there arc thousands of wo men who nearly suffer death from irregular menses. Some times the "period"comes too often sometimes not often enough sometimes the flow is too scant , and again it is too profuse. Each symptom shows that Nature needs help , and that there is trouble in the or gans coicmsd. Be careful when in i-\j oJ the above con ditions. Don't take any and every nostrum advertised to cure female troubles. BMBFIELD'S FEMALE IEGULATOK ia _ the one safe and sure medicine for irregular or pain ful ricastnia'Jon. It cures all the aihuenzsthat are caused by irregularity , ruch as Itucor- rhcea , falling of the womb , nervousness ; paine in the head , back , breasts , shoulders , sides , hips and limbs. By regulating i lie inensss so that they occur every tv.ey. eighth day , all those aohus disappear together. Just before your time comes , ; et a bottle and see how much good it v/O do you. Drag-gists cell it at § i. Send ( or onr free book , "Perfect Health for "Women. " THE BPJLDKELD REGULATOR CO. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart , of Groton. S D. "Wits taker with a bad cold which "settled on my lungs ; cough het in and finally terminat ed in consumption Four doctors gave me up , saj'ing I could live but a shor time. I gave myself up to my Savior , determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth , I nonhl meet my absen ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption , coughs and colds. I gave it a trial , took in all eight bottles. It has cured me , and thank God. I am saved and now avell and healthy woman. Trial bottles free at McConnell's drug store. Regular size SOG. and $ r oo Guar anteed or price refunded. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is the only remedy for blind , bleeding and pro trading piles , indorsed by physicians cures the most obstinate cases. Price 50 in bottles Tubes 75 cents. McConuell THKTRIBUNK and Demorest's Family Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in advance. Many an innocent little darling is suf fering tiutold agony aud cannot explain its troubles Mark your child's symp toms , you may find it troubled with worms ; give it White's Cream Vermifuge and restore it to quietness and health Price 25 cents L. W McConnell & CoTe To insure a happy nexv year , keep the liver clear and the body vigorous by us ing DeWitt's Little Early Risers , the famous little pills for constipation and liver troubles. A. McMillen. A nice new line of vest pocket memor andums at THE TRIBUNE office. Coughs and colds come uninvited , hut you can quickly get rid of them with a few doses of Ballard's Horehouncl Syrup. Price 25 and 50 cents. McConnell & Co. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. These are dangerous times for the health. Croup , colds and throat troubles lead rapidly to consumption. A bottle of One Minute Cough Cure used at the right time will preserve and a large amount of money. Pleasant to take ; children like it. A. McMillen. Tablets and Box Papers. You will find a fine line of tablets and box papers at this office for sale at very reasonable figures and of the best qual ity. La grippe is again epidemic Every precaution should be taken to avoid it. Its specific cure is One Minute Cough Cure. A J. Shepherd , publisher Agri cultural Journal and Advertiser. Elden , Mo.says : "No one will be disappointed in using One Minute Cough Cure for la gripple. " Pleasant to take , quick to act. A. McMillen. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sr Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns Frazer Axle Grease Not affected fay Heat or Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial , Paris and World's Fair. uEfred FRAZER LUBRICATOR Co , , Factories : Chd'ago , SI Loula , New York. 's Colic & Cholera Cure , . Qalclc ult . 5afc to take. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia , of Barcelona. Spnin , spends bis winters at Aiken. S C Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters , America's' greatest blond mid nerve remedyall poiu soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cuies liver and kidney trouble , purifies the blood , tones tip the stomach , strengthens the nerves , puts vim , vigor and new life into every muscle , nerve and organ of the body. If weak , tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaran teed , only 50 cents at McConnell's A copy of Uncle Sam's Navy Portfolio for loc. The series of 12 for $ i. At THE TRIBUNE office. When you cannot sleep for coughing take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It always gives prompt relief It 5s most excellent for colds , too , as it wills expec toration , relieves the lungs and prevents any tendency toward pneunionJH. For sale by McConnell. Writing paper in bulk and box , with envelope ? to match , at very reasonable figures THE TRIBUNE Horrible agony is caused by p.les , burns , and skin diseases The'-e are im mediately relieved and quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Beware o'f worthless imitations A. McMillen MrConnell's Halsam cures coughs. The wotsl after eflects of influenza arise from deranged functions of tjie liver. Clear the blood at once with Iler- bine , for it will strenghen the liver to withdraw from circulation the biliary poisons Price 50 cents , L.V. . McCon nell & Co. THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa- pTr you may want. Try it. Coughing injures and inflames sore lungs One Minute Cough Cure loosens the cold , allays coughing and heals tjuickly. The best cough cure for chil dren A. McMillen. I CURES NOTHIHG BUT PiLES.l [ A SURE and CERTAIN OUREsj known for 15 years as the BEST RERflEDYfor PILES. . * $ SOLD BY AM , DRUGGISTS. C Prepared by EIOHAEDS01T MSB. CO. , CT.LOIH3. / At L. w. MCCONNELL & co.'s. WAKE Amertean F.C. 0RREGT SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLD BY MBS. M. E. BARGER. Paul Perry , of Columbus , Ga. , suffered agony for thirty years , and then cured his piles by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , It heals injuries and skin dis eases like magic. A. McMilleu. In pulmonary trouble , the direct ac tion of Ballard's Horehomid Syrup upon the throat , chest and lungs , immediately arrests the malady by relieving the dis tress , cutting the phlegm and freeing the VOCH ! and breathing organs. Price 25 and 50 cents. L. W. McConnell & Co. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Elisha Berry of this place says he never had anything do him so much good and give such quick relief from rheumatism la as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He was ladi bothered greatly with shooting pains di from hip to knee until he used this lini inL ment , which nffords prompt relief. B.F. L Baker , Druggist , St. Paris , O. For sale by L. W. McConnell , Druggist. II [ McMillen's Cream Lotion. fo : foB Mr. S. A. Fackler , editor of the Micaii- 13. , opy ( Fla. ) Hustler , with his wife and children , suffered terribly with la grippe. fo One Minute Cough Cure was the only remedy that helped them. It acted J. quickly. Thousands of others use this remedy as a specific for la grippe , and \V its exhausting after effects , McMillen's. Jo , [ OFFICIAL v AUTHORITY. ] Commissioners' Proceedings. McCook , Neb. , January 3 , 1899. Board of county commissioners met pursu ant to adjournment. Present , Stephen Belles , James A. Robinson and Henry Crabtree , com missioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and ap- proved. The following official bonds were examined and on motion approved : Sol Premer , overseer road district No. 2. C. G. Wilhelm , same , No. 16. A. J. Bair , same , No. 19. Wm. Wallace , same , No. 20. A. J. Rayer. same , No. 28. E. C. Lakin , same , No. 31. C. S. Blair , same , No. 34. J. II. Wade , same , No. 35. Frank Carolhers , same. No. 38. James Doyle , same. No. 40. E. A. Ruby , same , No. 41. A. Brown , same , No. 43. W. Stewart , assessor for Alliance precinct. T. M. Campbell , same , Box Elder. Charles W. Hodgkin , same , East Valley. F. S. Lofton , same , Gerver. J. H. Relph , same , Grant. Frank Moore , same , Tyrone. Annual settlement of the following over seers of highways examined and on motion approved and county clerk directed to draw certificates on road districts in payment there of , as follows , to-wit : J. II. llarry.overseer district No. 2 , cer tificate No. no $26 60 Adolph Schmidt.overseer district 4 , cer tificate in 26 90 Ira II. Ilanisonoveiseer district 6cer tificate 112 29 92 Pat Caseen , overseei district 7 , certifi cate 113 29 92 R.E. George , oveiseer district 12 , cer tificate 114 2658 John W. Dutcher. overseer district 20 , certificate 115 20 13 W. S. McTaggart , overseer distiict 23 , ceitificate 116 2666 J. II. Relph , overseer district 25 , certifi cate 117 22 67 John Real , overseer district 26 , certifi cate 118 22 65 M. M. Weaver , overseer district 27 , cer tificate 119 2966 W. G. lligby , overseer district 30 , cer tificate 120 26 78 II. J. Hall , oveiseer district 32 , certifi cate 121 26 40 M. F. Davis , overseer distiict 3 } , certifi cate 122 26 72 George Bentley.oveiseer district 36 , cer tificate 123 . ' . 27 25 A. Peters , overseer district 37 , certifi cate 124 20 43 Frank Carothers , overseer district 38 , certificate 125 26 93 II. L. Hamilton , overseer district 40 , certificate 126 26 95 A. Brown , overseei district 43 , certifi cate 127 29 38 James Jones , overseer district 13 , certifi cate 128 16 46 S. O. Hoagland , overseer district 31 , certificate 129 22 93 The following claims were audited and al lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the county general fund , levy of 1898 , in pa > ment thereof , as follows , to-wit : J.C.Oakleyboard and care of paupers. $ 2 5 ° J. R. Neel , fees in insanity cases n 10 Mrs. Julia Hobson , use of building for election 3 oo II. P. Waite , hardware 6 30 Geo.C. Hill , coal 15 49 And on county bridge fund , levy of 1898 , as follows : George Younger , bridge work $ 6 oo Hupp &Slutts , lumber 37 37 George C. Hill , lumber 62 10 R. H. Thomasbridge work 7 50 George Cramer , same I 5 ° James Jones , same 5 ° ° Petition of C. II. Harman and others , ask ing that the board of county commissioners build and maintain a bridge across the Re publican river on section line between sections - tions 28 and 29 , township 3 , range 30 , one-half mile south of Perry station , Red Willow coun ty , was read and considered and on motion I was rejected. On motion board adjourned to meet Janu ary 4th , 1899. Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. McCook , Neb. , January 4,1899. Board of county commissioners met pursuant - . ant to adjournment. Present , Stephen Belles , James A. Robison and Henry Crabtree , commissioners - , missioners , Harlow W. Keyes , county at torney , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Min utes of previous meeting read and approved. Board commenced the examination of the accounts of J. H. Berge , county treasurer , and continued same during the day. On motion board adjourned to meet January - . " ary 5th , 1899. Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. tl McCook , Neb. , January S , 1889. tln Board of county commissioneis met pursu n ant to adjournment. Present , James A. Rob inson , Henry Crabtree and Stephen Belles , commissioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and ap proved. Board continued the examination of the ac counts of J. II. Berge , county treasurer , during c the day. of On motion beard adjourned to meet Janu in ary 6th , 1899. Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. S ( ir McCook , Neb. , January 6,1899. Board of county commissioners met pursu in ant to adjournment. Present. James A. Rob inson , Hemy Crabtree and Stephen Belles , ai commissioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and ap proved. The following claims were audited and al lowed and on motion clerk was directed to iraw warrants on general fund , levy of 1898 , payment thereof , as follows , to-wit : 111 Lillian M. Welborn , salary 4th quarter , and supplies $216 05 at larlow W. Keyes , salary 4th quarter. . 