-it - - Everything you want to Celebrate with. . FIRECRACKERS TORPEDOS ROCKETS COLORED LIGHTS GOLDEN. SHOWERS SERPENTS GRASSHOPPERS BALLOONS ROHAN CANDLES PISTOLS AND CAPS Flags and Bunting All Colors and Kinds If you are going to run a stand , let us figure on your entire outfit THMcCOOK ± McCOOK , NEBRASKA. COO Authorized Capital , $100,000. and Surplus , $60OOO jf OC5O GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. Latest Designs. Latest Colors. Come and see our Stock and get Prices. A. McMILLEN , Druggist. V B. S. A3HTOS , ? re : . r. 2. UOSAL CLIFFOSD1IASSH , Asst. Cah. BANK OF DANBURY DANBURY , NEB. A General Banking Business S"Any buMness you may \\ish to transact with THE McCooK TmnrNE will receive prompt and careful atten tion. Subscription receheii. eider > taken for advertisements and job-v ork. J. B. BALLARD. O DENTIST. © All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be firstclass.Ve do all kinds o Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smitl & Bellamy , assistants. McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , Dr. W. V. GAGE. McCook. - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. 1 efore g a. m. and after 6 p. m. given m appropriate cases Miss ANNETIA BALL , McCook Surgical Hospital. C. M. DUNCAN , Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICIAN. II All chronic diseases ticated by electricity IS A Lady attendant in office. : over the old Knipple store-room. FOR- House , Decorating , Wagons , Buggies , Carriages , Floors , Barns , Implements , Enameling , Staining. [ Varnish Stains. ] L.W.MCCONNELL & co. F. I ) . BURGESS , ir McCOOK , NEBR. iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday. Waupun. Eclipse Windmills. Basementof the Meeker. Phillips building. Agent for- > McCORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. Full Line of Repuirs Always on hand. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK , NEBRASKA. J J5y Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Offici Rear of First National bank. 1 DANBURY. J. L. Sawnt'h ni-wTioubo is rapidly nearii coiiiplotion. Tlio carpotiiiK for tlio CoiiKFOKatioiutl cliun arrived , la t Saturday. W. A. Miiinionr and Hiram I'arkor liad bus nc'-H in JlcCook , WodncMlay. Simon S. Dow , a former poacher at this i > lac i.s Imru vihitiiiK old-timo fricndir. Mrs. J. N. Toner luis nearly 0110 hundred litt turkuys and has no incubator , fitliur. Hov.T. L. Ketnian of McCook delivered a lee lire in the Methodit-t chinch , Tue.-day oveinii Mr. and Mrs. Kinsloe of S\cainore , 111. , a hero vinitiiiK their daiiKhtcr , Mrs. C. P. Undu wood. Soren Siinon'-oii rcjn"-i > nU1d the. local lodfro. ! the Woodmen's encampnleiit in Kansas Cit this week. MNs * > .s Alum Ifaje1- and Sjlvia Dowattoiidf tlm KradiiatinK exercise * in Indianola , last Fi day evening. Miss Clifton sixike IIPIO and at Laurel Del Siindaj.in tlio intores-t of the Deacones.s ho pital in Omaha. The trainmen's eating place has ) > eon chance \Vilt-onvillo , wliicli makes a noticeable ditto ence in the hotel bnsincMhero. . Dr. W. A. DoMay went in to Chicago , Tues-dr. of tlii.s week , to attend lectmos for the 110:1 : month in a po.-t-Kraduato conr.-e. K. C. Hajes haresiKiie < l his work of i > reacl inn hero and , wo have heard , will accept a pot tion with the We-tern Supply Co. to tell orjjai and j-e\uiiK machines. \V. A. Ureenway has puichat-ed throe lots i the southeast part of town and will coinmenc at once , to build a now house which is to I twvntj-MX feet siiaro ( and a storj-and-a-ha hi h. Tun MtCooK TnniUNi : fjives the most , tl best , the fres-liest and the mo t reliable coiinl new.s , all for the s-aino price the other feljov ask one dollar a jear. It's up-to-date , strict' all right , and jou can't keep house proper without it. When Mitchell Young went from his work f < his dinner , last Thur da > , he found his lion filled with neighbors and friends who had gatl ered without his "knowledge or consent" to r mind him that it was his biithday. Mr. Your was not in the least exiK-eting a celebration i his honor and contributed his part to the plea ure of the occasion by being really Mirprisei P. J. Haitian , in behalf of the guests , pres-entc Mr. Young with a handsome rocker , the recirj ent responding in a manner which showed h gratitude and how < leeplhe was touched I this token of esteem from friends and neighbor A very pretty paper holder , match-safe , an several articles of wearing appaiel