TIME FOUND HEE OUT He loved her. Ho meant to tell Her so , and the moment for doing so Dad come. The fluffy golden head was very neara few words had been ppolcon , when the door opened and Ella Stanton entered , A frown clouded the brow of Dr. Ralph Stanton , the eminent young physician who everybody declared would make his fortune In his pro fession , and pretty Nellie Savllle es caped , glad to' hide her flushed cheeks from her cousin's jealous eyes. Mra. Stanton threw herself languid ly Into the depths of an easy chair. "So I have found you at last , my dear Ralph. I have been seeking you for the last hour. " He hated this woman , In spite of her dark , witching-beauty. His uncle-had found that beauty Irresistible and by a late marriage robbed his nephew of the quarter of a million which he had taught him to expect would one day be his. "What did you want with me ? " he asked curtly. "You are cross. I wanted your so ciety nothing more. Is there any thing strange In that ? " "Most flattering of you , my dear aunt , I am sure. " Jt was Mrs. Stanton's turn to frown. "Don't call me by that hateful name. If I did marry your uncle , you might remember that I am not yet 25. By the way , Nellie Savllle quits the teens next week. " "Indeed ! " "Yes. Charming girl , Isn't she ? Really , Ralph , If you should see the dismal hole of a parsonage where the girl's parents live you would feel grate ful tb me for my compassionate gen erosity In taking her from it for a little while. Are you going to Lady Campbell's this afternoon ? " "No. I detest tea and tennis. " "So do I. Besides , I have a head ache. Will you prescribe for me ? " After the majority of Mrs. Oak- brook's guests had departed for Camp bell House Dr. Stanton was pacing the lawn with Sir John Debby , smoking cigarettes and talking politics , and in doors his relative occupied a velvet lounge and tried to read the last new novel. He came to her at last , but it was with a serious face and an open tele gram in his hand. "My sister has met with 'an accident. Levlson wants me to go at once. " "Oh , Ralph ! Is it serious ? You will return here ? " "I think not , " he returned , replying to the latter question. "You will come to Melton Willows at Christmas , Ralph ? " "I really cannot promise. Good-by ! " She sat there until the sound of the horse's hoofs had died away. Then she crossed the room and looked at the notes he had written. One was for his hostess apology and explana- "YOU ARS MISTAKEN. " tlon , of course but the other was for Miss Saville. A moment's hesitation ; then she tore it open. "Dear Miss Saville : Before you see this you will know the reason of my sudden departure. But I cannot wait until our next meeting for the answer to the question I should have asked you this morning if Mrs. Stanton's entrance had not prevented me from doing so. I want you to be my wife , Nellie ; my loved and honored wife. Will ypu ? Write yes or no soon to your loving but impatient "RALPH. " A small fire burned in the grate. She put the letter into her pocket and burned the envelope. * * * "Dear Ralph , " murmured the lady. "I promised you to write to him for me , Nellie. He promised to let me know how his sister was , but I sup pose he has not had time. He does not know your handwriting , L think. " Very soon Ella Stanton had dictated a gushing , affectionate letter , and with blanching cheeks Nellie had written it"Don't close it now , Nellie. Throw it aside. There is only one other that need be written now. " "What is it ? " Nellie asked , a trifle wearily. "Why , you know , dear , Mr. Graham wants me to open the Brixton bazaar , but I really don't feel equal to the task. I must write to decline. But he always laughs at nerves , and I dose so hate being-laughed at. " "My Dear Friend : I have thought fully considered the subject and must decline the honor. I am grieved be yond expression to disappoint you ; but , feeling as I do , I cannot act other wise. However , I feel confident that you will meet with one worthier than I that what I cannot grant she will joyfully concede. Only one thing I ask that this shall in no way inter fere with the friendly .relations which have always existed between us. " "I think it is making too much of a little thing , Ella. You will sign it. of course. " "No , dear. Do it for me only in itials. How singular that they should be alike , is it not Ella Stanton and Elinor Savllle ? There , now dear , just run upstairs and see If Louisa bus mended that lace I tore last night. " A moment more , and Ralph Stanton's simple , honest letter lay open before her. Jealousy had quickened her memory. She knew it by heart. Refolding It , eho Inclosed it with that other In an envelope addressed in Nellie's pretty , graceful callgraph to "Ralph Stanton , Esq. , " and sealed it