The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 26, 1899, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
WHEN Colonel Comfort tukes hi :
pitchfork hand to indite a learnec
opinion on legal rates , Colonel Black
stone , Deacon Morlan and Jasper Phillip :
nil take tp the tall timber. Colone
Comfort is simply irresistible in hii
latest specialty. Besides his legal learn
ing and wisdom , all else seems unspeak
ably diminutive.
IN a recent ministerial assembly , one
of the noted divines of the land made
the astonishing statement that cigar
ettes are causing more crime in Ainericc
than the saloons are. While the propo
sition may be debatable , there is euougl
fact in it to direct close attention to tht
matter. Cigarette smoking is doubtless
one of the grestest and most blighting
curses with which the youth of Anierics
is now afflicted. School authorities anc ]
parents may well devote more searching
and stringent measures to stamp out the
evil , or at least , to reduce it to the
THE evil of the trust is primarily in
overcapitalization. The evil is not sc
much in combination and concentration
for they bring the people and the
world greater advantages than we are
wont to admit. As between combina
tion and competition perhaps there is
small room for question or doubt as to
the desirability of the former. How
ever , watered stock is one of the crying
evils of the day , one of the stealthiest
and most genteel ways in which the
consumer and the producer or both are
robbed of their money , produce or labor.
Whether combination is necessarily the
law of progress may be-questioned , but
that it is a fact of modern progress can
not be doubted , and when it is in the
line of co-operation it is productive of
the best results.
Memorial Programmes.
Following are the programmes for the
union Memorial and Decoration day
services :
Members of the G. A. R. , all old sol
diers and Ladies Circle will meet at
the G. A. R. headquarters at 10:15 a. in.
Line of march will form at 10:45 a"d
march to the Methodist church where
the following programme will be fol
lowed :
Song "Gloria" Choir
Reading Orders J. H. Yarger
Song Choir
Prayer ' . Rev. T. P. Beall
Thank offering for monument fund. . .
Scriptural lesson Rev. W. J. Turner
Anthem Choir
Sermon H. H. Berrj'
Song "America".Choir
.Choir and Congregation
At 10 o'clock a. m. decoration of the
soldiers' graves at Longview , Calvary
and Riverview cemeteries by the follow
ing committee of old soldiers : George
W. Dillon , J.V. . Underbill , John Wil
liams , Jacob Steinmetz. W. S. Fitch ,
and J. M. Henderson. All citizens who
desire to join this committee in the dec
oration at the cemetery are cordially in
vited to do so at this hour.
Members of the G. A. R. , all old sol
diers and Ladies Circle will meet at the
G. A. R. headquarters promptly at 1:30
o'clock p. m.
Forming line of march at 2 o'clock
under command of Comrade J. A. Wilcox -
cox , chief marshal and aids. Line of
march will form as follows : G. A. R.
and all old soldiers on foot will form on
Dennison street , right resting on Main ;
Ladies of the Circle will form on Denni
son street , right resting on Marshall ;
civic societies will form on Main street ,
right resting on Denuison ; citizens in
carriages and conveyances will form on
Dodge street , right resting on Main ;
citizens on horseback will form on
Marshall street , right resting on Dodge ;
citizens on foot will form on Manchester
street , right resting on Denuison and
inarch to Riverview cemetery where the
following programme will be followed :
Song Glee Club
Invocation Rev. T. L. Ketman
Music Stayuer's Drum Corps
Unveiling monument according to the
G. A. R. ritual
Oration Hon. S. L. Mathews
Music Glee Club
Dismissal and return to city
All ex-confederate soldiers are espec
ially invited to attend with us the Me
morial Sunday and Decoration day ser
Ladies and school children and all
others who can furnish flowers are re-
vuested to deliver same at the office of
H. H. Berry as early as possible on the
morning of the 3Oth , where a committee
of ladies will receive them.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postofEce on May 2ist :
W. W. Cole , Frank Momeny ,
G. A. Harris , Henry McDermed ,
A. R. Miller. George Thompson ,
Mary Wilson , Assad Nasralla ,
L. M. Washburn , Conductor Woods ,
EHsha C. Wilcox.
In calling for any of these letters , please
Bay that they are advertised.
F. M. KiMMELi , , Postmaster. .
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
. . .
Elmer Milliin is working in the News oilice.
Tliero was u dance in the hall , Saturday cvun
Hov. E. C. Hayes will prcmcli in Obcrliii , nox
A. Barnctt of McCook was in town over night
W. A. Minnicar , Jr. , went to Omaha , Wednpfe
day morning.
