MPMSriCSM--tv. : ' . , . . , . & - * * JyJ - > * * * * 4 .Aii fc * [ I ( I IF. . . . n "Ifs and ands TV& and .were pots pans , beggars might ride , " is an old saying. [ 3 Refers in a hopeless / sort of way to a i much wished for but unexpected era of. . . Cheap Tinware. That period has arrived. We are its intro ducers. The American tin and the skill of the * 'j ' American workmen has produced- high grade of household utensils which it is possible to sell at a very low price. For every use we have a neat article , cunningly adapted for its particu = lar work. Now is the time to get a full supply for the-kitchen. THE "BEE HIVE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. n n i : m & ooo Authorized Capital , $100,000. l Capital and Surplus , $6OOOO & ooo GEO. HOCKNELL , President. 3. M. FREES , V. Pres. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. E I. ASHTOH , Pros. T. . SleDOHAtD , Cash. CLIFFOBD HASS1T , Asst. Cash. BANK OF DANBURY DANBURY , NEB. A General Banking Business J3f Any business you may wish to transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE and careful atten will receive prompt tion. Subscriptions received , orders taken for advertisements and job-work. J. B. BALLARD , © DENTIST , ( i All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds ol Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smitli & Bellamy , assistants. McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , Dr. W. V. GAGE. , Nebraska. McCook - - - Office and Hospital over First National Bank at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. Office hours 1-efore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. given in appropriate cases J2 Massage Miss ANNKTIA BALL , McCook Surgical Hospital. advance."I C. M. DUNCAN , t V Physician and Surgeon ELECTKICIAN. All chronic diseases treated by electricity Lady attendant in office. . Egg-Office over the old Knipple store-room. 50 YEARS1 EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. J SWT 3 tl l % i g sa W ? sffib1iasg tptefal notice , without chanje , In tno Scientific ftmfKm. MUNN Branch Office. & Co.361Broad 625 F St , Washington. New D. York C. - THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnat Weekly Enquirer fori-5oayear , strictl ; in advance. "I have used Chamberlain's Cc Remedy in iny family for years am vays with good results , " says Mr.A hooper of El Rio , Cal. "For small Iren we find it especially effective. " ; ale by L.W.McConnell & Co.drugg P. D. BURGESS , I Plumber and ; Steam Fitte McCOOK , NEBR. Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Bra ; Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimming Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipi Windmills. Basementof the Meeke Phillips building. Agent fbfj - McCORMlGK HARVESTING MACHINE C ( Full Line of Repairs Always on hand. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAT McCooK. NEBRASKA. " "Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Ol Rear of First National bank. Tribune Clubbing : List. For convenience ot readers of THE ' UNE , we have made arrangements wi following newspapers and perodicals wh we can supply them in combination with TRIBUNE at the following very low pric < PUBLICATION. PRICF. 1 KJ Detroit Free Press Si oo Leslie's Weekly. 4 oo Prairie Farmer i oo Chicago Inter-Ocean i oo Cincinnati Enquirer. I oo New-York Tribune I oo Demorest's Magazine i oo Toledo Blade I oo Nebraska Farmer i co Iowa Homestead I oo Lincoln Journal 100 Campbell's Soil-Culture I oo New-York World I oo OmahaBee i oo Cosmopolitan Mag/ine I oo St. Louis Republic lee Kansas City Star 25 Nebraska Dairyman and Up- to-Date Farmer 5 ° Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo We are prepared to fill orders for any papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE , McCook , f Latest Fashion Fads. Lace tunics are worn with silk dress mid silk tunics with lace dresses. The newest wrap is H scarf-shaped fair , having a hood. Cloth { Towns in pale yellow or pri with U rose are trimmed elaborately insertions. Bluets , or bachelor's buttons , are more fashionable , this year , than viok Barege and light-weight poplins are ing much used for summer wool gow Poke bonnets of black tulle are tri med with clusters of Japanese red re * A new open-work cunvus is of s and linen. Fringes are much in vogue to trim I new shawl-shaped draperies. Tailor gowns of silk are a sumtn time novelty. From "Fashion Note in Demorest's M'ngazine for August. What among human ills are more i noying than piles ? The afflictions tl prevent active exercises are had enou | but one that makes even rest misera is worse. Women are among