The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 21, 1899, Image 8

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    17o woman can be too careful of
her condition during the period be
fore her little ones are born. Neglect
or improper treatment then endan
gers her life and that of the child. It
hj.-i with her whether she shall suffer
unnecessarily , or whether the ordeal
shall be made comparatively easy.
Sv ! ' had better do nothing than do
something wrong.
is the one and the only preparation
that is safe to use. It is a liniment
that penetrates from the outside.
External applications are eternally
right. Internal medicines are radi
cally wrong. They are more than
humbugs they endanger life.
1 - Mother's Friend helps the muscles
to relax and expand naturally re
lieves morning sickncss-r-removes
the cause of nervousness and head
ache prevents hard and rising
breasts shortens labor and lessens
the pains and helps the patient to
rapid recovery.
From a letter by a Shreveport , La. ,
woman : "I have been using your
wonderful remedy. Mother's Friend ,
for the last two months , and find it
just as recommended. "
Druggists sell it at SI per bottle.
Send for our free Illustrated book ,
"Before Baby is Born. "
* -
I was leading an advertisement of
Cliauiberlu n's Colic. Cholera and Dia-
iihneA Remedy in the Worcester Enter
prise recently , which leads me to write
llris. 1 can truthfully say I never used
any remedy equal to it for colic and dia
rrhoea. I have never had to use more
than one or two doses to cure the worst
Case with myself or children. W. A.
Strom ] , Popomoke City , Md. For sale
by LV. . McConnell , druggist.
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .27
Wheat 50
Oats _ . 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Barley . . . - . 30
Hogs. . ' .3-25
Eggs ; 08
Butter 12
Potatoes SeA
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written-by Mrs. Ada
E- Hart , of Gordon. S. D "Was taken
with' a bad cold which settled on my
lungs ; cough set in and finally terminat
ed in consumption Four doctors gave me
up , saying I could live but a short lime.
I gave myself 10 my Savior , derteruiined
if I could not stay with my friends
on ' earth , I : .onl < l meet my absent
ones above. My husband was advised
t'p gel Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. Coughs and Colds I
save it a trial , took in nil eight bottles.
It IIHS cured me and. thank God , I am
saved and now a well and healthy wom
an. " Trial hollies free at McConnell's
drugstore. Regular size 20 cts. and $ i.
Guaranteed or price refunded.
Don't Lose Any Time About It.
If j'ou expect to go xvest , this spring ,
ask the nearest Burlington Route agent
about the specially reduced rales now in
effect to Montana , Utah , California ,
Washington and Oregon points Ask
about them right away today. They
may be withdrawn at any moment.
Through tourist sleeping car service to
San Francisco and Los Angeles every
Thursday to Butte , Spokane and Seattle
every Tuesday and Thursday. J. Fran
cis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha ,
. Nebraska.
Many people suffer untold tortures
from piles , because of the popular im
pression that thej' can not be cured.
Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment will
cure them. It has met with absolute
success. Price , socts. in bottles , tubes
75c at McConnell's.
Tablets Below Cost.
\Ve- have come into possession of an
assortment of tablets , of different prices ,
which we will sell ai cost to dispose of
them in a hurry. If you want a good
ten cent tablet for five cents , call in and
see our line. We have them at from 2
( or 5 cents up , and they are good quality
and value. And some superb Ciane's
superfine paper and envelopes at a price
unheard of in this city.
Cuts , wounds , burns , sprains and
bruises quickly heal if you apply Bal-
lard's Snow Liniment. Price 25 els and
50 cts. at McConnell's
Box Elder Circuit.
Sunday-school at Box Elder cl.urch
every Sunda3' at 10 a.m. Church services
at II a. in. even- two weeks dating from '
Sunday. Dec. 4. Sunday-school at Red j
Willow school house every Sunday at 2
p. in. Church service at 3 p. m. every
two weeks dating from Sunday , Dec. 4.
