MKN OK HOYS Miffning frmii ni xmis < lebihly.irn < > ccli- , M'linnnlMiktt : - > . losi in niliooil , ni ht emissions anil itana in , < | IM hatgrx < ansfil by etrorsof yoiingci il.ivulnch. . if nut r < - lievi-d by mrdiril trr.itmclit , is deplorable on mind ami l > < ly , DO NOT MARRY xvlien suffering , as tins leads to loss of memory , joss of .spn its , hnihftilness in so cifty. pains in small of back , Int'Iitfiil ( beams , daik rings around the eyes , pim ples or breaking out on face or body. Send for our symptom blank.Ve can cure you and especially do we desire old and tried cases , as we chaige nothing for advice and give yon a written guataiitce to cine the worst case on recoid. Not only aie the weak organs restored , but all losses , drain' ; anrl dischaiges stopped Send 2c stnmu for ipicstion blank. BLimi ) POISON First , second < > r d-itiaty stage. \VK NEVER FAIL. No detention from Inis- iness. Write us for particulars. Di-pt. I. HANN'S PHARMACY , OMAHA , NEB. L A DIKS ma . < 1 llli''y- : ' 'Monlh- | lc.s MMc to lllc ( ] ay Never fails , dues scanty , exce-sivc or painful mensliatinii. M box. 2 boxes cure any case li-pl. I. HAND'S 1'liarma.cji , 18th and Farnsm , .vr.-h Omaha , Neb. Du. JOHN DENTIST. . . . . of Chicago. ZST'Location given in next issue. C. H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Room 3 , Meeker-Phillips Bldgf , Upstairs No Ritfht to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face , form anrl temper will always have filends , but one who \\ould be aliraclivt- muM i > ei'j : her health. If she is uiak , sickly ami all roti down she nil ! Innetvons and irritable If she has cniisttpaiion 01 kidney trouble , ht-r inipiue Mood will cause pimples , blotches , skin eruptions and a wretched complexion Kk-etric Hitters i- > the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach , liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. Il gives strong neivs , bright eyes , smooth , velvety skin , rich complexion. It will make a good-looking , charming woman of a run down invalid. Only 25C at .VcConnell's To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Lax.itive Hromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists lefund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L B. Q. on each tablet. Tin' TRIHUNK will club with anv pa per you mawant. . Trv it His Life Was Savud. Mr. J. E Lilly , a prominent citizen of Hannibal , Mo lately had a wonderful deliverance from a ( rightful tienlh. In telling of it lie says : ' 'I was taken with typhoid fev.r , that ran into pneumonia. My lungs became hardened I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon < lie of consumption , when 1 heaid of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great 'elief I continued to use it , and now am well and strong. I can't tay too much in Us praise. " This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble Regular sizes 50 cents and $ r. Tiial bottles free at McCounell's drug store ; every bottle guaranteed. If the predisposition to worms in chil dren is not cured they may become emaciated , weakly and in danger of con vulsions. White's Cream Vermiluge is the most successful and popular remedy. Price 25 cts. I , . W. McConnell & Co. _ WHITE'S CREAM Jlcstin Quantity. Best In Quality. X > 3 = t XT Gr Gr X S I1 S . by = JAMES . F. BALLARD , St. Louis. * > kyvyv > wx > rfj > j'rx % x vw- > / > /-w- At L.v. . MCDONNELL & oo.'s. HARVESTER KING i BO fi si We sold about a dozen of 'em to Red Willow county farmers , last year , and they were thoroughly pleased and satisfied. The Harvester King enables the up = to = date farmer to cut and bind early , and to head later on in the season , both with the same ma = chine ; thus avoiding the greatest risk from hail and handling the greatest possible amount of grain. WE ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR The Old Reliable Buckeye Binder. The J. I. Case Threshing Machines. The Columbia = = a small , 8 = horse Thresher. The Renowned Piano Steel Jones Lever Binder. The Celebrated Ideal Deering = = the wonder of all. McmOK. NEBRASKA. SPECIAL i FEATURES ! Colonial Peoples : Birds , Animals. . . ; Products , Homes S : ) Pain's Fireworks § ; j Art Exhibit , Mechanical - § : g OPENS AT OMAHA , NEBRASKA , JULY 1st , chanical Exhibits - = ; 1 CLOSES OCTOBER 3st ! , 1899. its , The Midway , * Godfrey's British 5 