JT W I i fifi fiS fi All you who have Smalt Feet § b * SOLD SI I Come to the S OLD RELIABLE I SHOE STORE I and get a pair of shoes AT A BARGAIN I All other goods sold i at a reduction. 1 1I 1i I \ wm H J. F. GANSCHOW. HH ! B3SSiK $ Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $60,000 coo < ? E0. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. itMO RESTS Family Magazine FOR Tlio subscription price of Dcmorctt's- . is reduced to 51-00 a year. DEMOREsT'S contains more matter , artistic , sc entific , social and practical than any other ou magazine contains. whole family. It is a magazine for the . literary magazine. matter as an exclusively much general It gives as . It treats household topics as fully as a strictly domestic journal. matter for young people as a strictl much interesting It gives as . much fashion news as a strictl people's publication. It gives as young , illustrated , and carefully editec fashion paper. It is beautifully printed is in every way far ahead c Demorest'S Magazine Fashion Department . Subscribers are entitled eac \ that contained in any other publication. of the latest fashions in women's attire , at no cost t month to patterns and wrapping. them other than that necessary for postage . order , registered letter or check to Remit Ji.oo by money DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE , 110 Fifth Avenue , New York City. Great special clubbing offer for prompt subscriptions. ONLY $ I.TS FOR The McCook Tribune and Demorest's Family flagazine Send subscriptions to tins office. GOVERNOR OF OREG OSES PE-RU-NA IN HIS FAMIL COLDS AND PRONOUNCES IT EXCELLENT REMEDY. Any man who wishes p health must be entirely free siitarrh. Catarrh is well-nig ] rersal ; almost omnipresent , ru-ua is the only absolute uard known. A cold is th ginning of catarrh. To pi solds , to cure colds , is to che : arrh out of its victims. Pe- lot only cures , bnt prevent ; arrh. Every household shon mpplied with this great re 'or coughs , colds and so fortl The Governor of Oregon irdent admirer of Pe-ru-na. ceeps it constantly in the 1 [ n a recent letter to Dr. Hai le says : "State of Oregon , Exec Department , Salem , May 9 , The Pe-ru-na Medicine Co. , C < 3us , Ohio. Dear Sirs I hav > ccnsiou to use your Pe- nedicine in my" family for i md it proved to be an exc remedy. I have not had occ o use it for other ailments. "Yours very truly , "W. M. LOR : It will be noticed that the urnor says he has not had occ o use Pe-ru-na for other ailn Che reason for this is , most lilments begin with a cold , ug Pe-ru-na to promptly jolds , he protects hisfi igainst other ailments. Tl exactly what every other fam United States should do. ? e-ru-ua in the house. Use : oughs , colds , la grippe , and slimatic affections of wintei ihere will be no other ailmei lie house. Such families s ! provide themselves with a co Or. Hartinau's free book , en 'Winter Catarrh. " Address 3artman , Columbus , Ohio. Tribune Clubbing List. For convenience ot readers of THE INK , we have made arrangements w and perodicals wire olio wing newspapers ire can supply them in combination wil TRIBUNE at the following very low prii PUBLICATION. PRICE. T { ) etroit Free Press i oo .eslie's Weekly. 400 'rairie Farmer oo Chicago Inter-Ocean oo 'incinnati Enquirer. oo Jew-York Tribune oo ) emorest's Magazine oo ToledoBlade oo Nebraska Farmer " oo owa Homestead oo -incoln Journal oo 'ampbell's Soil-Culture oo lew-York World oo ) mahaBee oo Cosmopolitan Magazine oo It. Louis Republic oo Kansas City Star 25 Nebraska Dairyman and Up- to-Date Farmer 50 Cansas City Journal , weekly. 25 Cansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo We are prepared to fill orders for anj iapers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Try McMillan's Cough Cure. Tabler's Buckeye Pile ointment tanacea , but is recommended foi > nly. These it will cure. Price tottles ; tubes 750 at McConnell's. 