< wwsw You Must Hear Us ! It's Your Attention We Want ! Gloves ! Gloves ! Gloves ! All New. Best flake. Warranted. Goat Gloves for Men and Boys only $0.16 Asbesto Tan , full welted seams only .25 Men's Fancy Gauntlet a dandy only .60 Men's Undressed Kid , patent fastener only .rs Railroad Gloves the best on earth only i.oo OUR RAILROAD GLOVES ARE WARRANTED , AND EVERY PAIR REPLACED IF NOT SATISFACTORY. LEADING NOTION HOUSE. . HOUSE.W ' ' * /W * ' ffe"V WVV vj > sJVV > > < < V ; v \ v * / ywv > * vw W"VV I 5 * NATIONAL ! L coo Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $60OOO coo GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREE ? V. Pros. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEKHELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. * Walt Latest Designs. Latest Colors. fe Come and see our Stock and get Prices. A. McMILLEN , Druggist. B. E. iSHXON , Prc : . I. E. McBONALD , Cai. CLIFFOED NABEN , Asst. Cash. BANK OF DANBURY DANBURY , NEB. A General Banking Business SSgrAny business you may wish to transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE iyill receive prompt and careful atten tion. Subscriptions received , orders taken for advertisements and job-work. J. B. BALLARD , 0 DENTIST. @ All dental woik done at our office is guar anteed to be firstclass.Ve do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , Dr. W. V. GAGE. McCook , - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. , 1-efore g a. m. and after 6 p. m. given in appropriate cases. Miss ANNETTA BALL , McCook Surgical Hospital. 0. M. DUNCAN , - Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICIAN. All chronic diseases treated by electricity. Lady attendant in office. 5Office over the old Knipple store-room. FOR- House , Decorating , Wagons , Buggies , Carriages , Floors , Barns , Implements , Enameling , Staining. [ Varnish Stains. ] L.W.MCCONNELL & co. F. D. BURGESS , Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basementof the Meeker- Phillips building. Agent for. * . McCORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. Full Line of Repairs Always on hand. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK. NEBRASKA. B3 Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office Rear of First National bank. BARTLEY. E. O. Scott of McCook was a Sunday visit in the burbot. II. F. Tomblin of Imperial renewed ncquuiu ancos here , this Week. S. W. Clark is ImviiiK hia place of business ii proved by the painter man. Harry Crowoll of Arapalioo is as-sihtinK in tl llarnett lumber yard , this week. S. QrisMl's now residence is nearly complete and is a very neat little structure. Mrp. I. Fletcher JH siwndiiiK the week wii JIr. . W. II. IlnrrUon of Danbury. A. O. Keys N homo from Omaha , not entire well , but much improved in health. The appearance of J. A. Curleo's residem proiKsrty is being enhanced by a coat of paint. M. E. Corbin has brightened the interior < his toiisorial parlor with a now Kaholiue lamp. C. E. Mathewa woiked the lemon Fnucezeri the Star restaurant duriiiB the rush , Tuesday. Ed Price and bou Albert were transacting bu iness in the seat of county affairs , last Satu day. day.A Mr. Jeffries of Otceola has accepted a po = tion with Miss Kins as general rubtlor for tl Intor-Occau. C. L. Case of Cambridge spout smvoral da ; hon > , labt week , in the interests of the McCo mick jxjople. Mrs. J. Sentanco came np _ from Arapaho Siiiiilay evening , on a short visit to friends r turning Wednesday. The Baruett Lumber Company is contcmpla ing rebuildiiiK and rearranging some of its Itu ; bor sheds at this point. Miss Gertrude Teol of Iiulianola spent tl closing days of last week hero with her siste enjoying the school festivities. . Frank and Herbert McEIroy of Company 1 ; ! d Nebraska Volunteers , returned , last Satu day , after an absence of nearly a year. One hundred and four conveyances drove 1 the cemetery and about live hundred poop congregated in the hall , Decoration day. Mike Morris of Indianpla