The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 23, 1898, Image 8

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    In Egypt the custom is for Princesses
hide their beautyby covering
the lower part of the face with a veil.
In America the beauty of many of
our women is hidden because of the
weakness and
'FfMSMSMNto ' sickness peculiar - '
liar to the sex.
If the' Egypt-
iatf custom pre
vailed in this
country , many
* - ) M sufferers wtmld
V xf Tibe glad to
p ? = * [ / Acover their
/ > / : ?
: les , their
sunkencheeks ,
their unnealthy
complexion , from the eyes of the
world with the veil of the Orient.
"brings out a. v.'oman's true beauty.
It mu cs her strong and well in the > c
ri&uis upon which her whole general
depends. It corrects all men
si : ! i il-disorders. It stops the drainc
' . > ; ' ? v.-o : < vr'c2a. It restores the womb
( . > i * ; proper place. It removes the
tv c.s of headache , backache arcj
nervousness. It takes the poor , de-
b'tfhatcd , , ' weak , haggard , fading
\v > Tuan and puts her on her feel
a ain , making her face beautiful by
inaking her body well.
Druggists sell It for SI a bottle.
Send for oar free illustrated book for-wonjen.
"file Bniflflcld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
Mid-Winter Holiday Rates
Account Christmas and New Year Hol
iday : ? . Tickets will be sold between
jKmils in Missouri , Iowa , Nebraska and
"Kansas , not over 200 miles apart , at fare
an.d one-third for the round trip. Ue-
tween points in Colorado , Wyoming ,
Montana and South Dakota at fare and
one fifth for the round trip , sufficient be
ing added to make rate end in naught or
five. Tickets to be sold December 24.
24 , 26 & 3ist , 1898 , and January r. and 2 ,
1899. Pinal limit of ail tickets to be
January 4 , 1899 A. P. THOMSON , Agt.
The sooner a cough or cold is cured
without harm to the sufferer , the better.
Lingering colds are dangerous. Hack
ing cough is distressing. One Minute
Couyh Cure quickly cures it. Why suf
fer when such a cough cure is within
reach ? It is pleasant to the taste. A
Writing paper in bulk and box , with
envelopes to match , at very reasonable
* Pains in the chest when a person has a
cold indicate a tendency toward pneu-
inoTiia. A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on
to the chest over the seat of pain will
promply relieve the pain and prevent the
the threatened attack of pneumonia.
This same treatment will cure a lame
back in a few hours. Sold by L. W. Mc-
Counell , Druggist.
$100 For Letters About Nebraska.
The Burlington Route ( B. & . M. R. R.
. R. ) ofix-rs thirteen prizes ranging from
$5 to $25 and aggregating one hundred
dollars for the thirteen letters , which , in
the opinion of a competent committee ,
are best calculated to encourage immigra
tion to Nebraska.
Every contestant , whether or not his
contribution is awarded a prize , will re
ceive the "Corn Belt" ( a handsome 16
page monthly publication ) for 6 mouths ,
free of charge. The contest is open to
all. Details can be obtained by address
ing J. Francis , G. P. A. , Burlington
Route , Omaha , Neb.
In sluggish liver , Herbine. by its ben
eficial action upon the biliary tracts , ren
ders the bile more fluid , and brings the
liver into a sound , healthy condition ,
thereby banishing.the sense of drowsi
ness , lethargy , and the general feeling
of apathy which arise from disorders of
ihe liver. Price soc. L.W.McConuell.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. 250. The genuine has L. B. Q. on
each tablet.
Constipation prevents the body from
ridding itself of waste matter. De Wilt's
Little Early Risers will remove the trouble -
ble and cure sick headache , biliousness ,
inactive liver and clear the complexion.
Small , sugar-coated , don't gripe or cause
nausea. A. MCMilleu.
De Witt's Witch Hazel
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns
Frai@r Axle Greasa
V !
[ Mot affected by Heat o ? Cold. P' '
Highest Awards at Centennial , P'W
Paris and World's Fair. fe
Baeabcbnd pRAZ R LUBRICATOR CO , ,
Factories : Cbdago , SL Louis , NewYoric.
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure ,
t. Quick Results , .Sate to take.
Two Pointed Questions Answered.
