He Is 4Not Likely to Rest Til ! the Fighting Is Over. A FEW MORE POSTS TO BE TAKEN Driving Off the Tuvalu mul Otis' Advance the Work In Ilnnd Navy Departmen JPcslrong That tor the Good of the Ser vice the Admiral Tulco Care of HiniR.lf and TnUo deeded Kent. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 11. The statement can be repeated on the authority of the' navy department that Admiral Dewey will not be relieved at Manila until he chooses to make appli cation for such relief. So far he has not given any intimation of a purpose to apply for relief in the immediate future xand from the few declarations he has let fall the department has every reason to believe that he does not contemplate any such action. Consequently there is no foundation for the story that Admiral Schley or any other admiral has been seelcted to take command of the Asiatic sta tion. So far as the navy department is concerned the directing officials are not only willing but anxious that Dewey shall complete his task and Ihey deprecate the circulation of such stories as those alleging that he is to be relieved , for the reason that by constant reiteration the impression $ might be conveyed to the admiral that * , the department would like to relieve * j him. In the case of a man of Dewey's punctilious feeling the mere sugges tion , if he had the slightest reason to believe it had an official foundation , Avould be sufficient to induce him to apply immediately for relief rather than to embarras the department. As Dewey himself fixed the limita tion , of his stay by the length of the task before him , it may be a matter of interest to record the belief of many naval officers that , after all , the end is almost within sight. Dewey has established himself in Manila ; he has assisted in the taking of Iloilo ; he has sent forces to Cebu in connection with the army , also to Negros ; the principal ports of the Philippines have all been taken over Jnto American possession in large part through his co-operation with the army . There remain only a few ports of importance , notably Zamboango on Mindanao and perhaps one of the towns in the Sulu archipelago , to be occupied. Expeditions are now mov ing in these directions and that branch ofthe - work will soon he closed up. There will remain only two features of the campaign to require Dewey's assistance. First , and near af hand , is the driving off of the Ttagals , under Aguinaldo , near Manila. With Lawton landing this morning at Manila with his reinforcements and the other reinforcements expected ' in force soon General Otis' movement is near at hand. The navy will aid in this. Ships can he placed in proper positions on the shores of the bav of Manila 'to command the country for miles and by co-operation with the army through the agency of the signal corps the insurgents can he shelle-1 nut of the jungles many miles inland by the warships. The next and last feature of Dewey's task will be the establishment of a close blockade to prevent munitions of war or supplies from reaching the insurgents , providing there are any insurgents remaining after Qtis and Lawton have made their forward move. When this has Keen done , when there is nothing further in the way of fight ing for the warships to do , it is be lieved that then Dewey's task proba bly will be regarded as finished by him self and will be time for the navy de partment to considder the question of a successor to the commander of the Asiatic station. Admiral Dewey has been instructed to prescribe his own uniform for the rank to which he has been raised , al though it is believed that he has not given much attention to the matters -of uniform of late. His flag is blue "with four stars set in the shape of a diamond. His uniform under former regulations when the navy had an ad miral would be four stars on his shoul der straps , the end stars being on an anchor. On his sleeve he would wear two very broad bands of gold , between which would be a band of yellow half the width of the outside bands. The bands on the sleeve would extend near ly to the elbow. By a special act passed in the closing hours Admiral Dewey will receive the pay of the last gen eral of the army. Bryan Headed Homeward. DALLAS , Tex. , March "ll. W. J. Bryan completed his lecture tour at Dallas today. He addressed a packed opera house in the afternoon and spoke to about 500 laboring men at their hall tonight. His lecture was in opposition to territorial expansion , .which he said would be checked by the- American people lowering the stars and stripes in Cuba , Porto Rico and the Philippine islands. His tour in Texas was in the nature of an ova tion. Court to Sit In Oninha. CHICAGO , March 11. The army court of inquiry regarding the beef continued its work today at the stock yards , investigating packing house methods. It is