The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 17, 1899, Image 8

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    RY n
Women stiff
ing from fern
troubles a
weakness , a
from irregu
or painful mi
.ses , ought i
| to lose hope
[ doctors cam
sicians are
busy with otl
1 diseases t h
they do not i
derstand fu
the peculiars
ments and i
delicate organism of woman. Wl
the sufferer ought to do is to g :
a fair trial to
which is the true cure provic
by Nature for all female troubles.
is the formula of a physician of t
highest standing- , who devoted
whole life to the study of the c
tinct ailments peculiar to our mo
crs , wives and daughters. It is ma
of soothing , healing , strengthen !
herbs and vegetables , which ha
been provided by a kindly Nature
cure irregularity in the menses , L <
corrhoea. Falling of the Womb. Ne
ousness. Headache and Backacl
In fairness to herself and to Bra
iieid's Female Regulator , ev
suffering woman ought to give i1
trial. A large $ r bottle will dc
.vonderful amount of good. Sold
Send for a. nicely Illustrated free book on the subject.
"The Bradfield Regulator Co. , Atlanta , (
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
'Corn . $
Wheat .
Oats .
. Rye .
Barley .
Hogs .
I i
Writing pnper in bulk and box , w
envelopes to match , , at very reasona
figures THE TRIBUNI- :
For La Grippe.
Thomas Whitefield & Co , 240 Waba
av , corner Jackson-st. , one of Chicag
oldest and most prominent druggi ;
recommended Chamberlain's Con
Remedy for la grippe , as it not 01
{ jives it prompt and complete relief. 1
also counteracts any tendency of
Xrippe to result in pneumonia I
sale by L. W. McConnell & Co.
and Deuiorest's Fain
Magazine for $1.75 a year , strtcth'
Faults of digestion cause disorders
the liver , and the whole system becbn
< leranged. Herbine perfects the proc
of digestion and assimilation , and tl
makes pure blood. Price 250 at L.
McConnell's. _
A nice new line of vest pocket uieui
andnnis at THE TRIBUNE office.
Frequently accidents occur in 1
lionsehold , which cause burns , cu
sprains anil bruises. For use in st
cases Ballanl's Snow Liniment has
many years been the constant favor
family remedy. Price 250 and soc at
W. McConnell & Co.'s.
UNE office. Best in the market.
Don't irritate your lungs with a sti
born cough when a pleasant and effect
remedy may be found in Ballard's Ho
hound Syrup. Price 250 and
Iv. W. McConnell & Go's.
ROAD NO. 335.
To John Bassler , Joseph McKiever ate
to all whom it may concern :
The board of county commission
lias established and ordered opened
road commencing at the northeast ci
er of section thirteen (13) ( ) in Frits
precinct , Red Willow county , Nebrasl
running thence west on the section h
and terminating at the northwest corr
of section fourteen (14) in said precin
and all objections thereto or claims I
damages must be filed in the coun
clerk's office on or before noon of t
6t\i \ day of May , A. D. , 1899. or said ro
will be established without referen
thereto. 3-10413. R. A. GREEN ,
County Clei
ROAD NO. 336.
To John Newhalfen and to all who
nt may concern :
The board of county commission *
lias established and ordered opened
road commencing at the northeast corn
of section seventeen (17) ( ) in Hondvi
precinct , Red Willow county , Nebrasl *
running tllence south one mile on secti
line and terminating at southeast corn
of sectionseventeeni7).saidpre ; and :
objections thereto or claims for damajj
must be filed in the county clerk's offi
on or before noon of the 6th day of Ma
A. D , 1899 , or said road \vill be esta
lished without reference thereto.
3-io-4ts. R. A. GREEN ,
County Clei
ROAD NO. 337.
To David C. Sullivan , Levi D. Gadd
Ulizabeth T. Cleveland , Joseph Hah
Carrie E. Wright , Rosa Reiter , Hen
Hahn , J. W. Dolan and to all whom
may concern :
The board of county commission *
lias established and ordered opened
road commencing at the southeast corn
of section fourteen (14) in Alliance pi
cinct , Red Willow county , Nebrask
running thence west on section line ai
terminating at the southwest corner
section seventeen (17) ) in said precim
thereto or claims f
aad all objections
must be filed -in the coun
damages of the 6
Clerk's office on or noon
day of May , A. D. . 1899 , or said road w
lie established without reference theret
. R- AGREEN. .
