Mrs. McCumbcr wife of the senator- elect from South Dakota , was formerly a resident of Fargo , -where , she em ployed as assistant manager of the Western Union Telegraph office. While Htill Miss Jennie SchorninR she -\viin transferred from Fargo to the Wahpe- toro oflice , where Attorney McCumber wooed and won her. Do not think for a single moment that consumption will ever strike you a sudden blow. Irdoes not come that way. It creeps its way along. First , you think it is a little cold ; nothing but a little hack ing cough ; then a little loss in weight : then a harder cough ; then the fever and the night sweats. The suddenness comes when you have a hemorrhage. Better stop the disease while it is yet creeping. You can do it with 1t -t You first notice that you cough less. The pressure on the chest is lifted. That feeling of suffocation is removed. A cure is hastened byplacing one of * Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster over the Chest. A Book Free * It is on the Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Write us Ffscty. If you have any complaint whatever nnd desire the best medical advice you can possibly receive , write the doctor j freelv. Yon will receive a prompt reply , { without cost. Address. DR. J. C. AVER. I/rwel ! . Mas * . Jfc.po U4re.n < MitlTey ! Forth JTO. 10 j-t < urt,10O,000bb fi Please Catalog alone 5c- - tend this w.a.c. UT. along- KILLED BY LIGHTING. The Oil Trust knocked out by the new light. ACKTYI.KNK. which is made from fused coi5 oil and lime is a new discovery , and produces a lieht which I.i next only to Son- llghr , both in quality and con. and is the most beautiful and perfect Unlit known to man. It has twenty times the Hidit power of oil and four times that of electricity. Its light is so akin to sunlight that colors can be I1 ! matched by it , and does not tire or strain the eyes. eyes.Why not own your own lighting plant ? It's Just the rhing for HOME.STORES. . CHUKCHES. halls , or any place where light is needed. Acty ene Ga * . when made in a MONARCH GENERATOR , furnishes the finest linht on earth at les j price than Oil , Gas or Electricity , and with less labor than Jt takes to care for a single oil lamp. If yon want a catalogue and more light on the sub ject , write to Monarch Acetylene Gas Co. , Omaha. Nebr. Excursion .Rates . . . TO Western Canada * nd particular * an to how to secure 160 acrei of tha tan Whcat-srrowlnR land on the Continent , can be secured on application to tha Superintendent of Immigration , Ottawa. Canada , or the undersigned. Specially conducted excursion ? will leave St. Pan ! on the fint and third Wcdnc d jR of each month , and pecl ! lr low rates on all line * of railway reach ing Pt-Taul. rehelns quoted for excursion leaving there en April 5th for Manitoba. AsMnlbola. Sas katchewan and Allierta.V. . V. Uennctt , SOI New York J.lfe Building , Omaha , Xcb. CURE YOURSELF ! lih "Upe Dip e for unnatural h diecbargeg , Inflammationd , e irritations or ulcerationn of mil con g membranes. h Pninles * , and not astrio * THEEVANS CH HIUI.CO. ( g nt or poisonous. "V Solder "Vt or gent in plain wrappt-r , * y exprpm , prepaid , for P * I.m. or.Tbottlei. 2.75. Pc Circular sent on request. Pn As black DYE a o as j < Your YourWhiskers n A Natural Black with Buckingham's Dye. SO ct .of druggist * or R.P.Hal I & Co.NashuaN.H. ly 13f Dr. Kay's Renovator , Ir Bia constipation , liver and kidney discases.bfl- Ir"i llousncss , headache , etc. At druggists 25c & 91. "iy y < A GOOD GARDEN liv Is a pleasure and a proOt , Gresory's eeed book di vy rects nrlRfct beginning. Gregory's Seed insure the y < -uftsr-jtofe sful endln ? . Get the book now It's free. ti JAMES J..GREGORY & SON. Marblehead. Mass. tiSi fir If ' RoTm ror cou s coifis , 11 au < 'iifiir > 11I Uii aJf > LUQg Dalui and throat disease 11A [ ti ; tict ct HER BONNET. Caught Afire While