carefully. It was necessary to destroy the mis sive originally intended for Ralph , and to indite another one to Mr. Graham if discovery was to be avoided. Two years later Dr. Stanton was journeying northward. The London season was over and the famous phys ician had been on the point of start ing for his holiday when he was summoned by telegram to Sir Chris topher Knott , a wealthy patient brim ming over with gout and crotchets. Thinking ? It was dreaming dream ing of a slim , petite figure and fluffy golden hair and gloriously blue eyes ! Yes , though she had refused him he loved her still. Her home was at Grlmstone. Would he see her ? What folly ! Doubtless she was married , and , if not , had she not told him In the cruel little letter , which was even now in the breast pocket of his coat , that it could never be ? ' "Grlmstone ! Grlmstone ! " shouted a porter , and so his reflections came to an end , but only to awaken into lively interest. From a second-class carriage a girl alighted a girl in a neat little hat and gray dust cloak. Underneath that hat was a piquant little face and a clustering fringe of fluffy golden curls. Nellie was alone in the drawing- room. Suitors had wooed in vain. She was the orthodox clergyman's daugh ter , with her duties to perform as they rose fresh each day , and in the past a nameless disappointment. Her thoughts had turned on that visit to Oakbrook two years ago when the waiting maid brought in a card. "Dr. Stanton. " "This is , indeed , a pleasant surprise , " she said with a rosy flush that told its own story. "I am sorry mamma is not at home. " "I am staying in the neighborhood professionally and could not leave without calling on you. It is the priv ilege of friendship , and you desired that we continue friends. " Nellie looked puzzled. "I do not understand you. What do you mean ? " "I beg your pardon for the allusion , Miss Savile , but you cannot have for gotten ? The words were in your let ter a letter I have kept because you wrote it , in spite of its contents. " "Indeed , you are under a mistake. I never wrote to you in my life. " "Then ybu never wrote this or re ceived this ? " * And he placed in her hands the two unfortunate letters. * * * When the primroses looked like stars in the grass and the air was filled vrith the odor of violets , a wedding took place at Grimstone church. And three months later a society journal announced that Mrs. Stanton , widofr of the late George Stanton , Esq. , of Melton Willows , Berks , had bestowed heart and hand upon Count Horenza , an impecunious Italian nobleman. Waverly. LONDON PARISHES. Ono House Stands lit Part In Six o Tlioni. No. 11 Queen Victoria street ( Man sion House Chambers ) , in the city of London , is situated in no fewer than six parishes , arising from the curious way in which the city parishes run into one another. There are several instances of buildings standing in four or three parishes , and at least one house is half in the city and half be- yound its borders. The Bank of Eng land , Threadneedle street , is in three parishes St. Bartholomew , St. Chris- and St. . topher-le-Stocks Margaret. The city of London , though only one square mile in area , has sixty parish es , none of them of very great dimen sions , but some of an almost incon ceivably smalt size. The parish of St. Mary Mounthaw , for instance , which has only six houses in it , is the small est parish in the city. This parish stands at the corner of Queen Victoria and Friday streets , and has not pos sessed a church since the great fire of London , in 1666 , burned down the one it formerly had. Salaries of Presidents. Very few persons would suspect how small the salaries of presidents of republics are , when the enormous sums crowned heads receive are taken into consideration. The foreigner often thjnks the $50,000 salary of the president of the United States is mere ly a joke , and that he receives ten times as much in reality , but the same foreigner may not know that the French president , in a country where the wealthiest monarchs once reigned , receives only $120,000 a year. The president of the little Andora republic contents himself with a salary of ? 