The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 06, 1899, Image 5

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All you who have
Come to the ffij
and get a
pair of shoes
other goods sold
at a reduction.
5 j , F. GANSCHOW.
5 3
Authorized Capital , $100,000.
Capital and Surplus , $6OOOO
GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. H. FREES , V. Pras.
L. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. . FRAHK HARRIS , Director.
'V % ' f ' % 'VV
Family Magazine
i oo a Usar
The subscription price of Demorest'fa
is reduced to $1.00 a j ear.
DEMOREsT's contains more matter , artistic , sci-
etitific , social and practical than any other one
magazine contains.
It is a magazine for tlie whole family.
It gives as much general matter as an exclusively literary magazine.
It treats household topics as fully as a strictly domestic journal.
It gives as much interesting matter for young people as a strictly
young people's publication. It gives as much fashion news as a strictly
fashion paper. It is beautifully printed , illustrated , and carefully edited.
Demorest'S Magazine Fashion Department is in every way far ahead of
that contained in any other publication. Subscribers are entitled each
month to patterns of the latest fashions in women's attire , at no cost to
them other than that necessary for postage and wrapping.
Remit $1.00 by money order , registered letter or check to
DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE , 110 Fifth Avenue , New York City.
Great special clubbing FAWLY
for prompt subscriptions. MAGAZINE
/ ONLY $ U5 FOR -
\The \ McCook Tribune and
Family flagazine
Send subscriptions to this office.
F. D. Barney is a new brakeuinn , this ,
Engineer Barney Lev/is is on passenger
The grip sick-list is too numerous to
The pay-checks are being prepared
this week.
Some of L. VV. Stayner's children have
been sick , this week ,
Charlie Dewey is calling nights during
theabsence , of G. R. Snyder.
George LeHew returned home , Mon
day , from a visit in Peoria , 111.
J. G. Ingles is well again and went oul
on his run , Wednesday morning.
John R. Roxby came up from the farm
near Arapahoe , Sunday night on 5.
J. F. Utter made a business visit to
Bartley , Wednesday , between trains.
A daughter was recently born to John
Goldtrap and wife , nee May Putnam.
Two new firemen , Irwin and Allen
have been promoted out of the shops.
Engine 226 has returned to Wymore
after being used here through the rush.
Mrs. A. P. Thomson returned home
early in the week , from her Omaha visit
airs M. C. Wayson and family have
gone up to the farm near Ives for a
Conductor F. A. Stark made Oxford
Thursday between trains , on a business
Asst. Supt. Harris was down from
Denver at headquarters on business ,
G. W. Godfrey has been laying off a
while on account of the sickness of his
Brakeman F. D.Shaw and wife visitec
relatives in Cambridge , between trains
J. R. VanHorn has returned to duty at
Oxford and F. L. Delaware has returnee
to McCook.
Brakeman W. O. Simons returned ,
Wednesday night , from visiting his wife
at Lincoln.
Edna Dixon returned to Lincon on 12
Wednesday morning , to resume her mus
ical studies.
Fireman John Schmidt was discharged ,
Monday , because he refused to go out
when called.
Brakeman W. W. Prall was summoned
up to Cheyenne on account of sickness
in bis family. "
Asst. Supt. McFarlaud was down from
Cheyenne , Tuesday between trains , on
business of his line.
Mrs. C. E. Pope returned from Lin
coln , Saturday night , where she attended
the wedding of her sister.
M. Lawritsou and Miss Fredrickson
returned home , Sunday night , from vis
iting relatives in Kenesaw.
@Mrs. Ed. Beyrer went down to Red
Cloud , Wednesday , on a short visit to
relatives and friends there.
Mrs. May Clary accompanied Mrs. Ball
to Akron , last Friday night , returning
home on 2 , Sunday morning.
Misses Hannah , May and Kittie and
Knud Stangland returned to their studies
at Lincoln , Monday morning on 12.
Engineer J. A. Harris has been pulling
passenger on the Sunflower branch in
place of Katzenmyer for a few days.
Fireman Sherman Leonard fell off his
engine at Oxford , last Saturday , sprain
ing his wrist and disabling him for a few
H. M. Tyler is on passenger for a while
in place of Dave Magner , who has a short
vacation on account of failing to get up
when called to go out on a train.