the Speaker \V a Addressing an Audience , Now York Sun : At a meeting of the Society for Political Study yesterday the bonnet worn by the speaker of the day , Mrs. Belle Gray Taylor , caught flre from a drop-light on the speaker's desk , and had it not been for the pres ence of mind and fleet-footedness of Mrs. Almon Hensley woujd have been totally destroyed. Mrs. Taylor said afterward that there was no insurance on the bonnet , although there were several other things , including gold braid , blue velvet and black ostrich tips. When the accident happened tlie speaker was prefacing her talk , which was on woman's intuition , with a few remarks about five-minute papers , cue having been asked to prepare one of that length. "A long , dull paper is intolerable in this : rapid history-making age , " she was saying , "while a long , good paper has so much in it that you wish to consume" "Oh ! Oh ! " "Gracious me ! " "Fire ! Fire ! " cried feminine voices from ev ery part of the room , and the one man present looked at Mrs. Taylor's flam ing headgear helplessly. He said aft erwards that he might have known what to do if a woman had been in danger in a burning building , but that he was absolutely paralyzed at sight of a burning bonnet. But no one bet ter knows the value of a fine bonnet than Mrs. Hensley , and before the lone man had recovered sufficiently to open his mouth she rushed to the platform and smothered the flames. " 'What is it ? " asked the speaker , calmly , when the danger was passed. "Your best bonnet on fire , " exclaim ed many voices. "Well , for once I've created a sen sation , " retorted Mrs. Taylor. "For once I've been actually brilliant. Li- dies , the last word I uttered was con sume , " and then she went on with the remarks that had been interrupted by the threatened conflagration. CLEVER LITTLE STORIES. Judge Wheaton A. Gray , recently ele vated to the Supreme court commis sion , was hearing a criminal case in Fresno , and on a warm day , at the end of a long harangue by the prose cuting counsel , he noticed one of the jurymen asleep. As soon as the argu ment was completedthe judge address ed the jury in this peculiar manner "Gentlemen of the jury , the prosecut ing attorney has completed his argu ment ; wake up and listen to the In structions of the court ! " Since Joseph Choate's appointment as ambassador to England one of his wittiest sayings is being retold. It was made over a private dinner table at which he and Mrs. Choate were guests. Someone inquired of him who he would like to be if he could not be himself. He paused a few seconds , as if think ing over the list of world celebrities , and then his eye reste.1 upon his wife. "If , " he answered , "I could not be my self , I should like to be Mrs. Choate's second husband. " Senator Caffery's constitutional ar gument was listened to at one time by six senators. One of these was Mr. Spooner of Wisconsin. Senator Caf- fery read an extract in the course of his remarks , which attracted Mr. Spooner's attention. Perhaps It Lad a familiar sound. At any rate he began to manifest some curiosity. "From what Is the senator reading ? " he asked Mr Caffery. The Louisiana senator turned around with a. surprised , not to say an Injured , air. "I am reading , " he said , with crushing emphasis , "from the con stitution of the United States. " Mme. Modjeska and her company were playing one winter in the extreme north , much to the discomfort of Count Bozenta , the Polish star's husband , who hates the chilly northern climate. But at that time the show business was at a very low ebb in the south. One particular cold day Mrae. Modjeaka found the count shivering from head to foot , In spite of the steam heat In the hotel. "Oh , my dear , my dear ! " he Implored , "let us go south for the rest of the season. This climate will kill us. " "But , my dear , " replied