeting called of the local hive ,
which she gave instructions in the up-to-
date ritual of the order , going east on
the morning following.
W. O. NORVAL and Miss Lulu will de
part , next Saturday , for Illinois. He
will go as far as Chicago- and will visit
his mother while absent. Miss Lulu
will go to Peoria , where she has secured
a position as a trimmer in a wholesale
millinery establishment.
been entertaining her mother , Mrs. Bal-
lance , and his sister , Miss Tartsch , both
of Plattsmouth , this week. They came
up on last Saturday evening and togeth
er with Mrs. H. H. Tartsch went up to
Denver , Tuesday morning on No. i , to
attend the wedding of Mrs. Ballance's
niece and to enjoy a visit in the mount
Another Artist Decamps.
Last Friday night , David Norris , late
boss of the coal chute gang , lord high
everything of the klinker and sand piles ,
departed for the east , without making
his friends and they are quite numer
ous aware of his purpose. It is thought
he went on No. 6 , right after pay-day ,
it will be observed. Now , there is noth
ing of special importance about the de
parture of Mr. Norris , except the fact
that the city loses one of the most artist
ic liars who ever dodged a store bill ,
and the further fact that he succeeded
beyond the -usual in hoodwinking the
credit merchants of the city and others
with more money than discretion and
judgment. He retired , we state , on his
laurels , last Friday night. But he went ,
it is alleged ou good authority , pretty
well "heeled , " taking with him money
borrowed , goods galore purchased , leav
ing behind him sundry unpaid bills. It
is stated that two wheels'three suits of
clothes , and numerous other items are
among the things bought but not paid
for. One man is on his note for $30
and he is thankful it is not $60. The
wife and part of the family have been
east for some time on account of the
child having "rheumatism. " Part of
the household goods had been sent on
east all of which made it easier for him
to make his exit unostentatiously. Then
a light was left burning in the house all
night the night he left which was
thoughtful but misleading to the neigh
bors and men under him , who were
anxious for certain borrowed money al
leged to be due them from him. He was
going to buy sundry houses and property
in the city , when his cattle arrived from
Iowa they were being driven overland
to Hastings from which point they
would be brought here by cars. And
then he had money on hand besides.
Mr. Norris is said to be a pasttuaster in
his specialty , and he will be missed. It
is estimated that Mr. Norris' "winnings"
will approximate $500. So we state that
lie is an artist , and so much of our
artistic life will be lost temporarily.
Next !
One Reason Why.
The great business concerns of the
land sell for cash. They do no credit
business ; consequently have -no bad ac
counts and save expenses of book-keep
ing. And this fact will explain why it
is difficult for local merchants to com
pete with them. It also explains why
close and discriminating buyers purchase
of cash houses. They get more tor their
money and do not have to pay for the
bad accounts of the credit man. It is
clear that if local merchants expect to
meet the competition of the department
stores the cash dealers they will have
to sell for cash themselves. There ought
to be no such word as credit , retail cred
it , in the bright lexicon of business.
Closed for Repairs.
The Commercial house is closed for
repairs. Otto Ballew has turned the
house over to the owners , his lease hav
ing expired and henot being able to
make satisfactory arrangements for its
re-lease. J. E. Kelley has leased the
hotel , and will assume charge as soon as
the somewhat extensive repairs and im
provements contemplated are completed.
It is understood that Ed. Jordan , who
is an old and accomplished hotel man ,
will have charge of the same.
Happened Just the Same.
The regular weekly concert of the
Brigade band happened , last Saturday
night , notwithstanding the threatened
storm which did not materialize. It
deferred the pleasure somewhat and
continued the joy until a rather late
hour , that's all. But the splendid pro
gramme given in last week's TRIBUNE
was rendered in faultless style , just the
Historical Conundrums.
The Misses Mullen entertained the
of the "Awl-O" club
members - , Tuesday
evening of this week , in an altogether
happy manner. Historical conundrums
constituted the chief feature of the even
ing's entertainment. Refreshments were
served , and the affair was a fit compan
ion-piece to the other felicitous gather
ings of that famous club.