mrm * sfw EXCEPT wn , Edipse Ust Ycar y - - B-nd ; > | W.V.VAWWtf.WAWAWmWtfMVW Cheap Tickets to Detroit , Mich , iL L Take ad vantage of tilt- low rate one fare plus $2 for the icuiiiil tiip to Detroit which I he liiirhn lon Route bar. made for the ' 99 mt.'eliiij4 of the Christian En- deavorers , and o east at nbout half usual cost July 3 , 4 ami 5 are the dates of sale. Herths , tickets and information about return limits , side trips from De troit , etc , can be had at any Burlington Route ticket office. J Francis , General Passenger A ent , Omaha , Neb. Cullins Hros. " New Enormous shows will exhibit in McCook , Tuesday , June 2Oth , afternoon and nij ht. The largest and best wagon show traveling ou the road to-day. A strictly first-class per formance ; not one old. worn-out feature ; every thing new. A grand free out side exhibition ou the show grounds , show day. See the man that eats a meal from a hiiih swinging wire while sitting in a chair Don't fail to see him. Grand free street parade at noon , show dav. Two bij ; bands of music giving daily concerts of the most popular and classic music. Remember the dale , McCook , Tuesday , June 2Oth. Admission , 25c ; children isc. The only big show com ing this season. Had management keeps more people in poor circumstances than any other ciuibe. To be successful one must look ahead so that when a favorable oppor tunity presents itself he is ready to take advantage of it. A little forethought will also save much expense and valu able time. A prudent and careful man will keepa bottleof Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house , the shiftless fellow will wait un til necessity compels it and then ruin his best horse going for a doctor and have a big doctor bill to pav , besides ; one pavs out 25 cents , the other is out a hundred dollars and then wonders why his neighbor is getting richer while he is getting poorer. For sale by L. W. McConnell , druggist Correspondents should endeavor to have their items reach McCook by Wednesday night , if possible. Items that reach us on Wednesday night or Thursday morning are fresh If sent earlier the news is not complete and if sent later , they may not appear for lack of space. Please bear in mind , the time. BOX ELDER. Why can't 15ox Elder have an okltime pic nic on the Fourth ? S.V. . Pinkeiton left for Lincoln , Monday , ' to resume his- law studies. , James Hess is selling a steam cooker that is [ catching the eyes of the ladies. R. E. Moore left , Thursday , for an extended tiip through the west and Canada. Nellie and 15ert Stephens were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy King , last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stephens and Ethel vis i ited Mrs. llany Hodgkin in Hartley , last week. Mrs. Kate Piper and baby start , this week , for Salt Lake City , to spend the summer and visit friends. ! ' . S. Schoonovcrvas caught in the hail storm of last Thursday , coming from town , and before he could get iiis team under con trol , they broke the tongue of his wagon. Memorial services were held in the evening at Box Elder. Rev. Matson preached an able sermon to the old soldieis. The church was appropiiately decorated with flags and flow ers. . We were visited by a young cyclone , Satur- j day evening , and several took refuge in their i cellars The damage , however , was slight , i The wind mills of Mnlilon Campbell , Fred i Schoonover and Louis Branscom were blown i down. -Z- * * > r ZgZiA i 4 - i sSfe a ijS&yr \ Q ' - -2&Zte % 37V73 , ? The Man Who Toils is the man who ought to have the best things to eat , because his system requires it. Workingmen and everybody else who want the best to eat come to our shop. We run the best butcher shop in the city. Our place is clean. The meats we sell are tender and fresh and the prices low enough to suit anybody. If you knew how particu lar we are to give satisfaction , you'd never buy elsewhere. j' ' EVERIST , MARSH & CO. ' Through Tourist Sleepers to Northwest. The Burlington Route has established a twice-a-week tourist car line from Kan sas City to Butte , Spokane , Tacoma and Seattle. Cars leave Kansas City , Lincoln and Grand Island every Tuesday and Thurs day , arriving al Seattle following Friday and Sunday. They arc upholstered in j ( rattan. The bed linen and furnishings ! are clean and of good quality. The i heating , ventilating