Sunday-school at Garden Prairie ap
pointment every Sunday at 10 a. m.
Preaching at u a. in. every two weeks
dating from Dec. n. Preaching service
at Spring Creek at 3 p. m. every two
weeks dating from Dec ir.
D. L. MATSON , Pastor.
For coughs and colds there is no med
icine so effective as Ballard's Horehound
Syrup. It is the ideal remedy. Price ,
25 cents and 50 cents at McCounell's.
UNE office. Best in the market.
- * _ _ _ _ . -
S-W P means Sherwin-Williams Paint
best to cover best to wear. Sold by
THE TRIBUTE and The Toledo Blade
for f 1.25 a year , strictly in advance.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets
AH druggists refund money if it faiN tc :
cure. 250. The genuine has I , . B. Q. on
each tablet. -
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if yon used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their" matchless
merit for sick and nervous headaches
They make pure blood and strong nerves
and build up your health. E sy to take ,
Try them Only 25c. Money back il
not cured. Sold by McConnell , druggist ,
Even the most vigorous and hearty
people have at times a feeling of weari'
ness and lassitude. To dispel this feel
ing take Herbine ; it will impart viuoi
and vitality. Price 50 cents at L W ,
McConnell's & Co 's
Through Tourist Sleepers to Northwest.
The Burlington Route has established
a twice-a-week tourist car line from Kan
sas City to Hutte , Spokane. Tacoma and
Cars leave Kansus City , Lincoln and
Grand Island every Tuesday and Thurs
day , arriving at Seattle following Friday
and Sunday Thev are npliolMt-red in
rattan. The bed linen : md furnishings
are clean ami of good quality The
heating , ventilating and toilet arrange
ments are all that can he desited and
each car is in charge of a uniformed
Pullman porter , whose sole duty is to at
tend to the wants of passengers
Cars run through without change ol
any kind and the berth rate from Lin
coln to Tacoma is only $5 oo. To inter
im-dime points il is proportionately low.
Montana and the I'tmet Sound countrv
are now enjoying a period of unexampled
prosperity. As a consequence , travel to
the northwest is rapidly attaining larue
proportions. This new tourist car line
has been established with a view of car
ing for the Burlington's share of it in the
best possible manner.
Berths , tickets and full information
can be had on application to anv Bur
lington Route ticket agent or by address
ing J. Francis. G.P.A..Omaha. June 26
THE TRIBUNK will club with any - paper
per you may want. Try it.
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. R. P. Olivia , of Barcelona. Sj.ain ,
spends his winters at Aiken , S. C Weak
nerves caused severe pains in the back
of his head. On using Electric Bitters.
America's greatest blood and nerve rein
edy , all pain soon left him. He says
this grand medicine is what his country
needs All America knows that it cures
liver and kidney trouble , purifies the
blood , tones up the stomach , strengthens
the nerves , puts vim , vigor anil new life
inlo every * muscle , nerve and organ of
the body. If weak , tired or ailing vou
need it Every bottle guaranteed ; only
5 < Dc. Sold by McConnell. druggist
Writing paper in bulk and box , with
envelopes to match , at very rensonable
D. F. HupiMuiDr. B. B. Cnmp
bei ! drove over to the county sen * ,
last Friday.
A traveling musician rave an
entertainment in the schoolhouse ,
last Thursday evening.
B. F. Bradbury \vas taken fieri
ously siclc the first of the \ vtk. .
He is convalescent now.
Both rooms of our schools are
preparing to give an entertainment
on Friday , April 28th , the last day
of school.
Last Friday night , the Lulirp
Aid society gave a sandwich and
coffee' social nt the residence of F.
S. Soverus.
The difficulty between the band
and \Vm. Marquis was settled by
the band giving him ten dollars
for his instrument and paying half
the costs.
% ; ii
Wet affected by 5-scat OP Cold.
Highest Awards at Centennial ,
Paris and World's Fair.
