All you who have 'i Small Feet Come to the 1 OLD RELIABLE p " 7 SHOE STORE 1 and get a pair of shoes AT A BARGAIN | f t All other goods sold at a reduction. 585 sfeira sfe ! J. F , GANSGHOW. m Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $60,000 GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. H. FREES , V. Pros. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRAHK HARRIS , Director. r V MAGAZINE' j . , . 'S ' Demoresfs Family Magazine -c FOR rf1 > I ( rf1i oo a The subscription price of Demorcst's . . is reduced to § 1.00 a year. DEMOREsT'S contains more matter , artistic , sci entific , social and practical than any other one magazine contains. It is a magazine for the whole family. It gives as much general matter as an exclusively literary magazine. It treats household topics as fully as a strictly domestic journal. It gives as much interesting matter for young people as a strictly young people's publication. It gives as much fashion news as a strictly fashion paper. It is beautifully printed , illustrated , and carefully edited. Demorest'S Magazine Fashion Department is in every way far ahead of that contained in any other publication. Subscribers are entitled each month to patterns of the latest fashions in women's attire , at no cost to them other than that necessary for postage and wrapping. Remit $1.00 by money order , registered letter or check to DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE , 110 Fifth Avenue , New York City. DEFORESTS Great special clubbing offer FAMILY for prompt subscriptions. MAGAZINE ONLY $ l.r $ FOR McCook Tribune and Demoresfs Family flagazine J Send subscriptions to this office. ADDITIONAL RAILROAD HEWS. W. D. Nichols i * laying off on nccou of sickness. $ F. E. Kidder , L. M. B t and L. Gil crest returned to work , this wrek. Chief Clerk Monttnorcncy made 1 usual trip to the ; metropolis. Sinitly. Traveling Auditor \V. F. C n checked up the boys at beadquattei Wednesday. Albert Thorgrimson of the telrxra ] office was off duty , part of the week , vrl a sore throat. P. L. Delaware has been called t from HoldreRe , this week , by the illnc of his mother here. Switchman . C. Envielhorn , who on the sick-list , is in Denver , this \vee receiving treatment. Conductor Frank Kendtru and litt girl went down toArapahoc , Wednesda on a short visit to his parents. J. J. CurranV. . O. Simons and W. V Webster came up from Oxford , Tuesdt night , returning on 2 , Wednesday. Garry Dole , who is laying off on a count of injuries received a couple i weeks ago , is visiting friends in Rnrtle ; today. Conductor C. O. LeHew of the Has ings-Oberlin line , who has been off dut for the past thirty diys , returned 1 work , Thursday. The fast trains proposed by the Bu lington have been given up on accoui of the action of the Rock Island in witl drawing its fast service. Agent and Mrs. J. E. Robinson mad a flying trip down from Wauneti Wednesday evening , returning home o the following morning's train. Conductor C. W Bronson went dow to Minden to see his mother , who is II. first of the week , and Conductor T. J Foley had his run in the meantime. Night Foreman John Thomson wen down to Lincoln , Wednesday on 6 , t consult an optician about bis eye , whic has been troubling him for some time. R. Hickman of the telegraph offic took his departure , Thursday , for Havr Montana. Mrs. Hickman went to Indc pendence , Iowa , for the present. The have been occupying quarters at R. I Simmons. The Burlington had a turn-table loadei up here for shipment to Wray , Colorado when the announcement came that th Rock Island had withdrawn its fas train. It was proposed to run No. 5 a far west as Wray and double back here the following morning. Robert E. Erwin and Miss Minnii Yensen were married , last evening , a 2,030 R street , Rev. Dr. Rowlands per forming the wedding ceremony. Severa friends from Omaha were present and i small party of friends from this city wit nessed the ceremony. A wedding sup per followed. Mr. Erwin is a mail clerl on the Burlington , running out of thi city , and the bride is well known amonj a large circle of friends. They will mak < their home in the future at 2036 J street Thursday's Lincoln Journal. Mr. Er win was until recently the postal clerl on the Imperial line. Tribune Clubblnsr List. For convenience ot readers of THE TRIE UNE , we have made arrangements with thi following newspapers and perodicals whereb ; we can supply them in combination with Tin TRIBUNE at the following very low prices : PUBLICATION. PRICE. Detroit Free Press . i oo $ i 51 Leslie's Weekly. . 