Telephone Service.
The exchange will run day and night ,
but only emergency and train service
calls will be attended to between 10:30
p. m. and 7 a. ni.
C. I. HALL , Manager.
Fine Pigs for Sale.
Thirty-five head of O. I. C. pigs , 10 to
12 weeks old , at reduced prices for thirty
days. Address , J. H. WARFIELD ,
Box 328 , McCook , Nebraska.
Don't Forget the Number
when you want a good article of meat.
It's 14. Nor the place to buy. That's
O. G. Vahue & Son's market.
The phunny man is getting in his
work on the phone , these nevr days.
. CATHOLIC Mass at S o'clock a. m
High mass and sermon at 10:30 : , a. m.
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HiCKEY , Pastor.
BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. ni ,
Preaching service at n ; subject , "Loy.
ally to the Master , " by Elder George
Scott. B. Y. P. U. at 7. Union service ;
in the Christian church at 8. Prayei
meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 p. m ,
T. L. KETMAN , Pastor.
CHRISTIAN Bible school at 10 a. ni.
Communion and social meeting at n ,
Union services at 8 o'clock , Rev. J. A.
Badcon of the Methodist church to de
liver the sermon. Prayer-meeting on
Wednesday evening.
T. P. BEALL , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at.11:00 :
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany.
Sunday evening at 8:00 : o'clock , Evening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 : a. in.
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 : o'clock.
Holy-communion the first Sunday in
each month.
METHODIST Sunday-school at
Preaching at-ii by Rev. C. A. Hale.
After the sermon the administration of
the Lord's Supper. All members of the
church are especially invited. Epworth
League at 7. Union service in the
Christian church at 8. Subject , "The
Unpardonable Sin. " Prayer and Bible
service on Wednesday evening at 8.
All are welcome.
JAS. A. BADCON , Pastor.
The Aid society of the Methodist
church will serve dinner and supper on
September iSth Ringling Bros. ' show
The public will observe that the union
services for coming Sunday evening will
be held in the Christian church , instead
of in the Congregational church , as an
nounced on last Sunday evening. This
change has been made necessary by the
fact that the Congregational church is
undergoing repairs , which make it im
possible to use the building at that date.
A Mild Protest.
McCook is far from being Puritanical
in the observance of Sunday , ( in some
respects it has a hard job of being legally
decent about the matter , in fact , ) but
there seems to be small excuse for allow
ing such an enterprise as the Wild West
show to run on Sunday , as was the case ,
last Sunday afternoon. True , the boys
do play ball , some merchants do more
than necessary business on that day ,
etc. . and there is a Parisian air about the
town as to Sunday observance , but it
seems to THE TRIBUNE that this was an
entirely unnecessary and inexcusable
disregard of the law and of the religious
and moral sentiment of this community ,
and on their behalf we protest against
the same. Let us be as decent in this
matter as we can.
Silhouette Social.
Notwithstanding the evening was not
propitious , the silhouette social , Monday
evening , by the Ladies' Guild at the res
idence of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Tartsch ,
was quite successful. After some little
difficulty the instrument was adjusted
and turned out very creditable silhou
ettes , which were a souice of much mer
riment. The literary-musical programme
was first class , each number being well
received and several of them warmly
encored. Miss Lillian Smith of Red
Cloud and Prof. Watt of Chicago were
among the out-of-town performers.
Both were thoroughly appreciated.
At Box Elder.
The fourth quarterly meeting and con
ference for the Box Elder charge will be
held on Sunday and Monday , the 20th
and 2ist. Quarterly meeting on Sunday
night , and quarterly conference on Mon
day morning at ten o'clock.
HELLO. NO. 14 !
Yes. O. G. Vahue & Son , of course.
Best meats of all kinds.
There is being displayed in one of
McConuell & Berry's windows what
seems a rare bargain in a teacher's bible.
They are showing an octavo size , flexible
leather covered bible with all notes and
references , such as has usually sold for
two to three dollars. Price on this lot
one dollar.
