13y F. M. KIM * ' OFFICIAL COU TROUBLE. , juT of Motherhood is the 5f Much Anxiety to All. an dreads the ordeal > .vhich she must pass in beconv other. The pain and suffering W Sh Js in store for her is a source oi constant anxiety , fear and dread , tc f Bay nothing of the danger which the coming incident entails. The joyous anticipations with which she looks for ward to baby's coming gives way to an indescribable dread of the ordeal when she fully realizes the critical and trylnn event which will soon approach and have to be endured. Women should hail with delight a remedy which insures to them im munity from the pain , suffering and danger incidental to child-bearing. Such a remedy is now offered , arid women need not fenr longer the hour oi childbirth. "Mother's Friend' ' ! * a scientific liniment and if used before confinement , gently and surely prepares the body for the great requirement ! ] and changes it is undergoing , intures safety to both mother and child , and takes her through the event with com- ease and comfort. This won- Sarative erful remedy is praised by eyerj woman who has used it. What woman is not interested in "Mother's Friend ? " This wonderful remedy has been tested and its price less value proven by the experience of thousands of happy mothers who have used it during the most critical period of woman's life the approach nd culmination of motherhood : . It has won their everlasting praise , for it gave them help and hope in their most trying hour and when most needed. Every woman may some day need "Mother's Friend. " The little "book , "Before Baby is Born , " telling all about it , and when it should be used , will prove of great interest and benefit to all expectant mothers , and "will be sent free to any address upon application to the Bradfield Regulator Company , Atlanta , Ga. Two More Excursions to Hot Springs. Those who find it inconvenient or im possible to leave home during the sum mer months will be interested in the announcement that on the r4th and aSth of February , the Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets to Hot Springs at half rates. Tickets are good for thirty da } s from date of issue long enough for visitors to receive substantial benefit from a course of treatment at the Springs. Hot Springs' largest hotel , the Evans , as well as its principal bathhouses are open through the year. Hot Springs' climate , even in midwinter , is clear , dry and sunny not nearly as cold , as a rule , as that of Nebraska. For tickets and information about train service , apply to nearest B. & M. R. R. R. ticket agent , or write to J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Om aha , Neb. " " 2-3-413. THE TRIBUNE and Demorest's Family Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in advance. The Ravages of Crip. That modern scourge , the Grip , poisons the air with its fatal germs , so that no home is safe from its ravages , but multi tudes have found a sure protection Against this dangerous malady in Dr. King's New Discovery. When you feel a soreness in your bones and muscles , have chills and fever , with sore throat , pain in the back of the head , catarrhal symptoms and a stubborn cough you may know you have the grip , and that you need Dr. King's New Discovery. It will promptly cure the worst cough , heal the inflamed membranes , kill the disease germs and prevent the dreaded after ef fects of the malady. Price 500 and $ r. Money back if not cured. A trial bottle free at McCounell's. A nice new line of vest pocket memor andums at THE TRIBUNE office. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Grip's Ravages Doomed. So much misery and so many deaths have been caused by the grip , that everyone -one should know what a wonderful rem edy for this malady is found in Dr. King's New Discovery. That distressing stubborn cough , that inflames your throat , robs you of sleep , weakens your system and paves the way for consump tion is quickly stopped by this matchless cure. If you have chills and fever , pain in the back of the head , soreness in bones and muscles , sore throat and that cough that grips your throat like a vice , you need Dr. King's New Discovery to cure your grip , and prevent pneumonia or consumption. Price 500 and $1.00. Honey back if not cured. A trial bottle free at McConnell's. Tablets and Box Papers. "You will find a fine line of tablets and box papers at this office for sale at very reasonable figures and of the best qual ity. La grippe is again epidemic. Every precaution should be taken to avoid it. Its specific cure is One Minute Cough Cure. A. J. Shepherd , pnblisher Agri cultural Journal and