The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 21, 1899, Image 1

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Mrs. J.C.Allen Kills Herself.
A dispatch from Moiitnouth , Illinois ,
appearing under date of July i6th , brings
ttliK sad news of the death of Mrs. J.
C. Allen , wife of our former townsman ,
by her own hand , lust Sunday afternoon.
The unfortunate woman is believed to
Siave been mentally unbalanced. Death
was caused by inhaling illuminating gas.
After leaving Nebraska , Mr. Allen became -
-came one of the leading and most prom-
rlnenl dry goods meichnnts of Mon-
unoutli. He will have the sympathy of
.his many friends in Nebraska in the sad
tragedy that has overwhelmed his home
in Illinois.
For some time past the health and
cniud of Mrs. Allen have been such that
constant attendance was required. Yes
terday morning her husband drove to
Burlington. Later Mrs. Allen persuaded
iher attendant to go to church.
Upon her return the doors were locked
; and a strong odor of gas pervaded the
premises. Breaking open the door
Tthe body was found locked in a room
where were four open gas jets. Investi
gation showed that every gas jet in the
liouse had been turned on lull force.
"Her Fifth Anniversary.
rLast Monday was the fifth anniversary
of little Celestine Kendleu's birth , and
the occasion was made one of merriment
-and joy. About thirty of the little miss's
youthful friends and neighbors were in
vited in to celebrate the event , and a
right royal good time was enjoyed by
them one and all. Refreshments were
served , games played and a number of
Chappy hours had. Several of the moth
ers and older sisters attended to promote
U.he pleasure of the guests.
The Men are Winners.
The men of the Congregational church
achieved a "winning" in their ice cream
social , last evening. They drew a quite
liberal patronage. There was a short
program. The social feature was a bap-
spy element of the evening. The Junior
Endeavorers gathered in not a few uick-
els at their lemonade and flower stands.
The "lords of creation" of that church
-are ste.pping pretty high , this morning.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
"by the McCook postoffice on July i6th :
3trs. Mary Baraer , Henry Ballew ,
Geo. F. Nogel , \V. D. Long ,
'Mrs. Em. Lee , M. L. Matson ,
R. C. McCord , Mary Welds ,
Altss Grace Johnston.
In calling for any of these letters , please
.vjiv that they are advertised.
.F. M. KlMMELL , Postmaster.
1 McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .3 °
Wheat 48
Oats 25
iSye 37
Barley . . . 3 °
IHogs 3.60
Eggs .10
Butter. . . .14
Potatoes. .80
Xn Wednesday of this week , Nicholas
Snyder and Minnie Jackson , two of our
excellent young people , were united in
oiarriage by Rev. T. L. Ketman of the
iBaptist church. THE TRIBUNE adds its
congratulations to those of their many
wellwishingfriends. .
Virile engaged in removing the piping
fcVoui a well , last Friday morning , Ed
win O. Moore , who lives up in Hayes
county , a few miles northwest of Hayes
Center , was precipitated into the well
by the piping falling and breaking the
platform upon which he was standing.
The unfortunate man fell 256 feet and
vivas instantly killed.
Tn a comparative sense there is an un-
jusual amount of gold coin in local circu
lation just now a fact which is noted
elsewhere as well. Indeed the banks
are experiencing some inconvenience in
securing enough paper money to accom
modate the demands of their customers.
If you don't wanj : to recover a lost arti
cle , don't bring your advertisement to
this paper. A citizen left an advertise
ment of that kind in our counting room ,
Wednesday afternoon , and the follow
ing morning the article was promptly
Teported found , at this offica.
Thursday , we could have shown you
$ wo things out of the ordinary : One
was thermometer showing 148 degrees
above zero , the other a screen door with
Hinges complete for $1.00. You can get
the doors yet at Bullard's.
We have placed in our store cosy tete-
ai-tete tables and easy chairs and hope
the ladies will make our room a resting
place when down town. Come in and
ateet your friends there.
McConnell & Berry.
3uitue lasts long ,
Lath lasts longer ,
Dumber lasts longest.