Madame , "the south Is dead. " "Yes , " said the count , "but she is such a be-autlful corpse. Favorite Pastime of Children. The fish may be represented by ob long pieces of cardboard ( If mamma has time , pictures of fish may be past ed on these ) , the under side of each having a number to tell the child the weight of the fish he has caught. On ? the : upper side place small double- pointed tacks , into which the hook is caught. The fishing hook may be made of a bent pin , and for the pole long pencil will answer. On a rainy or snowy day the little ones will en joy this sport hugely , and there will bi no catching cold. ; The ABO of TVJnd. "Mars , I watch affairs on earth close , " began the exalted Pluto , as he } fanned himself with a section of halo the midst of the great hereafter , "and I have become of the opinion that you are losing vigor. Everything war like , from pugilism and the Spanish wars up to the general warcloud that you have had hanging over Europe for Lhe last forty years , ends about the same way. " "That Is true , " replied the illustrious god of war , "but , the fact is , have sold out my whole business to Aeolus. " Why the Job Snltcc1. Merchant What are your qualifica- iona for this business ? Applicant I an't get anything else to do. Puck. Modern Science econzer RHEUMATISM &s a Disuse of tha Blood There is & popular idee , ttut this disease is c&used by exposure to cold , and that some localities are infected with it more 'thc\n others Such conditions frequently promote the development or the disease , but from the faxt that this ailment runs" in certain tamilies. it is shown to be hered itary , and consequently a disease or the blood. . ' Among the oldest and best known residents of Bluffs , III. , is Adam Vnngundy. He lias always been prominently identified with the interests of that place. He was the first President of the Board of Trustees , and for c. long time has been n Justice of the Peace. He says : "I had been a suf- lerer of rheumatism fora number of years and the pain at times was very intense. I tried all the proprietary medicines I could think-or hear of , but received no relief. "I finally placed my case with several physicians and doctored with them for some time , but they failed to do me any good. Finally , with my hopes of relief nearly exhausted I read an article regarding Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People , which induced me to try them. I was anxious to get rid of the terrible disease and bought two boxes of the pills , I begau using them about March , 1897. After I had taken two boxes I was com pletely cured , and the pain has never returned. I think it is the best medi cine I have ever taken , and am willing at any time to testify to its good merits. " 3 ! Js (111. ( ) Timtt. Tne genuine At drug sold only gists or in pack aired fromi ages like tliis 50 Medicine ( o. per box H V A young tailor named Berry , lately succeeded to his father's business , once sent in his account to r.harlns Matthews somewhat ahead of time. Whereupon Matthews , with virtuous rase , wrote him the following note : "You must he a goose Berry , to sen'l me your bill Berry , before it is due Berry. Your father , the elder Berry , would have had more sense. You may look very black Berry , and feel very blue Berry , but I don't care a straw Berry , for you and your bill Berry. There li a Class of People "Who are Injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called GRAIN-0 , made of pure grains , that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without distress , and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-0. Victoria , a lioness in Sanger's circus , near London , has given birth to six cubs. This is believed to be the largest number born at one time in captivity. The cubs have been named after Queeen Victoria's children. There Is more Catarrh in this section or the country than all other dbeu es put together , and until the la > t few years was , supj > osed to be Incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local di eaMj. and prescribed local remedies , and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment , pronounced It incurable Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu tional dkease. and therefore require * COSSL.