The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 24, 1899, Image 4

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Published by Request.
[ An Act to amend section forty-seven hi
and forty-six of the Revised Statuti
of the United States. ]
Be it euacted by the Senate
House of Bepresentives of
United States of America in
gress assembled , That se
forty-seven hundred and fort
of the Eevised Statutes of
United States is hereby ame
to read as follows :
"That every person who k
ingly or willfully makes or
or assists in the making , or in
wise procures the making or
eutation of any false or fraudi
affidavit , declaration , certifi
voucher , or paper or writing
porting to be such , concerning
claim for pension or pay ;
thereof , or pertaining to any (
matter within the jnrisdictio
the Commissioner of Pensioi
of the Secretary of the Intern
who knowingly or willfully n
or causes to be made , or ai (
assists in the making , or prei
or causes to be presented at
pension agency any power o
torney or other paper requir <
a voucher in drawing a pen
which paper bears a date si
querit to that upon which it
'actually signed or acknowle
by the pensioner , and every pt
befoie whom any declaration ,
davit , voucher , or other papt
writing to be used in aid ol
prosecution of any claim for
sion or bounty land or pay ;
thereof purports to have beei
ecuted who shall knowingly ce
that the declarant , affiant , on
ness named in such declara
affidavit , voucher , or other per
or writing personally appearec
fore him and was sworn the
or acknowledged the execi
thereof , when , in fact , such de
ant , affiant , or witness did not
Boually appear before'him or
not sworn thereto , or did nol
knowledged the execution the
shall be punished by a fine no
ceeding five hundred dollars , o
imprisonment for a term of
more than five years. "
Approved , July 7 , 1898.
C. F. Babcock was over :
McCook , Tuesday , on land 1
Mrs. H. V. Lord has been
sick again , but is some bettf
Mrs. A. C. Furmau and t
little girls are just recovering 1
Mr. and J. Havens were
Cook business visitors , Tuesdr
this week.
' There is a great amount of i
ness in and around Daubur
present : Measles and grip fim
entrance into almost every hi
Friday morning , George E
a young man living just sout
town was kicked by a horse ,
leg being broken. Dr. De.
was called to attend him.
Miles Renuer of Brnnuing ,
braskn , ami Effie A. Allen of
place were united in marriagi
Wednesday morning by Rev. " \ \
gen of the Methodist church.
John Cantral , assistant oper
\ at the depot here , stepping fro
car , wrenched his ankle and i
feared fractured n boue , and is
fering severely. He is being ci
for at the home of Dr. DeMav ,
Larry McEntee is visiting in
county seat , today.
Ferd Verling had business
the west-end city , today.
Geo. S. Hill bad business in
county seat , Wednesday.
Fred Beardslee came down f
McCook , Sunday , on a visit.
Charles Beardslee and Clan
Dolan were McCook visitors ,
Mrs. Kate Finn went up to . '
Cook , Monday , to wait on her
ter , Mrs. Dennis Cullen , whc
gick , this week.
Jas. Finnegau is again lei
cars for Farrish & Smith.
J. A. Finnegan was looking
the county capital , this week ,
Chas. Jackson has taken a
tion with the B. & M. at this ]
Miss Grace Brown is vis
her grandparents in Indie
this week.
D. B. Fletcher was a visit
the county capitol on a bus
mission , Saturday last.
W. L. Irvine went down t <
braska City with a car of hog
J. H. Bosenfelt , Monday.
J. Fletcher made a businesi
to the seat of county affairs , ' .
day , returning the following r
J. Walkingtou went do\v
South Omaha , Tuesday , with
of cattle and one of hogs o
own raising.
W. H. Sipe visited here
his brother , J. B. Sipe , Tut
night , going to Stockville th
lowing morning.
Geo. Theobald , who has
here for some time looking
business interests , departed fc
home , Astor , Iowa , Tuesday r
J. H. Keys has received a
signment of binders and wi
business for the McCormick
vester Company , the coming
C.W. Keys and wife , Ageni
low and wife and F. A. Wals\
visited a few hours in the con
Sunday afternoon , with Mr ,
Mrs. A. G. Keys.
Mrs. Orman went down to ]
rege , Monday morning , to loc
ter the wellfare of her son ,
was reported to be having a
of measles. He accompanies
on her return , Tuesday.
A. N. and J. C. Puckett
pilgrims to Omaha , the cli
days of last week. The fo
expects to have an operation
formed on one of his eyes , v
in some i
was injured way
husking corn , last fall.
It is rumored that Professo
V. Patch and Harry Aden hav
aigned their positions as teai
in their respective schools and
go to California where they
have a position offered them
more remunerative considers
Perry Premer having concl
to abandon the "star" part he
been playing at his old pla <
business , "The Star Bestaur
has sold his controlling interc
a brother of the senior partm
0. "Wolf , who takes possessic
Mrs.C. E. Williams was vis
in Cambridge , Monday , gne
Mrs. P. L. Ellis. The occi
was a birthday dinner which
brated Father Ellis' eighty-
anniversary. He was prese
with a pretentious and comf
ble arm chair.