Advertiser , Elden , Ho.says ; "No one will be disappointed iu using One Minute Cough Cure for la gripple. " Pleasant to take , quick to act. A. McMillen. . _ McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. To insure a happy new year , keep the liver clear and the body vigorous by us ing DeWitt's Little Early Risers , the famous little pills for constipation and -liver troubles. A. McMillen. THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa per you may want. Try it. Are you restless at night , and harassed by a bad cough ? Use Ballard's Horehound - hound Syrup , it will secure you sound sleep , and effect a prompt and radical cure Price 250 and 500 at McConnell's. One Minute Cough Cure , cures. That Is what It was d for. Box Elder Circuit. Sunday-school at Box Elder churcl every Sunday at ro a.m. Church services at ii a. m. every two weeks dating fron Sunday , Dec. 4. Sunday-school at Re ( Willow school house every Sunday at : p. in. Church service at 3 p. m. ever ] two weeks dating from Sunday , Dec. 4 Sunday-school at Garden Prairie ap pointment every Sunday at 10 a. m , Preaching at 11 a. m. every two weeki dating from Dec. n. Preaching Bervict at Spring Creek at 3 p. m. every tvn weeks dating from Dec 11. D. L. MATSON , Pastor. George Kern Passes Away. Afier an illness of some length , GeorK < Kern of East McCook died , yeslertlaj morning. The funeral will occur on Sat urday from the German Congregationa church , Rev. W. F. Vogt conducting tht services. The deceased was born ir Russia , March 1st , 1841 The faniilj moved here from Holdrege not 1onj since. For La Grippe. Thomas Whitefield & Co ,240 Wabash av , corner Jackaon-st. , one of Chicago's oldest and most prominent druggists recommended Chamberlaiu's Cou > ; l Remedy for la grippe , as it not enl ) Hives a prompt and complete relief , bnl also counteracts any tendency of ! ; < grippe to result in pneumonia. Foi sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Coughiug injures and inflames sort lungs. One Minute Cough Cure loosem the cold , allays coughing and heal ; quickly. The best cough cure for chil dren. A. McMillen. TABLER'S BUCKEYE 'CURES ' NOTHING BUT PiLES. ( A SURE and CERTAIN CURE known for 15 years sis the BEST REMEDY for PILES. SOU ) BY AM , DRUGGISTS. Prapaaily EIOHA2DSOH USD. CO. , ST. L01H3. At L. W. McCONNELL & CO.'S. F.C. CORSETS MAKE American Beauties F'C' ' ' CORRECT SHAPES. ftRTISTIG EFFECTS ; All Lengths * OnEoohBoi. NEWEST MODELS. FANCY AND PLAIN. KAIAMAZOO CORSET 00 , , SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLD BY MRS. M. E. BARGER. Trie Deadly Grip Is again abroad in the land. The air you breathe may be full of its fatal ; erms. Don't neglect the "Grip" or rou will open the door to pneumonia and consumption and invite death. Its sure signs are chills with fever , headache , dull leavy pains , mucous discharges from the nose , sore throat and never-let-go congh. Don't waste precious time treating this cough with troches , tablets , or poor , cheap syrups. Cure it at once with Dr. king's New Discovery , the infallible remedy for bronchial troubles. It kills he disease germs , heals the lungs and ) revents the dreaded after effects from he malady. Price 50 cts. and $1.00. Honey back if not cured. A trial bottle ree at McCounell's. SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Best in the market. Paul Perry , of Columbus , Ga. , suffered agony for thirty years , and then cured lis piles by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , It heals injuries and skin dis eases like magic. A. McMillen. - McMillen's Cream Lotion. These are dangerous times for the icalth. Croup , colds and throat troubles ead rapidly to consumption. A bottle of One Minute Cough cure used at the ight time will preserve life.health and a arge amount of money. Pleasant to ake ; children like it. A. McMillen. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salv- Cares Plica. Scalds , Burns. QOLDENROD. I know a field , a sunny field. But not in sunny France , And there is neither glint of shield Nor gleam of pennoned lance , Nor does the wind toes knightly plnmea , Nor silken tents unfold , And yet in anttunn it becomes The field of the cloth of gold. For when the haze of summer days Baa melted from the skies And we , without reproof , may gaso Up into heaven's eyes , A host their plumes and banners shake In joust with breezes bold , And goldonrod's bright champions make The field of the cloth of gold. The butterflies with blazoned wings Are heralds for the fight , And many a lovely lady flings Her token to her knlaht. And so amid their gorgeous suite. With pomp and wealth