Loads of long lasting lumber , lime
Satb , etc. , at Bullard's.
Ladies will find McConnell & Berry's a
delightful resting place these hot days.
Coolest room in town. Tete-a-tete tables ,
easy chairs , delicious soda. Try it.
Say , speaking of dreams the Elwood
fen.ce is no dream but the only real thing
lit the way of woven wire fences. See
Bullard about it.
Or. W. I. Seymour of Omaha will stop
to McCook , August Sth. Do not miss
seeiag him if you are having any trouble
wttli your eyes.
Try-one bottle of our celebrated Hines
pickle goods and you will use no other.
UNE office. Best in the market.
Hammocks at McMillen's.
A.W.UTTER is in Longlsland.Kansas ,
building a house.
MRS. F. M. WASHUURN is visiting in
Giltner , Nebraska.
MRS. C.K. COLEMAN was in Holdrege ,
Tuesday , between trains.
J. W. LUNDY and wife and O. St. John
have returned to Chicago.
P. A. WKLLS was up from Red Cloud ,
part of the week , on business.
RBV. T. H. THURBER is here at the
bedside of his sister , Mrs. McCarthy.
CIIARI.ES PFRIMMER of Palisade had
business in the city , Tuesday evening.
Miss LENA KIDDER was up from Ox
ford , last Saturday , on a short visit to
A. A. BATES contemplates going to
Centralia , Washington , to live and fol
low his occupation.
DR. THOMAS was down from Trenton ,
Monday evening , between trains , on
matters of business.
rived home from their visit to Plaits-
mouth , Sunday night.
Miss MAUD CORDEAL left for Denver ,
Monday night , to spend a while camp
ing up in the mountains.
MoSE STERN of Chicago was in the
city , Thursday , of this week , looking
after his investments here.
W. C. BOLLARD was out from Omaha ,
Sunday , looking after his lumber and
other interests up the valley.
Miss FLO THOMPSON was down from
Denver over Sunday visiting her many
McCook friends and admirers.
MRS. G. E. HYMER is here from Ra
venna at the bedside of her mother ,
Mrs. McCarthy , who is very ill.
Miss EDNA MESERVE came up from
Lincoln , Sunday night on 3 , and is
spending the week with her sister.
CHARLES CUSTER is now employed
in Walker's barber shop. John Lytle of
Minden succeeds him at Augustine's.
taining her niece , Freda Fowler of Den
ver , who arrived in the city , Tuesday
evening ,
G. B. BERRY returned , Wednesday
noon , from his trip to Chicago , Virginia
and other Illinois points , to settle down
in business here.
D. M. TOMBLIN , formerly of the First
National bank of Arapahoe , but oMate
years in California , was a city visitor ,
part of the week.
and Mrs. R. May were down ftvtn Hayes
Center over Sunday , guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Stokes.
H. W. COLE returned , Saturday night ,
from a vis-it to Topeka and other points
south and southwest in the interest of
the Star of Jupiter.
R. Q. STEWART , deputy internal reve
nue collector , arrived in the city , Tues
day evening on business , going west on
No. i , Wednesday.
MR. AND MRS. McCoNNELL , parents
of L. W. , arrived in the city , Wednes
day noon , from Virginia , Illinois , and
are making their son a visit.
DEACON WOOD , father-in-law of Mrs.
Vina Wood , arrived from Missoula , Mon
tana , last Saturday night , via Billings ,
and may decide to make his home here.
MRS. GEORGE ELBERT and family ,
who have been spending a week or two
with Mrs. J. H. Bennett on the ranch
near Max.returned home on Wednesday.
Tuesday morning , for Davenport , this
state , on a visit to their aunts. Master
Guy returned to Denver , Monday night.
H. H. TARTSCH , manager for Frank J.
Morgan , went down to Plattsmouth ,
Omaha , and other eastern Nebraska
points , Wednesday evening , on busi
Miss LOUISE SMITH and Miss May
Baird , who have been guests of Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Smith for a week or two , re
turned to their home in Plattsmouth ,
Tuesday night on 6.
ings , with their two children , and Mrs.