Tlio fceatiiif , ' for the Congregational cliurcl
arrived on the extra.'Sunday.
Rov. Murphy of Holdrcgo preached in the M
E. church , Sunday evening.
riev. G. W. Windlo is holding protracted meet
ings at Beaver Creek , this week.
J. II. Wickcb and sister Maggie and Miss Inez
Plumb went to Norcatur , Monday.
Harribcm < fe Messner bhipped two cars of hogs
to Kansas City and ono to South Omalia
E. A. Ruby lias commenced the foundation foi
a now house on the lot formerly occupied by the
Atlas lumber company.
Another young man found that "The way oi
the transgressor is hard , " Friday , the result ol
too much talk induced by whiskey.
M.Pato of Orleans came down , Friday , to visit
his brother and take in the entertainment. lie
and Walter returned to Orleans , Monday.
Rev. White will preach a memorial sermon at
the M. E. church on Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. Special music for the occasion is be
ing prepared.
A line rain accompanied by a little hail fell
here , Tuesday night. E. L. Dennis says the rain
gauge showed ono and one-tenth inches , or
about a quarter-inch more than the last one.
The barn belonging to William Kendall was
struck by lightning and consumed by fire , Tues
day night. Two horses and some harness wore
burned with it. Loss partly covered by insur
A largo crowd enjojed the programme ren
dered by the pupils of our school at the hall ,
Friday evening. The work of the pupils speaks
highly of the thoroughness and taste of both
themselves and their teachers. About twenty
dollars were the not proceeds , which will be
used to purchase books for the library.
Picnics sire in vogno now.
Ed Hoover is listing corn.
East winds bring- the rain.
Corn is up and looking fine.
Miss Minnie Whittaker is starting a music
The Endeavor was well' attended , Sunday
Alfalfa is growing very fast and will soon be
ready to cut.
The assessor of Driftwood precinct has made
his returns.
We have a fairly good bridge now on the
Pleasant Ridge road.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Mejer were over from Atwood -
wood on a visit , the first of the week.
Roy Barnes \\orking over near Danbury
and he reports everj thing looking fine on the
Wall Higby returned home , last Thursday
after a very pleasant visit with relatives and
numerous friends.
Will Stone of Mayweed was down Saturday
and brought the sad news that Mrs. W. T. Stone
is very ill. She exi > ects to return home ab soon
as she is able to come.
The people of South Side are mourning over
the death of a beloved friend and neighbor-
Eliza Nettleton , who passed to her last rest ,
early Tuesday morning. The illness was brief
and was the result of old age and a long life of
usefulness for humanity and for Christ.
Last Wednesday evening a number of the
young folks of the South Side and elsewhere
gathered at W. G. Higby's and enjojed a first-
rate good time. The time was taken up with
sames etc. , until supper was announced , when
the gue ts withdrew to the dining room and en
joyed a bountiful repast. As the happy time
tlrew to a clo e , there were many fond adieus
and Wall was congratulated on the pleasant
way in which his vit-ithad ended.
Lee Sommers has moved to his claim in Chase
W. S. Bixler has 2SO acres of small grain , 2GO
of which is w heat. '
Thos. Real is breaking out fifty acre.on the
James Woolworth farm.
Ed Osbaugh , W. M. Short and E. Heinline dug
out seven j oung coyotes , one morning recently.
Ira Divine wont have any time to parley over
trading jack-knives if he keeps that eighty acres
of corn clean , and he always keeps the corn
clean if lie never goes fishing.
Rev. T. L. Ketman of the Baptist church , Mc
Cook , delivered his lecture , "The Yankee and
the Dutchman , " to a crowded house at Zion
Hill church , Tuesday evening . The purpose
ivas to buy an organ for the church , and over
UOwere realized.
S. D. McClain has rented his farm to his boy ,
rt'ilbcr , and moved to McCook. He has pur-
: hased a hou-o and lot and , with the family ,
tvill live there'in the future. Sam came hero in
ISS4 with about $ . > 0 and took a claim. Ht > took
jff his coat , tolled up his sleeve * and pitched in.
[ lis farm has spread out until it covers 4M )
icres , nearly liOO being under cultivation. Hems
ms a good frame house , barn , granary , crib ,
.veil and windmill , and other conveniences for
successfully carrying on a farm , A large part
if the farm is fenced. Sam takes the family
rat ri < ling in a fine , two-seated carriage. If he
; oes alone or takes his wife he uses the buggy.
