The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 02, 1899, Image 7

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f # > ) f The News Briefly Told.i r
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # # *
Ex-Congressman Francis Smith Ed
wards , aged 82 , died at lite home , Dun
kirk , N. Y. , yesterday.
Three companies of ttie signal corps
encamped a Savannah , Ga. , were
mustered out of service.
The American section of theoso-
phlfits win begin their thirteenth an
nual convention today at Chicago.
William Thompson , a Lynn , Mass. ,
hotelkeeper , has filed a petition In
bankruptcy Liabilities , $97,400 ; assets ,
The Cubans are dissatisfied with the
present system of making laws , con
tending that Senors Capote and La-
nuza have too much Influence.
Wealthy Cubans will send a delega
tion to Washington to seek a modifi
cation or the mortgage decree extend
ing time of payment
Major Ladd , treasurer of the cus
toms funds at Havana , Intends to "be
gin a new system of disbursements
by check , as in the United States.
David J. Field , the retired St Louis
capitalist , who on Thursday last shot
and killed his negro man servant , was
exonerated by the coroner's jury and
Bids were opened at the navy de
partment Saturday for 100,000 six-
pound steel shells , 12,000 three-pound
and 20,000 one-pound. Awards have
not yet been made.
Instead of the usual annual conven
tion in July , the executive committee
of the window glass association has
decided that the wage committee shall
meet in July to formulate a wage
Today a horseless carriage contain
ing the inventor , Alex Winton , and a
companion will leave Cleveland for
New York , a distance of 800 miles.
The trip is expected to bs made In
five days.
Efforts are being made in Boston to
form a combine among the confec
tioners , including all the prominent
concerns east of St. Louis. Several
firms have given options which expire
July 1 on their plants.
Senor Domingo Mendez Capote , sec
retary of the government in Havana ,
will report to General Brooke recom
mending general suffrage in Cuba ,
with certa'n limitations , finding edu
cational or property test unnecessary.
The deadlock over railroad tajk-
tion continues in the Michigan legis
lature. The senate contends for nil
annual increase of $32,000 ad the
house for a 5500,000 increase. Gov
ernor Pingree thinks the senate 'vili
be forced to come to the house terms.
The big troop tranSi ) rts on the Pa
cific coast are being rapidly fitted vith
Colonel Alfred E. Bates has reported
for duty as assistant paymaster gen
It is probable that Colonel Alfred
E. Bates will succeed Paymaster Gen
eral Carey July 10 , when Carey re
President and Mrs. McKinley enter
tained Mr. and MrsSt. . Clair Movel-
way of the Brooklyn Eagle at dinner
last night.
Word was received at Buffalo of the
death of Mile. Rhea , the well known
actress , in Montmorenci , France. The
communication came in the shape of a
large black bordered envelope con
taining an announcement of her fu
Director of Posts Vaille at Manila
has notified the postoffice department
that he has established the railway
post service between Manila and Alalo-
los , the former Filipino capital. This
is the initial move in the direction of
building up a railway mail service ia
the Philippines.
The comptroller of the currency has
declared dividends in favor of the
creditors of insolvent national banks
as follows : Fifteen per cent , the
First National Bank of Larimora , N.
D. ; 10 per cent , the First National
bank of Eniporia , Kas. ; 10 per ent ,
the National Bank of Kansas City , Mo.
Specials to the Cincinnati Enquirer
announce the acceptance by Colonel
W. J. Bryan to lecture ad speak at the
following cities in Indiana : erre
Haute , Monday , May 29 , to lecture on
imperialism , under the auspices of The
Jacksonian club ; at Evansville , Tues
day , May 30 , to address a big demo
cratic rally.
The grain shovelers' strike at Buf
falo has been settled. The agreement
signed late last night by a sub-corn
milttee representing the strikers , of
which President Keefe of the Long
shoremen's association was a member
and Contractor Conners , has been ap
proved by the full committee of tne
Grain Shovelers' union. The strike is
to be declared off and the men will
return to work Wednesday morning.
The Baptist annual meeting will be
held at San Francisco today , and will
celebrate the semi-centennial of mis
sionary work In California.
Charles F. Brush , the inventor of
the arc electric light , has been voted
the Runford medal by the American
Academy of Art and Sciences.