A. Stevens of Lincoln are visiling Con
ductor and Mrs. Frank Kendlen , and
will remain a week or two.
Louis THORGRIMSON and Roy Smith
departed , this noon , for Colorado , to be
gone the rest of the week and all of next.
They will visit various parts of the state
and can't miss enjoying a good time.
R. A. GREEN and I. M. Smith repre
sented the Populistic side of the question
at the conference in Indianola , last Sat
urday , while P. Walsh , A. J. Clute and
Marion Plumuier held up the Demo
cratic end. Both sides won.
MRS. A. L. KNOWLAND was stricken
with an attack of paralysis , yesterday ,
and her condition has been a source of
painful solicitude to her many friends
and neighbors. As we go to press , this
afternoon , we learn that her condition is
very much improved.
S.A.GOHEEN departed overland , Mon
day morning , for Doniphan , Hall county ,
where he expects to make his home in
the future. Mrs. Goheen and the baby
will leave for the new home , Sunday
morning on the train. We wish them
success and contentment.
DR. J. B. GREEN of Philadelphia is
visiting in the city , guest of his niece ,
Mrs H. H. Troth. The doctor is swing
ing around the circle seeing the sights.
He will go on to California from here
and after lookieg over that and the sur
rounding wonderland , will return east
ward over a northern route.
The Episcopal parsonage is undergoing
repairs and improvements which will add
greatly to its comfort and convenience.
A kitchen addition is being built and a
porch on the west front. All of which
will be appreciated by Rev. Stoy and
Sam Moore still looks pleasant while
he waits on the tide of customers at
Everist , Marsh & Co.'s.
Every Saturday Evening.
Thanks to the efforts of L. W. McCon
nell and H. H. Tartsch made on Tues
day of this week , the Brigade band will
give concerts on Main street every Sat
urday evening for the ensuing three
months. These gentlemen , by private
subscriptions secured among the busi
ness men , in addition to the balance left
over from the Fourth of July celebration ,
$20.30 , have raised enough to have the
splendid treats provided by the band
given every Saturday evening instead of
every other Saturday evening , for which
provision was recently made by the city
council. This action will be keenly ap
preciated by the public.
In this connection , Director Sutton
wishes to say that any one having a re
quest for a certain selection should make
the same in writing and hand to him or
some member of the band not later than
Tuesday , and an effort will be made to
produce the same if it is in their reper
The "Awl-Os" Oh !
The "Awl-Os" were cleverly enter
tained by Miss Nellie Guun , Tuesday-
evening. Guessing matches were the
unique source of entertainment : A dozen
little bottles were filled with different
liquids and the guests were asked to
guess the names of them. Miss Myrtle
Meyer took the prize a number of
pretty vials filled with different colored
liquids Miss Edna Meserve received
the prize for writing the best original
advertisement a bit of rhyme. Re
freshments were served. Though not
so largely attended as some meetings of
the club , the affair was a happy one.
Can't Stand the Pressure.
There is something simply irresistible
about the mellow , alluring light ofthe
electric lighting system of our city. In
his perambulations over the city , nights ,
the average swain finds it utterly impos
sible to pass an incandescent light in the
shaded residence portion of the munici
pality without giving his best girl a
warm embrace or a resounding suiack.
It is plain to be seen that the kissing
bug of the orient will receive scant cour
tesy and encouragement here.
Isn't it about time that you purchased
that hammock you have promised your
self so long ? See MCCONNELL& BERRY
about it.
Remember the date of Dr. Seymour's
visit if you wish to be sure of seeing
him. At the Commercial hotel , August
Follow the crowd and get all kinds of
meats of the best quality at Everist ,
Marsh & Co.'s.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ritchie arrived
home , last Saturday evening , from their
visit in the east.
Dispatcher and Mrs. W. B. Mills will
leave , today , for Denver and the moun
tains , to be gone about a week.
Bert Mowbray , brother of Mrs. C. E.
