LL ! > 4s * V ? VC' * * & pa \ f O < 7 T > The News Briefly Tofd.s * # & & # 4t * * Je * Saturday. Ex-Governor Baxter of Arkansas is dead , aged 72. He was elected governor of Arkansas In 1872 , and his adminis tration witnessed the stormiest period in the history of the state , and brought about the Brooks-Baxter war. Presi dent Grant issued a proclamation rec ognizing Baxter as governor. Rev. Dr. B. F. Austin , exprlncipal of Almo college , at St. Thomas , was tried on the charge of heresy by the London Methodist conference. He startled the conference by declaring himself an ar dent spiritualist. He said he had been converted by a woman mind-reader oi Detroit. The conference unanimously deposed him. Advices received at Kingston from Cayenne , capital of French Guiana , say that all preparations have been made for transferring former Captain Alfred Dreyfus , Imprisoned on Devil's Island , to the charge of officers from Paris , who are said to be coming on board the French steamer Lafayette , which , it is alleged , will take the prisoner di rect from Devil's Island on her return voyage to France. Stockholders of the North & West Street Railway companies voted to lease the two systems to the Chicago Union Traction company , a concern - 'formed by a number of New York cap italists. During the meeting President Chas. D. Yerkes announced his retire ment as an official of the Chicago ; street railway companies. The new company has an authorized capitaliza tion of $35,000,000 , of which $15,000- 000 Is to be G per cent pieferred and Y. $20,000,000 common. Only $12,000,000 Jv of the preferred stock will be issued for the present. The announcement at Madrid in the speech from the throne to the cortes that Spain had ceded the Caroline is lands andPalaos and theMariannes was received with surprise in Washington. The cession marks the relinquishment of Spanish possessions in the far east save the island of Fernando Po , and > dependencies on the African coast. . The dispatch containing the news was shown to the German ambassy officials , tonight , but Ambassador Von Holle- i ben said that he had received no in- jj formation as to the cession and the German foreign office had not com municated the facts to him. Monday. The net income .of the Rock Island * decreased $70,000 in April as compared - * * pared with the same month last year. * " M. Houseman of Chicago has been selected as timekeeper for Fitzsim- mons in his approaching fight with Jeffries. President McKinley has designated Assistant Secretary Cortelyou as sec retary during the absence of Secretary Porter , who sailed for Europe. The president received about SOO members of the Order of Railway Conductors and their families. The members were , from Iowa , Dakota , / Minnesota , Wisconsin , Illinois and Indiana. A hundred picked riflemen of the First Kentucky regiment and a Gat- ling gun battery left for Clay county in the mountains , to serve as a guard during the trial of Thomas Howard for murder. The concluding session of the coun cil of the General Federation of Wo men's clubs at Philadelphia , passed jesolutions providing for the appoint ment of a committee of fifteen mem bers , which shall issue a plan of re organization and' proper taxation. At a conference between Secretary Nutt , of the Western Bar Associa tion , and President Shaffer , of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers , it was decided to hold the scale convention in Detroit begin ning on the 7th. One of the exhibits of Commission er General Peck in the United States building at the Paris exi.osition of 1900 will be a bust of President Mc Kinley. F. E. Leimer , a Chicago sculptor , has been selected to make it. The president , it is said , will be gin sitting for the sculptor in a few days in Washington. Mrs. Minerva Monaghan was nv.r- dered at Uniontown , Pa. , while try ing to protect her daughter , Mrs. Ger trude McCcogan , from the attacks of Councilman McCormick. Mrs. Mon aghan was stabbed in the neck and the jugular vein severed. McCormick , who is blind , has been paying atten tions to Mrs. McCoogan , and , finding her in company with another man , 'f ' assaulted her , with the result given. Tuesiluy. President McKinley has consented