Some grocers are so short sighted as to decline to keep the Ivory Soap , claiming it does not pay as much profit as inferior qualities do , so if your regular grocer refuses to get it for you , there are undoubtedly others who recognize the fact that the increased volume of business done by reason of keeping the best articles more than compensates for the smaller profit , and will take pleasure in getting it for you. . COPYRIGHT IOOO DY THE PROCTER & GAMBLE CO. CINCINNATI I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea e\er since the war and have used all kinds of medicines fnr it At last I found one remedy that has been a success as a cure , that is Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy P. EGrisham , Gaars Mills , La. "For sale by McConnell , druggist. Beautiful \\all paper contributes much to happy homes McMillen's wall papers contribute much to beautiful walls. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn $ .25 Wheat 5C Oats 20 Rye 4 ; Barley y Hogs 3.2 ; Eggs oc Butter i : Potatoes 51 HARVESTER KING ® ® ® @ ® 0 ® @ We sold about a. dozen of 'em to Red Willo county farmers , last year , and they were thorough pleased and satisfied. The Harvester King enabl the up = to = date farmer to cut and bind early , and head later on in the season , both with the same m : chine ; thus avoiding the greatest risk from hail ar handling the greatest possible amount of grain. WE ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR The Old Reliable Buckeye Binder. The J. I. Case Threshing Machines. The Columbia = = a small , 8 = horse Thresher. The Renowned Piano Steel Jones Lever Binder. The Celebrated Ideal Deering = = the wonder of ai MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. FEATURES Colonial People Birds , Animals. . . Products , Homes i Pain's Fireworks - - Exhibit , Me- aiBaiHi ii mil in mi ! " ' -mi : / rt I ga OPENS AT OMAHA , NEBRASKA , JULY 1st , I chanical Exhib- W its , The Midway , I g CLlttC : * UUIUDCK 31st , 1809. Godfrey's British i EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT tyjjj EcjpSC | Last Year. I Military Band. . . . laK Don't Lose Any Time About It. If you expect to go west , this spri ask the nearest Burlington Route ag about the specially reduced rates uo\ effect to Montana , Utah , Califor Washington 'and Oregon points. . about them right away today. T tnay be withdrawn at any inouieut. Through tourist sleeping car servic San Francisco and Los Angeles e\ Thursday to Butte , Spokane and Sea every Tuesday and Thursday. J. Fi cis , General Passenger Agent , Onu Nebraska. Ballard's Suovv Liniment cures rl matistn , neuralgia , headache , sick hi ache , sore throat , cuts , sprains , brui old sores , corns , and all pain and iufl mation. The most penetrating liniu in the world. Price 25 cts. and 50 at McConnell's. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS f FINISHING ROOMS FOR COUN TY OFFICERS. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids be received at the office of the county c of Red Willow county , Nebraska , in the of McCook , up to one o'clock , p. m. , on lOlh day of June , 1899 , for finishing the c missioners' room , the county clerk'b ro < and the sheriff's office ; the south stairway the basement and to the second floor ; hi : ing and plastering the hall-ways , incltu the west side of the north and south parti on the first floor , and to put in a rough < Over the rooms and hall-ways herein 11 tioned. Also to include finishing the v for the county clerk's room , and putting : partition wall of brick , eight inches thick the east end of the south jail room in basement. The work to be done accorc to the original plans and specifications by Leach , architect of the court-house , and specifications and details found in the o of the county clerk. All bids must be securely sealed and dir ed to the county clerk of said county and dorsed on the envelope enclosing the sa "bids for finishing rooms for the coi officers. " Said bids must each he accomi ied by a certificate of deposit in the sun SIGO oo , of some reliable bank in the cou payable to the order of R. A. Green , coi clerk , in case the peison making the hid s fail to enter into a contract and give bond cording to the terms of his bid. The pei to whom the contract may be awarded s within five days after the acceptance of : bid , give bond in the sum of at least 3-OOi with two good and sufficient sureties , to approved by the board of county comn ioners , in foim and conditions as prep : and approved by the county attorney , for faithful peiformance of his contract , and s enter into a written contract with said cou duly signed by him , at the time of the ex tion of said bond. The board of county , c missioners reserve the right to reject any all bids. Dated this 3rd day of May , A 1899. 