were al-o r ceiveil and much appiociatod. Si > eecheswei made by a number of the guests and the follo\ jng poem , written by Mr. . Young , was plea ingly read by Mrs. Slntts : In the state of Illinoion a bright May inon The hero of our tale was born ; A little brown-ejed lad was I.e , And fair for all tlio world to see ; A mother's pride , a father's joy How dear to all this biown-ejed boy ! As bis mother knelt by his cradle-side , ' What .shall we name the boy ? " s.he cried , And the father's bosom with pride did swell As lie answered. "Let's call him Mitchell. " And so Mitchell the name become , And following that is the surname Young. How very quick the season's fly ! And childhood's jears roll swiftly by ! The baby grew as a babj might , ( Hut we'll not tell . \ou about his height , ) Hut onlj insist that he was good As the jears sped on to > oung manhood. The parents toiled both early and late Trjing hard to make both ends moot ; Still thej were happy and had good health. And the father was anxious for more wealth : He wanted a home for each of the boys , Hut land was high in Illinoi-- . So he said to his w'ife one day , "There's plenty of land out west , they si > , In Nebraska , six hundred miles or more , There's prairie land as smooth as the floor : Wo can each take a home-toad all we need- And Vncle Sam will give ua deed. " The mother's teardrops quicklj start : Ho\\ can sliefiom the old home depart ? How can she ever make the change And start anew in a land so strange ? Hut she made answer , with wistful gaze , "I long for green and plea-ant way ? And I do not want to complain , Hut wont it be hard to live on a claim ? " Hut she saw that the husband's mind was se And she -aid in her heart she'd not regret The dear old home to leave behind If there was something better to iind. When the children were told they were fllh' with delight , And each had plea-ant dreams that night , For they dreamed that they were going Whore there's milk and hone\ flowing : Win n- the -uninier"- . gentle breeze Wa\c- the gold upon the tree- . And then Mitch and Frank and Mo-e Straightwa.\ began to pack their clothe ? ; Co.it- and pants and -hiits and socks Were packed into a great , big box ; Into two wagons loaded all they posses-ed , Hitched on their teams and started west. Day after _ day on , on thej went , Sleeping at night beneath a tent , Up again at break of daj Once more pur-iiing their onward way. Thev were on the road a verj long time. When di l thej come ? Spring of seventy-nine , Along Heaver yallej thej tnuoled one day , And that evening the father was heard to sa ; "No use going further's I see , Tin-land is good enough forme ; This is the \ery place we seek. " ( They were camped close by the creek. ) The boj's- were out earlj- next morning. And before noon all had claims adjoining ; Thev built sod houses and settled down , Kach on his homestead , not far from town. They experienced neither a sweet nor bitt < cup , Hut all thing * , good and bad , mixed up. Of the re-t of the familj no more I'll mentioi Hut once more direct yonr attention To the one with which we started out. Yon want to know more of him , no doubt. "Well , since he's been here -core of years We'll call him one of the pioneer- . He reached the jears of mid-day life Without taking to himself a wife ; Fact is , lie thought hene'er _ would w"d. Hut alwajs live alone instead. He wouldn't have a woman strong To lead him by the no-e along. Hut at last he tired of patches and strings , Huttonlo clothing and similar things , And , as he looked at his own de-olation , Declared single bles-edne-s full of privation. And , regardlo of vows made heretofoie , Said no longer he'd be a bachelor. It's nearlj two jears since he took a wife To be his companion all through life : Hut for this I'm sure he's not to blame For mo-t of you have done the same ; And 'tis riirht , they saj , acio-s life's tide For man and woman to go side by side. In town lie's built a COZA home And thinks he'll take life as it comes , So on life's .s'immit we see him stand Surrounded today by many friend- \Vith be-t of wishe- and right good cheer To this old-time friend and pioneer. Vnd now mjtorj's neailj done. rh\tiling'-far from perfect , I own ; imagination has bad lull plaTo \ To write the-e verse- for hibirthdaj , Not exacting to make jou laugh , Hut hoping to plea-e my better half. Ifynur siyht is blurred with speck and spots floating before your eyes , o you have