untold , Bnmmor and autumn royally meet On the Held of the cloth of gold. Martha Hartford in St. Nicholas. FEAR OF RAIN IN CUBA. The Evil Effect of Water 1 * Not a Snperitltlon There. The average Cuban is afraid of rainwater. He believes drenching in a rainstorm , followed by exposure to the rays of the sun , pro duces fever not necessarily yellow fo yer , but an attack something similar to what is known as swamp fever in Mis sissippi or chagres in the isthmus ol Panama. The same belief prevails in Central and South America , but in a greater degree. On both coast lines of Nicaragua a light shower is the signal for a gen eral scampering indoors and a disin clination to come out again until the eky is perfectly clear. Up on the high plateau on which the city of Caracas in Venezuela is situated and where there should be little or no fear of fever the natives are afraid to get even their faces wet At the first appearance of a rainstorm the cab drivers , of whom there are more than 400 , put up oiloloth screens in front of them and direct the course of the horses through a couple of peepholes , avoiding even a slightsplash in the face. All strangers from northern latitudes visiting Caracas are advised that not only is rain dangerous , but that it is not safe to take a bath within ten days after their arrival. Men accustom ed to a daily plunge find this advice difficult to follow , especially in such a warm climate. Most of them disregard it and find that it does them no harm , and that it is a superstition based upon the laziness that follows a residence in an atmosphere so enervating that the dogs are too tired to get out of the way of the horse if the horse wasn't too tired to step on them. The Cuban fear of rain , however , is based upon experience and is not a mere superstition. New York Press. k Swapping : Telephones. The following story conies from the Grand Rapids Press and has to do with a man and a woman who are employed in different offices in one of the large buildings of that city. Each office has a telephone , but as it happens one is an instrument belonging to the Citizens' company , the other a Bell instrument. One day the man had occasion to use the Citizens' line and stepped across the hall to the lady's office. "Have you a Citizens' phone ? " he asked , and she replied in the affirmative. "Well"he ventured : "I'm a citizen. May I use it ? " Why , of course he might use it , but Inwardly she was inclined to envy his ability to stand up and assort his citi zenship in this way , for some of her womanly propensities were of the "new ish" sort. An hour later she balanced accounts with him. "Have you a Bell telephone ? " she asked on stepping into his office. He did not try to deny it. "Well , I'm a belle. May I use it ? " The Hofyell Torpedo. Commodore John A. Howell , who baa just been promoted to the rank of rear admiral , is the inventor of a self propelling torpedo that differs in sev eral respects from the "Whitehead. The chief novelty of the American system relates to the mode of driving the screw. Whitehead stored compressed air in a chamber in his torpedo and placed in an adjoining compartment a small en- jine which should be operated thereby at the right juncture. Howell employs a heavy flywheel , which is put in rapid revolution , just before the torpedo is launched , by connecting its projecting axle with a steam engine that is entire ly independent of the torpedo. The Sowell system has been improved since it was first patented in 1871 , and it has been extensively used in the United States navy. The Barest Bird. i The rarest bird in existence is a cer tain kind of pheasant in Annain. For many years its existence was known only by the fact that its longest and most splendid plume was in much re quest by mandarins for their headgear. A single skin is worth $400 , and the iving bird would be priceless , but it Boon dies in captivity. Uses of the Fan In Japan. The uses of the fan are many and various in Japan , where it is carried jy men , women and children. A but- : erfly shaped fan in the hands of the umpire at wrestling and fencingmatches is made to express anumbercf messages perfectly understood and promptly at tended to by the combatants. Ocean waves have on a number of occasions dashed over the tops of light- nouses which are 150 feet high. As a wave in the open ocean is accompanied jy a depression as deep as the wave is ligh , a ship in the trough of the sea encountering such waves would be > ankod by hills of water , if the term may be used , 800 feet high. Economy is half the battle of life. It B not so hard to earn money as to spend t well. Spnrgeon. THE