The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 23, 1899, Image 8

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    DR. JOHN McPnEE ,
. . . . of Chicag <
52&-Upstairs in Meeker building.
McCook , Nebraska.
Room 3 , Meeker-Phillips Bld , Upstal :
Had management keeps more peep
in poor circumstances than any othi
cause. To be successful one must loc
ahead so thai when n favorable oppo
tunity presei.t- . itself he is ready to tal
advantage of it. A little forethougl
will also save much expense and vali
able time. A prudent and careful ma
will keepa boltleof Chamberlain's Coli <
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in tli
house , the shiftless fellow will wait m
til necessity compels it and then rui
his best horse going for a doctor an
have a big doctor bill to pay , beside :
one pays out 25 cents , the other is out
hundred dollars and then wonders wh
his neighbor is getting richer while h
is getting poorer For sale by L. V\
McCoimell , druggist.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablet !
All druggists lefund money if it fails t
cure. 250. The genuine has IB. . Q. o
each tablet.
If the predisposition to worms in chil
dren is not cured they may becom
emaciated , weakly and in danger of con
vulsions. White's Cream Vermifuge i
the most successful and popular remed3
Price 25 cts. Ii. W. McConnell & Co.
suffering from nervous debility , varicocele ,
seminal weakness , lost manhood , night
emissions and unnatural discharges caused
by errors of younger days , which , if not re
lieved by medical treatment , is deplorable
on mind and body ,
when suffering , as this leads to loss of
memory , loss of spirits , bashfulness in so
ciety , pains in small of back , frightful
dreams , dark rings around the eyes , pim
ples or breaking out on face or body.
.Send for our symptom blank. We can
do desire old
cure you and especially we
and tried cases , as we charge nothing for
advice and give you a written guarantee
to cure the worst case on record. Not
only are the weak organs restored , but
all losses , drains and discharges stopped.
Send 2C stamp for question blank.
First , econd or teitiary stage. WE
NEVER FAIL. No detention from l > us-
iness. Write us for particulars. Dept. I.
LADIES ' ? ade happyMoilh ; -
.flJXX.4 AJUO hes sure to the day
Never fails. Cures scanty , excessive or
painful menstiation. $ i box. 2 boxes
cure any case. Dept. I.
HANK'S Pharmacy ,
18th and Farnam , r-i2-iy Omaha , Neb.
The weather is plenty warm for mid-sun
iier , these days.
Look out for those wedding bells again :
Box Elder soon.
There will be a social dance at Yocum1
sue night this week.
A. G. Dole and wife of McCook visited i
.hese parts , last week.
Uev. Matson will take a much-needed vac :
; ion of two weeks soon.
and wife were visiting at I
C. E. Masters
W. Campbell's , last Sunday.
ot the Crete nurseries vi
E. F. Stephens
Ited J. H. Stephens , last Saturday.
Mrs. Hannah Barnes and Miss Mae visile
[ . \V. Spaulding and wife , last Friday.
The wheat fields and potato crop have an ;
.hing but a flattering appearance , these IK
Wonder if Harry Dole is as successful wri
ng insurance as Ins father in these parts ? II
'isils quite often of late.
The grasshoppers are damaging the gai
lens on the Willow bottoms , and it is feare
hey will do lots of damage to the growin
: rops.
Fiank Lytle has moved his barn on th
orner south of James Robinson's , where h
future. Frank i
: xpects to build in the near
ired living on the back side of his farm am
i-ants to be where he can bee and be seen.
15ox Elder will celebrate the Fourth in
oyal manner. The grounds are being fixei
first-class condition for the comfort of th
rowd expected. There is no nicer grove ii
he county than Box Elder has for such gatli
ROAD NO. 338.
To William V. Marshall and Nelson i :
Vest and to all whom it may concern :
The commissioner appointed to locate ;
nad commencing at the southeast corner o
lie southwest quarter of section 17 in Leb
non precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska
mining thence south eighty ( So ) rods ; thenc
ast one hundred sixty (160) ( ) rods to sectioi
ine between sections 20 and 21 , terminatinj
hereat , has reported in favor of the locatioi
hereof , and all objections thereto or claimer
damages must be filed in. ihe count
or of the 281 ]
lerk's office on or before noon
lay of August , A. D. 1899 , or said road will b
stablished without reference thereto.
