The Tcceat-proteat of J. . Sterling Morton of Nebraska against the cut- tins of Christmas trees is warmly commended in thewest. . In Ills pro test , foe Bftld : "Tho trees selected for slaughter on this anniversary are al ways the stralEhtest and most sym metrical. There -were last year more than twenty million of Christmas trees cut down and put on the market. The absurdity of celebrating the birth of the Savior of the world by a wan ton waste and extravagance Which jeopardizes the welfare of millions of human beings yet unl > orn is obvious to every thinking man. " Don't imagine that long hair will give you the strength of Samson , un less , like Samson , you you a Tiead for It to grow on. If poets are born a lot of them are unmade in after years. \ What does it do ? It causes the oil glands in the skin to become more active , making the hair soft and glossy , precisely as nature intended. It cleanses the scalp f rom- dandruff and thus removes one of the great causes of baldness. It makes a better circu lation in the scalp and stops the hair from coming out. ' * Ayer's Hair Vigor will surely make hair grow on bald heads , provided only there is any life remain I ing in the hair bulbs. It restores color to grayer or white hair. It does not do this in a moment , as will a hair dye ; but in a short time the gray color of age gradually disap pears and the darker color _ of youth takes its place. / ยง Would you like a copy of our book on the Hair and Scalp ? It is free. If you do not obtain all the benefits yon expected from the use of the Vigor vrrito the Doctor about it. Address , DK. J. C. AVER. Lowell , Mass. Meat smoked in a few boars with I , KRAUSERS' LIQUID EXTRACT OF SMOKE. Made from hickory wood. Cheaper , cleaner , sweeter , and surer than tbe old way. Send for .KKAC6EUiimo.ilIltonPa. . Relief at Last 'Asfc druggists for Dr. Martel's ' French Female Pills In metal box with French Fluff on top In Blne.VThlte 'and Rod. Insist on having the genuine. "Relief for Women" mailed FREE In plain sealed letter with testimonials and particulars. FRENCH DRUG CO. , 381 383 Pearl St. , New York. J Accordnig to a story circulated in Berlin , the Empress-Agusta Victoria met a chimney-sweep in a room of the royal palace on the morning before Christmas. She nodded in a friendly manner and bade him wait a moment. Soon she returned , leading her two youngest children , Prince Joachim , eight years old , and princess Victoria , aged six , each bearing a Christmas honey cake , which was offered to the sweep. The Drince presented his gift with royal suavity. The little princess at first was frightened by the grimy appearance of the sweep. Finally , she handed him the cake in a ffinserly manner. Fast Mall to Seattle. The widespread public Interest In the contest for the fast mail contract between Chicago and Omaha has caused one temporarily to overlook the similar achievement of the Great Northern railway in establishing quick mail communication from New York , via Chicago and St. Paul , to Seattle , and thence to the Orient. The fast Pacific mail service by way of St. Paul to the Puget Sound country is now quite as remarkable as that via Omaha to San Francisco. On January 3 the Great Northern placed in serv ice a fast through mail and passen ger train from Chicago to Seattle , on which the mail pouches never once leave the car after the transfer at St. Paul. From New York to Seattle the time by this Northern route is just four days. East of St. Paul the mails are carried on several roads , but west of that city on a run exceeding the eastern portion by 500 miles the mall goes through without change across five great States on the tracks of the Great Northern. Forty-five minutes are consumed In transferring the mails in Chicago , and thirty min utes in St. Paul. After that the Northern Oriental flyer does the rest without a pause until the Asiatic mails go on board the steamers of the Japan Mall Steamship Company. Both the importance of Seattle as an Oriental shipping point and the speed of the Great Northern transconti nental mail service make the achieve ment a noteworthy feature of Amer ican railway progress. The Puget Sound cities have al ready become formidable rivals of San Francisco as regards the freight and passenger traffic for Japan , China and Asiatic