What is the us > e of maktnga better ar
ticle than your competitor il 3011 comiot
get a better price forjtl *
Ans. As therejjsilMi tHflcicnrc in the
price the publiu-U'Jll lmohlj the better ,
so that whtlesour profits may hi smaller
onasingle * ule they will be much greater
in the.u igregate.
, Hb > v can you get the public to know
your make is the best ?
If both articles are brought prominent
ly before the public both are certain to be
tried and the public will very quickly pass
judgment on them and use the better one.
This explains the large sale on Cham
berlain's Couj.'h Remedy The people
have been using it for years and have
found that it can always be depended
upon. They " Hy occasionally take up
with some fashionable novelty put forth
with exaggerated claims , hut an- certain
to relnrn to the one remedy that they
know to be reliable , and for roughs ,
colds and croup there is nothingequal to
Chamberlain's Cough Reinedv. For sale
by L W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists.
A nice new line of vest pocket memor
andums at THE TRIBUNE office.
In biliousness , Herbine , by expelling
from the body the excess of bile and
acids , improves the assimilative process
es , purifies the blood and tones ip and
rengthens the entire svstem Price
5 oc. IW. . McConnell & Co.
A copy of Uncle Sam's Navy Portfolio
for IDC. The series of 12 for $ r. At.TtiE
TRIBUNK office.
Mam household is saddened by
death because of the failure to keep on
hand a safe and absolutely certain cure
for croup , such as One Minute Cough
Cure. See that your little ones are pro
tected against emergency. A. McMillen.
known for 15 years as the
ici ly EICHAEDS01T MED. CO. , ST. LOUI3.
Lengths *
On Each Box
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
! orn . $ .25
Vheat . < 43
) ats 20
Jarley 30
Sggs 22
mtter 15
'otatoes .40
For broken limbs , chilblains , burns ,
calds , bruised shins , sore throat and
ores of every kind , apply Ballard's Snow
animent. It will give immediate relief
nd heal any wound. Price 250 and 5oc.
. W. McConnell & Co.
THE TRIBUNE and Demorest's Family
lagazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in
Overcome evil with good. Overcome
our coughs and colds with One Minute
lough Cure. It is so good children cry
> r it. It cures croup , bronchitis , pneu-
lonia , grippe and all throat and lung
iseases. A. McMillen.
THE TRIBUNE and The New-York
ribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad-
The disposition of children largely de-
ends upon health. If they are troubled
ith worms they will be irritable , cross ,
iverish and perhaps seriously sick.
White's Cream Vermifuge is a worm
cpellerand tonic to make them healthy
id cheerful. Price 250. ; at McConnell's.
THB TRIBUNE will club with any par -
; r you may want. Try it ;
Plumber aod
Steam Fitter
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
B. Z. ASHT01I , Pres. T. Z. HcDOlTALD , Cash.
CLHT08D HA35EH , Asst. Cash.
A General Banking Business
J2iF"Any business you may wish to
transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE
will receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Subscriptions received , orders
taken for advertisements and job-work.
SSS'-Apent of Lincoln Land Co. Office-
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work clone at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We elo all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
& Bellamy , assistants.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. ,
1-efore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m.
given in appropriate cases.
McCook Surgical Hospital.
0. L EVER 1ST & CO. ,
McCook Transfer Line
'Only furniture van iu the
city. Office one block north of
Baruott Lumber Yard. Leave or
ders foi bus culls at Commercial
hotel ; orders for dray ing jit Ev-
erist , Marsh & Co.'s meat market.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
One Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That ts what it was inacic { or.
Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been
made , and that too , by a lady in this
country. "Disease fastened its clutches
upon her and for seven years she with
stood its severest tests , but her vital
organs were undermined and death
seetned imminent. For three months
she coughed incessantly , and could not
sleep. She finally discovered a way to
recovery , by purchasing of us a bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery for Cousump-
tion.and was so mtfch relieved on taking
first dose that she slept all night ; and
with two bottles , has been absolutely
: ured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz. "
rhus writes W. C. Hamnick & Co. , of
Shelby , N. C. Trial bottles free at Mc
Donnell's. Regular size soc and $ r.oo
Every bottle guaranteed.
School Business.