accompanied by 1 E. Sceloy of Poughkeepsie , N. Y. , visited in tl village , Wednesday. Mr. Seeley has real cstal interests hero. Nineteen loads of hogs from twelve mill north of Indianola were marketed hore.Wedne ilay. Farmers know where to find the best ma ket for their stock. Dr. J. M. Brown was a visitor in the count capital , Thursday afternoon , returning as f ; as Indianola on _ No. 6 in the evening and heir un 12 , this morning. Judge Norris visited the local lodge of the ] 0. O. F. , Monday evening , and explained tl secret work of the order to the pleasure and ed Qcation of the fraternity. Ed Beghtel and family will spend the sumrm in Colorado for the benefit of Mrs. Beghtel health. Rev. Eads and family will occupy tl : residence during their absence. C. W. Keys , wife and children drove up froi Cambridge and were the guests of Dr. and Mr J. M. Brown , Saturday , and spent jSunday in tl : country with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Keys. C. II. Eckcrman of Omaha spent Monday evei ing in town , the gue = t of his friend L. V. Patcl who left on the evening train for the west. M Eckerman expects to go to Idaho in August. Camden Flint , driver on the Bartley-Stockvill mail route , has been quite sick -with pneumoni [ luring the past two weeks , but is now convale cent and will soon bo able to resume his pos tion. John Eads of Mayweed spent several rtaj here , this week , visiting nis father , Rov. J. A Eads. Ho also rendered the baud appreciate assistance in its work on Memorial Sunday an Decoration day. The Burlington people have Agent Hansxm permission to rush the now depot to completic before the hot weather arrives , otherwise 1 will re-quirt11 a refrigerator car as a matter < self-preservation. A couple of besweatered female bikingenthu ia'-ts from Indianola essayed to make the roun trip , Sunday , but after breasting the west win for a milo or two after leaving here returned t town content to make the homeward journey o fso. Ti. L. V- Patch departed on Monday evening t Fisit Omaha friends a few clays before Icariu for Payrtte , Idaho. During his stav here M _ Patch has niado many warm friends who wi join his pupils in wishing him abundant succes in all his undertakings. On Wednesday evening of last week sever ; of the Masonic brethren of ludianola visite Bartley lodge A. F. & A. M. and assisted in rail ingS. W. Stewart and S. AV. Clark to the snl lime degree of Master Masons. Seven gcntli men have recently performed the feat of bart back riding and when Sam Clark had dismoun jd the Masonic goat was so exhausted that li was taken to his quarters suffering from no : vous prostration and appendicitis. The closing feature of the school year was picnic in L. Jennings' grove , last Saturday. Tli event was replete with incidents , pleasurabl and otherwise , the dust storm in the evening bi ing the grand finale. A tearful spectacle wa Cliff Fidler's heroic effort to keep the excursio boat afloat by bailing it with a little bucket li while the water gained access through a tw ( inch aperture in the bottom. And the wind When the storm broke the party huddled undc the railroad bridge for shelter and the fears f the little folks were subdued until No. 5 rushe over when they ran for the thicket like scare rabbits , thinking a tornado had arrived. It i said that a few of the older girls were the on ! ones who loudly bewailed the absence of the ; mothers all during the storm. Bartley has never failed to observe Memorh [ lay and fittingly commemorate the deeds of tli nation's departed heroes , and this year she on lid all proceeding efforts and made the occasio one not soon to be forgotten. On Memorial Sui ; lay the capacious hall was taxed to accommi ilate the throng assembled to hear the sprmp by Roy. J. M. Eads , which was replete with ii teresting historical data and concluded with touching and an earnest plea for all soldier young and old , to be strong in the Lord an withstand the enemy hero , being always pn pared to join the