ports. The steamer route from Seattle to the Orient seems to be more free from storms than that from San Francisco , and as a large proportion of the Oriental exports are products of the Northwest the freight traffic has naturally taken this course. The fact that the full capacity of the Japan Mail Steamship 'Company's boats is engaged as far ahead as next August is in itself a striking proof of the growing importance of the Oriental trade that has its outlet at Seattle. Don't expect a coat of paint to cov er a woman's age successfully. Fl TS Permanently Cnrea. No fits or nervousness after flrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Xerve Restorer. Send for FREE 8S.OO trial bottle and treatise. Da. R. II. KLINE , Ltd. , 931 Arch St. , Philadelphia , Pa. Don't think an indulgent husband always goes home full. Dr. Seth Arnold's CouRli Killer Is an excellent remedy & r children , ilrs. Win. Frogue , Columbus , lian. 23c. a bottle. Some women are afraid in the dark and others are afraid of the light. Mrs. "WinsioTfR sootTiing Syrup For children tcethinn.softfinsthe gums.reilucesinflam mation , allays pain , cures-wind colic. 25 centsa bottle. He that hath a trade hath an es tate. Franklin , TO CURS A COXD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. In the earlier ages dancing was ad vocated as a. cure for sickness. "We feel perfectly safe in saying that puglistic matches are not made in heaven. Eve was made before mirrors and her daughters have kept in front of them ever since. FOR 30 DAYS YOU CAN TRY IT FOR 25 CENTS. Riiiiggiiatism , Seiaiina CURED BY " 5 DROPS" Three Tears Ago. DOCTORS PRONOUNCED HIEV3 INCURABLE. He Is Sill ! Well and Writes , on Oct. 10,1898 : "I Feel it a Duly Thai I Owe fo God and Suffering Humanity to Announce fo You paiDB mi ] and All the World What " 5 Drops" Has Done for Me. " I ? V SIBERIA , PERRY Co. , IXD. . JAK. 29,1898. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURB COMPANY : I would like to thank you for vonr ereat remedy , " 5 DROPS" , and tell you what it has done for me. I had Rheuma tism in every joint and in the heart , and I had Catarrh of the Head for 80 years. I was BO poorly that I lost the use of my lees and arms , and could not move without pain. I was so crippled that I had done but little work for seven long years , and our family uh-vdicion a good doctor , told me that my Rheumatism arid Catarrh were incurable , and I believed him. But now , after using " 5 Drops" only two months , I can truly say I have not felt so well for seven years. This medicine does more than Is claimed for it. At this time my Catarrh is much better and I have scarcely any Rheumatism at all. and the heart weakness and pain are gone. My hearing is now good and my eyesight is much better. 1 have gained more than 10 pounds of flesh and can do a full day's work It is the best medicine I ever saw to give a mother who has a young child , for it has the same effect on the child as on the mother. It wards off Croup and cures the Hives of the child and causes sweet and refreshing sleep to both young and old. SIX TESTIFY TO ITS TRUTH. In a letter of Oct. 10,189S , from Mr. Kollems , he says : "Ifeel it a duty that jl owe to God and suffering humanity to announce to you and all the world that I am yet in therintr with untold thousands of others , to testify to the great merits of your valu able remedy called " 5 DROPS. " I believe I was the first sufferer in this part of the earth to learn of the existence of " 5 DROPS/ some three years ago. I was then badly afflicted with Rheumatism , Catarrh , etc. , which my letter of Jan. 29,1890 , fully speaks of All I can say is " 5 DROPS" cured me. To make a long story short , " 5 DROPS" needs no recommendation in this part of the country , as everybody knows the " 5 DROPS" remedies around here. It has cured more cases of Rhematism , Sciatica , Neuralgia , and many other pains than any other medicine that has ever been sold or three I have noticed the effect " 5 DROPS" has on the last . For the years of. heard Kirk throueh mv own observations as * well as my brother , who is a practicing physician " . All that wish for further information cian and uses the " 5 Drops" in his practice. ye without delay. I will ( as I have done tion write and you are sure to got a reply