Factories : Chciago , SL Louis , New York.
suffering from nervous debility , vart-
cocele , serniuiil weakness , lost man-
Loud , nipbt emissions and unnatural
dlscharjrtis caused by errors of younger
diys. : which , ir not relieved by medi
cal treatment , is dcplor-ible on mind
and body.
when suffering , us this leads to loss
of Tiieiiu ry , los * of spirits , bash fulness
In society , pains in small of back.
frightful dreiims , dark rings around
the eyes , pimples or breaking out on
face or body. Send for our sympton
blank.Vo ivm cur you and espec
ially < Jo wedobiro old and tried cases ,
as we charge nothing for advice and
give you a written guarantee 10 cure
the worst case on record. Not only
are the weak organs restored , but all
losses , drains end dlsvharges stopped
Send 2c stamp for question blank.
First , second or tertiary stupe. "We
never fall. No detention from business
Write us for particulars. Dopt. 1.
made happy. Monthlies
sure to th day. Never
fulls. Cures scanty , excessive or painful
monstratlon. $1 box , 2 boxes euro any
case. Dept. 1.
Pharmacy ,
18th and Farnani , Omaha , Neb :
Cornmlssfoners' Proceedings.
McCook , Nob. , April 11 , 1899.
Board of county commissioners mot pursuant
to adjournment. Present , James A. Robinson ,
Henry Crabtree Jiml Stephen Belles , count }
commissioner- , \ \ . R. Starr , county attorney ,
and II. A Green , county dork. Minutes of pre
vious .meeting read ami approved.
Tlio ollicial bond of George Young , constable ,
was examined and on motion approved.
Contract of Dr. H. H. Campbell as county phy-
sician.for the sir uat-tarn precincts of the First
commissioner district was examined and on
motion approved and ordered placed on filo.
On motion A. V. Olmstoad was appointed road
overseer in and for road district No. 14 , to 1111
It appearing from the aflidavit of C. N. Smith
that his personal tax for tlio year 1887 , assessed
against him in Heaver precinct , was paid in the
year 1893 , tlio clerk was on motion instructed tti
strike tame from the tax books.
Uiiori tlio affidavit of Jesse D. Welborn , now
on ulo , bin i > orsonnl tax for the years 1888 and
1889 were ordered stricken from the treasurer's
It upixsuring from the tax receipt of Jumog
Nooning , t-igned by W. C. Fentou , count ) ' treas
urer of Frontier county , that the said Nooning
bad paid bis jx > rs-onul tax for the year 1887 , and
for that reason was not assessable in this ; Red
Willow county , clerk was instructed to strike
same from tax books.
Tlio following resolution was on motion
adopted :
WHEREAS , The citizens of the city of McCook
bavo offered to donate to Red Willow county ,
Nobruska.tho .south half of block number eleven
in tlio First Addition to the City of McCook ,
for the purpose of erecting a county court bouse
thereon , and for court house grounds , and
WHEREAS , The county commissioners of said
county believe that the southeast quarter of
block number four in the original town of Mc
Cook is n more suitable location for the county
court house , and the citizens uud electors of
said City of McCook and the owners of said lots
have tendered to the county deeds to lots num
bers 7-8-9-10-11 and 12 in said block -number f9ur
in the original town of McCook , the same being
the's-outheast quarter of said block four , in lieu
of the south half of said block number eleven in
the First Addition to the City of McCook , there
fore bo it
RESOLVED , That the said deeds to said lots bo
accepted by the county , and the southeast quar
ter of said block four be declared the location
of the county court house of said county.
Ayes , Holies and Robinson ; nay , Crabtree.
Resolution declared adopted.
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to
draw warrants on the county general fund , levy
of 1898 , in payment thereof as follows , to-wit :
Michael O'Leary , board and lodging pris
oners § a 25
Samuel Young , board and care of paui > ers ,
claim $12 ; allowed 28 00
T.J.Cress , mdi-o 7 II !