The Bartley February stocl
jhange quotes dray line stock
premium , and Guy Curlee tool
rantage of the raise and got
inder. Will Cowles is the
Dossessor , and for an indef
Deriod he will transfer coal
with affable
) exes and things
Guy Curlee departed on N
Sunday evening , for McCook ,
ng accepted a position with
3arnett Lumber Company nt
) lace. He Las been one of
nosfc earnest members of the 1
ince its institution , and lea
racancy in that organization w
rill make itself noticable. Ai
Lustricois , honest and energ
'oung man , his departure is
: erely regretted by all.
Following is the program mi
he entertainment to be givei
he schools , tomorrow evening
! 5th. Proceeds will be dev
o the purchase of a school libi
Admission , 10 and 15 cents.
Recitation Sallic Mi
) ell Drill . ' . . . .Pri
ndian Club Drill Interim
'ableau "Rock of Ages" Lelah 1
lecitation "Spartacusto the Gladiators
L.V. :
lothcr Goose Medley Pri
Shaking Quakers" Interim
Company Q , Military Drill. . . . . .High S
lamp Life , Company Q HSghS
America" Whole S
Will Bixler was loading am
car of wheat , Tuesday.
Will Bixler has bought.a
quarter of improved land.
Wm. Divine took a load of
to McCook , Wednesday.
Mrs. Gerta Wales has
young chickens that "are 01
month old.
S. D. McClain , with the he
some neighbors , took 150 bu
of corn to town , Tuesday.
Wm. Heun , Sr. , fell from a
of straw and had a shoulder
three ribs broken , and was o
wise bruised. It was a hard
but he will get over it.
Wm. Colemau sold the Co
Ford farm , Tuesday , to Enoc !
McAuinch of Monroe , Neb.
will arrive here about the m
of next week and take posses
Heurich Oellerich , with th
sistance of two neighbors ,
Wednesday , delivered in Me
150 bushels of wheat he had
tracted when it was 50 cents
Last Friday was the last d ;
school at the Coleman s <
house. The parents attested
appreciation of the teacher ii
persevering labors by appearii
the school house just before
noon hour , with baskets and I
ets filled with all kinds of goo
A table was prepared and a
spread. The teacher was com
ed to the head of the table an
signed the post of honor. T <
there was a general good time
to express it.
Hank Smith was in town o.
those coldest days , and this i
way he tells it : "On my way <
to McCook I commenced to \
tie. I could keep the turn
right but I couldn't hear any \
tje , so I commenced to sing
just seemed I could follow
tune right along , but I cou
hear any noise. When I g <
town I ran into a restaurant-
one right by Menard's store ,
know to get warm. Well
don't you know I just bega
thaw out , and there came a si
in the room like somebody sin
away off , softly. It gradually <
nearer and louder until it see
right in the room , you k
Well sir , we all looked 'round ,
know , but couldn't see any I
singing. Then it stopped ,
don't you know , we heard i
one whistling , and it "was awa
too , you know , but it came ne
and louder until it seemed as
was right in the room , you k
Well sir , we didn't know win
make of this strange music uu
happened to think these s <
were the same I had sung
whistled on the way down ,
then it was all plain as day ,
know. You see , on the way d
it was so cold that the song
whistle froze up as it came 01
my mouth and that's why I d
hear it : but when I got into
warm room it all thawed out ,
know , and then we had the mui
Mrs. Clay Shepherd was c
ill , last week.
Farmers are encouraged b\
late moisture.
Henry Carothers has been
"or some time.
1. B. Stryker sold a porker ,
week , that weighed over
Douutls. Who doesn't believe
axpausion ?
Alva Brown , formerly of
precinct , now of Hoseburg , Orej
Duried his little five-year
3aughter , Monday , February 1
at their western home.
Highest Honors World's F
OR ,
pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder ,
rom Ammonia , Alum or any other adulte
D. A. Waterman is talking
having a sale and moving to tow
in the near future.
F. S. Severn finished threshii
968 bushels of wheatlast Monde
averaging 12 bushels per acre.
i . Edna Bitchie , a niece of Mi
Marquis , will start for her form
home in Mansfield , O. , next wee
It is rumored that Dave Mee
is away after a wife. That's rigl
Dave , you have kept bach lei
Amos Thomas has purchaaed <
acres of land just north of tow
where he will build and make L
future home.
C.E.King , a former merchant
Lebanon , started on Monday , wi
his family , on a visit to the nort
ern part of the state , to be go
several months.
. The social held at Dr.B.B.Cam
bell's residence , last Friday eve
ing , under auspices of the ladit
aid society , was a success in eve
particular. Those attending i
port a splendid time.
The literary entertainment giv
by the primary grade of our pu
lie school was well attended , le
Friday , by the patrons of the di
trict. All selections were well re
dered , showing careful training 1
the teacher , Miss Walkington.
Moving is the fashion.
Bobert Bogers will shortly mo
into his new home.
Henry Gale is going to mo
on to the Jew ranch.
N. Ploussard will move on
Menand's upper farm.
Clara LeHew was among the
who visited the Endeavor , Sundi
Washington's birthday was o
served by a special programme
school , Tuesday afternoon.