any . in this letter ) cheerfully recommend it to anyone that I may come in contact with. never forget what this remedy has done for mo and many others. I mvself can ' Yours very truly , TVM. M. KELiLEMS , Siberia , Ind. Witnesses to the above : Jos. Brady , J. R. Cox , E. R. Huff , S. Taylor , Dr. S. W Ecllems , Jno. Hays , all of Siberia , Ind. TrnnrinrfHl success that has attended the introduction of " 5 DROPS" is unprecedented of the world. Think of It ! It has CURED more than One million and a Quarter In the history to . One million and a quarter InfffirVrc within the last three years. This must appeal you. b 2S , Mnnntcm fin mistaken. If suffering we trust you may have sufficient confldenco to send EfttPheWrgo botUeTor I DROPS" fSrsf50 , which will surely cure you. IT not , then send for than its wonderful curative prop- which contains enough medicine to more prove a 8100 Dottle mallor express. This wonderful curative gives almost Instant rello and erte& Prepaid by CURE for Rheumatism , Sciatica , Neuralgia , Dygpepslo , Backache , ? Fever , Catarrh , Sleeplessness , Nervousness , Nervous anrf Neuralgic Head- A chcm Heart Hay Weakness , Toothache , Earache. Croup , 1 Grlppo , Malaria , Creeping Numbness , Bronchitis , and kindred diseases. ' . _ . MfeBBfe4Pf e ? 5 Is the name and dose. LARGE BOTTLE (300 doses,61.00 , pre- S DKCJI & paldby mall or express ; THREE BOTTLES , 62.50. Sold enl ; tor usanaour agents. Agents Appointed In New Territory. Write today. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO. , 167 Dearborn St. , Chicago , III. .JM f / i ' > * I * THE LONEllEST A Juvenile Story. When Marcia Andrews moved to Chicago from the country village in which she had always lived she natur ally expected to be a little lonely at first. But she just as naturally believ ed that the loneliness would not last long. She had always got quickly ac quainted with the few new "girls" who bad moved into Bridgeport during her lifetime. She saw no reason why city people should take any longer to per form a like ceremony. And she was more than ready to meet them half way. way.But But the boys and girls who went to the public school and the Sunday school which Marcia attended in Chicago cage already knew lots of other boys and girls , and , especially as the stranger entered into the class work rather late in the term they were quite fully occupied with their own interests. So when Marcia had been going to the Hammond school regularly every day for three months she was very lonely. "They don't mean to be unkind , I can see that , " she told her mother , for Marcia was as just as she was sensi tive , and intuitively realized the true reason of this apparent neglect upon the part of her classmates , "but they're all so busy and so happy and they know so many people that I don't be lieve they ever think of strangers at all. I feel as if I was just sick for some other girl to talk to whenever I'm not studying. " But something happened very soon after Marcia thus fretted to her mother which , while it deepened her loneli ness for a time , brought matters out all right in the end. Staying late at school one evening , in order to glance over a book in the school library , she found , when re moving the dust from her fingers aft erward , a beautiful ring lying on the edge of the dressing room basin. She knew whose ring it was immediately. She had often watched the diamond in its flashing from the finger of Evelyn Gorton , the girl who sat next to her in school. Girl-like , Marcia , who had never owned a ring , had often envied Evelyn the possession of this one. Now she amused herself for some moments by slipping it on and off her own fin ger and watching the light play about the handsome stone. Then she went in search of the janitor and offered the ring to him. "No , " said the janitor , who did not care for the trouble of returning the trinket nor to keep so valuable an ar ticle over night. "I don't want to take it. Give It to the principal or keep it until tomorrow morning. " But the prncipal had gone home some time before , and both the janitor and Marcia had forgotten that , the day being Friday , there would be no school sessions tomorrow. So Marcia , girl ishly willing , If not glad , to wear the lovely thing home and keep it over night , was