expected that the tak ing of testimony will occupy Satur day and Monday and that the court will leave for Omaha or Kansas City Tuesday or Wednesday unless some thing develops to make a longer stay In Chicago imperative. Influx of Japanese Laborers. TACOMA , March 11. Labor circles In the northwest are much agitated over reports which are received with general credence that hundreds of Ja panese contract laborers are beinjj' brought into Puget Sound cities. Ev ery month from 500 to 1,000 Japanese laborers are landed at Tacoma , Van couver and Portland. Practically all pass inspection. thevrequirements of which are sound body-and$30in cash. It is said that hundrjedS-Jpf , these men are finding employment on various railroad lines. * . - ' * ' ' CIVILIANS TO GOVERN. If Illtarjr Government In Cuba Will Likely He Replaced. WASHINGTON. March 11. The ad ministration is contemplating a change in some features of the gov ernment of Cuba. It is probable that the military covernment will , to a certain extent , be rcplnctvl by civil government. The head of the govern ment must of course continue mili tary , but the change in contemplation is to have civilian officers in place of military men in the cabinet and sub ordinate positions. It is believed that experts in differ ent lines , such as finance and revenue and the management of much of the general business of the island and of the different municipalities , will get along more smoothly than the army officers , being brought up under strict military discipline , hold not only the statutes , but the army rules and regu lations , as the guide in all things , while the civilian officers would hold the statutes as the supreme guide and endeavor to get along under them in th& . best manner possible and with more diplomacy than is possessed by the army men. It is not known whether the con templated change has reached a point further than discussion in the war de partment and with the president , but its advantages have heen pointed out. and the authority of the government under control of the military govern ment has been determined. Appeal to the Legislatures. BUFFALO , March 11. The follow ing telegram , signed by Mayor Diehl , as chairman of the board of direct ors of the Pan-American Exposition company , and by the proprietors of ail Buffalo papers , has been sent to the governors of all states , the legisla tures of which are known to be in ses sion. The governors will be commun icated with by mail : We earnestly ask your assistance toward securing the passage of reso lutions through your legislature ena bling your state to erect buildings and make an exhibit at the Pan-American exposition , to be held at Buffalo on the Niagara frontier in 1901. The federal government has Appro priated $500,000 , our state $ bjO,000. Our citizens already rave raised ? 1 , 500.000. Your enabling act can be made con ditional upon its being an enterprise worthy of your state exhibit in your discretion. Your early legislative ad journment necessitates dispatch. Fur ther particulars by mail. Prize * for Deivey's Men SAN FRANCISCO , March 11. Geo. H. Holden of Washington , who re turned from the Orient on the Hong Kong ship Maru , has in his possession 1,100 claims of the officers and men of Dewey's fleet for head money. The claims are to be filed with the court of claims in Washington for final ac tion. The head money for Admiral Dewey and his officers and men will aggregate $187,500 , or $100 per head for the 1,875 officers and en of Ad miral Montejo's fleet. Th tze mon ey for the officers and men under Ad miral Dewey will amount to $400,000 , plus the salvage of three vessels re cently raised. The money will be dis tributed by the United States district courts. Speaking of Admiral Dewey Mr. Holden said : "While somewhat wor ried owing to the exacting duties and responsibilities of his position , he said his health was good. He looked fair ly well , too. " Agonclllo Still Expla'nlng. LONDON , March 11. Senor Agon- cillo , the agent of Aguinaldo , has re covered from the effects of the expo sure to which he was subjected through the wrecking of the steamer Laborador on February 1. in which vessel he sailed from St. John , N. B. , for Liverpool. Commenting upon the Associated Press dispatch from Manila this morn ing saying that rebel incendiaries en tered the village of Pandacan last night for the alleged purpose of ter rorizing those of the inhabitants who do not sympathize with the rebellion , Agoncillo said that if this were true it means the Filipinos have advanc ed within the American lines. He added , however , that it is ab surd to say Filipinos are attacking or burning the place , as , he asserted , it is the center of the Filipinos' free masons. General Uliller to Retire WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 11. A change in the command of tb.3 United States forces at Iloilo will oc cur on March 27 , resulting from the retirement of General Marcus Miller , who on that date reaches the age limit of 64 years. General Miller is in the regular ser vice , having been promoted only re cently to the rank of brigadier gen eral. If he were in the volunteer ser vice his retirement would not be com pulsory , a precedent to the contrary haying been established in the case of several other general officers who held commands in the army during the Spanish war. IiivestigUInfr Army Frauds. 