R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
-i6-4ts O. K. RITTENHOUSE , Deputy.
Land Ofhce at McCook , Neb. , May 27,1895
lotice is hereby given that the following
amed settler has filed notice of his intentioi
j make final proof in support of his claim
nd that said proof will be made before regis
: r or receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday
aly 15 , 1899 , viz : No. 10556 , James Wood
orth , for the southwest quarter , section 14
nvnship 3 north , range 29 west , 6th principa
leridian. He names the following witnesse :
> his continuous residence upon anc
ultivation of , said land , viz : Steiling P
tart , John K. Penny , Benjamin Baker
'homas J. Ruggles , all of McCook , Neb.
2-6t F. M. RATHIIUN , Register.
In county court , within and for Red Willow
junty , Nebraska , May 22cl , 1899 , in the mattei
E the estate of Michael Smith , deceased.
To the creditors of said estate- You art
ereby notified , That I will sit at the countj
> urt room in McCook , in said county , on tlu
5d day of November , 1899 , at 10 o'clock a. m
> receive and examine all claims against saic
state , with a view to their adjustment and al
iwance. The time limited for the presenta
on of claims against said estate is six months
om the 22d day of May , A. D. 1899 , and tlu
me limited for payment of debts is one yeai
om said 22d day of May , 1899. Witness 1115
and and the seal of said county court , thij
Jd day of May , 1899. G. S. BlSHOl' ,
26-315 County Judge.
Cuts and Binds 12-ft. Swat
We sold about a dozen of 'em to Red Will <
county farmers , last year , and they were thorough
pleased and satisfied. The Harvester King enabi
the up = to = date farmer to cut and bind early , and
head later on in the season , both with the same m
chine ; thus avoiding the greatest risk from hail a
handling the greatest possible amount of grain.
The Old Reliable Buckeye Binder.
The J. I. Case Threshing Machines.
small 8 horse Thresher.
The Columbia = = a , =
The Renowned Piano Steel Jones Lever Binder.
The Celebrated Ideal Deering = = the wonder of a
[ housands Going to Colorado and
On the very few rates via the Bui
on Route every day fiom June :
'uly Ii Denver , Colorado Springs ,
: blo , Glenwood , Salt Lake City
Dgden one fare plus $2 for the r
rip. See nearest Burlington agent. (
Glorious News
Comes from Dr. Cargile , of Was
: . T. He writes : "Four bottles of :
ric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewi
icrofula , which has caused her ]
lUffering for years. Terrible sores w
ireak out on her head and face , am
> est doctors could give uo help ; bu
: ure is complete and her health is e
ent. " This shows what thousands
> roved , that Electric Bitters is the
> lood purifier known. It's the sup
emedy for eczema , tetter , salt rh
ilcers , boils , and running sores
timulales liver , kidneys and bowels
tels poisons , helps digestion , build
he strength. Only 50 cents Sol <
IcConneil , druggist. Guaranteed.
Very Low Rates to Colorado and Ut ;
Every day from June 25 to Jul )
) ne fare plus $2 for the round tri
) euver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Creed
rood Springs , Salt Lake City and
en. Tickets good to return any
ntil October 31.