sorely troubled upon reach ing home to remember that she must either retain It until Monday or find some means of getting it to its owner. On Saturday night Marcia , after hav ing tired herself out by unavailing ef- "A BEAUTIFUL RING. " 'orts to find Evelyn , was compelled to return home with the ring still in her possession. Next morning she awoke to find her mother very ill with a diph theritic sore throat. Three weeks la ter , almost before the mother was able to sit up , Marcia herself came down with the same disease. So it was nearly two months before she entered the Hammond school again , and in all that time she had hardly thought of the diamond ring at all. When she had remembered it , during the inter vals of her own and her mother's ill ness , she had intended to write a let ter to the principal of the school sug gesting that Evelyn come after ring , but this she had neglected to do , being overworked and weary , until she was so nearly ready to return to school that such a course seemed unneces sary. Finally she resolved that the simplest plan of all would be to re tain the ring until able to return It personally. Evelyn Gorton , meanwhile , had not missed the ring until some time after reaching home that afternoon , and had not then remembered where she had lost It. Advertisements asking for Its return and promising a reward for this action were inserted in all the papers by her father , but these , as Marcia never saw them , were of no avail. At last she gave up the ring for hopeless ly lost , never thinking of having left it at school until some weeks after missing it. Then , one morning as she stood waiting for a comrade in the basement , the janitor casually remarked that he supposed she had got her ring all right. Explanations followed and Evelyn at once jumped to the conclusion that Marcia had stolen her ring. "I always knew there was something queer about her , she was so unnatural ly quiet and still ! " she exclaimed , not remembering that no opportunity had teen given quiet , retiring Marcia to be anything else. "She's just a thief that's all she is , and she stayed away from school all this time just because she doesn't dare come back ! " "Hush , hush , hush ! Marcia has been ill , " catumanded the principal when Evelyn dashed into the office with her excited story. "That Is , she was 111 two weeks ago , when I sent to find out the cause of her absence. I know she is ! " There was another rush to the office to find out Marcia's ad dress , but Miss Strong refused to give it. "Let me hear no more of such words as 'thief and 'dishonest , ' " she said sternly. ' Twill look into the matter Evelyn , as I told you. In the mean time , let nothing more be said. " But-a great deal more was said , de spite the principal's command. Be fore school closed that afternoon the report that Harcia had stolen the diamond mend ring had spread all through the school. It was discussed by knots of excited girls and boys upon the play ground that afternoon , and again just as eagerly the next morning. When school was presently opened and II was supposed that nothing had been heard about the ring , a state of excite ment but poorly suppressed reigned ev erywhere. And in the midst of all this , just as they were vainly trying to draw their attention from Evelyn's crimson cheeks and flashing eyes to the lesson in hand , the door opened and Marcia herself walked in. Dis tressed at being late , and evidently a little nervous herself , she made her way quietly to her seat and opened her books. Almost before this had hap pened , however , Evelyn was upon her feet and wildly signaling the teacher. "Where is iny ring ? " she asked Mar cia , as the teacher merely looked at her quietly and gave no permission to speak. "Where is the ring that you stole from me ? " Marcia , looking at her in open and undisguised astonishment , turned pale at the sound of the word 'stole. ' "Do you mean to say ? " she inquired in her turn , after a moment or two of horrified silence on the part of all con cerned , "that you think I stole your ring ? " "Of course you stole it , " he sponded Evelyn , angrily , and losing all control of herself in her passion. "Tell me where it is or I'll have you arrested right away ! " For answer , Marcia , who had arisen to her feet when confronted