- ! tutional treatment. Hall j. Catarrh Cure man ufactured by F. J Cheney i Co. . Tc4eiS - HL. is the only coasUtutional cure on tin ? svmrVe t It Is taken Internally la do fnwa HJilTvp- tea poonfuL It acts OJrtxtly upon U e bJiV. j icd mucous surfaces of tn * ij-Keia. Th y oTf r 1 ese hundred dollar. Joraav r * ii falls rur * Scad for circular- * ir iUMttUlv Aildm , * I F CHENEY & CO Tokrtn , Oi-a. SoM bv \ s.n : ; ! * p.ffr a > may une of ma- n SOSEEHOTT AND SOMEWHERE AMONG THU MUSCLES AND JOINTS Tha Pains and Aches of CREEP IN. Right oa its track S * . Jacobs Oil CREEPS IN. } it Penstatas , Searches , Drires Out Spalding's Trade Mark Means "Standard of Quality" on Athletic Coeds Insist upon Spalding's Hand > ome Oat3lcc-.e Free A. G SI'ALDIXG BROS New York. Chicaja Decrrr CANDY CATHARTIC " " ' " DROPSY - . "XT- , < * < { * C " r * . ; ' - m lt > 4tai uirnt l'rr < - , K. m. vt i > Kv w * . W.N. U. OMAHA. -199 fki ? cs TUis Skaters 6 oa ffifj fcul UUffiE SS3VO Ql' ' HIE TUJFS , trjf t : ttfci * t'f 4 em ti ' : le SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS IN ' ' * tt c THE AND UNITED CANADA. STATES A GRIP CURE that S CURE ! Ct-HT * The Fcbriary l- * P' tbr the Koyai iKut * . yxiMUt-c * ! t * ? i.r lu tlmoro and Ohio Us ! rt a < l rweuiK * a very ins > trutt\c rtc' ! * on "Th * H * K- ular Army of the failed 5ixlcT by Major H. 0. HvUtaad. Awbtioi4jo - taat General. Major H tua l K T < * facts and Qgurt * cons-Taint ; t * < < mill- tary department * incc iu orKaatell . during the war of the r < * owtlo ! . Some of his 9tatlMlc.4 arc very latrr- cstlng. During the revolution lh number of individual ? actually In tell- I tary service did not exceed 2S9.0 0 ; In the war of 1S12 there were 471.622. of which 62.67-1 were regulars ; In the war with Mexico there were 11C.321. of which 42.5-ia were regulars : In the war of the rebellion there were 2.253.1CS United States troops of whom 17S.P75 were colored , and 67.000 regulars , the total being 2.326.16S ; In the war with Spain there were 219,035 volunteers. (10,159 ( being colored ) and 55.6S2 reg ulars , a total of 274.717. Major Hcl- stand also gives the number killed , wounded and lost and the death ? from disease In each war , including the In dian wars , and other Important facts. A small boy Is always very indus trious when it Is time for him to go to bed. IMfi.OO I'fr VtVok. \\VwllI i ay ; i Knlnry of Jl.l per wrok and expenses for man with IMg to Introduce Per fection Poultry Mixture imil Iiitoct Destroy er In the country. Acldrrss with strunp. Perfection .MunufacturliiK Co. , Parson * . Kan. Men may be bribed , btit you can't induce women to take "hush money. " Two bottles of PIso's Cttro for ConHiirnp- tion cured mo of n bnd lung trouble. Mr . J. Nicholi , 1'rinceton , hid. , AInr. 2G , 1805. A smoking tree has bao'i fotiir' in the village of Ono , Japan. It smokes only in the evening , just af'"r aim- set , and the smoke issues from lln > Icp of the trunk. CKKSOKNT HOTKF/ , ECKEKA 8PUINGS , AKKANSAB , pcns February 2.rd. ! In ttieO/nr-k Moun tains. Delightful flinmto. Beautiful scon- sry. Uneqnalcd medicinal wuteri. Olienp xctirsioii nvtcs. Through sleeper * vin Frisco Line. Adress J. O. Plank , Mnn- iger , Room II , Arcade , Century liiittdiug , jr Frisco Ticket Office , No. 103 N. Broad way , St. Louis. John Chandler of Allen -"jiii'ty , Ky. , is the ancestor of a numerous family , fie is the father of twenty-Hover olill- Iren , the grandfather of 