The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 10, 1899, Image 7

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    - - n.jeTt iL e" „
A Boston woman recently wrote 6
the agent of the live civilized tribes in
the Indian territory for half a dozen ,
Indian names , which she wished to }
bestow upon her houshold pets. The
agent sent her the names of Dennis !
P. O'Flannagan , John W. , Brown , Silas
Smith , JV'Q. Scott , Samuel S. Benton
and Asa P. Longfellow , all prominent
Indians of- the region.
Wo wonder that some patent medi
cine doesn't advertise that the writer ,
after taking a bottle , had such a good
appetite she was not afraid to sit thir
teen at a table.
Menstruation , the balance wheel oi
Woman's life , is also the bane of exist
ence to many because it means a , time of
great suffering1.
While no woman is entirely free from
periodical pain , it does not seem to have-
been na
ture's i
should suffer
so severely.
liam's Vegetable -
table Compound -
pound is
the most
thorough female -
male regnla-
tor Imown to
medical sci-
-ence. * It relieves the condition that pro
duces so much discomfort and robs men
struation of its terrors. Here is proof r
DEAR Mns. PINKJIAM : How can I
thank you enough for what you have
done for me ? When wrote to you I
was suffering untold pain at time of
menstruation ; was nervous , had head
ache all the time , no appetite , that tired ,
feeling , and did not care for anything- .
I have taken three bottles of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , ono
of Blood Purifier , two boxes of Liver
Pills , and to-day I am a well person. I
would like to have those who suffer
know that I am one of the many who
have been cured of female complaints
by your wonderful medicine and advice.
Miss JEKIIIE R. MILES. Leon , Wis.
' If you arc suffering in this way" write
as Miss Miles did to Mrs. Pinkham at
Lynn"Mass. , for the advice which she
offers free of charge to all women.
For February
The above picture is reproduced in five
colors on the cover of the FEBRUARY
LEDGER MONTHLY. Size 10x13 ins.
HHHE FEBRUARY issue of the
I MoiitSily is the " American Beauty "
number. It contains reproductions
of the portraits of the most beautiful
women recently exhibited at the Portrait
Show at the Academy of Design in New
York. The portrait on the cover of the
February issue , a suggestion of which is
given ab'ove , is by tbat celebrated fashion
able portrait painter. Carle J. Blenner ,
and it is reproduced in five colors , making
a picture worthy of framing. To all lovers
of the beautiful , this cover is worth many
times the price of the magazine.
Now is the Time to Subscribe.
To every ono sending fifty cents now for a
year's subscription vro vrill send FllEE the
January number , and wo will also send tbo
Rodger Monthly until March , 1900.
Your Postmaster will take your Jfc'5-
The Boston Globe's Opinion of the
Ledger Monthly.
For the money (50 ( cfcs. a year ) , no
brighter periodical than the I edecr
iTloiitlsly is printed in English. 'Ibis
wide-avraKO publication is certainly
worthy of classification \yith the month
lies at many times the price. One has to
nib one's eves and look twice to see
"Fifty Cents a Year ! " The Ledger
Monthly is brimful of suggestions for
every member , young or old , of the great
public's greater family. Boston Globe.
