By F. M. K1MMELL. OFFICIAL COUNTY PA RepublicanlMJH [ Newspaper 5t Largest Circulation in Red Willt GEN. OTIS says of the situat Luzon that "the mass of the peb ] terrorized by the insurgent soldie desire peace and American protec which correctly describes Agulr form of popular government. TUB president's new regiment coming into being by magic , such swiftness with which they are reci and it is generally believed that t tire quota will be sworn into servi fore the close of the present < Journal. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOUR or five thousand Cuban sc have received the gratuity of $7" the United States , and it is said < but a fourth of the number win come forward. Even then the I army would dwindle to 20,000 und actual count. OYSTER BAY , L. 1 the home o ernor Roosevelt , celebrated the gl Fourth in good , old-fashioned styl .one of the most pleasing features celebration was a speech from the ; nor himself , in which he declarec all opposition to American rule i Philippines must be beaten down , about Roosevelt tin is one thing countrymen have always liked am aiways continue to like they where to find him. THE horror of tfie Texas flood : exaggerated. Fully 300 persons ha their lives and those homeless a dire distress must number 100,000. district inundated is 300 miles lei 100 miles wide. The property loss conservatively between $15,000,00 $20,000.000. Gov. Sayers has apj to the federal government for aid , does not think private relief and c buttons , however generous , can be alleviate the suffering. NEBRASKA Republicans will hole state convention , this year , considt later than usual , but that does not that less effective campaign work \ prosecuted. The convention date year , is September 21. Last year convention date was August 10 , in it was nominated August 26 , in i ! was nominated July I , which was ] ularly early on account of the pre tial election then under way. t campaign work has seldom been in rated in off years before the lattei of September , so that a short and political contest should satisfy eve mand. Bee. THE latest medical triumph i photographing of the inside surfi the human stomach. The prod simple enough. You swallow a to loon attached to a rubber tube , the balloon is inflated and a Roe -ray turned on from the outside , imprints a picture of the stomach < balloon skin. Probably the docto ; improve upon this process now have hit upon it , and be able to gli balloon permanently to the walls c stomach , furnishing them with india rnbber lining that so many ] have yearned for , in the throes o pepsia. Lincoln Journal. THE pop press in this state is t up the Poynter-Cornell fight , pn con , and berating one or the otl the principals and praising the nei sand or cheek of the other , which it is. But to the common people prejudices are foreign. They wil take sides in the fight , but the frontier lady in the contest between her hubby and the will alternately cheer 'em both an joy the fracas. And why not ? ' it a friendly contest to ascertain the law is. And in these days you know what the law is until all the i have been exhausted in the pursi the nub of any given legislation.- nal. EVERYTHING tends to show th rations furnished the American 1 are as near perfection under all ci stances as it is passible to make A board of experts in the Philip after an exhaustive investigation ornm ended only trifling changi adapt the ration to that climat similar board in Cuba has reporte ommending no change whatever , lish officers in the Philippines rep their government that the United ( army is the best fed in the world , people at home would not permi thing else , even if there were a di tion to treat the men otherwise , largely owing to this system oflo after the wants of the American p which makes him the best of his in the world. He may not be the of the European for show purpose ; when it comes to business he s with the best of them. Bee. BARTLEY. The tornado wreckage was cleared the street , this week. A new dishwasher made her bow household of "Tony" Dictsch , Monday. E. E. Smith , the stockman , and wift visitors to the county's metropolis , Tin and wife spent the n II. P. Ilodgkin natal day with the Stephens family Elder. Rev. R. II. Chrysler of Orleans % vas \ friends and looking up property in here , Tuesday. Guy Curlee came down from McCoc morning , and will do time in the Barne here for awhile. Work is progressing on the new stori ing which G. W. Jones is erecting just of college hall. The Masons indulged in a banqw merry-making in their new lodge roon Thursday evening. A large delegation of the natives through powder smoke with the pair McCook , Tuesday. Harry Crowell , who has been work Lhe Barnett yard here , returned to Ara Wednesday morning. A large party of young people were u ] Cambridge , the Fourth , looking over th < Qf the recent tornado. C.W. Ilodgkin and C. Cowles loun | the shadow of the new court house , last day , and transacted a little business ( side. Mrs. Delia Mangus and brother , C Kerst , took possession of the Bartley 1 Wednesday morning , B. F. Sibbelt ret to the farm. P. L. Ellisknown to nearly every one vicinity , died at his home in Cambridg Jay of last week. The deceased was eighty-seventh year. Ed Beghtel and family started oveila the mountains , Wednesday. They will quite an extended wagon toui , hoping t efit Mrs. Beghtel's heallh thereby. J. W. Dolan of Indianola was in Tuesday , accompanied by the adjuster I