and toilet arrange ments are all that can be desired and i each car is in charge of a uniformed ' Pullman porter , whose sole duty is to at tend to the wants of passengers. Cars run through without change of any kind and the berth rate from Lin coln to Tacoma is only $5 oo. To inter mediate points it is proportionately low. Montana and the Puget Sound country are now enjoying a period of unexampled * prosperity. As a consequence , travel to the northwest is rapidly attaining large proportions. This new tourist car line lias been established with a view of car ing for the Burlington's share of it in the best possible manner. Berths , tickets and full information can be had on application to any Bur lington Route ticket agent or by address ing J. Francis , G.P.A..Omaha. June 26. Hardly a day passes , in families where there are children , in which Ballard's Snow Liniment is not needed. It quick ly cures cuts , wounds bruises , burns and and scalds. Price 25 and 50 cts. L. W. McConnell & Co. This pnper and the great St. Louis Semi-Weekly Republic for 1.75 a year. ' i\ In the country it is hard to get help for the house hold work. Wives , mothers and daughters who do their own work should have the very best of everything to do it with. Ivory Soap is the best ; it cleans quickest and is easiest on the hands. It floats. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps , each represented to be "just as Rood as the 'Ivory' ; " they ARE NOT. but like all counterfeits , lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. COPYRIGHT 1890 BY THE PROCTER & GAMBLE CO. CINCINNATI When Nature is overtaxed , she hasher AN UNFAILING SIGN THAT her own way of giving notice that assist ance is needed. She dors not ask for NATURE IS APPEALING help nntii it is impossible to get along without it. Boils and pimples are an imiiatiui that the system is accumulating impurities which gotten rid of : they are an urgf-nt appeal for assistance a warning that can not siMv he ignored. To ne.'lect to purify the blood at this time means more than the annoyance of painful boils and unsightly pimples. If these impurities are allowed to remain , the system succumbs to any ordinary illness , and is unable to withstand the many ailments which are so prevalent during spring and summer. Mrs. L. Gentile , -004 Second Avenue , Seattle. Wash . says : "I was alHicted for a long time with pimples , which were very annoying , as they disfigured my face fearfully. After using many other remedies in vain , S S. S. promptly and thoroughly "cleansed my blood , and now I rejoice in a good complexion , which I never had before " Capt. W H Dunlap. of the A. G S. R. R. Chattanooga. Tenn . writes : " Several boils and carbuncles broke out upon me. causing great pain -aid annoyance. 5Iy blood seemed to be in a riotous condition , and nothing I took seemed to do good. Six bottles of S S S. cured me completely m > ' blood nas been perfectly pure ever since. " ! L'Xi. : Jfg BLQ < the best blood remedy , borrmse it is purely vegetable anil is the only o that is absolutely five fivui pofctsh and mercury. It prompt ! } ' purifies the blood and thorouuhly clf : snses the system , builds up the general health and strength. It cur < 5 Scrofula. Efzpiiin. Cancer , Ilheuma- tisiu. Tetter Boils , -nrcs. etc . by going < iii ct to the rav.M.of the trouble and forcing out all imji'iiv blood Books free to 11117 address by the Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. cut tins ad out and send to us and if you * live East of the Rocky Mountains will send this HIGH-GRADE TOP BUGGY to you by freight C. O. D. subject to examination , } ou can examine it atjuur lieurlit ( ? > i > t anilir \7i"jiinl"it hQl'lt. TO ANY * 100. ( > O 101' 11LUUV jou eier saw. perfectly * ati taetoryaiKl the UlUMil-ST Klltl. UN \ Of II OK OFFER PRICE SI6.5O BUILT IN OUR OWN FACTORY IN CHICAGO , TO on honor 1mm the be t material monev can buy.lule in our Free Buggry Catalogue we show , TopBuppies made bv S90.00 other makers ut S2I.50 , S28.75 and S34.75 the exact tamp Ou'j- > that are - - , > m by machinery dealerut jl. .00 to BUGGIES 87J.OO and are bein-r wtdelv advertised by many at KJj.OO to MO.OO. AND OUR ACME QUEEN AT S55.0O is the most wonderful value ever ottered , TI1K I.ontST ruiCK MM : SURREYS. giortu O.N TIH : IH-ST ui < .cv nur tine maintain our o\vu live story bu eylactory r r