to mcluae Milwaukee in his western itin erary. Kid Goulette of Rochester , N. Y. , and Sam Bolen , colored , of New York draw at Wheeling - I fougnt a twenty-round \ * ing , W. Va. f By direction of the president Briga dier Charles King has been honorably discharged from the volunteer army , to tarre effect August 2. Commissioner Hermann of the gen eral land office has decided to refuse the request of the wool growers of Utah and Wyoming for a modification of his former order prohibiting the grazing of sheep on the Uintah reser vation in Utah. The attorney general has rendered an opinion in which he holds that the secretary of the treasury has no au thority under the law to compromise suits brought to recover additional duties on goods which have been un dervalued where no irregularity is siown on the part of the importer. Dr. W. E. Moore , one of the oldest and best known Presbyterian divines , is dead at Columbus , O. , of bronchitis. His age was 77 years. Julius F. Edson , engaged in the en- craving and printing business at Chi- ca-o has filed a petition in bank- f ruptcy. Liabilities , $236,400 ; assets not stated. L G Hastings , assistant treasurer of the Rock Island railway , with headquarters - ' quarters in Topeka , committed suicide : by shooting himself twice through the head at his room in the Hotel Throop. His accounts are said to be in good shape , but he has been sick for several -months and subject to melancholia * A Havana has placed a municipal tax of 25 per cent on alcoholic liquors. The window glass trust says there will be no advance in prices at res ent The Reformed Presbyterian nation al synod decided to hold the next con ference at Cedarville , O. Governor General Brooke Is consid ering appropriating ? 50,000 for public improvements in Puerto Principe pro vince. Charles Frohman has engaged El- laline Terrlss and Seymour Hicks for three years to star In "My Daughter- in-law. " A decree has been prepared , but not yet signed , permitting Cubans to re tain animals now in their possession as booty of war. The Chicago Record declares that a mammoth sugar consolidation is be ing projected which will absorb the Arbuckle and the Doscher refineries. The receipts at the port of Havana for the last five months were : Janu ary , $742,433 ; February , $707.127 ; March , $890,925 ; April , $860,221 ; May , $927,223. Total , $4,133,931. Great secrecy is maintained as to the proceedings at the national foun- drj'men's association in session at Cleveland , but It is believed they are considering the subject of wages. The Northwestern Plow association has changed its name to the North western Plow and Implement asso ciation , so as to include makers of all farm implements. It also raised prices to apply on 1900 business. Two babies , aged 1 and 3 years , children of Mrs. Carl Detloff of Pop lar Grove , 111. , were instantly killed today. The mother left the cab on the depot platform while she stepped into the station. A gust of wind blew it in front of a fast incoming freight train , mangling both children. The national Reformed Presbyter ian synod , in session at Mansfield , 0. , declared , regarding the Philippines : "Before God , this nation now is put in trust ; God takes these possessions from the old nation , Spain , and gives them to us , saying , 'Take this and keep it for me and I will give thee thy wages. ' " Thursday. Havana has placed a municipal tax of 25 per cent on alcoholic liquors. The window glass trust says there will be no advance in prices at pres ent. ent.It It appears probable that Governor Pingree will veto the sugar bounty bill. Harvey Menifee , who assaulted a white girl near Atlanta , Ga. , and es caped a mob is still at liberty. The battleship Iowa sailed for Port Orchard , where the vessel will be placed in the dry dock and thoroughly scraped. The United States court at Cincin nati decreed that the sale of the Bal timore & Ohio Southwestern railroad should be sold under foreclosure on July 10 at Cincinnati. State Senator Anderson of Topeka , Kas. , says he was offered $3,000 to vote to locate the new insane asylum at Parsons. Governor Stanley says an investigation will follow. The machine and blacksmith shops of the Western iron works , at