its gr est martyrs. Tabler's Buckeye I Ointment will cure the most obstin cases Price , 50 cts. in bottle , tubes 7 at L W. McConnell & Co.'s. Exposition an Assured Succes ! The Greater Ameiica Exposition successful operation in Omaha , is m ing a good record in spite of the d cnlties it has had to overcome. Ev available foot of space for exhibits been taken and most of them are stalled The Cuban and Hawaiian lages are ready for inspection. " . Filipinos will be here next week. Pai fireworks , the Indian congress , the \ exhibit and scores of other special f < ures can be seen daily. The night sc on the lagoon surpasses in brilli beauty anything ever seen of its ki The Midway is good , but the big si is in the main tent. 25c for the Campaign. The Twice-a-Week State Journalpr ed every Tuesday and Friday , will bes postpaid with all of the news of the we rom now until after election for only : : t is worth that much to read about ? ighting First regiment's return , burnal , printed at the state capital he leading Nebraska paper and mighty cheap at a quarter. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid hea indomitable will and tremendous ene are not found where stomach , liver 1 neys and bowels are out of order. If want these qualities and the success t jring , use Dr. King's New Life P They develop every power of brain aody. Only 250 at McConnell & Berr SOUTH SIDE. Plenty of picnics at present. Rain is needed very urgently. The grasshoppers have begun on the c W. S. Fitch is putting up the second crc alfalfa. Gerald Wilcox has started hib thres machine. Linford Fitch is helping B. C. Bowi this week. Chintz bugs are plentiful in some part ; his vicinity. J. E. Ludwick was a South Side vis first of the week. Three new members have been taken the South Side Endeavor Union lately. John Randall's team ran away with mowing machine , Tuesday , and did cons able damage" It being time to elect new officers at Endeavor , Sunday evening , there was a ] turnout and the election % \ ent off quietly. IMPREGNABLE PARIS. The City Could Easily Now "Wlthst Any Siege. 'I he French have been taught ' dom by past experience , and as a suit have planned , and a few years finished , a system of fortificat around Paris , which are probably equaled for the purposes for which 1 are intended by any similar forti ; tions in the world. A well-infor : military writer , a member of the i eral staff of the German army , given it as his opinion that a succes siege of Paris would he , under pre conditions , an impossible underlain says a writer in Pearson's. The fortifications that surround the Frc capital are some fifteen or twenty n from the city , and are connected < Paris , and with each other , by a : way system which would enable French commander to quickly mas one point a very large body of i while the general of the besiei army , if he wished to prevent the from obtaining supplies , and thus : in the people and the army that defending it , would have to occui line extending over 100 miles , hence could not , by any possibility , lect a large number of his force at one pohit to resist , with even a sha of hope , an attack of the enemy , required a German army of , appr mately , 500,000 men to lay siege Paris from Sept. 19 , 1870 , to Jan. 1871 ; but the authority we refer to the opinion that to repeat the s operation a German besieging a would have to number more i 2,000,000 men , and the work of m taininr such a force and properly h : ling its parts would be somet ] which few governments would car undertake and few military comnr ers would he able to efficiently perfi The French have spent upon these fortifications an amount variously mated at from 6,000,000 to 10i 000 , and hence can well afford to the land occupied by some of the obsolete fortifications of a genera ago. One Ponnd of Honey. It is estimated that to collect pound of honey from clover 62,00 ( heads of clover must be deprivei nectar , and 3,750,000 visits from must be made. DANBURY. Corn west of town is in need of raw. Ed. Ruby and wife leftStimlayf > ra week's risk among friends in Dimdy county via-over- and. D.mltiry is booming , thib week. New side- valks are beinu put in across Main street , vhicli have long been needed. Central Granaries- company is giving the ilevators a new coat of paint , tin * week. J. 