Yea cnn nvall yonrself of the offer &OOTO
by sendlnff only fifty cents to
No. 158 Ledger Building New York ,
FC8R 14 GE83TS f
Wowishtogaintbsycar200,000 2
new cnbtomiYrff and bonco oner 2 :
i * IPkjr.lSDayKsdish ,
1 Pkff. Karly Ripe Cabbnce ,
XkiAtt'OM u v
Salzer'sBcstliCUTice ,
California Fig Tomato ,
1 " Early Dinner Omen ,
8 " Brilliant PIowcrBeed , _ _
Worth Sl.OO , forl-tccaU , iJLw )
Above 10 pins , wortn 9LOOTrewill
mail yon free , together with onr Plant and Seed Catalogue
upon receipt of th ! notice & 14o
postage , we Invitoyonr trade and
know when yea once try SnJzer's
. act them. Onlnn Meed Wo. nq
np a Ib. Potatoes nt SJ..20
a Bbl. Catalog alone 6c NC.T
Or , Kays Lung Balm
. ( By. Georgia Custis. )
"The postman ! the-postman ! " cried
Dorothy , dancing excitedly about th'e
nursery. "He is coming here ; I hear
his whistle ! ' Ohl nurse'please'may I
go down and see if he has brought any
valentines ? "
"Not with your cold , dearie , " said
nurse , shaking her head , and so Doro
thy had to be content with peering
over the , stalrs , while Donald clattered
down and came back again with his
hands full of envelopes , large and
"One , free , six for me ! " he panted ,
' "and one , free , seven for Dorothy ! "
And how happy the children were as
they tore open the envelopes and ex
plained the pretty cards and verses
which they contained. And then Sis
ter Nell came in to show them her val
entine , a great bunch of beautiful roses
and w'hen Dorothy asked her if she
could guess who had sent them ( for
guessing is half the fun on St. Valen
tine's day ) , she grew quite red , and
said , "Why , no ; of course she couldn't ;
how could she ? "
And just then dear grandma came in
to see what the children were making
such a racket about. And , of course ,
they showed her their valentines and
NeH pinned one of her most beautiful
roses on grandma's black dress ; and
then , quite unexpectedly , Dorothy
looked up into the sweet , placid old
face , an-d asked gravely : "Grandma ,
did you ever get a valentine ? "
Grandma did not reply for a moment
and then she stooped and kissed Doro
thy on the forehead , and something
very bright and glistening fell among
the brown curls. "Yes , dear , " said
grandma , softly , "lots of them ; but I
had one which I think I must tell you
about some time. "
"Oh ! tell us now ! " cried all the chil
dren at once ; and Nell , who had been
placing her valentine in a vase of wat
er , joined in the general coaxing.
"Nell , " said grandma , "if you really
want to hear , I will tell you about it ;
but wait a moment , I can show you my
valentine. "
She left the room , and she was gone
so long that the children had time to
wonder greatly what grandma's val
entine could be , and they were all
gathered around her chair , with eager ,
expectant faces , when she returned.
She carried in her hand a small , old-
fashioned work box , whose covering ,
once bright and gay , was worn and
faded now. She smiled into the up
turned faces as she resumed her place
among the children ; but there were
tears in her eyes as she said :
"Now , children , I will show you my
valentine ; but , first , I must tell you
part of the story. And I must also
explain that when I was young people
made their own valentines , and , al
though they may not have been as
pretty as the modern ones , perhaps ,
yet I think they were a great deal
nicer , because , you see , nobody would
take the trouble to make a valentine
unless it were to send to somebody
that one was very fond of , indeed. But
Donald is growing impatient for the
story ! When I was a young girl I
lived in a dear old country town.which
some of you have seen. My father
and mother both died when I was a
very little child , and so I lived with my
grand parents , and very kind and good
they were to me , and I loved them very
dearly. Nevertheless they were very
old , and , somehow , they seemed to
have quite forgotten how it felt to be
young and full of life , and grandma
did not understand why I was not al
ways content to sit quietly in the
house , reading or sewing all day , when
nil my young friends were out skating
or sleighing , if it were winter , or pic
nicking or rowing on the river if it
were summer. The old people had
one amusement , however , of which
they never wearied , especially in the
long winter evenings ; they dearly lov
ed a rubber of whist. I could play ,
too , and any of my young friends who
would consent to make up a game by
taking a hand was always a welcome
guest. 'I think your friend , Benjamin
Worrell , is a very fine young man , '
grandpa would say , and then he was
sure to add , 'He plays an excellent
game ; a little reckless , perhaps , at
times , but he had a good head. ' . Once
I repeated this praise to Ben"
"Why , that was grandpa's name. " in
terrupted Dorothy. "I remember
Col. Benjamin "Worrell , It says BO un
der his picture In the library.