Butte , Montana , together with all valuable patterns , were destroyed by fire. Loss , $75,000 ; insurance , $15,000. The fire originated in the blacksmith shop. The heaviest loss is on the patterns and the machinery. Rev. H. P. Williams , chaplain of the Fifty-first Iowa volunteers and former ly pastor of the First Christian church in Ames , has accepted an offer of the Christion Missionary society , and will remain in the Philippines , after his regiment has been returned , as a mis sionary. His wife will remain with him. him.Nearly Nearly 200 mine operators , coal shippers and retail coal merchants from Arkansas , Oklahoma and Indian territory at a meeting at Kansas City organized as the Middle States Whole sale and Retail Coal Dealers' associa tion. Their object is to fix the price of coal in the states and territories named. St. Louis , Mo. , and Arizona capital ists have incorporated the Arizona United Copper Mining company , with a capital of $10,000,000. The company owns a claim in Pime county , Arizona , on which there is a hill 225 feet high , which by actual measurement shows 3,500,000 cubic yards of copper , gold and silver ores. Friday. British imports increased in May 3,170,000 , exports increased 5,138- 900. 900.France France is taking steps to renew re ciprocity negotiations with the United States. The American Grass Twine com pany , capital $15,000,000 , has become incorporated at Dover , Del. Glasgow , Scotland , shipowners anci merchants in mass meeting expressed alarm at the threatened extension of foreign competition. Secretary Long has decided to buy a small quantity of Harveyizcd armor and await further congressional action in favor of the armor trust. M. C. Russell , quartermaster at the Wisconsin veterans' home InWaupaca , Wis. , died suddenly from heart disease while in the midst of his duties , aged 66 years. Mr. Russell enlisted as a volunteer in the civil war from Michi gan. Later he resigned and re-enlisted from Wisconsin. The postal clerks , in session at Indi anapolis , will urge the passage by the next congress of the reclassification bill. bill.The The president of the Argentine Re public extends thanks to the United States and Minister Buchanan for aid ing In the Chilean-Argentine boundary dispute , preventing war. Judge J. S. Emery , one of the pioneers neers of Kansas , died at his home in Lawrence. He was at one time United States attorney for that district and later a member of the state board of public works. He was prominently identified with the early history of Kancas Miss B. Elizabeth Lane , who was graduated as a lawyer at the Illinois College of Law last month , recelvei also with her graduation diploma the title of master of laws. She is the only woman in America to earn such an honor at graduation. She is onlj 21 years old , and went through the full four years' course at the Illinois College in two years. She is a native of Missouri. Too often when a man's good deeds speak for themselves he spoils the ef fect by going around with his mouth open. B. Y. P. U. Richmond , Va. , July 13-10. Via Big Four and Chesapeake & Ohio Ry's. One fare round trip. Tickets on sale July 11 , 12 , 13 ; good to return until July 31st. Can be extended to August 15th. For full information and de scription pamphlets address , J. C. Tucker , G. N. A. , 234 Clark St. , Chicago. A Boston paper is authority for the story that not long since at a hotel in the modern Athens one of the ar rivals registered his name in large capitals running across the page : "Richard Harding Davis and valet. ' The next guest to arrive registered thus : "John D. Rockefeller and va lise. " The discovery of the remains of tue 5igantic mastodon on a farm in Union county , Ind. , turns out to be the most valuable find of this kind probably ever made in this country. So far as can be seen the skeleton , when first unearthed , was complete in every par ticular. Under atmospheric influences , however , many of the smaller bones began disintegrating , and have since crumbled into dust , but the larger ones , and the tusks and teeth especial ly , remain intact. The superintendent of a city Sun day school was making an appeal for a collection for a Shut-in-Society , and he said : "Can