a lives a happy wife. She writes : " have used Mother's Friend befo two confinements. The last time I hi twins , and was in labor only a few mi tp * . Suffered very little. " The reast s does expectant mothers so muc good is because it is an external linimer to be applied upon the outside , whe much cf the strain comes. It helps b puse tne pores of the skin readily abso it , and it comes into direct contact wi and is absorbed by the parts involve Morning sickness is quickly banishe afid nervousness is kept completely awa The sense of dread and foreboding is n experienced , even during labor jtscl Confinement is short and almost witho p-in. Recovery is quick and sure. Be 0 ? all , Mother's Friend benefits tl cnborn just as much as the expecta mother , and when the little one comes will be strong , lusty and healthy. Druggists sell Mother's Friend for $1 a bottli Send for our free book on the subject , finely illustrated. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR C ( ATLANTA , QA. Advertised Letters. The following letters were advertise 'by the McCook postoffice on April 23 C. A. Dawn , Edward A. Ford , G. F. Hart. Mrs. Ella Rogers , Abe Shahdy , Geo. H. Vincent , W. A. Weshou. In calling for any of these letters , plea jay that they are advertised. F. M. KlMMELL , Postmaster. J was leading an advertisement Chauiberla-n's Colic. Cholera and Di rrhoen Remedy in the Woicester Elite grise recently , which leads me to wri this. I can truthfully say I never usi any remedy equal to it for colic and di rrhoea. I have never had to use mo than one or two doses to cure the wor case with myself or children. W. j Stroud , Popomoke City , Md. For sa by LW. . McCouuell , druggist. Don't Lose Any Time About It. If.yon expect to go west , this sprin ask the nearest Burlington Route agei about the specially reduced rates now : effect to Montana , Utah , Californi Washington and Oregon points. As about them right away today. Tin may be withdrawn at any moment Through tourist sleeping car service ' San Francisco and Los Angeles evei Thursday to Ihitte , Spokane and Seatt every Tuesday and Thursday. J. Frai cis , Geneial Passenger Agent. Oinah Nebraska. Many people suffer untold tortun from piles , because of the popular in pression that they can not be curei Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment wi cure them It has met with absolui success. Price , socts. in bottles , tubi 75c at McConnell's. Tablets Below Cost. We , have come into possession of a assortment of tablets , of different price which we will sell at cost to dispose i them in a hurry. If you want a goo ten cent tablet for five cents , call in an see our line. We have them at from for 5 cents up , and they are good qualit and value. And some superb Crane superfine paper and envelopes at a pric unheard of in this city. Cuts , wounds , burns , sprains an bruises quickly heal if you apply Ba * lard's Snow Liniment. Price 25 cts. an 50 cts. at McConnell's. Box Elder Circuit. Sunday-school at Box Elder churc every Sunday at 10 a.m. Church service at n a. m. every two weeks dating fret Sunday. Dec. 4. Sunday-school at Re < Willow school house every Sunday at p. in. Church service at 3 p. in. ever ; two weeks dating from Sunday , Dec. 4 Sunday-school at Garden Prairie ap pointment every Sunday at 10 a. 111 I Preaching at n a. in. every two week dating from Dec. II. Preaching servic at Spring Creek at 3 p. m. every twi weeks dating from Dec n. D. L. MATSON , Pastor. For coughs and colds there is no med icine so effective as Ballard's Horehouni Syrup. It is the ideal remedy. Price 25 cents and 50 cents at McConnell's. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn . $ .2 ; Wheat . . s < Oats . 2 < Rye . 4 < Barley . 3 < Hogs . - . . 