great army bejond. Accep able mu ic was provided bv the band , orchestr find M. E. church choir. The morning prograi Tor Decoration day was changed from the ori { i ml on account of the arrival of the body , o N'o. 32 , of Leroy S. Minnich , son of Mr. an Mrs. AV. S. Miunich , who died of fever in th Philippines , August loth. The young man wa i member of Company C.lst Regiment AVyomin Volunteers. The post took charge of the n mains and the funeral occurred at 11 o'clock , ii torment being made in the village cemeter.i \lbert Price , Frank Brown , Herbert and Fran McEIroy of this place and Carl and Rosco Kerns of Indianola , all members of Compan L , ad Nebraska , acted as pall bearers. Th nneral cortege , which formed under the dire < : iou of Chief Marshal Sam Preincr and J. M Srown , was the largest ever seen here. At th jrave the impressive services of the G. A. R. ril lal obtained and the grave , as well as those o > ther departed soldiers , was lavishly strew vitli flowers. In the a fterncmn Honorable G iV. Norris of Beaver City delivered a magnii : rent address in the hall , which would not ac : ommodate all who wished to hear him. In ad lition a ' omewhat extensive program was als : arried out. BOX ELDER. Isaac Atkinson is building a new frame room n addition to his sod house. I. AV. Spauldiug entertained a number o oung friends , Saturday evening , at a dance. Charles Fey and George Younger worked a Janbury , last week , at their trade canxjntei ng. ng.The The store at Box Elder is receiving a coat o resh paint , which will improve its appearano icceptably. The fall wheat has about all been listed up Spring wheat and rjo look well. Corn is abou 11 planted in this neighborhood. S. AV. Pinkerton took in the commencemen xercises at the state university at Lincoln his week. He is a graduate of the university This part of the county has been visited b ; everal fine showers , the past week or so , am he fanners grip their plow handles with inon nergy and confidence now. Thomas Pinkerton drove over to Cozad , las reek , aud brought home his son , S. AAr. , win las been principal of the schools of that plac < .uring the jear just closed. Sam will spend tin acation at home. Mrs. Hannah Barnes emphatically denies tha1 he is circulating a petition in that law suit : 01 liat she is thinking of studing law ; she insist : hat she knows how many horses she has with ut studying law. The chitno of the marriage boll was so lonj Baching your correspondent that accounts o : lie weddings were printed in advance of oui nowledge , so we can but add the congratula ions of their many friends. The Woodman hall and store at Center Point 'rentier county , is about completed , and the [ imts will bo oiwned in the near future. The } re in hopes of securing a good blacksmith nd with a now frame school house , will take n airs very like Box Elder in time. NORTH COLEMAN. Sod planters are in great demand. The morning are so cool that it is suggestivi of frost. \V. II. Epperly has disposed of his thrivinj young mules. K. Branscom of Box Elder drove up to thi precinct on Tuesday. Ed and Virgil Shepherd are drivingtlirougl to Oregon. When heard from they had reachcc Denver. Hens continue to shell out their eggs ant each farmer has his basket full when he visit ; McCook. If the drouth , the grasshopper , the hail ant ! the later bug will keep their distance we ma ] raise a crop. Ada llarlan , deceased , was beloved by al who knew her and will be greatly missed ii this community. That new M. E. church , which is fifteer or sixteen miles northwest of McCook , is ex pected to be dedicated next Sunday , June 4th Elsie Ward purchased a nice buggy o ; Richard Moore. He traded his old one to hi : neighbor for an unruly swine and threw in < r peaceful pig. Rev. Matson preached to quite an audience at Spring Creek , last Sunday at 3 o'clock. Ar effort was made to organize a Sunday-school but it was unsuccessful. There was quite a windstorm , last Saturdaj evening. Joe Sauntlers had to