PLEASED WITH ALBERTA. p * An KzcoUont Krnort from AVInconsIii and nilnneMutii Delctratoo. The opinion of five delegates from Minnesota and Wisconsin , published .by the Edmonton Bulletin over their names Is very complimentary to Northern Alberta. The report says : "We must say with all sincerity that driving all over the country for six days , we have not found one settler who was not more thnn pleased with the country and Its productions , and will not return to the land ho left. We have seen people here from all parts of the states and all doing well. Wo met a Daltota farmer by the name of McLean , who has informed us that ho has raised more grain here In three years than he did In thirteen where he came from , on half as much grotind. We have seen a number of others , both men and women , and all speak In the eame strain about Alberta. They all look well and contented ; even the chil dren are happy , in our drive over the country , In passing the countless pchool houses we could only see hap piness In the faces of the little ones. We noticed them all well dressed equal if not better than the same class of children in the state of Minnesota. The wheat that is raised here Is just beautiful , the kernel full and plnmp and may well be termed golden grain , yielding 30 to 55 bushels to the acre. This statement Is not from one farmer but from hundreds who tell the same tale. Oats yield from 70 to 100 bushels to the acre , barley from 40 to GO bush els and potatoes from 300 to 400 bush els to the acre. We have taken par ticular notice of the climate in regard to the difference between this coun try and our own. When we left Ada , Minnesota , we were in the midst of a real Dakota blizzard. When we ar rived at Edmonton we found the people ple on the streets still wearing sum mer clothing , no mittens on their hands and far less use for them. The country is simply more than we ever dreamed of. The printed matter sent out by the government does not half tell of the grand country in Alberta , open for millions of people to make beautiful homes for themselves. Too much can not be said in praise. It Is all and more than the greatest eulogist ever thought of giving to the public. We saw cattle and horses In herds grazing on the prairie like In summer time all sleek and fat. We were Informed by several farmers that most of the stock run out all winter. We also found the market extra good here for beef and pork. Hogs fetch 4 % cents live weight. A three-year- old steer will bring from $40 to $45 right from the prairie. Coal and wood are here in abundance. Coal is sold in the town of Edmonton for $2 per ton and farmers can secure coal at the mines themselves for 75 cents per load. Before closing we say to you one and all , come to Alberta , where .there are homes for millions and a promise for something to lay by for an old age. We are well satisfied with this country and as evidence have each bought a half section of C. P. R. land in township 35 , range 21 west of the 4th initial meridian , and will 'return next spring to reside. Hoping this may be of some benefit to the over burdened farmers of the United States. " Sent by Floyd Dean , son of E. S. Dean of Deanville , Mich. , who Is now in Alberta , and has taken up ICO acres there. B. & O. New Steel Italia. The recent purchase of 28,000 tons of 85-pound steel rails by the Balti more & Ohio Railroad brings the total amount of rail bought since March 1 , 1896 , up to 115,300 tons , enough to relay 870 miles of track. Of the new rail ordered eight thousand tons Is to be laid on the lines west of the Ohio river , and twenty thousand tons is to be used as follows : Forty-four miles on the Philadelphia division , 11 miles on the Second division , 13 miles on the Third division , 30 miles on the Fourth division , 21 miles on the Fifth division , 10 miles on the Connellsville division and 21 miles on