Drills will be in great demand , this
fall , and the manufacturers have already
shown their inability to fill orders. Per
sons expecting to buy drills should not
delay leaving orders.
Herman Kapke of McCook was here
the first of the week circulating a peti
tion for a saloon , but met with very poor
success and gave up the experiment and
returned home. Danbury News.
The Barnett Lumber Co. commenced
to unload lumber for its new yard at
Redwillow , Wednesday. Guy Curlee is
on the ground and in charge of the new
Campbell Bros. ' show was only fairly
well attended , Thursday.
Brakenmn D. P. Crowe has resigned
F. N. Engstrom was up from Holdrege ,
Sometimes it is easier to resign thac
to pay up.
D. F. Shaw made a flying trip to Tren
ton , Monday.
M. C. Wayson was a Benkelman visit
or , Wednesday.
Engineer George Starks was up from
Oxford , last Friday.
Operator C. M. MaLette was a Hast
ings visitor over Sunday.
Conductor John Morris was in Norca-
tur , Kansas , Wednesday.
Conductor J.T. Brady had the circus
special to Alma , last night.
Lay-offs are difficult to get , at this
time , ou the Western division.
C. V. Kerr went down to Hastings ,
Saturday , returning on Monday.
W. C. Sparks was up from Holdrege ,
Saturday , briefly visiting at headquar
C. J. Snell and wife arrived home ,
Tuesday noon , from their visit in Wis
F. S. Curry and wife made a short
visit to Benkelman relatives and friends ,
this week.
The number of engine and trainmen
on the sick-list at Alliance , last week ,
was a record breaker.
The sand house at Alliance was
aurned , last week. Thought to have
caught from the stove.
Brakeman W. A. Bryant was sum
moned to Edgar , this week , by the seri
ous illness of his child.
Conductor Frank Quigley of the Hast-
ings-Oberlin run has taken a 15-days lay
off. E. M. Cox is relieving him.
Operators MaLetle and Pate have
changed tricks : MaLette taking the
night trick and Pate the day , for a while.
The Cincinnati Enquirer special of ten
cars passed through here , Wednesday
morning , for Denver. It took a doubleheader -
header to pull them.
Chief Dispatcher J. F.Forbes has been
quite ill , this week , with a severe attack
of a seasonable trouble , which has con
fined him to the house and bed , part of
Conductors C. W. Bronson , C. E. Pope
and G. W. Willetts and Fireman Roy
Dixon swuiig around the circle with the
Masons at Denver and the mountains ,
latter part of last week.
Switchman W. J. Crawford was sum
moned up to Akron , this week , by the
serious illness of his wife. Brakeman
William Hegenberger went down to
Hastings to relieve him.
The Burlington does not encourage
"dead-beating" among its employes ,
whom it pays good wages and whom it
expects to pay the butcher , the baker ,
the candle-stick maker etc.
Fireman Roy Dixon , who has been
spending ten days in the mountains ,
taking in the sights and attending the
Masonic "doings , " returned to his run
from Wymore to Oxford , Tuesday morn
Engineer F. W. Bosworth and Fireman
Otis Shaffer brought their engine up
from Hastings , Saturday night , for re
pairs , remaining here until Monday
afternoon , when they returned home ,
"dead-head. "
Mamie , Nell and Jack Hedge of Oma
ha , who have been visiting their uncle
and aunt , Agent and Mrs. A. P. Thom
son , departed for their home , Thursday
morning. Matt Thomson accompanied
them and will visit in Omaha a week or
Engine 198 had her crown-sheet plug
melt out at Indianola , Tuesday letting
out the water in her boiler , and the fire
had to be pulled. No. 309 went down
and pulled in the dead engine and her
train. Conners and Boyer were in charge
of the big machine.
S. C. Heliker of the agent's night
force , has been suffering with a badly
poisoned hand. It is supposed the hand
was poisoned in handling hides. There
was a small sore on the hand , and the
indications of poisoning appeared shortly
after handling some hides which were
being shipped from this point.