put stones or the roof of his house to keep it from blowing off. Some windmills were blown down. So many of the school dads off for Oregor ami so many of the sciiool nia'ms leaving this world of trouble and joining the matrimonia band will make room for others wishing te wield the birth. The five children of Mr. Wilson , who oc cupies the M. L. Brown place , are soon tc start on their journey from Oregon. Tliej elnve through with Mr. Cox and family , whc with Mr. Wilson , traded for the Brown place Mr. Wilson was badly afflicted with asthma and his health is much improved since coming to Nebraska. RED WILLOW. llolton Longnecker was ill , Wednesday evening. Erank Hess has joined his brother in selling steam cookers. Mrs. Byfield was shipping Belgian hares tc South Dakota , last week. Mrs. Rowland is up from Ilerndon visiting her parents , Elias Canaga and wife. Nellie Elmer of this precinct is among the number who graduate at Indianola , this Fii- day. day.The The Sunday-school recently organized in the north end of district 72 had an attendance of nearly fifty , last Sunday. Mrs. Elmer has another fine hatch of chick ens out of her incubator , and if that sneafc thief returns he will have a lock to pick and other obstacles in the way of his success. There was a birthday surprise up at Aaron Sheets' , Monday night. The Gladlelter boys , Louis Elmer and Clyde Lutes concluded to gc if their "boss , " Wm Byfield , would loan there a wagon , team etc.which he did without spec ifying what they should use. The boys were modest and made their selection accordingly. An old wagon that had not been useel foi months was selected. The wheels had shrunk and so had the reach pole. Just imagine the rest ! The boys were gritty , however , and some held on the tires while a willow served as pole and they got the old thing home. Clint Gladfelter had some bad bruises and sprains caused by taking a header from his wheel on Sunday , and he was permitted to ride in the back end of the wagon. The boys say they had a famous time. New Stock ! New Patterns ! Don't Buy Before Examining Our Superb Stock. L.W.MCCONNELL&CO. C. H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Room 3 , Meeker-Phillips Bldgf , Upstairs We have the highest regard for th "nci'crprcfessiou. : . Our prtpjira. " . . . ic no. sold for the purpose of amadou zn4 ; them , but rather aan ; aid.Ve ' -y it down as an establish * . ' ! truth that nternal remedies are pos > u. tly injun- ms to expectant mothers. The distress : ; d discomforts experienced during the .iouths preceding childbirth can be al leviated only by external treatment by a liniment that softens anj re- r.ke and sell such a Ihiimcnt. corn- Mr-ing the ingredients ia a manner . . .herto unknown , aud cail it We know that in thousands of cases it has proved more than a blessing to expectant mothers. It overcomes morn- ir.g sickness. It relieves the sense of Lightness. Headaches cease , and dan ger from Swollen , Hard and Rising Lreasts is avoided. Labor itself is shortened and shorn ' of most of the pain. We know that m'any doctors recom mend it , and we know that multitudes of women go to the drug stores and buy it because they are sure their physicians have no objections. We ask a trial- just a fair test. There is no possible chance of injury being the result , be- ? anse Mother's Friend is scientific ally compounded. It is sold at $ r a bottle tle , and should be used during most of the period of gestation , although great relief is experienced if used only a short time before childbirth. Send for our il lustrated book about Mother's Friend. FI1E BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA , GA. Are you prepared for hot weather ? If not , you should call and inspect our line of Wash Fabrics for Summer Dresses. DIMITIES , LAWNS , ORGANDIES , LINENS , FANCY GINGHAMS , INDIA LINENS P.Ks. , . . , MADRAS , DUCKS , PERCALES , &c. which we are selling at very low prices. Call and see our line of LADIES SUITS , DRESS SKIRTS , SHIRT