During the month of December I will
3e in McCook Saturdays the 3rd , I7th
ind 3ist. Regular examination the 17.
L will hold a special examination at the
ichool house in Indianola , Saturday the
oth. LILLIAN M. WELBORN , Co. Supt.
When you ask for DeWitt's Witch Ha-
: el Salve don't accept a counterfeit or
nutation. There are more cases of piles
> eing cured by this , than all others coui-
> ined. A. McMillen.
Tablets and Box Papers.
You will find a fine line of tablets and
> ox papers at this office for sale at very
easonable figures and of the best qual-
He Fooled the Surgeons.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton , of
Vest Jefferson , O. , after suffering 18
uonths from rectal fistula , he would die
inless a costly operation was performed ;
nit he cured himself with five boxes of
lucklen's Arnica Salve , the surest pile
ure on earth , and the best salve in the
/orld. 25 cents a box. Sold by L. W.
icConnell & Co , druggist's.
A cough is not like a fever. It does
ot have to run a certain course. Cure
t quickly and effectually with One Min-
te Cough Cure , the best remedy for all
ges and for the most severe cases. We
commend it because it's good. A. Mc-
Fine box candy at the Bee Hive.
School Apportionment.
State Superintendent Jackson * com
pletetl the December semi-annual schoo
apportionment. Saturday. The total t <
be apportioned among the various coun
ties is $300,816.13. , Last December tb <
amount was $377,365.97. The rate pe :
scholar has fallen from $1.06 for last De
cember to 82 cents for the present appor
tionrnent. This decrease is due to a de
crease in the amount of money to be ap
portioned and an increase of 11,140 it
the number of persons of school age re
ported. Last December the reports gavt
354.929 persons between the ages of five
and twenty-one years. The number h
now 366,069.
The fund apportioned is derived from
the following sources : State tax , $73-
057 92 ; interest on United States bonds ,
$300. ; interest on stale bonds , $7,230 69 ;
interest on county bonds , $65.0x32.98 ; in
terest on school district bonds , $914 54 ;
interest on school lands sold$100,233 65 ;
intereston school lauds leased , $43,697.24 ;
interest on saline lands sold and leased ,
$5,735 ; transferred fiom permanentschool
fund to correct error treasurer Cheyenne
county , $ i8t.4'4 ; interest on state war
rants , $4,358 17 ; peddlers' license , $105 ;
total amount , $300,816 13.
Red Willow county has 3,412 persons
of school age , and her share of the ap
portionment is $2,803 &r-
Box Elder Circuit.
Sunday-school at Box Elder church
ever } * Sunday at 10 a m. Chuich services ,
at ii a. in. every two weeks dating from
Sunday , Dec. 4. Sunday-school at Reil
Willow school house every Sunday at 2
p. " in. Church service at 3 p. m. every
two weeks Hating from Sunday , Dec. 4.
Sunday-school at Garden Prairie ap
pointment every Sunday at 10 a. m
Preaching at il a. m. ever } ' two weeks
lating from Dec. n. Preaching service
at Spring Creek at 3 p m every two
weeks dating from Dec ir
D. L MATSON , Pastor.
Late to bed and early to rise , prepares
a man for his home in the skies. Bui
early to bed and a Little Early Riser , the
pill that makes life longer and belter
and wiser. A. McMillen.
The Appetite ot a Goat
Is envied by all poor d % speptics \ \ hose
stomach and liver are out of order. All
such should know that Dr King's New
Life Pills , the wonderful stomach and
liver remedy , gives a splendid appetite ,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health and
great energy. Only 25 cents at any drug
Tribune CJubblncr List.
For convenience ot readers of THE TRIB
UNE , we have made arrangements with the
following newspapers and perodicals whereby
we them in combination with THE
TRIBUNE at the following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press . Si oo $ i 50
Leslie's Weekly . 4 oo 3 oo
Prairie Farmer . i co 125
Chicago Inter-Ocean . I oo I 35
Cincinnati Enquirer. . I oo i 50
New-York Tribune . i oo i 25
Demorest's Magazine . i oo 175
Toledo Blade . I oo I 25
Nebraska Farmer . i oo 165
Iowa Homestead . i oo 175
Lincoln Journal . I oo 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture . * . i oo I 50
New- York World . I oo I 65
OmahaBee . i co . 150
Cosmopolitan Magzine . I oo I So
St. Louis Republic . i oo 175
Kansas City Star . 25 1151
We are prepared to fill orders for any other j
papers published , at reduced rates. '
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
There are few ailments so uncomforta
ble as piles , hut they can be readily cured
by usingTabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment.