3.2 ; Eggs . o ! Butter . i : Potatoes . Sc SCATE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIE ONE office. Best in the market. S-W P means Sherwin-Williams Painl best to cover best to wear. Sold bj , L. W. MCCONNEU , & Co. Mothers ! Beware of those secret rob' hers of your baby's quiet and health. , * . /Those sleepless nights and long hour : of tiresome vigil are caused by those terrible enemies of childhood worms. Destroy and remove them-with White's Cream Vermifuge. Price 25 cents at L. W. McConnell & Co.'s. MEMBER OF CONGRESS From North Carolina Uses Pe-ru-na as a Family Medicine. Hon. Georger 11. White , member congress from North Carolina , writes , tl following lettltr to Dr. Harlniau in i gard to Pe-ru-na : House of Represent tives , Washington. Pe ru-na Drug MM Co. , Columbus , O. : Gentlemen I a more than satisfied with Pe-ru na. ai find it to be an excellent remedy for t grip ami catarth. I have used it in n family and they all join me in iccoi mending it as an excellent remedy. Very Respectfully , , GEO. H WHITE. Thousands of families , representii all classes and conditions of people fii Pe-ru-na an indispeusible household cessity. Mr. John Harding , 633 Main St. , Ci cinnati , Ohio , who has used Pe-ru-na a family medicine , writes as follow ' . 'My wife and myself took your Pe-ru- ] for chionicdiarrhoen , and it cured us. have been working eight weeks since tl Pe-ru-na cured me. No doctor or met cine we had tried before helped us. A children are taking the medicine no We will use Pe-ru-na whenever we a sick " Everv faixily should have a free CO ] of "The Ills o"fLife"a short work < fiimily medicine. Address Dr. Hai man , Columbus , Ohio. Five Cents a Copy ! That's the remarkably low price which we are closing out the reninind of our Navy Portfolios , those supe pictures of our splendid and victorio navy. You can buy the entire series twelve numbers for 50 cents. This less than half price , and they are only few sets left. His Life Was Saved. Mr. J E. Lilly a prominent citizen Hannibal , Mo , lately had a wonderf deliverance from a frightful death. J telling of it he says : I was taken wii typhoid fever , that ran into pneumoni My lungs became hardened I was : weaklqouldn't even sit up in bed. Not ing helped me I expected to die of co sumption when I heard of Dr King New Discovery. One bottle gave grei relief. I continued to use it , and no am strong and well. I can't say U much in its praise. This marvelloi medicine is the surest and quickest cu in the world for all throat and lung trou le. Regular size SOG and $ i. Trial be ties free at McConnell's drug store ; eve bottle guaranteed. Pay Your Dog Tax. Notice is hereb } ' given all owners dogs to call on the city clerk and pi flog tax. It is hoped that all who ha1 valuable or prized dos , ; will be prom to comply with the city ordinance , whit will be enforced vigorously. x JORDAN , Marshal To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablet All druggists refund money if it fails cure. 25c The genuine has L. B. Q. c each tablet. THE TRIBUNE and Demorest's Fauii Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly i advance. Through Tourist Sleepers to Northwest The Burlington Route has establish ! i twice-a-week tourist car line from Kai ; as City to Butte , Spokane , Tacoma an Seattle. Cars leave Kansas City , Lincoln an Sraud Island every Tuesday and Thur lay , arriving at Seattle following Fnda ind Sunday. They are upholstered i rattan. The bed linen and furnishing ire clean and of good quality Tl : lieating , ventilating and toilet arrangi inents are all that can be desired an : ach car is in charge of a uniforme Pullman porter , whose sole duty is to a ; end to the wants of passengers. Cars run through without change < uiy kind and the berth rate from L" : oln to Tacoma is only $5 oo. To inte nediate points it is proportionately lov Montana and the Puuet Sound countr ire now enjoying a period of unexample prosperity. As a consequence , travel t he northwest is rapidly attaining larg jroportions. This new tourist car lin las been established with a view of cai ng for the Burlington's share of it in th > est possible manner. Berths , tickets and full informatio : an be had application to any Bui ington Route ticket agent or by addres ; ng J. Francis , G.P.A. , Omaha. June z ( THE TRIBUNE will club with any pt jeryou may want. Try it. Writing paper in bulk and box , wit nvelopes to match , at very reasonabl igures THE TRIBUNE Frazer Ax ! @ grease Not affected by Heat or Cold. Highest Awards ai Centennial , Paris and World's Fair. lantychlred FRAZER LUBRICATOR Go , , Factories : Chciago , St. Louis , New York. No Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face , foru nd temper will