the s--le purpose of Imildinfrnnil s-ellin a HKTTKK IlUC.OY 'IHIN WE ll III h ! . > h llHii : an.l ( o &HE OIK CIS roil LIU Ml.MT.UTI HHtVS I'liOHT. Every BugGY We Make Is Guaranteed Five Years and They Will out wear Five Ordinary Factory Rigs , THE MATERIAL AMD LABOR IH O'JR ACME QUEEN < -ost more than double that in the ordinary factory lmjruWe < $ i.S ( > eui-hmn lmjru- % u e a - cloth , name ue 'JUccnt ; weu-ea8I.3Olieatllinini ; . someuselOccnt ; we u o J3 cent leather , some UM > 9 cent ; weuse3.5O colorsandvarnUhes. some nse7.T cent and SI CO "WE PAY ALMOST DOUBLE the price most makers for Wheels , AxlM. . Dashes pay Springs. and SocLrts , nr mic niicrtru , nllr > nu/M unntrc > . . ACME ( OUR OWN MAKE. ) QUEEN. hteansc WE WtST THE BKST. Our wheels , pear and b'idie < iareUalcrIIulibcd and tlicMaterial and LahorlnPalntlni ; OUR ACME QUEEN , would palm Ihrei-fhoap liufKlrs. S55.OO BARELY COVERS COST of material and labor , leaving u < tliosinalle-t profit imaginable , but we aie building TObugRies a day and to advertise our bussy factory we are uillinir toSLLLTIIEXUX f riUHlTbU'H. "We know * 7O.OO daily profit ou TObuefries will sati ly us , advertise us everj where and bnilil up the LARGEST BUGGY BUSINESS IN THE WORLD. THE ACME QUEEN we build in narrow or wide track , clntli r leather trimmed , end spring , buffed leather quarter top , > olid panel hack , springs in back. Iralhrr nnrrril Huns and > uls. lluhbrr hrn ( , Teliet I'arpft , bodj"lx5t inches. No. 1 .San en's patent scroieil limhei - ' - . palmed In It ; coats , body black , Rear dark green with verielion'e modest striping , rmnplete with shaft1cide ami liai k curtains , boot > t' > rm apron and anti-rattlers * aml'hiftPole. . \erl.roLe and \\hinii trees In | iare of shafts , * 1 .T5 extra. lltliHYHilllS : 401) I'Ot.Mlb and the freight a mil merasp fur 'JOO miles , fJ.dO ; : : ( ) ( ) miles , fj.75 : 400 miles , ft.'i : : 1OO miles. U.GO ; I.OOO miles. fC.OO. > E-C 7 l ffr 5T . . f"l i E . /i 55 with y 'ir order , UK ( \K1\TEK the ltniiy to Itearh You Safely and \jEC M 'OaM. .fJXtiiA \ - - jf satisfactory , pav the railroad auent balance. ril.OO and } , ottitruiSe par n-ithiii and the apent willreturu buiwy at our expense and we will return yuiirtl.OO. DON'T BUY A CHEAP FACTORY BUGGY now soldulmo-t exclusively by all Machinery Dealers 1 < atalt.irne HOII-M. BUY THE BEST BUGGY MONEY CAN BUILD , direct from the Maker ' . ' .u LOWEST PRICE EVER KNOWN. OKDERTODAY. DON'T DELAY. V/RITE FOR OUR FREE BUGGY , CARRIAGE AND HARNESS CATALOGUE. 11 .HSS S EA R S , R O E B U C K & C O. ( In c , ) , CHICAGO , ILL , McCook Markets. Corrected Friday inoruiug. Corn S .30 Wheat 5 Oats 20 Rye 35 Barley 30 Hogs 3.25 Eggs 09 Butter 12 Potatoes 50 I was seriously afflicted with a cough for several 3'ears , and last fall had a more severe cough than ever before. 11 have used many remedies without receiving - . ceiving much relief , ami being recom mended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's i Cough Renifdy. by a friend , who , knowing - | ing me to be a poor widow , gave it to me , I tried it , and with the most grati . fying results. The first bottle relieved ! me very much and the second bottle has absolutely cured me. 1 have not had as I uood health for twenty years. Respect fully , Mrs. Mary A. Heard. Claremore , | : Vrk. Sold by L.V. . McConnell , druggist. Paint is to a house what clothing is to the bodIt is just as important. Me- Milieu guarantees every gallon of paint he sells. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ollice at McCook , Nel > . , May -V. IS'K ) Notice is hereby tjiveu that the folloumg- naiued settler has filed notice of ln intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before regis ter or receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Saturday , July 15. iSot ) , viNo. . 