Relief follows its use , and an } * one suffer
ing from piles cannot afford to neglect to !
give it a trial. Price , 500 in bottles ; tubes j
75C. L. W. McConnell & Co. |
Have you a cold ? A dose of Ballard's
Horehound Syrup at bedtime will remove
it. Price 250 and 500. McConnell & Co.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice on Dec. iSth :
Charles Belles ,
H. H. Helson ,
Miss Myrtle McClnroy ,
Mrs. M. J. Williams.
In calling forany of these letters , please
jay that they are advertised.
F. M. KiMMELL , Postmaster.
Glorious News
Comes from Dr.D.B.Cargile , of Wash-
la , I. T. He writes : "Four bottles of
Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of
icrofula. which had caused her great suf-
"ering for years. Terrible sores would
jreak out on her head and face , and the
jest doctors could not give her any help :
) ut her cure is complete and her health is
ixcellent. " This shows what thousands
lave proved , that Electric Bitters is the
) est blood purifier known. It's the su
preme remedy for eczema , tetter , salt
lieum , ulcers , boils and running sores.
: t stimulates liver , kidneys and bowels ,
ixpels poisons , helps digestion , builds
ip the strength. Only 25 cents. Sold
> y McConnell. Guaranteed.
Chamberlain's ColicCholera and Diar-
hcea Remedy can always be depended
ipon and is pleasant and safe to take ,
iold by L. W. McConnell , Druggist.
Soothing , healing , cleansing. DeWitt's
Vitch Hazel Salve is the implacable ene-
ny of sores , burns and wounds. It never
ails to cure piles. You may rely upon
t. A. McMillen.
THE TRIBUNE and The Toledo Blade
or $1.25 a year , strictly iu advance.
Try McMillen's Cough Cure.
The Kind You Have Always Bought , and vrhich Iras been
'in use for over 30 years , has borne thev signature of
, and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits , Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil , Paregoric , Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic > l
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys TYorms t
and allays ITeverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles , cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food , regulates the
Stomach and Bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Haie Always Bought
( / * j
Use For Over 30 Years.
ISonw states require n flag on every school-house. JBe a
patriot and put one on yours because you
love "Old Glorv.1
'atriotisiu ' ,
The Omaha Weekly Bee has a plan whereby any
school district can secure a ftag without taxation. Let
the pupils get the flag and they will love it all the more.
Write for particulars.
Three sizes of Flags--8 feet , 10 feet and 12 feet.
If not a subscriber to The Weekly Bee , write for
sample , or send lOc for ten week's trial. Only 65c. a C
year for the biggest and best weekly in the west.
Demorest's '
Fam"y Magazine
i oola
The subscription price of Domorcsf s
is reduced to $ t.OO a year.
DHMORKST'S contains more matter , artistic , sci
entific , social and practical than
any other one
magazine contains.
It is a magazine for the whole family.
It gives as much general matter as an exclusively literary magazine.
It treats household topics as fully as a strictly domestic journal
It gives as much interesting matter for
young people as a strictly
ybutig people's publication. It gives as much fashion news as a strictlv
fashion paper. It is beautifully printed , illustrated , and carefully edited" .
Demorest's Magazine Fashion Department is in
every way far ahead of
tbat contained in any other publication. Subscribers are entitled each
month to patterns of the latest fashions in women's
attire , at no cost to
them other than that necessary for postage and wrapping.
Remit $1.00 by money order , registered letter oj check to
DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE , no Fifth Avenue , New York City.
5Jo . . * < M 3 II. j5 _ * ,
" *
* "W ! , ? ; * " " Kfc - ' " -VW - * l < w Mi
Great special clubbin offer SDEinORESTS
Wa F\rtn.v eSJ
for prompt subscriptions. 5 g gi
ONLY $1.75 FOR \
\ The McCook Tribune and /
} Demorest's '
Family nagazine )
Send subscriptions to this office.