By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL COUNTY PARE Largest Circulation in Red Willow ANTI-EXPANSION saoms ta equivalent to miti-juhmnistrat to all intents and purposes. THE Philippine question proving a difficult one , but it v be solved and settled right , i takes the rest of this century which to do it. THE friends of the First 1 braska .will feel relieved at I word from Manila that the I braska boys are about to be p mauently relieved from the firi line. The First Nebraska 1 earned relief both for itself and friends at home. THERE are already some indie tions that the Republicans of R Wi'low ' county will give the opj sitiou R solid and harmonic front which means victory , tl fall. There are Republican voi enough and to spare if they c be concentrated on their uomiuei And stranger things have happe ed than that they will be , this fn SAILOKS of the Coghlau type c the glory of the nation when w is on and they are also the ten and despair of diplomats in tii of peace. This comes from t. circumstances that when th think "D a you ! " they ha not been educated to smile ai say , "May the blessings of Divi Providence overwhelm you wi beatitude. " New York Sun. SENSATIONAL newspapers of t yellow sort are more dangerous the community than a dog wi the rabies , and laws should 1 passed Quarantining the dange ous scamps. They are a disgra and a constant menace. Tl numerous poisoning cases , as th < are being reported by some new papers , are instances in poii These reports are dangerous suggestive , and make the new papermeu themselves parties other crimes of a similar nature. Now that the travnliug salesm < of the United States have take up the fight against the true there would seem to be little pro pect ahead of the latter except forced unconditional surrende The trusts may wax fat on the ii activity of Attorney Geuer Griggs , and may even prosper spite of the random suits at le brought by state officials. B when the drummers of the cou try carry the anti-trust sentime into every coiner grocery or othi meeting place of village solo ; throughout the land the power a wholesome antagonism to unju monopolies should not be slow asserting itself. At all events tl drummers can talk the moust octopus within an inch of his li if he is not entirely scotched.- Chieago Chronicle. QUINGUA , where the Nebrasl regiment lost their colonel and 01 lieutenant , yesterday , is a sme town about five miles northeast i Malolos. The engagement wi more to the advantage of the n tives than any previous eucounti of the war. They were finely ei trenched and lost thirteen killei while our men lost seven kill * and forty-four wounded.The lei of Colonel Stotsenberg was equ to 500 natives killed , comparativi ly speaking. The difficulties < the climate appear in that part < the dispatch which says that or soldier died from sunstroke durin the fight. It satisfies our pric that our men carried the trench < they never fail to do that bi the , loss of life is always saddei ing. Springfield ( Mass. ) Repul lican. HARTLEY. Blacksmith Raining has bu an addition to his § hop. F. C. Thornton started ovorla for Colorado , Wednesday moruii : D. R. Fletcher made a businc trip to Danbury , close of last wet The W. R. C. will give an i cream social in the hall , this eve ing. The section house is being ut ized as a telegraph office for t present. Rev. R. H. Chrysler of Orlea was looking up property intere * here , Tuesday. Last wpek was a chapter of r cideuts and extraordinary happe ings for this place. Miss Gertie Ransom spent Su day on the Medicine with her s : ter , Mrs. Ralph Waits. A great deal of painting will done here when the weather L comes more propitious. E. O. Scott , of the county's of eial and best newspaper , spent Sf urday and Sunday visiting here. Miss Lillie Lake , who has bei making her home here . for ser time , left for Cambridge , Mondn J. F. Farrell and daughter i tended the dedication of the Cat olio church in Cambridge , Tue day. day.A. A. C. Teel of Indiauola was d ing business here , Monday. Mi Effie returned with him in tl avening. The majority of the baud bo ; ivent up to McCook , last Saturda to practice with Corporal She pard's aggregation. A. B. Wilson cleaves the atrno phere on a new wheel , these da ] if wind and dust , aud is cultiva lug the regulation bicycle hum The carpenters have finished tl , vork on the verandas around J. i Durlee's home , aud they coutribu argely to the appearance of tl ) roperty. Miss Mollie Stephens returnee ; o her home at Box Elder , lai Saturday , after a two weeks' vis lere with her sister , Mrs. H. ] rTodgkin. Rev. W. A. Boucher of Kearue ipent several days here , latter pa ] > f last and first of this week , visi ng friends aud looking after rei 'state ' interests. They do say that baud