AMERICAN SAILOR. Jacky Has Become a Specialist and m Credit to the Navy. Jacky , who used to be more sailoj than gunner , is now more gunner than sailor. Just in proportion as be hat ceased to be a part of the great engine on which he lives , so he has come moie and more into the control of it , and ai the cardinal purpose of a warship is tc hit things with her projectiles Jack ; has become a specialist in getting thai work out of her. He does it in two places at the. gnns and at the engines. Correctly pointed guns are of no use unless the platform on which they rest is put in proper relation to the thing to be hit and kept there. Equally it is use less to get the ship into proper place unless the guns are correctly pointed. Men who can do either of these things must have natural capacities and be sus ceptible to education , and only men of this sort are eligible for our navy. Accordingly the "beach comber , " or the "rock scorpion , " or any other va riety of that ruck of marine refuse which drifts around the great maritime ports and ships in any croft where "grub" is plenty and work light , no longer slings his hammock on Uncle Sam's berth deck , as he used to do , to the shame of the service , in years gone by. Nor can the tramp nor the jailbird nor even the incorrigible black sheep of the family thus be provided for , to the relief of constables and long suffering relatives. No man or boy can now pass a United States naval recruiting officer unless he is clean , healthy , honest , young , strong and intelligent , nor can he afterward get that advancement , whioh is certainly open to him without fear or favor , unless he continues to show aptitude and ability. Park Ben jamin in Independent ARMY AND NAVY GUNS. A Vast Difference In the Number of Men Required to Handle Them. The number of men required to man naval guns of the British , French , Ger man and American navies is about the Eame , although the French are under stood to have more men as a rule for some of the larger guns. For the 4 inch and 5 inch all services require four men to workeach _ piece ; for the 6 inch , six men are needed , and for the 10 , 13 and 13 inch the same number. As nearly all our 8 , 10 , 19 and 18 inch guns are used in pairs and mount ed in turrets the 12 men working them are protected by heavy plates of steel. For the little 1 pounders three men are necessary tovork them rapidly , and for the 8 pounders and 6 pounders four men ore assigned , and for the Hotchkiss three men. Treble the number of men seem to be required to work the same caliber of guns in our coast defense system , al though there is no special reason for this , unless it be due to the fact that the army guns are mounted on disap pearing carriages and are not provided with turrets , which naturally limits the space of the operators. An army 8 inch gun takes 15 men to work it ; a 10 inch gun requires 18 men , and a 12 inch gun , the largest now constructed by the army , calls for 21 men. It will be seen , therefore , that a 13 inch naval gun is operated by sis men , while an army gun of one inch less cali ber calls for 21 men. The navy gun can be fired just as rapidly with its sis men as the army gun can be fired with its larger number. Boston Herald. At Sea on Maskat. A funny scene occurred many years ago in congress. A present of Arabian horses , a sword , etc. , arrived from the imam of Mnskat for President Adams. A western member with some heat moved that the gift should be sent back , with a letter from congress , in forming the ruler of Maskat that the president of the United States was no king , but the servant of the people , and was not permitted to give or receive presents. Another member rose. "Such a let ter , Mr. Speaker , " he said , "can easily be written. But where is it to be sent ? Where is Maskat ? " There was no response. Apparently not a member of the house was prepared to answer , nor could Maskat then be found in any atlas published in this country. It was found at last on a Ger man map. A civil answer was returned , and the geographers made haste to in sert Maskat in the nest edition of their maps. Eschanga The Other Way Around. The loyalty of the Scottish highlander to his kilt is a picturesque thing. He will never admit that it makes him cold , and highlanders who were suffer ing from cold in the ordinary dress of civilization have been known to substi tute the kilt for it in order to get worm , though this would be much like removing one's coat and waistcoat and rolling up one's shirt sleeves for the same purpose. It is said that a stranger , seeing a soldier in full highlander uniform shiv ering in