Ira Keel , cobs for jail 500
Burnett Lumber Co. , coal for paujiors 17 93
J.Meuard , nuUo for pauj > ers 26 65
State Journal Co. , supplies 23 90
C.H.Meeker , rent court house 06 66
R.B Campbell , M.D. , professional services
under contract 72 75
Isaac M.Smith , earn and charge of pris
oners 1000
li.M.Welborii , county stipt. , salary and ex
pense 22370
R. A.Green , county clerk , preparing assess
ors' books CO DO
R.A.Greencounty clerk , oxi > onso for coun
ty officers 47 68
W.R.Starr , county attorney , salary lirst
quarter of 1899 200 00
W.R.Starr , county attorney , office rent
first quarter of 1899 45 00
G.C.BoatmanC.B.C.fees , State vs. Fitz
gerald 2 93
Jaim-s Hetherington , same 2 45
W.O.Bond , C.D.C. , 6 33
Joe Spotts , witness 3 20
C.F.Babcock , deputy sheriff 4 SO
II.H.Bcrrj , justice of the i > oace 5 95
A.G.Bump , constable I ! 85
Theodore Snyder , witness 2 00
Nicholas Snyder , sumo 200
Nicholas Murcy , same 2 00
Emily Lewis , same -00
l.Cari > enter , same I 10
G.W.Todd.samo 2 00
I.P.Moon ! , same 1 10
G.S.Bishop , county judge 5 65
J.HNeel ; , sheriff. S : ! 5
G.W.Arbogast , witness 3 50
Galen McKean , same 3 40
Henry McKean , same 1 10
J.E.Kelley , same 1 10
G.S.Bishop , judge 9 3T
Ed Jotdan , constable 910
Naomi Gielday , witness 3 40
Charles Lee , same I ! 50
Marillu Lee , same If . > 0
G.C.Boatman. C.D.C 7 78
C.J.Kyan. deputy sheriff 3 50
A.J.Swank , witne.-s 240
J.Menard , same 200
J.Hunter.same 240
William Porter , same 2 40
William Roads , same. 2 20
Charles W.Beck , county judge 6 90
K.R.Banks , sheriff 11 50
O.S.Vaudoren. witue.-s 2 00
Mrs. O.S.VanDorcn , same 400
Maurice Reddy , same 1 80
Anna Itpddy , same 1 80
S.Blackfan , same , 1 80
George Maisel , same 2 00
John Wolf , same 1 80
Mrs. John \Volf , same 180
George Rawson , tame : 1 80
II.II.Berry , justice of the peace 511
Joe Spotts , witness S 8-
M.l'ieiswick , same 1 01
Elmer Rowell , same 1 11
M.Reiswick , constable 1 II
A.A.Huckiiiun , witness 1 H
NV.W.McMillon , same 1 K
John Stevens , same 1 31
James Shepherd , juror 1 01
II Penner , same 1 ( K
II.Kapka , ssme 1 01
J.S.McBrayer , same 1 W
Charles Bronson , same 1 DC
M.J.'Sharkey.samo 1 00
G.C.Boatman , C.D.C 17
I.M.Smith , deputy sheriff 80
T.R.Neel , sheriff 3 75
Naomi Gielday , witness ' . 6 5t
Charles Lee , same S 5C
Charles F.Shaffer , same 051
Gr.S.Bishop , same 2 OC
Stephen Belles , services as commissioner. . 29 III
Henry Crabtree , same 25 1C
lames A Robinson , same - . 30 SO
And on county bridge fund , levy of 1898 , as
Follows :
Hupp & Slutts , lumber. 1940
Barnett Lumber Co. , lumber 361
\V.S.Perry , bridge work 25(1 (
Steve Boyer , same 2 OU
Ies. e Smith , same 9 ( HI
\.Reed , same 5 00
And on county road fund , levy of 1898 , as fol
lows :
Pho3be J.Taylor , road tax refunded 2 7i :
Hannah J.YunDoren , same I 80
Herman Bey , same 1 79
lolm Broomfield , same . - 61
\ugust. Bahr , same 30
H. . B , Wales , same 67
Frank Stillmau , same 26 39
iola J.Lerch , same 1 89
vM.Cochran , same 216
Timothy Hanuan . ' 23
3. H.Russell , Kimc S ) 22
tt'.O.Finch , same 32
On motion board adjourned to meet April
! 4th , 18RS.
Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
Mothers ! Beware of those secret rob-
iers of your baby's quiet and health.
Pliose slefjless nights and long hours
> f tiresome vigil are caused by those
errible enemies of childhood \\orms.
Destroy and remove them with White's
? teain Vermifuge. Price 25 cents at
- ' , . W. McComiell & Co 's.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
> y the McCook postoffice on Ajnil i6th :
Mr. Lee Hanks , Mr. Amos Pickles ,
Geo. Toxvnseml , Stambaugh &Sons ,
Charley II. Campbell ,
William J. McAdams.
In calling for ail } * of these letters , please
ay that they are advertised.
If. M. KiMMKl. ! . , Postmaster.
Pay Your Doe Tax.
Notice is hereby given all owners of
logs to call on the city clerk and pay
log taxIt is hoped that all who have
'aluable or prized dogs will be prompt
o comply with the city ordinancewhich
vill be enforced vigorously.
ED. JORDAN , Marshal.
I have for sale , on easy "terms , the fol
lowing described real estate in McCook ,
Nebraska :
Lot one in block twenty six , First Ad
dition to McCook , $600 co
Lot and building on Dennison street ,
occupied by the Probst bakery , $640 oo.
Lot eleven in block ten , First Addition
to South McCook , $240 oo
Lots five and six in block one , Second
Addition of McCook , $600 oo.
VV. S Mo R LAN ,
McCook , Nebraska
Bronze Turkey Eggs for sale. $2 for 9.
Spring has been whirling about con-
sideiably , this week.
Most of the farmers around here are
about through sowing spring wheat.
The friends of Dr. Spickelmier in this
vicinity were sorry co hear of his death.
Everybody is busy farming and I hat
is about the only thing of importance
going on around here.
Any man that will run a horse into a
wire fence for spite is lacking in some of
the essentials Chut go to make up a Chris
A Sunday-school was organized at
Vailton , Sunday , after pleaching ser
vices , with Henry Green , superintendent ,
and Charles Ferris , assistant.
Rev. H. H. Berry will preach at Vail
ton at half past three o'clock in the
afternoon of the last Sunday ill-April.
Two weeks from that date at the same
place and hour Rev. J. A. Badcon will
Rev.J. A. Badcon preached at Vailton ,
Sunday afternoon , 10 an appreciative
audience. His text was from Luke four
teenth chapter and thirty-fourth verse.
He preached a very impressive sermon.
Rev H. H. Berry assisted in the services.
We cannot understand how the towns
in any country could enjoy prosperity
unless the farmers around th-m were
also prosperous. At any rate , we do not
believe the farmers could get along with
out the towns nor the merchants without
the farmers.
The singing at Vailton , Sunday , was
nothing to brag on , and we expect that
if THE TRIBUNE force had happened
along they would have thought that if
all the voices there were silenced the
world would not lose much of its artistic
music , or something 10 that effect. We
hope to improve tn the future.
Those horrid fits of depression , inelan-
cohlv , low spirits , and sudden irritabili
ty , that sometimes afflict even good-
tempered people , is due to the blood be
ing permeated with black bile Herbine
will purify the blood , icslore health and
chet-rfnlluess. Price 50 a McConnell's.
Wheat seeding will end , this week.
This will be a little late , but the ground
is in good condition.
Rev. J A. Badcon was grteled by a
full house , Sunday afiernoou. We learn
that he , in connection with Rev. H. H.
Berry , will speak when convenient.
