I The NewTBr jTroidTj lt > ( Q Saturday. Charles A. Sinclair , a well known railroad and hotel financier of Boston , is dead. Thomas Kain , nn asnistant aoor- lceeper at a Cleveland hospital , has fallen heir to $100,000. Havana papers report the-killing of a child by bandits in Holguin province and the subsequent capture of two of the bandits. The duke to Tetuan , former minister of foreign affairs , has been appointed Spain's delegate JLo the international peace conference , which is to meet at The Hague next month. The Paris academy of moral and po litical sciences has awarded the Au- dilTeret prize of 15.000 francs , given yearly for the greatest act of devotion , to Major Marchaud for traversing Af rica. Ferdinand W. Peck. United States commissioner general to the Paris ex position , has informed the exposition authorities that he approves the plans for the buildings for the American section. > / ; Thomas Durkin , the messenger who was sent by the Chicago Tribune with a communication to the Daily Mail , reached the office of the latter paper and delivered his message at 10:59 : Sunday evening. Rudyard Kipling has sued G. M. Putnam's Sens , D. Appleton , Sons & Co. , Doubleday & McClure , Charles Scrlbner's Sons and the Century Pub lishing company for $25,000 clearncd as damages for alleged infringment of copyright. The remains of Colonel M. Lewis Clark , the widely known turfman , who committed suicide in the Gaston hotel at Minneapolis , were taken to Louis ville on the Louisville & Nashville railroad by sorrowing friends. The train will arrive at its destination at an early hour today. [ S- A dispatch to the New York Herald - from Berlin says : On the historic \Varthburg , where Martin Luther hurled his ink pot at the devil , the duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha pre sented to the kaiser his brother , the duke of Connaught , as keir apparent to the duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Go tha , thus giving effect to the decision of the family council presided over by Queen Victoria at Cimiez. Monday , Two policemen were shot at Havana yesterday in a collision with citizens. Bodies of twenty-five Cubans , nache- ted by Narcisso , mayor of Guanabacoa , have been found. It is said General Brooke has not considered General deAndrade for the attorney generalship. Brigadier General John C. Bates , "United States volunteers , who has re cently been recalled from Cuba , will go to Manila. President Iglcssias of Costa Rica , ac companied by Minister Calve of that country , had a conference with Secre tary Hay concerning Nicaragua canal affairs , and also paid calls of respect on the president and vice president. . The Texas senate of the Texas leg islature set as a special order for to morrow morning and from day to day until disposed of , the Arkansas anti trust bill , introduced and reported fa vorably from the committee last Fri day. President McKinley was unable to see callers yesterday and remained in his private apartments. At intervals during the last several days he has been in the hands of his dentist and is now suffering somewhat from neural gia of the face. ihe net earnings of the Santa Fe road for the month of March were $1,104,869 , an incraese of $144,413 over the same month in 1S9S. For the nine months of the fiscal year ending i a.iarch 31 , the net earnings of the road have been $9,924,134. It is claimed that the Texas legis lature will pay little attention to the decree of the court at Little Rock , that the Arkansas anti-trust law is un constitutional outside the state. It will pass the senate bill and the case will probably go to the state courts if the insurance men so desire. Letters received from members of the First regiment , South Dakota vol unteers , during the last few days are unusually interesting. Among them is a letter from Otis Robinson , in which he gives an account of his experience as a sharpshooter and tells of the pre cautions taken to prevent the assassi nation of General Otis. Tuesday. General de Sespedes reports that there are 30,000 Cuban soldiers in San tiago province. a Major General Warren Weifer has almost completely recovered from an attack of fever , caught in Cuba. Senor Duarte. at Havana , has sued the Banco Espanol to compel the re demption of $365,000 of bank notes. rt rI General Gomez has gone to Molinas , I where he will confer with other Cuban generals on plans