Boy Barnes took dinner with ]
C. Bowman , Sunday ; and then , i
evening came on , went to Endeav *
in "that buggy. "
Messrs. Chaa. Watson and E
Cann will address the South Sic
Christian Endeavor society , ne
Sunday evening , February 26t
All are cordially invited.
We South Siders think it mea
indeed , for a young man to mal
his sweetheart do the drivir
when it's as cold as it was , tl
twelfth. Last Sunday it was m
quite so bad.
E. S. Dutcher's family visited i
Hitchcock countyfirst of the wee
Spring seeding will begin befoi
March first , if this open weatlu
We understand that Julius Co (
per will tend the Suttou place , tli
Doming season.
Fred Burton and family spei
Sunday with Archie Speers' pa ;
3nts of Mrs. Burton.
We understand that considert
ale improvement is in view aboi
V ailton in the way of buildiu
'eucing , breaking laud , etc.
Neighbor Zimmerman will re
nove with his family to Franki )
iounty , this state. We regret t
ese this sterling citizen from on
E. W. Harris hauled some ret
jorn down from Hitchcock count }
he close of last week. He foun
he rends pretty niuddy for the
dud of work , but Ed is used t
he rends of that country.
Mr. Miller found his tenm c
lorses south of the Driftwoodthe
laving been wandering about an
dudiug his search for severe
veek. They were in good conditio
vheu he recovered them , regard
ess of the long and continued col
AN increase of the regular arm ;
s quite probable.
Two ballots were taken , yester
[ ay , resulting in Hayward getting
19 , Thompson 18 , Webster 10.
SOME more lively fighting is re
lorted from Manila , this week , ii
rhich the First Nebraska gave i
; oed account of itself as usual. 1
lesperate attempt was made by tin
ebels to burn Manila.
Are You Married
to any old place to trade ? If not , please look
over this partial list of our goods and see if you
are not paying too much.
4-Pint Tin Cups for
10-Inch Flat Mill File , each
10-Quart Galvanized Iron
Hails , all common sizes , per pound
Three Dozen Clothes Pins for
Corn Starch , 1Ib , papers , each 5c.
Laundry Starch , 1Ib. . papers , each 5c.
5c. for 25c.
Garden Seeds , 8 regular pkgs
Nursing Bottles with Tube and Cleaners 15c.
> 69c.
' Dictionary
Webster's International
Our goods are all new and bright and clean , J
with prices lower than ever before. '
McCOOK , -
'V % v % ' ' %
Modern Merchandising
is as different from that of a gen
eration ago as modem housekeeping is unlike that of grandmoth
er's time. In those days ye merchant was called a storekeeper
andfhis efforts were possibly sufficient to his times. His stock
consisted of Blue Jeans , "Factory" Calicos , Sole Leather , Candlewick -
wick , Ax-Heads , Sugars , Teas , Coffees , and a few other primitive
necessities. Not a ready-to-wear article of any kind in stock ; not
a single thing different from last year's assortment ; style , mode ,
fit , finish , were terms and things foreign to the place.
How Different
is the modern store ! Its very ex
istence is dependent upon its ability to cater to the individual
tastes of the customer in matters of color , design , combination and
form , in offering the latest styles of made and unmade garments
for every season and every use.
Our Merchandising
is fully modem in the above re
spects. We make a study of our business. Our goods are care
fully selected for their good colors , their good styles , their suffi
cient weight , count , size and finish. Tape measure , magnifying
glass , scales and 20 years' experience in our line are all employed
in the buying of our goods , which are right in all respects.
We are headquarters for Men's Shirts , Overalls , Pants , Jack
ets , Etc. , Etc. Good Work Shirts , 29c. ; Overalls , 39c. ; Jackets ,
39c. ; Leather Work Gloves , 20c. ; Leather Suspenders , 25c.
In Meeker McCOOK , NEB.
Adj. County Offices. GEO. E. THOMPSON.McCOOK
Preaching was well attended.
Mrs. Jacob Pickrel hns boon
sick , but is better.
It was six degrees below zero ,
Wednesday morning.
Literary every Wednesday even
ing at Anderson's school-house.
A little fair-haired damsel came
to live with Abe Myer and wife ,
one day last week.
Bev. Vivian and wife , Mr. Mant-
sal and wife were guests of the Sly
family , Sunday , nt dinner.
Misses Thompson and Marsh
and Messrs. Thompson and Scott
were visitors at the home of Harry
Wade , Sunday.
Mrs. By field is shipping
hares to Missouri , this week.
Frauk Hess and family have-
moved on the old Buck farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bandall are-
rejoiciug over the arrival , on the-
loth , of n twelve-pound sou.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Black are-
the proud parents of a little girl
which arrived on the llth iust.
Mrs. Canaga and Wm. Crock-
ford go to Kansas , this week , boiu -
summoned thither by the illness oC
their aged mother.
James Hess has done a thriving
business about here selling n steam *
cooker. Every one seemed well
pleased with the method of cook
ing a dinner all at once and in one-
vessel , and nothing scorched.