by Eve lyn's accusation , sank slowly to her seat and turned her attention to her books. She was pallid with anger , trembling with warmth and indigna tion , but she kept herself well in hand. Evelyn also sat down ; she was too weak with excitement to stand up longer. No further word was spoken until Miss Strong , whose coming at that hour was unusual , stepped quietly into the room. At sight of the flush ed and nervous faces turned toward her she stopped and looked inquiringly at the teacher , who briefly explained the recent occurrence , and Miss Strong's own face took on an unusual-i ly brilliant color. She mounted the. platform and faced the pupils with an air of stern indignation. "There has been a great , a terrible1 injustice done here this morning , " she1 said , slowly , "and I am greatly asham ed that any pupil of the Hammond school should have been so unkind , as well as so wicked. Miss Gorton's ring was returned to me by Miss Andrews this morning ; it would have been re turned to Miss Gorton long ago , as I have ample proof , if it had been pos sible for the unwilling retainer of the ring to find Miss Gorton. "Miss Andrews , " addressing Marcia , with courteous kindness , "Miss Gorton will , of course , apologize to you promptly for her injustice and unkind- ness. " "It's just the way they've acted all along , " said Marcia , stung to bitter speech by the remembrance of her win ter's loneliness , culminating in this dreadful accusation. "I wanted to come to the city so badly , " she went on , barely choking back the tears which told in her voice if not her eyes , "and it's been perfectly awful. I've been the loneliest girl in school all winter , and now" breaking down en tirely "they think I'd.steal ! " "No , we don't , Marcia , we don't , in deed ! " cried Evelyn , as warm hearted and quick to repent as she was impul sively ready to jump at conclusions , "we don't dearie. I never really thought so myself. I was only so anxious to get my ring back , and it looked so queer that you'd keep it , and I got so excited and angry. Please for give me , " she whispered , throwing her arms around the sobbing Marcia and kissing her warmly , "and forget that I was ever so mean. " The storm had all blown over a few minutes later , when Marcia and Eve lyn , who had both been excused , un asked , by Miss Strong , for the rest of the day , went down the stairway to gether. It was the first time which they had ever done so , arm in arm , and they have been fast friends ever since , Ethel Maude Colson. Marrleil Travelers Are Privileged , raj Husbands and wives traveling t'cF gether in Norway pay only a fare and a half on the railways , and in Austria and Hungary this is also the case. In the latter countries a child under six years of age traveling with an adult is not charged for , while considerable reduction in the fare is made for chil dren of a family , according to their ages and to the number traveling. Contlngont Circumstances. From the Washington Star : "Plas Mr. Bridden a good memory ? " "Well , " replied the discreet friend ; "I must say it depends somewhat on whether he's owing or collecting. " If the office were to start out In search of the man It would soon get iost in the crowd. Fifty Cornell student * 9 * taking special courses of instruction in naval architecture and marine designing. The department is presided over by Professor Durand , a graduate of the United States naval academy , who has had eleven years' work In the con struction of ships for the navy. The Cornell school 'has ' been in existence lor seven years , and men trained in it are employed in all the ereat ship yards of the country. Perhaps a girl Is called a miss be cause she seldom hits anything she throws at , William Condon Has just died at East Bloomfield , N. Y. , of the grip , at the age of 111 , as attested by records in the possession of his family. In early life he was a soldier in the Brit ish army. He used tobacco all his life and boasted that he had "made more smoke than the battle of Water loo. " Senator Simon , of Oregon , has bean taking banjo lessons. "Are you im proving ? " some one asked him recent ly. "Either that or the neighbors are getting more used to it , he replied. Shall Porto Rico Be a State ? Our public men are trying to de cide what