the Pittsburg division. Much of the rail that will be taken up is still good enough to be relaid on branches where traffic is not heavy. The Southwestern divi sion , between Parkersburg and St. Louis , will have forty thousand tons of rail to lay this spring. Do Tour Feet Aclio and Bnrnf Shake into your shoes , Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Hot and Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. . Address Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y. Women have a limited amount of conceit , but men invariably have it in unlimited quantities. FITS PermanentlyCured. Nofitsornerrousnessafter first dav's u > e or Dr. Kline's Great Ner\e HeMorsr. Jjeml far FREE SiJ.OO trial bottle and treatis-e. 1 > B. R. II. KLINE , Ltd. , S31 Arch St. , 1'hiladelpWa , I'a. Understanding is the scale of thought where all ideas are weighed. Piso's Cure for Consumption has saved mo large doctor bills. C. L. Baker , 4228 llegent Sq. , Philadelphia , Pa. , Dec. 8 , ' 95. If marriage is a failure it muse be a case of heart failure. Have used DR. SETIIAUXOLTVS COUGH KILLER In : ny family for 23 years. Mrs. A. Suehatieck , Minneapolis , Minn. 23c. a bottle. There are six schools in Ireland where Irish is taught. Catarrh Canuot Ho Cared with LOCAL. APPLICATIONS , as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional clibCiise , and in order to cure it youmust take internal remedies. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally , and acts directlv on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years , and is a regular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics known combined with the bc&t blood purifiers , acting'directly on the mucous surfaces. The nerfect combination of the two ingredients la what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh- Send for testimonials , free. P. J. CHENEY & CO. . Props. , Toledo , a Sold by drupgists. price Tpc Hall's Family Pills are the best. The Chicago Post tells of a preacher who hurried into a drug store. "I've been called to attend a Croesus baby , " he said , "and. I've got a prescription that calls for nothing but paregoric. When they send it over here you tell them that'it will take at least an hour to put it up , and the cost will be $3.50. That's the only way to make them think that I'm any good , the medicine's any good and you're any good , and I want to keep their business. " GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The first woman pensioner of tde Spanish war is Mrs. S. C. Gibrreath of Austin , Tex. , whose husband , a. ma jor In the Eleventh Infantry , died In Porto Rico last summer. Lord Salisbury once handled a pick and shovel. During the great Austral ian gold craze he set out as a gold hunter , and the hovel in which he lived as a rough , red-shlrted miner , Is still standing. The wife of Genera E. S. Otis , com mander of the army In the Philippines , Is the daughter of a soldier and Gen eral Otis laid siege to her heart for twenty-three months before she ca pitulated. At Avilla , twenty miles north efFort Fort Wayne , Ind. , Walter Goodrich , aged 19 , fatally shot his brother Wal lace , aged 35 , and then blew his own brains out. The brothers Quarreled over a liorse. At St. Louis , after two hours spent In the examination of a number of wit nesses the coroner's jury held Frank A. Galloway responsible for the death of his wife , whom he murdered in cold blood In a down-town store. An effort is being made at Virden , 111. , between W. D. Ryan of the State Miners' Association and L. C. Louclcs of the Chicago-Virden Coal company , to adjust differences between them. It is thought an agreement will be easily reached. Emperor William has issued an or der that official reports submitted to him'hereafter shall be in typewriting. This is a great innovation , as hereto fore the typewriting of such reports has been considered a great breach of etiauette. Henry E. Ji Boardman , a wealthy resident of Marshalltown , la. , and gen eral counsel for the Iowa Central rail- load company , lies critically ill at St. Joseph's hospital in Chicago , and his physicians say his illness probably will prove fatal. A special to the St. Louis Renublic from Montrose , Mo. , says : Miss Etta Wilson , aged 20 , daughter of County Judge William Wilson , took her own life with a shotgun last night because her betrothed , Vigil McCarry , had en listed in the army and declared his in tention of going to Manila. The Berlin correspondent of the London Morning Post says : Lord Salisbury , I learn , has definitely an nounced his adhesion to the principle of unanimity in the Samoan commis sion , although filled with grave appre hensions as to the detrimental effect it may have on the commission's use fulness. The British and German gov ernments have now arrived at an agreement. Sheriff J. W. Foxof Memphis , Tenn. , \vas in Lexington , Ky. , endeavoring to locate Circuit Judge Rogers of that state in order to notify him that lus office of judge has been abolished. Ten circuit judgships , one of which us held by Rogers , were abolished by the Tennessee legislature. All have been located and notified except Rogers. L'ntil officially notified Rogers' salary as circuit judge continues. A dispatch from Bassett , Neb. , says a prairie fire of extraordinary proportions tions and of great fierceness is raging throughout Rock county. The resi dents of that entire section are fight ing the flames , but a strong wind is driving the fire , and all efforts to con trol it have failed. From Bassett to Newport , a distance of twenty miles , the whole country is a mass of flames. That section is made up largely of hay flats , and these afford fuel for tne flames. Robert Mazet , the New York legislator later who originated the present in vestigation of the New York City po lice force , and who is a lawyer , a resi dent of the city of New York and a first lieutenant in the Seventh regi ment. He was a member of the last state legislature and a member of the committee for the investigation of trusts in 1897 , known as the "monster hunters , " of which Lexow was chair man. He is said to be brusque and bustling in manner and without per sonal magnetism. According to mail advices from Auckland , brought by the Mariposa from Samoa , it is reported that the British cruiser Porpoise , Captain Stur- dee , suddenly found itself boycotted , no natives being allowed to trade with it. Captain Sturdee demanded an apology and a cessation of the boycott from the provisional government. The president of the government intimat ed in his reply that the boycott of the Porpoise was due to the presence on board of Chief Justice Chambers. This added insult to injury , and another de mand was made for an apology , which was immediately given abjectedly. This clbsed the incident. LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE Onialm , Chicago and Xew York Market Quotations. OMAHA. Hutter Creamery separator. . . i ยง a " 0 Kutler Choice fancy country. 14 a 1(5 ( KgRS-Fresh. per tioi 10 n 11 Chickens ll\e. per pound 10 a 12 Turkeys , dressed Ja JJ Pigeons live , per do/ < U ! < < o Lemons Per box > Jo a .j > ? Oran ces Per box B oO : i 3 i > Cranberries Jersey&per bbl. . . . a'J a v - > Apples Per barrel 3 , o a o nO Hay Upland perton . 500 aOOJ SODTII OMAHA. Hogs Choice Ujrht . 3 CO a .1 C3 Hogs Heavy weights . 3 ( ! > a 3 70 Keef steers . 3 40 a 3 45 Hulls . "SO 'J-450 atazs . 3 40 a 4 00 Calve < = . 450 5 73 Western feeders . 00 a 4 0 J Cows . - 00 a 4 10 Heifers . 0 a 4 6 > Stockers and feeders . * 03 a 4 u Sheep Lambs . * 30 a 5 oO Sheep Western wethers . 4 GO a 4 10 CHICAGO. Wheat No. 2 spring . 71 a 72 Corn Per bushel . 31 a 315i Oats Per bushel . 7 a 21 Barlev No , 2 . 37 a 47 Kye No.2 . M a W Timothy seed , per bu . 2 25 a 2 30 Pork Perrwi . > * SW a 8 05 Lard Per 1CA pounds . 450 a a 00 Cattle Western fed steers . 4 70 an 00 Cattle Xatiie beef steers . 3 00 a 4 in Ho.cs Mixed . 3 .V a3 Sheep Lambs . 5 00 a a 00 Sneep Western Hangers . 300 a 4 53 NEW YOUK MARKET. Wheat No.2 , red winter . SI.Ua St Corn No. 2 . 43 a 44 Oats No. 2 . 23 Ha 30 KANSAS CITY. Wheat No. 2 spring . 63 a 60 Corn No.2 . 33 a 31 Oats-No. 2 . 28Ha S3 Bheep Muttons.- . 3 50 a 4 S3H HogB Mixed . 356 370 Cattle Stockers and feeders. . 3 ' 5 a 5 25 mizu-rsss i"1 / - - . . bm HPHE pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well-known remedy , SYRUP OF FIGS , manufactured A by the California Fig Syrup Company , illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxative principles of plants known lo be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxative , CLEANSING THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY DISPELLING COLDS 'AND HEADACHES PREVENTING FEVERS OVERCOMING HABITUAL CONSTIPATION PERMANENTLY. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and substance , and its acting on the kidneys , liver and bowels , gently yet promptly , without weakening or irritating them , make it the ideal laxative , In the process of manufacturing figs are used , as they are pleasant to the taste , but , THE MEDICINAL QUALITIES ARE OBTAINED FROASENNA \ AND OTHER AROMATIC PLANTS , by a method known to the California Fig Syrup Company only. In order to get its beneficial effects , and to avoid imitations , please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. Consumers of the choicest products of modern commerce purchase at about the same price that others pay for cheap and worthless imitations. To come into universal demand and to be everywhere considered the best of its class , an article must be capable of satisfying the wants and tastes of the best informed purchasers. The California Fig Syrup Company having met with the highest success in the manufacture and sale of its excellent liquid laxative remedy , SYRUP OF FIGS , it has become important to all lo have a knowledge of the Company and its product. The California Fig Syrup Company was organized more than fifteen years ago , for the special purpose of manufacturing and selling a laxative remedy which would be more pleasant to the taste and more beneficial in effect than any other known. The great value of the remedy , as a medicinal agent and of the Company's efforts , is attested by the sale of millions of bottles annually , and by the high approval of most eminent physicians. As the true and genuine remedy named SYRUP OF FIGS is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only , the knowledge of 'that fact will assist in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other parties. For 5a1e by All Druj&iste , Price 5O $ Per Bottle. There was a rumor In the air that the veteran fighter , General Wheeler , a widower , was to be married. He most emphatically denies , however , that dur ing the past twelve months he has either been captured by Spaniards or Cubans. U S. Patent Office ItuKincss. Four hundred and fifty-four patents were issued this week. In the list. 10 arc for Iowa inventors , C for Nebraska. 8 for Kansas , 5 for Minnesota , 37 for Illi nois , 20 for California. SO for New Yor , 36 for Massachusetts and only 10 for Connecticut. Applications awaiting action by the examiners , G,026. None of the exami ners are reported more than two months in arrears with their work. A patent for a design for a kitchen cabinet was granted on the 4th inst. to B. P. Willard and S. R. Crowner , of Springville , Iowa ; to J. M. McCormick , of Des Moiues , for a hammer , staple and nail-puller combined. A patent has been allowed to F. C. Groneman , of Whittemore , la. , for a medicine b n , specially adapted for re taining a plurality of doses of medicine ! : enclosed within