15 a year , and the president of the Swiss republic must be satisfied with $3,000. A Considerate ovcr. Parent Of course , as my daught , r is of age , she can suit herself as to marrying you , but the day she doej I will cut her' off without a pennjr. Suitor ( after a pause ) Well , tinder those cir cumstances , sir , we will break our en gagement. I could not think of de priving a young lady of her inher itance. Harlem Life. Pride of a Punt. "He's proud of his poetry. " "Well , at any rate , he seems to be full of poetical conceits. " Town Topics. Houghton , Mifflln & Company , of Boston , Mass. , the publishers of the Atlantic Monthly , announce a special rate to new publishers of fifty cents for a trial subscription to the Atlantic Monthly for three issues. The Atlantic never was stronger or better than it Is today , and this offer affords an excellent opportunity for new readers to become acquainted with the magazine. The rehabilitation of the Baltimore and Ohio South Western Railway will begin as soon as the frost is out of the ground In the spring. Just before the line went into the hands of Re ceivers Harmon and Robinson a large quantity of material was purchased. This will be immediately delivered and used to the best advantage. Forty thousand tons of 85-jound steel rails have been purchased , and enough will be on hand on March 1st to enable the Receivers to begin laying It at five different points on the line. Each mile of track will be carefully rebal- lasted and placed In first-class condi tion. It will take 101,000 pairs of con tinuous rail joints for the forty thou sand tons of rail. The two thousand standard box cars and five hundred steel coal cars recently ordered will be delivered in March. Additional motive power , in the shape of forty compound freight engines. weighing 150,000 pounds , and five ten-wheel compound passenger engines , weighing 135,000 pounds , is now being built by the Bald win Lo'comotlve Works. It is expected that by the time the property is re organized and becomes the southwest ern division of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad that it will be in a physical condition fully equal to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The Spanish war series in The Cen tury is proving a great success , and has very considerably increased the circulation of the magazine. In the February number General Shatter will tell the story of the Santiago com- paign , and Lieut. Hobson will follow his account of the sinking of the Mer- rimac with a narrative of his impris onment in Morro Castle. Health for Ten Cents. Cascarots make bowels and kidneys act naturally , destroy microbes , cure headache , billiousness and constipation. All druggisrs. Filling the church is a more common aim than the filling the congregation. The latest contribution to the list of queer typographical errors comes from a West Virginia town where Moxart's "Twelfth Mass" was to be performed at a church entertainment. The able compositor who set up the programme announced it as the "Twelfth Massa chusetts. " One of the most respected citizens of Langtry , Tex. , is 'Squire Bean , who , in early days , was justice of the peace , sheriff and saloonkeeper. His custom was to try cases while sitting on the end of the bar. The sign outside the door read : "J. Bean , Cool Beer and Justice. Presence of mind is undoubtedly a good thing in the hour of danger , but absence of body is a great deal better. Orders received for Richard's Magic Catarrh Cure for month of January , 1899 : From Kansas 1,826 Colorado 1,628 Nebraska 1,901 Missouri 1,730 " Iowa 1,283 Iliinols 672 , " Wyoming 297 Idaho 220 Utah 263 , * " Texas 38-i 16 other States 1,528 Total for month 11.132 Total orders re ceived for year 1898 , S3.2SO ' Richard's Magic Catarrh Cure has been examined by the medical staff of the American Journal of Health , pub lished in New York city , and by them pronounced the most effective remedy on the market. It is not for sale by druggists. Sold only by the manufac turers , C. H. Richard Co. , Omaha , Neb. They have reduced the price from $5.00 to $3.00 , including their special Atomizer mizer , and two bottles of medicine a full treatment. Write to them today. They are reliable. It's pretty tough when the "roll o ' honor" consists of * butterless dry i bread. AmdellK'.ited with DR. SETII ARNOLD'S TOUGH KIl.liKK ; It cures cveiy time. Kev. J. S. CornUb , WaynebVlllc.IH. SBc. a bottle. Light thoughts are o ; c-a heavy enough i - drat ? men down. HEALTHY MATJEENETY. Two Grateful Women Tell of the Help They Eava Received From Mrs. Pinklmm. The climax of life force in woman is capable motherhood. The iirst requisite for a good mother is good health. Health of body means health of the generative organs. Head what Mrs. G. A. Bluff ton , Ohio , says about Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound , and how well it prepared her for maternity : ' DEAR Mus. PIXKHAM : Imustsay a word in praise of your Vegetable Compound. I used three bottles of it when I was preg nant , and labor was not nearly as long as it was with iny other babies ; and my baby is so healthy to what the others were. I think every woman should use your Compound when preg nant , it will save them so much suffering ing- and misery. I cannot say enough praise of it. If ever I need medicine again , I shall use your Compound. " N ± ! I The most successful tonic known to ' medicine