\ \ Paoa * - m-- , By F. M. KIMMELL , . .OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. EXPANSION is being pretty thor oughly airedin congress. Of course it's a wnrm topic. THE immense gold find reported from Colorado a few days ago be comes of less importance as time flits by. MATT DAUGHERTY and K. D. Harris are the newly appointed register and receiver for the * laud office at Sidney , this state. JUDGE HAYWAKD seems to be forging well to the front in the senatorial race. He would make a senator in whom the state could take pardonable pride. WHILE it was expected to be different , the cold facts remain that Omaha was the great benefi ciary by the exposition. Let the matter rest right there. EVEN our old friend Carnegie is afraid of a little expansion. An drew never runs at expansion , when it relates to his own little business affairs. And Parkhurst has stam peded. Well ! THE TRIBUNE is undecided in this Hobsou kissing nonsense , whether the fool's belt belongs to Hobsou , the women or the news papers. It ought to be awarded at once and the nonsense stopped. IF there is much of truth in all this Hobsou kissing nonsense , Hobson ought to be suppressed. There are enough sources from which one can get "that tired feel ing" without reading columns of Hobson's latest kissing record. It's all unprecedented nonsense. THE district attorneyship plum has finally fallen , and William S. Summers of Lincoln was right there to catch it. The senate con firmed his nomination the same day it was sent in. He will make a strong and highly creditable at torney for the state. GENERAL WHEELER was asked the other day by a very young man of Washington : "How is it you never wear auy medals ? You surely have some. " "No , " an swered the soldier , "I have not. I am no bicyclist and I never made a century run in my life. " Which goes to prove that Joe is long on good hard sense. THE supreme court of the state of Illinois has declared the cigar ette law of that state to be valid and legal. The law demands of dealers an annual license of § 500. Nebraska may well copy after the Illinois people in that respect at least. The license to sell cigar ettes to minors at least ought to be made as near prohibitory as possible. It is a great and grow ing curse to the youth of the land. f THE TRIBUNE has none but the warmest wishes for the success ; and prosperity of Omaha , but must : be excused from participating in or aiding and abetting any more ; exposition schemes at this time , either temporary or permanent. Better rest for the present on the If magnificent success achieved than 5 to spoil the splendid record with failure and opposition , and the ; alienation of the present good feel 81a ing now entertained toward Ne 81fc braska's metropolis. fc it Awarded ti Highesx Honors World's Fair , OR ; tlS S ( tl itbi bi biO O ( CREAM C BAKING P1E tlP1 POWDER clio MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free Pi /Torn Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant , el STANDARD. 40 YEARS THE V BARTLEY. E. J. Merchant biked up to In. diauola and return , last Sunday. Maurice Eeddy was a witness in Jauseu murder trial at Stockville , this week. J.Fletcher was doing the couuty capital on a mission of business nature , Thursday. A. Barnett was down from Mc Cook , Tuesday , looking after his business interests. Henry Cozad has been in at tendance on the murder trial at Stockville , this week. J. C. Puckett made a business trip to Indianola , "Wednesday , re turning the same day. Mrs. Jane Lang and daughter from near Bartley were McCook shoppers , Friday afternoon last. J. F. Utter is again in the em ploy of the Burlington at McCook , having resumed work last week. Mrs. F. L. Enlow returned on Tuesday from Colorado , where she has been visiting for about a week. H. P.Hodgkin has sold the dray line to Eichard Burton , who will take charge next Monday morning. Francis Sells is doing the cler ical work at the depot , and will practice np on telegraphy while there. L. M. Brokaw , operator at Gam- bridge , was doing duty at the de pot , Monday , in the absence of Agent Enlow. Nothing but the best grade of ice during the holiday season will make the weather clerk ' -boJiu" with the kids. W. Y. Yickrey and F. L. Enlow were attending court at Siockville , Monday , witnesses in the Jansen- Hawkins murder case. Mame and Mand Hodgkin came down from Frontier county , Satur day , and spent a few days here with friends and relatives. J. A. Curlee has added a large gasoline lamp to the illuminating Facilities of his place of business. Quite an improvement over the old method. Peter Kreiger and wife departed for Denver , Tuesday evening , to spend the holidays with his par- snts. They expect to be absent about ten days. Miss Maud Yickrey returned , Wednesday night , to spend the holidays with her parents. She has been attending the Wesleyau university at