The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 23, 1898, Image 3

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An Arotulng and Practical Discourse
from the I'ollowlng JUibla Text :
Zecharlah Jl. , 4 : "Itun , SpcnU to Tula
Young Mail. "
There was no snow on the beard of
the prophet of my text , and no crows'-
feet had left their mark near his eyes.
Zcchariah was a young man , and in a
day-dream he saw and heard two an
gels talking about the rebuilding of the
city of Jerusalem. One of these angels
desires that young Zecharlah should be
well Informed aoout the rebuilding of
that city , its circumference and the
height of Its walls , and he says to the
other angels , "Hun , speak to this young
man. " Do not walk , but run , for the
message is urgent and imminent. So
every young man needs to have imme
diate advice about the dimensions , the
height , and the circumference of that
which , under God , he Is to build , name
ly , his own character and destiny. No
slow or laggard pace will do. A little
farther on , and counsel will be of no
advantage. Swift-footed must be the
practical and Important suggestions , or
they might as well never bo made at
all. Run at the pace of five miles the
hour , and speak to that young man.
Run , before this year of 1898 is ended.
Run before this century is closed. Run ,
before his character Is inexorably de
cided for two worlds , this world and
the next. How many of us have found
out by long and bitter experience
things that we ought to have been told
before we were twenty-five years of
age. Now , I propose to tell you some
things , which , If you will seriously and
prayerfully observe , will make you
master of the situation in which you
are now placed , and master of every
situation in which you ever will be
placed. And in order that my subject
may be climacteric , I begin on the out
side edge of that advice , which will be
more and more important as the sub
ject unfolds.
Now , if you would be master of the
situation , do not expend money before
you get it. How many young men Ir
retrievably mortgage their future be
cause of resources that are quite sure
to be theirs. Have the money either in
your hand , or in a safety deposit , or in
a bank , or in a United States bond be
fore you make purchases , or go into
expensive enterprises , or hitch a
spanking team to a glittering turnout ,
or contract for the building of a man
sion on the Potomac or the Hudson.
Do not depend on an inheritance from
your father or uncle. The old man
may live on a good deal longer than you
expect , and the day of your enforced
payment may come before the day of
his decease. You cannot depend upon
rheumatism or heart failure or senility
to do Its work. Longevity Is so won
derfully improved that you cannot de
pend upon people dying when you
think they ought to. They live to be
septuagenarians , or octogenarians , and
meanwhile their heirs go into bank
ruptcy , or , tempted to forgery , or mis
appropriation of trust funds , or water
ing of railroad or mining stock , go in
to the penitentiary. Neither had you
better spread yourself out because of
the fifteen or twenty per cent you ex
pect from an investment Most of the
fifteen or twenty per cent investments
are apt to pay nothing save the privi
lege of being assessed to meet the ob
ligations of the company in the affairs
of which you get involved. Better get
three and a half per cent from a gov
ernment bond than be promised fifteen
per cent from a dividend which will
never be declared , or paid only once or
twice , so ac to tempt you deeper in be
fore the grand smash-up , and you re
ceive , instead of a payment of divi
dends , a letter from the president and
secretary of the company saying they
are very sorry.
* * *
Do not say you have no chance ; but
remember Isaac Newton , the greatest
astronomer of his day , once peddling
cabbages in the street ; and Martin
Luther , singing on the public square
for any pennies that he might pick up ;
and John Bunyan , mending kettles ;
and the late Judge Bradley , of the
United States Supreme court , who was
the son of a charcoal-burner ; and Tur
ner , the painter , who was the son of
a barber ; and Lord Clive , who saved
India to England , shipped by his father
to Madras as a useless boy whom he
wanted to get rid of ; and Prideaux , the
world renowned scholar and theologian ,
scouring pots and pans to work his way
through college ; and the mother of the
Jate William F. Dodge , the philanthro
pist and magnificent man , keeping a
thread and needle store ; and Peter
Cooper , who worked on small wages
In a glue factory , living to give five
hundred thousand dollars for the
founding of an institute that has al
ready educated thousands of the poor
sons and daughters of America ; and
Bowditch , the scientist , beginning his
useful learning and affluent career by
reading the books that had been driven
ashore from a shipwreck at Salem.