HigheSV Honors World's Fair ,
OR ;
L pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
rom Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
Guy Curlee of McCook renewed acquaintance
with the home folks , Sunday.
Sam Walkington and Elmer Oxley were busi
ness visitors in McCook , last Saturday.
W. W. Lcmasters and ono of the Huntworl
boys were pilgrims to the county teat , Tuesdaj
Some of the material for a new depot to re
place the one destroyed by lire is on the ground
and work will be begun soon.
Miss Grace Curlee , who concludes the musica
course at tne Wcsloyan university , this term
will organize a music class at Wilbur and'siiem
the summer there.
Dr. J. E. Ilathorn will soon have a force o
men at work making extensive alterations upoi
and at the same time adding to his alread ;
commodious residence property.
R. S. and D. C. Baker and H. L. Burton an
in the county seat , today , squaring themselve
with the county treasurer for another year , am
attending to other matters of business.
J. W. Wolf has purchased a thirteen-acn
tract of land north of J. M. Farrell's and eas
of Postmaster Miller's , and will build a rcsi
donee property thereon during the summer.
The commencement exercises on Wednesday
and Thursday evenings passed with pleasiiif
particulars , and thus ended one of the mosi
successful terms of school ever taught here.
Extensive preparations for the observance ol
Memorial Sunday and Decoration day have
been made by the post , and the usual largo as
semblage to pay respect to the nation's dead
may bo expected , if the weather be not for
F. L. Enlow of Longmont , Colo. , made a briel
visit hero , Sunday morning , while en route tc
Cambridge to secure some of his effects. The
former agent and wife are pleased with theii
new home in the Colorado town , and many
friends will hope their stay there may conclude
under more cheerful circumstances than it did
Preparations are being made for a nice pro
gramme on Children's day at the Christian
church. Miss Ida Canaga has charge of the
There was a warm welcome for Albert Helm
and Louis Longnecker when they returned.
The boys brought many souvenirs of their t-o-
iourn in Cuba.
The school entertainment > reported to
: iavo been very good , although not in a strict
sense of the word a school exhibition , for many
outsiders were added to the interesting pro
gramme. This entertainment closed a very suc
cessful term of school and the good wishes of
every one in the district follow Miss Peake.
Prowling about this neighborhood and In-
lianola , there is a person , evidently too poor to
juy nu incubator , but intent on raising his or
icr chickens from early chickenhood. Last
Friday night , this new sort of a chicken crank
robbed Mrs. Elmer of seventy-five j oung chicks ,
riie chicks were being raised in an out-of-door
jrooder , and the brooder was -\ermin proof
when closed. It was found closed in the morn-
ng just as Mrs. Elmer had left it , when she had
taken a last look at the baby chicks at inid-
light , after her return from the school enter
tainment. As Mrs. Bond of Indiauola was
robbed in like manner , it is believed to be an
ndianola party who iat the bottom of this
ittle low down meanness. We should be sorry
o think anj of our honest farmers would en-
; age in such a business.
Rje is heading out in some of the neaiby
Weather variable. Gnats plentiful. Gra.--
loppers not so many as some people t-eem to
, upposc.
Mrs. W. G. Dutton and daughter Nettie and
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Baldwin visited Mrs. Elmer
Slipper , Sunday afternoon.
The interesting topic of conversation con-
rained in the sentence , "There's going to be
Irouth , " is numbf red with the things that pass
iway , and now we can keep on talking about
Mr. Bryan.
R. T. Allnm of Colorado City , Colo. , whose
leath notice was in last week's TRIBUNE , had
nany warm friends in this vicinity who are
grieved to hear of his death. Ho was a good
nan , well liked by his neighbors and all join in
.ympathy with his family.
Mrs. Simoon Love of Hitchcock county has
eceived from her brother ( a soldier in the
L'enth infantry stationed in Cuba ) some curiosi-
; ies consisting of Spanish coins , jewelry and
> rnaments of various kinds. They are all the
vork of the Cubans and show that they are up
o date in skilled handiwork.
Mrs. Canaga is back from visiting her parents
u Kansas.
Patrick McNeil has a new frame barn , 21 x IiO
eet in dimensions.
Will Sexson was a county capital visitor on
lusiiiess , Wednesday.
] > anc Smith of McCook was circulating in
his vicinity , Tuesday.
Taylor Quigley has leased the Sutor quarter
ind is breaking it out.