The Cumberland Presbyterians , in
session at Denver , have appointed a
committee to raise ? 1,000,000 for
church educational institutions.
Secretary Alger has given authority
to the West Point military academy
to permit the resumption of football
games between that institution and the
naval cadets.
The navy department has cabled an
inquiry to Admiral Dewey regarding
the itinerary of the homeward cruise
of the Olympia. The OlympSa will not
leave Hong Kong much before June ,
spending a part of the time in dry
dqpk getting iu shape for her 14,000
mile trip.
L. P. Mitchell , deputy comptroller of
the treasury , has decided that retired
naval officers cannot be appointed and
paid as expert aid in the preparation
of designs for new ships , etc. , under
the concluding paragraph of section 3
of the naval act of March 3,1897 , hold
ing that a retired officer is not a civil
ian within the meaning of the act.
p * * sf * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * oicifc *
Wcdnc day. _ _ ,
Admiral Schley was entertained by
the people of Council Bluffs. Thou
sands of people met him at the pub
lic reception held in the Grand hotel.
William H. Seitz , a real estate
broker of New. York , filed a petition
in bankruptcy ye 'crday. His liabil
ities were § 128,250 and there Wre no
W. H. Collins was shot in the back
and instantly killed about nine miles
west of West Plains , Mo. , by some
unknown person. J. Fox , whom Col-
Hs shot last year , is suspected.
William J. Bryan spent a day at
Quincy , IlL , as the guest of the
county democracy. He addressed an
audience of 10,000 people. Mr. Brvan
was met by Congressmen Dockery and
Lloyd , of Missouri , and Williams ,
of Illinois.
The navy department has cabled an
inquiry to Admiral Dewey regarding
the itinerary of the homeward cruise
of the Olympia. The Olympia will
not leave Hong Kong much boCors
June , spending a part of the tirao in
dry dock , getting in shape for her
14,000 mile trip-
The United States transport Solace
is reported to have arrived at Hon
olulu May 15. She has on board a
large number of soldiers and sailors
whose time of service has expired ,
and many invalided and incapacitated
men. Among her passengers is General
oral King and Majors Purdy and
An official application has been re
ceived in Washington from Comman
der G. C. Reiter , recently ordered to
command the Puget Sound naval sta-
tron , to be placed on the list of ap
plicants for voluntary retirement
Four captains , three commanders
and four lieutenant-commanders have
now applied for retirement , making ,
with casualties which occurred dur
ing the year , all the vacancies re
quired by law.
The Cumberland Presbyterian gen
eral assembly in session at Denver ,
postponed action on the resolution
protesting against the seating of B.
H. Roberts , of Utah , as a member of
congress until Wednesday. This ac
tion was taken at the request of Stat
ed Clerk William R. Campbell , of the
Utah presbytery , who telegraphed to
Moderator Halsell that a communica
tion had been mailed which it was de
sired to have the assembly consider.
The National Association of Wacron
Manufacturers has decided to raise
Twenty thousand people gathered
at Pittsfield , 111. , to listen to WiHiam
J. Bryan. One hundred guns were
fired at sunrise in honor of the arrival
of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan , who came on
the early train from Hannibal.
Representative Gillette of Mar-sa-
chusetts has invited President Mc
Kinley to visit Springfield , ,
while atending graduating exercises
at Mount Holyoke , Mass. , from which
the president's niece graduates.
The president has given orders to
carry out the recommendation of
Generals Otis and Lawton making Col
onel Summers of the Second Oregon a
brevet brigadier general of volun
teers ; also making Captain Gas 3 of
the engineer battalion a major by
The Russian minister at Pekin , M.
de Giers , has notified the Tsung Li
Yamen that Russia is unable to accept
the Chinese refusal of it railroad con
cession and that she will send engi
neers forthwith to survey a line to
connect the Russion Manchurian rail
road with Pekin.
The Madrid Reforma declares
that the minister of finance ,
Senor Villaverde , who is sip-
ported by the entire cabinet ,
maintains the royal order , instructing
the Bank of Spain to suspend indefi
nitely the quarterly drawing of tte
redeemable 4 per cent bonded debt.
Reports received at Eldorado , Kan. ,
state that cattle perished by the nun
dreds as the result of an unusual
downpour of rain with which that
section was visited. Iu one pasture
Lehr & Leonard lost 510 head of cat
tle. The animals were in poor condi
tion , having just been shipped iu
from the west.