There is , young man , a great financial
or literary or moral or religious suc
cess awaiting you if you only know
how to go up and take it
* * *
Again : If you would master the sit
uation ; when angry do not utter a
word or write a letter , but before you
speak a word or write a word , sing a
verse of some hymn , In a tune arrang
ed in minor key and having no stac
cato passages. If very angry , sing two
verses. If in a positive rage , sing
three verses. First of all , the unhealth-
lest thing on earth is to get mad. It
ngles the nerves , enlarges the spleen ,
Eets the heart Into a wild thump-
ing.V Many a man and many a woman
in time of such mental and phys
ical agitation dropped dead. Not only
that , but it makes enemies out of
friends , and makes enemies more viru
lent , and anger Is partial or consum
mate suicide. Great attorneys , under
standing this , have often won their
cause by wilfully throwing the oppos
ing counsel Into a rage. There is one
man you must manage , or one woman
you must control , In order to please
God and make life a success , and that
is yourself. There are drawbridges to
every castle by which you may keep
out of your nature foreign foes , but no
man has a defense against himself un
less It be a divine defense. Out of the
millions of the human race there Is
only one person who can do you per
manent and everlasting harm , and that
is the being that walks un < Jer your own
hat and in your own shoes. The hard
est realm that you will ever have to
govern Is the realm between your scalp
and heel. The most dangerous cargo
a ship can carry is dynamite , and the
most perilous thing in one's nature Is
an explosive temper. If your nature is
hopelessly irascible and tempestuous ,
then dramatize placidity. If the ship
is on fire and you cannot extinguish
the flames , at any rate keep down the
hatches. When at some injustice In
flicted upon you , or some insult offer
ed , or some wrong done , the best thing
for you to say is to say nothing , and
the best thing for you to write is to
write nothing. If the meanness done
you Is unbearable , or you must express
yourself or die , then I commend a plan
that I have once or twice successfully
adopted. Take a sheet of paper. Date
it at your home or office. Then put
the wrong-doer's name at the head of
the letter-page , without any prefix of
"Colonel" or suffix of "D. D. , " and be
gin with no term of courtesy , but a
bold and abrupt "Sir. " Then follow It
with a statement of the wrong he has
done you , and of the Indignation you
have felt. Put into it the strongest
terms of execration you/can employ
without being profane. Sign your
name to the red-hot epistle. Fold it.
Envelope it. Direct it plainly to the
man who has done you wrong. Carry
the letter a week , or two weeks , if need
be , and then destroy it. In God's
name , destroy it !
* * *
Let me- know how you meet that first
great offense and I will tell you
whether your life is to be a triumph era
a failure. You see , equipoise at such a
time means so many things : It means
self-control. It means a capacity to
foresee results. It means a confidence
in your own integrity. It means a faith
in the Lord God that he will see you
Again : If you would be master of
the situation , put the best interpreta
tion on the character and behavior of
others. Do not be looking for hypo
crites In churches , or thieving among
domestic servants , or swindlers among
business men , or malfeasance in office.
There is much in life to make men sus
picious of others , and- when that char
acteristic of suspicion becomes domi
nant , a man has secured his own unhappiness -
piness , and he has become an offense
in all circles , religious , commercial and.
political. The man who moves for a
committee of investigation is generally
a moral derelict The man who goes
with his nostrils inflated , trying to dis
cover something malodorous , is not a
man , but a sleuth-hound ! The world
is full of nice people , generous people ,
people who are doing their best good
husbands , good wives , good fathers ,
good mothers , good governors , good
state and national legislators , good rul
ers. Does some man growl out , "That
has not been my experience , and I
think just the opposite ? " Well , my
brother , I am sorry for your afflictive
circumstances , and that you had an un
fortunate ancestry , and that you have
kept such bad company , and had such
discouraging environment I notice
that after a man has been making a
violent tirade against his fellow-men ,
he is on his way down , and if he live
long enough he will be asking you for
a quarter of a dollar to get a drink or a
night's lodging. Behave yourself well ,
oh , young man , and you will find life
a pleasant thing to live , and the world
full of friends , and God's benediction
everywhere about you.