"Yes , " said grandma , sm'IHng , "he
v/as your grandfather ; but he did not
seem much like a grandfather then.
He was very tall and straight , with
flashing black' eyes and dark curling
hair , and he had a fine way of throv/-
Ing back his head' when he talked.
People used to' call him' 'Handsome
Ben , ' which annoyed him very much ;
but when I told him what grandpa
had said he was quite pleased. 'But
what a hypocrite I must be , Kate , ' ho
said , laughing , 'to make the dear old
gentleman think that I come here just
to play whfst , when my real reason for
coming Is to see you. ' 'Your grand
father was always bold as "d young
man , ' " said grandma , apologetically.
"Well , your grandfather used to
come evening after evening , and he
played long games of whist with the
old people ; but he used somehow 'to
get In a little talk about our own af
fairs , although we seldom had a
chance to see each other alone. And
then the 14th of February came
around , and I had scores of valentines ,
and great sport It was , for each young
man had to deliver his own , and it
was no easy task to do this without
being seen , which would have spoiled
the fun. Well , just toward dusk , I
happened to be looking from an upper
window , and I saw a tall figure creep
ing along by the garden wall. He had
his hat drawn down well over his face ,
but I caught just a glimpse of a dark
moustache , and , I assure you , my
dears , it was all I could do to behave
with becoming dignity , when Sophie ,
our old colored servant , came upstairs
with a square envelope addressed to
me. "
"Oh ! I know ! " cried Dorothy , cl p-
ping her hands. "It was grandpa's
valentine ! "
" " "and here it
"Yes , said grandma ,
is , " and she drew from the box an
old-fashioned envelope .addressed in
faded ink and in an elaborately dis
guised hand , to "Miss Katharine On-
derdonk. "
She handed the envelope to Nell ,
who , almost reverently drew forth
the valentine. It was a playing-card ,
the Queen of Hearts , and over the back
hart been neatly pasted a sheet of
white paper , on which were written
the following lines :
"My Kate is surely Queen of Hearts ,
And I will swear she's , queen of
Let's play a game where Love is
trumps ;
Sweet Kate will be my valentine ? "
The children all declared the poetry
to be very beautiful.
"But , grandma , " cried Donald and
Dorothy together , "what is that queer
round hole right through the middle
of the card ? "
Sure enough , there was a hole ,
which had pierced card and envelope
just as the children had said.
"Wait a moment , " said grandma ,
"we are coming to that. "It was very
soon after St. Valentine's day that
your grandfather spoke to my grand-
father about making me his wife , and
grandpa was very much surprised , al
though our love-making had been go
ing on for some months right under
his eyes. And he hesitated a good
deal , but finally , as there was no real
objection , he gave his consent. "
Grandma paused here for a few mo
ments , thinking , I suppose , of those
dear , happy days , now so long past ;
and the children had to remind her
that they were waiting for the rest of
the story.
"It was just after that , " continued
grandma , "that Ben had to go away
on business for a few weeks , and ho
begged me to have a picture made of
myself to give him on his return. I
dearly loved to tease him In those
days , and shortly after he had started
on his journey I wrapped the valentine
he had sent me very carefully In sev
eral thicknesses of paper , so that he
would think it contained the stiff case
of a. daguerreotype , and sent it to him
by mail. Meanwhile I had a fine pic
ture made for him with which to sur
prise him on his return , but ho would
not give me back my valentine. 'Do
you think , ' he said , laughing , 'that I
am going to return the first present
you ever gave me ? No. indeed ! though
I did make it myself. ' And he de
clared that he should always carry
it next his heart.
"Well , the following spring we were
married , and then we began our hut-
building. Ben planned the house him
self , and I went with him to Boston
to select the furniture. It was while
we were there that we heard the news
that made our hearts stand still.
"Fort Sumter had been fired upon !