Pope , writes from SauFrancisco of his
arrival there on the I4th , and that he
will return home as soon as they are
mustered out. Bert has been in the ser
vice in the Philippines.
Two parties of Burlington surveyors
are now at work in Wyoming. One has
started at Granger , and will survey the
line west from there to Salt Lake , while
another party has begun work at Elk
mountain. The surveyors are equipped
for a long stay in the field.
A fast train that will leave all other
fast trains far behind is to have a trial
trip on the New York Central soon , and
if the estimates of its possible speed are
justified , it will be a record breaker
nearly twice over. The train will be
constructed in accordance with the ideas
of Frederick U.Adams , its inventor , and
is expected to make 120 miles an hour
as easily as fast trains now run sixty
miles an hour. The principal difference
in the main construction of the train
from that of the ordinary train is that it
is built to minimize the resistance of the
air built like a yacht. It is constructed
so as to cut the air like a knife.
Superintendent Harris cf Denver and
Roadmaster Fredericks of Akron were
up the line , Monday , looking the boys
D. D. McAlpine , agent at Lyons , who
has been very sick for some time past ,
is improving slowly and growing much
The Sunday excursions to Meadow
Park at Lyons are the popular thing
with the people. A full train load up
every Sunday , and occasionally two
trains are needed to accommodate the
The Burlington is hauling daily train
loads of rock from the best quarries in
Lyons and vicinity. It is estimated that
there are now about 600 men at work in
the quarries at Lyons and Noland. The
stone is of the finest quality.
The travel on the Lyons branch for
Estes park and other mountain resorts
is opening up very brisk. A great many
have already quit the hot and dusty city
and gone to the mountains with their
families for a few weeks' outing , and the
number increases every day.
"Doc" Holliday wears a broad grin ,
these days , as his engine , the Si , has
been returned to him from the shops.
She is bran new and the tender has been
rebuilt , now reaching to the top of the
cab. It holds about 3,000 gallons of
water and "Doc" says they only fill it
twice a week.
J. W. Williams , agent at Longmont ,
and party consisting of wife and several
friends from Kirkwood , Illinois , were
sojourning in Estes park , the past week ,
returning- Monday morning. All report
a fine time and fishing fairly good con
sidering the rainy weather. Joe suc
ceeded in landing thirty nice trout , but
says mosquito bites are more plentiful.
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. ni. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HlCKEY , Pastor.
CHRISTIAN Bible school at 10 a. ui.
Communion at n. Union services , ser
mon by Rev. Turner of the Congrega
tional church , at S p. m. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 8 p. m.
T.P.BEALL , Pastor.
BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching service at n ; subject , "Our
Homes. " B. Y. P. U. at 7. Union ser
vices at Christian church at 8. Prayer
and covenant meeting , Wednesday even
ing at S. T. L. KETMAN , Pastor.
METHODIST Sunday-school at
Preaching at n. Subject , "Lesson of
the Bow. " Union services at 8 in the
Christian church. Prayer and Bible
study on Wednesday evening at 8. All
are welcome.
JAS. A. BADCON , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00 :
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany.
Sunday evening at 8:00 : o'clock , Evening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 : a. m.
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 : o'clock.
Holy communion the first Sunday in
each month.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
10. Preaching at n. Senior Endeavor
at 7. Preaching at 8. Prayer-meeting
on Wednesday evening at 8. All are
welcome. Morning subject , "The Apes
tle's Challenge to Our Humanity. " Un
ion service in the Christian church in
the evening. Sermon by Congregational
pastor. Subject , "The Bulwarks of
Mount Ziou. " W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
The next meeting of the W. C. T. U.
will be held at the home of Mrs. C. H.
Boyle on Wednesday , July 26th , at 2:30 :
p. m.
Lecture on Yellowstone National park
with forty fine stereopticon views on
Thursday , evening , July 27th , in the M.
E. church at 8 o'clock. Tickets , 10 and
15 cents , on sale by the Junior League.
The union services in the Methodist
church , last Sunday evening , crowded
the church. The sermon by Rev. T. P.