action should be taken re garding the status of Porto Rico. We have never before had to deal with a similar condition' . Neither have we ever had such a reliable medicine for dyspepsia , indigestion and nervous ness as Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It makes strength to resist future at tacks. Don't linger at the bottom of the ladder. Either go up or down. A catalogue of 300 prizes , suitable to every taste and condition , mailed on inquiry. Prizes given for saving Diamond mend "C" Soap wrappers. Address Cudahy Soap Works , South Omaha , Neb. The man who indulges in too many horns imbibes cornucopiously. Catarrh Cannot Tie Cared with LOCAL APPLICATIONS , as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease , and ! n order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally , and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years , and Is u regular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics known , combined with the best blood purifiers , acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two inRredicnts is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials , free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Props. , Toledo. O. Sold by druggists , price Toe. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The learned man has a fortune that "he can't be bunkoed out of. Poker haa bera ecra-rei a gameof chance by the Vienna supreme court and Is forbidden in Austria-Hungary as coming under the law passed in 1784 against games of 'hazard. ' The judges , before arriving at their de cision , discussed the intellectual ele ment in bluffing. , Former Senator F. D. Dubois , of Idaho , is about to be married to Miss Edna M. Whited , of Dolan , S. D. , ami is building for Tils future home in Blackfoot the most costly house in the state. Mr. Dubois is one of the tru est cattle owners in the west KEEVOUS DEPRESSION. [ A TALK WITH MRS. PINKHAM. ] A woman with the blues is a very un comfortable person. She is illogical , unhappy and frequently hysterical. The condition of the inind known as " the blues , " nearly always , with wo men , results from diseased organs of generation. It is a source of wonder that in this age of advanced medical science , any person should still believe that mere force of will and determination will overcome depressed spirits and nerv ousness in women. These troubles arc indications of disease. Every woman who doesn't under stand her condition should write to Lynn , Mass. , to Mrs. Pinkham for her advice. Her advice is thorough com mon sense , and is the counsel of a learned woman of great experience. Read the story of Mrs. F. S. BENNETT , Westphalia , Kansas , as told in the fol lowing letter : " DEAR MRS. PIXKIIAM : I have suf fered for over two years with falling- , enlargement and ulceration of the womb , and this springbeing - in such a weakened condition , caused me to flow for nearly six mouths. Some time ago , urged by friends , I wrote to you for advice. After using the treatment which you advised for a short time , that terrible flow stopped. "I am now gaining strength and flesh , and have better health than I have had for the past ten years. I wish to say to all distressed , suffer ing women , do not suffer longer , when there is one io kind and willing to aid you. " Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is a woman's remedy for wo man's ills. More than a million wo men have been benefited by it. W. N. U. OP/1 AH A. No. S9O Ivfcsn Answering aavertTsements Kindly I-Iention This Taper. FIGHTING BOB of Schley's fleet says times.An American gunner cancan hit a spot the size of a beer keg's head 3 out of 5 times. S can strike the every time. It Pene pain spot of trates and Cures. FBUiT AND Small Fruits , Grapes , Shrubs. Climbing Plants- * Roses , Evergreens , Hardy Plants , Paionies. Iarjjcut cad ciiolccht collections lu America. J BEST HOVELT1E3 Descriptive Illcstrated Catalogue free. - ELLWASfGER & BARSY , MOUNT HOPE NURSERIES , Rochester , N. Y. AT REASONABLE PRICES. Flfty-nlntli Year. "A BHIGHT HOME MAKES A MERRY HEART. " JOY TRAVELS ALONG WITH AS SF BY RflAGIC. EVERY MAN AND WOMAN SHOULD READ. Lives of suffering and misery from this repulsive disease turned into bealth and happi * ness through the USB of After vears of special study and