Everything you want to Celebrate with. . FIRECRACKERS . TORPEDOS ROCKETS COLORED LIGHTS GOLDEN SHOWERS SERPENTS GRASSHOPPERS BALLOONS ROHAN CANDLES PISTOLS AND CAPS Flags and Bunting All Colors and Kinds If you are going : to run a stand , let us figure on your entire outfit THE "BEE HIVE" McCOOK , NEBRASKA. ' * V VW rfWWWV ovwvy r' ! ± - $ V V T COO Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $60,000 0. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. * Waif 1 Latest Designs. Latest Colors. Come and see our Stock and get Prices. A. McMILLEN , Druggist. B. E. ACHTOH , Prcs. T. E. HcDOlULD , Cai. CLIFFOED1TAS2N , Asst. Cash. BANK OF DANBURY DANBURY , NEB. A General Banking Business J "Any business you may wish to transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE will receive prompt and careful atten tion. Subscriptions received , orders taken for advertisements and job-work. J. B. BALLARD , 0 DENTIST. @ All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , Dr. W. V. GAGE. McCook , - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. , 1-efore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. given in appropriate cases. Miss ANNETTA BALL , McCook Surgical Hospital. C. M. DUNCAN , Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICIAN. All chronic diseases treated by electricity. Lady attendant in office. over the old Knipple store-room. FOR- House , Decorating , Wagons , Buggies , Carriages , Floors , Barns , Implements , Enameling , Staining. [ Varnish Stains. ] L.W. McCONNELL & CO. F. D. BUKGESS , Plumber Steam Fitter McCOOK , NEBR. Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basementof the Meeker- Phillips building. Agent for- * - McCORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. Full Line of Repairs Always on hand. sMxwsjrwsasji JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK , NEBRASKA. JSAgent of Lincoln Land Co. Office ] Rear of First National bank. For Sale. On account of removing from Mc Cook , I offer for sale my 10 room resi dence on Main avenue , facing the park. One and one-half lots , well improved , with good lawn , shrubbery and fruit of all kinds. The house has large rooms , plenty of closets , bath room , good cellar. There is also a good barn on the prop erty.Also Also xvill sell at a bargain the 6-room house and corner lot on the southeast corner of the second block east of city park. Also two four room houses in South McCook , each house having two lots. lots.Will Will dispose of all the above proper ties at a rare bargain , or will sell any one of them on easy terms in install ments or with suitable discount for cash. Address , FRANK HARRIS , 1900 i6th St. , Denver , Colo. G.W.Predmore's broncho made a break for liberty , Thursday afternoon , and suc ceeded in making a noticeable impres sion on Hi : tennis court netting , north of the court house , befoie being cap tured. Tish Gates , daughter of Engineer and Mrs M. R Gates , celebrated her twelfth birthday , Wednesday afternoon , by giv ing a party to a company of young girl friends. Refreshments were served and a general good time enjoyed by all. Mrs. Fred Schlagel , who has been up from Oxford on a visit to relatives , de parted for Denver , yesterday , on a short visit to Mrs. A. A. Miller. Alice Harris returned to her Denver home , this morning , after visiting Helen Lawson for the past week. Love and John Ballard are visiting their aunt , Mrs. M. A. Metzner in Arapahoe - ahoe , this week. Lillian Roman of Lincoln is the guest of her anut , Mrs. F. G. Westland. Two or three Hustings people have ex pressed a fear that Miss Horlocker's trip to New York means that she doesn't in tend to be present when her case comes up at the fall term of court. As a busi ness proposition no beautiful young wom an , charged with attempted murder un der somewhat yellow circumstances , could afford to blight her future by jumping the bail bond and lapsing into obscurity. Bix. If your sight is blurred with specks and spots floating before your e3'es , or you have pains on the right side under the ribs , then your liver is deranged , and you need a few doses of Herbine to regu a late it. Price 50 cts. McConnell & Co. C NORTH COLEMAN. ar The pasture is good , but we don't know r how the wild hay will pan out. Alfalfa on the bottom is good. B. F. Wilson has begun harvesting his and others are help ing him. Just see the buggies and carriages fly by ! They are as plentiful now as they were scarce a few years ago. Henry Stryker , who was once a Coleman hey , is a proud papa. Mr.Roemersheuser and wife also have a youngster. I. B. Stryker marketed some fine turnips , this week. They were raised on the upland with nature's own irrigation. That young daughter at Rqbt. Traphagan's must he quite attractive , judging by the num ber of callers there , last Sunday. Tuesday night , we were favored with a fine shower , and the tillers