The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 09, 1899, Image 4

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    | fc Iftltwk
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
A PERSONAL letter from an oldtiine
McCookite and rock-ribbed Democrat
contains so much pertinent information
that \ve take the liberty of reproducing
a paragraph or two. The writer is ir
the iron industry , and his ' 'zone o :
action" covers pretty much the entire
country ; hence the value of his persona !
observations :
"Well , I suppose you do not hear the
hum of the business world in your sec
tion. Never before in the history of this
country has there been such activity ,
especially in the iron and steel lines. It
is not a question of price , but of de
livery. Every hamlet in this state ( Pa. )
is black with the thick , heavy smoke
from the iron mills and the smelters.
Night and day the fires are burning , and
labor is at a premium In the majority
of factories wage1 * have been advanced
without request. The trusts about which
they talk so much , do not seem to effect
labor , neither do they seem to limit or
confine manufacture. Whatever their
future effect may be , the present effect ,
if any , is to make prices of certain lines
uniform and to dispense with costly and
often useless competition. You ought
to cultivate the acquaintance of President
McKinley. His renomiuation and re
election are safely certain. He is un
doubtedly a great man , doubly great ,
because he keeps his face closed , and
does not act the blatherskite at every
cross road.
"What has become of the party the
'Sage of Arbor Lodge" was about to
start ? Another bottle of pop ; of educat
ed oxvgen ! Strange as it may seem , I
am still a Democrat. "
A good soaking rain would be fully appre
ciated , just now.
Noah Sawyer has had runaway No. 2 ,
breaking up the wagon badly.
Most all of the people of this section at
tended Decoration exercises at Indiauola.
Mrs. E. A. Sexson lias a new house for her
babv chicks , frame and 8 x 16 feet in dimen
Charles Fpye and George Younger of Box
Elder have just finished building an addition
12 x 12 feet for Elms Canaga.
J. W. Dolan of ludianola and J. E. Seeley
of Poughkeepsie , N. Y. , were in this section ,
one day last week , looking up their interests.
We have it on very good authority that
James Carmicliael is very much dissatisfied
with his new home , and that he will return to
Red Willow county , next spring.
If all reports are true , the chicks which
were supposed to have been purloined , were
found dead under the house , where they \\cie
killed and carried by some varmint.
Will Sexson drove down to Ilendley to vis
it his grandmother , over Saturday and Sun
day. He brought back five sittings of full-
blood Barred Plymouth Rock eggs to set.
Fred Coolcy hobnobbed with the McCoc
sports , last cvenine. .
II. W. Kcyes had legal business in tl
county's capital city , Tuesday.
L. B. Kerns and son Roscoe had busine :
in the county scat , Wednesday.
County Supt. Welborn was in McCool
Tuesday , on business of her office.
Miss Ora Smith was the guest of her cousii
Miss Ursa Smith , at McCook , yesterday.
Rev. Turner of this place and Rev. Peacoc
of Trenton exchanged pulpits , last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Fitrgerald were flyin
visitors to the county's metropolis , Monday.
W. T. Coleman , the well known McCoo
[ lardware and implement dealer , had husine ;
in Indianola , Tuesday.
John McClung drove up to McCook , Tuei
lay , and brought home with him the billiar
table lately used in the club room of thr
: ity.
Ike Smith is awarded the prize as a sui
: essful collector of taxes. But the questio
irises , "Can he collect votes enough to elec
lim sheriff ? " Nit !
II. W. Keyes was in McCook , Thursday , dc
ending Herbert Miller in the Parker-Mille
ape case. The defendant is now temporaril
Boarding with Sheriff Neel.
Ida and Blanche McCarl , Nellie Smitl
Mabel and Jessie Bishop , Martin Thorgrim
ion , J. G. Dole , E. O. Scott and other Me
Jookies attended the commencement exei
: ises , Friday evening last.
Speaking of reliable advertisements , ho\
ibout that "fake" The International Dru ;
md Chemical Co. , which appeared in Col
> nel Mitchell's Comfort , last week. A ranke
"fake" on its face never appeared in prinl
md the public will do wisely to thorough !
nvestigate the concern before investing an
nonev. Just imagine a "reliable" concen
juaranteeing to cure consumption for f
vhen all the wealth and skill and tears ani
irayers of earth have failed ! Go to now
hou succulent sucker !
Beardslee hall was thronged , last Frida
: vening , to witness and hear the commence
nent exercises of the high school class of ' 90
.t was an affair in which the people of Inch
mola mav well take pride. The programm
vas as follows :
Overture "Tancred" , Rossini. .Concert Baui
nvocation Rev. L. A. Turne
ntermez/o "Russe" , Frank..Concert Bam
salutatory S. Angeline Quid
Jass History Clarence J. Dolai
selection "Offenbachiana" , No. 2 , Boett-
ger Concert Bant
Vddress Prof. W. 11. Clemmon
Serenade "Evening Chimes in the Moun
tains" , Behr Concert Bane
Maledictory. Lottie M. Royci
'resentation of Diplomas F. Vennj
Valt ? "Italian Nights" , Tobani
Concert Bane
benediction Rev. Boyc
The address by Prof. W. II. Clemmons
( resident of the Fremont normal school , wai
splendid effort , and pleased all.