any boy or girl tell mo oi any shut-in person mentioned in the Bible ? Ah , I see several hands raised. That is good. This little boy right in front of me may tell me. Speak up good and loud , so that all will hear you , Johnnie. " "Jonah ! " shrieked Johnnie. Harper's Bazar. HEALTH AND BEAUTY. A Book That Should Be in the Hands of Every Woman , Mrs. McKee Rankin , one of the fore most and best known character ac tresses and stage artists of this genera tion , in speaking of Pe-ru-na , says : "Nowoman should be without a bottle tle of Pe-ru-na in reserve. " Mrs. Mc Kee Rankin. Mrs. Eliza Wike , 120 Iron street , Akron , Ohio , says : "I Mrs. McKee Rankin. would be in my grave now if it had not been for your God-sent remedy , Pe-ru-na. I was a broken down wom an , had no appetite ; what little I did eat did not agree with my stomach. It is now seven years past that I used Pe-ru-na and I can eat anything. " Mrs. Eliza Wike. Every woman should have a copy of Dr. Hartman's book entitled "Health and Beauty. " This book con tains many facts of especial interest to women. Dr. Hartman has treated more ailments peculiar to women than any other physician in the world. This book gives in brief his long and varied experience. Send for free books on catarrh. Ad dress Dr. Hartman , Columbus , Ohio. The optimist derives much pleasure from the thoughts of trouble that do not trouble him. U. S. Patent Ofllce Business. Four hundred and sixty-three pat ents were issued this week. Iowa in ventors are represented in the list by 10 , Minnesota 9 , Missouri 19 , Nebras ka 1 , Pennsylvania 56 , Texas 8 , New York 80. 5,723 applications are awaiting ac tion by the Examiners. Photographs are not proper sub jects for patents , but an exclusive property right in a photograph of a person , animal , landscape , building , or any other object , may be secured by copyright. Mr. J. C. Plummer , of Altoona , la. , has applied for a copy right for his photo of the cyclone that whirled along about fourteen miles north of Altoona on May 28th. The sun was shining and illuminated the whirling twister which appears white in the picture and very distinct. Names of medicines and labels for merchandise that used to be protected by copyrights are under present laws not proper subjects for copyrights , but may be protected by registration in the U. S. Patent Office my patents issued for trade-marks for 30 years and for labels for 28- THOMAS G. ORWIG & CO. , Solicitors of Patents. Des Moines , Iowa , June 3 , 1899. Do Yonr Feet Ache and BnrnT Shake into your shoes , Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Hot and Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmstei LeRoy , N. Y. It does not signify .because a man grows whiskers when the beginning of the end of his "bit" has arrived that we have seen his face for the last time. Nothing ruins a woman's complex ion quicker than marrying a man to reform him. Capt. Boltwood , one of the Kansas soldiers who swam a river with Gen. Funstou in the Philippines the other day , is a civil war veteran and drew a pension. When he came up for his appointment for the present place he failed to pass his physical examina tion. Secretary Alger objected to his being allowed to enlist , but Governor Leedy insisted that a commissioned man did not have to undergo any ex amination , and for some reason not given the secretary yielded. A life spent worthily should be measured by deeds , not years. Sheri dan. School T.anrts at Yonr Own Prlco. As soon after the lir.st of July as practicable I will hold public auctions for leading about 095,000 acres of school land , under provisions of the new law , in the following1 counties : Antelope , Banner , Blaine , Box Butte , Brown , Chase , Cherry , Cheyenne , Custer , Dawes , Deuel , Dundy , Garfield , Grant , Hayes. Uitchcoek , Holt , Hooker , Keith , Keya Paha , Kimball , Knox , Lincoln , Lopran , Loup , Mcl'herson , Pierce , Per kins , Rock , Scotts Bluff , Sheridan , Sioux , Thomas and AVheeler. Under the new law , if these lands will not lease at public auction at 6 per cent upon the appraised value , they may be leased to the person offering G per cent upon the highest valuation. These lands are in the best sio-k growing