insurance company which comes in for on account of the wrecking of college h A petition for the pardon of Oliver I being quite industriously circulated a ceiving the signatures of some who acquainted with the facts in the case c his record before the shooting scrape brought him to realize that he was livii law-respecting community. Peace-lovir zens should give the matter attention ate to it that this brute is not turned loose us until he has served his full time. INDIANOLA. II. W. Keyes was in McCook , Thursd the Ilelm-Byfield suit. J. W. Dolan was a business visitor burg in the west end , Thursday. J. W. Dolan visited in the county se : ween trains , Tuesday evening. W. II. Smith and D.J.Fitzgerald w : he county's metropolis , yesterday , on less. Commissioner Crabtree is attending tl ; ions of the board at the county capit : , veek. George Cramer had a litlle business : ourt house town , last Saturday be : rains. Sheriff Neel will leave , tonight , for Li with Mrs. B. B. Mosher , who has bet judged insane. Manager Kruse of the Barnett Lumbe will be succeeded , next week , by C. A. street , late of Missouri. A boy named Jefferson was thrown ; he horse he was riding on the race tra < Fourth , and had his head cut quite seve John McClung did his celebrating i Cook and got taken in quite extensiv the "cheap , " "sure thing" sports on the' ball game. J. T. Hoag came down from Me Saturday evening , and was the guest brother Charles over Sunday. A sister boys is visiting here. Charles Akers was curious to know w that home-made cannon was going t aff , " Monday night. It went , and hi Full of powder is painful testimony I [ act. SOUTH SIDE. Harvest is at hand. W. S. Fitch is around again. Corn is looking fine since the rain. John Burtless is building a new house Linford Fitch is helping B. C. Bowrm Roy Barnes is running his binderthis James Harris called in Soulh Side , tl part of the week. Many of the South Siders spent the jus Fourth in McCook. Julia Sly was among the guests of the 5ide Endeavor society , Sunday evening Potalo bugs are injuring the potatoe nuch , and will doubtless cut the crop si Several of the South Side farmers jeen harvesting their grasshoppers ai lort a good yield per acre. W. H. HARVEY has generously adde reet to his cube of silver "available for ation as money , " but his gold brick e ills the space originally prepared for it. : onceding that no additions have been o the heap since Harvey's book was i ilmost four years ago , we now have i vorld ( by averdupois weight ) four the ieventeen tons of gold available for ci ion , and more of it pouring into the mi he nations than the combined product * > oth metals ten years ago Mr. Harvey t to himself to keep close cases on th ind flow of the restless tide of events , ar et his ante-bellum conjectures impinge oo great force upon the solid superstn if up-to-date fact. THE sun never sets on the Americai nd nothing under the sun ever dares to , RoVAl Baking Powd Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the fo against alum * Alum baking powders are the gre menacers to health of the present i ROYAt DAMNS POWDER CO. , NEW YORK. RED WILLOW. Mrs. 1' . J. Taylor is about again. Aaron Sheets' family is the latest vi neasles. Mrs. Woodworth has nearly three h : hickens. Eli Crockford has been hauling ci tfm. Byfield. Wm. Randel and family spent the vith his brother , Jacob Randel. Most of Red Willow celebrated at he other towns to the east and west. The members of the Longnecker fan tearing the end of their siege of measl The corner stone of the new san ilready built in our minds has not as y aid , nor is there much sign of activit ; hetnew town. Levi Bowers and wife are stoppir Mrs. Bower's parents , W. M. Taylor ar They are disgusted with Sherman Kansas , and are making preparation urn to Ohio. Wonder how many ladies we sligl naking up the list of Mrs. Ruggles' ast week. Mrs.Couse and Mrs.Mansi lid their full share to make the part ; omitted but our me : ess , were surely , ; o faulty. Wm. Taylor's family , W. E. Bowe vife and the Byfield family held a ) icnic in the Prickett grove on the Deputy Sheriff Smith and his prisone listing of Wm. Byfield and the hire vere of the party. After dinner the ind prisoners departed for McCook he matter was fixed up for Thursday , vere arrested on a warrant sworn out ilelm for trespass on a piece of d jround. EAST RED WILLOW. We have had 2 } $ inches of rain sin :5th. : :5th.The The rye harvest is on. There will b : rop. rop.E. E. A. Sexson was a county capital ast Friday. Sadie Kenyon relumed to her he Uapahoe , last Saturday. John Longnecker's young people are i severe tussle with the measles , Walter Sly , who used to live in this he county , passed through here , Tl : ast. ast.A A great many are pleased over gel lew town , while some are in very bad > ver not getting it on their land. It is time the republicans were gettin leads together. We should put a weeping ticket in the field , this fall. PLEASANT RIDGE , We are having plenty of rain. Corn is most of it waist high in this v W. F. Esher has a field of sweet c ilk and tassel. Archibald Speers has a field of corn ; el and it is not sweet corn either. Most of the Ridgeites celebrated the it McCook and report a good time. Robert Gambill of Canon City , Cc > een visiting old friends in this vicinit Sunday. Those who celebrated the fourth a usher's , your correspondent being < hem , had a very pleasant time. We h iotic songs , readings.interesting convei ce cream , cake , lemonade and all the ; oed things that go to make up a celel Ye will all long remember this Fourtl ery enjoyable one. NORTH COLEMAN. All the rains we have had came ea ; t nearly all went into the ground. The corn has made great strides sin irophesy and shows up real well , but i p some on hot days. The world do move.