THE Several hundred pairs of Shoes for Men , Women , Boys and Girls that have sold heretofore at from 2.00 to 4.50 , choice the entire lot , 98c. One lot ladies' in button and lace , varied S \ i I Child's ib c $ . ferad * ev twi assortment of st3'les , heretofore sold at R ices that Cannot be. ? * - * $3.00 , $3.50 and $4.00. 1.50 prices of aOc ? "SC , yww Your choice this lot - . cb ° " - - - Quoted Again. Ladies' fine $2.00 and $2.25 kid shoes in For the larger skes an4 in vhors button and lace , black and The Jeter Salesman Co. of Chicago are have sou at trom rc to $ i. * a.38 R chocolate. - . closing out the stock and fixtures of J. F. Ji , anolb < " r T < mr 48 C Ganschow's Shoe Store The Old Reliable Ganschow's regular line of $3.00 ( ) - - kid shoes are now U.90 at McCook , Nebraska , and this sale con- Onc lot ralsscs > and cWIJrcj > s ing : at . and slippers worth up so $ u2 $ tinues day and evening until the entire $1.50 , choice ihu enure Ladies' fine turn sewed shoe , stock trim stock and fixtures are sold. lot ' " ' ' - ming's in button with vici kid tops , and The Stock Consists of about SlO.OOO Misses' fine kid shoes in button and lace. lace with fancy vesting tops. Regular3.00 colors black and , . . . , chocolate fonacr and $3.25 _ shoes . _ going _ now worth of Shoes for Men / , Women , Boys and . price $ i.6sf ciosin ? outt -t t at - Girls , the most complete line and largest at . J.-LO Ladies fine vici kid shoes in black and stock between Omaha and Denver. NoMisses' : fine ku shoes , button and ia . chocolate colors , turns and welts. Button where else outside of the cities willblack and chocolatir - -i ton and lace. Regular $3.50 large qo . . JL.OO .2.68 raer price $1.90. Price now values for . . such an assortment be found , _ Ajr n fin . n r i j Blisses' finest vici kid , black and choco- j. Ganschow's finest 4.50 shoes , choicest And Every Pair IWlISt Be Sold , shoes , lancwestin tops.-i kid stock , latest styles toes , stock trimmings L I former price $2'00 ; price now ' mings , buttons and lace. $4.50 value The goods are here for you. We are in every pair. Down y.3.25 here letting down the prices. go at - - - . . Youths' chocolate titan calf shoes , sizes 9 to 11. Former price was Ladies' fine vici hand turn shoes , oxblood LADIES' OXFORDS AND LOW SHOES. ( . * ! : n.oo lace with late style toes. A strictly high grade shoe that formerly sold 2.50 Ladies' 1.75 Oxfords for 1.25. Boys' calf skin shoes , lace , with regularly at $4.00price now . Ladies' 2.00 Oxfords for 1.48. coin toes , nice and dressy. Former price was $1.75 ; price Ladies' 2.50 Oxfords for 1.68. i 1.30 now - One lot men's high grade lace welt sewed . shoes in titan calf , polar calf and vici kid Ladies' 3.00 Oxfords for 1.88. colors , black , green , oxblood and chocolate Ladies' Oxfords and Low Shoes , worth One lot misses' and children's medium : elate , worth up to $5.00 per pair , weight button shoes that heretofore sold on sale this week at , per up to 1.50 and 2.oo = = choice , 75C. at $1.25 per pair. We are pair - 8.50 One Lot Misses' Oxfords , choice closing this lot at , per pair 68c Men's 2.00 shoes = 1.38 Men's 4.00 shoes 2.75 Boys' 2.00 shoes = 1.38 Men's 2.50 and 3.00 shoes , 1.90 Men's 4.50 shoes 3-25 Boy's 2.50 shoes = 1.60 Men's 3.50 shoes = 2.38 Boys' 1.50 shoes 1.18 One lot boys' work shoes , SSc Jeter Salesman Co. SALESHEN AND AUCTIONEERS. V ' JT r Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $6OOOO GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. fit. FREES , V. Pros. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass'f Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 250. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Many a fair young child , whose pallor has puzzled the mother , until she has suspected rightly her darling was troub led with worms , has regained the rosy hue of health with a few doses of White's Cream Vermifuge. Price 25 cts. Sold by McConnell's. Whooplne Cough. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I did not think that any medicine would help him , but after giving him a few doses of that remedy I noticed an improvement , and one bottle cured him entirely. It is the best cough medicine I ever had in the house. J. L. Moore , South Burgetts- town , Pa. For sale by McConnell. This paper and the great St. Louis Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year. is only a symptom not a disease. So are Backache. Nervousness. Dizziness and the Blues. They all come from an unhealthy state of the men strual organs. If you suffer from any of these symptoms if you feel tired and languid in the morning and wish you could lie in bed another hour or two if there is a bad taste in the mouth , and no appetite if there is pain in the side , backer or abdomen BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR will bring about a sure cure. The doctor may call your trouble some high-sounding Latin name , but never mind the name. The trouble is in the menstrual organs , and Bradfield's Female Regulator will restore you to health and regulate the menses like clockwork. Sold by druggists for Ji a bottle. A freellluiuited book will Le sent to any woman if request be mailed to THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA , GA. Through Tourist Sleepers to Northwest. The Burlington Route has established a twice-n-week tourist car line from Kan sas City to Unite , Spokane. Tacoina and Seattle. Cars Wve Kansas City , Lincoln and Grand Island every Tuesday and Thurs day , arriving at Seattle following l-'ndav and Sunday. They me upholstered in rattan. The bed linen and furnishings are clean and of jjjood quality. The healing , ventilating and toilet airnnge- nients are all that can be desired and each car is in charge of a uniformed Pullman porter , whose sole duty is to at tend to the wants of pa seiigeis. Cars inn through without change of any kind and the berth rate from Lin coln to Tacoma is only $5 oo. To inter mediate points it is proportionately low. Montana and the 1'uget Sound country are now enjoying a period of unexampled prosperity. As a consequence , travel to the northwest is rapidly attaining large proportions. This new tourist car line lias been established with a view of car ing for the Burlington's share of it in the best possible manner. Berths , tickets and full information can be had on application to auv Bur lington Route ticket agent or by add t ess- ing J. Francis. G.I'.A.Omaha June 26. Many old soldiers now feel the effects of the hard service they endured during the war. Mr. Geo. S. Anderson , of Koss- ville , York county , Penn. , who saw the hardest kind of service at the front , is now frequently troubled with rheuma tism. "I had H severe attack lately , " he says , "and procured u bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It did so much good that I would like to know what you would charge me for one dozen bottles. " Mr. Anderson wanted it both for bis own use and to supply it to bis friends and neighbors , as every Family should have a bottle of it in their