of disbursing money r.I r.i to the soldiers. I Secretary Alger has received a board r report on the destruction A beef oil the transport Manitoba , at Porto Rico c last summer. Contents not made pub lic. y The French court of cessation has c decided by a large majority not to con C front Colonel Picquart with General s Roget. It has also been decided to i make a further examination of Col t onel Paty du Clam and to investigate tr tv the Panizzardi telegram. r General Miguel Gomez , civil gover nor of Santa Clara province , has is sued a decree , declaring all persons I equal before the law , regardless of race h or color. d I James Austin Henry , a prominent C Little Rock , Ark. , Mason , fell down a C stairway at the Masonic Temple , Lit tle Rock , and died from the injuries received. t < General Brooke reports the follow v ing deaths' : April 23 , Puerto Princi a & pe , Private Herman G. Bartelme , com iin pany A , Eighth cavalry , typhoid ; Sa- n gua'ia Grande , Private Edward Kraky , company E , Second infantry , April 21 , tl iccidental drowning. _ . tlo General Bctancourt , civil governor of Matanzas. has placed his services at General Gomez' disposal , in the work of upbuilding Cuba. General Brooke , at Havana , is con sidering the issuance of a decree legal izing marriages performed by Protes tant ministers , and to permit soldiers to be married by their chiefs , if re garded as civil marriages. Wednesday. The United States transport Zea- landia , from San Francisco , March 28 having on board several companies of the Ninth infantry and a large quantity of supplies , arrived after an uneventfu voyage. The troops are now camped on the water front. Postmaster General Charles Emory Smith arrived in Chicago. He wil leave today for Galena , 111. , wnere he is to deliver the oration at the Grant celebration In the afternoon. A large delegation of Chicago citizens will ac company the postmaster general to Galena. El Cobre , one cf the richest copper mines in the world , will probably re sume operations at an early date. A meeting of the stockholders and those of the railway leading to it will be held in Havana i.iay 15 , to consider a proposition made by a Britisn syndi cate. If the meeting is successful it wi.i mean a great stimulus to business. Pasenger Traffic Manager D. G. Ed wards of the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton railroad received from Presi dent Doel of the Monon an answer tea a message inquiring what effect , if any the new relations of the Monon would have on its past relations with the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton rail road. The telegram states in reply : "Our very natisfactory arrangements with your company are assured. Three plants in Cleveland , O. , were transferred to the American Shipbuild ing company , tne recently organized trust. By the transfer over $1,000,000 worth of property was deeded to the new company. The concerns trans- -erred are the Cleveland Shipbuilding company's plant , valued at $300,500 ; Shipowners' Dry Dock company , val ued at $265,000 ; Globe Iron Works company , valued at ? 545,000. Revenue stamps amounting to $1,203 were used pu the deeds. _ B llsur day. Virulent smallpox is appearing in many parts of Germany. Major General ChafTee has returned to Havana from Washington. The navy department will not make public the letter of reprimand to Cap tain Coghlan. The Lake Village Savings bank , Lakeport , N. H. has gone to the wall , with debts approximating * $230,000. The official announcement has been made at Havana of the extension of all Cuban mortgages for two years. Sheridan Shook died at Red Hook , N. Y. , aged 77 years. He for many years was proprietor of the Union Square theater and of the Morton house. It has been felt proper to admonish Admiral Kautz to be more careful either in writing such letters as that published yesterday from Cincinnti or in guarding his letters from pub licity , and a letter of that character was addressed to him yesterday. Land Commissioner Hermann is preparing to augment the corps cu for est rangers on forest reserves. The largest number of rangers in the Black Hills , S. D. , reserve last year was nine , v rhich will be .ncreased during the coming heated term to twelve , and probably fifteen. Similar increases will be made in all reserves. The Southern railway , the Cliese- peake & Ohio and the Norfolk & West ern are the roads