G. R. Snyder went down to Lincoln ,
Wednesday morning , to take salt baths
for the grip. His wife and baby were al
ready visiting in the state capital.
Felix Kennedy , the wife and children
of Sheridan , Wyoming , arrived in the
city , latter part of last week , and visited
her mother and sisters here , Mrs. and
the Misses Mullen.
J. M. Tramuiell and Stephen Finn
have been transferred to Denver during
the illness of men running out of that
city , many of whom are laid up on the
sick-list on account of being vaccinated.
The sick-list , this week , is lengthy :
W. H. Brown , L. S. Watson , Harry Con-
over , L. A. Hurlburt , A. G. Bump , W.
C. Pope , Walter Sayers , S. P. Dwyer , W.
C. Cox , W. C. Bulger , John T. Brady and
C. F. Barrum.
Conductor and Mrs. A. P. Bounot re
turned home , last Friday morning , from
a month's visit in Eau Claire , and other
Wisconsin points. Miss Jessie Williams
of Savannah , Wisconsin , a cousin of Mrs.
Bonnet , accompanied them , and may
spend some time here for her health.
Grand Senior Conductor A. B. Garret-
son of the Order of Railway Conductors
lias called a meeting of Harvey division
to be held in this city this afternoon at
two o'clock , This is quite an honor for
this division to receive a visit from the
Senior Grand Conductor and one that
will be appreciated by the boys of the
L. A. Hurlburt returned honir , on
Wednesday night , from a visit in Syra
cuse , this state.
Chief Dispatcher Forbes has been laid
up in bed for two or three days with a
severe attack of the grip
The dispatchers moved into their new
quarters , Sunday. C. T. Watson is in
charge of the operating room now.
A member of the car link gang at Ox
ford was run down by No. 147 , last
Saturday , and instantly killed , his body
being horribly cut up.
The special car "Balleclare" carrying
President Jeffreys and party passed
through on i , yesterday morning , for
Denver. It was detained in Lincoln be
tween trains 3 and i by a hot box.
Fireman Goble fell off of his engine at
Akron , last Saturday , and was painfully
hurt about the hips and body. The rope
broke while they were taking water on
the engine , and he fell onto some stones.
The Burlington , Cedar Rapids am :
Northern railway yesterday declared
semi-annual dividend of two per cent
and an extra dividend of two per cent.
Books close January 13 and reopen Janu
ary 23.
Late T-lterary News.
To have the men who have demon
strated their organizing ability by great
business successes tell their secrets of
organization , is the object of the editor
of The Cosmopolitan. That he is suc- proved in the January issue by
the article from Charles R. Flint , who ih
regarded in New York as one of the three
or four ablest organizers in America. He
is president of the Rubber Trust and the
head of the great mercantile house of
Flint , Eddy & Co , which has its ramifi
cations in almost every port of the world.
Mr. Flint tells very openly what makes
for success in the organization of busi
ness. His article may be read with inter
est by the Rockefellers , the Armours , and
the Wanamakers as well as by the hum
blest clerk seeking to fathom the secret
of business success.
In the same line is an article , also in
the January Cosmopolitan , telling how
Mr. Plait organized and conducted the
campaign for the election of Roosevelt.
It is by a gentleman who was actively
engaged at the Republican headquarters
during the campaign , and who gives a
vivid picture of the perfection to which
political organization has been carried in
New York State by the most astute o
managers. The wary old senator who
has been a lifetime in politics and the
youngest political aspirant will alike find
food for reflection in Mr. Blythe's article.
The Legislature.
The session of the legislature will be
one of the most exciting held for years.
The contest for United States senator
will be a warm one. Nationally there is
more to interest our citizens than at any
time since the great civil war. Every
man who thinks for himself and wants
his boys and girls to do the same should
have such a paper as The Semi-Weekly
State Journal in his family. That great
est of great western papers , published at
the state capital , is more in touch with
the great masses of the people and the
questions of the hour than any of its
cotftemporaries. It is the true and able
exponent of western thought and enter
prise. Its facilities for furnishing legisla
tive news surpasses all other papers. It
is located on the ground and no matter
what paper you take at other times , dur
ing the legislature you should read The
Journal. Twice a week , it only costs
$1.00. Send $1.00 to The State Journal ,
Lincoln , Neb. , and 3-011 will never regret
Trees for Sale.