for women apDroaching ma- /m ternity is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. It is a safeguard for every woman who uses it , and the fullest benefit comes from its use with Mrs. Pinkham's advice freely offered to all woman. Her address is Lynn , Mass. Here is a convincing statement , bearing- directly on this subject , from Mrs. E. BISHOP , of 1848 Pacific St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. : "DEAR Mr.s.PIXKHAM : I am a great believer hi your Compound. I was almost despairing of ever again being well , as I'was ' a great sufferer , and had been for years. I suffered from womb trouble , and had terrible blind fits. After writing to you I tried your Com pound. The result was astonishing. I have used it and advocated it ever since. In childbirth it is a perfect boon. I have often said that I should like to have its merits thrown on the sky with a search-light , so that all women would read , and be convinced that there is a remedy for their sufferings. " A Million Women Save Seen Becef itea 6y Mrs. Pinfc&am's Advice asfl Medicine WE WILL BUY IT FOR YOU. To accommodate out-of-town customers , we have established a fully equipped purchas ing agency. Our buyers "are all experts in their different lines , and are fully able to serve your interests. We Trill purchase any kind of goods at wholesale or retail stores in Omaha at lowest prices. Selections carefully made , goods according to order , and shipped same day order Is received. If you see it advertised in Omaha papers , send to us for it. "Will accept an-J dispose of all kinds of consigned goods. Highest market price secured. PROMPT ANL > SATJSFACTOKY SERVICE GUARANTEED. Wo act for you , save you time and expense. You send us the order and the money : we buy for you just the same MS though you were hero in person , and chiugc nothing for our services. The large volume of cush business we do gives us a discount In buylnz which small buyers cannot secure , and from this wo make our profit. We will gladly answer in quiries , and send catalogue or samples. Enclose stomps to pay postage. When you come to Omaha to trade , call at our offices and we will furnish ymi a reliable gu'de to the city without expense. We refer by permission to the Union National Bank and W. A. Post on OMAHA PURCHASING COMPANY , 5th Floor , Paxton Block , HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING , BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH. " IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. When you talk about the check book of faith , you must remember that God's bank Is for deposit , also. Aged Woman Itldcs a IJIcyclc. The oldest bicyclist is a woman aged 93 , who is an adept rider. Most people could enjoy health until old age if they took precautions to prevent disease of the digestive organs by taking an oc casional dose of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Even after dyspepsia , indi gestion and constipation have secured a foothold the BIttera will afford re lief. The wages of sin defies alike the hard times and monopolies. Coe'H Cough llulsum Is the oldest and le t. It will lireuk tip H cold quicker than unytuluK else. Hlsulwttys rtllahle. Try U. Poverty is no disgrace , but it is sel dom used as a testimonial of ahility. Wo will forfeit § 1,000 if any of our pub lished testimonials nre proven to bo not genuine. Tnis Piso Co. , Warren , Pa. It is the black life that makes death look dark. TO CUKK A COLD IX ONK DAY Take Laxative Uroino Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. ' The genuine has L. U. Q. on each tablet. A low voice is an excellent thHc ; in woman and a low theater hat is an excellent thins on hoi. SPECULATION. Interesting : PoiittH on tlio Graiu anil Pre vision Markets. Leading grain experts are no > v predict ing 81.00 "wheat , on account of it liirpo shortage and an enormous export demand , us well as unfavorable weather. It has been reported that profit takers in Now York stocks arc realizing the splendid opportunity offered for investment by the present low prices of grain and provisions. The following extracts from The Hanker , Merchant and Manufacturer will be of in terest : It is a mistaken idea that successful speculation requires the presence and con stant attention of the investor. Orders may be placed by mail , telegraph or tele phone. Most successful operators keep away from the bustle mid excitement of an ciUco , thereby avoiding the influence of the many conflicting rumoi's in circulation. They arc thus enabled to lorm an unbiased opinion of the market. One will readily see the wisdom of plac- inc orders with an experience ; ! , tested and reliable house , capable of extending' every needful facility to its patrons A house whoso re'iability is above ques tion is that ot" II. 