named as about to enter into a combination which , it is said on good authority , is soon to be made. It is asserted that options on the stocks of these companies have been secured at figures considerably above the present market price. After the United States steamer Badger sailed from San Francisco for Samoa with the Samoan commissioners - - ers aboard , important orders arrived. A boat was sent after the steamer , but was unable to overtake her. The transports Ohio and Senator sail to day and the latter will try to reach Honolulu before the Badger leaves. Friday. The engineer corps which arrived from Honolulu on the steamer Au stralia at San Francisco was conveyed to the Presidio. It will be mustered out shortly. The Dawes Indian commission has forwarded to the interior department report of its plans for the allotment and citizenship enrollment and ether work required by the Indian Territory act. Movements of warships : The An napolis and Vicksburg arrived at Gar- diners bay , near Washington. The Peoria has sailed from San Juan to make an inspection of the lights around the coast of Porto Rico. The Alliance has sailed from Santiago for Guanta- namo. The Nashville arrived yester day at Greenville , Miss. The Wade court of inquiry spent yesterday in making the final revision of its report upon the allegations of General Miles concerning the beef supplied to the army during the Span ish : war. Colonel Davis announced at the close of the session that the report would certainly be handed to the sec retary of war tomorrow. The steamer America Marti at San Francisco from Hong Kong and Yokohama hama had on board Major General An derson and wife , Lieutenant Anderson , Lieutenant Allen and wife , Major Guise , Viscountess de Labry and Commander Orpen of the royal navy. Wireless telegraphy was first put practical use at London. The Good win Sands light ship was struck by passing vessel and the crew , utiliz ing the wireless telegraphy apparatus , notified South Foreland that eir ship was in a sinking condition. Tugs were thereupon dispatched to Ihe assistance the light ship. The Zulu clergyman who left New York for his African home last week has some surprises up his sleeve for his simple countrymen. "I shall tell them , " he says , "that in the cold of America water becomes so hard that men can walk on it , and shall con found our medicine men with my alarm clock. I shall take great pleas ure in telling them of cities built upon to twenty stories high , and of the ma chines which talk. " A parrot escaped from a drug store n a Georgia village , flew into a church where the colored brethren were hold ing a meeting , perched on the pulpit and , surveying the congregation , ob served in a sharp voice : "It's hot as hell ! " Some of the brethren jumped out of the windows , while many of the sisters fell fainting. The preacher sought refuge in the steeple , and was so firmly wedged in it that they had to saw him out. Atlanta Constitution. Practical Puzzle. Our readers who are interested in puzzles should secure one of the map puzzles sent out by the Chicago Great Western railway. It is a map of the United States on heavy cardboard and cut up into states , each state and ter ritory being on a separate piece. They are nicely colored and show the cap itals of the different states , as well as the large rivers. 1 he puzzle consists in putting the different pieces to- gethcr so as to form the map of the United States. It makes more of a puzzle than would at first be sup posed and will be found interesting as well as instructive to the older people as well as the young ones. In cidentally it is quite valuable as showing the comparative size of dif ferent states , and this will be a mat ter cf some surprise. This puzzle will 1)4 sent to our readers if they will send 10 cents to Mr. F. H. Lord , G. P. & T. A. , Chicago , III. The blood completes its circuit through the body in twenty-two sec onds. Every three minutes all of the blood in the body is revitalized. China exnrrts 11,000,000 fans annu ally. niust Ho Polite. General Manager Underwood of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has is sued the following general notice to station agents and trainmen : "Your especial attention is directed to the treatment of patrons by employes of the company. Complaints have been made from various sources of discour tesy to- freight and passenger patrons on the part of