always have friends , but tie wbo would be attractive must keej er health. If she is weak , sickly ant 1 run down , sbe will be nervous nnc ritable. If she has constipation or kid zy trouble , her impure blood will cause imples , blotches , skin eruptions and retched complexion. Electric Bitters the best medicine in the world to regu > te stomach , liver , and kidneys and tc irify the blood. It gives strong nerves ight eyes , smooth velvety skin , rid implexion. It will make a good-look ; g charming woman of a run-down itr ilid. Only 500 at McConnell's drug ore. BOX ELDER. A. C. Teol transacted husiupi in this locality , this week. Listing corn is the iinportai thing now about Box Elder. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hodgki o Bartley visited Mr. and Mrs. , H. Stephens , last Sunday. Miss Mollie Stephens hns bee visiting her sister , Mrs. Han Hodgkin , at Bartley , the past tw weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wildrnan an Mrs. Isica Atkinson were tl guest of Mr. and Mrs. Port * Maddux , last Sunday. The writer noticed , last wee an addition to one of the honsi on Main street , and wonders there will not be a wedding in tl near future ? MIPS Lizzie Johnson , teacher i the Spaulding district , is prepa ing to give an entertainment c Friday evening , the 28th , the la ; dav of school. ti Next Monday , May 1st , most < the neighbors aio summoned I Stockville as witnesses in tl Barnes and Atkinson case. It sincerely to be hoped that justi < will be done. Too frequent n sort is made to the court room li neighbors to settle trifling dii putee. Theru was preaching at Be Elder , l st Sunday , as usual ; an where were the good people ? L < us hope they will honor the paste with their presence mote regular Nothing encourages a pastor lili ii good congregation , andnothin is more discouraging than a sina and irregular attendance. LEBANON. J. W. Hupp was over from M < Cook , Tuesday , having business ( importance here. Misses Morgan , Fair , and Mu. phy , of Danbnry were in tow Saturday between trains. Teachers' Institute. The annual session of Red Willo county teachers' institute \\ill be held i Indianola , Nebraska , beginning June I and continuing one week only. I earnestly request all wbo expect 1 Leach in Ibis county the coming year I attend the institute. Those desiring to secure students' ce lificates for admission to the high schoi ivill call at my office in McCook , Satti 3ay , April 29 , or at the school-house i [ ndiauola , Saturday , May 6. LILLIAN M. WELUORN. County Supeiinteiident COURT HOUSE NEWS. DISTRICT COURT. The records show the following filing since last report : Henry J Moesch vs Gabiicl . Jacol 1011 et al. ; equity. Thomas Harrison vs William I : Sifert ; transcript of judgment froi ustice Everist's court of Danbury pn : inct. Charles Nash vs Harmon . Hate : t al ; equity. THE TRIBUNE and The Toledo Blad or $1.25 a year , strictly in advance. [ OFFICIAL uv AUTHORITY. ] Commissioners' Proceedings. MdCook , Neb. , April 24,1899. Board of county commissioners met pursi .nt to adjournment. Present , James A. Robir on , Henry Crabtree and Stephen Bollescorc nissioners , W. R. Starr , county attorney an i. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previ nis meeting read and approved. Annual settlement 01 John Penny , oversee oad district No. 10 , examined and on motipi pproved and clerk directed to draw certif ate on road district in payment thereof , a Dllows : ohn Penny , overseer district No. 10 , cer tificate No. 145 15 o Contract of Dr. A. P . Welles as county phy ician for the eight western ( precincts of th ounty was examined and on motion approvei nd ordered placed on file. Contract of J. C. Oakley with Red Willov ounty for maintaining poor house having ex ired , a new contract was entered into he veen said parties and same ordered file < ith the county clerk. The toljowing claim was examined and 01 lotion rejected : . L. Kay , medical attendance paupers.S 7 51 The following claims were audited and al wed and on motion clerk was instructed t < raw warrants on the county general fund : vy of 1898 , in payment thereof , as follows > r. A. P. Welles , medical attendance per contract $60 oc . W. Clark , stove for pauper 10 oc i * . C. Bullard & Co. , coal for paupers. 