11. Penney & Co. , Omaha. They have an elegant , modern suite of first- floor rooms in the Xew York Life Building , with branch offices at KW8 2s street , Lin coln , Neb. , and 20 Lee street , Deadwood , S. D. Their operations are on : i very large scale , and their facilities embrace direct wires to New York , Chicago , St. Louis and fittseu western points. The praying heart makes the willing hand. . > ! R41 If it was only health , we mi ht let it cling. But it is a cough. One cold no sooner passes off before another comes. But it's the same old cough all the time. And it's the same ; old story , too. There is first the cold , then the cough , then pneu monia or consumption with the long sickness , and life tremb ling in the balance. ' loosens the grasp of your cough. The congestion of the throat and lungs is removed ; all in flammation is subdued ; the parts arc put perfectly ct rest and the cotij'i drops away. It has no diseased tissues on v/hfcn to hang. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster drav/s out inGsraastlon of the lungs. Kpiur niher % 7e hava a itc'llcal Tlepnrt- wnt. If you liavc any roinnlnnit what ever and ccslre t ! . l > t t meilical atlvlco you can jwj blv obtain. write the dortor freely. You will receive a t > rurui > trei > ! y. without cost. AJUres * . UK. J. C. ATER. Lowell , Mass. W.N. U. OMAHA. No. 7 1899 Answering Hflvcrtisecents Kindly Kention This I'acer. ody yea know fo f w The Tin taken from Horseshoe " " Tags , "J.T. , I Cross Bow , Good Luck and Drurnmond Natural Leaf will pay for any one or all of this list of desirable and useful things and you have your good chewing tobacco besides. Every man , woman and child in America can find something on this list that they would like to have and can have FREE 1 Write your name and address plainly and send every tag you can get to us mentioning the number of the present you want. Any assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above will be accepted as follows : TAGS TAGS 1 Match Bov , quaint derign , im 19 Alarm Clock , niclel , warranted . . 200 ported from Japan 25 -0 Carvers , buckhorn Iiandle , good 2 Knif : , one blade , good steel 25 steel 200 3 Sci > sors-i'A-inch , coed steel . . . . 23 21 Six Rogers' Tca joon , best qurl. 225 4 Child's Set , Knife , Fork ard Spoon 25 22 Knives aid Forks , six each , buck- 5 Salt and Ptpper , one each , quad hon handle ? 2CO ruple pl.ite on white metal 30 23 Clock , 8-day , Calencar.'lheinion-- C Razor , hollow ground , fine English eter , Barcneer COO steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CO 21 Stove , Wilson Heater , size No. 20 7 Butter Knife , triple plnte , be > t qua * . CO cr No. 40 COO 8 Sa gar She ! ! , triple plat ? , best quality CO 25 Tool Set , not playthings , but real 1) ) Sta-no I5ox , ste-lin silver 70 tool- CoO 10 Knife , "Keen Ku't-r , " tuo blades 70 2C Toilet Set , < ! eccratd porcelain , 11 Hatcher Knife , "Keen Kutter , " very handiotr.c ? 00 8-hchbhdc 75 27 Watch , srHdsihcr , fu ! ! jeweled . 10CO 12 Shcan , " Keen Kutter , " 8-i.ich , 23 Sewing Machine , first class , v.ith nic'sel 7o all attachments 1500 13 NutSetCrackerar.dGPickssiU-er 0 23 Revolver , Colt's lc quality. . .JHJO 14 Nail Kile , sterling silver , amethyst W ) Uifle. Winchester. IG-sho : , 22-col 1500 set , 6-inch 100 31 Shot Gun , double barrel , hamrr.cr- 15 Tooth Baish , sterling silver , ame less , stu ! twist 000 thyst set , 6-inch IOC 32 Guitar ( \Vasbburc ) . rnscvrocd , in- 1C Paper Cutter , sterling silver , ame l.iid with raothcr-of-peail . . . 2000 thyst set , 7-inch 100 33 B-cycle , standard nuke , ladies' or 17 Base Ball. "Association , " best qual. 100 cents' 2500 18 Watch , stem \vir.d and set , guaran BOOKS 50 choice selections .ar teed good time Keeper 200 as last year's list , 40 tags each. This offer expires Koyembsr 3D , 1389. Address all your Tags and the correspondence about them to DRUHIRfiOKD BRANCH , St. Louis , Mo. FREE ADVICES our Physician ami a FREE SAMPLE xz < of our ir.uiUcinc and aes-pago Free ISook treating nil dUpa-'C" with M excellent cjjC - " - ' os are sonic of the reasons why you tliotild urite us. | | Cures the very worst cases of Dyspepsia , Constipation , Headache , Liver surt ! jt : Kidnev diseases. Send for proot of \VoQnnraRtccJt. . Write ns about I iJfe all of "your symptoms. Dr. Kay's Rsnovator is sold by druggists , or ecct f by mail on receipt of price. 3R cents and Sl.OO. 51 Address Dr. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO. , ( Wastan Office ) Omaha , Neb. ; This Signature on every tex of Laxative Eroao Qaiatae Tablets. Accept no B&bstltate represented to be "just as SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS IN Druggists refund the money THE UNITED STATES if it fails to cure. AND CANADA. . PRICE 25 CENTS.