If you wear the right kind of Kg ? Shoes ; but you never saw a. hust 1 ler in your life who went limping i ? V about with ill-fitting , foot-binding Shoes. Nothing will take the tuck out of ambition quicker than a pair of tortured feet. The best shoes for hustling are sold by They are stylish in appearance but they are made to wear , as well as to look at. They wear * m well , look well , fit well and walk well. Wear them , and it won't be painful when you try to get a move on yourself. * \ if' lr- > J. F. QANSCHOW , McCook , Neb. HH I Authorized Capital , $100OOO. Capital and Surplus , $60OOO ooo GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director Are You Married to any old place to trade ? If not , please look over this partial list of our goods and see if you are not paying too much. 4-Pint Tin Cups for 5c. 10-Inch Flat Mill , File , each 10c. 10-Quart Galvanized Iron Pails 18c. Nails , all common sizes , per pound 3c. Three Dozen Clothes Pins for 5c. Corn Starch , 1Ib. . papers , each 5c. Laundry Starch , 1Ib. . papers , each 5c. Garden Seeds , 8 regular 5c. pkgs for 25c. Nursing Bottles with Tube and Cleaners 15c. Webster's International Dictionary 69c. Our goods are all new and bright and clean , with prices lower than ever before. THE "BEE HIVE/ ' McCOOK , - NEBRASKA NORTH COLEMAN. G. H. Simmerman sold a bnncli of swiue , last week. J. B. Smith has bten soraewlmt under the weather since last week but is getting better. H. K. Bixler has threshed his milo maize or kaffir corn , R. H. Traphagau doing the job. The six-mouth's school in dis trict 74 has closed. Miss Delia Carothers was the teacher. The Stryker boys trapped a coyote that measured five feet from its nose to the end of its tail. There will be an entertainment in Spring Creek school-house , next Saturday evening , by the pupils and teacher. The Woodman's entertainment , "Carl Johnson , the Woodman , " last Saturday night , in the schoolhouse - house , was a success. M. L. Brown and brother Wil liam are selling as fast as they can the farm articles they do not want to take with them to Oregon. We hear that H. T. Church has bought another quarter section of land in this precinct. He is one of the men who believes in expan sion. Arthur Church cut his foot , a week or two since , while cutting wood , and has been laid up for repairs ever since. He is improv ing and will soon be able to work again. The farmers are getting some what anxious about getting at their spring work. Some have sowed wheat but it makes slow progress on account of so much freezing weather. Mrs. Ward and family who went to Iowa , last fall , are on their way back to Nebraska. Mrs. Ward is somewhat afflicted with the rheu matism and we hope she will be in better health when she gets back to her old bome.- FEOM SAN FRANCISCO COMES THE NEWS THAT FOR CATARRH NO REMEDY IS SO BENEFICIAL AS PE-RU-NA. Hon. William A. Deane , clerk of the city and county of San Francisco , is an exceptionally pop ular young man , socially and po litically. In a letter written Jan. 28th , 1899 , from San Francisco , Dr. Hartman , Mr. Deane has the following to say of Pe-uu-ua : "The Pe-ru-na ' ' Co. - - Drug M'f'g : Gentlemen I would not be with out Pe-ru-ua , as I have found it to be the best remedy for catarrhal complaints that I have ever used. I have tried most all of the so- called catarrh remedies advertised , and can conscientiously say that of all the remedies for catarrhal complaints recommended to me none have been so beneficial as Pe-ru-na. War. A. DEANE. " The spring-time is the most favorable time of the year to treat catarrh. There is so much less liability to take fresh cold that the treatment