The music by the McCook band was ar
ppreciated feature of a happy occasion.
The several numbers on the programme b ]
he graduates and others were exceedinglj
: ell rendered all gave a good account o :
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health ,
ndouiitable will and tremendous energy
re not found where stomach , liver , kid-
eys and bowels are out of order. If you
'ant these qualities and the success they
ring , use Dr. King's New Life Pills ,
'hey develop ever } ' power of brain and
ody. Only 25013. at McConnell's.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powders arc the greatest
menacers to nealth of the present day.
J. P. Puckelt moved to Indianola , Friday of
last week.
Willie Winters of Cambridge was \5siting
here , this week.
The- farmers are jubilating over the rain ,
Wednesday night.
Baxter Rowe moved into the Jennings prop
erty , first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Ellis of Cambridge vis
ited friends here , Tuesday.
Miss Madge Harrison of Danbury is visit
ing friends here , this week.
George Moon has completed a sightly job
of painting for Mrs. Daniels.
Cam Flint is again punching tickets on the
Bartley-Stockville hack line.
John Kestler and Luther Bush went to
South Omaha with stock , Tuesday.
Edgar Beghtel's new barn is being painted ,
this week. John Jones is the artist.
Five cars of hogs and two cars of cattle
were shipped from this point , this week.
E. J. Mitchell of the McCook Kumfort was
at this place , Tuesday , looking after delin
Several of the young people attended com
mencement exercises m Indianola , Friday
W. V. Vickrey is keeping abreast of the
times by putting two incandescent gas lamps
in his storeroom.
W. II. Gartside has completed a new well
on his farm north of town and will erect a
new windmill , next week.
S. B. Rowe and Mrs. Olmstead have a man
with a fence machine erecting a new style
Fence around their residences.
F. Wesley Peterson of Minden lectured to a
small but appreciative audience in the Chris
tian church , Tuesday evening.
The Hamilton boys have the contract for a
arge residence for W. E. Babcock of Cam
bridge. They will begin work , next week.
A. Barnett of McCook is here , this week ,
; upenntending the construction of some new
umber sheds and a warehouse in his yards
icre.Geo. . Theobald of Astor , Iowa , is looking
after his real estate interests at this place ,
le contemplates putting in a flouring mill ,
his fall.
J. W. Wolf made a business trip to McCook ,
Wednesday , and enriched the county cash box
> y the payment of taxes for himself and se\-
iral neighbors.
Ten men aie at work on the new depot and
t is being rushed to completion as rapidly as
Dossible. The structure will be 20 x 40 feet
and 18 feet high , with bay-window on the
south and platform on the east , south and
S. B. Lyon has taken a contract to extermi
nate the prairie dogs on the Lang farm , south
of town. He charges two and a half cents a
hole and it amounts to sixty-five dollars.
About fifty members of the Star of Jupiter
jodge congregated in the hall , Saturday even
ing , and after the regular business was at
tended to they indulged in ice cream , cake
and strawberries.
F. A. Vickrey is expected home , tins even
ing , from Lincoln , where he has been attend
ing the Wesleyan. Miss Maud will stop at
Kearney to visit the Bouchers , and will not
be home until next week.
In consequence of continued ill health , G.
P. Ransom , in a moment of despondency , last
Sunday morning , attempted self-destruction
by taking poison. Only prompt work by
medical men saved his life. Mr. Ransom has
long been a sufferer from consumption , and
liis physical condition and mental distress are
such as to excite the sympathy of all.
Presiding Elder C. A. Hale preached at the
Zoleman school-house , last Sunday.
"Farmers are about done sowing potatoes"
ire the words we recently read in an eastern
The new Methodist church in the north-
.vestern corner of this precinct will be dedi-
: ated on Sunday , June i8th. Let all attend.
Hogs have been rolling into McCook , re-
: ently , from this neighboorhood , at a very
nisiness-like gait : W. S. Bixler took in a
oad , Monday , and brought out a cultivator.
M. II. Cole went him one better , with two
oads , the same day. W. II. Epperly has a
qt of 'em and marketed a load , Tuesday , as
lid also J. W. Corner and Frank Coleman.
I. B. Wales has but recently marketed thir-
y-five head , and so it goes. This is getting to
) e a great hog section of the county the
3eaver and Willow will ha\e to look well to
heir laurels.
J. M. Baldwin has a fine piece of rye headed
> ut.