Never before such an opportu
% ake advantage of it and spend
umuier in the heart of the Rock
'here heat and dust are unkno ;
'here the sky is as brightly blm
taly's , and the air as invigorating
ante where you can bathe , and si
nd climb mountains all day , and e
ay. See nearest Burlington ticket a
nd get full particulars , or , if you pr
rrite J. Francis , Geneial Passe
gent , Burlington Route , Omaha ,
raska. 6-16 4
The Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics w
lomach ami liver are out of order ,
uch should know that Dr. King's
life Pills , the wonderful stomach
ver remedy , gives a splendid appe
Diuid digestion and a regular be
abit that insures perfect health
reat energy. Only 250 at McConm
Try Colorado this Summer or Uta
Getting there costs very little-
ire plus $2 for the round trip e
tfy from June 25 to July n. Tic
aod to return until October 31.
earest Burlington agent and get pa
lars. 6-16-41
'he Man Who Toils
is the man who 01
i have the best things to eat , beci
is system requires it. Working !
id everybody else who want the
i eat come to our shop. We run
jst butcher shop in the city- . Our p
clean. The meats we sell are tei
id fresh and the prices low enougl
lit anybody. If you knew how parl
r we are to give satisfaction , y <
; ver buy elsewhere. '
trough Tourist Sleepers to Norths
The Burlington Route has establis
twice-a-week tourist car line from *
.s City to Bntte , Spokane , Tacoma
Cars leave Kansas City , Lincoln
rand Island every Tuesday and Thy
Seattle following Fri
* y , arriving al
id Sunday. They are tipholsterec
.ttan. The bed linen and furnishi
e clean and of good quality ,
iating , ventilating and toilet arrai
ents are all that can be desired
ich car is in charge of a unifori
ulluian porter , whose sole duty is tc
nd to the wants of passengers.
Cars run through without changi
iv kind and the berth rate from ]
) ln to Tacoma is only $5 oo. To in
ediate points it is proportionately 1
Montana and the Puget Sound coui
e now enjoying a period of unexani ]
osperily. As a consequence , trave
ie northwest is rapidly attaining If
oportions. This new tourist car
is been established with a view of
g for the Burlington's share of it in
: st possible manner.
Berths , tickets and full informal
n be had on application to any ]
igton Route ticket agent or by addr
g J. Francis , G.P.A.Omaha. June
Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery has b
ade , and that too , by a lady in
luntry. "Disease fastened Us clutc
joii her and for seven years she wood
oed its severest tests , but her \
gans were undermined and de
emed imminent. For three 11101
ie coughed incessantly , and could
eep. She finally discovered a wai
covery , by purchasing of us a bottl
r. King's New Discovery for Consu :
an , and was so much relieved on tat
st dose , that she slept all night ;
ith two bottles , has been absolu
ired. Her name is Mrs. Luther L
luis writes \V. C. Hainnick & Co
aelby , N. C. Trial bottles free at
r. McConnell & Co.'s drug store. I
ar size 500 and $ r. Every bottle gi
He Fooled the Surgeons.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton
rest Jefferson , O. , after suffering
onths from rectal fistula , he would
iless a costly operation was perforn
it he cured himself with five boxes
ucklen's Arnica Salve , the surest
ire on earth , and the best salve in
orld. 250 a box at McConnell's.
This paper and the great St. L <
: mi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a y
i t
If you have a carpet that looks dingy and you wish
to restore it to its original freshness , make a stiff lather
of Ivory Soap and warm water and scrub it , width by
width , with the lather. Wipe with a clean damp sponge.
Do not apply more water than necessary.
The vegetable oils of which Ivory Soap is made , and its purity , fit it for
many special uses for which other soaps are unsafe and unsatisfactory.
Box Elder Circuit.
Sunday-school at Box Elder church
every Sunday at 10 a.m. Church services
at ii a. in every two weeks dating from
Sunday. Dec. 4. Sunday-school at Gar
den Prairie appointment every Sunday
at 10 a. m Preaching at n a. 111. every
two weeks dating from Dec ii. Preach
ing service at Spring Creek at 3 p. m.
every two weeks dating from Dec ii.
D. L. iClATSON , Pastor.
THE TRIBUNK will club with any pa
per you may want. Try it.
Five Cents a Copy !
That's the remarkably low price at
which we are closing out the remainder
of our Navy Portfolios , those superb
pictures of our splendid and victorious
navy. You can buy the entire series of
twelve numbers for 50 cents. This is
less than half price , and they are only a
few sets left.
For relief and comfort in asthma Bal-
lard's Horehound Syrup has no equal.
Price 25 andt 50 cts. McConnell & . Co.