WAISTS AND SUMMER UNDERWEAR YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH QUALITIES & > RICES Grocery Stock Fresh and Complete jps THE . . . . rqjain c/ ioi rp * W + * * G. L. DeGROFF & GO. * * Tj f ) fS fc Y3 C f bKV3 C l U T3 T $ f1 f 5 ? \T * ' " 'l * CT - * ' T 1 * r-7 M.T > " " V 1 IT M.T3 i" * < tea M TV > fc-wrT j kvrv o t < tj i < 2 cvei to cvw to ivw to tvw to t-wrv ( rt i _ * vc v - * .1 ag = - Cin"Salf " . " 5,7 = 3 aSs s3c F * * * - " * . "V * V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT. CASHIER. I ? CITIZENS BANK ! ? M * OF MeCOOK , NEB. ! & I Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5.000 = DIRECTORS - - * = = lib ! ? / . FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAKD , A. C. EBERT , 4 X H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. WHITE'S CREAM SUstjaQs-c : . ; ? ' . V aflWerm emedies , a.X.X 3D375.XT&CVX : BAfLLARD St. l ouls. < Prepared by - a JAMES F. , ATir VrSlc OXXKLl. & rO.'S. cut tins nil cut ana to x.r. . ju by freight C. O. D. subject to examination , j ouc.in cxamlno frvicht ! M it a-.itt . JU4I. TO AST ? ! ( ) ( ) . ( ) O TOrlUGI.Y ) OU etcrMxi.x < rferlIy MtNf HiultlielTKiXltlM OUR SPECIAL OFFER PRICE $55.00 5I6.5O BUILT IN OUR OWN FACTORY IN CHICAGO. on honor from the be t iiuitcttil m.'no o n bin \ \ ( > i , i TO our Free BURPV Catnlouuo > "tor K iKim < M 59O.OO olhoi mnU-rs nt S2I.5O , 528.75 nnrt S3-J.75 t. , t mnu > InnrBj that ro oUl nm-M'ioiT tli-nicrx. nt * " v f > iUGGIES Ju.vX * nml i rt > lolnt ; wMdv niNorti-Ovl m ' < \ t fv > ( V t , K. 00 OUR ACME QUfeEN AT S55.OO \ * the mot AND wontlcrftjl vnluo over otToroil. IIIK lonvst VKUK , VK. LJRREYS. U.N TIIK ll sT IIU.IiVllItT I'tNHKKllLT. \ \ mud-la \ oitrown tlvo Rtory biiitirvfnotory f > r t - > o > iutriv < > of tmlMliint.l Fell.nit HKTtKK Blt : . \ niiS UK < % 111 \ Ki > KniiKKK ij t * > 1 ! OIK ClSTOHHIli StMVHTtKKK'S VKOIIT. Every BuKP.y Wo Mnko Is Cnnranti > < > d Five Yonrn nnd They Will out \\CAT Fi > r > Orclinnry Fnctory RiR9. THE MATIRIAIAND UttOR IN OUR ACMC 0 ffS Oi > t or Ihin doable that l < \ tli < ontii r > foVlon . Wo < o a 2.5O cushion cloth. - > > ' ( ! Itnlnc. jomoH'f l * vnt nou'OTAvvnt nmld MVX PAY ALMOST DOUMtK the vrKv jn.vt wV < i ' * * ' * * * * * * * " ACME QUEEN. ( OUR OWN MAKE. ) EJ2nwnKmlrrVtnVwkwr' ! hTK'j . dies arc nalerRnbbfd and tkeHttrrlal tnd Ulwrlnl'jlnllnic OUR ACME QUEEN. w M r ' " kr , tif..r S55.00 BARELY COVERS COST of material ami Inbor. lm liitf thownnll t rtfltl w t -uarebuildinRf7ObuKRieB ailayfttul to aitvortlsoourbUKuy fnptorv" > " wirimc t ' > i .uoruoFiTKACil. Woknow7O OOdaily jirorttou 7Obitrclrnlll > atWy . mlf < > itl u oi d build up the LARGEST BUOOY BUSINESS IN TIIK WO1H.O. THE ACME QUEEN wclmlUHn nnrtwrorwUlo tmoW , cloth or lonthortrinimrtlon > t ither , folKl panel Iwck , springs in l > nck. Irnlhrr n fr l H < > ni * > ni , 1l M > r Mfr . VrliH ( < < 7 | . quarter < tlr,2lx&l incucttKo. top 1 Snnen's patent scron l rim \t lirvN. rolntnl In in n > t , 1 > < I M ct > , nv \rVK < v * > > witl ilcllcato modett stripinp , complete with < hafu. f ! < lo an > l lx oV cnrtnln * . Ivot slonn i i v\ii n > l nlt n\tt , w TV cl shafts. r l , Knkrokr ind WhlBlMiTr.In plire of.hiHi , * 1.7& nlr . 1IUK1V WMWIS 40O l\l'M > n4 ikf ( Y 1k ll irraeeror2UO mlln. * 2.OOi SOO nllrt , * i.lit 40O mllr , * S.iSl &OO mllrs . Ot l.OOO ! ! . , fR.OO. lth onlor , nK l' K MKK < UnnT < K l Tcti > W Rn > < OEMS ? nrtl I AW jour CITlUn OC.IMU VJI iC. UFV IUMff sntisfnctory. pay the mllron.l itwnt t * li n < H < , fll.Oir > .4 Jilitthanrn , nthcnvlse pav nothing nnd the up-lit will return ( mimynt our oxiwn o nn > \ w III return } . ' " ' \V DON'T BUTT A CHfiAP FACTOHY BOGGY now oMMmo t cwliiMtMy l y U Vi M H > rv Is * r .1 . cataloiruollou o . BUY THE BEST 8UCCY MONEY CAN BUILD , direct lYom th t MnXov the LOWEST PRICK EVER KNOWN. ORDER TO DAY. DON'T DKUAY WRITE FOR OUR FREE BUGGY , CARRIAGE AND HARNESS CATALOGUE. , . .v. < s SEARS , ROEBUCK&CO. ( In c. ) , C H I C A C OT I LL.