is unimpeded. All old cases of chronic catarrh should begin immediately a course of Pe ru na as directed in Dr. Haiiman's books on this disease. There are so many different phases and stages of catarrh that one hardly knows when he has it. A great many people think they are suffer ing from something else and have tried many medicines in vain , when if they could realize that it is ca tarrh and .take Pe-ru-na for it they would improve promptly and soon recover entirely. There are no substitutes. Let no one per suade you there are other catarrh remedies just as good. "Winter Catarrh" is a book writ ten by Dr. Hartman , Columbus , Ohio. Sent free to any address. Tablet's Buckeye Pile ointment is no panacea , but is recommended for piles only. These it will cure. Price 500 in bottles ; tubes 750 at McConnelPs. McCook Transfer Line J. H. DWYER , Proprietor. attention paid to hauling furniture. Leave orders at either lumber yard. TYRONE. We lenru Unit C. S. Blair IIHB bought the Swnusou farm near by his place. Frank Moore attended the meet ing of assessors in the county seat , Tuesday : G.V. . Kimpton and family ex pect to start for Arkansas over land , next mouth. Some will adopt the policy of expansion in their farming oper ations , this year. Rev. Mylauder preaches every other Sunday at B p. m. in the Coffin school-house. Rev. Lavine will move on to Charles Johnsonts farm near Tyrone rene and make his home there. While peddlers and canvassers are being put in jail what shall be done with the insurance fiends who make life a burden to us ? BANKSVILLE. Alvin and Bert Benjamin mar keted hogs at Cedar Bluffs , Kan sas , Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Relph at tended Quaiterly conference at South IMoC.'ok , Thursday of last week. Lavega Olmstead is working for J.E. Doilge. JOH , we are informed , is building u home for John Cal kins. Samuel Ellis o Gerver precinct was in this vicinity , first of the week , in quest of cane sec-d , and was duly rewarded. On account of the Quarterly meeting at the Fowler school-houst- last Sunday , there was no preach ing at Pleasant Prairie. Joshua Rowland took in the show at Herndou , Kansas , last Saturday night. But as his horse cared nothing for the show , it came home , and left Joshua to take in the town. F. D. BUKGESS , Plumber and Steam Fitter McCOOK , HEBR. Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimmings. Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basementof the Meeker- Phillips building. A FINE LINE OF TABLETS , Writing Papers , Envelopes , Blank Books , Slates , Pencils and Stationery in General. L.W.MCCONNELL & co. The Man Who Toils is the uiah who ought to have the best things to eat , because his system requires it. Workingmen and everybody else who want the best to eat come to our shop.Ve run the best butcher shop in the city. Our place is clean. The meats we sell are tender and fresh and the prices low enough to suit anybody. If you knew how particu lar we are to give satisfaction , you'd never buy elsewhere. EVERIST , MARSH & CO. Goods I r ARRIVING DAILY. -w v * Call and see the New Dress Goods % & $ and Silks for Spring. , $ ft In Embroideries and Laces we have s § DJew a Good Assortment at prices that are Sgsj Very Reasonable. See our stock before g | ) you buy. We have Bargains for you in every department of our store. Ladies' fluslin Underwear. Ladies' Shirt Wuists. Ladies' Dress Skirts. Ladies' , Men's and Children's Shoes. Men's and Boys' Clothing. Get our prices on Groceries. You can save money by sending us orders in this department. THE . . . . arcjatti . -w. * * . § (7. ( i. DeGROFF & CO. M iiflr ifo iftr-JV iJSr-Ar-JV-Jtr-A--JV ftr-rft - - V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. I CITIZENS BANK ! OF MeCOOK , NEB. i Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , § 5.000 DIRECTORS y V. FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , ! ? H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. ? J \9 % cut this ad out ami send * o as nnrt if yo : .live East of tne Itoclcy Mountains will send this HIGH-GRADE TOP BUGCV to you by f reignt C. O. D. subject to examination , j ou can examine it at your freight ciepnt aixlif . u timl it OUAL TO A.