li-r'sr ' IK. JOHN JOHNDENTIST. DENTIST. . . . . of Chicago. airs in Meeker building. C. H. BOYLE , 'ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Room 3 , Meeker-Phillips Bldg1 , Upstairs MEN OR BOYS suffering from nervous debility , varicocele , i-emiiial wrnl.ii' , lost manhood , night emissions ami unnatural discharges caused by errors of younger davs , which , if not re- lievccj by medical treatment , is deplorable on mind and body , DO NOT MARRY when suffering , as this leads to loss of memory , ! o. s of spirits , bnshfulness in so ciety , pains in small of back , frightful dreams , dark rings around the eyes , pini- njes or breaking out on face or body. Send for our symptom blank. We can cure you and especially do we desire old and tried ca es , as we charge nothing for advice and give you a written guarantee to cure the worst case on record. Not only are the weak organs restored , but all losses , drains and discharges stopped. Send 2C stamp for question blank. BLOOD POISON First , second or tertiary stage. WE NEVER FAIL. No detention from hus- iness. Write us for particulars. Dept. i. HANN'S PHARMACY. OMAHA , NEB. LADIES made Imi'i'y- - AJ X/.L.IjCJ Never _ fails. Cures scanty , excessive or painful mentation. l box. 2 boxes cure any case. Dept. I. HANN'S Pharmacy , 18th and Farnam , B-I-MJ Omaha , Neb. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. KOAl ) NO. 338. To William V. Marshall and Nelson S. West and to all whom it may concern : The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section 17 in Leb anon precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running thence south eighty ( So ) rods ; thence east one hundred sixty (160) ( ) rods to section line between sections 20 and 21 , terminating thereat , has reported in favor of the location thereof , and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 281(1 ( day of August , A. D. iSqo , or said road will be established without reference thereto. R. A. GRKEN , County Clerk. - 6-16.jts O. K. RITTENHOUSE , Deputy. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oflice at McCook , Neb. , May 27 , 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before regis-j ( ter or receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , j I July 15. 1899 , viz : No. 10556 , James Wood- ' woith , for the southwest quarter , section 14 , township 3 north , range 29 west , 6th principal meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Sterling P. Hart , John R. Penny. Benjamin Baker , Thomas J. Ruggles , all of McCook. Neb. 6-2-6t F. M. RA'imtUN. Register. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain , Plainfield , 111. , makes the statement that she caughl cold which settled on her lungs ; she was treated for a month by lur family physi cian , but grew worse He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from first dose. She continued its use and after taking six bottles found herself sound and well ; now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this great discovery at McConnell's. 50 cts. and $ t. Every bottle guaranteed. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 250. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Is your liver tired ? Does it fail to do its duly ? If so , don't neglect its call for help. A lew doses of Herbine may save you a spell of sickness. Herbine is the only liver medicine. It cures chil's and fever. Price 50 cts McConnell & Co. Thousands Going to Colorado and Utah On the very low rates via the Burling ton Route every day from June 25 to July ii Denver , Colorado Springs , Pu eblo , Glenwood , Salt Lake City and Ogden one fare plus $2 for the round trip. See nearest Burlington agent. 6-16-4 Plsmarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach , liver , kid- nes and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring , use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at McCounell's. Very Low Rates to Colorado and Utah. I Every day from June 25 to July n. One fare plus $2 for the round trip to ! Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Glen- ' wood Springs , Salt Lake City and Og- j den. Tickets good to return any time ] until October 31. j Never before such an opportunity. Take advantage of it and spend the j summer in the heart of the Rockies where beat and dust are unknown where the sky is as bright - blue as Italy's , and the air as invigorating as a tonic where you can bathe , and swim , and climb mountains all day , and every day. See nearest Burlington ticket agent and get full particulars , or , if you prefer , write J. Francis , Geneial Passenger agent. Burlington Route , Omaha , Ne braska. 6-16 4ts. To eradicate worms from the system give the child plainnourishing food and White's Cieam Vermifuge. The result will be , the worms will disappear and the child become healthy and cheerful. Price 25 cts. L. W. McConuell & Co. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand , but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them , also old , running and fever sores , ulcers , boils , felons , corns , warts , cuts , bruises , burns , scalds , chapped hands , chilblains. Best pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 250 a box. Cure guaranteed. McConnell's. HARVESTER KING Cuts and Binds 12-ft Swath Successfully. ® ® ® ® GXX2XS ) We sold about a dozen of 'em to Red Willow .county farmers , last year , and they were thoroughly : pleased and satisfied. The Harvester King enables the up = to = date farmer to cut and bind early , and to head later on in the season , both with the same ma = chine ; thus avoiding the greatest risk from hail and handling the greatest possible amount of grain. WE ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR The Old Reliable Buckeye Binder. The J. I. Case Threshing Machines. The Columbia = = a small , 8 = horse Thresher. The Renowned Piano Steel Jones Lever Binder. The Celebrated Ideal Deering = = the wonder of all. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Red Letter Days in the Black Hills. Hot Springs , Sylvan Lake and Spearfish - fish aie three Black Hills summer re sorts that are as attractive in their way as any places ol their'kind iu the west. And they aie as different as any three places can be. Hot Springs is a health resort a good place to get rid of one's rheuma tism and to enjoy life while renewing one's youthful vigor. Sylvan Lake is a pretty nook in the heart of the Hills , an easy-going , cool , dreamy spot , where hot weather is un known. Spearflsh is a thrifty town of perhaps 1,500 people , not particularly notable except iu one respect the beauty of the railroad ride to it. You should make the trip to realize how fine it is. There is nothing more exhilarating , even in ihe Rockies. During July , the Burlington Route will run two cheap excursions to Hot Springs and Custer ( Sylvan Lake ) one on the 4th , the other on the i8th. One fare , plus $2 , for the round trip. Tickets good 30 days long enough to enable you to visit every point of interest iu the Black Hills , as well as to receive untold benefit from the crisp air and healing waters of this northern sanitar ium. ium.For For ticlcets call at nearest Burlington ticket office. For beautifully illustrated advertising matter about the'-Bluck Hills , write to J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb. 6-30-31 Our baby has been continually trouble * with colic and cholera in fan turn sine his birth , and all that we could do fo him did not seem to give more than teui porary relief , until we tried Chamber Iain'sColic.Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. Since giving him that remedy we have not been troubled. We want tc give you this testimonial as an evidenc of our gratitude , not that you need it to advertise your meritorious remedy. G M. Law , Keokuk , Iowa For sale b L. W. McConnell & Co. , druggists. A BIG DIFFERENCE There's a big : difference in ways of doing business. Some deal ers simply strive to get a customer in their place , sell as much as they can at one .sale by misrepresenta tion and never expect to see that customer again. Our way is to al ways satisfy a buyer , no matter how small the profit. This method makes permanent patrons , and our trade is largely made up of customers who have been coming back to our shop month after month. Try our way once , and you'll keep coming back the same way , too. EVERIST , MARSH & CO. COLEMAN. Jake is not ' "sporty" at all , but is in favor of Lcf. ( Betz.J Wm. Iluen has returned from Hastings , where he has been working. Matt Droll has three binders running in his 25o-acre field of fall wheat. The acre on which the school-house stands lias been deeded to district 58. Miss Eunice Goheen will have charge of the school in district 58 , next term. Uncle Billy said , "corn is above my chin" when he fell down in the field. The girls up here are very patriotic , but don't use powder the year 'round. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith drove to McCook , Wednesday evening , to meet an uncle from Indiana. That young man who went down to Mc Cook the 5th , and found the celebratioli over , returned a little down in the mouth. R. Traphagan will wade into that two- iiundred-acre wheat field of his with a new jinderwhich he brought out Thursday. Harvesting commenced , last week , in fall ivheat. It is short , but the heads are a good ength , and the grain is fine and plump. The school meeting in district 58 passed off rery quietly. The entire official board was present and they went out and brought in an lector to make a quorum. Richard Scurry of Grafton , this state , is icre on a visit to his sister , Mrs. Thomas Kyan. Charles Gosser came with him. They Irove through with a team and arrived here , ast Thursday. We were told that at the celebration on spring Creek the farmers' wives and ( laugh ers brought a "cord of chickens. " We con sider our authority unquestionably reliable , is he is a minister , and it is proper to pre sume that past experience imparts peculiar jualifications for "scoring" spring chickens. \ccording to report we imagine they "scored" ibout 115 in the shade. DeWitt's Little Early Risers , The famous little pills. There is enough wear and tear on the soldier without the discomforts that come from having to use a strong laundry soap. Common brown soaps , when constantly used for washing the person , are extremely irritating. Ivory Soap is the ideal soap for the soldier , suitable for all purposes , for the kitchen utensils , for washing clothes , and for the bath. Ivory Soap is not easily lost , for it floats. . COPYRIGHT 1390 BY THE PROCTER & GAMBLE CO. CINCINNATI Box Elder Circuit. Sunday-school at Box Elder church every Sunday at 10 a.m. Church services at ii a. ni. every two weeks dating from Sunday , Dec. 4. Sunday-school at Gar den Prairie appointment every Sunday at loa. in. Preaching at n a in. every two weeks dating from Dec. ii. Preach ing service at Spring Creek at 3 p. in. every two weeks dating from Dec ii. D. L. MATSON , Pastor. THE TRIBUNE will club with an } ' pa per you may want. Try it. Five Cents a Copy ! That's the remarkably low price at which we are closing out the remainder of our Navy Portfolios , those superb pictures of our splendid and victorious navy. You