16 oc And on county bridge fund , levy of 1898 , as > llo\vs : eorge Yo'unger , bridge woik 3 3 oc I itch Young , same i y. , 'illiam Boyer , same 30 : , C. Boyer , same 2 oc . M. Goben , same i y. ullard & Co. , lumber 12 71 And on county road fund , levy of 1898 , as illows : Ibert Kurtz , road work S2 50 G. Eivin , same 2 50 W. Deveney , same 5 oc L II. llartman , road tax refunded 15 On motion board adjourned to meet April | th , 1899. Attest : R. A. GREF.N , County Clerk. McCook , Neb. , April 25,1899. Board of county commissioners met pursu it to adjournment. Present , Jas. A. Robin- n , Henry Crabtree and Stephen Belles , com- issioners , W. R. Starr , county attorney , and . A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previ- is meeting read and approved. The following claims were audited and al- wed and on motion clerk was instructed to aw warrants on the county general fund , vy of 1898 , in payment thereof , as follows : : ephen Belles , services as commis sioner $26 90 enry Crabtree , same 25 50 .mes A. Robinson , same 29 40 On motion board adjourned to meet May 1,1899. Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. MANY SIGN THE PLEDGE. Desiring to prevent needless destri lion of useful birds , we the undersign pupils of the McConk schools , pled ourselves not to injure the birds , nud for as we can , to get our schoolmal and friends to help protect them ai their nests. Twelfth Grade Walter Clark. Eleventh Grade Anna Hannan , Eva BI Kess , Francis Golfer , Anna L. Clark , Van Plumb , Guy Tomlinson. Tenth Grade Audrey Jones , Milly Bale Louis C. Johnson , Galletta Miller , Ma Hammel , Dora L , Archibald , Nellie Smith , Jessie bishop , Henry E. Woottc Walter Leach , Archie Tyler , Naomi C. Wo ton , Winona Jones , James Wentz , Jose MoUkoValter Thorgrimson. Ninth Grade lena Steinmetz , Bessie Jon Ethel Pope , Ona Hendrick , Maude Colem : Philomena Schmitz , Anna Kilpatrick , Grai Smith , Clara L. Thorgrimson , Sarah C. Ha man , Lina Mick , Belle Udell , Mary Ca Maude Best , Susie LeIIew , Blanche E. ft Carl , Marion W. Bishop , Frank Hannan. Eighth Grade Charles Kelley , EHswoi Coleman , Kate Garrard , Pearl Brown , Luc Lawson , Cliff Brown , Chester Rodgers. Besi IJorneman , Talbot Vivian , Charles Rowi IlattieCott , Mary O'Neil , Winnie Phillip Edna Yarger , Lillian Fitzgerald , Edna Ai tin , George M. Carl , Newman E. Aust Vergie Ludwick , Arthur Colfer , Clyde Ful sndorf , William Rowel ! , Nellie Ryan. Judge J S. LeHew spoke to the A sembly , last Friday , on "Birds at Trees. " The judge never fails to mal * strong plea for the birds. The following named were visitor last Friday : Alice Wbittaker , Elsie Bu jess , Laura McMillen , Bert Beiijami Kenneth Welles , Ed. Badcon , Fs facobs. THE McCooK TRIBUNE , the Ornal Weekly Bee and the Cosmopolitan Ma izSne , a'l three for $2. You can't beat i Volcanic Eruptions Are grand , but skin eruptions rob li jf joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cur them ; also old , running and fever sore jlcers , boils , felons , corns , warts cut bruises , burns scalds , chapped hand chilblains Best pile cure on eart Drives out pain and aches Only 250 box. Cure guaranteed Sold liy ftl Counell , druggist. Fell Out of the Wagon. A young child of James Heafey , wl lives fourteen miles southwest ofTre Lou , fell out of the wagon as the fauii was returning from a visit to Heriulo Kansas , close of last week , and its youi life was crushed out by the wheels. Tl remains were brought here. Saturda for interment , which vas made in Cs iary cemetery. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid healt' [ ndomitable will and tremendous enerj ire not found where stomach , liver , kr leys and bowels are out of order. If yc vaiit these qualities and the success tht jring useDr King's New Life Pills. Tht levelop every power of brain and bed ; July 250 ; McConnell's drug store. For Children's Day. After the regular preaching services i Sardeu Prairie and Box Elder appoiu iieuts a committee will be appointed 1 irrnuge for Children's day exercise , Ve trust that all our friends iutereste n the children and the work of tl : iburch will be present , next Sunday. D. L. MATSOX , Pastor. Those horrid fits of depression , uielai ohlv , lo\v spirits , and sudden irritabil y , that sometimes afflict even goot emperecl people , is due to the blood b < ng permeated with black bile Herbin k-ill purify the blood , restore health an heerfullness. Price 500 at McConnell' ! THE TRIBUNE and The New-Yor 'ribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ac ance. Transfer Lint J. H. DWYER , Proprietor. attention pnicl t ( nnling furniture. Leave orders t either lumber yard. CURES NOTHING BUT A SURE and CERTAIN CURE known for 15 years as the BEST REMEDY for PILES. SOLB BY AM. DRUGGISTS. lei ly EICHABD301T MED. CO. , ST. LOC13. . . . 9 Kw KP . J 8 - OB P * T1W JBJ ift ! At L. w. MCCONNELL & co.'s. CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. ie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ignature of J egetablcPrcparationfor As similating iheToodandReguta- ling theStomachs andBcwels of Promoles Uigestion.Cheerful- ness andRest.Contams neither OpiumMorptiirie nor "Mineral. IOT N AR c o T i c. Pianpfan SatL stIx.Stnna yfaAre Jirr tt Rppcrmwt , Bi Carbonate SoJa ' Clanfud Sugar Hia&yrcfaflarar. J Aperfecr Remedy forConslipa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea , Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ncss andLosS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. CASTORS 3Tor Infants and Children. Kind You Have Bears the Signature of I3U . . THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. ii ! Arc recognized the world over as represesiUng ; the highest t\ ? cf excellence in bicycle construction. . . .Arc novvithin renchcf r RfiQNARCH $5 < < DEF s C OADSTERS S-3-t * .Vh/ look fartnsr when inichtr. . * > ' L5 / ii jg and 0 I ! SSb - > U established reputation cm be J. . % rf " at these prices. * ! © MA CH CHAiNLESS $75 rC , < juo * ents vranfe-l In < > ; f-n iorriN > r. MONARCH CYCLE 8WFG. CO. ilaisicd ar.d Fttca ; ! Sis. . CHICAGO * Church end Rc ds Sb. , r EW 'i f RIDE A MONARCH AND KEEP IK FROST ' There is not the slightest doubt that the of the Doctors' eware doctors do more harm than good in treating Contagious Blood Poison ; many victims of this loathsome disease would be much better Patchwork ; You Can oil to-day if they had never allowed them selves to be dosed on mercury and potash , the only remedies which the doctors ever give for Gore Yourself at Home , blood poison. The doctors are wholly unable to get rid of this vile poison , nnd only attempt to heal tip the outward appearance of the disease tb sore and r-uptions. This they do by driving the poison into the system , and endeavor to keep it shut in with their constant doses of potash and mercury. The mouth and throat and other delicate part * then break out into sores , and the light is continued indefinitely , the drugt. doing the system more damage than the disease itself. Mr. II. L Myers , 100 Mulberry St. , Newark , Nr. J. ? says : "I had spent a hundred dollars with the doctors , when I realized that they could do me no good. I had large spots all over my brdy , and these soon broke out into running sores , and 1 endured alj the suffering which this vile disease pro duces. I decided to try S. S. S. as a last resort , and was soon greatly improved. I followed closely your 'Direc tions for Self-Treatment , ' and the large splotches on my chest began to grow paler and smaller , and before long disappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my skin has been as clear as glass ever since. I cured my self at home , after the doctors had failed completely. " It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors to cure Contagious Blood Poison , for the disease ia be yond their skill. Swifts Specific S. S , S- FOR THE BLOOD acts in an entirely different way from potash nnd mercury it forces tK poison out of the system nnd gets rid of it entirely. Hence it cures t- disease , while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks fqreve constantly undermining the constitution. Our system of private homo trea. ment places a cure within the reach of nil. We give all necessary medical ar vice , free of charge , and save the patient the embarrassment of nubn ; Write for full information to Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga.