A /LHUSBAND / " Before ray wife began using Mother's Friend t&e could hardly get around. I do iiot think she could along without it now. She has used it for two months and it is a great help to her. She does he r housework without trouble. " Mothers Friend is an external liniment for expectant mothers to use. It gives them strength to attend to their household duties almost to the hour of confine ment. It is the one and only prepara tion that overcomes morning sickness and nervousness. It is the only remedy that relaxes and relieves the strain. It is the only remedy that makes labor short and delivery easy. It is the only remedy that puts the breasts in condition so that swelling or rising isr impossible. Don't take medicines internally. They endanger the lives of both mother and child. Mother's Friend is sold by druggists for SI. Send Tor our free illustrated book. The Bradfield Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn $ .27 Wheat 45 Oats 2C Rye 38 Barley 30 Hogs 3.15 EggS 12 Butter 13 Potatoes 40 Writing paper in bulk and box , with envelopes to match , at very teasonable figures THE TRIBUNE For La Grippq. Thomas Whitefield & Co ,240 Wabash- av , corner Jacksou-st. , one of Chicago's , oldest aud most prominent druggists , recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for la i-rippe , as it not only gives a prompt and complete relief , but also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia. For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. THE TRIBUNE and Demorest's Family Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in advance. Faults of digestion cause disorders of the liver , arid the whole system becomes deranged. Herbine perfects Ihe process of digestion and assimilation , and thus makes pure blood. Price 25C at L W. McConnell's. A nice new line of vest pocket memor andums at THK TRIBUNE office. Frequently accidents occur in the household , which cause burns , cuts , sprains and bruises. For use in such cases Ballard's Snow Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. Price 250 and SQC at L. W. McConnell & Co.'s. SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Best in the market. Don't irritate your lungs with a stub born cough when a pleasant and effective remedy may be found in Ballard's Horehound - hound Syrup. Price 250 and soc at t. W. McConnell & Go's. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. ROAD NO. 335. To John Bassler , Joseph McKiever and to all whom it may concern : The board of county commissioners lias established and ordered opened a road commencing at the northeast cor ner of section thirteen (13) ( ) in Fritsch precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running thence west on the section line and terminating at the northwest corner of section fourteen (14) ) in said precinct ; and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 6th day of May , A. D. , 1899. or said road \ Vlbe established without reference thereto. 3-10 4ts. R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. NOTICE TO I/AND OWNERS ROAD NO. 336. To John Newlialfen and to all whom it may concern : The board of county commissioners has established and ordered opened a road commencing at the northeast corner of section seventeen (17) ( in Hondville precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running thence south one mile on section Kne and terminating * at southeast corner of section seveuleeni7).saidpre ( ) ; and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 6th day of May , A" . D , 1899 , or said road will be estab lished without reference thereto. 3-io-4ts. R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. ROAD NO. 337. To David C. Sullivan , Levi D. Gaddis , Elizabeth T. Cleveland , Joseph Hahn , Carrie E. Wright , Rosa Reiter , Henry Hahn , J. W. Dolan and to all whom it may concern : The board of county commissioners Ifas established and ordered opened a road commencing at thesoutheast.corner of section fourteen (14) ( ) in Alliance pre cinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running thence west on section line and terminating at the southwest corner ol section seventeen 07) in said precinct ; aad all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county dcrk's office on or before noon of the 6th day of May , A. D. . 1899 , or sai3 road will be established without reference thereto. R- AGREEN. . . - - vio-4ts. - 4 3 County Clerk. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bronip Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 250. The genuine has IB. . Q. on each tablet. THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , strictly in advancer Children who are troubled with worms are pale in the face , fretful by spells , restless in sleep , have blue rings around their eyes , bad dreams , variable appetite , and pick the nose. White's Cream Verm ifuge will kill and expel these parasites. Price 250 at McConnell's. Through Tourist Sleepers to Northwest. The Burlington Route has established a twice-a-vveek tourist car line from Kan sas City to Buttr , Spokane , Taconia und Seattle Cars leave Kans-is City , Lincoln and Grand Island every Tuesday and Thurs day , arriving at Seattle following Friday and Sunday Thev are upholstered in rattan. The bed linen and furnishings are clean and of good quality The heating , ventilating and toilet arrange ments are all that can be desired and each car is in charge of H uniformed Pullman porter , whose pole duty is to at tend to the wants of passengers. Cars run through without change of any kind and the berth rate from Lin coln to Taconia is only $5 oo. To inter mediate points it is proportionately low. Montana and the Puget Sound country are now enjoying a period of unexampled prosperity. Asa consequence , travel to the northwest is rapidly attaining large proportions. This new tourist car line lias been established with a view of car ing for the Burlington's share of it in the best possible manner. Berths , tickets and full information can be had on application to any Bur lington Route ticket agent or by address ing J. Francis , G.P.A.Omaha. June 26 THK TRIBUNE will club with any pa per you may want. Try it. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR FINISHING ROO.MS FOR COUNTY OFFICERS. Notice is hereby given tint sealed bids will be received at the office of the coun ty clerk of Red Willow county , Nebras ka , in the city of McCook , up 10 one o'clock , p. m. , of the ijth day of April , 1899 , for the finishing of suitable rooms , emrances thereto , and vaults for offues for the County Commissioners , County Clerk , County Treasurer , Sheriff and County Judge , according to 'the plans and specifications to be found in the office of said county clerk. All bids must be securely sealed and directed to the county clerk of said coun ty , and endorsed on the envelope enclos ing the same , "Bids for finishing rooms for the county officers " Said bids must each be accompanied by a certificate of deposit in the sum uf $100 oo , of some reliable bank in the county , paj'able to the order of R. A. Green , county clerk , in case the person making the bid shall fail to enter into a contract and give bond according to the terms of his bid. The person to whom the contract may be awarded shall within five days af er the acceptance of said bill , give bond in the sum of at least $3000.00 , with two good and sufficient sureties , to be ap proved by the board of county coimnis- sioneis , in form and conditions as pre pared and approved bv the county at torney , for the faithful performance of his contract , and shall enter into a writ- t-n * contract with said county , duly signed b\ him , at the time of the exeru lion of said bond. The bonrd of count ) ' commissioners reserve the right to reject anv and all bids. "Dated this ryth day of March , 1899 R A. GREEN , County Clerk. j Tribune Clubbinff List. For convenience ot readers of THE TRIH JNK , we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and periodicals whereby we can supply them in combination with THE TRIBUNE at the following very low prices : PUBLICATION. PRICE. Detroit Free Press . $ i oo Si 50 Leslie's Weekly. . 400 300 Prairie Farmer . i oo 125 Chicago Inter-Ocean . i oo 13 ] incinnati Enquirer. . I oo I 5 ( ew- York Tribune. . I oo I 25 Demorest's Magazine . I oo 17 ] Toledo Blade . I oo 1 Nebraska Farmer . i oo I owa Homestead . i oo 145 incoln Journal . i oo 1 Campbell's Soil-Culture . I oo i Jew- York World . I oo 165 3maha Bee . i oo i y. Cosmopolitan Magazine . I oo i So > t. Louis Republic . i oo 175 Cansas City Star . 25 115 Nebraska Dairyman and Up- to-Date Farmer . 50 125 Cansas City Journal , weekly. 25 i 15 Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In County Court , within and for Red Wil- ow County , Nebraska , February I5th , 1899 , in he matter of the estate of Mathilda Berndt , deceased. To the creditors of said estate : You are hereby notified that I will sit at the ounty court room in McCook , in said county , on the i6th day of August , 1899 , a.t 10 o'clock a.m.to receive and examine all claims against aid estate , with a view to their adjustment nd allowance. 'I he time limited for the pre- entation of claims against said estate is six months from the iSth day of February A. D. 1899 , and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said ISth day of Febru ary , 1899. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court , this I5th day of February , 1899. [ SEAL ] G. S. BISHOP , County Judge. Frazer Axi@ grease : . > : ; Not affected by Heat or Cold. s Highest Awards at Centennial. Paris and World's Fair. Aeta * FRAZEB LUBRICATOR Co , , [ Factertet : Chchg * . St Uuii. Htw Y k AI > Dm < WAL RAILROAD NEWS. The cinder extra broke in two , Mon day , six miles this side of Akron , com ing down the hill , and a number of cars were somewhat demoralized in coming together. For several years the Burlington Route has advertised itself the "Third longest railroad in the world" and owning " 7 , 422 miles of track in eleven great states. ' These figures will have to be revised , for on March ist its mileage was increased by the absorption of the Keokuk & VVest- ren R R. , comprising 261 miles of track in southeastern Iowa and northeastern Missouri. The railroads have uiade a rate of one fare for the round trip , plus $2.00 , for the annual meeting of the National Educa tional Association to he held at Los Angeles next July. The $2 oo is the-ns- sociatiou membership fee. The number of people who will take advantage of this rate is likely to be as great as was the case two years ago , when , as the result of a somewhat similar offer on the part of the trans-continental lines , 35ojo Christian Endeavorers swept across the country and over-ran California from end to end. Despite the fact that the mail trains operated by the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railronrl , between Chicago and Council Bluffs are the fastest in the country , their engineers experience com paratively little difficulty in keeping them on time. One of the two mail trains , No. 7 , has been late but once this year. The other , No. 15 , is an hour faster than No 7 , but its showing is almost equally good Four times only , since January ist , has it failed to make its schedule of 500 miles in ten aud a quar ter hours. Glorious News Couiesfrom Dr. B.Cargile , of Washita , I. T. Rewrites : "Four bottles of Elec tric Bitters has cured Mrs.Brewer ofscrof- ula , which had caused her great suff-ring for years Terrible sores would brtak out on her hands and face , and the best doc tors could give no help ; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent " This shows what thousimlshave proved , that Electric Bitters is the best blood pur ifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema , tetter , salt rheum , ulcers , boils and riming sores It stimulates liver , kid- neysand bowels , expels poisonshelps di gestion , builds up the strength. Only soc. Sold byMcConnell.druggist. Guaranteed. Are you restless at night , and harassed by a bad cough ? Use Ballard's Horehound - hound Syrup , it will secme you sound sleep , air ! effect a prompt and radical cure. Price 25c anil 500 at McConnell's Tabler's Buckeye Pile ointment is no panacea , but is recommended for piles only. These it will cure. Price soc in bottles ; lubes 75C at McConnell's. McCook Transfer Line J. H. DWYER , Proprietor. fSlPSpeeial attention paid to hauling furniture. Leave orders at either lumber yard. 3. E. ASHIC1T , Fr . T. . UcDOlTALD , C si. T , A t. Cash. BANK OF DANBURY DANBURY , NEB. A General Banking Business JSgT"Any business you may wish to transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE will receive prompt and careful atten tion. Subscriptions received , orders taken for advertisements and job-work. An Honest Medicine for La Grippe. George W. Waitt of South Gardiner , Me. , says : "I have had the worst cough , cold , chills and grip aud have taken lots of trash of no account but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used one so-ceiit bottle and the chills , cold and grip have all left me. I congratulate the inanafnct- ures of an honest medicine. " For sale bv L. W. McConnell & Co. They have buggies , spring wagons , T road wagonsand surreys until 3-011 can't rest at Cochran & Co.'s big store. Car loads of them are coming in. To make oem for them they are making n "take- heui-awny sale" of 23 or 24 vehicles of ill kinds now in stock. You will never .my them cheaper Get their figures Dangers of the Grip. The greatest danger from La Grippe s of its resulting in pneumonia. If easonable care is used , however , and I Chamberlain's Congh Remedy taken , all langer will be avoided. Among the tens ' f thousands who have used this remedy or la grippe we have yet to learn of a tingle case having resulted in pneumonia P vhich shows conclusively that this rem- dy is a certain preventive of that dan- } erous disease. It will cure la grippe in f ess time than any other treatment. It pleasant and safe to take. For sale by w. W. McConnell & Co. THE TRIBUNE and The New-York "ribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad- ran ce. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made and that too , by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven jeans \\ithstood its se verest tests.but her vital organs were un dermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessant ly , and could not sleep. She finally dis covered a way to recovery , by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption , and on taking the first dose was so relieved that she slept all night ; aud with two bottles , has been ab solutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lntz. " Thus write W. C. Hamnick & Co. , of Shelby , N C Trial bottles tree at McConnell's drug store. Regular size 5OC and $ l Every bottle guaranteed. Box Eider Circuit. Sunday-school at Box Elder church every Sunday at 10 a in. Church services at II a. in. every two weeks dating from Sunday. Dec 4 Sunday-school at Red Willow school house every Sunday at 2 p. in. Church service at 3 p. in. every two weeks dating from Sunday , Dec. 4. Sunday-school at Garden Prairie ap pointment every Sunday at 10 a. m. Preaching at II a in. every two weeks dating from Dec II Preaching service at Spring Creek at 3 p in every two weeks dating from Dec II D L MATSON , Pastor. THE TRIBUNE and The Toledo Blade for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance. The Appetite of a Goat Is enviec' by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of order All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills , tlie wondeifnl S'nuiach and Liver remedy , gives n splendid appetite , sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great en ergy Only25cal McConnell's drug store Advertised Letters. The following letteis were advertised by the McCook postoilice on March 26th : Geo. Yarnell , Andy Asklund , C. P. Waren , Walter Johnson , Mrs J. Ellis , Chas. F. Cook , Albert Lawthers In calling for any of these letters , please say that they are advertised F M. KlMMELL , Postmaster. He Fooled the Surgeons. All doctors told Renick Hamiltion of West JefJVrson , Ohio , after suffering 18 mouths from rectal fistula , he would d'e unless a costly operation was performed but he cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve , the surest pile cure on earth , and the best salve in the world 25 cents a box. Sold b\ McConnell - nell , druggist THE McCoOK TRIBUNE , the Omaha Weekly Ree and the Cosmopolitan Mag azine , a1 ! three for $2 You can't beat it. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , March 22 < 1 , 1899. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver of U. S. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , April 29 , 1899 , viz : Moses Battershall , Homestead En try No. 10,230 for the S X NW X and E X SW X of Section 22 , T 2 N , R 29V. . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land , viz : John E. Tirrill , Arthur II. Thrill , William II. Smith and Alex. D. John ston , all of McCook , Neb. F. M. RATHIJUN , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , February 27,1899. Notice is hereby civen that the fol lowing-named settler lias filed _ notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said pn-of will he made before the register or receiver of the U. S. Land Of fice at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , April loth , 1899 , viz : Mack Tiller , I I.E. No.ioS/i , for the northeast quarter of section 12 , township 5 N. , range 29 W. , 6th P. M. He names the follow ing \vitnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of said land , viz : Frank Garlick ot Quick , Nebraska , Charles Hoffman , Myron Travelpiece and Fred Gar- lick of Fandon , Nebraska. V3-6t. F. M. KATHHUN , Register. McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , Dr. W. V. CAGE. McCook. - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. . hefore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. given in appropriate cases. Miss ANNETTA BALI. , McCook Surgical Hospital. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK , NKRKASKA. r Ageut of Lincoln Land Co. Office Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD. O DENTIST. © All dental work done at our office is guar- mteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Urown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith fc Bellamy , assistants. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. fhe Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of OCK EYE OINTMENT CURES HOTHIHG BUT PILES. LA SURE and CERTAIN CURE known for ! 5 years as the BEST REMEDY for PILES. SOLD BY AM. DRUGGISTS. xei br KICEAEES01T MED. CO. , ST. LOUI3. Ati. w. MCCONNELL & co.'s. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. nfflnrniilli'lliililllilllllllllllllllUllllimil'lllinillll ' llllllliliniii. . . ! . . . 9 oo DROPS J VegefoblePreparationfor As similating theToodandRegtila- ling thsStomachs andBoweis of PromotesDigesUon.Cheerful- ness andEestContains neither Opium.Morpnina nor Mineral. OTIC. Pumpkin Seetf" Jtot&tUeSato- jfmis Stett * Peppermint - Bi Car Juaar Aperfect Remedy forConslipa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea , Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness andLosS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of STEW -YORK. EXACT COPrOF WRAPPER , CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature " of . . THC CENTAUR COMPANY. NCU/YOHK CITY. Are recognized the world over as representing the highest type of excellence in bicycle construction..Are now within reach of all MONARCH ROADSTERS $5O IFIASMCE ROADSTERS snri finnan nnQflotoj'o * ) K Why look farther when machines cf CuiU yUGuil ilUuUolGlO 4 > .U established reputation can be had at these prices. MONARCH CHAINLESS $75 Sund for Catalogue Agents wanted in opan territory MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO. Halsied and Fulton Sts. , CHICAGO r Church and Rcadc Sis. , NEW Y RIDE A MONARCH AND KEEP IN FRONT Promptly Reaches the Seat demonstrates In every test its made S. S. S. easily superiority o\er other blood remedies. It matters not how ob of a ! ! Biood Diseases and stinate the case , nor what other treat ment or remedies have failed , S. S. S always promptly reaches and cures any Gores the Worst Gases , blood diseases knows that there are no nil- ments or troubles so obstinate ana difficult to cure. Very few tociirosiu-h real deep-seated blood diseases as S. S. S. cures , m one can offer such .ncontrovertible evidence of merit. S S. S. is not merely a ton S is a cure ! Jt down to the goes very seat of all blood diseases , and rets at the fotinjln t ion of the very worst cases , and routs the poison from the system. Itdoea not. liho other remedies , dry up the poison and hide it from view temporal- only to ; break forth again more violently than ever ; S. S. S forces out y trace ot taint , and rids the system of it forever. Mr * . TV . Lee , Montgomery. A la. , writes : "Some years ago I was inoculated with poison by a nurse who infected my bube with blood taint. I was covered with sores and ulcers from head to foot , and in my great extremity I prayed to die. Several prominent physicians treated me but uH to no purpose. The mercury and potash which they gave me seemed to add fuel to the awful flame which was devouring me. I was advised by friends who had seen wonderful cures made by it , to try Swift's Specific I im proved from the start , as the medicine seemed to RO direct to the cause of the trouble and force the poison out Twentv oottles cured me completely. " Swift's Specific S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company , Atlanta G. .