- The company sft Oregon for Nebraska , composed 'OK family and the Wilson children icred thirty-three persons , the majoi i'honi will settle in this vicinity. A fa : welve will occupy the Custer place in ier county. The Woodmen Fourth of July pic ipring Creek was well patronized an rst-class in most respects. Everybody oed time , at least what the world call ; . 'he address by Rev. Ketman of McCoi ery inspiring and patriotic and was li 3 with zeal. The Declaration of Ind nee , by Hubert Beach , was read in 1 : rtaining style. The free table was rith delicious edibles and was an imp mature of the day. Amusements galen i in their turn. Excellent music w ; ished. TEDDY ROOSEVELT'S declaration tha > r McKinley may be but sparring fo : nd a favorable opening to land a low in IQOO. The reporter wrote it "heedless" sc nd the printer made it "headless" sec ad the wise proofreader , after but i loment's reflection , let it go at that. "If I Should Dlo Tonight. " If I should die tonight And you should come to my cold corpse and say Weeping and heartsick o'er my lifeless clay ; If I should die tonight , And you should come in deepest grief and woe " ' dollars that I And say , "Here's that ten owe , " I might arise in my large white cravat And say , " What's that ? " If I should die tonight And you should come to my cold corpse and kneel , Clasping my bier to show the grief you feel ; 1 say , if I should die tonight And you should come to me , and there and then Just even hint 'bout payin' me that ten , I might arise the while , But I'd drop dead again. The above bit of poetry was left on the desk of a local bard over night , and the next morning the machine had registered the fol lowing reply which , we submit , isn't the "dreariest thing ever : " "If you should die tonight" Great grief 'twould no doubt bring To manya * weary creditor From whom you'd taken wing , "If you should die tonight. " "If you should die tonight" Your "corpus" might perspire , While all around the brimstone blaze Would hotter make the fire , "If you should die tonight. " "If you should die tonight" I'd hale lo wear your shoes For fear I'd weaken al the thought , The devil's got his dues , "If you should die tonight. " "If you should die tonight" The "tenner" would be paid Ere you could "wink the other eve" Or e'en become a shade , "If you should die tonight. " "If you should die tonight" With loving care I'd make A resting place for all your bones And mark it with a "stake , " "If you should die tonight. " "If you should die tonight" Why shriek in hideyus mirth You'll scarcely know "where you are at" When once you're "off the earth. " "If you should die tonight. " THE good sense of the Chicago girl who has started a subscription to purchase Ad miral Dewey a $1,000 walch is to be com mended. Almost any other girl would have chosen a pair of silk-embroidered slippers as the gift. Denver Post. A MAN who claims to have been in the ser vice of the Lord for fifty-one years has been jailed for murder in Missouri. He should have stuck to his old job. fcon't now that July 4th has been cele brated that you will not be able to get anything more in summer stores appear to take a vacation mer goods. Tis true that some from active business during July and August , but the days are now at their longest and hottest , andjthere are three months yet for the use of such hot weather articles and we shall maintain a good selling stock right aiong. SUN BONNETS of their useful are now in the height ness. You will find our stock a very satisfactory one to select from. We sell the -bonnet shown In cut for 25c. and others at I5c , 20c , 25c and 35c. OUR WRAPPERS are the "Relia ble" brand and Justify their name in every particular. They are wide enough in skirt and hip , also in sleeve. They are well sewed , handsomely trimmed , fast colors and surprisingly low in price from 50c to $1.25 LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Sleeveless Ribbed Vests , 5c up to 35c Half Sleeve , - ISc or two for 25c Long1 Sleeve - 20c Knee Length Ribbed Drawers , finished with crochet lace - 30c Silk Vests - - 65c , 85c , and $1.00 AH Summer Stocks very complete with ) new goods received within the past ten days or two weeks. Get the latest. We solicit your trade , In Meeker Bldg. Per Postoffice next door GEO. E. THOMPSON. ONE PRICE PLAIN FIGURES CASH ONLY or , at V of lor ay a aye Them eir in , AT PRICES ty- n I Oil 111 ndollllUi ) The latest style Tan or Black Vici io = inch high cloth ffe top Bicycle Shoes for ladies , sold in every city for $3.00 * las ice and $3.50 , OUR PRICE F. A Hen's Tan Bicycle shoe , L. A. W. style , sold every = F.of where for $2.50 and $3.00 , we are warranting every pair atn - , and selling them at = = = = = ier . 311. 311.a a WE SAVE YOU 500. TO $ i A PAIR nd cents to $1.00 . pair on We guarantee to save you 50 a. any style shoe you wish , Tan or Black , in all the latest toes. rib ch hem mof NO TRICKEY PRICES of of AH goods are marked in plain figures. at as lad. > Call and be Convinced. c as edd d- dn nd r PlT7T BOOT AN I ) nt ne JLJLLL SHOE STORE ir ic is YAHUE & PETTY. err : ef