Lincoln. The Cammack boys drove up to McCook , Thursday , with a load of brooms , returning the same day. "Billy" Flint accompanied them to superintend matters and things. After a visit extending over a period of about two months with relatives and friends here , Mrs. M. H. Utter departed , close of last week , for her home at Pomona , California. A. G. Keys returned , Tuesday aveuing , from Omaha , having con cluded that he will not have an Dperatiou performed for the re moval of the cancer from his lip , For the present at least. The verdict of guilty and seu- ence of life imprisonment in the rial of Andrew Hawkins for the uurder of old man Jansen was re- eived here with general satisfac- ion , it being scarcely questioned hat the accused was guilty of the lastardly crime. Some young people , who have rrived at that age when folks are upposed to know better , received merited rebuke from the pulpit or lunching on confections dur- ug church services , last Sunday vening. Pastors are a very pa- ient and long suffering class , but he limits of their endurance are ometimes reached nevertheless. Quite extensive preparations for be Christmas entertainments , both a the church and the hall , have een mode. The affairs will both ccur on Saturday evening , the Ihristian people having a tree and lie Methodist brethren a literary rogramme under direction of the Jpworth League. A treat for the liildren will be a feature in each [ istauce. Engraving done free on goods urchased of us. Leach , the Jew- ler. Royal a k * the food pare , o mad dellcleex. POWDER Absolutely Pure . . ROYAL BAKIhO POwMft CO. , l > tw VOKlC. INDIANOLA. C. H. Russell had business iu the couuty qngitnl , Inst Saturday. Geo. Mick was down from Me Cook on n short visit , Sunday after noon. County Superintendent Welboru went up to the county seat , Thurs day , on school business. Clarence Dolau and Erwin Bar ton were guests of Charlie Beard- slee in McCook , Sunday. Mrs. Dennis Culleu of McCook spent Saturday here , the guest o her sister , Mrs. Kate Finn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Harrison at tended services iu St. Patrick' church , McCook , Sunday last. Mrs. C. B. Hoag went up to McCook , last Friday evening , on a visit to her daughter , Mrs. C. B. Gray. Fred Shaw hae been granted a discharge from the Seventh Q. S. Infantry , and is expected home in a few days. Frank McClung was renewing acquaintances among the sports in the seat of county affairs , Tues day evening. Miss Jennie McClung visited McCook friends , last Saturday , and heard the ladies quartette sing there in the evening. Misses Claude Hatcher and Net tie McCool drove up to McCook , Friday evening of last week , and remained until Sunday , the guests of Mrs. Alex. McDonald. Commence the new year right , become a reader of the county's best local paper , THE McCooK TKIBDNE. It is the peer of any paper published in Southwestern Nebraska. All admit it. No. 2 , on "Wednesday morning , failed to catch the mail pouch , which was too full for the catcher to work properly. No. 5 picked it up , taking it to McCook , whence it was sent east on the first train. Our stock is . up-to-date. Leach the Jeweler. PROSPECT PARK. Fine weather for shucking corn. Chid Shears will soon depart for Illinois. Uncle Bill Holbrook is losing calves with the blackleg. Julia Sly is expected home on a vacation during the holidays. The Grays are moving on to tin- Moore ranch. The Browns will return to Crete. Mrs. Brown and Miss Pearl visited Mrs. Sly , last Saturday , before they left for Crete. Chocolates all kinds at the Bee Hive. : Hive.A A fine line of goods suitable for holiday gifts. Leach , the Jeweler. DANBURY. . Neal Koontz of Barring , Mis souri , and Nettie Imel of this place have wedded. W. A. Minniear took a peep at the handsome new court house at o > McCook , Saturday. : Charles Oman was over to Mc ; Cook , Tuesday , on a little matter af business at the county seat. o THE TRIBUNE is not only the tl tlu sounty's official paper , but it is the tlu jfficial paper of the great common u people of Eed Willow county. To n be well posted on the news of the si jounty you should be a subscriber , sio t's only a dollar a year ; and no S ( paper on earth has a more attract a ; ive clubbing list. fc 40 varieties of candy at the Bee 3ive. li COLEMAN. W. M. Koaoll haft n mw car riage. II. CMleriek h * nmtad tin * Hunter place. Robert Traphagau bns butchr < xi five porkers for homo ui > e. Harry \Vnlet > is HH itltt Wil liam Frontier in haultug grain to the city. Wo lay no claim to a "Sky scraper. " if ho did jump n five , foot wirn fence , Mrs. Frank Carol her * * wont to the eastern part of the Wednesday morning , on a v Don't confide toostrontjly in the friendly wag of a dog's tail. It's the other end that docs the mis chief. On Wednesday of last week , on the south side of our house , in the sun , the mercury