Again : If you would be master of
the situation , expect nothing from
good luck , or haphazard , or gaming ad
ventures. In this time , when it is esti
mated that gambling exchanges money
to the amount of about eighty million
dollars a day , this remark may be use
ful. There come times in many a
man's life when he hopes to get some
thing for which he does not give an
equivalent , and there are fifty kinds of
gambling. Stand aloof from all of
them. Understand that the gambling
spirit is a disease , and the more suc
cessful you are , the more certain you
are to go right on to your own ruin.
* *
Again : If you would be master of
the situation , never adjourn until to
morrow what you can do today. The
difference between happy and inspir
ing work and wearying and exhausting
and dispiriting work is the difference
between work behind you and work be
fore you. But always wait until you
feel like it , wait until circumstances
are more propitious , wait till next
week , or wait till next year , and the
probability is the work will be only
half done , or never done at all. Post
ponement is the curse of a vast popu
lation. After awhile all the things that
ought to have been done previously
will rush in upon you , and it being too
much for your brain and nerves , you
will be a fit subject for paralysis or
nervous prostration.
* * *
A'gain : If you would be master of
the situation , and I name it last , be
cause it is the most important , for you
know that which Is last mentioned is
apt to be best remembered , I charge
you get Into your heart and life , your
conversation and your manners , your
body , mind and soul , the near six
thousand-year-old religion of the Bi
ble. Why so ? Because the large ma
jority of people quit this life before
twenty-five years of age , and the possi
bility Is that If you do not take posses
sion of this religion , and religion does
not take possession of you while you
are young , you will never come Into
alliance. Mrs. McKInley , the mother
of our presfdent , said to me at the1
White House : "I am living on bor
rowed time , for I am over eighty years
of age. " My reply to her was the re
ply I make to you : "All those who
are over fifteen years of age are living
on borrowed time , since the majority
of people go out of the world before
fifteen years of age. "
* *
More young men would take this ad
vantage which I speak of if they did
not have the notion that religion puts
one into depressing process. They
have heard , for instance , the absurd
preachment : "You ought to live
every day as though it were your last. "
Such a lachrymose man I would not
want anywhere around me. On the
contrary , you ought to live as though
you were going to live a great while in
this world , and to live forever In the
next world. There is no smell of var
nish of coffin-lids in our genuine re
ligion. Get in right relation with God
through Jesus Christ , and you need
not bother yourself the rest of your life
for two minutes about your death or
about your funeral. Here is a manly
religion , one that will extirpate from
your nature all that ought to bo ex
tirpated , and irradiate it with every
virtue , and make it glow with every
Do not postpone to the fifties or even
the forties of your life that which you
can be and do in the twenties or thir
ties. If you do not amount to much be
fore forty years of age , you will never
amount to much.