can buy the entire series of twelve numbers for 50 cents. This is less than half price , and they are only a few sets left. This paper and the great St. Louis Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year. Are recognized the world ever as representing the highest type of excellence in bicycle construction Are now witliin reach of all MONARCH ROADSTERS $5O i Vi i . * in l fann B" > fQs'o tOU Why look further when machines of ihflilll \ dllCC-il nUaUMGlS $20 established reputation can bo had u at these prices. MONARCH CHADLESS $75 Send for Catalogue Agents wanted in open territory MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO. Halsted and Fulton Sis. , CHICAGO * * Church and Rcadc Sis. , NEW YORK RIDE A MONARCH AND KEEP IN FRONT OIA ! YP8R ! flf IfifPiKP Obstinate sores and ulce.3 which refuse to heal under ordinary treat ment soon become chronic and deep- seated , and are a sure sign that the SO 0 entire circulation is in a depraved condition. They i Oi Oi are a severe drain upon the system , and are con- stantlj * sapping away the vitality. In every case the poison must be eliminated f r m the blood , and no amount of external treatment can have any effect. There is no uncertainty about the merits of S. S. S. ; every claim made for it is backed up strongly by convincing testimony of those who have been cured by it and know of its virtues by experience. Mr. L. J. Clark , of Orange CourthouseVa. , writes : " For six years I had an obstinate , running ulcer on my ankle , which at times caused me intense suffering. Ivas so disabled for a long while that I was wholly unfit for business. One of the best doctors treated me constantly , but did me no good. I then tried various blood remedies , without the least benefit. S. S. S. was so highly recom mended that I concluded to try it , and the effect was wonderful. It seemed to get right at the seat of the disease and force the poison out , and I was soon com pletely cured. " Swift's Specific drives out every trace of impurity in the blood , and in this way cures permanently the most obstinate , deep-seated sore or ulcer. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable , and con tains not a particle of potash , mercury , or other mineral. S. S. S. cures Contagious Blood Poison. Scrofula , Cancer , Catarrh , Eczema , Rheumatism , Sores. Ulcers. Boils , or any other blood trouble. Insist upon S. S S. : nothing can take its place. Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company , Atlanta , Ga. Persons troubled with diurrhoea will be interested in the experience of Mr.W.M. Hush , clerk of Hotel Dorrance. Provt- Icnce , R. 1. He says : "For heveral years I liave bteu almost a constant suf fer , r fioui diarrhoeathe frequent attacks completely prosttating me and render ing me unfit for my duties at this hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesuiau kindly g-we me a bottle of Chamber- herlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remhdy. Much lo my surprise and de light its effects were immediate When I felt symptoms of the disease I would fortify myself against the attack with a few doses of this valuable remedy. The result has been very satisfactory mill almost comulele relief from the afflic tion " Forsfilebylv W.McConnell & Co. Impei feet digestion and assimilation produce disordered conditions of the system , which grow-and are confirmed by neglect. Herbine gives tone to the stomach , and causes good digestion , Price 50 cts. I , . W. McConuell & Co. Tlfe McCoruiick is all right. Frank D. Burgess is agent for them. Don't buy a binder , mower or rake without getting his prices and learning all about those celebrated iiinchines. Those who live on farms are liable to make accidental cuts , burns and bruises , which heal rapidly when Mallard's Snow Liniment is promptly applied. Price 25 and 50 cts. L. W. McConnell . Co. What among human ills are more attT 1103 ing than piles ? The afflictions that prevent active exercises are bad enough , but one that makes even rest miserable is worse. Women are among its great est martyrs 'Fabler's Muckeye Pile Oiiitmeiit will cure the most obstinate cases Price , 50 cts. in bottle , lubes 75C. at L , . W McConnell & Co 's. Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of sl.ivery George D. Williams of Manchester , Mich , tells how such a slave wns made free. Ilesa > s : "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Hlectric Bitters she is wonderfully unproved and able to do her oxvn work. " This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures ner vousness , sleeplessness , headache , back ache , fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle-working medicine is a godsend to weak , sickly , rundown people. Every bottle guaranteed Only 50 cents. Solrl by McConnell , druggist Strayed. During the storm of Tuesday night , June I3th , a bay horse weighing about 900 pounds. Barb wire scratch on left shoulder. Small white dot in mid dle of forehead. Finder will please leave \vord at this office U WANTA GOOD CIGAR FOR 10 * ! ! ! SATISFIES THE MOST CRITICAL AT ALL DEALERS A.DAVI5'SONSaCO. MAKER5 JOHN G.WOODWARD&CO. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS COUNCIL BLUFFS.IOWAr-'i Grease Get a box and leam why It's the | j > st grease ever put on an axle. Sold everywhere. McCook Transfer Line J. H. DWYER , Proprietor. attention paid to lauliug furniture. Leave orders it either lumber yard. UKEYI OINTMENT ! CURES NOTHING BUT PILES. A SURE and CERTAIN CURE ? known for 15 years as the } BEST REMEDYfor PILES. J SOIJ ) BY Ali DRUGGISTS. it7 SH.VTO33I US3. CO. . ST. LCT3. At I. W. McCOffETEL ! & CO.'S.