3 4 County Cler
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Broino QuinineTnlil
All druggists refund money if it fail
cure , asc The genuine has L. B. Q.
lach tablet , _
Children who are troubled with woi
are pale in the face , fretful by spc
restless in sleep , have blue rings aroi
their eyes , bad dreams , variable appt-t
and pick the nose. White's Cream Vr
ifuge will kill and expel these parasi
Price 250 at McConnell's.
Advertised Letters.
The following letteis were adverti
by the McCook postoffice on March i :
D. F. Cofley , T. Benton Kinse
Chas. Fuller , James T. Reyno
Henry Vogt , Jimmie Turner ,
J. C. Duffy , Albert Wilson
In calling forany of these letters , pit
jay that they are advertised
F M. KlMMELL , Postmastei
Through Tourist Sleepers to Northwe
The Burlington Route has establisl
i twice-a-week tourist car line Iroin K
sas City to Butte , Spokane. Tacoina i
Cars leave KIIIISHS City , Lincoln i
Sra'ml Island every Tuesday and Tin
lay , arriving at Seattle following ljrn
ind Sunday They are upholstered
rattan. The bed linen and fnrnisbi
ire clean and of good quality 1
iieating. ventilating and toilet arraii
nents are all that can be desired i
: acb car is in charge of a unifoni
Pullman porter , whose sole duty is to
end to the wants of passengers.
Cars run through without change
ny kind and the berth rate from I
: oln to Tacoina is only $5 oo. To i1'1
nediate points it is proportionately 1 <
Montana and the Puget Sound coun
ire now enjoying a period of unexamp
prosperity. As a consequence , trave'
.he northwest is rapidly attaining la
Droportions. This new tourist car 1
las been established with a view of c
ng for the Burlington's share of it in
jest possible manner.
Berths , tickets and full in format
: an be bad on application to any E
ington Route ticket agent or by addn
ng J. Francis. G.P.A.Omaba. June
THE TRIBUNE will club with any
jer you may want. Try it.
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid heal
jidomitahle will and tremendous en
jy are not found % vhere Stomach. Liv
Cidneys and Bowels are out of order
ou want thcbe qualities and the s
: ess they bring , use Dr. King's New I
'ills. They develop ever- power
) "rain and body. Only 25C at McC
icll's drug store.
Notice is hereby given thdt sealed b
vill be received at the office of the coi
y clerk of Red Willow county , Nebr
: a , in the city of McCook , up to c
> 'clock , p. m. , of the I7th day of Ap
899 , for the finishing of suitable root
nirauces thereto , and vaults for offi
or the County Commissioners , Coin
Merk , County Treasurer , Sheriff H
bounty Judge , according to the pli
.ml specifications to be found iir i
of said county clerk.
All bids must be securely sealed a
iirected to the county clerk of said coi
y , and endorsed on the envelope encl
n.u the same , "Bids for finishing roe
or the county officers " Said bids in
ach be accompanied by a certificate
lepo-it in the sum of $100 oo , of so
eliable bank in the county , payable
he order of R. A. Green , county cle
the bid sh
n case the person making
ail to enter into a contract and K
iond according to the terms of his b
Ahe person to whom the contract 111
ie awarded shall within five days af
he acceptance of said bill , give bond
he sum of at least $3000.00. with teed
oed and sufficient sureties , to be i
iroved by the board of county conmi
ioneis , in form and conditions as p
tared and approved by the county
orney , for the faithful performance
lis contract , and shall enter into a wi
en contract with said county , di
igned by him , at the time of the exei
ion of said bond. The board of cour
ommissioners reserve the right to reji
ny and all bids.
Dated this I7th day of March , 1899
R. A. GREEN , County Clerk
Tribune Clubbing List.
For convenience ot readers of THE TR
NE , we have made arrangements with i
blowing newspapers and perodicals where
combination with T
e can supply them in
'RIBUNE at the following very low prices :
wi i
letroitFree Press Si oo $ l
eslie's Weekly 400 3
rairie Farmer I oo I
hicago Inter-Ocean I oo I
incinnati Enquirer. 100 I
'ew-York Tribune 100 I
'emorest's ' Magazine i oo i
bledo Blade I oo I
'ebraska Farmer i oo I
nva Homestead 100 I
incoln Journal I oo I
ampbell's Soil-Culture I oo I
ew-York World I oo I
mahaBee I oo i
osmopolitan Magazine 100 I
t. Louis Republic I oo I
Kansas City Star 25 i
'ebraska Dairyman and Up-
to-Date Farmer 50 I
Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 I
Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4
We are prepared to fill orders for any ot !
apers published , at reduced rates.