Beall of the Christian church was elevat
ing and instructive , the music inspiring ,
and the service altogether profitable.
The Epworth League scored a most
satisfactory success in their social in the
court house , last Friday evening , not
withstanding the rain and storm. They
enjoyed a liberal patronage and a genu
ine good time which leaves nothing to
be desired in the line of a social.
Since our last report the following
cases have been filed in district court :
In the matter of the estate of William
H. Moore , deceased. Petition for license
to sell.
Charles E. MaLette vs.NellieMaLette.
License to wed was issued , Wednesday ,
to Nicholas Snyder and Minnie Jackson ,
Degree of Honor Doings.
The last regular meeting of the Degree
of Honor was a very interesting one.
There was one initiation and the audit
ing committee reported the lodge in a
better financial condition than it had a
ever been before.
After the regular order of business the
entertainment committee served delight
ful refreshments in a very acceptable
manner , showing they were the right
people in the right place. Several lodge
brothers-in-law came in to enjoy the so
cial hour. Nest regular meeting , July o
25th , 8 p. m. n
Lawn Social.
The ladies of the Christian church will
give a lawn social at the residence of U
Mrs. R. T. Eller on-Thursday evening ,
July 27th. Ice cream and cake , 10 cents.
All are welcome.
It has been decided by the courts that
if a bicycle rider falls or sustains any in
jury on account of a dog barking or
snapping at him , the owner of the ani "
mal is responsible for damages. In a
recent case a cyclist obtained $500 dam
ages by reason of being thrown from a
wheel on account of a vicious dog at
tacking him. in
It may not be generally known that
persons , who from carelessness or any
other cause , take mail that belongs to
another from the postoffice and fail to
return the same , are liable to a fine of
$500 or one year's imprisonment. This
applies to newspapers thus taken from a
postoffice as well as other mail matter.
The work on the telephone system is . ,
far enough advanced that the force is .
now connecting the line with the several ,
offices and residences of the city whose in
owners are subscribers to the company's
service. Before long the instruments f
will be duly installed.
in ]
"The fact , " says Bishop Cole of the m
Culbertson Era , "that Colonel Comfort tlK :
of the McCook Mitchell is not taken K
seriously down there is really a credit to
McCook people. di
Engineer J.V.O'Connell is addinglarge IW
and comfortable porches around his en IWk
larged residence. His home has few bi :
equals in the city for comuiodiousness
and comfort. . : ,
Bert Whittaker of the store-house force irj
returned , Monday morning , from a brief h :
visit in Colorado.
Mrs. A. Spuhler is the guest of D. A. si
Lucas and wife. siP1
HOUSE FOR RENT Inquire of W. O.
Norval. " jjjoi
Buy acme cement at Bullard's. jf
Brakeuian W. S.Touilinsou visited his
father at Oxford , Sunday.
Conductor and Mrs. O.R. Amick were
Hastings visitors , Tuesday.
Engineer Barney Lewis had business
in Oxford , close of last week.
Conductor J. W. Line and wife de
parted , Sunday , for Swanton , Vermont.
Walter Clark entered the company's
employ , Monday , as a helper in the
Engineer and Mrs. Hugh Brown vis
ited Fireman Koebel in Oxford , Tuesday
of this week.
Brakeman T. A. Nash is flagman on
the Oxford-Denver run vice Brake-man
F. B. Barney.
T. A. Foley has the new passenger run
up to Wray and back. F. B. Barney is
his brakeuiau.
Brakeman Robert Sayers has entered
the freight service , and W. H. Stalks has
his run on passenger.
Brakeman C. J. Snell and family de
parted , Tuesday , for Prairie du Chien ,
Wisconsin , on a visit.
Matt Lawritson and family visited his
brother , Agent Lawritson , in Indianola ,
Sunday , between trains.
The company has a force of men and
teams at Redwillow grading for the
switch at that lately laid out town.
J. B. Culbertson departs , this week , for
Chariton , Iowa , on a visit home of a week
or two. Operator MaLette will relieve
; ii in.