10" , nud the reat grandfather of thirty-liv. A big head doesn't always prevent n man from coming out at the little end f the horn. Beauty is but skin deep , so it Is on in equal footing with freckles. If you find n pipe of tobacco , din't jring it liome or someone will die ! ! | "Fi * * WI luMfe410 ] ' Do * I ( ttrfl bar * * * * or Von \ " * j on * joorwy or t 4 I KI will * * - < I > o i HB MMmgiH K iMw B MBiM M * tot w t f , * , W lm + HP If you jclvp mway fS or j don't } 4 U rottK > b rX of a or n her * wilt llritllh tr Trtt Vnt . \ Hir. % ? lt r fmr * < * . < * * * V * * l hr.lih < * Mitt < * 4 < r low * I'nlrnl OfHrf U - | njl Thn totnl numl r of f. S , I' t > n > iiwuetl last week I * 3I5 Of thi * num ber 4.1 are for Design * . 2S for trade marks. 7 for labels. 2 for print ? * nd 1 reissue ; all the others for rompo i- tions , methods and iueclimilc l ! ' - vices. A patent lia * been allowwl t > r. Woodrlng. of Oelwlne. In. , for a sim ple and Ingenious Improvement In n well known art and described In his , olnlm as follows : i In a buck paw frame the combina tion of two mating wooden stays that are iinlmimlred at their central po-- tlons by removal of wood , a flexible r-Hbnped metal rlam having colnrl.l- Ing bolts In Its ends and a screw twit and nut. and for the purposes sot forth. A simple Improvement lu any umnui art may bo of sucli importance 11 * to control nle' . Wlion a dealer ran point to a Into patented linprovnnoiu in a wagon , or farm Implement. It ofi-n docJficH UK- selection of the farmer n making ti puiTluinp. CotiHultntiouH and ailvlrc about ! vcutioiis and printed tuntlor ilvlur. vahmblo InforiuuUoii about rruili : utid selling piilouts. frop to all liin-i r ors THOMAS ( ? . OHW1G . < : CO . Solicitors of Puti'iiK IK-s Molnes. Mnrch . 1800. Kvcry man can SOP where UMM" i" room for a lot of iiuproviMueiit in .ill other IIHMI. TO ciritr A cou ) IN ONR AV Talic I iixtitho Ilioiiio gulnlno TnltlotM All drtiKitlMls rcfuntl the money If II fnlUtooino. S5e. ! Tins Kt'iililiie has li. H W. on i-ncli tubleU The successful poHlli'inu Ioirn : ? llto A 11 0 of polltt--a at tlu > Cnn'n UottKli lliilf < tttii In Hie olilcit nnil best. It will lircnk nji ncu lliiiniiiirililiitclii ( ! . UlKiilnnyKri-llnlilf. Irjlt It's foolish to attempt llio iMil'Ivn- tion of friendship by giving your friends an occasional dig. ' t t * * . . t -.JUK lti in tt * f\Z 2. UKm.1 fiMCt ' * . . - * * i . | t . Tlio Most tmcic rn Evf . * v \ BEVEL- GEAR CHAINLESS 5 IX or m , t fttt . COLUMBIA CHAIN-DRIVEN MODELS ' . ami prf ol'i v HARTFORDS v co.t more VEDETTES * * ' < " Ike trl UKrrlv * * fc * \ V.V . offer for tlinr prior. W 1'uirKS rhuiulr * Model * Hud W . S75. " % * ' OiM % i4 k Models . ' . ? nntl 5s. S5O. HRrtfordv S35. Vd i % > v 52 ( V. $26 ( lf licR' ) . To cJ > * o o t the Wi < r oi owr of last spnyon. xvo offer them < fo''o r . M Kta > } * tHrfWt y $45 ; Model's n nl < . tmea' . $4O ; S3O " < l $31. J N TuXV,0 POPE MFG. CO. , Hartford , Cotw ; - - . > x-x. - i . v.- . v . - -/S O X ' \ J ' BAND GUTTEB t SELF FEEDER THE BEST ! TTII1 t. niu niuin in frli'llon fcoil \iloptoil I \ u 1 ThrosluM orintitntion lt > imi\\i tunl \\un > for Otjos\ir | mid IVicr Li t Mmlton tlii t\irtf PARSONS BAND CUTTER & SELF FEEDER CO. , Newton , Iowa , "WHERE DIRT GATHERS , WASTE RULES , ' GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE UK OF Vlabastino. the only durable wall ccmt- Alahastlne can be used over nnliil or KVcry chut oh ruul schoolhi e nlumM l o ? . . 'takes ' the place of scaling kaleominca , paper ; paint or paper can be used over coitt Hl iltily with Aliiltrthttno Jluiv \ ill paper and paint for walls. It can be Alabnstlne. Buy only In live pound pnuk- of tonnl cd yearly for tin1 * w U Hon\\ ed on plaster , brick , wood or canvas. uges , properly labeled ; take no substitute. Ine Alubnstlne duw nut nil ) nnd Kcnlo oT ( t\vv