pieces of paper folded together in such a manner that the pa pers will be securely retained in the box to be removed one at a time as re quired for use. We do all the work required in pre paring and prosecuting applications for U. S. patents. Consultation , advice and printed mat ter containing valuable information , free. THOMAS G. ORWIG & CO. , Solicitors of Patents. Des Moines. Iowa , April 8 , 1899. "Mr. Stanley , " said a friend of the African explorer the other day. "I see the American papers are calling you an American. " "Weil , " was the an swer , "the term isn't libelous. " Keep the fire of zeal under the boil- > rs of patience and you will run the ngine of high purpose. Statistics show that blind women 1 outnumber blind men to a ratio of 2 to 1. Spring Cleaning aimle Easy. The first of May is sufficiently early to begin sprinpr cleaning , but the work may be very much lightened by getting- everything thingIn readiness beforehand , as well as pro\idins the host articles for cleaning purposes. For washing windows , wood work and Hoers nothing equals Ivory Soap. Soft water is always easier to 5 ; work with than hard. For banishing insects - ' sects from presses and beds use alum and ' ' j borax , and for purifying inside and outside - ' side lime is excellent. ELIZA R. PARKER. It is not right to sacrifice your prin ciples to save another's feelings. Coe's Cough ] Iilsam Is the ol.les-t and licst. Itw 111 liicak up a cold quicker I thJn iuiyihinx cbc. It Is always rciialilir. Irilt ; I Where every word counts in a ca blegram , i il l Sal/er's Seed Corn. Does your seed corn test. Bro. Farmer ? ' Snlzer's does it's northern grown , early ' and good for SO to ISO bu. per acre ! Send i j this notice and ICc for S corn samples and low prices to John A. Salzer Seed Co. . La Crosbo , Wis. fw. u. ] ' Hypocrisy is the gilt of virtue used in the adornment of vice. ! < Ilio IVliole Family. j A safe. Mire. innjurfort inciltclnc fur all tli < > j faiallj ( asrnrcls Cnniiy Cathartic , lirlnjr health , i pri'M-rvp health In thi'liunsi-holil. Drn jrth.s , IDc4 , , Noble deeds are steps up the moun tain side of character. Tlie Opening of the Ute Indian Reservation By proclamation of the President of the United States , the Ute Indian res ervation in southern Colorado will be opened for settlement at noon of May 4 , 1S99. It comprises COO.OOO acres of arable mesa land , which has long been considered the most desirable in the state. For free pamphlets , giving complete information , address S. K. Hooper , General Passenger Agent D. & R. G. R. R. , Denver , Colo. CATHARTIC lENAIHELilDBi TRIMMED IF IONBE3 Our Greet Cen > biiutlcn Grocery CiferNa.2. Regular Price of Bed S4.5O It u nude 32- ' after otw deijmthc are wrought ironi lus ThI. U tie Ka , Bir . . . ? " * 'CS ? Sr pjjeacd brssj knobui the tcroll work is omamKiied wlh cast clover Irzvcs. It is 6 feet 3 inches long. Can be had in fo'bwirs widtha 3 ft. 6 in.i 4 ft.j 4 ft , 6 ia. Send S1&00 ar.d recdve the Bed and ggifegHPEST Granulated with tlie following ll t ut groceries ; or II and tne ( roods will lie chipped C.O.D.stiliJect to examination. Tnla U Our tOHlllNATIUN < ; KOtKll DRIIKK .NO. S : Ilrgnlar ItfUll 1'rlfp. a > Cloves 20 51 IsGran'latedSnpar.e.Uf- RIIXCH Matchef. GCakes Toilet S'oap. . .23 HJotUeKoolIleerlZxt .25 5 d-iz. Clothes 1'lu ? . . . . .13 Phosphate. 5JarsSiini > 2S Ammonia ID 14 a 1'epfcr 15 liluln ? 