a cold wind , asked him : "Sandy , are you cold with the kilt ? " "Na , no , mon , " the soldier answered indignantly , "but I'm nigh kilt with the cauld ! " Exchange. Hurrah I W. J. Spratley , the Egyptologist , thinks that "there can be no doubt that the Egyptian soldiers in ancient times went into the battle to the inspiring cheer of the 'Hoo Ra I Hoe Ba I Hoe Ha 1' and if the average questioning man asks why ho replies with this , 'Because Eoo Ba ( in the tongue of the Barneses ) means 'the king , the king , the kingl' " Turning the Stock. A writer in The Dry Goods Chronicle says : "A good point for the retail mer chant to remember is that it is not how arge a business he does , but how many imes his stock is turned in the course of the year , that" really indicates the successful merchant. " The Kind You Have Always Bought , and which has been in use for over 30 years , has home the signature of . and has heen made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in tliis. All Counterfeits , Imitations and Substitutes are hut Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health or Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil , Paregoric , Drops and SoothingSyrups. . It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotia substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles , cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food , regulates the Stomach and Bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE ALWAYS Bears tlie Signature of TheKi 8n Use For Over 3O Years. THC CENTAUR COMPANY. MURRAY STREET. NCVf YORK CITY. A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical , Concise and Handsomely Up-to-date , Comprehensive somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIGGLE No. 1 BIGGLE , HORSE BOOK All about Horses a Common-Sense Treatise , with over 74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price , 50 Cents. No. 2 BIQQLE BERRY BOOK All about growing Small Fruits read and learn how : contains 43 colored life-like reproductions of all lending varieties and 100 other illustrations. Price , 50 Cents. No. 3 BIQQLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book in existence ; tells every thiji ; with23 colored life-like reproductions of all the principal breeds ; with 103 other illustrations. I'rite , 50 Cents. No. 4 BIQQLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Business ; having a great bale ; contains 8 colored life-hke reproductions of each breed , with 132 other illustration : , . Price. 50 Cents. No. 5 HIGGLE SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hogs Breeding , Feeding , Butch ery , Diseases , tte. Contains over 80 beautiful lialA tones and other engravings. Price , 50 Cents. The BIGGLE BOOKS are tmiq eoriginalu eful you never s..iw anything like them so practical , so sensible. They are having ; n enormous sale East. West , North aad bouth. K\ery one who keeps a Horse , Cow , Hog or Chicken , or grows Small Fruits , ought to send right away for the BIQQLE BOOKS. The Is your paper , made for you and not a misfit. It is years old. it is the great boiled-down , hit-the-nail-on-thc-head , quit-after-you-have-said-it , Farm and Household paper in the world the biggest paper of its size in the United States of America having over a million and a-halfregular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS , and the FARM JOURNAL \ 5 YEARS ( remainder of 1899 ! , 1901 , igoz and 1903) will be sent by mail to any address for A DOLLAR BILL. Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIQQLE BOOKS free. WIUXER ATKINSON. Address , JFAIO1 JOUR.KAX. CUAS. F. JENKINS. PHILADELPHIA 3 THE GREAT 5 National Family NEWSPAPER For Farmers and Villagers and Your Favorite Home Paper , McGOOK TRIBUNE Both One Year Only $1.25 \T V TVi"hi-iiio liasnn Agricultural Department of the LX . A. J. 1 V ttll ± hfanest merit , all important news of the Nation and World , comprehensive and reliable market reports , able editorials , in- cresting short stories , scientific and mechanical information , illustrated fashion irticles , humorous pictures , and is instructive and entertaining to every member > f every family. Rives you a11 the Iocal news political and social , \Tr Pnffclr TVilin 11P L'Av-'v.'vUJlv A J. AM ILIAC ; keeps you in close touch with your neighbors and riends , on the farm and in the village , informs you as to local prices for farm pro- lucts , the condition of crops and prospects for the year , and is a bright , newsy , velcome and indispensable weekly visitor at home and fireside. Send all Subscriptions to THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. / ' > i