'CHEYENNE , Wyo. , March 11. Major C. H. Hathaway of the United States army is in the city , being en gaged in investigating the charges of fraud against the board that pur chased the government cavalry horsss here last spring. A number of horse men with grievances have submitted statements. The major says that while some grounds for complaint doubtless exist , as yet no evidence has been secured that would justify the charge of actual fraud. of tlie Chcnro. ? WASHINGTON , March 11 The Chicago has been detached from the squadron of Re.r Admiral Sairt son and has sailed from Havana to Hamp ton Roads. The Chicago Is to berome the flagship of Rear Admiral Henry L. Howison , who has been assigned to command the South Atlantic station in South America. This station was abandoned at the beginning of the Spanish war , the flagship at that time being the Newark. It and two gun boats were brought north to take part In the war. GENERAL. NEWS NOTES. Judge Ambrose A. Ranney , former congressman from the Third Massa chusetts district and a member of the law firm of Ranney & Clark , is dead in Boston , aged 77 years. He servc.d as a member of the Forty-seventh , Forty-eight.and Forty-ninth congress es. The officials of the navy department are feeling grateful for the small meas ure of relief extended by congress in the increase of the force of enlisted men , though the total is still inade quate under sound practice for the needs of the navy. Congress author ized the increase of the force to 17,500 men. men.A A cablegram from General Otis , at Manila , received in Washington , indi cates the satisfactory and agreeable reception accorded to the American troops which recently landed at the island of Negros. They were sent there by General Miller , at loilo , in command of Colonel Smith to take fortnal possession for the United States , which they did without trouble. The welcome announcement was made by the financial secretary of the treasury , Mr. R. W. Hanbury , in the house of commons , that the govern ment has decided to introduce cotape- tition in the telephonic service of the country. He asked for a credit of $10- 000,000 as a starter in order to enable the postofllce department to deveolp the telephonic communication of Lon don. Miss Mary pooner , of Acushnet , Mass. , who has just celebrated her 105th birthday , is probably the oldest woman in Massachusetts. She is entitled - titled to the distinction of having lived in three different towns without hav ing changed her residence. By al terations in the boundary lines of the towns the Spooner homestead has been first in New Bedford , then in Fairhs//- cn , and finally in Acushnet. The British Railway association has arranged to send five prominent rail way officials to the United States to investigate the facts upon which the government bases the bill compelling the adoption of automatic couplings a measure which would give the board of trade power\five years from its adoption , to compel Britsh railroads to supply the whole of their rolling stock with this device at an estimated cost of 10,000,000. A statement compiled in. the adju tant general's office shows the number of deaths from disease at Camp Thom as. The figures are taken from the muster rolls of each regiment or bat tery. Upon these every death and its cause is entered. The total deaths from disease , from the first occupation of the camp , the middle of April , to its abandonment , the middle of Sep tember , and including the four battal ions which remained to January \ , were 341 , the percentage being a little less than Vz of 1 per cent. The plans for the three battleships authorized by the naval appropriation bill just passed are being worked out. The battleships will be a thousand tons larger than the Maine and Mis souri class , though laid on almost the same basis as the former , with a total displacement of 13,500 tons , making them by far the largest ships in tke American navy and about equal in di mensions to the best type of battle ships now being constructed abroad under the new practice. They will carry four twelve-inch guns in turrets. Although General Wade Hampton is more than 80 yers old , he performed a feat the other morning that proved him to be still active and vigorous. Discovering that