5-5-4ls. R. A. GREEN , Courty Cler NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. Road No. 339. To Richard Burton , Gl C. and Horace J. Simmons , John C. and ( J. Harned , and to all whom it may cone The board of county commissioners has tablished and ordered opened a road c mencing at the southwest corner of sec seventeen (17 ; in North Valley precinct. Willow county , Nebraska , running the west on section line and terminating at southwest corner of section eighteen (18 ( said precinct , and all objections therrtc claims for damages must he filed in the c ( ty clerk's oftice on or before noon of the day of July , A. D. 1899 , or sa'd road will hi tablished \ \ itliout reference thereto. R. A. GREEN , County Cer ! NOTICE TO CRED1TOKS. In county court , within and for Red Wil county , Nebraska , May 22cl , 1899 , in the ma of the estate of Michael Smith , deceased. To the creditors of said estatf You hereby notified , That I will sit at ihe cot court room in McCook , in said county , on 23d day of November , 1899 , at 10 o'clock aLe Lo receive and examine all claims against : estate , with a view to their adjustment anc lowance. The time limited for _ the prese tion of claims against said estate is six mon [ rom the 22d day of May , A. D. 1899 , and iime limited for payment of debts is one j : rom said 22d day of May. 1899. Witness : iantl and the seal of said county court , ! 2d day of May , 1899. G. S. IJisi * " " , 5-26-315 County. i MEN OR BOYS suffering from nervous debility , varicocel seminal weakness , lost manhood , nig ] emissions and unnatural discharges cause by errors of younger days , which , if not r lievecl by medical treatment , is deplorab on mind and body , DO NOT MARRY when suffering , ai tins leads to loss < memory , loss of spirits , bablifulness in s < ciety , pains in small of back , irightfi dreams , ( 'ark ' rings around the eyes , pin p les or breaking out on face or bed Send for our symptom blank. We ca cure you and especially do we desire eland and tried cases , as we charge nothing f < advice and give you a written guarante to cure the worst case on record. N < only are the weak organs restored , bi all losses , drains and discharges steppe < Send 2c stamp for question blank. BLOOD POISON First , second or tertiary stage. \ \ . NEVER FAIL. No detention from bu iness. Write us for particulars. Dept. HANN'S PHARMACY , OMAHA , NEE happy. Monti , ies ltoythe da ; Never fails. Cures scanty , excessive c painful menstration. $ i box. 2 bo.\e cure any case. Dept. I. HANK'S Pharmacy , 18th and Farnam , n-i2-iy Omaha , Net Fhe Man Who Toils is the man who o have the best things to eat , becai lis system requires it. Workiugm ind everybody else who want the h o eat come to our shop. We run t lest butcher shop in the city. Our pU s clean. The meats we sell are teui .nd fresh and the prices low enough uit anybody. If you knew how partit ar we are to give satisfaction , yoi lever buy elsewhere. EVERIST , MARSH & CO. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. 'Michael Curtain , Plainfield , makes the statement that she can cold , which settled on her lungs ; she treated for a month by her family ph cian , but grew worse. He told her was a hopeless victim of consumpl and that no medicine could cure 1 Her druggist suggested Dr. King's J Discovery for Consumption ; she bou a bottle and to her delight found her benefitted from first dose. She con ued its use and after taking six bott found herself sound and well ; now d her own housework , and is as well she ever was Free trial bottles of i great discovery at McConnell's. 0 50 cents and $ r , every bottle guarantt Five Cents a Copy ! That's the remarkably low price which we are closing out the remain of our Navy Portfolios , those sup pictures of onr splendid and victori navy. You can buy the entire serie twelve numbers for 50 cents. This less than half price , and they are enl few sets left. Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot foryt b } ' the chains of disease is the worst fc of slavery. George D Williams of M Chester , Mich. , tells how such a si was made free He says. "My wife been so helpless for five years that could not turn over in bed alone. A using two bottles of Electric Bitters , is wonderfully improved and able to her own work. " This supreme renn for female diseases quickly cures i vousness , sleeplessness , inelanchc headache , backache , fainting and di spells. This miracle working medic is a godsend to weak , sickly , run do people. Jvverv bottle guaranteed. O 50 cents. Sold by McConnell. Nothing has ever been produced equal or compare with Tabler's Buck Pile Ointment as a curative and heal application for piles , fissures , blind bleeding , external or internal , and it ing nd bleeding of the rectum The lief is immediate and cure infallil Price , 50 cts. in bottle , tubes 75 < Sold by McConnell , druggist. helps the team. Saves wear and expense. ' Sold everywhere MADE BY STANDARD OIL CO. McCook Transfer Lir J. H. DWYSR , Proprietor. attention paid hnuliug furniture. Leuve orcl < at either lumber vurd. CURES NOTHING BUT PILES , 'A SURE and CERTAIN CURE known for 15 years as the BEST REMEDY for PILES , SOLD BY AM. DRUGGISTS. fropirod ty BICHA2DSON USD. CO. , ST. LOUIS. At L. w. MCCONNELL & co.'s. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Boug Bears the Signature of Notice. Notice is hereby given that from tl late henceforth , no picnics , fishing pi ies or hunting of any kind will be pt nitterl in the enclosure at or around t nouth of Driftwood creek. ; -2o-4ts \V. S. FITCH. S-\V P means Sherwin-Williams Pai best to cover best to wear. Sold w. W. MCCONNKLT , & CO. In constipation Herbine affords a nt iral , healthful remedy , acting promptl V few smnll doses will usually be fou : o so regulate the excretory functio hat they are able to operate withe my aid whatever , .socts. at McConnell Box Elder Circuit. Sunday-school at Box Elder chur : very Sunday at 10 a.m. Church servic .t ii a. m. every two weeks dating frc Sunday , Dec. 4. Sunday-school at R' ' Villow school house every Sunday at > . in. Church service at 3 p. m. eve wo weeks dating from Sunday , Dec. Sunday-school at Garden Prairie a ( ointment every Sunday at 10 a. i Breaching at n a. m. every two wee lating from Dec. 11. Preaching servi t Spring Creek at 3 p. m. every tv ? eeks dating from Dec 11. D. L. MATSON , Pastor. For whooping-cough , asthma , bro hitis , or consumption , no medici quals Ballard's Horehound Syrup , nd 50 cts. at McConnell's. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach , liver , kid neys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring , use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only ascts. at McConnell's Paint is to a house what clothing is to the body. It is just as important. Mc- Millen guarantees every gallon of paint he sells. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand , but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them , also old , running and fever sores , ulcers , boils , felons , corns , warts , cuts , bruises , burns , scalds , chapped hands , chilblains. Best pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25cts. a box Cure guaranteed. Sold by McConnell - Connell , druggist. Paint S-WP means Sherwin-Williams best to cover best to wear. Sold by L. W. McCoNNELi. & Co. . _ _ _ . . . . . ! ' " ' ® Shoes at 98c per Pair. This week we put on sale at $ S ? our Big Closing Out Sale about | a , 300'Pairs of Shoes at 980 per 38t pair. This lot consists of shoes for jk men and women , boys and girls , and comprises odds from broken lines of shoes that heretofore sold at from $2.00 to $4.50 per pair. Sizes in men's and boys' from 5 to 7 } . Ladies' and Misses' sizes from 2 to 4 } . If you can get fitted in this lot take your choice at p8c. THE. . ' . GANSCHOW Closing Out Sale , | 7kAr ! - \ & &w&p- Vtt > ; ! < < gjHs & ® ! Wa , S&ika4S / l f -l ? * & ' 9 3ifr.TtJ& 3 'f $ & 7 &if . > \ . . * .i-"V" ' & Arc recognized the v/orl-1 over as representing the highest type of excellence in bicycle construction Are no\v\vithin reach of all 3VIOSV9ARCH ROADSTERS $50 DEFIANCE ROADSTERS $35 $ * ) Why look further when machines of DiQf'c-iayc / \\i\g \ \ GilO tH'SoU nOaliSlujS $ D established reputation . can be had u at these prices. MONARCH CHAINLESS $75 Send for Catalogue Agents -wanted in open territory MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO. Haisted and Fulton Sis. . CHICAGO fChurch and Rcade Sts. , NEW YORK RIDE A MONARCH AND KEEP IN FRONT } QT VlfllPJT PAQCC UAWC The greatest care should be given to JOi slULLlJl UHOLO nne ! any little sore , pimple or scratch \ \ Inch shows no disposition to heal under ordin AT HP9T ary treatment. Jso one can tell how soon these M ! 1 InOI will develop into Cancer of the worst type. So many people die from Cancer be cause they do not know just what tlie disease is ; they naturally turn themselves over to tlie doctors , and are forced to' submit to a cruel and dangerous operation the only treatment which the doctors know for Cancer. The disease promptly returns , however , and is even more violent and destructive than before. Cancer is a deadly poison in the blood , and an operation , plaster , or other external treatment can have no effect whatever upon it. The cure must come from within the last vestige of poison must be eradicated. Mr. Win. Wat pole , of Walshtown. S. D. . says : "A little blotch about the size of a pea came under my left eye. gradually growing larger , from which shooting'pauis at intervals ran in all directions. I became greatly alarmed W4 - . / -w r and consulted a good doctor , who pronounced it Cancer , m - ? and advised that it be cut out , but this I could not con sent to. I read in my local paper of a cure effected by S S. S. . and decided to try it. It acted like a charm , tlie Cancer becoming at first irritated , and then discharging very freely. This gradually grew less and then discon tinued altogether , leaving a small scab which soon drop- SpeciCc f J k TS E" B R W PTl 9 f kSi I L FOR THE BLOOD because it is the only remedy which can go deep enough to reach the root of Y the disease and force it out of the system permanently. A surgical operation does not reach the blood the real seat of the disease because the blood can not be cut away. Insist upon S. S. S. ; nothing can take its place. S. S. S. cures also any case of Scrofula , Eczema , Rheumatism , Contagious Blood Poison , Ulcers , "Sores , or any other form of blood disease. Valuable books on Cancer and Blood Diseases will bo mailed free to any address by Swift Specific Company , Atlanta , Georgia.