The fire that swept down from the
north. Monday , uas pretty destructive ,
but fortunately struck no buildings. The
damage was confined to fence posts ,
range feed , etc.
There is some prospect of great im
provement in this section , coming"sea
son ; also some additional settlement by
families moving onto the few remaining
unoccupied tracts
Neighbor Green v\ill make the Taylor
place look as it did aforetime. Mr. G.
will also farm hi.s o. n ami the Williams
ranch on the south side in connection
with the first-named place
We are happy to note the organization
of here whicli discontinued
a Sunday-school , was
continued by removals , other organiza
tions too close to provide sufficient n tim
bers to make the work successful , etc.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible burn , scald ,
cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve ,
the best in the world , will kill pain and
proinpti } ' heal it. Cures old sores , old
fever sores , ulcers , boils , felons , all skin
eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only
250 a box. Cure guaranteed Sold by
McConnell , druggist.
McCook Transfer Line !
J. H. DWYER , Proprietor.
pf-cial attention paid toj
[ muling furniture. Leave orders' '
it either lumber yard. j
? known for 15 years as the < | !
rtctarsi by SIOHA2D3KT MED. CO. . CT. LOUIS. J ?
At L. w. MCCONNELL & co.'s.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought , and which has heen
in use for over 3O years , has borne the signature of
. and has hccn made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits , Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil , Paregoric , Drops
and SoothingSyrups. . It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fcverishiiess. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles , cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food , regelates the
Stomach and Bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over SO Years.
Are recognized the world over as representing the highest type
of excellence in bicycle construction. . . .Are now within reach of all
Hisig and Queen Roadsters $25
at these prices.
Son-1 for Catalogue ) Agents wanted in open territory
Haisted and Fulton Sis. . CHICAGO < r Church and Rcadc Sis. . NEW YOH"
Results Faiaiiy in line This fearful disease often lirst appears
as a mere scratch , a pimple 'r I iwp in
the breast , too small to attra < t ai\v
On ? of Ten A
nptice , until , in many cases , tindoadiy
disease is fully developed.
Gore Found at Last , Cancer can not be cured by a surgical
operation , because the disease is a virulent
poison in the blood , circulating throughout the system , and although
the sore or ulcer known as the Cancer may be cut away , the
poison remains in the blood , and promptly breaks out afresh , with
renewed violence.
The wonderful success of'S. S. S. in curing obstinate , deep-seated
blood diseases which were considered incurable , induced a few de
spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer , after exhausting the skill of
the physicians without a cure. Much to their delight S. S. S. proved
ivmal to iho disease and promptly enVr > t l n cure. The glad news
spread rapidly , and it was soon demounttoil
beyond doubt that a cure had at li--t i > - n
found for deadly Cancer. Evidence hus a.-i-n-
mulated which is incontrovertible , of wlnVh
the following is ; i specimen :
"Cancer is hereditary in our .family , my father. .1
.i-ter and an aunt having died from this dreadful
disease. My feeling may ho imagined when the horrible
rible disease made ils appearance on my side. It was
fi malignant Cancer , eating inwardly in such : i way as
to cause great alarm. The disease seemed beyond the
skill of the doctors , for their treatment did n g"td
whatever , the Cancer growing worse all ( . . . while
Numerous remedies were used for it but the Cancer MKS. S. M. IDOL.
5rew steadily worse , until it scorned that I was doomed
: o follow tlfe others of the family , for I know how deadly Cancer is. especially
ivhen inherited. I was advised to"try Swift's Specific ( S. S. S ) . which , from tlio
Irst day , forced out the poison I continued its use until I had taken eighteen
Kittles , when I was cured sound and well , and liavo had no symptoms of the
Ireadful aflliction , though many years have elap. = cd. S. S. S. "is the only cure
"or Cancer. MRS. S M. IDOL. Winston , N. C.
Our hook on Cancer , containing other testimonials and valuable
information , will bo to any address by the Swift Specific
Dompaivy , Atlanta , Georgia.