home , not only for rheumatism , but lame back , sprains , swellings , cuts , bruises and burns , for which it is unequalled. For sale by McConncll , druggist. FANCY INDIA OtiM 1 A DIES SUITS. DHESS S SHIRT WAJ&r * AND MJMMK' , 5S CNDEH'A XSjj YtX i&T Grocery Steak Frtsi V. FRANKLIN , PRESWEM. A. C. f * t : 0 itt * tCITIZBXS BANK § OF McCOOK , NEB * * * # fc # Paid Up Capital $50,000. SurpluxJ $ * * * * * # - = - DIRECTORS .r . - " J < ? . J T fT * f rm * it * r t * t t * r * * * * ltn * M # < Af A9 F K. FRANKLIN , W.F.NcFARUVB. % / / . F. CHURCH , OSCAR CALUHAX. to % tote * WHITE'S CREAM VERmiFUCEIi For 20 Years Has Led ail WcrmJemedies U A ! ir r\ JAMES F. R * L4KD. St. - X.N. . - . . " * W WXi fcX. N.W V X--W A < L.V. . KM. vV CO/ * . iul tit * * * * * * * * \ < iii l > \ frrlKlit C. O. 1 . subject t tui ; iii ro % v ftoo.oo TOP int. MKKi K\oiuiMiu. i , OUR SPECIAL OFfEU PRICE $55.00 jmy tininilio.l ' f IV ! SIG.50 RUILT IN OUR OWN ACTORV IN TO i ir 11 * ' * * S9O.OO iiii t.-tk. . . t 5SI ) , . 8r ? Mrt . . * * * * W * BUGGIES > > ' ,1 mi h. ink nl I , .1 .M * - < * f W AND OUR ACME Al % 3 > , CO H Jg -lTrK ' * * * * * * SURREYS. JUtH ON 1UK IH.NT 111 l. - our own rt\ ne uv i < \ > iv > of r nl 1ll S Wk I > HI \ I I SVW * , * > 4 ! < * ( I SIMUKHI 1 M > l II Vo r i niitl 1 h * > Will } > . * Or lllint > FtuMOM RtR * . 1HC MATISI.M ANl UMt IN VAY AUMOKT tOUR OWN MAKE. > l iB\u" ; V\VViiV VVV. . , h N , rt IM ) lM ll ' nrpWiiliTKMlili < Hl nml I.p1 ! l l nmtl nl rli r liili OUR ACMK OURF.N , " * M * * ' ' ! . i U , lulior. lonMnn < h.--n , n- " > > i ' t S33.0O _ . . BARELY _ , . COVERS . _ _ COST . . . ' ' " " " ' ' * " - Mg3P - * * * * " " . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . 1 .1 lm. * H lmt oniPlmlUllnnr70b Kl m ntlitVMMil t mlviMtHoout l' JK y f ; ; t > NrV > - * ' \t t'H tH Ml WN * * i.oo rnoiirm u. We know f7O OOiinlly vrvttt vm 70 IwmiU" * iMI \ > \ \ < tW * It.wr nii.Hiiill < . l _ | _ tlinIJAm.E8THUOUY _ _ . _ . . . _ . . UBlN'KB8 . . . . . NTllK\Voln.V ( 111 ! " ' _ . . . , . . . . . . . . . THE / ACME QUEEN wnltiillilin - nvoi .II. > tm .ll > fi.'ih lp ! t'ttumttMsl * > . < * * y > > * < * ' Icntlicr inmttor tup. < llil | > i\iiol lmi'l < , npilnirttnlmol. . l - lbfr ( VIKT. * ! ' " ! > i . HM s r , > V * * < % > ' ' lii'cl' l tr. < < 1 . . < < * l'1 * ' mV > . ' < fc IMMiy.XIXU . . * IncliP * . NX. . I . Hm\i'n . . iil'nt . . 'ntKOiv . _ . . " . i' _ l . . . i ln . Jiui'vi _ . . . _ . i-niiiT'i . . . . . . ' . " ! - - < - . - . . . ilnllcnto tnoilptt n. , . , . . . . coim < 1i' ( wHlinlwft , | ip ! mllH > 'W MiHnln * , Ib . I " \'im Aiivn n < l < nM < ttkn- > rry % . . lltClA " " . . . . . . , . , , . , , . . . fct . "MI.IIH UHMtUM . IW > nml .hnftfl . IMU , Wffltjnlii * nr l MhiriMr-r.1n.1 r > nf .niu , TI t rurn H.HTi - - - - - < M t ? ii wiSfrtoo ' iiv , . M.IIIII M > iii . . w w. . . , i. vrt "Vv : ! ' r'Sh ! ' ' ' Hr t wVm " M n. iti , n A \ . * * . < "cBMno'Mif'nni I ACT \ uh < jour ' m ! < > r. ' " i th-r nj * M SEND UiMCL UUInL.AI\ ( mti . nto.torri v . > < li " , i ll v viil nKvn > \ < aton. < . * ll i * * frf UK rh . otliprwlMMWTiKitlilnirnniltliPKurntttUlirtnrnfmRBVKloHrt'x 'nM-Bnv MPnUUvtwvwiwwtfJW i nr DON'T BUY A ohhAP FAOTOnY IIUOGIY IH' ' > num- * "AVflV i 1,1 ? r ? i' ' ' * fr. ' ttfc , nl . "i lo5illwi-M BUY T l BEST BUGGY MONFY CANJiyiMV > \ & < v * ' " N * r\t the 1.0WKHT 1'HIOH KVKH KNOWN. OUUKK TO \ ) AHON T Ulil.A Y WRITE FOR OUR FREE nUOOV , CARRIAGE AND MARNKRR CATAl.OOU * ' . , , r , SEARS , ROEBUCK & CO. ( Inc. ) , CHICAGO , ILU