'McMillen's Cream Lotion. Faults of digestion cause disord he liver , and the whole system be leranged. Herbine perfects the p > f digestion and assimilation , am nakes pure blood. Price 250 at IcConnell's. THB TRIBUNE and The Cine Veekly Enquirer forr.5oayear , si i advance. The smallest thing mny exert the st influence. DeWitt's Little Earl rs are unequalled for overcoming tipation and liver troubles. Smal est pill , safe pill. A. McMillen. THE MCCOOK TRIBUTE , the 0 Veekly Bee and the Cosmopolitan zine , all three for $2. You can't b NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In County Court , within and for Rev > \v County , Nebraska , February iSth , i ic matter of the estate of Mathilda 1 eceased. To the creditors of said 'ou are hereby notified that I will sit aunty court room in McCook , in said c n the l6th day of August , 1899 , at 10 c .m.to receive and examine all claims a lid estate , with a view to their adjus nd allowance. ' 1 he time limited for tl : ntation of claims against said estati lonths from the I5th day of February ? 99 , and the time limited for paym ebts is one year from said I5th day of' ry.iSga. Witness my hand and the seal o Dunly court , this I5th day of Februarj [ SEAL ] G. S. BISHOP , County Ju NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , J : 1,1899. Notice is hereby eiven that t iwing-named settler has filed notice itention to make final proof in support aim , and that said proof will be made ic register or receiver of the U. S. Lai : e at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , Fel ; , 1899 , viz : George M. Mohler , guard ! ioritz Mohler , Homestead entry No. > r the EH.NW . X and W H NE X of s 5 , township 4 , north of range 29 wesl imes the following witnesses to pro intinuous residence upon and cultivat dd land , viz : Charles E. Werner , Box eb , , and John S. Modrell , William Jol id Sylvanus Modrell , all of McCook 20-6ts. F. M. RATH BUN , Regi District Court Proceedings. Below \ve give the proceedings of th term of district court held in McCooV last week. Many cases were continued and of these no mention is made : CONFIRMATIONS. People's Building , Loan & Savings Associc lion vs. Samuel R. Smith et al. The McKinleytLanning L.&T.Co. vs. Joh F. Black , et al. Alfred Reed vs. Moses Y. Starbuck et al. J. Wesley Angel vs. Tillman C. Orman am Lettie M. Orman. Luclla C. Crandall vs. Wm. H. Hulick et a Charles Biddleman vs. John M. Snodgras : tal. Thomas B. Hughes vs. Samuel Ball et al. Hattie A. Conklin vs. Maiy E. Johnston. Horace A. Greenwood vs. Michael Kcarn md Ella Kcarns. Asahel L. Clark vs. J. Byron Jennings. Leroy L. Miller vs. John M. Francis , Saral arvis et al. Delia A. Dunham vs. James Barber et al. Asa Perkins vs. Susan F. Calkins et al. Hugh A. McGaughey vs. Cornelius J. Ryar Mary J. Ryan et al. Maggie Brooks et al. vs. Frank P. Kellogi : tal. Joseph Menard vs. Charles Pomeranke. Ella M. Little vs. Frank King , Martha ] iing et al. George A.Kelsey vs. Rufus M.Snavely et a ! The McCook Loan & Trust Company et a : rs. Edgar A. Seaver , Alice V. Seaver et al. George A.Kelsey vs. Albert Halverson , Juli rlalverson et al. Ellery W. Davis as executor vs. John W ? ifcr , Ora Fifer et al. In'the matter of the estate of Michael Tra\ : rs , deceased. Burdett Lufkin vs.Mary A.Walters , admin stratrix , et al. Charles H. Boyle vs. Page T. Francis et ai German Insurance Co. vs. Mathias Stadlei : t al. * Winnie D. Stoddard vs. Sigmund Seamor DECREES OF FORECLOSURE. Evan Baker vs. Martin Rinck , Mary A ilinck et al. David Brown vs. Cornelius J. Ryan , Mary J ilyan et al. Henry Rice , William Stix et al. vs. Georg 3. Castle , S. Belle Castle et al. Michael Morris vs. Albert E. Lang , Mar ; -ang et al. Nebraska Loan & Trust Company vs. Chas 2bert , Mina Ebert et al. Nebraska Loan & Trust Company vs. Johi , V. Hall , Sarah J. Hall et al. Lewis M. Hall vs. John Howater , Mrs. Johi I o water et al. The Western Land Company vs. Georg > V. Bowden et al. George A. Kelsey vs. Charles C. Seng et al Mi Addie Tiffie vs. Michael Kearns , Nelli { ears et al. Mary E. Harpening vs. Frank Fewell , Ev ; V. Fewell et al. Eugenia H. Macfarlan vs. George W. Gro er , Anna M. Graver et al. Nettie L. Cronkhite vs George B. Dimmit tal. Richard Lamb vs. James E.Wingate et al. James W. Hupp vs. Abram Decker , Mahal ; T. Decker et al. Nora M. Kellcy vs. Charles D. Cramer et al Citizens Bank of McCook vs. George H futtle. et al. Sarah A. Jarvis vs. John M. Francis et al. Joseph T. Murtagh vs. Jeremiah H. War icldetal. DISMISSED. Allen C. Clyde vs. E. R. Banks et al. Eacl tarty to pay own costs. A. Baillaige vs. Heyman Controwitz. Orlando L.Thompson vs. Jacob H. Berge. William Coleman vs. Thomas M. Warne. H. Hupp vs. William R. Pennington ct al. MISCELLANEOUS. D. W. C. Beck vs. Solomon Premer et a iale set aside. J. R. Bullock vs. Roland R. Woods. Jenni . Woods et al. Sale set aside. Charles T. Brewer vs. E. Jordan , appea ! lourt found for defendant. John G. H. Brinton vs. Estate of Josepl iVilliams , deceased , appeal. Judgment fo jlaintiff. Joseph S. McBrayer vs. William O. Bond ippeal. Judgment for plaintiff. Sophia Griswold vs. James B. Griswold , in unction. Judgment for plaintiff. Arthur S. Dodge vs. Isaac M. Smith , Nels J ohnson , transcript. Judgment for defendant Application of the Congregational Churcl if McCook. Nebraska , for an order to mort age real estate. Allowed to mortgage fo ; 6oo. In the matter of the estate of Alta Haley Arthur Haley , Teressa Haley , Barnidin laley , minor heirs of Bernard V. Haley , peti ion for license to sell. Objection to license ustained. Charles II. IIarraan vs. Adolph Rieschick Receiver appointed. , U rhe Man Who Toils is the man who ought j have the best things to eat , because Is system requires it. Workingmen tid everybody else who want the best j eat come to our shop. We run the est butcher shop in the city. Our place i clean. The meats we sell are tender nd fresh ami the prices low enough to lit anybody. If you knew how particu- satisfaction , you'd ir we are to give ever buy elsewhere. EVERIST , MARSH & CO. ARRIVING DAILY. Call and see the New Dress Goods and Silks for Spring. B In Embroideries and Laces we have a Good Assortment at prices that are Very Reasonable. See our stock before i you buy. $ % 1I 1 We have Bargains for you in every I department of our store. I Ladies' Huslin Underwear. Ladies' Shirt Wuists. Ladies' Dress Skirts. 1 ' ' ' Shoes. Ladies' , Men's and Children's 1 Men's and Boys' Clothing. 2 3 Get our prices on Groceries. You can save money by sending us orders in this department. THE . . . . 1 I ore + * * O. L. DeGROFF & CO. l i jS * jOcjzfik JV -jyj f. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. I ITIZENS BANK f OF MeCOOK , NEB. I Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , § 5,000 4 = DIRECTORS = ' . FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAH , C. H. WILLARD. 1 , , WHITE'S CREAM .MS ! VERMIFUGE . i Jlost ia Quantity. BcstiaQnalitr- 20 Years'Has Led aEI Worm Besnsdigs , > * & & * & & red by- s JARSES BALLARD , St. Loui&X At L. W. MeCOXXELL & CO.'S. Dangers of the Grip. The greatest danger from La Grippe is of its resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used , however , and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken , all danger will be avoided. Among the tens af thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe we have yet to learn of a jingle case having resulted in pneumonia which shows conclusively that this remedy of that dangerous edy is a certain preventive gerous disease. It will cure la grippe in less time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. Writing paper in bulk and box , with envelopes to match , at very reasonable figures THK TRIBUNE. McCouuell's Balsam cures coughs. Mr. S.VA. . Fackler , editor of the Mican- Hustler with his wife and ) py ( Fla. ) , : hi'dren , suffered terribly with la grippe. Due Minute Cough Cure was the only emedy that helped them. It acted juickly. Thousands of others use this emedy as a specific for la grippe , and ts exhausting after effects. McMillen's. i Frazer fixls grease * g'ga y S3f- Not affected by Heat or Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial. Paris and World's Fair. Manufactured FRAZER LUBRICATOR GO , , Factories : Chciago , SL LoeU , New Tort DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure. Pleasant , Quick Qetute. 5atc to take.