The Ability of Dr. Rea as a Specialist is Well Known in this Community.
Go and See Him if You are Afflicted.
I had been troubled with bronchitii
and had asthma lor six j'ears. Triec
many specialists and regular physician !
without relief. Dr. Rea cured me per
manenlly in three months and I heartily
recommend him to the public.
Marie S. Dwight ,
Kenesaw , Neb.
For years I have been unable tf
breathe through one side of my nose 01
account of a cartilage or bony growtl
which disfigured my face. The doctoi "
removed the growth from my nose am"
J now breathe freely and feel much bet
ter , and I believe Dr. Rea to be an ex
pert surgeon. Albert Misterek ,
El wood , Neb.
I firmly believe I should not be living
today if it had not been for Dr. Rea. J
had terrible pains in my stomach auc
would go into convulsions , could not
digest my food and nothing would laj
on my stomach. I am now well and ea1
naturally. Thanks to Dr. Rea I am welj
again. James Vanquist ,
Blue Hill , Neb.
I was not able to leave the house foi
four months previous to taking treat
ment from Dr. Rea. Was suffering from
nervous prostration and stomach trouble ;
man } ' physicians had treated me without
success. Alter being treated by Dr. Rea
for three mouths I am greatly improved
in general health and gaining strength
every day , and am on the road to good
health again , for which I am thankful.
Mrs. George Cousins ,
Had not breathed through my nose f (
jears , system all run down , bad cond
tion constitutionally. Dr. Rea removt
four polypoid growths from my nose an
gave me two months' treatment for c
tarrh I am more than pleased wit
him for he has cured me. He is ce
tainly a well posted and successful spe
ialist. I know of many of his cures i
this section. J. N. Johnston.
Holdrege , Neb.
Dr. Rea is rapidly curing me of di
eased scaly and impoverished conditic
of the blood ; having tried many doctoi
without relief. Mrs. Geo. Brown ,
Hartwell. Neb.
Dr. Rea cured me of bronchial catarrl
I had pain in my right lung and am sa
isfied that , by this time , I would ha\
been in the last stage of consumptson
I had not taken his treatment. As I ai
entirely well , I would advise those su
fering from catarrh or lung trouble to g
and see him. Edda Maud Gould ,
Alma , Neb.
H. A. Morris of Aurora , Neb. , say !
"For 18 years 1 had been troubled wit
chronic rheumatism. Ofttimes I hav
glanced at the announcement of Dr.Rei
a specialist who has visited Aurora fc
some timebut put off calling on him ur
til I heard from some of his patients c
the many cures he was effecting. Sine
being cured by Dr. Rea I felt so grateft
that I sent my friends to see him. Hav
gained twenty pounds under his treal
inent and heartily recommend him to ai
afflicted with chronic diseases. "
Palace Hotel , McCook , Thursday , June 29.
; e
; e
There is not the slightest doubt that tl
n Beware of the doctors do more harm than good in treatii
r- Contagious Blood Poison ; many victims
this loathsome disease would be much bett
Patchwork ; You Can off to-day if they had never allowed the :
selves to be dosed on mercury and potash , t !
only remedies which the doctors ever give f
n Yourself at Home. blood poison.
iss The doctors are wholly unable to get rid
: s to heal the outward appearance of tl
this vile poison , and only attempt up
iil disease the sores and eruptions. This they do by driving the poison into tl
ilh system , and endeavor to keep it shut in with their constant doses of pota-
h delicate then break 01
and mercury. The mouth and throat and other parts
ist into sores , and the fight is continued indefinitely , the drugs doing thesyste
> t than the disease itself.
o more Mr. H. L. Myers , 100 Mulberry St. , Newark , N" . J. , says : 'I had spent
) f hundred dollars with the doctors , when I realized that
J- they could do me no good. I had large spots all over my
Jg bcdy , and these soon broke out into running sores , and I
d endured all the suffering which this vile disease pro
y duces. I decided to try S. S. S. as a last resort , and was
L. soon greatly improved. I followed closely your 'Direc
L.f tions for Self-Treatment , ' and the large splotches on my
chest began to grow paler and smaller , and before long
disappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my
r- skin has been as clear as glass ever since. I cured my "
self at home , after the doctors had failed completely.