of the soil are hopeful of at least a short crop of small grain. Corn is a good stand and looks fairly well except that it is backward. In the language of the poet , "Corn had ought to be knee high by the fourth day of July. " It will hardly get there in ' 99. Truly the swine product of Coleman pre cinct is great in quantity , to say nothing of the quality. John B. Smith was to lead off , first of the week , with his supply. Loads go by almost daily from Frontier county. In a recent letter from Frank Brown , speak ing of their new home in Camas valley , Oregon gen , he said : "We can see mountains on all sides of us. Strawberries are ripe and we gathered some on a mountain today. Millie and Bessie have started to school and I will go next week. " Rev. Matson gave a very good talk at Spring Creek school-house , last Sunday after noon. His theme was , "The tongue is an un ruly member" etc. By some mistake word had been circulated that there would be no services that day , and the congregation was small in consequence. SOUTH SIDE. W. S. Fitch is putting up alfalfa. Everybody is happy on account of the rain of Tuesday night. Linford Fitch of the Third Nebraska ar rived here , Tuesday morning , and is looking fine ; he has only gained thirty pounds since he left which speaks well for the canned beef. beef.After After a very pleasant visit to relatives and friends in the South Side , A. G. Nettletqn left , early Monday morning , for his home in Goldfield , Co'orado , awheel , expecting to en gage in carpentering there. Following is the programme of the South Side Endeavor society anniversary exercises , H2Xt Sunday : FORENOON. 10:00 Praise service | 10:39 Children's service iioo Papers and instrumental music 11:30 Sermon AFTERNOON. I rjo Song service § 1:45 Invocation 1:50 History of the South Side Endeavor society 2:00 Papers By Neighboring Societies 2:30 Short talks Anthem..McCook Congregational Choir 3:00 Sermon Rex- . Turner of Indianola 3:30 Devotional service Led by R. T. Eller of McCook Tribune Clubbing List. For convenience ot readers of THE TRIB UNE , we have made arrangements with the folio wing newspapers and perodicals whereby we can supply them in combination with THE TRIBUNE at the following very low prices : PUBLICATION. PRICF. Detroit Free Press . Si oo $ i 50 Leslie's Weekly. . 4 oo 3 oo Prairie Farmer . oo 125 Chicago Inter-Ocean . oo I 35 Cincinnati Enquirer. . oo 150 New- York Tribune . oo i 25 Demorest's Magazine . oo 175 Toledo Blade . oo 125 Nebraska Farmer . oo 150 Iowa Homestead . oo i 45 Lincoln Journal . oo 175 Campbell's Soil-Culture . oo 150 New- York World . oo I 65 Omaha Bee . oo 150 Cosmopolitan Magazine . oo I So St. Louis Republic . oo 175 Kansas City Star . 25 i 15 Nebraska Dairyman and Up- to-Date Farmer . 50 125 Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 i 15 Kansas City Journal , daily. . 4 oo 4 20 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. IF WV L MB YGU& SMOKE ONLY FRAGRANT 10 * CIGAR A.DAYIS'SONS &CO.MAKERS JOHNG.WOODWARD&CO. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS COUNCIL BLVFFS.IOWA ? The Cyclone at Herman , Neb. The little town of Herman , Washing ton county , Nebraska , \vas practically swept awa\ , Tuesday evening , by a cy clone Onlv s > ix buildings were left standing in .lie town. Ten were killed , twenty-five njtirt-d. five of whom will die. Five hundred people were rendered homeless , and these was but one small cyclone pohcv held in the town. The property los is placed at 5150,000. In the twinkling of an eve , five , hundred people were rendered homeless and des titute , their houses and household grinds scattered to the winds of heaven It is perhaps the worst cyclone that ever vis ited the state. THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , stricth iu advance. Wanted Cattle to Pasture. Have 600 acres of fine pasturage , with good water , four miles southwest of Ctil- bertson. Charge , 25 cents a month. JACOB MIX.I.ER , Culbertson , Neb. Degree of Honor. The financier , Mrs. Clara Hileinan , is away on her summer vacation and Mrs. Matie G. Welles has charge of her books during her absence. Assessment No. 3 and June per capita tax are due this month. Regular meeting on June 27111. The meetings are well attended and the lodge is increasing its membership. There are initiations every session. The social committee looks after the enter tainment of all who attend. S-WP means Sherwin-Williams Paint best to cover best to wear. Sold by L. W. MCCONNELL & Co. Notice. Notice is hereby given that from this elate henceforth , no picnics , fishing par ties or hunting of any. kind will be per mitted in the enclosure at or around the mouth of Driftwood creek. 