15 3 n Coffee to xt. Lemon. . . . .RO Whole Xtuiiics..35. . Vanllia. . . . uoGlnger. . . .30 1 iMiaklnB Powder. . . > 2 ft Tea 1.10 5 a Starch . - lJjx Stove Polish. . . .051 S1U.4J 1 & Corn fctarch . . . < O Oor Friro with B d , S10.0O AT OUK KXPKNSE. If the Krocerles arc not as represented return them at our expense and we will refund oar money aud juu may letp the B l. I BINDERTWIiSEatCOSTf - CDCC Our Illustrated cataloKof everything t Kat , j r nEE Wear and Use scut free. SPttUt , Smyth's 1 Patterns Wall Paper at lees than wholesale price. I Send for camples. Wo htlll give a Graphoplioue wltli our 814.75 Grocery Order. ' iso-166 w. MADISOM ST. inr'I M QMVT-J1 M - . UUiUl Hi. UEl I 111 UU. , E UtlI ! ifd 1SC7. C1I1CAOO. "Nothing but wheat ; what you might call a sea of wheat. " Is whut was said by a lecturer speaking of Western Can ada. For particulars as to routes , rail way fares , etc. , apply to Superintendent of Immigration , Department Interior Ot tawa , Canada , or to W. V. Bennett. SOI New York Life Building. Omaha. Neb. FOB 14 CEHTS i M next customers , nncl lienco oiler " IPku.UDny lladisb , luc 1 Tks liarly Kino l > ! ) bnse , lOc 1 " Karliest Red Bret , lite 1 " I.onsLiphtn'gCucnmberlJc 1 .Salzer's Best Lettncp , 15c 1 California Fie Tomato , 0c 2 1 Karl ? Dinner Onion , luc * Brilliant 1'lower SceJ3loc _ _ Worth $1.00 , for 14 ecnti , $1.1U Above 1'J pips , north 81.00 , wswil ! mail yon free , together with onr tt great Plant and [ Seed Catalogue upon receipt of this notice A J-'r ) postage. Ve invite yonr trade and at Unovr whrn yon cnce try Julzcr't > j jnpalb. I'niatocB at SJ.20 'a. Bbl.OataloRnlouc&c. N < ? . - JlllA. . SAI.ZKK SFM > III. , LI C1IOSSS. MIS. Information rexardlnp the ifv railroad now under rniiftrm-tton I rein Atkin son 10 ! liMitiv tnwii of I't rry , ltoy < I county. Xe- I'raska. il : < - trriiiin ! of ; hc roa < ! . lliret- new Uii\n > wlil -M.iliilslicd i.n till- lintAddrt > & NEBRASKA TOWN SITE CO. . ArM\-oN. Ken. Are noTf using- our international Type-High Pistes to L&BOB'S&VIHQ LENGTHS. They will save time in your composing room as they can be handled even quicker than type. No extra charge is made fors-awins plates to short lengths. , f-eada trial order to this office and be convinced. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION , OMAHA , NEB. CURE YOURSELF ! Use UIK O for unnatural diErharci-6. inflammation ? , irritutionx or uK'erutiui4- of in ncoUK r.ienilirunis. and not JIIEEVANSCHEHICALCO. E'1"r poibonous. Sold by or p 'iit in plain wrapper , lijr cxpr co. prt-pinl. fur II HI. 4ir : : l > ottle- < , s'.T' ' . Circular sent tm request \ rANTEDCa'o of l > aa Healtli that 1M-P A-X S will not benefit. Send 5 cents to Klpans ( .homU-al. Co. . New Yorkfor 10 baiiiples and 1,000 testimonial ; ) . W.N.U. OMAHA. No. 16 1S99 tfhea Answering AavcrtiscRren s Kiadly Mention This JV v , Alabastlne. the only durable wall coat- In ? , takes the place of scaling kalsomines , wall.paper and paint for walls. It can be used on plaster , brick , wood or canvas. Alabastlne can be used over paint or paper ; paint or paper can be used over Alabastine. Buy only in five pound pack ages , properly labeled ; take no substitute. 1 The fact that the Chainless wheel girl is helping the chain vrlu el pirl up the hill does not mean that chain wheels ara of no use.'o make chnm wheels our selves and can assure you that they give you excellent service. AV hat the picture shows is that the Chaiuloss is the better Lill-climbcr. Why is this ? Pimply be cause the bevel-gearing cannot bo crumpet ! or twisted under the extra strain. This t-arne uniformity of action makes the Chainiess en exceptionally easy run ning machine under ail conditions of riding. Giiainless , $75 ; Columbia Chain , $59 ; Harifords , $35 ; Vedettes , $25 , $26 , Astc any Columbia dealer for a Catalopuo. PflDC ? JCR ? Pfi Uarifnrrl Pnnn % w write to us threecnclosing a--c. stamp. rUlL RilOi bUij lldlllUlU , bUltili " 6TRT IN THE HOUSE BUILDS THE HIGH WAY TO BEGGARY. " BE WISE IN TIME AND USE Every church and schoolhouse should be coated only with Alabastlne. Hundreds of tons used yearly f.or this work. Genu ine Alabastlne does not rub and scale on * . Alabastine packages have full direc tions. Anyone can brush It on. Ask paint , dealer for tint card. "Ahibastlne Era" free. Alusbastlne Co. , Grand Rapltla.Mich. k