stood at 90 for about two hours. S. D. McClain finished husking corn , last Friday. He had over 3,000 bushels. It averaged 30 bushels per acre. Mrs. J. W. Corner is improving , but very slowly , and is not likely to resume her active operations for some time to come. Sunday-school at the Colemau school-house hns made arrange ments to have a Christmas tree. All iu reach are invited to come and enjoy themsalves. Uncle Billy asked , "If an old bach will bring § 1,000. what will an old maid come to ? " After it was given up , he simply replied , "Bach pie and spare-ribs. ' ' Frank and Roy Colemau butch ered a couple of porkers , Monday , while Uncle Billy made himself useful and ornamental by standing around and offering suggestions. Levi Bair has returned from Longmont. Colorado , where he has been working since last spring. He had a spell of pneumonia , and as soon as he was able to travel , he struck out for home. A letter from Indiana says , "I and my two boys have in seventy acres of corn and it will not make twenty bushels per acre. We give half for rent , so you will see farm ing is up-hill business here and I want to get out of this. * ' Letters from various parts of Iowa state that the snow is so deep that the corn is likely to stay in the fields until spring. A man just from Iowa told us that he had not seen the ground for more than two weeks , and was not likely to see it again before next spring. He said he was astonished to see the ground bare here. What kind of candy do you want ? You'll find it at the Bee Hive. RED WILLOW. The basket social , while an en joyable affair , was poorly attended. Laura Woodworth is taking Edith Yaudervort's plnco at Mrs. Byfield's , so that Edith may de vote her whole time to a very pain- ! ul felon. The literary up at the north end will , on Wednesday evening , settle ; he question as to whether the ox- jansiou of territory will be detri mental or beneficial to the United States. Benjamin Baker is among the lumber of farmers \\howerosuc- essul in securing territory in vhich to sell portable pantrys. Ho vill therefore bo missed at homo his Christmas. Church on the Willow , Sunday ifteruoou , was a failure. The min ster and congregation assembled , mt as itvss too cool for an open iir meeting and unlawful to break pen the school-house , and no one now in which direction to looker or a key , everybody shook hands nd went home. Miss Johnson of the north end f district 72 , and Miss Culleu of he south end , are very busy just low. There are examinations and 10 end of practicing for the Clirist- aas entertainments. The south chool will have its entertainment n Friday evening , and the north chool on Saturday evening. Go nd hear the children in their ef- Drts to am use and instruct. Leach , the jeweler , has a fine ine of solid silver ware. fe/fe'Wx' ' i n 1 tl " \0 D flP 1 CIO ! oalu lUl ill Nothing better than serviceable good * for Holiday Presents for Man or Boy. The Special Low Prices we are naming to reduce stock enables every one to buy such dependable Kifts for very IftlJc money. Everything- desirable for Men's and Boys' wear. No matter where you gm , you will not find such perfect-fitting ; and well-made clothing and at such low prices as you will find here. Handkerchiefs , Neckwear , Hosiery. Shirts for Dress and Work , Nightshirts. Collars and Cuffs , Underwear and Hats in great variety. Come in and make your selections early and before the rush. Remember , a special price on Over coats and Suits for Men and Boys. vy * - ' * v'v / 'N1 1rfr > x\Xv u > 's X x/ We have a special salelon Boys ! Waists , Gome in and see and [ prices , % X > vX\/1-y X - . % / - % % s1 > /-V Buy here. The best goods for the least money ( ® es : > 3 > see > e : ? e . . . -C Mh. Ml 9Hm l BnM tf FOR THE HOLIDAYS Y T V T T V 7 We vould respectfully invite you to call and inspect our line of Holiday Goods conS - § S * * I sisting of . 1 Medallions Smokers Sets ® Albums Match HoMcrs fj Autographs Ink Stands Mirrors Games Pocketbooks Game Boards Card Cases Music Rolls Hair Brushes Manicure Sets Cloth Brushes Writing CompaHfcws Collar fc Cuff Sets Dressing : Cases Toilet Sets Silver Novelties Necktie Boxes Celluloid NovcUfcs Glove & Hdkfs. Sets Paper Weights Paper Knives Vases Fancy Thermometers Statuary Shaving1 Sets RhickiXc Sets Photo Holders JS" I A line of IMPORTED JAPANESE GOODS ? including Umbrella Stands Jardinieres Portieres Laqre Vases Rose Jars Bisque Figures Cups and Saucers Chocolates Bon Bon Boxes Tcte a Tcte Sets Crumb Sets Trinkets. &c. § BOOKS Over 600 Volumes Bound Books. Popular Authors in Prose and Poetry Dainty Gift § j Books Padded Hooks Cnllnloid Covers $ Hand Tainted From 2Sc. up. ® M Juvenile and Toy Books in Larjje Variety ® ? I PERFUMES in bulk ; in plain , fancy pressed and cut ffiass bottles ; in plain and artistically decorated packages. L. W.McCONNELL & Co. WEST SIDE MAIN AVENUE.