portions of the state where cattle , sheep and horses can be produced at less expense and , therefore , at greater profit than anywhere I know of ; and yet , surrounded with as good and in telligent a class of citizens as anywhere to be found. The harvest truly is great and lasts almost the year round and no more inviting field for the intelli gent stockman and farmer can bo found ; and now , that there is an op portunity to secure twenty-five year lease contracts thereon at what the lands are worth , the lessee himself be ing the judge , it is confidently expect ed that all or nearly all of these lands will be leased during the present year at the public auctions , as above men tioned. Any one desiring to attend any of these leasing auctions will be notified of the time and place of hold ing the same , as soon as it has been ar ranged , if they will write me at once giving the names of the counties in which they are interested ; und will also be furnished a list of lands to be leased so that they may visit the coun ties in advance of the leasing auction and examine the lands which will be offered. Notice of the auction will be duly given in the local papers. Send stamp for copy of the new school land law under which the lands will be of fered. Any further information will be cheerfully furnished.J. . J. V. WOLFE , ' Commissioner Public Lands & Buildingg. Lincoln , Neb. , May 18 , 1899. An ingenious practical joker has making lots of fun for the patrons of a New York beer garden. He has sev eral steins with valves in the bottom. These , being set upon the table , con nect with lead pipes , and the valves open , filling the steins from the bottom tom , and keeping them always full , no matter how much beer is swilled. Vulcanized rubber trays are conven iently placed for the steins to be set in when emptied , and the popes , con necting with the cellar , operate through them. There la a Class of People Who are injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed In all the grocery stores a new preparation called GRAIN-O , made of pure grains , that takes the place of coffee. The moat delicate stomach receives it without distress , and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Try it. Ask Tor GRAIN-O. The doorstep originated the stamp collecting fad. Cliroiiir Coiihtipntioii < 'iu rtl. The moPt Important dlscoMy of recent jcar the jioslthc remedy for constipation , tasearets , ( audy Cathartic. Ctire giurauteul. lOc , Me , CUc. Beauty isn't everything. The butter fly makes a great show , but it's the homely little bee that makes the honey. Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken internally. Price , 73c. The chances of matrimony are much greater just after or just before a war than at any other time. During the civil war the number of marriages in this country fell off from twenty per 1,000 population to seventeen per 1,000 and immediately after the civil war was ended , in 1865 , the number rose to twenty-two per 1,000 , declining in 1869 to twenty-one. I believe my prompt use of Piso's Cure prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucy Wallace , Marqnette , Kun , Dec. 12 , 'C5. In the last three years the United States has sold abroad $1,300,000 more than it has bought. FITS P'rmsnentlyCured. Nont3ornervonsnes after flrst da/'s u"1 "f Dr. Kline's Great Ner e Restorer. Send for TREE S2.OO trial liottle and treatise. DB. R. U. KLINE , Ltd. , 931 Arch St. , 1 hlladelphla , P . A man naturally likes to stand high in his community , yet he doesn't care to have the assessor over-rate him. Wo Pay 810 n AVcok and Expenses to men with rljis to Introduce our Poultry Compound. Address wlthstamp , Ja clle Mfg. Co.l'arcon , Kan. Neighbors will never become bosom friends as long as they look into each others' back yards. Coo's Cough Hals am to the oldest and beat. If * 111 break up a cold quieter : haa anything else. It Is always reliable. Try It. Tommy "What's a hypochondri ac ? " Papa "He's a man who suffers Crom things he hasn't got. " Life. Are Yon Using Allen's root-Ease ? It is the only cure for Swollen , Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet , Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress , Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y. Mrs. "Jeb" Stuart , the widow of the Confederate cavalry commander , has resigned the principalship of the Vir ginia Female Institute , the diocese school of the two Episcopal Virginia dioceses. She has occupied the posi tion for many years. A ! out thirty-five years ago Chaun- cey Depcw deposited $100 in a Peek- skill pavings bank. The president of thai institution joked Senator Depew about having forgotten this small ac count , and was astonished to hear Mr. Qepew reply : "Forgotten it ? Well , I guess not. It amounts to about $400 with interest now , and it's growing. 