Young man , start right , and the only
way to start right is to put yourself
into companionship with the best
friend a young man ever had Christ
the Lord. He will give you equipoise
amid the rocking of life's uncertain
ties. He will support you in a day of
loss. He will direct you when you
come to the forks of the road and
know not which road to take. He will
guide you in your home life , if you are
wise enough to have a home of your
own. If you live on to great prosperity
He will show you how to manage a
fortune. If your earthly projects fail ,
and you are put in financial straits , He
will see to it that that is the best con
dition for your soul , and the discipline
and the hardship will make you more
and more of a man. If you live on to
old age , He will make the evening
twilight as bright as , and perhaps
brighter than , was the morning twi
light , and when your work on earth is
done , the gates of a better world will
open on expansions and enthrone
ments and felicities which St. John de
scribes , sometimes as orchards , some
times as shaded streets , and sometimes
as a crystaline river , and sometimes as
an orchestra with mighty instruments ,
blown on by lips cherubic , or
thrummed by fingers seraphic , and in
habitants always tearless , and songful ,
and respondent , so that the mightiest
calamity of the universe is the portion
of that one who fails to enter it
Young man , seek only elevating and
improving companionship. Do not let
the last scion of a noble family , a fel
low with a big name but bad habits ,
for he drinks and swears and is disso
lute , take your arm to walk down the
street , or spend an evening with you ,
either at your room or his room. Re
member that sin is the most expensive
thing in God's universe. I have read
that Sir Brasil , the Knight , tired out
with the chase , had a falcon on his
wrist , as they did in days of falconry ,
when with hawks or falcons they went
forth to bring down * partridges , or
grouse , or pigeons , and being very
thirsty , came to a stream struggling
from a rock , and releasing the falcon
from his wrist , he took the bu le
which he carried , and stopping the
mouth-piece of his bugle with a tuft of
moss , he put this extemporized cup
under the water which came down ,
drop by drop , from the rock until the
cup was full , and then lifted it to
drink , when the falcon he had re
leased , with sudden swoop , dashed the
cup from his hand. By the same pro
cess he filled the cup again , and was
about to drink when the falcon by an
other swoop dashed down the cup. En
raged at this insolence and violence of
the bird , he cried. "I will wring thy
neck if thou doest that again. " But
having filled the cup a third time the
falcon dashed it down. Then Sir Brasil
with his fist struck the bird , which
fluttered and looked lovingly and re
proachfully at him and dropped dead.
Then Sir Brasil , looking up to the top
of the rock whence dripped the water ,
saw a great green serpent , coiled fold
above fold , the venom from his mouth
dropping into that from which Sir
Brasil had filled his cup. Then ex
claimed the knight , "What a kind
thing it was for the falcon to dash
down that poisoned cup , and what a
sad thing that I killed him , and what a
narrow escape I had ! " So now there
are no more certainly waters that re
fresh than waters that poison. This
moment there are thousands of young
men , unwittingly and not knowing
what they do , taking into their bugle-
cup of earthly joy that which Is deadly
because it drips from tne jaws of that
old serpent , the devil , and the dove of
God's Spirit in kindly warning dashes
down the cup ; but again it Is filled and
again dashed down , and again filled
and again dashed down. Why not
turn away and slake your thirst at the
clear , bright , perennial fountain that
breaks from the Rock of Ages , a foun
tain so wide and so deep that all the
Inhabitants of earth , and all the armies
of heaven , may stoop down and fill
their chalices ?
'A. Great y * bis Week' * Story
Sketch of a Boy Who Took Editor
Greeley'a Advice Stealing a Bird's
t loving' Service.
A Uttlo Boy's Trouble.
I thought when I'd learned my letters.
That all my troubles were done ;
But I , flnd myself mistaken
They 'have only just begun.
Learning to read was awful.
But nothing like learning to write ,
I'd be sorry to have to tell It.
But my copy-book Is a sight. " .
The Ink gets over my fingers , 8
The pen cuts all sorts of shines ;
And won't do at all as I bid It ,
The letters won't stay on the lines ,
But go up and down and all over ,
As though they were dancing a Jiff
They are there In all shapes and sizes ,
Medium , little and big.
There'd be some comfort In learning
If one could get through ; instead
Of that , there arc books awaiting , [
Quite enough to craze my head , ' ,
There's the multiplication table , . *
And grammar , and oh. dear me ! ?
There's no good place for stopping. J
"When one has begun , I see. i
> " : { V
My teacher says , little by little- | ' "
To the mountain top we climb , ( j
It Isn't done in a minute. 1 $ < p
But only a step at a time ; "V" "
She says that all the scholars.
And all the wise and learned men ,
Had each to begin as I do ;
If that's so whore's my penl ,
A Great Day.
"Children , " asked Miss Mary , the
teacher , "do you know what day this
is ? "
"Yes , ma'am ! " cried Bobby Wilkins ,
looking up with sparkling eyes.
"Does any one else know ? " asked
Miss Mary.
No one spoke.
The boy John knew very well what
day it was , but he was off in the clou'ds
thinking of William the Conqueror ,
and did not hear a word Miss Mary
said. Billy Green knew , too , but he
had been reproved for chewing gum
in class , and was in the sulks , and
would not speak. Of course Joe didn't
know , for he never knew anything of
that kind ; and none of the girls were
going to answer when the boys were
reciting. So Bobby Wilkins was the
only one who spoke.