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb
Frazer Axis Greas
Not affected by Heat or Cold.
iighest Awards at Centennia
Paris and World's Fair.
anufactorcd fo LUBRICATOR 00
Factories : Cbcfego , St. LouU , NewYwk.
The "Eroalve Action of Inflan
Gases" Cauaes the First Serious
Jury How the Projectile Helps
"Kill the Gun.
The larger a cannon the more ezt
Hive are the injuries it receives
each successive discharge. All dam ;
done to a gnn is internal. The aepat
action of the powder and the projec
damages the piece every time it is ain
and fired. Obviously the amount of
damage depends upon the materiali
workmanship of the gnn. Men v
make big guns describe the harm di
their pets with many intricate and p
zling terms of a scientific turn. In *
case a gnn is damaged because tbo p
Df the bore which contains the pow
is enlarged. This happens when
petal is compressed , and it ismoro d ;
Serous and more plainly seen if
gunners have been using wads betwi
their explosive and their projectile.
Then , again , cavities are produced
the melting away of a part of the me
by the heat of combustion of the char
Cracks come from the tearing asuni
Df the particles of the metal at the s
face of the bore. When it is first ma
i crack of this particular kind is ban
perceptible , but it increases each ti
; he gun is fired. Gradually it extei
jompletely through the side of i
piece. The crack usually begins at (
junction of tba chamber with the bo
simply becaute , as guns now are , t
part is not EO well supported as 1
Edward S. Farrow , U. S. A. , is z
thority cu damage to gnus , althouj
like all others who have studied (
juestion , he does not agree with vc
nauy authorities on all the points
sousider in the life of a cannon. He ct
; ends that furrowing or scoring produc
jy the erosive action of inflamed ga ;
Is the great disease which attacks t
rery big guns first. This particular :
jury is most apparent where the cam
) f the gas is most rapid or at the in
: ior orifice of the vent and on the si
'ace of the bore , directly over the s <
) f the projectile. This scoring begi
rery early in the life of a very lai
; un , but it is conceded that it does r
) ecome very important until the pi (
las been discharged considerably. Lie
enant Farrow describes this scoring
esembliug the bark of an aged elm tri
he metal being eaten away into irreg
ar furrows and ridges. In extrei
: ases , however , scoring has not kill
he gun , although in some cases it L
icted like a wedge and split the bore
he place attacked.
Where the action of the projectile h
uined the gun the damage has be
lone around the projectile and in fro
if it. The elasticity of the metal a
he crowding up of portions of" it
rent of the shot cause a reboun&i
irocess. The projectile , carried forwa
iy the force of the charge , 'Strit
gainst the upper part of the bore ; th
b is sent against the bottom and aga
ounds to the top , and so on nntil
merges from the piece. The effect
his bounding motion to raise and r
iress the gun in its trunnion holes. T
ccnracy of fire is diminished , and ,
ourse , the gun is unfit for servic
Jronze guns are the worst sufferers
his way. Mortars short and dumpy
re not affected.
To stop the bounding of the projecti
nnners wrap the shell in cloth or p
er or else shift the base of the inn
o bo hurled. This last process is co
idered the best and is done by redo
ag the diameter of the cartridge ai
dding to its length. Projectile inju :
3 also caused by furrows or scratch
lade by rough shells or case she
mall fragments , too , break away ve
ften from the shells and give the bo
grinding and cutting process , produ
ive of great damage.
Enlargement of the muzzle is anoth
srious injury produced by the proje
ile. This is caused by a process whit
aems unavoidable. As the shell leav
10 piece it strikes against one portii
E the bore. The resistance at the mou
eing less than at any other point , tl
letal naturally yields , and the muzz
E the cannon is elongated in a vertic
Some -men who ought to know sz
lat 150 shots is the life of a very b
nn a 12 or 13 inch weapon. Othe
lace the number of shots at 400 or 50
.s a matter of fact , it is all guesswor
'he ' great Krupp gun shown at tl
7orld's fair and conceded to be perfe
-or supposed to be so has been di
barged less than ten times , and it
ow believed to have reached its lirai
n the other hand , the big gnus of tl
.mericau battleships have passed tl
me allotted them by wise men wl
now guns and apparently are as goc
3 when tested. How soon they ma
ield , however , is not in the books.