\Y * 1OO.O ) ' 10P Bl'CUY jou ever jaw. perfectly s-atisfactoryacd tUe UIUMILST fUUI.in \ tit tYKK SEES Oil HE USD OK , QUR SPECIAL OFFER PRICE $55.00 and freight charprce 1. r.s Uio pay the railroad agent . One Dollar sent witti order- S16.5O BUILT IN OUR OWN FACTORY ! N CHICAGO , < m honor from the best . , material TO money can ouj \ 'ne m our Free Buggy Catalogue we show. TopBugiriea Made bv S9O.CO other makers at S2I.5O , S28.75 and S34.75 the etm-'t aIIle busgy that are t-oia by ma.-hjaery dealer af ftj < a to BUGGIES Eii.00 and arebein ? wnlelvadvertised liy manyat335.UO tos # .9fl. AND OUR ACME QUEEN AT 555.OO Is the icost \vonclerlul value ever offered , TUB LOWEST t'Hil > . I Vhti SURREYS. 0.\ THE IUST BfM.Y THAT CAN BE III ILT. We in.ilnlain. our own five story bucgy factory r.r the . . ! ? purpe of bulldln and selling a KE1TI.K lituV TIMN E C > IirY ELSHTIIH1E an'l tuiL OL'U CfbTOHEKb 3UXUFACTUIlEn'i > 1'KOMT. Every Buggy V/e Make Is Guaranteed Five Years and They Will out wear Five Ordinary Factory Rigs. 90 cent , we use a 11.5O head lining , some u o40cfn . we U'O 3 etnt leather , ome ute a cent. c u-i-a j' > colorsarJdvamibhes.-oiiieu' ' ' 7jcentaml1.00VS PAY AZi2IO5I DOUBLE the price m < ntakei ; pay for HhffU. Ailri. bprings. Ila.hri an-t SorScI * . ACME QUEEN. ( OUR OV/N MAKE. ) WK WIST THE BEST. Onr ihrKi oirand bjJjesareMalerKnbbfd and the Material and Labor In Painting OUR ACME QUEEN , would paint Ihrrr rhrap S55.OO BARELY COVERS COST ' material and labor , leaving us thesmallp > .t protlt imair < i h. butvrearebuildingTObusBies adayand to advertise our bui2y factory we are willing tobH.LTlUM o\ Kl.OorROFITKACil. "We know * 7O.OO daily preSton 7Obutnries will satisfy us , advcrtke ua evi r here and build up the LAEOEST BUGQY BUSINESS IN THE WORLD. THE ACME QUEEN we butldia nnrroworwiie track , cloth or leather trimmed , end priT-.t > iir l leather quarter top. soliii panel back , springs in back , Itathrr eo rnl lions and > uU , Knbbrr btru.tl > rt Carpal. bodv.SlxSlinches.No.lSarven'spatentscrewed nm beel < < palntnl In 10 coals body black. Rear dark jrrifn i n \ erj- delicate mode-.t striping , complete with shafts , side an.l Lack curtains , boot storm apron and antl-ratt'era anil shafts. Pole. SefLjotp and nblfflctrmln plate ornhaftx , Sl.TS extra. Il ( . < iT UEIUIISIOO IW.NDS and ( he frticM will aifracf for iOO nllri. fi.OO ; SUO miln , 2.75 : 40O mllrn. f3.23 : uOO milps. I3.GU : 1,00(1 nllt . * r. on. QFWf&riMP , rsni . t . AP with y ° ur orJer , WE GUAnASTEE tie BUPFJ to Kith Voa sary ana OtlPliJ VJI-dC U\Ji.i.t K tl , the railroad . . satisfactory pay affent balance. * 5l. n a.J firlght charsrt , otherwise pay nothing and the agent will return buiTKT at our expense and we will return your Jl.CC. DON'T BUY A CHEAP FACTORY BUGGY now FO ! 1 almost excluMvely by all Machinery I alem and Catalogue Houw. BUY THE BEST BUGGY MONEY CAN BUILD , direct from the Maker at the LOWEST PRICE EVER KNOWN. ORDER TO DAY. DON'T DELAY. WRITE FOR OUR FREE BUCCY , CARRIAGE AND HARNESS CATALOGUE. S EA R S , ROEBUCK & CO. ( Inc. ) , CHICAGO , SLL. Trtfctme treads THEH ALL ear