We read the announcement In the pa
per , with white face , and Ben kept
saying all day , 'Oh , Kate ! this la too
terrible ! I never thought It would
come to this ! ' We went home with
i-ad hearts , in spite of our carload of
household treasures , for those were
days when private joys and sorrows
seemed as nothing in view of the dan
ger which threatened the whole coun
try. The governor of our state had
ordered the state troops , and the
militia as well , to be in readiness ; and
Ben mustered quite a company of his
friends ( the finest and bravest young
men in town ) , and they drilled night
and day to be in readiness for the calll
And I encouraged him in this work.
God knows , with what a sinking heart ,
but Ben never suspected that I was
half a coward. Your dear mother was
a tiny baby then , and I used often to
sing her to sleep with patriotic airs to
keep up my own courage. And then
at last it came the call for troops
we were expecting it ; but , oh ! how
weak I was when I heard Ben's voice
shouting upstairs , 'Kate , Kate , the
president has sent for us. '
"I was putting baby to sleep ( your
mother , you know , dears ) and I knelt
by her cradle for just one moment ,
praying for strength. And it came ,
for when Ben entered the room I was
able to smile quite bravely , and to help
him pack his knapsack , for they were
to start that very night. "
Grandma paused here for a mo
ment , but no one spoke , and she went
on in a low voice :
"How well I remember that night !
It was raining , and very cold and
damp ; hut every mother and sister and
wife and sweetheart in town were at
the station to see them off. Most of
the women were crying bitterly , but
I could not shed a tear , and when Ben
took me in his arms to say good-bye
his lips moved , but he could not utter
a word , and I could hear the beating
of his heart. As the train pushed out
there were shouts and cheers , of
course , to keep up the courage of the
men , and somebody shouted , "Three
cheers for Captain Worrell ! ' and the
crowd took it up with a will. And
then I looked up and saw my husband
for the last time on this earth. He
had climbed on top of the rear car
and was raising his cap to the crowd
( they were all life-long friends ) , and
when he saw me raise my head ( with
anguish written all over my face , I
suppose ) , his own face was convulsed
for a moment , and then he tried to
smile , and pointed upwards , meaning ,
I suppose , that we were in God's
hands. And then the train was swal
lowed up in the mist. "
Again she paused , and again no one
"I heard from him many times after
that , " she continued. "Sometimes not
for months , and then a whole batch of
letters would come at once always
bright and cheerful , those letters , and
full of little incidents and anecdotes
which he thought might amuse and in
terest me , seldom a word of his own
privations , and even sufferings. I do
not know how we women endured the
long strain of that waiting for news.
If it had not been that your mother
was such a very young infant , I be
lieve I would have followed my hus
band as some wives did , preferring
anything to the terrible suspense of
waiting quietly at home.
"And then the dreadful slaughter be
gan. But you , children , must wait un
til you are older to hear about that.
"One day I was walking restlessly
up and down the piazza of my little
home , my baby in my arms , trying to
put her to sleep as best I could with
out a lullaby ( for I could no longer
sing ) , when a soldier came up the path
leading to the house. I knew him well ,
although he was greatly changed , for
he was a neighbor and had been in
Ben's company. I knew at once that
he was the bearer of bad news , and as
he approached nearer I could not
speak , but just held out my hand. He
laid a small package in It , saying ,
'God pity you ! ' and that was the last
I knew for many hours. When I came
to myself I still held the package in
my hand , and when I had the courage
to open it , the first thing I saw was
my valentine , torn as you have seen ,
by the bullet which had pierced one
of the bravest hearts that ever shod
its life-blood for our country. "
There was silence when grandma
had finished speaking ; Sister Nell was
crying and Donald whispered ,
"I say , Dorothy , let's put away our
valentines until tomorrow. "
If a man is given his dailybread
he kicks because it isn't buttered. .
If love made the world go round
thern would be fewer revolutions.