200.00 And on county bridge fund , levy of 1898 , as ollows : in . B. Leopold , bridge work S 2 25 ye . A. Johnson , same ' 10 60 as And on county road fund , levy of 1898 , as bllovrs : ar R. Neel , serving road papers on land owners $14 30 ai A'tn. Bergin , filing in washouts I 50 ohn Vanmeter , road tax refunded 45 ai : Wise Wiggins , hlacksmitliing 3 oo The following olticial bonds were exam ined and on motion approved. ArtliurC. Crabtree , constable , lu-lianola. T. A. Endsley , assessor , Keel Willow. - ( . ' . W. Uarnes , assessor , Willow Grove. C. A. ISede , overseer road district No. I. F. M. Williams , same , district 4. K. H. Thomas , same , district 5. John S. Modrell , same , district 7. Nelson Downs , same , district 15. Steve Uoyer , same , district 17. Charles Angell , same , district 21. Andrew Anderson , same , district 25. AnnuaJ settlement of the following over seers of highways examined and on motion approved and clerk directed to draw certifi cates on road district thereof , as follows : U. A. Johnson , overseer road district No. 18 , certificate No. 136 $26 88 John L. Pooloverseer district 42 , certifi cate 131 29 02 Nelson Downs , overseer di.itrict 15 , cer tificate 132 * . 26 63 Samuel Hughesoverseer district 21 , cet- tificate 133 26 96 n.miel Lehn , overseer district 22 , cer tificate 134 22 19 M. 15. Leopold , overseer district 24. cer tificate 135 26 64 James Byines , overseer district 33 , cer tificate 136 27 oo James Toner , overseer district 41 , certificate - tificate 137 26 93 Petition of Jnmes Jones and others , asking that T. E. McCart be appointed road over-j seer in anil for road district No. 13 , read and on motion same is granted. Annual report of Lillian M. Wt-lborn. coun ty superintendent , examined and on motion approved and ordered placed mi file. The having made a careful examina tion of the nccnuuts of J. II. Berge , county treasurer , find the following to lie a tine and conect statement of all moneys icctiv. d and disbursed by him from the 1st day of July , 1898 , to the first day of January , 1899 , in the , several funds , and the amount on hand Janu ary 1st. 1899. ( See statement elsewhere } i The board having made a careful examina tion of the fee book of J. II. Merge , couu'y ' treasiuer , find that he leceived as fees from , January 6lh , 1898 , to December 3r.t , 1899 , both inclusive , $1,939 ii. , The board having made a careful examination - ' tion of the accounts of R. A. Green , county clerk , find the following to be a true and coi- rect statement of all fees received and dis bursed by him horn January 6th , 1898 , to 1 . cember 3ist , 1899 , inclusive. Kees received from January 6th to June 30 , inclusive , 860.55. ; Total fees leceived . . . . $2,170 41 j Paid county clerk'l,5 ° o OO , Paid deputy \ 640 00 j Paid assistant 29 58 j Paid county treasu-er , . . ! exceess fees 86 32,170 44 $2,170 44 j On motion b : > ard adjourned to meet January - ary 7th , 1899 j' Attest : R. A. GutKN , County Clerk. : McCook , Neb , January 7 , 1899. ' Board of county commissioners met pursti- ; ant to adjournment. Present , James A. Rob-1 inson , Henry Crabtree and Stephen Belles , ( commissioners , W. R. Starr , county attorney , j and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous meeting lead and approved. The board having made a careful examination - , tion of the accounts of J. K. Nee ! , sheriff , find ' that he has received as fees from January 6th , j 1898 , to December3l , 1898 , inclusive , $1,903 90. The board having made a careful examina tion of the accounts of George S. Bishop , county - j ty judge , find that he has received as fees from January 6th , 1898 , to December3151,1898 , inclusive , $634 79. 