"It is a day , " said Miss Mary , look
ing round rather severely , "which
ought to awaken joy in the heart of
every American , young or old. " Bob
by felt his cheeks glow , and his heart
swell. He thought Miss Mary was
very kind.
"It is a day , " she went on , "to be
celebrated with feelings of pride and
delight. " Bobby felt of the bright new
half dollar in his pocket , and thought
of the splendid kite at home , and of
the cake that mother was making
when he came away. He had not
wanted to come to school today , and
now he was glad he had come. He
had no idea Miss Mary would feel this
way about it. He looked round to see
how the others took it , and they all
looked blank , except the boy John ,
who was standing on the field of Hast
ings , and whose countenance was il
lumined with the joy of victory.
"It is a day , " said Miss Mary , with
kindling eyes for the children were
really very trying today "which will
be remembered in America as long as
freedom and patriotism shall endure. "
Bobby felt as if he were growing
taller. He saw himself in the presi
dent's chair , or mounted on a great
horse , like the statues of Washington ,
holding out a truncheon.
"One hundred and twenty years ago
today , " continued Miss Mary.
"Oh oh , my ! it ain't ! " cried Bobby
Wilkins , springing it. "It's only
seven. "
"Bobby , what do you mean ? " asked
Miss Mary , looking at him severely.
"You are very rude to interrupt me.
What do you mean by 'seven' ? "
"My birthday , " faltered Bobby. "I
ain't a hundred and anything , I'm on
ly seven ! "
"Come here , dear , " said Miss Mary.
holding out her hand very kindly.
"Come here , my little boy. I wish you
very happy returns , Bobby , dear. But
but I was speaking of the battle or
Bunker Hill. "
A Boy \Vho "Went West.
A number of years ago , before any
railway came into Chicago , they used
to bring in the grain from the western
prairies in wagons for hundreds or
miles , so as to have it shipped off by
the lakes. There was a father who
had a large farm out there , and who
used to preach the gospel as well as
to attend to his farm. One day , when
church business engaged him , he sent
his son to Chicago with grain. He
waited and waited for his boy to re
turn , but he did not come home. At
last he could wait no longer , 'so he
saddled his horse and rode to the place
where his son had sold the grain. He
found that he had been there and got
the money for his grain ; then he be
gan to fear that his boy had been
murdered and robbed. At last , with
the aid of a detective , they tracked him
to a gambling den , where they found
that he had gambled away the whole
of his money. He had fallen among
thieves , and like the man who was go
ing to Jericho , they stripped him , and
then they cared no more about him.
What could he do ? He was ashamed
to go home to meet his father , and he
fled. The father knew what it all
meant. He knew the boy thought he
would be very angry with him. He
was grieved to think that his boy
should have so little confidence in him.
That is just exactly like the sinner. He
thinks because he has sinned God will
have nothing to do with him. But what
did the father do ? Did he say , 'Let the
boy go ? " No ; he Trent from town o
town , from city to city. He would
get the ministers to let him preach ,
and at the close he would tell his
story. "I have got a boy who is a
wanderer on the face of the earth
somewhere. " Ho would describe his
boy and say : "If you ever hear of him
or see him , will you not write to me ? "
At last he found that he had gone to
California , thousands of miles away.
Did the father say , "Let him go ? " No ;
off he went to the Pacific coast , seek
ing the boy. He went to San Fran
cisco , and advertised in the newspa
pers that he would preach at such a
church on such a day. When he had
preached he told his story , in hopes
that the boy might have seen the ad
vertisement and come to the church.
When he had done , away under the
gallery , there was a young man who
waited until the audience had gone
out ; then he came toward the pulpit.
The father looked and saw it was his
own boy , and he ran to him , and press
ed him to his bosom. The boy want
ed to confess , but not a word would
the father hear. He forgave him free
ly , and took him home once more.
I tell you , Christ will welcome you
this minute if you will come. Say ,
"I will arise and go to my Father. "
May God incline you to take this step.
There is not one whom Jesus has not
sought far longer than that fattier.