Belts are automatically tightened by
a pulley , which is carried at the end
of a pivoted frame and rests on the
upper side of the belt , with an auxil
iary pulley held In place below the
lower side , the swinging pulleys being
drawn toward each other to tighten
both runs of the belt.
Chimneys are easily cleaned by a
new machine , a brush of the same
shape as the chimney being suspended
on a rope running between pulleys at
the top and bottom of the chimney ,
with a. crank attached to the lower
pulley to revolve it and drew the brush
up and down. \
If a man's relatives don't want to
spend the money on one they say
that his life was such that his mem
ory will be kept green without erect
ing a monument.
Cost of Nicaragua Canal.
The estimates for constructing the
Nicaragua Canal vary from $115,000-
000 to $150,000,000 , How different are
the estimates of the people as to the
value of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters.
It is agreed that this remedy is unsur
passed for indigestion , biliousness ,
constipation , nervousness and sleep
lessness. It is such an agreeable med
icine to take.
Some women are afraid in the dark
and others are afraid of the light.
A catalogue of SOU prizes , suitable to
every taste and condition , mailed on
inquiry. Prizes given for saving Diamond
mend "C" Soap wrappers. Address
Cudahy Soap Works , South Omaha ,
The disquieting microbe of love gives
the old bachelor a wide berth.
S10O Reward. 8100.
The readers of tliis paper -will too pleased to
learn that there is at least ono dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure noivlcnownto the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease , requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally ,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system , thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease , and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith in its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred Dollnrs for
any case that it fails to cure. Send for list or
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo , O.
Sold by druggists 75c.
Kail's Family Pills are the best.
The man who indulges in too many
horns imbibes cornucopiously .
Oats 24 1-2 Indies Ionsr.
The Oat marvel what will 500,000 such
lonjj heads per acre weigh ? 15,3ut > Ibs.
4SO Bushels ! Such a yield pays big !
Cut this notice out and send 10 cents
postage to JOHN A. SAL.55ER SEED
their sreat catalogue and 10 Farm Se d
Samples tree ; including ; Bromus Inermis ,
the greatest grass on earth. Potatoes
51.20 a Bbl. [ w.n.j
The learned man has a fortune that
he can't be bunkoed out of.
A Single Dose of "Five Drops"
will benefit you for la grippe its use a
few days will cure you. See their ad
vertisement in another column of this
paper , containing strong testimonials.
The color of truth depends upon the
eyes looking at it.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets- All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
5c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet.
Perhaps it is the wa on tongue that
makes the wheels tired.
It often happens that the man who
is his own boas sees but few pay days.
Senator Turpie of Indiana says he
never carries a watch because people
used to bother him so much by ask
ing the time. "I thought I'd try my
turn at bothering somebody else , " says
the sear.tor.
Oil can be discharged into cups
placed out of reach on machinery by
the use of a new oil can , which is car
ried by a long rod and has the nozzle
at the bottom , with an interior valve
operated by a cord attached to the rod ,
extending down within reach of the
Your heart beats over one hun-1
dred thousand times each day- I
One hundred thousand supplies of
| good or bad blood to your brain.
Which is it ?
If bad , impure blood , then your ]
brain aches. You are troubled1
with drowsiness yet cannot sleep.
You are as tired in the morning
as at ni ° ht. You have no nerve
power. Your food does you but
little good. I
Stimulants , tonics , headache ]
powders , cannot cure you ; but
will. It makes the liver , kidneys ,
skin and bowels perform their
proper work. It removes all im
purities from the blood. And it
makes the blood rich in its life-
giving properties.
You vri'il be mere rapidly cured
if you v/ill take a laxative dose of
Aver's pills each night. They
arouse the sluggish iiver and thus
cure biliousness.
ITfrJ/a So OKI *
V "e have the exclusive services of
seme of the most emincir.t physicians in
the United States V-'rita freely all the
psrtlcuUrs in your case.
Address , D1S. J. C AVER.
l , Jlass.