our agents , or their representatives , at several of our sta tions , and also Inattention'of conduct ors and brakemen to properly care for the comfort of passengers. There should be no cause for such com plaints. It Is a part of your duty to see that our patrons are treated at all times with politeness and courtesy , not only by yourself but by employes un der your charge . One of the valuable assets of a railroad company is uni form politeness and courtesy from all of its employes to its patrons , and this capital must not be encroached upon. It is proper for you to under stand that advancement does not de pend wholly on your efficiency , but in other directions also , and will be measured in a great degree by the treatment accorded tb patrons. " A Knlfo Mistake. The T. M. Roberts' Supply House of Minneapolis , Minn. , which advertised a remarkably liberal knife offer in a recent Issue cf our paper , wishes to have it explained to our readers that through a mistake in electrotyping - ing , the numbers over each of the knives were reversed. The Cattle knife should be 77 S. B. , and the Con gress knife 7 S. B. Their remarkable offer to send 37 packages of garden seeds and the Congress knife for 77 cents , or 37 packages of seeds and the Cattle knife for 97 cents is one of the most liberal ever made. One of the charities fostered by the Eastern college settlements in New York is cheap musical instruction. Les sons are to be given at the rate of 25 cents an hour , with free scholarship for talented pupils who cannot afford to pay so much , and the pianos at the school are rented for practice at 4 cents a half hour. RANGES WILLARD HOSPITAL USES PE-RU-KA FOR CATARRH OF THE STOMACH. The Frances WiHard Hospital , Chicago , III. Miss Georgiana Dean was for three years missionary in Liberia under the M. E. Church from the training school in Chicago. After her return she stud ied nursing , graduating from the pres ent Frances E. Willard National Tem perance Hospital of Chicago. She Is an enthusiastic friend of Pe-ru-na , as is evident from the following letter : " Chicago , 111. . Jan. 20 , 1839. Pe-ru-na Drug Mfg. Co. , Columbus , 0. : Gentlemen You will be glad to know of the happy results obtained from the use of Pe-ru-na among the patients under my care whenever pre scribed by the physician. I have seen Admiral Dewey's favorite watch is made of steel from the sunken battle ship Maine. Captain Sigsbee , who commanled the ill-fated war vessel at the time she was blown up , carries a similar timepiece. Both were made by a patriotic down east Yankee. Arc Yon Us Ins : Allen's Foot-Ease ? It is the only cure for Swollen , Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet , Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress , Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y. Harvard university is to pension professors and assistant professors who have served the institution for twenty years or more , a plan of retiring allow ances having been established by the president and fellows of the university. The plan was first suggested in Har vard in 1SSO , since which time the necessity fund has grown to $340,000. Harvard is the first American uni versity to establish a general system of retiring allowances. I believe Piso's Cure is the only medicine that will cure consumption. Anim M. Rots , Williuiniiport , Pa. , Nov. 12 , 'S)5. ) It is "relieved that in China there are twenty tmies a ° much coal as in all Euror-o. Mrs.Yin ilo\v's Soothing Syrup. For children teething , soften ? the Rums , reduces fc- Sanitation , allays pnln.curea wind colic. 23cabottla The spring poet should confine his efforts to the advertising columns and sing r f the automatic spring that shuts the deer. Cue's CouRTi Ilalsam Is the oldest nud best. 1t wIII break up a cold quicker than anj thins else. It U always reliable. Try It. Make haste slowly except when you are trying to catch a car. some very remarkable cures of cases of very obstinate catarrh of the stomach ach , where Pe-ru-na was the only med icine used. 1 consider it a reliable medicine. GEORGIANA DEAN. The symptoms of catarrhal dyspepsia are : Coated tongue , pain or heavy feeling in the stomach , belching of gas , dizzy head , sometimes headache , de spondent feelings , loss of appetite , pal pitation of the heart and irregularity of the bowels. Send for a free book written by Dr. Hartman , entitled "Health and