the roof of his house in Columbia , S. C. , was on fire , with out permitting any of the household to be awakened , he hastened out and himself proceeded to climb to the roof. Reaching the blaze , he managed to ex tinguish the flames. It was not until the breakfast hour that members of the household were aware of the fire or of the aged soldier's risky but ef fective climb upon the roof. Chief Justice Fuller rendered un opinion sustaining the validity of the state law of Arkansas , requiring rail road companies operating in the state to pay employes when discharge and fixing a penalty for failure. The law allows the amount of wages for sixty days as such penalty. In the present case Charles Paul , a discharsed day laborer on the St. Louis , Iron Moun tain & Southern railway , brought suit for $21 , a part of which was on account of penalty earned under the law. The railroad company resisted the suit in the state courts and in this court on the ground that the law provided for taking property without due process of Ir.w and was therefore repugnant to the constitution. The supreme court of the state declined to accept this view of the case and held the law to be valid. LIVE STOCK AXD PRODUCE. Omalia , Chicago and Nevr Tork Market Quotations. OMAHA. Butter Creamery separator. . . 20 a 2t Butter Choice fancy country. 14 a 10 Eggs Fresh , per do/ 17 a 13 Chickens dressed perpound. . GJia 7 Turkeys , dressed 10 a 11 Pigeons live.per cloz iO a < 5 Lemons Per box 375 a 4 50 Orances Per box 2 50 a 3 T Cranberries Jerscysperbbl. . . . GOO a G 25 Apples Per barrel 175 a 1 00 Hcney Choice , per pound 12&a 13 Onions Per bushel 70 a i5 Beans Handpicked navy 1 > a 1 40 Potatoes Per bushel , new GO a Co Hay Upland perton > 00 a. G OJ SOUTH OMAII.\ . Hogs Choice light : ' . GO a 3 G5 Hogs Heavy weights H G"i a 3 70 - Beef steers 331 a fi 15 Bulls 275 a 1 10 Stags I * 50 a 1 05 Ciiives " 00 a 5 50 Western feeders 2 75 : i 3 0.1 Cows 2 25 a 4 10 Heifers " 25 a 4 25 Stoclcers and feeders 3 OJ : i t 81 Sheep Lambs 100 a 4 65 Sheep Western wethers 4 15 a 1 25 CHICAGO. Wheat No. 2 spring 00 a V2 Corn Per bushel : itt a : { GJ Oats Per bushel 27 a 23 Barlev No , } 42 a 51 Rye No.2 ! > G a 50tj Timothysecd. per bu 2 15 a 250 Pork Perowt ' . ' 20 a 9 25 Lard Per 1)0 pounds " > 20 a 5 22 Cattle Western fed steers 4 15 : i 4 70 Cattle Native beef steers . " : iO a 5 70 Hogs Mixed ; l 55 a 3 77 Sheep Lambs J Ot ) : i 5 On i-neep Western Rangers ' - 75 a. i 00 NEW YOIIK MAUKirr. Wheat No. 2 , red winter 88Jf a 87 Corn No. 2 45 a 40 Oats No. 3 34Ha 35 KANSAS CITV. Wheat No. 2 spring GG a 07 Corn No.2 3. { a 33 Oats No.2 2Ha 29 Sheep Muttons : i f > o a 3 75 Hogs Mixed , 370 a 4 25 Cattle Stockers and feeder . . 4 00 a 4 50 TALMAGE'S SERMON. 'THE STAR WORMWOOD" LAST SUNDAY'S SUBJECT. "There Fell a Great Star from Heaven , Burning a It Were and It Fell Upon the Third Pnrt of the Klrerg , Etc. " Her. 8 : IO. Patrick and Lowth , Thomas Scott , Matthew Henry , Albert Barnes and some other commentators say that the star Wormwood of my text was a type of Attila , king of the Huns. He was so called because he was brilliant as a star , and , like wormwood , he embit tered everything he touched. We have studied the Star of Bethlehem , and the Morning Star of Revelation , and the Star of Peace , but my subject calls us to gaze at the star Wormwood , and my theme might be called Brilliant Bitter ness. ness.A A more extraordinary character his tory does not furnish than this man , Attila , the king of the Huns. The story goes that one day a wounded heifer came limping along through the fields , and a herdsman followed its ' ' - where bloody-'tradron'the grass-to see the heifer was wounded , and went on back , further and further , until he came to a sword fast in the earth , the point downward as though it had dropped from the heavens , and against the edges of this sword the heifer had been cut. The herdsman pulled up that sword and presented it to Attila. Attila said that sword must have drop ped from the heavens from the grasp of the god Mars , and its being given to him meant that Attila should conquer and govern the whole earth. Other mighty men have been delighted at be ing called liberators , or the Merciful , or the Good , but Attila called himself , and demanded that others call him , "The Scourge of God. " At the head of seven hundred thou sand troops.mounted on Cappadoclan horses , he swept everything , from the Adriatic to the Black sea. He put his Iron heel on Macedonia and Greece and Thrace. He made Milan and Pavia and Padua and Verona beg for mercy , which he bestowed not. The Byzan tine castles , to meet his ruinous levy , put up at auction massive silver tables , and vases of solid gold. When a city- was captured by him the Inhabitants were brought out and put into three classes : The