_ _ _ . . quick relief and cures worst
c-a e . Book of tectiinonlis IO days'treat
ment Fruc. ! > r. JI.n.CIIUKVSSONS. Bo % B , Atlanta , Ga.
W.N. U. OMAHA. No. 6 1S99
Wfceo Answering aavcrMsesients fiisdiy
flection This Facer.
it Cures Surely.
The Tin Tags tak n from Horseshoe , "J. T. , "
Cross Bow , Goqd Luck and Drummond
Natural Leaf will pay for any one or all of
this list of desirable and useful things and
you have your good chewing tobacco besides.
Every man , woman and child in. America can find something
on this list that they would like to have and can have FREE !
Write your name and address plainly and send every tag you
can < ; ct to us mentioning the number of the present you want.
Any assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above
OS * will be accepted as follows :
1 Match Box , quaint design , im
ported from Japan 2.
2 Knife , one blade , good steel 25
5 Sensors , 4inch , Rood steel . . . . 2.1
4 ChiU's Sc' , Knife , Fork and Spoon 25
6 Salt and Pepper , one each , quad
ruple oVite on white metal . . . 50
G Razor , hollow ground , fins English
steel 50
7 RuttsrKnife , triplcplnte , best qua ! . 60
8 SugarShcll.tripleplate.bebtquality CO
9 Stamp Box , stcrlinc silver 70
10 Knife , "Keen Ku'ter"t\vo blades 70
11 Butcher Knife , "Keen Kuttcr , "
8-inch blade 75
12 Shears , " Keen Kutter , " 8-inch ,
nickel 75
13 Nut Set , Cocker and C Picks , silver SO
14 Nail Kile , sterling silver , amethyst
set , tf-inch 100
15 Tooth Brmh , sterling sih er , ame
thyst < et , 6-inch' IOC
1C Paper Cutter , sterling' silver amc-
th > t set , 7-inch ICO
17 Base Ball , "Association. " bestcjtial. 100
18 Watch , stem wind and set , guaran
teed good time keeper 200
19 Alarm Clock , nickel , warranted . OM )
20 Caners , buckhorn handle , good
steel 200
21 Six Roger. ' Tcnspocn , best qual. 225
22 Knives and Foik , six each , buck-
horn handles 250
23 Clock , 8-Oay , Caleacar.'Iheimom-
cter , Baicmciei 500
21 Stove , Wilson Heater , sie Xo. 30
orXo. 40 COO
25 Tool Set , not playthings , but real
tools 650
2C Toilet Set , decorated porcelain ,
\ery har.d ine SCO
27 Watch , solid Mixer , full jeweled . 1000
23 Sen-ins M.ithinc , first class , with
all attachments 1500
29 Revolver , Colt's , best jU3lity ) . .1500
SO Rifle. Winchester. ItVshot , 22-col 1600
31 Shot Gun , double band , hammer-
less , stub fvist 2000
32 Guitar ( \Va hburr ) , roscvord , in-
l.iid with motrcr-of-pearl . 2000
03 Bicycle , standard tn.ikcladies' or
rents' . . . . 2COO
BOOKS 30 c"ioc : selections -ame
as last year's 'list , 40 tags ecch.
This offer expires iJavsrnbsr 30 , (893. (
Address all your Tags and the correspondence about them to
O PIIQC cvcrX l 'l of Courl. . . Col.l. ,
iU UUUL Il.mfWiuInflmslua. . CiCanli. il til !
Iiinctiiiltliniittrou1ilos. Ktfml i r proof of it. It docs nut etckcn or disagree
with the stomach. Sulc for all agC3.
Write us. plvlny nil nytnptomo plainly anil our Physician-will give
FIIEE ADVICE , n fiSncu book of v o'1' ' l y l > r iR5l ts ur sent by mull.
and ft FREE SAMPLE. A Price , 10 c.nts anil 25 cents.
Dr. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO. , ( Western OiEce ) Orxiaha , Neb.