It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors
to cure Contagious Blood Poison , for the disease is beyond
> S yond their skill. Swifts Specific
! e SS 3P B SB Bti B a B aa
l ; and it forces th
from potash mercury
> f acts in an entirely different way . Hence it cures th
fe and rid of it entirely.
out of the system gets
, fe poison
e disease while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks foreve :
e constantly undermining the constitution. Our system of private home trea
within the reach of all. We give all necessary medical advice
ment places a cure
the embarrassment of publicity
is vice , free of charge , and save the patient
isr. Write for full information to Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
And Lebanon will colobnite , too !
A.O. Dele wns ever from McCook on
A number of minor burKlarioH wore coin-
nittcil , last Friilny , nliow ilny.
Colonel Mitchell of tlio Comfort was ever
'roin tint county tout , show-day , witli his uotm-
> ook and receii t-book , which may in n monmiro
iccount for the nbsjnco of the multitiuio from
; lie nho\v.
You n > tist ruail n county Mint paixir to bo wol
iiformud concerning the business n Hairs of tint
: ounty. TimMcCooK TRIUUNB in the otlicial
It iirints tunvn than any of
: ounty imiH-r , morn
ts coinjHjtitors , lint , bo t of all , it contd no
Corn in looking well thus far.
Wo have liuanl it remarked that thu weather
s very warm.
Frank Jones and family of Trenton visited at
I. W. Jonu.s' , last Sunday.
Jlomeinlxir Hov. Hadcon's apixmitnumt at
iraiiton , next Sunday aftornoon.
There is a patriotic family in Hed Willow
oinity whoso ancestors fought in tint war of tlm
evolution and they have Ix'on in all the war.-
inco then up to tlio i > rosont. Wtt will toll you
ibout them , next week.
I was seriously ufllictetl witli ti cougher
or several yeuis. and lust fall had a
hefore. I
nore severe cough than ever
mve used inuny remedies without re-
eiving much relief , and being reconi-
nended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's
! o tjh Remedy , l y a friend , who , know-
ug me lo be a poor widow , gave it to
lie , I tried it , and with the most grnti-
ying results. The first bottle relieved
ne very much and the second bottle has
bsolutely cured me. I have not had as
oed health for twenty years. Respect-
ally , Mrs Mary A. Heard. Claremore ,
irk. Sold by L W. McConnell , druggist.
" " . Mc-
We cure "that thirsty feeling"
: onnell's soda does it.
Hardly a day passes , in families where
Ijere are children , in which Ballard's
now Liniment is not needed. Itquick-
, f cures cuts wounds bruises , burns and
nd scalds. Price 25 and 50 cts. L. W.
IcConneil & Co.
The McCormick is all right. Frank D.
urgess is agent for them. Don't buy a. '
inder , mower or rake without getting
is prices and learning all about those
slebrated machines.
Aside from the serious inconvenience
nd pain caused by piles , there is a teml-
ncy to fistula and to cancer in the
ictal regions. Piles should not be al-
> wed to run on unchecked. Tabler's
uckeye Pile Ointment is an infallible
: medy. Price 50 cts. a bottletubes 75 cts.
. W. McConnell & Co.
A sallow , jaundiced skin is a symptom
f disordered liver , as it springs from
iliary poisons retained in the blood ,
liich destroy energy , cheerfullness ,
; rength , vigor , happiness and life ,
[ erbine will restore the natural fuuc-
ons of the liver. Price 50 cts. L. W.
IcConnell & Co.
10 $ CIGAR 80 $
MICA lightens the
helps the team. Saves -wear and
expense. Sold everywhere.
IcCook Transfer Line
J. H. DWYER , Proprietor.
3jr * > Speeisil attontinu paid to
tilling furniture. Leave orders
either lumber yard.
known for 15 years as the
.CO. . ST. LOS