Railroad men express the belief that
before very long all of the prominent
roads of the land will have adopted the
pension scheme recently taken up by the
Pennsylvania system and now being
worked out. Employees who have at
tained the age of seventy and all persons
on the pay rolls for thirty years are to
be benefitted. It will cost more than
$300,000 annually. Alliance Grip.
It is at the new drug store ,
The people gather in by the score
To buy their drug ! , paints and oils ,
And prescriptions , filled for sores and
So you should always find the door
And buy your drugs of D. W. Loar. .
Hammocks at McMillen's.
Business changes seem to go in com
A fine and soaking rain , Sunday. It's
"dead easy" now.
Wall paper , paints , oils and glass at
McMillen's drug store.
THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa
per you may want. Try it.
Call up 19 if you have any newspaper
or job printing business to do.
Repairing promptly and neatly done
at The Old Reliable shoe store.
A number of cases of typhoid fever
are reported in the city and vicinity.
Cash is "the stuff. " It's the best for
both seller and buyer. And it's business ,
: oo.
You can order the best coal in town if
you call up No. i on your phone. Ask
for S.-B.
Do not be deceived ; Bullards is the on-
y place where you can buy semi-bitutn-
notis coal.
Speaking of responsible grafts the
Western Distributing Co. occupies not a
rear seat , anyway.
The Athletic club and B. & M. foot
) all teams are both practicing already
or the fall games.
J. H. Ludwick lias rented and is now
occupying the store room recently va
cated by Mrs. Barger.
The McCook exchange of the Nebras-
ta Telephone Co. commenced business ,
Tuesday , the I5th. Hello !
Saturday is the day set apart for hold
ing the Populist convention and for buy
ing threshing coal of Bullard's. fl
The next regular meeting of the W.
C. T. U. will be held in the-South Mc
Cook church , Friday , August 25 , at 2:30
D. in.
When you are having fun with your
phone , call up No. i and ask Bullard's
to send ycu some of their semi-bitum-
nous coal.
FOUND A gold chain. Owner can \
lave the same by calling at this office ,
describing property satisfactorily and
Daying charges.
Yesterday was the day when they sold
red lemonade and popcorn. It was also
the da } ' when Bullard's sold lumber and
coal ; but then they do that every day.
Our book stock is arriving. We expect
to carry the largest line of miscellaneous
) ooks between Lincoln and Denver.
When the local publisher sees the
ucrati\fe home legal notices appearing
n outside papers , the question comes
unbidden : "Is it a consideration of pub-
icity or price or rake-off. "
THE TRIBUNE believes in giving even
lis satauic majesty his. dues , in render-
ng unto Caesar the things that are
Caesar's ; but how much credit is due one
who only does his duty , anyhow ?
Tuesday morning , Mrs. C. T. Brewer
assumed charge of the Garrard restaurant
recently purchased by her. Mr. Garrard
has not decided just what he will do , but
will likely engage in some business here.
Cards are out announcing the approaching
preaching wedding of Mr. E. E. Magee
and Miss Edna Meserve , both formerly
of our city , but now of Lincoln , where
the event will occur on next Wednesday ,
the 23d.
The local society of the W. C. T. U.
will weekly occupy space in THE TRIB
UNE. They will aim to bring about an
increasing measure of temperance by
educational means and measures , in this
S. M. Cochran & Co. wish to state
that on account of the scarcity of iron
it will next to impossible to secure all
the drills demanded for the fall trade ,
and all who expect to buy will be wise
to place orders early.
The remains of Mrs. Herrmann , wife
of Rev.M.Herrmann , German Methodist
minister of Culbertson , were brought
down on the Imperial branch train ,
Monday evening , and forwarded to Su
perior , on No. 6 , the same evening , for k. 41
The Vesta club cleared about forty
dollars at their ice cream and cake booth ,
last Saturday night , during the band
concert. The affair was given- for the
purpose of booming the finances of the
park improvement fund , and the ladies
realized very handsomely from their ef