5-26-413 W. S. FITCH. © There are few women as beau | tiful as they might be. Powder and paint and cosmetics don't ES make good looks. Beauty is ® simply an impossibility without © health. Beautiful women are © few because healthy women are fj few. The way to have a fair face and a well-rounded figure is to take This is that old and time-tried medicine that cures all female o troubles and weaknesses and drains. It makes no difference Q what the doctors call the trou CJ ble , if there is anything the I matter in the distinctly feminine organs , Bradfield's Fe = - ft M ! male Regulator will help and cure it. It is good for ir 3 regular or painful menstruation ; 3a for leucorrhea , for falling of the womb , for nervousness , head ache , backache and dizziness. 3 Take it and get well. Then 1 your old-time girlish features and figure will be restored. E3 Sold by druggists for 51 a bottle. E3I TEE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLAHTA , GA. New Stock ! New Patterns ! Don't Buy Before Examining : Our Superb Stock. L.W. McCONNELL & CO. Are you prepared for hot weather ? If not , you should call and inspect our line of Wash Fabrics for Summer Dresses. DIMITIES , LAWNS , ORGANDIES , LINENS , FANCY GINGHAMS , . INDIA LINENS , P.Ks. , MADRAS , DUCKS , PERCALES , &e. which we are selling at very low prices. Call and see our line .of LADIES SUITS , DRESS SKIRTS , SHIRT WAISTS AND SUMMER UNDERWEAR * YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH QUALITIES & PRICES Grocery Stock Fresh and Complete arqatii i ? 4 ? jffac ate aBmfflu jJScjrfacjglcjgnc aSg _ fec Jit l -syt-rgr-rgit j yi V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. * I CITIZENS BANK ! OF McCOOK , NEB. Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $ " < ; .ooo DIRECTORS , FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. I &jtfo jBsy > _ _ % j tjj u < j < * i i < i * * * * * * * * * - * ' \ WHITE'S CREAM IRIVIiFUCi ! Host in Quantity. Bc t in Quality. For 29 Ysars Has Led ail Wona Bamgdig , > EVERT BQTTT ! ? ixs : s-sr a.i 3J lozs.-crG-cs-z JAEflES FO BALLARD , St. Louis. COAS. SEfiSO QNE DOLLAR OUR SPECIAL OFFER PRICE S55.00 SI6.50 BUILT IN OUR OWN FACTORY IN CHICAGO , TO on honor from the best material monev can buy U hue Jii our Free Buggy Catalogue we show. Top Buggies made by S90.0O other makers at S2I.5O.S28.75 and 534.75 the exart tame buesy that are sold by machinery dealer * , at f 1300 to BUGGIES t. j.OO and are belnsr wldelr adverti'ed by many ateas 00 to tV > 00 AND OUR ACME QUEEN AT S55.OO Is the moat wonderful value ever offered , Tim LOWEST PRICE K > Kit SURREYS. QLOTtO OS THE BLbT IllOOY THAT ABE BCILT. We maintain ourownflve story buggy factory for the * ole purpo e of ballc'lr.frand htlling a BFTTEK nrcr.r T1US WE CAN lltl ELShWHFUE ud to iATt OLU CtSTOSERS MASIFACTLKEITS PBOHT. Every Buggy We Make Is Cuaranteed Five Years and They Will out wear Five Ordinary Factory THE MATERIAL AND UBOS IH OUR ACME QUEEK cost more than doable that in the ordinary I actorr buggy. We use a Z2.IO cushion cloth , some use SO cent ; we use a M.iO head lining , some use JOcent- we use 23 erat leather , tome use 9 cent ; we u e S3 JO coloraandvarni'ihe3. < ! omeuse75centiindtl 09 TVT * PAT ALMOST DOUBLE the price most makere niiPPM . ( OUR OWN MAWC . ) P * ? for MhM' ' ' I' ' " feprlafs , Uulm ind SortfU. b aM. WE W4ST THE BEST. Our wheels gearand bodies are ITaUr nabbed ud the Material and UborlnPalnUngOUR ACME QUEEN , ooU paint tir * * thup borrlf v ! } ' * S55. 00 BARELY COVERS COSTof material and labor , leaving us the smallest profit imaginiWe but we are bulldingVO buggies adayand to advertise our buggy factory we are willing toSELLTHKHOx Sl.oornoFiTLAUl. We kno-wf7O.OOcJaUyjproflton TObuggies will satlsfv us , advertise us everywhere and build up the LARGEST BUGGY BUSINESS IN THE WOKLD. THE ACME QUEEN we build In narrow or wide tract , cloth or leather trimmed , end zprinc buffed leather quarter top , tolid panel back , springs In back , leather toiered Bow * and > at . Bobber Step * Vebet Carat , body , 2ix51 inches , No. 1 Sarven's patent sere wed rim wheels , painted In 10 roau , body black , gear dark green with very delicate mode&t striping , complete with shafts , side and back curtains , boot storm apron and anti-rattlers and shafts. Pole , IWcVjokf mad Ufclffletrttla plate oftharu , 41.7S eitra. BLGdV tTEIUHS 40O FOC5DS and lb fnlzht trill atrrare for 2OO mllrt , C2.OO ; 300 mlln , 82.75 ; 40O nllra , S.SS : SOU mll > . 13.60 ; 1OOO mlln. ( C.OO. " " 5NP ! DOLLAR with year order , WE CU1IUNTEK tbe Ea&fj ( e It th Ton SiM/and * fcr' fc- " < if satisfactory , pay the railroad agent balance. 54.OO * ad i , fithenvlsepavnothlncrandtheagentwillreturnbusrgyatoureipen eandwenillreturnj-ourt1 00. DON'T BUY A CHEAP FACTORY BUGGY now nold almost excln ively by nil Jlafhinerr Ix-alers ii.l Catalogue Hou-es BUY THE BEST BUGGY MONEY CAN BUILD , direct rroin the Maker tbs LOV/EST PKICE EVER KNOWN. ORDER TO DAY. DON'T DELAY WRITE FOR OUR FREE BUGGY , CARRIAGE AND HARNESS CATALOGUE. A SS S EA R S , ROEBUCK & CO. ( Inc. ) , CHICAGO , ILL.