first class , those who could bear arms , must Immediately en list under Attila or be butchered ; the second class , the beautiful women.were made captives to the Huns ; the third class , the aged men and women , were robbed of everything and let go back to the city to pay a heavy tax. It was a common saying that the grass never grew where the hoof of Attlla's horse had trod. His armies reddened the waters of the Seine and the Moselle and the Rhine with car nage , and fought on the Catalonian plains the fiercest battle since the world stood 300,000 dead left on the field. On and on until all those who could not oppose him with arms lay prostrate on their faces in prayer ; then a cloud of dust was seen in the dis tance , and a bishop cried , "It is the aid of God ; " and all the people took up the cry , "It Is the aid of God. " As the cloud of dust was blown aside , the banners of reinforcing armies marched in to help against Attila , "the Scourge of God. " The most unimportant oc currences he used as a supernatural resource. After three months of fail ure to capture the city of Aquileia , when his army had given up the siege , the flight of a stork and her young from the tower of the city was taken by him as a sign that he was to cap ture the city ; and his army , inspired with the same occurrence , resumed the siege and took the walls at a point from which the stork had emerged. So brilliant was the conqueror in attire that his enemies could not look at him , but shaded their eyes or turned their heads. Slain on the evening of his marriage by his bride , Ildico , who was hired for the assassination , his followers bewail ed him , not with tears , but with blood , cutting themselves with knives and lances. He was put into three coffins , .the first of iron , the second of silver , and the third of gold. He was buried by night , and into his grave was poured the most valuable coins and precious stones , amounting to the wealth of a kingdom. The grave dig gers and those who assisted at the Burial were massacred , so that it would never be known where so much wealth was entombed. The Roman empire conquered the world , but Attila conquered the Ro man empire. He was right in calling himself a scourge , but instead of being "the 5courge of God , " he was the scourge of hell. Because of his brilliancy and bitter ness , the commentators might well have supposed him to be the star Wormwood of the text. As the re gions he devastated were parts most opulent with fountains and streams and rivers , you see how graphic my text is : "There fell a great star from heaven , burning as it were a lamp , and it fell upon the third part of the riv ers , and upon the fountains of waters , and the name of the star is called Wormwood. " Have you ever thought how many embittered lives there are all about us , misanthropic , morbid , acrid , saturn ine ? The European plant from which wormwood is extracted , Artemisia ab sinthium , is a perennial plant , and all the year round it is ready to exude its oil. And in many human lives there is a perennial distillation of acrid ex periences. Yea , there are some whose whole work is to shed a baleful influ ence on others. There are Attilas of the home , Attilas of the social circle , Attilas of the church , Attilas of the state , and one-third of the waters of all the world , if not two-thirds of the waters are poisoned by the fa' * Jg of the star Wormwood. It is not com plimentary to human nature that most men , as soon as they get great power , become overbearing. The more power men have the better , if their power be used for good. The less power men have the better if they use it for evil. Birds circle round and round and round before they swoop upon that ' ' which''they are aiming for. And if my discourse so far has been swinging round and round , this moment it drops straight on your heart , and asks the question , Is your life a benediction to others , or an embitterment , a blessing or a curse , a balsam or a wormwood ? Some of you , I know , are morning stars , and you are making the dawning life of your children bright with gra cious influences , and you are beaming upon all the opening enterprises of philanthropic and Christian endeavor , and you are heralds of that day of Gos- pelization which will yet flood all the mountains and valleys of our sin-ac cursed earth. Hail , morning star ! Keep on shining with encouragement and Christian hope ! - Some-of-you are evening stars , and you are cheering the last days of old people ; and though a cloud sometimes comes over you through the querrul- ousness or unreasonableness of your aged father and mother , it is only for a moment , and the star soon comes out clear'n and is seen from all the balcoii. , > f the neighborhood. The old people will forgive your occasion al shortcomings , for they themselves several times lost their patience with you when you were young , and per haps whipped you when you did not deserve it. Hail , evening star ! Hang on the darkening sky your diamond coronet. * * What is true of individuals Is true of nations. God sets them up to revolve as stars , but they may fall wormwood. Tyre the atmosphere of the desert , fragrant with spices coming in cara vans to her fairs ; all seas cleft Into foam by the keels of her laden mer chantmen ; her markets rich with horses and camels rom Togarmah ; the bazaar filled with upholstery from De- dan , with emerald and coral and agate from Syria , with mines from Helbon , with embroidered work from Ashur and Chllmad. Where now the gleam of her towers ? where the roar of her chariots ? where the masts of her ships ? Let the fishermen who dry their nets where once she stood ; let the sea that rushes upon the barrenness where once she challenged the admiration of all nations ; let the barbarians who set their rude tents where once her pal aces glittered , answer the questions. She was a star , but by her own sin turned to wormwood , and has fallen. Hundred-gated Thebes for all time to be the study of antiquarian and hieroglyphist ; her stupendous ruins spread over twenty-seven miles ; her sculptures presenting in figures of war rior and chariot the victories with which the now forgotten kings of Egypt shook the nations ; her obelisks and columns ; Karnac and Luxor , the stupendous temples of her pride ! Who can imagine the greatness of Thebes in those days , when the hippodrome rang with her sports and foreign roy alty bowed at her shrines , and her avenues roared with the wheels of pro cessions in the wake of returning con querors ? What dashed down the visIon - Ion of chariots and temples and thrones ? What hands pulled upon the columns of her glory ? What ruthlessness - ness defaced her sculptured wall and broke obelisks and left her indescrib able temples great skeletons of gran ite ? What spirit of destruction spread the lair of wild beasts in her royal sepulchers - ulchers , and taught the miserable cot tagers of today to build huts in the courts of her temples , and sent deso lation and ruin skulking behind the obelisks and dodging among the sar cophagi , and leaning against the col umns , and stooping under the arches , and weeping in the waters which go mournfully by , as though they were carrying the tears of all ages ? Let the mummies break their long silence and come up to shiver in the desola tion , and point to fallen gates and shattered statues and defaced sculp ture , responding : "Thebes built not one temple to God. Thebes hated right eousness and loved sin. Thebes was a star , but she turned to wormwood and has fallen. " * * * From the persecutions of the Pil grim Fathers and the Huguenots in other lands , God set upon these shores a nation. The council-fires of the aborigines rigines went out in the greater light of a free government. The sound of the war-whoop was exchanged for the thousand wheels of enterprise and progress. The mild winters , the fruit ful summers , the healthful skies , charmed from other lands a race of hardy men , who loved God and wanted to be free. Before the woodman's axe forests fell , and rose again into ships' masts and churches' pillars. Cities on the banks of the lakes began to rival cities by the sea. The land quakes with the rush of the rail car , and the waters are churned white with the steamer's wheel. Fabulous bushels of Western wheat meet on the way fabu lous tons of Eastern coal. Furs from the North pass on the rivers fruits from the South. And trading in the same market are Maine lumberman , and South Carolina rice merchant , and Ohio farmer , and Alaska fur dealer. And churches and schools and asy lums scatter light and love and mercy and salvation upon seventy millions of people. I pray that our nation may not copy the crimes of nations that have per ished ; that our cup of blessing turn not to wormwood and we go down. I am by nature and by grace an optimist , and I expect that this country will continue to advance until the world shall reach the millennial era. Our only safety is in righteousness toward God and Justice toward man. If we forget the goodness of. the Lord to this land , and break his Sabbaths , and im prove not by the dire disasters that have again and again come to us as a people , and we learn saving lesson neither from civil war nor raging epi demic , nor drought , nor mildew , nor scourge of locust and grasshopper ; if the political corruption which has poisoned the fountains of public vir tue , and beslimed the high places of authority , making free government at times a hissing and a byword in all the earth ; if the drunkenness and li centiousness that stagger and blas pheme in the streets of our great cities as