Brakeman J. R. VanHorn is in the
: raiu service out of McCook. He has
been switching at Red Cloud for a num
ber of 3'ears.
Brakeman C. E. Throne has resigned
froni the service and will engage in busi
ness in our city. Albert O'Neil has also
resigned from the service.
It is now stated that work will begin
on the proposed addition to the McCook
repair shops in about two weeks. The
dimensions of the proposed building are
So x 150 feet.
Fireman Ford of engine No. 80 has
taken a thirty-day lay-off for a visit with
his parents in Vermont. Clarence Denton -
ton will fill the vacancy during his ab
sence. Oxford Standard.
The Baldwin Locomotive works have
received an order for thirteen consolida
tion engines for use on the state railways
of Finland. These locomotives are to be
ready for delivery by January i , 1900.
Albert Thorgrinison , who runs the
Western Union's "ice wagon , " went up
to Denver , Saturday night , on a , short
visit , returning home on Wednesday.
Arthur Golfer delivered telegrams meau-
A number of the B. & M. officials from
McCook were looking over Oxford , the
latter part of this week. Among them
were noticed Trainmaster KenyonRoad-
master Rogers , Bridge Superintendent
Perry and Tinker of the water works.
Supt. and Mrs. Campbell , together
with the superintendent's sister and
niece , Mrs. and Miss McLean , went up
to Denver , Wednesday in the superin
tendent's private car No. 10 , attached to
No. i , to spend a short while in Denver
and the mountains.
Asst. Gen. Supt. Rhoades , Chief of
Motive Power D. Hawksworth and Supt.
of Buildings James Rivett came in on
No. 5 , Monday evening , from the east ,
on business presumably in connection
with the proposed increase of shop room
at this place. They departed for the
east , on Tuesday evening.
The reorganized B. & O. people are
filing their mortgages in the 41 counties
in the state of Pennsylvania through
which the road runs. There are two
mortgages , one for 75 millions and the
other for 90 millions. Both mortgages
make 210 pages , and the revenue stamps
on them amount to $69,000.
It is said that the Burlington will
shortly make a change in motive power
used on the passenger trains on the Bil
lings line. Heavier locomotives are to
be substituted for the machines now in
use. The traffic on this line has grown
to such proportion that it demands the
best equipment that the system can
give it.
Wednesday of last week , the Oxford
"Perfectos" and the Arapahoe "Prohibi
tionists" played a game of ball on the
Arapahoe diamond. The game was quite
closely contested and somewhat exciting ,
resulting in a victory for the "Perfectos"
a score of 12 to 9. Burney , late of the
Stratton club , was in the box for the
Oxford boys , and to him much credit for
the victory is given.
The steamship Puritan is taking on
forty engines for the Chinese and East-
srn railway and thirty-one more are to
be built and ready for shipment by the s
beginning of next year. The ten locomotives - e
motives for the French State railway , o
Lhe first American engines ever exported
Frauce.are being loaded on the steam
ship Panama , which leaves for Bordeaux or
a few davs. The second lot of ten o
engines for the Midland railway of Eng
land will leave New York in a few days $
the steamship Creig Earn , and twenty
nore will be shipped about July 24th on
he steapship Uplands for the Moscow , $
Keiv & Voronej railway.
What might have terminated in a very to
lisastrous fire started at the depot , Tues-
lay night. In handling his iron box ,
Messenger Tomlinson in some manner
mocked a lamp from the bracket and
Drokeit. It happened to fall on the fish
rate and of course the oil ran down
hrough the slats onto the rafters and
nto the pit where more or less rubbish
dad accumulated and was immediately
united from the fire of the lamp. The
3ames spread very rapidly and to con
siderable height , but prompt action and
presence of mind on the part of em
ployes and bystanders saved the proper
without loss. It was done by smoth
ering it with a tarpaulin and the free use
water. Oxford Standard.
It is at the new drugstore ,
The people gather in by the score
To buy their drug * , points and oils ,
And prescriptions , filled for sores and
So you should always find the door
And buy your drugs of D. W. Loar.
Dr. Seymour here , August Sth , for one
day only.