paiii.s on the right side uncle the ribs , then your liver is deranged , am yon need a fe\v doses of Herbine to regu late it Price 50 cts. McConnell & Cc New Stock ! New Patterns ! Don't Buy Before Examining : Our Superb Stock. L.W. McCONNELL & CO. THE IDEAL LIST The following is the list of prices of the new steam laundry to be opened at 311 West Dennison street by Hatt & Bulger , next week : WOMEN IN TROUBLE. The Approach , of Motherhood is the Occasion of Much Ansiety to All. Every \voman dreads the ordeal through which she must pnss in bpcom- ing a mother. Tne pain and EtiOerii.g which is in store for her is a source ot constant anxiety , fear and dread , to say nothing of the danger which the coming inciuent entails. The joyous anticipations with which she looks for- vrnrd to baby's coming gives way to an indescribable dread of the ordeal when she fully realizes the critical and trying event v In 1 \\ill s > voii aiij. > roi.eh and have to L > 3 endured. Women should hail with delight a remedy vrhSch insures to them im munity from the pain , suffering and danger incidental to child-bearing. Such a remedy is now offered , and women need not fear longer the hour of childbirth. " Mother's Friend" is a scientific liniment and if used befove confinement , gr ntly and surely prepares the body for the great requirements and changes it is undergoing , insures safety to both mother and child , and takes her through the event with com parative ease and comfort. This won derful remedy is praised by every woman who has used it. What woman is not interested in "Mother's Friend ? " This wonderful remedy has been tested and its price less value proven by the experience of thousands of happy mothers who have used it during the most critical period of woman's life the approach and culmination of motherhood. It has won their everlasting praise , for it gave them help and hope in their most trying hour and when most needed. Every woman may some day need "Mother's Friend. " The little book , "Before Baby is Born , " telling all about it , and when it should be used , will prove of great interest and benefit to all expectant mothers , and will be sent free to any address upon application to the Bradlield Regulator Company , Atlanta , Ga. Are you prepared for hot weather ? If not , you should call and inspect our line of Wash Fabrics for Summer Dresses. DIMITIES , LAWNS , ORGANDIES , LINENS , FANCY GINGHAMS , INDIA LINENS , P.Ks. , Sta MADRAS , DUCKS , PERCALES , &e. which we are selling at very low prices. Call and see our line of LADIES SUITS , tf DRESS SKIRTS , wa SHIRT WAISTS gg 5k AND SUMMER UNDERWEAR YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH QUALITIES & PRICES Grocery Stock Fresh and Complete C. L. DeGROFF & CO. aSijSfe jjr * , * ri5ir-r-jT-- oaSc nyyynr - xy Jajpr-s- t-r _ - , _ _ - -fx _ , - > . & - . V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. CITIZENS BANK I 43 OF MeCOOK , NEB. * * * Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , § 5,000 DIRECTORS uzm , FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. kjgte gjQgifejgV iijJ - -i- - - S The peddler is here , now. He will work the fr frft JS. citizens by showing fine goods as samples , accompanied by a flood of sunshine talk. You may think his recom ft mendations are good = = investigate them. He is here today , somewhere else tomorrow. He will promise to give you two dollars for one if you want him to. ( He is out for his health. ) If.you want to buy a Diamond , buy it of some one you know : some one you can find if you want to ; some one you know is responsible. n I Don't pay out a cent until you get your goods or know what you are ft getting. The fakir laughs after he catches a customer , because he is not afraid to do them and do them hard. He never expects to try it on 4 the same one again. After he fakes you he uses your name to fake I some one else. On account of the many lapses in the Diamond Schem er's club , he will give you $160 for $100. ( Of course you get all the lapses ; he does not want them. ) When you want to buy a good article , patronize a home dealer. You get to see just what you are paying for before you buy. You have a a good assortment to select from. When you buy of a home dealer you have no delays , no express to pay , and other inconveniences to contend with. BEWARE OF THE PEDDLER OR CANVASSER ! , & yyr xyrzyrsyK rjjr-qjrTajt-ayrsjjr fydyr-Sfffsyt tyt vyf-i p ; * u * yg * ycrfj ffffcfjt p jr -