Stormer Brahaler has bought , through Will
k xson , the A. L. Spearman quarter.
Preaching ill the Christian church has been
ii'-pended for the present at the Willow.
Mrs. Will Sexsou was the guest of Mrs. I. II.
larrison of Box Elder , Sunday and Mondaj.
Albert Helm and Louis Longnecker are home
rom Cuba , and have gone to ftirming busily.
A good many attended the funeral of Rov.
lann of Indiauola , Tuesday , from thN part ,
'he G. A. R. had charge of the services.
What has become of Rundus aud his rotten
i > ttcrs , which the Courier formerly printed
cith so much display. Did they forget and
eave him in Cuba ?
Clint Kinder went to Kansas City , Wednesday
Elsie Roberts returned from Kansas City , last
Sam Devoo left for Kingman , Kansas Monday
lorning , on horseback.
F. S. Sovorns and M. C. Stephens left for Seat-
! e , Wash. , last Saturday.
Ira Ovorstako and family of Cambridge were
isiting relatives in this vicinity , the first of the
Mrs. T. J. Cress left for Lenox , Iowa , last
Wednesday , to make a short visit with rela-
ives. She will receive treatment for cancer
efore returning.
Teachers' Institute.
The annual session of Red Willo
county teachers' institute will he held <
Indianola , Nebraska , beginning June i ,
and continuing one week only.
I earnestly request all who expect t
teach in this county the coming year I
attend the institute.
Those desiring to secure students' ce
tilicates for admission to the high schoi
will call at my office in McCookvSatu
day , April 29 , or at the school-house i
Indianola , Saturday. May 6.
County Superintendent.
New Stock !
New Patterns !
Don't Buy Before Examining
Our Superb Stock.
irand ]
iteam Fitter
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
Agent for -
Full Line of Repuirs W
Always on hand.
House ,
Decorating ,
Wagons ,
Buggies ,
Carriages ,
Floors ,
Barns ,
Implements ,
Enameling ,
[ Varnish Stains. ]
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Dffice and Hospital over First National Bank.
Dffice hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. ,
efore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m.
given in appropriate cases.
McCook Surgical Hospital.
I35r'Apent _ of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar-
mteed to be firstclass.Ye do all kinds of
3rown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
t Bellamy , assistants.
McCook , Nebraska.
* oem 3 , Meeker-Phillips Bldg , Upstairs
a Marble and Granite Monuments
| Upstairs over McMillen's Harness Shop.
c , 'I
< wwwv
Yon Must Hear Us !
It's Your Attention We Want !
Gloves ! Gloves ! Gloves !
All New. Best flake. Warranted.
Goat Gloves for Men and Boys only $0.16
Asbesto Tan , full welted seams only .25
Men's Fancy Gauntlet a dandy only .60
Men's Undressed Kid , patent fastener only .75
Railroad Gloves the best on earth only 1.00
B. Z. ASET01I , Tre : . T. E. UcDOlTALD , Cach.
A General Banking Business
5f"Any business you may wish to
transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE
yil ! receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Subscriptions received , orders
taken for advertisements and job-work.
Unless a woman eats sufficient nour
ishing food she can neither gain nor
keep a good complexion. Food , when
digested , is the base of all health , all
strength , and all beauty. Herbine will
help digest what > ou eat , and give 3-011
the clear , bright , beautiful skin of health.
Price 50 and 75 cts. at McConnell's.
Waff 1
Latest Designs.
Latest Colors.
Come and see our Stock
and get Prices.
THE TRIBUNE will club with , any pa
per you may want. Try it.
to us the other day , "Your trade seems to come very
easy no haggling no beating down no backwardness about your cus
tomers at all. " He had just been helping us out in a little rush and said it
was a pleasure to wait on such bright , wide-awake customers.
The little incident caused us to look back over the nine spry months
since establishing ourselves in McCook , and to congratulate ourselves on
our advancement into the good-will and appreciation of the buying public.
Our way of doing business makes friends. "ONE PRICE , PLAIN
FIGURES CASH ONLY " is the bed-rock foundation
, , - upon which our busi
ness rests and grows. It explains the freshness of onr stocks , the con
stant accessions of the newest and latest things in onr line. It explains
the pleased and affable ways of our customers who feel perfect freedom to
buy or not. We have no "string" on them we MUST please them with
our goods and prices ;
Our lines are very complete and full at present of everything vou
want for summer use or wear.
In Meeker Bldg1. Per
Adj. County Offices. GEO. E. THOMPSON.