All kinds of live stock for .sale by Ev
erist & Marsh.
Wall paper , paints , oils and glass at
McMillen's drug store.
Swift's Winchester hams and side ba
con at Everist , Marsh & Co.'s.
We cure "that thirsty feeling" . Mc
Connell & Berry's soda does it.
Repairing promptly and neatly done
at The Old Reliable shoe store.
Aren't the flies annoying these hot
days ? See McConnell & Berry about it.
Bring your poultry to Everist , Marsh
& Co. They pay the highest price for
lice chicks.
The first wheat of the season was mar-
ceted with H. II. Troth , Monday. J. A.
Snyder brought it in.
First of the week , Mrs. M. E. Barger
noveel her millinery establishment into
the Smith store-room.
Everist & Marsh are putting out some
excellent bologna. Get a couple of
) ounds and be convinced.
A young child of Jacob Getman died
on Monday. Burial was made in River-
view cemetery on Tuesday.
Everist & Marsh have shipped about
See fat cattle from different points along
the Burlington , this spring. / ,
We have a few rare bargains in small a
ots of wall paper. Can you use them ? $
Come quick ! McConnell & Berry.
A bunch of railway keys may be found
at Stokes' grocery by the owner and se-
cuied by the payment for this notice.
LOST A gold watch on the of
'uly. A liberal reward to the finder.
You want a good biu'der , mower or
rake. The McCormick is that machine
and Frank D. Burgess is their prophet.
The city restaurant has been opened
up in the building lately vacated by A.
F. Swart. Albert O'Neil is in charge.
The county commissioners will hold a
conference in the city , Saturday , over
matters connected with the new court
Dr. W. I. Seymour here , August Sib ,
for one day only. Do not miss the
chance of seeing him. At the Commer
cial hotel.
A brief session of the city council was
held , Saturday evening , at which the pe
tition of McConnell & Berry for a drug
gist's permit was granted.
This week , C. E. Throne retired from
the railroad service and purchased a half
interest in the "Bee Hive. " Dan and
Cal will make a strong team.
We are serving this year some new and
delicious drinks at our soda fountain.
Try them for that thirsty feeling. Our
motto , "Purest , best. " McConnell &
Frank D. Burgess is agent for the cel
ebrated McCormick binders , mowers
and rakes. Call and consult him before
making your purchase of any of these
O'Neil and Kilpatrick have just fin
ished the carpenter work on a fine dwell
ing house for Mrs.Schilz , up in Coleman
precinct. It is claimed to be one of the
best farm houses in this county.
No advertiser for profitable returns can
afford to omit the use of the columns of
THE TRIBUNE. This paper reaches and i
is read by more people in Red Willow
county more people who buy goods
than any other paper published on earth.
If you are advertising for fun , for philan
thropic or any other than business pur
poses , any other paper will answer your
purpose as well.
S. G. Goheen has considerable confi
dence in the "hopper dozer. " He has
removed about 100 bushels of the hop
pers from his fields and crops , this sea
son , and thinks he would be much more
extensively damaged were it not for the
use he has made of the "dozer. " The
managers of the Nebraska experiment
station of the state university are again
emphasizing the importance and value
of the "hopper dozer. "
The statement given the public of the
receipts and disbursements of the Fourth
of July committee on account of our re
cent celebration show that the sum of
$329 60 was raised from all sources , to
which should be added $6.20 , on hand
from last celebration , making a total of
$335.80. The disbursements for all pur
poses were $315.50 , leaving a balance of
$20.30 in the treasury. It may be said
the further credit of the committee
that it paid all its bills in full.
The delinquent personal taxes of pur
county aggregate a large sum , notwith
standing the strenuous efforts being
made and that have been made to col *
lect up the back personal taxes. In Mc
Cook alone , running back from 1897 , I
there are perhaps $9,000 of delinquent
personal taxes ; and in the county this
sum will aggregate between 30 and 40
thousand dollars , And but a very small
portion of this large sum can be col
lected , most of the individuals owing
the taxes having removed from the
county , and their addresses are un