The weeds are plentiful. Wheat some of
t , no good.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eipper left for Colo-
ado , Monday evening.
Even this hopeful portion of Nebraska is
> eginning to fear a drouth.
Chris Green is sailing around in a new top
luggy , and he never goes alone.
News is scarce only the kind that would
uake you feel blue , so we will not mention it.
The Foss place has some fine wheat on it
hat was not sown , this year. Like Topsy , it
just giowed. "
Some of the people around here have re-
eived new names as follows : Cyclone , Rain
rlaker , Croaker , Growler , Gobble-up-all-in-
ight , Attends-to-his-own-business , Flyer , and
Ifraid-of-his-shadow. Now , South Side , don't
; uess who they are all at once.
Small grain is needing rain very badly.
Roy Barnes is helping B. C. Bowman , this
, 'eek.
B.C. Bowman is putting up alfalfa , this
, eek.
There was a large attendance at the meet-
ig of the Endeavor society , Sunday e\ening.
A. G. Nettleton , who has been attending
lie state university , armed here , Tuesday
lormng , on a visit. He is the guest of W. b.
The South Side Christian Endeavor sends a
pecial invitation to all the Endeavor socie-
; es of the county to meet with them on the
bth in W. S. Fitch's grove , where they will
old an all-day sesbion. Preaching in the
jrenoon and afternoon. \ \ e hope to be able
) give the programme in next week's paper.
That describes the movement of our SUMMER STUFFS
these days of early June. Now is the time of full stocks , of satisfactory
assortments and consequent easy selling , when every customer is able to
make a pleasing selection and departs to spread the good news to friend
and neighbor ; for summer goods are things of grace and beauty , the
soft , lustrous silks , the sheer , transparent white goods , the lovely flowered
and colored wash goods , the dainty laces , the brilliant-colored fans , the
"Fairy" trimming braids , the graceful summer corsets , the adorable shirt
waists , the inviting house wrappers , the soft , cool muslin-wear , the fluffy ,
gauzy neckwear , they are all here in satisfactory variety , and EARLY
JUNE is the right moment to buy them. Don't wait till every style is
familiar to all , BUY NOW and have the pleasure of the novelty , BUY
HERE and have the advantage of the latest , PAY CASH and really enjoy
wearing the things !
In Meeker Bldg. Per
Adj. County Offices. GEO. E. THOMPSON.
Nebraska > s ever known.
Child's shoes , brand new stock but
One lot ladies' in button heretofore and lace , sold varied at Prices that Cannot be Gtuoted Again. they must go , well worm former
assortment of styles prices of 60c to r5c , your
$3.00 , $3.50 and $4.00. "I &Zf\ choice _ 39c
Your choice this lot - J. * JJ
Several Hundred Pairs of Shoes for Men and Women , Boys and Girls , For the larger sizes and in shoes that
Ladies' fine $2.00 and $2.25 Kid shoes in that have sold heretofore at from $2,00 to $4,50 , choice entire lot have sold at from T5c to $1.00 per
button and lace , black and pair another lot , your
chocolate - choice - 48c
Ladies' fine turn sewed shoe , stock trim One lot misses' and children's oxfords
mings in button with vici kid tops , and and slippers worth up to $1.25 and
lace with fancy vesting tops. Regular $1.50 , choice this entire
$3.00 and $3.25 shoes lot -
_ _ _ _
going at
We have purchased the entire stock of Misses' fine kid shoes in button and lace ,
Ganschow's finest $4.50 shoes , choicest colors , black and chocolate , former
kid stock , latest style toes , stock trim price $1.65 , closing out
mings , button and lace , $4.50 value Boots and Shoes of J. F. Ganschow at a great at _ _ _ _ _
in every pair. Down the } '
go at - y-3.00 sacrifice and wishing to close out this stock Misses' finest vici kid , black and choco
, , late shoesfancy vesting tops , - |
Ladies' fine vici hand turn shoes , oxblood former price $2.00 , price now JL
lace with late style toes. A strictly high to make room for new goods , we are now prepared
grade shoe that sold regularly - 1 Ganschow's regular line of $3.00
larly "at $4.00 , price now pared to offer the people of McCook and vicinity , kid at shoes - are now going -
One lot misses' and children's medium ! . . _ .
weight button shoes that heretofore sold ity the greatest bargains ever heard of. We | One lot Men's high grade lace welt sewed
at $1.25 per pair. We are shoes in titan calf , polar calf and vici kid
closing this lot at , per pair have colors , black , green , oxblood and chocolate
of the bargains
quote a many . ,
you elate , worth up to $5.00 per pair
Men's buckle plow shoes , never sold for on sale this week at , per
less than $1.25 , must go offer. pair - 2.37
at _ _ _ _ _ to .
Successors to
All Kinds of Repairing
Neatly and Quickly Done.