Lientenant Farrow says that a vei
irge gnn should not be expected i
and more than 400 or 500 shots befoi
will be necessary to open a uewven
osiug the old one at its iuteriororifici
7hen the gun dies bursts the lim
! fracture are photographed. Spec
ions of the metal are saved. Tests ai
lade and conclusions drawn. And Oi
le Sam has figured out so many thinf
t this sauio connection that his gui
DWadays are conceded to bo better tha
lose of any other maker. They Ih
mger than the wise ones say the
lonjd. Ohicago Times-Herald.
Everybody "Warned.
An Arizona rancher has posted tt
illowing notice on a cottouwood trt
aar his place : "My wife Sarrah ht
ft my ranch when I didn't Dee
hing Too her and I want it distinkl
uderstood that any Man as takes ht
L and Keers for her on my account wi
it himself Pumped so Full of Led tht
ime tendeifoot will locate him for
.ineral . claim. A word to the wise i
ifflcient and orter work on fools. " -
enver Times
Licenses as follows have been issi
by the judge since our last report :
Homer VV Starks and Cora G.Dutcl
both of McCook.
John W. Allen and Sadie Covey. Tl
were married by the county judge on
Allen C. Clyde was before the co >
Thursday morning , on complaint of Jc
G. Hall , charged with assault and t
tery. He was bound over to the n
Lerui of district court , and placed uu
bonds in the sum of $200 , with H.
Sutton as surety. The alleged assa
Is claimed to have taken place in Clyd
saloon on the night of the I4th , t
21 > de is charged with striking the cc
plaining witness three times on the hi
ivith a billy , bringing blood and rais
niinps. There were some indications
in attempt to rob the man , by a sale
oafer , after the alleged assault , by
leavoring to get the man to go tc
liotel that did not exist. A friend
pearing on the scene blocked this p
jf the affair.
Cash will Imj more of the very b
implements in the world at Cochrai ;
2o.'s , this spring , than have ever lit
; old before anywhere. And they
roniing in now by the car-load T
: ars arrived , this week.
Mike Cloyle was in McCook wi
logs , Wednesday.
George Howell lins over 10
wshels of wheat to sell.
Mntt Dioll will farm the oldS
S\ Smith farm , this year.
Mutt Droll 1ms sold 4000 bus
jls of wheat and has nearly 40
) ii hand yet.
Meetings nt the Coleumn schoi
louse have closed. Four we
idded to the church.
Wra. Bymer has rented the I
Popejoy farm and will soon ha
tin wheat. It is half sown alreac
We are glnd to say that Jo !
Droll is improving and will be i
n the near future. John had
) retty close call.
The Bixler boys hauled nnoth
: ar of wheat , later part of Ir
veek. This makes the fourth c
hey have shipped.
Mrs. 0. W. Corner returned , h
Saturday night , from her snd v :
t to lowe , where she \vns prese
it the bedside of her father in 1
ast hours.
3. S. ASHTON. Pres. T. E. McDONALD , Cash.
* A General Banking Business
business you may wish to
1 transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE
will receive prompt and careful atten-
tion. Subscriptions received , orders
taken for adveitisements and job-work.
Dr. VV. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Iffice and Hospital over First National Bar
Iffice hours at residence , 701 Marshall Av
efore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m.
J5 Massage given in appropriate casi
McCook Surgical Hospital ,
EEJ Age nt of Lincoln Land Co. Office
.ear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is gu :
iteed to be first-class. We do all kinds
rown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smi
Bellamy , assistants.
For Infants and Children.
he Kind You Have Always Bough
Bears the
Signature of
known for 15 years as the
At L. w. MCCONNELL & co.'s.
hildren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
and which has been
The Kind You Have Always Bought ,
in use for over 30 years , has borne the signature
, and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
in this.
Allow no one to you
but Experiments
Substitutes are
All Counterfeits , Imitations and
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil , Paregoric , Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
Morphine nor other Narcotic
contains neither Opium ,
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms "
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoja and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles , cures Constipation
the Food , regulates the
and Flatulency. It assimilates
Stomach and Bowels , giving healthy und natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Sn Use For Over 30 Years.
3Iosi in Quantity. Best in Quality
? of 28 Years'BasIed all Wraf Rsmetiias. I
SOXa23 IB , a.3J3J 2 > IfCr < C3rISaS. ( .
Prepared by - 3 , JA5V9E8 F. BALLARD , St ,
"w > / rf J > / vv''X' /
/ > orfxNrf/Ny\x rf / % < % Orf
No Right to Ugliness.