The rapid increase of Japanese im
migration into Hawaii has attracted
the serious atention of the authori
ties in Washington of late and -ev
eral official inquiries have been set
on foot to learn the extent of the in
vasion and how it can ba checked.
The reports received by the immigra
tion authorities are in line with press
dispatches stating that the influx is
steadily increasing.
Secretary Alger has telegrained
General Otis to learn the wishes of
Washington volunteers on the advisa
bility of returning by way of Puget
sound , thus landing them directly at
their homes instead of at San Fran
cisco , where the general camp of re
turning volunteers is located.
Acting Secretary Cortelyou called
upon Assistant Secretary Vanderlip ,
chairman of the Dewey hoTie fund ,
and placed in his hands a check from
the president , constituting Mr. Mc-
Kinley's contribution to the fund. In
doing so , Mr. Cortelyou conveyed to
Mr. Vanderlip the expression of the
president's interest in the undertaking
and his pleasure in contributing to
this testimonial to Admiral Dewey.
Three white farmers , James Humph
reys and his two sons , were lynched
near the village of Aley , in Henderson
county , Texas , a remote neighborhood
devoid of telegraph , telephone or rail
road connections and about seventy-
five miles southwest of Dallas.
Adjutant General Corbin today gave
out for publication the report of
Colonel Frederick Funston of the
Twentieth Kansas regiment , which
was an appendix to the report of Major
General MacArthur. The report deals
with the operations of the Kansas
regiment from the beginning of the
outbreak , February 5 , until February
1L T. Woodward , a Boston man who
claims to be exceedingly weather-wise ,
remembers that thefsummer of 1889 ,
Just sixty years ago , was a scorcher.
He predicts tuat the summer of 1899
will be like unto it , only more so
"the hottest anu driest ever known to
the oldest person living. "
On the windiest adys no dust whirls
through the air in Jersey City now.
The local solons have succeeded in
having inserted In the street railway
franchises a street sprinkling clause ,
and now all the trolley lines are oper
ating sprinkling cars on the streets
where they have tracks laid.
Omaha Furniture in Texas.
Many are astonished to learn that
Hayden Bros. , "The Big Store" in Om
aha , ship goods to such distant points
as Texas. It only illustrates what
cash and western grit will do. Free
catalogues of all classes of goods , sent
by them in answer to requests , are
found in nearly every state. Orders in
variably result as the prices , strange to
say , are lower than those quoted even
In the manufacturing section. Hayden
Bros , are daily filling over one hun
dred big furniture mail orders.
Tin faults of a good man are more
dangerous than the vices of a thor
oughly bad one.
Ho Your Feet Ache and Barn ?
Shake Into your shoes , Allen's Foot-
Ease , a powder for the feet. It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Hot and
Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE.
Address Allen S. Gipsied , LeRoy , N. Y.
Pride and Fashion are the task
masters who make bread-winning
"We will forfeit § 1,059 if any of our pub
lished testimonials are proven to be not
genuine. TUB PJSO Co. , Warren , Pa.
It is better to be right than be pres
ident , but it doesn't always pay as
Patent Exhibit.
The Greater America Exposition
Company have created a Department
of Patents and Inventions , within
which models of patented inventions
may be exhibited. Space is free. A..1
inventors desiring to exhibit their in
ventions should communicate \vith
G. W. Sues & Co. , Patent Lawyers ,
Bee Building , Omaha , Neb.
General Lew Wallace , who is now
conferring with William Young , the
gentleman selected to dramatize "Ben
Hur , " says the first production will
take place next November , and if
present plans are carried out 500 people
ple will be required for its presenta
tion. It will be given in New York ,
Philadelphia , Boston and Chicago
only , the general says , not admitting
of successful production in other
American cities.
Try Qraln-ol Try Graln-ol
Ask your grocer today to show you a
package of GRAIN-0 , the new food
drink that takes the place of offee.
The children may drink It without in
jury as well as the adult. All who try
it , like it. GRAlN-O has that rich seal
brown of Mocha or Java , but it is made
from pure grains , and the most delicate
stomach receives .it without distress.
One-fourth the price of coffee. 15c.
and 25c. per package. Sold by all
A word to the wise may be sufficient ,
but 'the policemen often has to use a
club on the otherwise.
U. S. Patent Office Business.
In 1895 a patent was granted for an
invention pointed out in the claim as
follows :
As a protection for vessels or other
structures , a filler Composed essential
ly of compressed comminuted corn
stalk-pith , substantially as described.
A second application for a patent
for the same material described in a
claim as follows :
The within-described new material
adapted for use for packings and other
purposes , the same consisting of the
comminuted cellular portion of corn-
pith freed from sappy deleterious and
adherent matters and having the char
acteristics substantially as set forth ,
has been considered upon appeal by
Judge Morris in the Court of Appeals
of the District of Columbia , and the
distinction between the two inventions
stated by the court as follows :
A material consisting of the commi
nuted cellular "portion of corn-pith
freed from s-appy , deleterious and ad
herent matters by subjecting the pith
to the action of a blast of air , prefer
ably heated , Hele to be not anticipated
by applicant's prior patent disclosing
corn-pith obtained by passing corn
stalks through breakers and then sep
arating the pith f-rom the fiber dnd
outside shell , as there is no description
in the patent that the pith is subjected
to air at a high temperature.
Solicitors of Patents.
Des Moines , Iowa , May 20 , ' 99.
All the world's a stage and the
ocean is used in the tank dramas
"What would the world do without ink ?
u- . Just think of it 1
Forty years experience In the making. Costs
yon no more than poor Ink. Why not hare it !
Df Ksv's Renovator. Guaranteed
lit AO a rHSiiuiaiUi , to curn dyspep
sia. constipation , liver and Sidney discases.bil-
HousnciTs , headache , etc. At druggists 25c & 1.
IZicursIon to Detroit via the AVnbush
For tfie Y. P. S. C. E. Convention
July 5th to 10th all Hnes will sell
tickets on July 3rd , 4th and 5th via the
Wabash , the short line from Chicago
cage or St. Louis to Detroit. Side
trips to Niagara Falls , Toronto , Mon
treal , Mackinac and many other pjmts
at a very low rate via Lake or Hail
have been arranged. Parties contem
plating a trip -east should call on or
write for rates and folders giving list
of side trips , etc. , also beautiful souve
nir entitled "Lake and Sea. "
Room 302 Karbach Blk. ,
Omaha , Neb.
School I nds at Yonr Own Price.
As soon after the first of July as
practicable I will hold public auctions
for leasing about 095,000 acres of school
land , under provisions of the new law ,
in the following counties : Antelope ,
Banner , Blaine , Box IJutte , Brown ,
Chase , Cherry , Cheyenne , Custer ,
Duwes , Deuel , Dandy. Garfield , Grant ,
Hayes , Hitchcock , Holt , Uooker , Keith ,
Key a Paha , Kimball , Knox , Lincoln ,
Lojran , Loup , McPhcrson , Pierce , Per
kins , Rock , Scotts liluff , Sheridan ,
Sioux , Thomas and Wheeler. Under
the new law , if these lands will not
lease at public auction at 6 per cent
upon the appraised value , they may be
leased to the person offering 6 per cent
upon the highest valuation. These
lands are in the best sto-lc growing
portions of the state where cattle ,
sheep and horses can be produced at
less expense and , therefore , at greater
profit than anywhere I know of ; and
yet , surrounded with as good and in
telligent a class of citizens as any where
to be found. The harvest truly is great
and lasts almost the year round and
no more inviting field for the intelli
gent stockman and- farmer can be
found ; and now , that there is an op
portunity to secure twenty-five year
lease contracts thereon at what the
lands are worth , the lessee himself be
ing the judge , it is confidently expect
ed that all or nearly all of these lands
will be leased during the present year
at the public atietions , us above men
tioned. Any one desiring to attend
any of these leasing auctions will he ,
notified of the time and place of holding - ! I
ing the same , as soon as it has been arranged - I ,
ranged , if they will write me at once j
giving the names of the counties in
which they are interested ; and will ' i '
also be furnished a list of lands to be
leased so that they may visit the coun- j i
ties in advance of the leasing auction J I ;
and examine the lands which will be I
offered. Notice of the auction will be '
duly given in the local papers. Send | t I
stamp for copy of the new school land {
law under which the lands will be of- [ !
fered. Any further information will
be cheerfully furnished. j | i
J. V. WOLFE , | I
Commissioner Public
Lands & liuildingg.