though they were reaching after the fame of a Corinth and a Sodom , are not repented of , we will yet sea the smoke of our nation's ruin ; the pil lars of our National and State Cap itols will fall more disastrously than when Samson pulled down Dagon ; and future historians will record , upon the page bedewed with generous tears , the story that the free nation of the West arose in splendor which made the world stare ; it had magnificent possi bilities. It forgot God. It hated jus tice. It hugged its crimes. It halted on its high march. It reeled under the blow of calamity. It fell. And as It was going down , all the despotisms of earth , from the top of bloody thrones , began to shout : "Aha ! so would we have it ! " while struggling and op pressed peoples looked out from dun geon bars , with tears and groans , and cries of untold agony , the scorn of those , and the woe of these , uniting in the exclamation : "Look yonder ! 'There fell a great star from heaven , burning as It were a lamp , and it fell upon the third part of the rivers , and upon the fountains of waters ; and the name of the star Is called Worm wood ! ' " WITH APPENDICITIS. She Suffered , bat Announced There "Was a Cure In Sight. A woman from near Sabatis came into Lewiston after a doctor to go out and visit her dau * er , who was ill in bed , as she said , the other nignt. The woman explained that once a week as sure as a certain night came around , the daughter was taken ill and went to bed with all the symptoms of appen dicitis , as soon as supper time came. The doctor didn't like going out to Sabatis in the cold , but went. The woman said that her daughter didn't know that she was coming in after the doctor. She had gone to bed and locked the door of her room. When there , the doctor warmed himself while AI the lady went up to tell her daughter that the doctor was there. In a little while the woman came down , and , with a scared face , said that the door was locked and she could not arouse the girl. The doctor went up and tried to shake open the door , but it would not shake. So the father of the young lady put his shoulder to the door and forced it open. There was no one - * the room , and the bed had not been tumbled. That they were startled is putting it light. They adjourned to the \ kitchen , and finally went out to search for the girl. Nothing was found of her , and the next morning they were talking of it at breakfast time when * down she came from the bedroom as if she had been asleep in her bed all _ night. The consternation on their faces" showed that she was found out , and she confessed that she had been going to dances once a week ; and that in stead of being ill when she went to bed. she went out her window , and in that way found her way to the street , where a beau waited for her. "But I am go ing to be married now , and it will not make much difference whether I go to the dance with your consent or not , " she said. Lewiston Journal. MEXICO'S SIGN LANGUAGE. Its Shading * and Suggestions Are Be yond All Translation. Mexico is a land of many tongues ; but above the Indian dialects and Spanish there is one universal lan guage , the language of signs , says Modern Mexico. It is the most ex pressive of all ; the Mexican eye and hand are eloquent members. It is capable of infinite variation ; its shadings - ings and suggestions are beyond all translation. But there are certain ges tures that have a fixed meaning , a sig nification well understood to every na tion and every tribe from Guatemala to Texas. A general upward move-1 ment of the body , shoulders shrugged , eyebrows raised , lips pouted , the palms outspread vary in meaning from "I don't know and I don't care" to a most respectful , "Really , sir , I do not under stand you. " The index finger moved rapidly from right to left , generally before the face , means , "No more , " or simply "No. " To move the right hand palm outward from the body toward another person means. "Just wait ; I'll . " The index finger be even with you yet. ger on the temple , moved with a boring twist means , "He's drunk. " The right hand held to the lips three fingers doubled , thumb and little finger erect , varies from "He drinks" to "Have one with me. " To move the open hand over the cheek in imitation of a razor has reference to the idiom "playing the barber" and means "to flatter. " All four fingers and the thumb held points together and moved toward the mouth means "to eat. " The right hand held before the face , the two middle fingers moving rapidly , is a familiar saluta tion. Two commercial travelers were com paring notes. "I have been out three weeks , " said the first , "and I have only got four orders. " "Tbat beats me , " said the other. "I have been out four weeks , and have only got one order , and tbat's from the firm to coma home. "