'Icathcoat ' and Mose Young are doing the vork. It is reported that the grasshoppers are be- : oming very numerous , west of to\\n , and are lamaging tlie corn very much ; they seem to lave left the hail district and gone west for jreener fields. T. J. and Ed. Van Pelt and wives left , M on lay , overland , for the Rockies on a month's /isit among relatives near Fort Collins , Colo. Mrs. A. C. Furman also left , Monday , for ; hat place via McCook on the train. The people south and east of town had a jood rain , last Saturday evening , and also liad some hail enough to cut up the corn considerably ; this makes the fourth time that they have had hail in this district , tins sum mer , but it has been light and has not done EO very much damage. Sunday , August 6th , is the day set for the dedication of the Congregational church here. Rev. W. J. Turner , the eloquent pastor of the McCook Congregational church , Mill preach the dedicatory sermon. Delegates Irom the several Congregational churches of the coun ty are expected and the event will be a notable one in the history of the denomination. BOX ELDER. Corn looks fine along the Willow. Dick Brewer has just finished stacking ry < . The girls will not have to walk in future as Dewitt Wildman has a brand new carnage. Mrs. Dick Brewer will leave , the last of the week , for Wisconsin , to spend the rest of the summer. Tom Ruggles and 1 afe Mil er are heading wheat for Messrs. Oakley and Dague , north of the store , this week. Dave Little has gone to the new town at the mouth of the Willow to lay the founda tion of an elevator at that place. William Walters has gone just oxer the line in Frontier county to harvest his wheat , lie has a fine crop of wheat there , he says. We understand Miss Hannah Barnes is about to purchase the entire stock of millin ery goods of Mrs. M. E. Barger of McCook. Success to her. John Johnson and Anna R. Irwm were mar ried at the M. E. parsonage in McCook , last Wednesday evening , by Rev. J. A. Badcon. The young people need no introduction to the people of Box Elder. Mr. Johnson has re sided in this vicinity for years , and Miss Irvin has taught several terms successfully in this neighborhood. They Mill be at home , to their many friends , one mile south of William Johnson's. We extend our heartiest congrat ulations to the happy couple. TYRONE. Many are up to their ears in wheat harvest. Rev. Robertson filled his appointment here , Sunday. District 26 desires an experienced chool teacher. Florence Moore is visiting friends here dur ing the summer vacation. Pete has bought a binderJoe a new mower , and Frank an all-steel hayrake. Those who contemplated buying a steam threshing outfit seem to have subsided. Word comes from G. W. Kimpton's , in Belle ville , Arkansas , that they got through safely and like their new location. Volcanic Eruptions are Grand , But skin eruptions rob life of joy. Buck- len's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old , running and fever sores , ulcers , boils , felons , corns , warts , cuts , bruises , burns , scalds , chapped hands , chilblains. Best pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 250 a box. Cure guaran teed. Sold by McConnell & Berry. TES FIRST BABY. Its Coming is Looked Porward to With. Both Joy and Fear and its Safe Arrival is Hailed With Pride and Delight by All. The arrivcl of the first baby in the household is the happiest and most im portant event 01 married life. The young wife who is to become a mother delights to think of the happiness in store for her when the little one shall nestle upon her breast and latterly she shall hear ic lisp " the sweet and holy name , "mother. Buther happy anticipation quickly van ishes when she realizes the terrible pain and suffering through which she must while bringing the little one into the pass world. An indescribable f eur of the danger attendant upon the ordttJ. soon dissipates her joyf ulness. Thousands of women have learned by experience that there is absolutely which attend no necessity for the sufferings tend child-birth ; they know thut by the use of "Mother's Friend" a scien tific liniment for a few \veeks before hour expectant mothers car the trying , themselves for the final so hour prepare that the pain and suffering of the entirely obviated and dreaded event are with comparatively passed through it is safely paratively little discomfort. and especially interested , All -women are pecially expectant mothers who for the first time have to undergo this trial , ir such-a remedy ; for they know the pair of thedan- to nothing and suffering , say cer. which is in store for them. "Moth er's Friend" is woman's greatest bles sing , for it takes her safely through the severest ordeal of her life. Every womar should be glad to read the little booh "Before Baby is Born , " which contains information of great value to all. Ii \vill be sent free to any one who sends Bradfield Eegu- their address to The later Co. , Atlanta , Ga. ' N ffl& CLEARING 1 