10550. James \Voo.l- worth , for the southwest qiutter , .section 14. township 3 north , range 29 west , 6th principal meridian. lie names the following uitnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land , vi/ : Sterling P. Hart. John R. Penny , Benjamin Baker , Thomas J. Ruggles , all of McCook , Neb. 6-2-6t I1' . M. I\AI HltfN. Register. NOTICE TO CKEIU'lOKS. In county court , within and for Red \YilIow county , Nebraska , May 22d , IM ! > J , in the matter of the estate of Michael Smith , deceased. To the creditors of said estate * You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the counU court room in McCook , in said countv , on the .yd day of November , iSofj , at 10 o'cl < ck a. m to receive and examine all claims against estate , with a view to their adjustment and al lowance. The time limited for the presents tion of claims against said estate is simonth - , from the 22d day of May , A. D. i.Son. and the lime limited for payment of debts is one from said 22(1 day of May , iSoxj.itness my hand and the seal of said countv court , tin- 22d day of May , iSog. G. S. lUsiioi- . 5-26-315 County Judge. Try Lear for drugs. Box Elder Circuit. Sunday-school at Box Elder church every Sunday at 10 a m. Church services at n a. m every two weeks dating from Sunday. Dec. 4. Sunday-school at Red Willow school house every Sunday at 2 p. in. Church service at 3 p. in. every two weeks dating from Sunday , Dec. 4. Sunday-school at Garden Prairie ap pointment every Sunday at 10 a. m. Preaching at ira.m. every two weeks dating from Dec II. Preaching service at Spring Creek at 3 p. m. every two weeks dating from Dec II. D. L. MATSON , Pastor. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand , but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old , running and fever sores , ulcers , boils , felons , corns , warts , cuts , bruises , burns , scalds , chapped hands , chilblains. Best pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and at lies. Only 250 a box. Cure guaranteed At McConneU's. Five Cents a Copy ! That's the remarkably low price at which we are closing out the remainder of our Navy Portfolios , those superb pictures of our splendid and victorious navy. Yon can buy the entire series of twelve numbers for 50 cents This is less than half price , and they are only a few sets left. Notice. Notice hereby givt-n that from this date henceforth , no picnics , fishing par ties or hunting of any kind will be per mitted in the enclosure at or around the mouth of Driftwood creek. 5-26-415 W. S. FITCH. Mr. P. Cetch.un ot Pike City , Cal. , says : "During my bi other's late sick ness from sciatic rheumatism. Chamber lain's Pain Balm was the only remedy that ave him any relief. " Many others have testified to the prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords. For ale by L. W. McConnell , druggist S-\V P means Sherwin-Williams Paint best to cover best to wear. Sold by L. W. MCCONNELI. & CO. Aside from the serious inconvenience and pain caused by piles , there isa tend ency to fistula and to cancer in the racial regions. Piles should not be al lowed to run ou unchecked. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is an infallible remedy. Pricesocts.abottle.tubes/SCts. L. W. McConnell & Co. Teachers' Institute. The annual session of Red Willow county teachers' institute will be held at Indianola , Nebraska , beginning June 12 , and continuing one week only. I earnestly request all who expect to teach in this county the coining year to attend the institute. LILLIAN \VELBOR . County Superintendent. A sallow , jaundiced skin is a symptom of disordered liver , as it springs from jiliary poisons retained in the hlooxl , which destroy energy , cheerfullnes = , strength , vigor , happiness and. life. Eierbine will restore the natural func tions of the liver. Price 50 cts L. W. McConnell & Co. For relief and comfort in asthnu Bal- ard's Horehouud Syrup has no equal. Price 25 andt 50 cts. McConnell Co. wheels with. M2GA Axle Grease Get a box nml If am xvhy it's t Ix-st grease ever jiuton or 04 Sold everywhere. McCook Transfer Line J. H. DWYER , Proprietor. attention paid to hnnlin < r furniture. L orders nt either lumber vnrd. CURES NOTHING BUT PILES. . A SURE and CERTAIN CURE known for 15 years as the BEST REMEDY for PILES. SOLD IIY AIJL At L. W HcCONNELL & CO.'S. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c- Anronp ersllr n ! > kctrh and . . . < ju ! ' uly , is < - "r'T n cur "Miuoii free iT.riTiH n 11 pr nMy p itrntnM- < fimi ' > trii-tlvc nitliioutLil. HanJb < x > lL - sent fr < > n * > " lr > ! t n jer. y fi r so urit'K . - Putmjm tnLeii tiinjuu1 ! Munu A. la. reeetre tptctftl nitlce , without chntvt . In the Scientific Hmerican. A hnndsomcly Hln5traliM wstkjy. Irc wt * culntlon of any ndcntW ? ] 'UrniilTerem. . J3 a : four months. fU SoldbyaH iwwxKotor * . MUNN SCo.361Broad New York Branch Ofilce. 3 K S