1 hat was the flrst $100 I e' T owned and I've kept my eye on it. " An Ohio man recently hanged him self from the top round of a ladder. Thus are we once more reminded that there is always room at the top A Definition Johnny "Papa , what is a plutocrat ? " Papa "A man who has as much money as I'd like to have. " Puck. Good Immaculate liuo-i is the mark of good housekeeping. To get the best results use " Faultless Stareh. " It makes eollars , culls , { hirt fronts , etc. , look like new. All gro- teis s-ell it , lOc. u package. The evil conditions within us give us more unhappiness than the evil conditions outside of us. Kxcurblon to Detroit \Ii the For the Y. P. S. C. E. Convention July 5th to 10th all lines will sell tickets on July 3rd , 4th and 5th via the Wabash , the short line from Chicago cage or St. Louis to Detroit. Side trips to Niagara Falls , Toronto , Mon treal , Mackinac and many other pjints at a very low rate via Lake or Hail have been arranged. Parties contem plating a trip east should call on or write for rates and folders giving list of side trips , etc. , also beautiful souve nir entitled "Lake and Sea. " G. N. CLAYTON. Room 302 Karbach Blk. . Omaha , Neb. In the matrimonial game a base ball player isn't always a good catch. The "Western Mercantile ) Co. of Omaha are selling the best sisal or standard twine tic. inanila 9c , delivered at Omaha. Sat isfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Send in your orders before it is too late. Poverty must be a crime at leaot it is punishable by hard labor. $118 buys new upright piano. Schmol- ler & Mueller , 1313 Farnam St. , Omaha. About two-thirds of the men who call at your office on business want some of your money either directly or indirectly. Cut Kates on All Kall ajs P. II. IMillhin Ticket Broker , 1505 Farnam , Omaha. Little men measure themselves by each other ; great men by the golden rule. Ail Iowa Invention. M. R. Swan , of Manilla , Iowa , has just obtained a patent for a breastpin including Admiral Dewey's picture. This pin is now being manufactured , and is known as the Dewey pin. The patent was obtained through G. W. Sues & Co. , Patent Lawyers , Omaha , Nebr. , who will mail a free book on patents to anyone writing for the same. Gen. A. S. Kimball , Depot Quarter master of the U. S. Army , in New York city , has sent to Lyman Mc- Carty , Assistant General Passenger Agent of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail road In New York , a letter of thanks for the prompt movement of troops that were ticketed over the Baltimore j & Ohio Railroad during the past year , j He says that many of these movements were made on short notice and his de partment had too frequently to rely upon insufficient and sometimes inaccurate - j curate data. He realized that under [ such circumstances the company was , placed in an embarrassing position and the extraordinary efforts made by th2 line to give satisfaction in every re spect merited and received his fullest appreciation. There is nothing in the world more sensational than the plain unvarnished ' truth. I The payments of a divldent of one- fifth of 1 per cent to the crt'lltors > the Iron Kail winf.s up a failure \vluch involved ( ! 