400 30 Prairie Farmer . _ i oo 12 Chicago Inter-Ocean . I oo 13 Cincinnati Enquirer. . i oo I 51 New- York Tribune . i oo 12. Demorest's Magazine . I oo 17 ToledoBlade . i oo 12. Nebraska Farmer . I oo 151 Iowa Homestead . i oo 141 Lincoln Journal . i oo 171 Campbell's Soil-Culture . I oo I 5 < New- York World . I oo I 6j OmahaBee . I oo 5 < Cosmopolitan Magazine . I oo 8 ( St. Louis Republic . I oo 7f Kansas City Star . 25 If Nebraska Dairyman and Up- to-Date Farmer . 50 2f Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 If Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 2C We are prepared to fill orders for any othei papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. I Try McMillen's Cough Cure. Tabler's Buckeye Pile ointment is no panacea , but is recommended for piles only. These it will cure. Price 500 in bottles ; tubes 750 at McConnell's. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn $ .27 Wheat 46 Oats 20 Rye 41 Barley 30 Hogs 3.20 Eggs 15 Butter 12 Potatoes 40 Don't irritate your lungs .with a stub born cough when a pleasant and effective remedy may be found in Ballard's Horehound - hound Syrup. Price 250 and 500 at L. W. McConnell & Co's. McMillen's Cream Lotion. Faults of digestion cause disorders of the liver , and the whole system becomes deranged. Herbine perfects the process of digestion and assimilation , and thus makes pure blood. Price 250 at L. W. McConnell's. The second tmnutl rxblbltloa of tbt Republican Valley DtUnc : i'otdtiy As sociation , held l 3JcOw V , February , 6lb. jib and Svb. m * CCM ; nd would hare Wco eactr col the storm nd extirsue colti kept down the nesabe * of tomr fitaa the ttmoaaittog couaUy * ml the rU receipts. As tl was tbr a vocU'.iw > . * able to mrct all h * obi * ltaa The scoring v * * ttrlir i onr 4 j t * c u e of the frllutc of jai t Tbro Ht < - to arrive oa tiutr. oo o sis of Wing ow-bouQii * t GScu > o0J S | but the pine can ! * rir * lt jt * t opening of tbe U l il y some 300 bir l * exhibited. WuUr * { * and bam and * niacuU&tor l petUea The exhibition * * htrkl in * Uijc commodious brick butUHntf , * tmrd l y steam and lighted by rlecmai } . ifee stock was well Catrti ( or ul tiir bH kept scrupulously clean by h S | t C G. Coglucr autt hit * tUU i J. M. Suir Judge Thco. Hc c * Koreti the UrU * ad not the exhibitors. Hi * toanttK g * c general tatuf clion Thncoaic confusion cau cd b the cone of tccj- turns us singles , th t wcic cotuj > ctJB 10 pens , contrary to tule 10 , wbick remedied as eon a * divcovcrctl The annual uicctinu of the awooalvou was held ou the ere of the Stb , when tbe officers elected ! ' following were : - ilenl. R 1) . Simmons , McCook. Vice Presidents. K'izaheth Helm. RctiVil - low , Haltie H > field , McCook. C N. Coo- yers , Mindeu. T. F Rovvcll. McCook , J. S. LeHew , Scc'y ; H W. Cole nud Gco. Beck , Assts. Tbeo. Hcwrs was elected Judge and the third antiunt exhibition was fixed for December 15 , 16. 17. 1899. to be held in the city of McCook. The rewards in the different ca > se | were as follows I PREMIUMS. ! Barred P. Rock Trojer Bros. , Aurora Neb. , ist on hen. 93 * . Buff P. Rock Dr. W. V. Gage , Me Cook , Neb. , 2(1 on pen , 169 ; ben and 2d hen. White P. Rock R B. Simmons , is oni pen , 1876-16 ; D. Cullen , sd on pen 187 5-16 ; R. B. Simmons , 3d on pen. 186 D. Cullen , ist on cock , 93 Jist on cock erel , 93 ! R. B. Simmons , ist ou hen 93 % ; 2d on cockerel , 91 ; H. W. Cole ist on pullet , 93jL ; D. Cullen , 2d on pul let , 92. Buff Cochin Horace B. Cole , ist on hen , 92 ; ist on pullet , oo # . Partridge Cochin Mrs. J. S. LeHew rst on pen , 183 ; R. L. Tinker , ist on cock 92 ; ist on cockerel , 92 ; 2d on cock erel , 90 ; ist on hen , 90 : 2d on hen 90 ; ist on pullet , 89 ; 2d on pullet , 89 Dark Brahma M. D. King , Minden Neb. , ist on pullet , 91 ! 