SAJLE > , of Summer Goods now on. Prices marked down. Cotton Wash Dress Goods , Dimities , Organdies , Ginghams , Cotton Coverts etc. , etc. , also Ladies' Shirt Waists at greatly re- 1 .1 duced prices. Linen Suits . . . for Ladies , Men and Boys. Just what you want for hot Its weather. Prices are very reasonable. Shoes New , Up = * to-Date Goods. Call and see our line. We are of fering exceptionally good val ues. Closing out odd lots worth at regular price from $1.50 to $3.00 at BRING US YOUR GROCERY ORDERS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. argat C7. L. DeGROFF & C70. - ajp ! - ? i f ' ' V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERF , CASHIER. * § CITIZENS BANK ! OF MeCOOK , NEB. Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , § 5.000 1 DIRECTORS = f. FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. V/ILLARD. WHITE'S CREAM i Efti IFUGE ! . in Quality. Erst Most in Quantity. - - - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - r " ir * W W W * W * rf w 'or 20 Years Has Led ail Werm Remedies. S03JZ3 332uXiZj ZOItTTCS-GrlSTS. bj- < * * K JAMES F. BALLARD , St. Lo is\s s\s * > ssirisss s At L. W. McOONXELL & CO.'S. cut this ad out and send to us and li yen live East of the Kocky Mountain n we wiii . send thia HIGH-GRADE TOP BUCCY t- C. O. D. subject to examination , you can examine It at jour freight Ofpot audit j n tin.'jt br f reieht ANY Z100.00 TOP BlbbT jou ever saw. perfectly satisfactory and the biUSDLST BUH-ilN lot II iTK tL it SEES TO OR HEARD OF , QUR SPECIAL OFFER PRICE $55.00 One f d Dollar * re'sht sent chareea -with , order. ief3 tn the railroad agent BUILT IN OUR OWN FACTORY IN CHICAGO , 6.5O on honor from the best material money can buy. V. j ne m TO our Free Buggy Catalogue we show , Top Bu ? pies made . . - other makers at S2I.5O , 528.75 and S34.75 the esart ) O.OO vame bussry that are sold by machinery dealers , at ft 00 u > IGGIES 873.00 and are belnir widely advertised by many at J i 00 toSto.OO. OUR ACME QUEEN AT SS5.OO is the moat &ND wonderful value ever offered , THK tun EST PKilE > .i : < JtOTtl ) O.N THE BLST III ( , GY THAT tABE IILILT.'e maintain iREYS. ourownflve story buggy factory for the sol * purpo-e of building and ellns ; a BETTER I'.IUJY THIN WE CIV BtY FLSMTIIFKB an * to SAVE Ol'K tlSTOJJLRb jmciACTlUEK'S PROFIT. Every Buggy We Make Is Guaranteed Five Years and They Will out wear Frve Ordinary Factory Riga. THE MATERIAL AND LABOR IK OUR ACME QUtEH cost more than doable that in the ordinary factory buR y. We use a CS.SO cushion cloth , tome u e 90 cent , we useatl.lO head lining , some use 10 cent , we Hie3 e t leather , some use 9 cent. we use i3 .M > colors and varnishes. ome ui e 75 cent and tl.OO WE PAY ALMOST DOUBLE the price most makers * tor ttheth , AilM. hpriurs Da h and SoeleU. P ? . . , - . .r-r-.t . / Mir. nurti uintrc- . . ACME QUEEN. ( OUR OWN MAKE. ) b n. * HK WIST THE BEST. Oar wheels.geirand lesareVTalerKubbfJ and the Material and Labor in Painting OUR ACME QUEEN , " ' < palnlthr * * cheap I COVERS COST of material and labor , leaving us thesmale ! t proflllraa ? SS5.00 BARELY and to advertise our bugey factory we are nilllnur to SELL THEM ON buggies a day we are buildinfj7O will us , advertise us everywhere . - 7O buggies satisfy K > PBOFlT EAUt. We know * 7O.OO daily -profit on BUSINESS IN THE WORLD. build up the I ARGEST BUGGY \vebuildin narrow or wide track , cloth or leather trimmed , end spring , bu3 l THE ACME QUEENvebuildin back , springs In back , leather weird llo a and Nut * . Kobbcr blepi , Teltet l rp l , , solid panel her quarter top In 1C cotu , body black , Reardark green witlt inches. No. 1 Sarven's patent sere wed nm wheels pafntrd t ' v , Stxol , and anti-ratter ! with shafts , eide and back curtains boot storm apron - complete delicate modest striping , . IVtK.llS 40O POLSD3 and thf . BIGOT freight than . 21.TS eitrm. of shafts Pole , NfcVjoU and IThlfflrtnnin place . * J.2i SOU mllrt. * J.CO ; 1OOO nllti. (6.0O. irnrefarSOO mllfi. * 2.00 ; 2UO rnilr * , * i.:3 : 40O mlln , * ; 1 ! K ath Ton and witl1 y ° 3r order , WE GCAUAYTEE tb Eayzj to SaTtlj OtlHlUy CClUn OMtT Jl'ICi U\Jl-l nrtl I fT\ AO K satisfactory , pay the railroad acent balani . cst.ou u > a nothing and the agent will return buggy at our expense and we will return your 81 CO. , otherwise par httharrn Dealers oMalnKHt exi-lu'lvely by allMachlnery FACTORY BUGGY now DOITT BUY A CHEAP BUILD direct from the llaker MONEY CAN , . BUY THE BEST BUCCY Hou es. Catalocne h LOWEST PRICE EVER KNOWN. OKDERTO DAY. DON T DELAY WRITE FOR OUR FREE BUCCY , CARRIAGE AND HARNESS CATALOGUE. JS , ROEBUCK & CO. ( Inc. ) , CHICAGO , ILL.