3,000 members , scattered through more than 20 states. When a receiver was appointed it was found that the liabilities of the order wcro $5.100,000. Altogther $2,000,000 has been collected , and paid to creditors , leaving a permanent deficit of $3,100- 000. It Is alleged that a London money lender has a 500 note which he lends to aristocratic brides to be exhibited as a wedding gift along with other presents. Fame , from a literary point of view , consists in having people know you have written a lot of things they havent' read. It is much easier to form a new hab it than it is to re-form an old one. A Story of Sterility , SUFFERING AND RELIEF. [ LETTER TO MKS. PINKHAM NO. 6ji86 ] "DEAR Mns. PiinaiAM Two years ego I began having such dull , heavy- dragging pains in my back , menses were profuse and painful , and was troubled was leucorrhoca. I toolc patent medicines and consulted a phy sician , but received no benefit and could not become pregnant. Seeing- one of your books , I wrote to you tell ing you my troubles and asking for advice. You answered my letter promptly and I followed the directions faithfully , and derived so much benefit that I cannot praise Lyditi E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound enough. 1 no\v find myself pregnant and have begun its use again. I cannot praise it enough. " MRS. CoiLi. GIBSON , YATES , MANISTEC , MICII. "Yonr Medicine Worked Wonders. "I had been sick ever since my mar riage , seven years ? go ; have given birth to four children , and had two miscarriages. 1 had falling of womb , leucorrhoea , pains in back and legs ; dyspepsia stnd a nervous trembling o the stomach. Now I have none of these troubles and can enjoy my life. Your medicine has worked wonders for me. " Mns. S. BABNUAKT , NEW CASTLK , PA. W.N.U. OMAHA. No. 24 Ifa99 $5 to $25 Xone Higher. Bicycles Sent C.O.D. With iirI\Ui K M > f exHiniiKitlori. TYPEWRIT-- . all inaKos. HALL'S SAFES , ricu JUKI second hand. Write for particulars .1. j. miUiiT : jt co. . 111(5 1 nriiiitn J-t Omaha N'eb. Robert Purvis. Send for 11 , ; = a-i 1 i > rl > 11- I -t i'i i - Ini i ! - . i. Carriage Co. show the DRUMMOND l.ir cst , iii > t Uncut of Him i-1 .t n ti o p e s. Kun.ilioiits. Phaeton * , Purri4 and ( > IMBI niter UiN-klioard * In the tit } of dm.ilia Sfi uinl luml iHitvuIi B Inrlty \ilililrs ( all nil I lotitvotir our \.ul < tv l.l lt- tcinth a.id Harm y stncts o ; > p Court WANTED. II ; . < TS. Mnp to ( . \ \ . tokfii & C . ( ommis- slou Merchants. I''OT Howard Omaha. Nt-l AH Kinds of I'lfKliicisold at hcst tnti- l\et ] ii ictKcturns daily. ( Oc FOR 10 SAMPLES ? ! SEHD It nill I * worth dollars to ju as it will livtlqnUkK and nithoutH-ar-n } flit wniiml > * jrtr. uk < r. tttt i tvztiiii , sere thru it. torn e t . co- tnrrli , Icutorrhiia. pileor other diM.nn- the kn ! , Ku'.i. or muoiis jiHiiitjnnf on in in or lx.ii t. J.i t .1 * < > > ! > or ointment hut a i-iotlilri. . ' . lif nlinir li tinn ; ti pm-atc < 6 hialin < K < Mt Jit di < oitr.il Inr.illiMc tor wire Hit" , twiddle c.ilN. vncll.iiK . tl.ruah. tri u-c h l , hoof rot. and cimil irdi * i fuf Mo < ' { . Full -szc | iui ! c > ami 50 cents , at drnuvi'-tii or iircginid Ceo. H. Leo Chemical Co. , Omaha , reb.or 08 Murray St. , Kew York. BAILEY , Leading enlist , l.th ( and tarnam bt . . OM VIIA Klietwirlc lowest price i Ttuh extr-uted without pain. A w J Dr = Kay's Renovator , g sia constipation lit er and kulnc\ diseases hil- houbness , headache , etc. At drusirists i'w & II. TVANTFD-Case of hid DcaltTi that KIP A-X .1 will not benefit. Send 5 ( tats to KIpans Lhemttal Co- New YorS.for 10 samples and luuu testimonial. aml Typewriting. Hovtes * school Hee Send for Illustrated catalogue. a | | P R-r'jcr's Trad'thoroiuhl / taught In fie shortr-i po-bllj. time Write for free i at ilo tie ana part'rui ir. Western Barber's Institute. 14.C Uo < lB'L , Oru.ilia. DO YOU WANT TO BUY At Wholesale Prices ? You say , "Yes , I do. * ' Then send for Free Catalogue and Terms. L. ERHARDT & CO. , ATCHISON , KANSAS. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS , WASTE RULES. " GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF DURht with greatest care in each minute and unseen part. " Compare them , part for part , with other bicvcles. and you will find et good reasons for their recognized superiority. Our "new models contain more improvements of direct practical value to the rider than were ever before offered in one season. I Chainless , $75 Hartfords , - - $35 Columbia Chain , 50 . Vedettes , - - $25 , 26 f t Catalogue free of any Columbia dealer or by mail for 2c , stamp. POPE MAKUFAGTURIHG CO. , - Hartford , Gonn ,