practic sii't the only thing that calls ou iwn Austinsr Vilsing to McCool ? he "parson" is developing marke uatriraonial symptoms again. F. L. Enlow is rapidly recovei ng from the burns received in th lepot fire , last Thursday evening ? he agent came near losing hi ife in his valiant effort to sa\ erne of the company's property. Miss Ella King had business i he county capital , Monday , relal ng to the settlement of the estat if the late Professor Smith. Hoi ce Ivey accompanied her in th apacity of coachman aud bed } fnard. To say that Will Parrish wa Hi the anxious seat during th ire , last week , fails of expressior le couldn't see burning shingle iyiug over his corucribs contain ng-over 2,500 bushels of the ce eal with any degree of complac As Mrs. A. E. Lang was leaving awn , last Saturday , the king-pi : her buggy broke , letting th rant end down with considerabl arce and pitching her out in th oad. Her shoulder was dislo ated by the fall and sh ° was takei Awarded lighesV Honors World's Fair , CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frei jm Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. RoVAL Baking Powdei .Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the fooc against alum * Alum baking powders are thegreates menacers to health of the present day ROVAL BAKING POWDER CO. , NEW YORK. ' ollico for att : o Dr. Hathorn's ; ion. At present she is doi licely. The team ran away w ihe front wheels of the buggy I .vere . recaptured with little da ige. Agent and Mrs. F. L. Enl md the baby went down to Ca Bridge , last Saturday morning , nake a short visit with friends 1 ! ore he is given another stati Cheir departure from this place leplored by every one who has 1 : he pleasure of acquaintance w his estimable couple. Mrs. M. V. Travelof McCc > rganized an auxiliary to the 3. B. M. in the Christian chui lere , Sunday morning. The so sty starts with seventeen membi ind officers as follows : Preside VIrs. Sarah Giuther ; vice pre lent , Mrs E. M. Downs ; secreta llrs. Lena Beutley ; treasurer , M Irene Downs. The orgauizati hold its initial meeting on t irst Saturday afternoon in May. INDIANOLA. I. M. Beardslee had business he county's metropolis. Tuesch Chas. Beardslee and Chas. All cere Sunday visitors in the wei nd town. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Dole of Meek ) ook were guests of Willis Gossa ud wife , Sunday. J. W. Dolan and wife attend orvices in St. Patrick's in McCoc Sunday morning. H. W. Keyes and Commission irabtree were business pilgrims : ie city on the west. Monday. Miss Gertrude Teel concluded ery satisfactory term of school le Stevens district over near Fre om , Frontier county , last Frida C. D. Carmichael , who has be < oe of our most progressive fan rs for several years , has sold li irm four miles west of town , ai ill move to Indiauola. Indiauo ill gain a good citizen and W ; juville will lose a good farmer , ai le M. E. church a faithful wor r. Wilsouville Review. DANBURY. Miss Gertie Sewell arrived hou Pednesday.- Grandpa Bastiau went to Wi ) uvile ) Tuesday. A show of the fake variety V olding forth in hotel hall. Miss Fair , Miss Morgan ai [ iss Murphy were Lebanon vis > rs Saturday between trains. E. E. Hayes has charge of tl entral Granaries Co. elevati uring the absence of J. H. Wick The bridge iuspectors were v le line Monday aud the brid . [ ing are at work with Daubui their head quarters. Fred Lyons had the misfortur st Wednesday afternoon to gi is hand into the machinery o > rn sheller and was badly hurt. The social and sale of fane tides held by the Dorcas societ : the Congregational church i "cDouald's hall Saturday aftei ) ou aud evening was a gran iccess netting over $30.00. A new fence has been bui ound the M. E. church and pai mage which with the painting c .e latter makes a great improve ent in the appealance of th emises. Harrison & Messuer shippe ree cars of hogs to Kansas Git reduesday , S. E. Messner goin , ith them. Everist and Wick tipped one car to St. Josepl ) hu and Jake Wicks went to S > e on same train. They will visi Falls City a few days on thei l home. PROSPECT PARK. Corn planting is in progress. Audrey Anderson is about rei o < cunpy his new home. Mr. Slakemar preached at Pi p < ct Park , Sunday , the 28d. Andrew Anderson and wife w guests at the Sly home , Sum list. The party at the Myer hoi last Thursday evening , .was well tended and a source of great jcn all present. Abram Myer and wife depart this week , for Clmidou , Kaus where they will make their ho for the present. B. E. ASET01T. Prcs. 1. E. HcDONALD , Cash. CLIFF02D1TASEW , Asst. CisL BANK OF DANBURY DANBURY , NEB. A General Banking Business IS Any business you may wish to transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE vill receive prompt and careful atten tion. Subscriptions received , orders taken for advertisements and job-\rork. Fhe Man Who Toils is the man who ou o have the best things to eat , becai lis system requires it. Workingtii md everybody elbe uho want the b o eat couie to our shop. We run t > est butcher shop in the city. Our pi ; s clean. Tlie meats \\e sell are tetu .nd fresh and the prices low enough uit anybody. If you knew how partic ar we are to give satisfaction , yet lever buT elsewhere. EVERIST , MARSH & CO. New Stock ! New Patterns ! Bon't Buy Before Examining : Our Superb Stock. L.W. MCCONNELL & co. E. B. BUKGESS , McCOOK , NEBR. Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and BoiIerTrimmings , Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basementof the Meeker- Phillips building. McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , Dr. W. V. GAGE. McCook. - - - Nebraska. ffice and Hospital over First National Ban [ lice hours at residence , 701 Marshall Av < : fore g a. m. and after 6 p. in. 2gr"Massage ghen in appropriate case Miss ANNETIA HALL , McCook Surgical Hospital. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooic , NEHRASKA. nt of Lincoln Land Co. Office- jar of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD. © DENTIST. ® All dental work done at our office is gua : teed to be first-class. We do all kinds { own , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smit Bellamy , assistants. BARNETT LUMBER CO. f $ | | THE LARGEST STOCK OF * BUILDING MATERIAL * BOTTOM PRICES 1 5 t Page Woven Wire , Barbed Wire , Poultry Nettingn" n" n Waft Latest Designs. Latest Colors. Come and see our Stock and get Prices. A. McMILLEN , Druggist. 4 - ® e < / & / /e/fe % , < < 4 Even the most vigorous and hearty people have at times a fee'.ing of weari ness and lassitu'le. To dispel this feel ing take Heroine ; it will impart vigor and vitality. Price 50 cents at L. W , McConuell's & Co 's Rheumatism Cured. My wife has used Chamberlain's Pafur Balm for rheumatism with great relief , and I can recommend it as a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other household use for which we have found it valuable W J. Cuyler. Red Creek , , New York. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading mer chants of this village and one of the- most prominent men in this vicinity W. G. Phippin , Editor Red Creek Her ald. For sale by L W. McConnelL This paper and the great St. Louis Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year. . "A word to the wit.e is sufficient" and ? a word from the wise should be sufficient , , but 3on ask , who are the wise ? Those- who know. The oft repeated experience- of trusUvoithy persons may be taken for knowledge Mr. W M. Terry says Cham berlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other in the mar ket. He has been in the drug business- at Elkton , Ky. , for twelve years ; has sold hundreds of bottles of this remedy- ind nearly all other cough medicines manufactured , which shows conclusively that Chamberlain's is the most satisfact ory to the people , and is the best. For sale by L. W. McConnell , druggist. V for the pronounced success of our lines of WASH FABRICS abound Firstly , Every yard is new this season , not a piece or remnant carried over from any former season. Secondly , Our selections have been made from the best lines offered in the Chicago and New York markets. Thirdly , They embrace tbe characteristic things of the season particu larly the CORDS and WELTS that hold the first place in the fashions of the season. Also the BATISTES , DRESS LINENS , CRASHES , ORGANDIES Etc. , that make up the selling things this spring ANOTHER THING ! Another good reason for patronizing our stock is the matter of trimmings , such as Laces , Embroideries , Finishing : Braids , Ribbons. Also Belts , Gloves , MittS , Etc. , Etc. , which you will find in large variety. Also SUMMER UNDERWEAR , SUMMER CORSETS , SUN BONNETS , PARASOLS , Etc. , Etc. 10 to 20 per cent saved to buyers of MEN'S PANTS , SHIRTS , OVER ALLS , GLOVES , Etc. , Etc. We solicit your trade , ' Heeker . Per In Bldg. McCOOK NEB. , Adj. County Offices. GEO. E. THOMPSON. , ONE PRICE PLAIN FIGURES CASH ONLY O It Excessive Freights ± - ± * x Retail Profits. We carry in stock at Omaha the largest line of Implements , "Wagons , Buggies , Harness , Binding Twine , Bicycles , Sewing Machines , Stoves and Ranges , Paints , Oils , etc. , and spn , , tT nfc , IIL-I. . . , - „ „ , . . everything at to 950.00 isale Prices Direct to Consumer DELIVERED FREE AT OMAHA. If you haven't a Catalogue bo sura and send 4c quick to pay part postage. You can save 10 to 40 per cent on everything you use In our line. Address THE WESTERN MERCANTILE CO , lOtlt and Faruiun , Omaha. DISC HAUICOWS , v * . si "The House that Sa\cs Ycu Honey. "