Beauty. " Address Dr. Hartman , Co lumbus , 0. Lord Salisbury once handled a pick and shovel. During the great Aus tralian gold craze he set out as a gold j hunter , and the hovel in which he lived as a rough , red-shirted miner is still standing. The Opening : of the Ute Indian Reservation By proclamation of the President of the United States , the Ute Indian res ervation in southern Colorado will be opened for settlement at noon of May 4 , 1S99. It comprises 600,000 acres of arable mesa land , which has long been considered the most desirable in the state. For free pamphlets , giving' complete information , address S. K. Hooper. General Passenger Agent D. & R. G. R. R. , Denver , Colo. Jacob Bupp , wlio ciied recently at Homewood , Pa. , made during his life time 10S hangmen's ropes , not one of which ever broke. He made the rope with which Guitsau was executed. Do Your Feet Aclio and BurnT Shake into your shoes , Allen's Footj j Ease , a powder for the feet. It makes I tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Hot and Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y. In Iceland men and women are iif every respect political equals. The nation , which numbers about 70,000 people , is governed by representatives elected by men and women together. One of Them My daughter , said the father , has always been accustomed to the luxuries of wealth. Yes. replied the count , bristling up. Zat ees what I am. Philadelphia American. Henry Irving is in a fair way of get ting on his financial feet again , at which everybody will rejoice. His pro duction of "Robespierre" has set the playgoing London wild with enthusi asm. In 1792 the first Boston stage coach started for New York , and now 700 railway trains are sent out of the city daily. Hall's Catarrh Cnro Ib taken internally. Price , 73c. It's only married women that say all men are alike. Every girl knows at least one man who is superior to all others. Senator Clark of Montana is busy with the picture dealers of Paris. Dur ing his short visihe is said to have spent among them close upon 5200,000. ington have been mounted on bicycles THE , paldir ' I I OFFICIAL Lea ue Bail is the only Kcauiae National Leajrue HalLandiscertilied to as such by Pres ident N. E. Young. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES If a dealer does not carry Spaldins's athletic poods in stock , send your name and address tous ( andhls.tooifcra copy of our handsomely illustrated catalogue. A. G. SPALD1NC & , BROS. New York Chicago Denver You will never know what Is unless you use Carter's. It costs no more than poor ink. Funny booklet" 1 lew to MaKc Ink pictures " free. CARTER'S INK CO. , Boston , Masa. Alabastine , the only durable wall coating - ing , takes the place of scaling kalsomlnes , wall paper and paint for walls. It can be used on plaster , brick , -wood or canvas. Alabastine can be used over paint or paper ; paint or paper can be used over Alabastine. Buy only in five pound pack ages , properly labeled ; take no substitute. A CHARMING grandmother ! What a pleasant influence in the house is a delight * old lady in good health ! MRS. MOLUE BARBER , St. James , Mo. , writes : "I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound during change of life , and have passed through that critical period safely. I suffered for years with falling of the womb and female weakness. At times could hardly stand on my feet , also had leucorrhcea. I tried several good doctors , but instead of getting better , grew worse all the time. A friend advised me to try Mrs. Pinkham's Compound. I did so and after taking six bottles , was cured of both leucorrhcea and falling of womb. I am now enjoying good health and feel very grateful for the good your medicine has done me. I would recommend o all women suffering as I was. " * MRS. N. E LACEY , Pearl , La. , writes : "Ihave had leucorrhcea for about twenty years , falling of womb by spells [ for ten years , and 1117 bladder was affected , had backache a great deal. I tried a number of doctors. They would re lieve me for a little while , then I would be worse than ever. I then thought I would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Eleven bottles of Com pound and one box of Liver Pills cured me and I am now sound and well. It helped me through the change of life period. I am fifty-five years old. " The women of advanced years who are healthy and happy are invariably those who have known how to secure help when they needed it. Mrs. Pinkham will advise any woman free of charge who writes about her health. Her address is Lynn , Mass. are offering- the widest range of pat tern and price and the greatest number of improvements ever presented by any manu facturer in a single season. No matter what style of wheel your prefer to ride or how much you -\vish to pay for it , it will be to your advantage to examine our ma chines and comare them with others. ihbia Bevel-Gear Giiainless , , . , $75 Columbia Chain Wheels , . $50 Hartfords , . $35 Vedetles , , , , Men's , $25 ; Ladies' , $26 The ColnrnWa Head cn.l Fork Crown afford iiciereary ftreiiRth B lnlStl aaadd- Ask ? Colnnrt.la denier forcatnlopne.liooMcf. foUen. etc. . cr * rlte w us FOF E 7ViFG. CO. , Hartford , Conn. P6DIRT DEFIES THE KING. " THEM IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. Every church and schoolhouse should bo coated only with Alabastine. Hundreds of tons used yearly for thia work. Genu ine Alabastine does not rub and scale off. W.N.U. OMAHA. No. 1S-1&99- Qur6 ( ] Nerve Brain Fills Gusr&ntecd the Hig On thC Marlf . * ! Jt COXES POftlTIVtLY CUAMANTXC9 TOCUnt ANVCItCASC TOM WHICH THCVAfftlNTCNOCO. THIS WILL CURB VO'J if yen fctl cmr-iffr a rt > or nStr itb tboound inJ oar indrtcn'S tc had ferlirff * . 'both mratal and phjuct ) . moag the-a low tpirU , QFTTOUU * * wranae * * . h&Innr * * . weaken * . < ! * xitcu.favtiojr ct fallnoa. Lke bloitia ; tfurtitin * or MMC cf cnpttnc * * of stomach in obntof ! > o't io4 Uctiag ta f r ch . blcrriRjc of crtnfht. ipcck * dcifcap before fit * jt * . OCTTOBS i. poor toeaorr , cbtriacM. ttmatinj witit hot ffotbn. UflfitoJ ; throbbing , mrjftin ; or .rootling KavtUoa la ba cU. with heat nj BIJVDJE p m < xra. * > BA T. plpiUt > a ft the beart. ihort breath on imioa. alow c-nxU- tw o QlbfooJ.rtU feet pa& tad eyynnton ia tbeft tad back , pan croeiul the IsJitw. tihrv * * * narrow * of tb tower femtu. tfrovntaoa atcr mr.t . tot oerrov * r k * alr s at ft-gbt tenfcar ta tle ooroiog. * n-l acoastcot Ictii * ? cf < 2 aJ. U if tonxlhuig awful TT.U fOiOff to ttacprn. tf roa tore may oftttte trts tomt oar * LP\R A\9 BJT4/V FTLLfZ wt'Icurr roe Ko eittrr what thr can- mar be or bow rrrrc roar bovMo s * . DK Ctser * fiExre tvo * IMV PILLS wij cure joa " Tie * * /zr Ajrp * rtxiAikittt tiTfct oa both oM mJ oo Ttty caooot b * ; oaIrJ bj- niv ctbcr median * BJ a rerr for ispotmce. iponaato-rfMxa. sight iwcatf . etmiort. tancovcte or twotVs Tnn ) wtthntm of both brara anJ body , anaratfrora excr n and abnjnof ankiad It wt7 ror up t&e wAo - Cfrrwat iTstetff , no natter bow each wcrncat.cimrarknicrl < prt * f < t Tiramtv be the weak aoJ tt" = . * i joaaffieaa maJ itronCod S * > M goai , ifcf * wul KITE * oatvffli rtxor ard a tew kar ef We to t e oil * CEXTiRZ OF CVJtCK DOCTORS who 4mito car nta iut pay IT ; ; me'M'f lor rrtre < ! ie whx.ll hateno icent. Oar ftcrrt arnf Etta PJb ar eottipoaatfrd frora ttpreKripun of cneof tiemot tK-ttd Ccraaa Kimttf t * . anl rr the & thai iare been tued ia Ceraaaop tAfcr yrtr witfj. tnrrv'.oi tttdr iOH" TO CLKE 10lR5ELF.z < S fe3nJcificit < l > r-c- t cat. are erctowil with Ttry bar. AU crdr * aaj iaqarw % r i new pi ! ' * wJI be treated - . i ECTES. . . eattrr bow Ion * fQttCfforcM.aota&ttrr from what caote Send ? ( * > anl wr ill * c.l joa b bom fcr retsra maJ , pott fyS , o pa Kft raelsje. with hui jastraoas , faU dimttoit w , No dI514I Prw * per be * COr Gboxn ( * n atrcunf 13 ttre aejArO- ; OCfi * iffH * * * 4 Ut f-rt A * 14-iv Tt * n tt + tnt - T. M. ROBERTS' SUPPLY HOUSE , Minneapolis , Minn. "Nothing but wheat ; what vou " raiprht call a sea of wheat. " ir what"u.ib saul l-y a lecturer speaking of Western Can ada. For particulars as to routis. ral- v.ay fares , etc. , apply to Superintendent of Immigration , Department Interior. Ot tawa , Panada , or toV. . V. Henm-tt. 01 New York L.fo Building. Omaha. Xeb. Ka5s Renovators s \ tiwii.f Tutvua I\KJ to euro ( iyixp - ! S constipation. lixerandkidneviHscas'e .bit- s. headache , ttc. At druggists 25c x 51. WAVTFD-Casc of l.aa Tieaini ttat K-I P A-X wl.l nut bi-aeiit. bend > centto K'pan * Chemical Co. . J.ew iork.for 10 samples aud 1WV tcstmunias. : TOr courts. co.7s , acdthioutdtscabo Alabastlne packages have full direc tions. Anjone can brush it on. Ask paint dealer for tint card. "Alalmstine Kra" free. Alasbastinc Co. , Grand Kaplds.Micn.