There has not been a day since you
left him but he has followed you.
Stealing a Bird's Nest.
Nobody wants to hear about the van
dals who go bird's-nesting , unless we
may be told that they have , in some
fashion , come to grief ; but a new and
innocent form of that occupation has
come into being , whereby one may car
ry off a nest and eggs without break
ing the mother bird's heart. A writer
in Forest and Stream tells how he goes
on this quest.
I was out on a little expedition the
other day , along the banks of the No-
roton river , near Stamford , Conn. The
neck of land I sought is composed or
rich , soft ground , and covered with a
heavy growth of bushes. Beneath
them Is a carpet of skunk cabbage and
hellebore , and along the margin , in the
early spring , there are brilliant patches
of marsh marigold.
Near by is a tall tree , and on the
topmost twig a red-winged blackbird
swung in the wind. At short intervals
he uttered a joyous "Kong-querree ! "
which was doubtless a signal to his
mate , and has been humanly trans
lated as "All's well ! " As I approached
his confident announcement was
changed to a suspicious "chut !
chuck ! " and then he launched himself
into the air with a shrill and pro
longed cry of alarm.
I pushed my way through the under
growth and had not gone far when
there was a flutter of bird's wings on
my left , and the hen blackbird hung
poised in air above me. There in a
wild rosebush , perhaps four feet from
the ground , was the nest , and in it
were four beautiful blue eggs , curious
ly streaked and spotted with black.
I cut two straight poles and slung
them up horizontally , a few inches
apart , almost directly over the nest.
I made them as firm as I could by
tying them to the bushes with cords ,
and by bracing them with stakes be
I then placed my camera on the
poles , with the nozzle pointing down
between them at the nest , and climb
ing a tree stump , close to the bush , I
was in a position to focus the camera.
I had a slow plate ; so I gave it a short
time exposure , with full sunlight , and
obtained a beautifully clear picture of
nest and eggs.
I < ovlnc Service.
A lady was walking homeward from
a shopping excursion , carrying two or
three packages in her hand , while by
her side walked her little boy. The
child was weary ; the little feet began
to lag and soon a wailing cry arose.
"I'm too tired ! I want somebody to
let me wide home ! "
The mother looked about her , but
there was no street car going in her
direction. She took one of the parcels
and gave it to the child.
"Mamma is tired , too , and Willie
must help her to get home. She is glad
she has such a brave little man to take
care of her and help her to carry the
bundles. "
Instantly the little fellow straight
ened , his step quickened and he
reached for the offered parcel , saying
stoutly :
"I'll tarry 'em all , mamma. " '
It was only the old , old lesson that
our Father is always teaching us : "Is
the homeward way weary ? Try to
lighten another's burden and the lov
ing service shall smooth thine own
path. "
"Can't God Count ? "
Two children were carrying a basket
of cakes to their grandmother. As
often happens with children and with
grown people , too they were curious
to know what was in the basket , and
so they carefully raised the corner and
looked in. When their greedy eyes saw
the tempting cakes their mouths fairly
watered to take them. After counting
them over several times they almost
made up their minds to eat just one or
them. Nobody would know it and it
would taste so good !
While they were gazing at the cakes
and just ready to take one , the little
girl looked up into her brother's face
and thoughtfully asked the matter-of-
fact question , "Can't God count ? "
This settled the matter immediately
and all the cakes were carried to their
A woman may drive her husband to
drink and be unable to drive a nail for
the same reason both heads being
Genojral John W. Foster , who served
as LlfHung Chang's adviser during the
Japanese-Chinese peace negotiations ,
has received a letter from the Oriental
statesman , In which he says that "all
recent changes In China are for the
better. "
Among the papers of President Mc-
ley's .mother was found the other day
a copy of her answer to a letter which
asked "how she brought up her child
ren. " "I had six of th'em , " was her
answer , "and I 'had my own work to
do , but I did simply the best I could. "
The Bookman has heard of a Scotch
professor who had been advocating
the advantages of athletic exercise-
"The Roman ! youths , " he cried , "used
to swim three times across the Tiber
before breakfast. " The Scotch professor
ser exclaimed , "Mr. McAllister , why
do you smile ? We shall lie glad to
share your amusement. " The canny
Scot replied , "I was just thinking , sir ,
that the Roman youths must have left
their clothes on the wrong side at the
end of their swim. "
There is a Class of People
Who are injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all
the grocery stores a new preparation
called GRAIN-0 , made of pure grains ,
that takes the place of coffee. The most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress , and but few can tell it from
coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth
as much. Children may drink it with
great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents
per package. Try It. Ask for GRAIN-0.