Fifty large Coltomvood trees , three
miles southwest of town. For particu
lars call at the office of J. E. Kelley.
Try McMillen's Cough Cure.
Tribune Clubbing List.
For convenience ot readers of THE TRIB
UNE , we have made arrangements with the
following newspapers and perodicals whereby
we can supply them in combination with Tin :
TRIBUNE at the following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press $ l oo Si 50
Leslie's Weekly 400 300
Prairie Farmer i oo 125
Chicago Inter-Ocean I oo I 35
Cincinnati Enquirer. I oo 150
New-York Tribune I oo i 25
Demorest's Magazine I oo I 75
Toledo Blade I oo 125
Nebraska Farmer i oo 165
Iowa Homestead I oo 175
Lincoln Journal i oo 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture I oo I 50
New-York World I oo 165
OmahaBee I oo 150
Cosmopolitan Magazine I oo I So
St. Louis Republic I oo 175
Kansas City Star 25 115
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published , at reduced rates. [
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .25
Wheat 47
Oats 20
Rye 39
Barley 30
Hogs 3. oo
Eggs 15
Butter 12
Potatoes 40
_ § 5-
Good , New , Seasonable Goods Goods
you want now we will sell at great
ly Reduced Prices to make room
for Spring Goods.
Ladies' Jackets , Capes , Collarettes ,
Men's & Boys7 Overcoats & Clothing
Dress Goods ,
Yarns , Blankets , Underwear , &c.
All included in this sale.
We have a good stock of all the above-
named items. Call now while
the assortment is good and EJr
get a bargain.
is up = to = date. We'll fill your orders |
law promptly. Try us.
THE . . . .
(7. i. DeGROFF & CO.
$ <
Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5.000 < >
jR sR * JV-rfVjrfV.A
5Pl "V * "W Jfr WS * " "B 'W "B * U "B' V V * "V Al"
For 20 Years Has Led all Worm Remedies. 1SB55S
< W > > rf > rf"w 'N' * ' > > ' > 'Ny % - ' >
Story ot a Slave.
To be bound lintul and foot for years
by the chains of disease is the worst form
of slavery. George D. Williams , of Man
chester , Mich.tells how such n slave was
made free. He says : "My wife has been
so helpless for five years that she could
not turn over in bed alone. After using
two bottles of Electric Bitters , she is
wonderfully improved and able to do her
own work. " This supreme remedy for
female diseases quickly cures nervous
ness , sleeplessness , melancholy , head-
iche , backache , fainting and dizzy spells ,
riiis miracle working medicine is n godsend -
send to weak , sickly , run down people.
Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents.
Sold by McConnell & Co. , druggists.
Persons who lead a life of exposure are
subject to rheumatism , neuralgia and
lumbago , will find n valuable remedy in
Ballard's Snow Liniment ; It will banish
Dntns and subdue inflammation. Price
25 and 50 cents. L. W. McCouncll & Co.
THE TRIBUNE and The New-York
tribune for $1.25 n yenr , strictly in nd-
When You Have a Bad CoKi
You wnnt the best medicine tlmt
be obtained , nnd thnt 11 Chamberlain' *
Cough Remedy.
You want a iemedv thntill not onl\
give quick relief , but permanently cure
You want n remedy that > \ill tcliexc I
the lungs nnd keep expcetoiation ea x
You want n remedy that > \ ill COMMU-I
act any tendency toward pneumonia
You want a remedy thnt it pleasant
and snfe to take. Chamberlain' * Cough
Remedy is the only medicine in MM ? tUt
meets all of UICNC requirement' * . Tin *
remedy is famous for its cures of Uml
colds throughout the United State * ami
in many foreign countries U MRS main
rivals , but for the spcedv and petumnent
cure of bad colds stamU without a pcci
and its splendid qualities are evvi \ WUMV
admired and praised At McOonncH's
The smallest thing-tnavoxctt the gifal-
cst influence. De-Witt's Little Uarlv Ui >
ers are unequalled for overcoming con
stipation and liver tronbloi. Small piU ,
best pill , snfe pill. A. McMillen.
THK TRIUUNK nnd The Toledo Nlnde
for $1.35 ft year , strictly in ni