1 he following claims wtie examined and on motion approved and clerk directed to draw warrants on the county general fund , levy of 1898 , in payment thereof , as follows , to-wit : ! Stephen Belles , services as com $19 60 j James A. Robinson , same 16 80 Henry Crabtree , same 31 20 : And on county bridge fund , levy 1898 , as [ follows : j II. E. Waugh , spikes $ i 50) ) One motion hoard adjourned sine die. Attest : R. A. GREEN. County Clerk. McCook. Neb. , January 10 , 1899. Board of county commissioners met in reg ular session. Present , James A. Robinson , Henry Crabtree and Stephen Belles , commis sioners , W. R. Starr , county attorney , and R. A. Green county clerk. Minutes of pre vious meeting read and approved. Petition of A. Peters and others , asking for the location of a public road , read and con sidered ; the board find that all the require ments of the law have been complied with and road established as follows : Commenc ing at the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of section 21 , thence north 14 degrees and 30 minutes , west So chains and 151 links , thence north 77 degrees , east 18 chains , thencu north 7 degrees and 10 minutes , east 6 chains and 50 links , thence north 46 degrees and 25 minutes , east 6 chains , thence south 67 degrees and 20 minutes , east 15 chains and 50 links , thence north 77 degrees , east to northeast coi ner of said section 21 , thence north 14 degrees , west So chains and 40 links to the northwest corner < of section 15 , all in township i , north range 30 , west of the 6th principal meridian , Red Willow countjvNebraska. Annual settlement of John Broomfield , over seer of road district No. II , examined and on motion approved and clerk instructed to draw certificate on said road district for $21 09 payment thereof. The following official bonds were examined anil on motion approved : C. W. Peters , justice of the peace , Alliance precinct. J < Win. Hiersekorn , same , Beaver precinct. Win. F. Miller , assessor Indianola precinct , W. S. Fitch , overseer of highways , dist. No. 9. [ } On motion the following appointments "to vacancies" were made : John Broomfield , oveiseer of highways in ind for district No. II. John L. Pool same , district 42. Petition of the various county officers ask- ng for deputy and clerk hire for the ensuing rear was considered and on motion granted " > * follows : J. R. Neel , sheriff , one deputy at $600 oo per . innum. . J. II. Bcrge , treasurer , one deputy at $200 oo ind clerk hire at $400 oo. R. A. Green , clerk , one deputy at 5700 oo ind assistant at $300 oo. : GASTORIA ( ) oo DROPS For Infants and Children. I The Kind You Have " * - * * J Always Bought egefablcPrcparationforAs- similating theToodandBfigula- ling thaStomadis andBowels of Bears the INFAN IS/tHILBtREN Signature fiess andBesLContains neither OpiuuXMorphiiie nor Mineral. of NOT Pwnplan ! . J jtnist Sttd. * Peppermint , | JftCcrtonG&fo ! f Km Seed - AperfectHemedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea , Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness andLoss OF SLEEP. TacSinule Signature of -YORK. i ZXACT COPVOF WBA5FEB , . . THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. 8 - . KELLEY. ATTOiiNKV AT LAW i.lfAi.'t'ii ! < > l s iiicoln ! . : tml Co. Ofiire- Kear > f i-ir.-i N.vmn ! hank. J. . " . . SALLARD. * y J i t' . * . V ' a ? sicJJL. vs $ > Ali dfiilr.l v.-oik . .ioiKil our office is guar anteed , to he fii > t ol.i.sWe do all kinds of frown ' , Pri'lije and i'luie Work. Drs. Smith & ' Uellaniv. .issi&tants. i ) L HVHR1ST & CO. . rXOI'Klt.lOKb OF THE McCook Transfer Line BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. Furniture vim iu the city. Offitv OUP ! > Iook n rlh of Bani-tt Luinher Yard. Lewvu or ders fo > bus culls HI , Commercial hott'l ; onlrt B for ( Irnviif ) ; fit Ev- erist , Marsh & f'o.'s meat market. Satisfaction guaranteed. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of One Minute Cough Cure , cures. That is what it was made for. On motion the salary of the county super intendent was fixed at § 875 CO for the year 1899. Pursuant to law in such cases made and provided , the board of county commissioners proceeded to select the names of sixty electors from which to draw a jury for the February term of the district court in and for Red Wil low county and state of Nebraska for the jear 1899 , which libt is as follows : Alliance Solomon PremerV. , . \V. Lemas- ters.John Pool. Beaver S. K. Messner , J. II. Thomas , G. 15. Morgan , William Sandon. Bondville Nelson DownsNicholas Uhren Box Elder Mahlon Campbell , Albert WilJ J son. Coleman Hiram Bixler. Danbury S. S. Graham , J. A. McGuire , Columbus Wise. Driftwood W. S. Fitch. East Valley C.W.IIodgkin , W.E.Rollins , 1 E.E. Smith , A.L.Enyeart Fritsch Andy Barber , A.V.Schoenthal. Gerver A V.Ohnstead Grant August Wesch. Indianola E.S Hill , J. M. McClung , Sr. . | r Win.Short , W.II.Smith , John Rozell , Wili i iam Miller Lebanon R. P. IIighM.C.Stephens , B. A 'ohnson Missouri Ridge John Deveney. F North Valley I. W Walkington , C.A. . I ede. j Perry W.S. Hamilton , James Doyle. Red Willow E.A.Sexson , W.P.Elmer Tyrone P.J.Hickman , W.O.Dodds. Valley Grange II.H.Pickcns , S. G. Go- icen. icen.Willow Willow Grove A.A.Bates , Nicholas Col- inp , F.D.Burgess , G.W.Predmore , S. Cor- leal , E.II.Doan , J.C.Bali , J.C.Knox , C.A. each , James Lee , Ben Strine , M.E.IIorner , .S.McBrayer , C. G. Coglizer , A. R. Clark , .W.IIupp [ On motion clerk was instructed to give vritten instructions to all the newspapers mblished in the count- , that the board , onnty commissioners would receive sealed ' F. D. BUKGESS , Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Aent for Hal \Vaupun. Ec'ipse Wmdmil.s. Basementof the Meeker- Phillips building 3 S. ASSI01T. Prs : . 7. S. Uc3iUW , Cash. CLIr3HD SJiZSS , At. CH. BANK OF DAN8URY DANBURY , NEB. A General Banking Business 2i ? Any business you may wish to transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE will receix'e prompt and careful atten tion. Subscriptions received , orders taken for advertisements and job-work. ETcCOOZ STIEGICAL HOSPITAL , Dr. W. V. GAGE. McCook , - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. , l-efore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. given in appropriate cases- Miss ANNKTTA BALL , McCook Surgical Hospital. bids for printing delinquent tax list , legal notices and commissioners' proceedings , all bids to be filed with the clerk on or before February 1st , 1899. The following claims were examined and on motion allowed and clerk directed to draw warrants on the Bounty general fund , levy of 1899 , in payment thereof , as follows , to-wit : J.W.Dolanerroneous tax sale $13 90 R. A.Green , county clerk , postage and express for countv officers 13 85 O. L. Everist , drayage for year 1898 2 56 F.Carruth , electric light from July ist to December 31 29 9 And on county bridge fund , levy of 1898 , as follows I : Barnett 1 Lumber Co..lumber q 51 And on county road fund , levy of 1898 , a - follows : C.Oakley , road tax refunded S 44 Ira II.Harrisonsame 66 F. M. Kennedy , same 2 C.A.Gentry , blacksmithing 280 James M. Boatman , commissioner on road No.330 1060 A.F. Reevessurveyor ( assigned to Jas. Doyle ) 10 oo L. Hosier , chain carrier 3 co On motion board adjourned to meet Janu ary nth , 1899. Attest : R. A.GREEN" . County Clerk. McCook , Neb. , January II. 1899. Board of county commissioners met pursu ant to adjournment. Present.James A. Rob inson , Henry Crabtree and Stephen Bolles. commissionersand R. A.Green.countycIerk Minutes of previous meeting read and ap proved. On motion the estimate of the necessary ex pcnses for the ensuing year was made as fol lows , to wit : County general $12 ooo oo County road 3 ooo oo Soldiers' relief 50000 North Va'.ley precinct icoooo Indianola precinct 30000 McCook city 2 eco oo County bridge - 600000 County bond 3 ooo oo School district bonds 700000 Willow Grove precinct 200000 Hartley village 50000 The following claims were audited and on motion allowed and clerk directed to draw warrants on the county general fund levy of 1898 in payment thereof as follows to-wit : ames A. Robinson , services as com S/8o Henry Crabtree , same 7 40 Stephen Belles , same 8 15 On motion board adjourned to meet , Fel > ruary 4th , 1899. Attest : R.A.GREEN , County Clerk.