Lincoln , Neb. , May 18 , 1899.
President Angell , of the University
of Michigan , has offered to furnish to
the government a number of young
men , liberally educated and of good
natural parts , who will pay their own
expenses abroad for several years if
they can be assured of places in the
consular service.
Are , You Using Allen'd Fcor-Ease ?
It is the only cure for Swollen , '
Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet ,
C.orns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken into '
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress , Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy , N. Y.
The higher a man rises the more he
has to d-epend on others to hold him
FITS Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness ! after
first day's use of Dr. Kline'8 ( Jreat Nerve Ues-torer. i
Send for FREE S3.OO rial bottle and treatite.
LB. R. H. KLISE , Ltd. , 931 Arch St. , 1 hiladelphia , Pa.
It's surprising how easy it is to get
something you don't want.
"We Pay SI5 a "Week and Expenses
to men with ripe to Introduce our Poultry Compound.
Address wlthttamp , Javellc Mfg. Co.Parsons , Kan.
Next to making mistakes the easiest
thing in the world is to criticise che
mistakes of others.
For Housekeepers.
See that your linen is washed clean. Use
"FaultlebS Starch , " clean irons , follow di
rections given on package and perfect re
sults will follow. All grocers sell "Faultless
Starch , " large package , lOc.
Get your heart right and it will be
easy to manage your tongue.
Coo's Cough ISilsam
Is the oldest acd 1 eftItwi : lireak up c cold quicker
than anything else. It is always reliable. Try it.
Nine-tenths of the born leaders of
men are women.
A. I'nre. Vegetable < 'omj onml.
No mercurial or other mineral iioli-ont In Capc.v
retfc Candy Cathartic , only vegetable tub-lances ,
late medical discoveries. All druggists , iOc,23c,3Co.
The philosopher's scales are useless
out of his own hands.
Turlte Oil.
A healing antiseptic for cuts , barns and wounds
The individual who thinks he knows
it all has the most to learn.
s. TVinsIow's Soothing ; Syrnp.
For children teething , softens the pums , reduces lr
Catnmatlon , allays pain , cures wind colic. 23c a boitla
It is one thing to talk and another
to say something.
Eleanora Duse is at Naples , where
she has produced D'Annunzio's one-
act play "La Gloria , " in which she is
said to have surpassed herself. The
piece is highly poetical and original ,
and is based up on the text preached
by Solomon , that all is vanity , even
glory. SIgnora Duse was called no
fewer than thirteen times at the end
of the performance , and there was a
loud call for the author , who , how
ever , was not present.
Secretary Alger's timberland , from
which he made his fortune , lies along
Lake Huron and is 100 square miles
in cxt'-nt.
Its raKKcnger Karnlnss , Including Con
trolled Lines , Excel the Pennsylvania
A Stujienduous Showing' .
The passenger department of the
New York Central system , including
lines leased , operated and controlled ,
east from St. Louis and Chicago , Is the
largest paying ins itutlon cf its kind In
the world. It beats the Pennsylvania
system with its leased and operated
lines in the territory namsd by ? 1,535-
758 , and is so far ahead of any other
system that comparison , to say the
least , is odious. Poor's Manuel , Tyhich
Is an authority on railway statistics , in
its last yearly edition showed the pas
senger earnings of thirty-six of the
leading railways , as follows :
Pennsylvania % . .1,200.000
New York , New Haven & Hart
ford ( Including New England
Railway ) 15,300,000
New York Central & Hudson
Itlver ( leased and operated
lines ) 15,214.000
Southern Pacific System 11M > U,000
Pennsylvania Lines west of Pitts-
burg 8.SOU.OOO
Boston & Maine System b.500.000
Chicago & Northwestern G,50UOOJ
I Chicago , Burlington & Quincy. . . C.DUU.OW
1 Canadian Pacific S.MKI.WJ
Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul. . 5.71'U.Wu '
Erie 5,700,000
Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fe. . . . S.PAOUj
Grand Trunk 5,500,090
Baltimore & Ohio 5.05U.OOO
Southern R'y System 4HW.OOD
Chicago. Rock Island & Pacific. . 4.300,000
Louisville. & Nashville 4.2tJ-.OOJ
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 4.2-iU.OOO
Misouri Pacific System 4.0U'JHW (
Boston & Albany 4.frHCK
Big Four 3iUO.OW
Delaware , Lackawanna & "West-
Michigan Central 3.31KUOO
Northern Pacific 2 > .EU > ,000
" \Vabash ; : .HKJO < > O
Lehigh Valley 2.7CO.WK )
Central Railroad of Nev Jersey. 2.700,000
Union Pacific 2,4SOOUO
Great Northern 2,07-1.00'J
Chicago & Alton 1,1 Cl.357
Chesapeake & Ohio 1 X57.W3
Plant System 1.275.174
Denver & Rio Grande l.JMS.OOO
New York , Chicago & St. Louis. X7 < > , p.77
New York , Ontario & Western. . O.W )
Pittsburg & Lake Eric S45.7S1
Two of the great systems show earnings
from passenger traffic , as follows :
New York Central Lines :
New York Central S15.214.00T
Michigan CentVal 3 , : < iHUKW
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern . -U'W.OJO '
Big Four
Boston & Albany
Pittsburp & Lake Erie . oil 7M
Nov. York , Chicago & St. Louis. i7C77 !