The woman who is lovely in face , fori
and temper will always have friends , bt
one who would he attractive must kee
her health. If she is weak , sickly an
all run down , she will be nervous an
irritable. If she has constipation , <
kidney trouble , her impure blood wi
c-uise pimples , blotches , skin eruptioi
and a wretched complexion. Electr
Bitters is the best medicine in the woi ]
to regulate stomach , liver and kidr.e ]
and ti purify the blood. It gives stron
nerves , bright eyes , finoolh , velvety skii
rich complexion It will make a gooc
looking , charming woman of a run dow
invalid. Only 50 cer.ts at McConnell
Drug Store.
THE McCooK TRIBUNE , the Oinali
Weekly Bee and the Cosmopolitan Maj
azine , a'l three for $2. You can't beat i
Are you testliss at night , and harasse
by a bad cough ? Use Ballard's Hort
hound Syrup , it will secuie you soun
sleep , and effect a prompt and radica
cure. Price ZSG and soc at McConnell' '
Box Elder Circuit.
Sunday-school at Box Elder churc !
every Sunday at 10 a.m. Church service
at ii a. in. every two weeks dating froc
Sunday. Dec 4 Sunday-school at Rei
Willow school house every Suuday at
p. in. Church service at 3 p. m. ever
two weeks dating from Suuday , Dec. 4
Sunday-school at Garden Prairie ap
pointment every Sunday at 10 a. m
Preaching at n a. m. every two week
dating from Dec. n. Preaching servic
at Spring Creek at 3 p. m. every twi
weeks dating from Dec n.
D. L. MATSON , Pastor.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
An Honest Medicine for La Grippe
George W. Waitt of South Gardiner
Me. , says : "I have had the worst cough
cold , chills and grip and have taken lot
of trash of no account but profit to tin
vendor. Chamberlain's Cough Remed ;
is the only thing that has done any gooc
whatever. I have used one 5o-cent bottl
and the chills , cold and grip have al
left me. I congratulate the manafact
tires of an honest medicine. " For sali
bv L. W. McConnell & Co.
They have buggies , spring wagons
road wagonsand surreys until you can'
rest at Cocbran & Co.'s big store. Car
loads of them are coming in. To maki
room for them they are making a "take
them-away sale" of 23 or 24 vehicles o
all kinds now in stock. You will neve
buy them cheaper. Get their figures.
Dangers of the Grip.
The greatest danger from La Gripp <
is of its resulting in pneumonia. I
reasonable care is used , however , am
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken , al
danger will be avoided. Among the ten ;
of thousands who have used this reinedj
for la grippe we have yet to learn of t
single case having resulted in pneurnonu
which shows conclusively that this rem
edy is a certain preventive of that dan
gerous disease. It will cure la grippe ir
less time than any other treatment. Il
is pleasant and safe to take. For sale bj
L. W. McConnell & Co.
THE TRIBUNE and The New-York
Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad'
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand , but Skin Eruptions rob
life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve ,
cures them ; also Old , Running and Fev
er Sores , Ulcers , Boils , Felons. Warts ,
Cuts , Bruises , Burns , Scalds , Chapped
Hands , Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. On
ly 25 els a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold
by McConnell , Druggist.
His Life Was Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly , a prominent citizen of
Hannibal , Mo. , lately bad a wonderful
deliverance from a frightful death. In
telling of it re says : "I was taken with
Typhoid Fever , that ran into Pntu-
monia My lungs became hardened. I
was so weak I couldn't even sit up iu
bed. Nothing helped me. I expected
to soon die of Consumption , when I
heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One
bottle gave great relief. I continued to r
use it , and noxv am well and strong. I
can't say too much in its praise. " This
marvellous medicine is the surest and
quickest cure in the world for all Throat
and Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50
cents and $ r.oo. Trial bottles free at
McConnell's Drug Store ; every bottle
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati
Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , strictly
in advance.
PJomber and
| Steam Fitter
Iron. Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
L Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimmings.
V Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
f Windmills. Basementof the Meeker-
7 Phillips building.
McCook Transfer Line
J. H. DW ER , Proprietor.
! 2fSpecial | attention paid to
muling furniture. Leave orders
it either lumber yard.
Anyone sending a sketch and description mar
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
tpteiol notice , without
A handsomely Utuatcd weekly. J Jintcst clr-
cuUUlon.oI ar sdentlflc Journal. Terms. * 3 .
: lourAiatbj , ft. Bold byall newsdealers.
. . Hew Yirk }
t . 036 F Bt , Washington. D. C. -
-cterf Springfleld ' ( m.t