2& ou pallet Light Brahma Mrs. E. Helm. Red Willow , Neb. , ist on pen , 184 1-16 ; Mrs Penny , 2d on pen , 183 13-16 ; Mrs. Hattie Byfield , 3d on pen , 183X5 Phebe Taylor , ist on cock , 92 ; Mrs. Hattie Byfield , 2d on cock , 91 ; ist on cockerel , 91 ; ist on pullet , 92 y \ J. M. Phillips , 2d on hen , S. C. White Leghorn T. F. Rowell ist on pen , 185 ; H. B. Cole , 2d. S. C. Brown Leghorn Mrs. Belle Me Donald , McCook , Neb. , 1st on pen , ist on cockerel , 92 ; ist on pullet , 2d on pullet , 90 ; ist on hen , 93 ; 2d on hen , 9iX- S. S. Hamburgs Mrs. L. Mansur , ist on pen , isi jE. Jeffries , 2d on cockerel 88 ; J. H. Dulauy , 3d on cockerel , 86. Cornish Indian Game C. G. Coglizer ist on pen , iS3X White Pit Game Mrs. Belle McDon ald , ist on pen. S. L. Wyandotte Ben Bnker , ist or pen , iSzfa M. D. King , Minden , Neb. , 2d on pen , 176 5. Game Bantams. Eva Lewis , honorable mention ; W. L. Bantams , Mntt. Thom son , same ; Fan Tail Pigeons , Horace Cole , same ; Belgian Hares , Mrs. Byfield , same ; White Rabbits , Mrs. Stroud , same. Bronze Turkeys ist , Mrs. J. A. Brin- ton ; 2d , Mrs. J.F. Helm. White Holland Turkeys , ist , Mrs. Hattie Byfield ; Golden Wyandotte , ist , Mrs. J. S. LeHew. J. S. LEllKW , Secretary. W. S. Morlnn purchased some high scoring White Plymouth Rocks to mid to his already extensive poultry ranch. Mrs. John Penney's pen , taken from : ier own flock , morn than sustained her eputation as a breeder of high-scoring I ight Brahaiuas. Col. Corwin of New York purchased n nrge number of Light lirahamas of Mis. ' . F. Helm. He is immensely pleased vith his birds , which he snys are us fine is any exhibited in New York. McConuell's Balsam cures coughs. \n Honest Medicine for La Grippe. George W. Waitt of South Gardiner , He. , says : "I have had the worst cough , : old , chills and grip and have taken lots f trash of no account but profit to the render. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy s the only thing that has done any good vhatever. I have used one 5o-cent bottle ind the chills , cold and grip have all eft me. I congratulate the manafact- medicine. " For sale ires of an honest . > y L. W. McConnell & Co. THE TRIBUNE and The New-York Mbune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad- ance. Children who are troubled with worms re pale in the face , fretful by spells , estless in sleep , have blue rings around heir eyes , bad dreams , variable appetite , nd pick the nose. White's Cream Verui- fuge will kill and expel these parasites , 'rice 250 at McConnell's. * % $ f" * * ARRIVING DAILY. IP - 5sS ! S § 7 3 Cal ! and the New CRT1 and Silks for Spring. in Embroideries and Laces we have JJV/3 a Good Assortment at prices that arc J * * 4 V Very Reasonable. Sec our stock before you buv. e Bargains for you in department of our .store. Ladies' riuslin Underwear. Ladies' Shirt WuteL * . Ladies' Dress Skirts. Ladies' , Men's and Children's Men's and Boys' Clothing. Get our prices on Groceries. CKJ can save money by sending us order. * in this department. THIS . . . . i C. L. DeGROFF & CO. m A A ' V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT. I CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK. NEB. * * * * < Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus$5.01x1 - = = = D t RECTO R S = - V. FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. ESERT. H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAK , C H. V TC T I * WHffE'S CREAM WORMSl VERMIFUGE S Y - C V r ! < - V * ' - FoTaO eaiTHaned RemediesTflJSSi I3OX X > XJTT VXX , X > TXXT . : V < - X Wl'a. , , r JA ESJF-J ALLARD , St. At L. W. Mi'rOXXKLL A , CO.'S. of the Grip. The greatest danger Iroiu l.u ( .Jupp s of its resulting HI pneiunotua I casotiablc cntc is used , IUWCVIM , ntu 2hainbcilmn's Coujih Remedy taken , 1 lander will be avoided. Among tlu * ten- if thousands who have used this ienu'd > or la grippe we Imvc yet to Iciun ot i ingle case having resulted in rutcmnonu finch shows conclusively that this icm of that dan dy is a curtain preventive ; erons disease. It will cure la grippe it ess time than any other treatment. I 3 pleasant and safe to take. lfor sale \ \ \ , . \V. McConnell & Co. Writing paper in bulk and box , u ill nvclopcs to match , at very icusonnbU igurcs TUH AIcCottnell'H llnlsam cures coughs. Mr. S. A. iMicklcr , editor of the Mican- py ( I'la. ) Hustler , with his wife and hildren , suffered terribly with la giippe ) ne Minnie Cough Cure was the only etiicdy that helped them. It acted uickly. Thousands of others use this cmcdy ns a specific for hi grippe , and a exhausting after effects ! . McMillen's. Frazer Axle Grease 'S.M ' . < X& jpsp Not affected by Heat or Cold. Highest Awards nt Centennial , Paris and World's Fair. FRAZER LUBRICATOR Co. , rnctoriftt ! Chclaavi , SI. louti , N DcWitt's Colic vS : Cholera C r , ri n nnt , Quick