practice In diseases of th s Mucus Membrane , and espe cially of catarrhal troubles , \ve have at last developed a treatment that will positively and permanently cure Catarrhal Diseases-ln whatever form they may be. After fully demon- I Btrating the merits of this treatment in a private practice of over five years , and success fully treating and curinp the most obstinate cases , we Challenge the World for a case ot Catarrh , or Catarrhal Disease , our CATARRH EXPELLANT will not cure. Deafness , resulting from Catarrh , quickly cured. Loss of Scn e of Smell and Taste quickly restored. All repulsive symptoms peculiar to Catarrhul troubles , as font breath , discharge * Hacking : , Coughing , and Spitting- , relieved at once. Catarrbol Affections of Stomach , Liver or Kidneys , causing Indigestion , Sick Stomach , Nausea. Weakness , Depression , Loss of Ambition anil Energy , are quickly cured. Most of the weakness of men and women Is caused by Catarrhal diseases. The poisonous discharges find their way to the stomacli and into the bloo-i , and distributed throuphoul the entire system , affecting the Vital and Life Force * and causing those Organic and Nervous Weaknesses < , o dreaded by every man and woman These weaknesses nro cured by CATARRH EXPELLANT and perfect health and strength fully restored. Over five hundtfU testimonials in praise of this treatment re ceived since January 1 , 1807. If you have Catarrh or any Catarrhal Disease. RICHARD'S CATARRH EXPELLANT Will cure you Just as sure aswater will quench thirst , \Vrito to-dav for testimonials and valuable Instructive paper on ttiese SENT KREfc. Address THE C. H. RICHARDS CO. , OMAHA. NEBRASKA. With Hog Cholera Vac cine Virus. Renders your hOR.s immune from Chol era and currs those af fected. Any fanner can use the Virus , fresh cultures daily. Put up in ; ubes ready for use for 30 and e'O hogs ; price E2.00 and SaOO , mailed to your address with full directions for usin ? , upon receipt of price. Write for testimonials. Address , THE SWINE VACCINE FAK3I CO. , I' . O. Uox 515 , 1'arsonsi , Kansas. A HEW IHGUBATOR fully used Ian Benson. Price' In fjK portion to prlce-sof poultry.Srnd forour i * book on Incubators and poultry rablnjr. Snro Hatch Inccbitcr Co. , CUy Center , Seb. Jr. KaV5S Renovator. Guaranteed ui. / iiciiwiuiwi ; to cure dyspep sia , constipation , liver andlsidneydiscases.bil- iousness. headache , etc. At druggists J5c & 81. "WANTED Case or tmu neata mat TI-I-P-A-I'-S Will not benefit. Send 5 cents to Illpnns Chemical Co. , Zew York , for 10 tanuilec and 1.00U testimonial ? . NEW DISCOVERY : ftn quick relief anil cares wortt aCK. Send for book of testimonials nnd 1O day * ' treatment Free. i > r. H.ii.tiiiKEVSSONS. jUUn Ilr lfou'o I nnrr ror cousns. colds , Uli fray S LUllg andthroatdlscasc SEHD 87 SCOTS Cut this ad. oat and send to ns and wo will ecnd , this Roberta' Fanning \ \ Mill by freight. O.O.l5 ! ( abject 'x > ezcmination. Examine it at the freight depot and If found per > feet ) 7 satisfactory nnd equalto Fanning Millsthnt retail ot { 2U.OO to 3 00 , pay tbo ' freight Our Special Pflco , S9.87 , lesstheSfTcts. " = " - r. or SO.SO end freight chanjos. The nHl weljhi 120 lliq Every Mill isccver-cl by a binding gunr- nnteo : moro wind , moroHhoho.carries tnoio creea , andwilll do moro and better work than nj mill yoa. caabayftjr82XCX ( V7U1 separate wild eecd from wheat ; In one open/Aon. will separate the foal scedo , saunas mustard , piscon ervs. etc. , f roni flar on once gotnir through thi rain. It Is n perfect downer of clover end timothy , Kr.da of the very b < > t jn.ttoxiol. w o far. nlsh witii It 030 wire wheat hnrdln. three aiove * , xvacnS . . 'pedal ' . - . - - - - - - Agricultural Impleta nt C talonn . 5 ? . II. Ectena' Sujjtf Ewe , iZzxat&t CURE YOURSELF ? URO Bic G for unnatural -liecliarxefi , iiiHauimiitKinn , x irritutionn or ulcviatioiu 'irtCO to tuiamr * . yf luncuue * liietubrntH * . IjPrcfrau cocttswn. I'.iiuli s , and not astriii- [ iTHEhVWS CHEMlCAtCo. gfnt or poisonous. \OIHC1NMATI.O.I J SoJd by DniRjciitK. U.S.A. 7. I jr * rnt In plain wrarrtT. ny oxprrpn. [ irppniil. fur * 1 m. or3b. > ttti-i. . ? : . : . Circular vent uu FAIRBANKS SCALES P ATP NT ! Ccur < Ml orn1' money returned , fevarcb In I Cl i me. Collamcr & Co. 34 > * 8t.\Vab. ,1 > .U