Pennsylvania lines :
Pcur.F'-lvania Railroad . 521.200.0 > 0
Penn. "lines webt of Pittsburg. . . . ft.S'JO.OUu
Total for these two great sys
tems ? Gl,53o.7nS
Buffalo Commerc'al , April 4 , 1SD9.
The society of ladies is a school of
politeness for men.
[ LETTER TO JIT.S. PESKHAM xo. 46,970 ]
"I had female com
plaints so bad that it
caused me to have
hysterical fits ; have had
as many as nine in one
"Five bottles of
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
cured me and it has
been a year since I had
an attack.
firs. Edna Jackson ,
Pearl , La.
If Mrs. Pinkham's Compound % vill cure
such severe cases as this surely ib
must be a great medicine is there
any sufferer foolish enough not to
give it a trial ?
Secretary Gage has introduced into
his department a custom which he first
inaugurated in a Chicago bank. This
is to have luncheon served In the
building , so that all the clerks can
meet each day at table and discuss
the affairs of the o.Tlce. These gather
ings are called "Mr. Gage's cabinet
meetings. "
D. 0. Mills , the banker and philan
thropist , who now has a fortune of
$25,000,000 , says that while all his life
has been happy , some of its happiest
were when he was a small country
Miss Lucy Tucker , the daughter of
a prominent farmer of Versailles ,
Ind. . was the victim of nervous pros
tration. Most of the time Blie was
confined to bed , und wasou tbc verge
of .SL Vltus * dunce : It wus a pitiful
case \rhlch medical science fulled to
conquer. Finally a doctor prescrib
ed Jr. Wllllumh' Plnlc Pills for Pale
People. Her father said :
" Wo began giving the pili ! at once ,
and the nest day we could see a
change for tlio better in her. Wo
gave her one pH ! after cacb meal
antil she was entirely well. She has
not been sick a day since. We think
the cure almost miraculous.
"Fr.AXic TccKEn , Mrs. F.TccnEn , "
Mr. and Mrs. Prank-Tucker , being
duly sworn , state that the foregoing
Is true la every particular.
Been JOHNSON , JuMce of the Peace.
Prom the J'epubhcan , I'ersailles , Ind.
Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People
ZIB never sold by the dozen or hundred ,
but always In packages. At all druggists.
or direct from the Or. Williams Medicine
Co. , Schensctady. N. Y. , 60 cents per box.
6 boxes S2.SO.
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 22 Ib99
aness vee \
Easiest running- , cleanest , safest ,
most durable. C ornplete protection
ofrunning- gear from rain , mud and
dust. The best hill climber and a ;
delightful coaster.
Columbia and Hariford
Chain Wheels.
Tbe new specially cut s-prockets and
hardened piu chain show better results
under test than any other chtiin wheel
mechanism. t
( Mnless , $15 ; dwin , $50,535 , 26 , 5. \
\ POPE MFC. 00. , Hartford , Oonn. ;
Hie G f ir unnatural
iff * t j > uicn J irritations or ukcrutinni
( v-yLnet 10 itneiure. of mucous membrane.
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It is a perfect renovator of the whole system. It is the very best remedy
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tude. It is an excellent Nerve Tonic. Send for free sample and a free illustrated 116 page book of receipts
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