Nothing emits a worse odor than a
tainted reputation.
Mrs. WinstoTVB sootninjj Syrnp
For children teethlcff.sof tens the { runu.reuucetlaflun.
matiou , allays pain , cures-wind colic. 25 centva boltla.
Why isn't it whipped cream when
the cat gets through licking it ?
Uoe's Congn TSalsam
Ii the olCcst and best. It will break np a cold quicker
thau anything else. Jtls always reliable. Try It.
Women , as a rule , are better than
men and some of them seem to re
gret the fact
There Is more Catarrh In this section of the
country than all other diseases put together ,
and until the last few years was supposed to bo
Incurable. For a great many years doctors pro *
nounccd It a local disease , and prescribed local
remedies , and by constantly failing to euro
with local treatment , pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease , and therefore requires consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure , man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney < fc Co. , Toledo , Ohio.
Is the only constitutional care on the market.
It Is taken internally in doses from 10 drops tea
a teaspoonfuL It acts directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer
one hundred dollars for any ease it fails to cure.
Send for circulars and testimonials. Address
F. J. CHENEY & CO. .
Toledo , Ohio.
Sold by PruEfjists. 75c-
Jlall's Fai ily Pills are the best
If a man falls off a roof he certainly
has an excuse for eaves dropping.
If a man takes offense ho always
makes a poor selection.
Waits on appetite , or it should do so , but
this can be only when the stomach is in a
healthy condition. Hood's Sarsaparilla so
tones and strengthens the stomach that It
digests food easily and naturally and then
all dyspeptic troubles vanish.
Hood's SarsaparHla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. Trice $1.
Hood's Pills cure Liver Ills. 25 cents.
"Nothing but wheat as far ns the eye
conld reach on either side : what you might
call a sea of wheat , " was what a lecturer
speaking of Western Canada said while re
ferring to that country. For particulars
as to routes , railway fares , etc. , apply
Deportment Interior , Ottawa , Canadaorto
\V . V. Bennett. SOI New York Life Build
ing , Omaha , Neb.
A Natural Black is Produced by
F Whiskers.
SOcts.cfdrj ; ; stocrR.P.Hall&Ce..NashuaN.H.
"We will send vou
3 BBinriyni SOSGS.
TTonls and music
complete , if you
will promise to
Kenil us ! i > j for
eich one you kctp. or 60j if you keep
them all.
CJirisman Music Co. , St , Louis , Mo.
Yon can set a Gold Watch worth $15 00.war
ranter ! fur five years. ( LndlcVorGcnt * ) for
S3 cts. For particulars addrus * with stamp
t > o His G for unnatural
ditcharzes , inflsrunmtior. . ' .
irritations or ulcctation *
of ui u con nionitiranc * .
Painless , and not astrin
gent or poisonous.
Sold by Druffclst * .
or i nt In plsin wrapper ,
yr cxprpM , prepaid. lor
Jl.OO. or3 bottlrn. J2.7 ?
Circular icnt on
et Your Pension
Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Ajrent.
1425 New York Avenue , WASHINGTON. D. C.
Ft > O 6Tb BZP C5 V NEW DisCOVERY ; et
U'r'Wr ' [ 3 B quick relief and cures wont
case * . Send for boot of testimonials and 1 0 days *
treatment Free. Dr. ii.n.iKKKVi < Srti..iUui ( , iii.
Lets PrlacipJ Ermmlotr U. S. Ptaxloa Zartaa.
rni. _ in Lut wo. . 13 adiadintiai cUint , Ujr.
7s Ey § Watir.
. / /