- > , An Ideal 6rift You cannot take a small amount of money and buy a CHRISTMAS GIFT tlmt in any way equals a pair of They are made tor * * MEN , WOMEN AND OH 15,1) HEN n iid as a Holiday present they are SENSIBLE M SERVICEABLE ACCEPTABLE ECONOMICAL The pleasure and comfort that 1 each pair represents outweighs a thousand times the .small price you pay for them. Come in and feast , your eyes on these Shoes. THE OLD RELIABLE , J. F. GA'NSCHOW , McCOOKNEBRASKA. . A t / - & NATIONAL * B I w.NATIONAL N wvs w. WOA WVM-A/VV [ K-4 I Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $60SOOO coo GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. JEEk Mofi e * Gems of tfie McMi season at. . . -i I WIl ft TOYS = = A large assortment. DOLLS = = A1I sizes and colors. BASKETS = = Indian and Japanese in variety. LAMPS = = The latest "swell. " BOOKS = = Gift , Juvenile and Bibles. ALBUMS = = A11 prices. \ Atomizers and Latest Perfumes. Christmas Cards and Booklets. Japanese Goods , Novelties , &c. Worthy Goods at Worthy Prices. We court comparison A. McMILLEN , Druggist. . . "ift-Jip.Xjp.33gL * ffL \ i RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Ladies Fur Capes , $5 Thompson' * . Mrs. George Beck spent Thursday in Hastings. Black Coney Fur Muffs , 850 up Thompson's. Tom Malen and C.V. . i'uhleudorf are on the sick-list. Mrs. C. E. Pope spent Sunday in Ox ford , guest of her sister. See the late style Mufflers at Mor gan's , the leading clothier. Misses May Moore and Bird Brown departed , Mondayon 3. for Denver. Conductor H. A. Beale left on 12 , Thursday , for Rock Island , Illinois. They do say that when Conductor Beale comes back he will not be alone. Morgan , the leading clothier , is still selling 3402. Irish Frieze Overcoats for $8.50. It was 17 degrees below zero at Brush on the morning of the accident , last Sat urday. Trainmaster Jobselyn was up from Or leans , Monday , on business at head quarters. Clel Pope has been on the sick-list since Sunday , but is better at this time and about. The Misses Feeney are here from Hast ings , the guests of Conductor and Mrs. P. F. McKenna. Will McManigal went over to Beaver City , Saturday , to operate for the com pany at that station. Mrs V. H. Solliday returned , Sunday on 2 , from her trip to Denver , attending the auxiliary election. It was combination car No. in which was involved in the accident at Brush , Colorado , Saturday morning. If you are looking for a fine silk Um brella for a Christmas present , Morgan , the leading clothier , has them. A. G. Emerson has quit the road and taken a position in Zint's barber shop. The family has moved back tp the city. Brakcman C. E. Throne had some fin gers pinched while making a coupling at Cambridge , Tuesday night , and is laying off. Morgan , the leaning clothier , has just received a full line of muslin and flannel Slumbering Robes that he is selling at a remarkably low price. Engineer Tony Clark moved the fami ly down to Oxford , this week. We , with a large circle of friends , regret their re moval from our midst. The new brakemen added to the list , this week , are : C. F. Barrum , W. H. Starks , C. C. Scanlan , E. Hawkins , J. W. Bates , F. W. Pearsall , and R. S. Wells. A special train of eight touiist Pull mans passed through the city , yesterday afternoon , bound for SanFrancisco , to be used in the transportation of the New York volunteers home. The regiment has been in Manilla. Watches and jewelery in great profu sion and of every description at Button's. Selections of suitable Christmas presents are made easy by his endless variety and range and reasonableness of prices. Oi course you will look over his stock before making your holiday purchases. Conductor and Mrs. J. J. Curran and the children departed , last night on 6 , for Elden , Illinois , whither they were called by the sudden and it is feared fatal illness of Mrs. Curran's mother , who has been stricken with paralysis , and lingers unconscious and helpless. They have the deep sympathy of many friends. The Burlington has made special ar rangements for the Nebraska State Teachers' association meeting to be held in Lincoln , December 26-29. The fare will be one fare for the round trip with final limit December 3Oth. Tickets will be sold on December 26-27. See tire local agent for further particulars. The new chief clerk to Supt. Camp bell , Ed. Montemorencie of Omaha , was in the city , Monday , getting the lay of the new position he will shortly enter. He will take charge the first of the year. He has been with the company since boyhood , and comes from the/ chief clerkship of the claims department at Omaha. The close of last week , Engineer G. A. Noren received from Sweedeu very inter esting and at the same time to the fam ily very valuable mementos , in the form of two silver medals , from Mr. Noren's father , who for fifty years was connected with the regular army of Sweeden. The medals were of soliri silver , appropriately inscribed and pendant from different colored ribbons. One of the medals car ried with it a considerable pension. They will be highly prized heirlooms in the Noren family. That Long List Of holiday items advertised last week by The Thompson Dry Goods Co. caught the public eye and is making things lively in that store. The list contains so many items , at once useful and beauti ful , that all prospective buyers should see them. They also advertise striking and num erous reductions in cloaks. Dresses for holiday gifts Thompson's. XMA3 , ' 98 P. 0. Lobby. Immense Stock of - TOYS - - BOOKS - - DOLL BUGGIES - and all Kinds of - HOLIDAY GOODS - > P. 0. Lobby. XMA ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS. Mrs. C. S. McElherrou is visiting Mis. F. S. Curry. The new telegraph table 1ms arrived and will be placed in position soon. Operator Best lias the night trick un til a new operator is secured , to fill Operator Fox's place. The Burlington had lime cars , .last night , to accommodate its Thursday tourist excursionists to California. IS Operator H. J. Fox has resigned his position with the company here. Fox was a prime favorite with the boys and a first-class operator. The addition to the headquarters building at this place will not be ready occupation for a week or two. It is still in the hands of the carpenters. PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS. CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINMENT. On Thursday evening , December 22d , in the opera house , a tiny operetta "Merry , Merry Christmas" will be given by the West and East primary grades. The operetta consists of four acts , Winter , North Wind , Santa Glaus , The Dudes , Babies , Snowflakes , Mistle toe and Holly. Fairies are the principal characters and these are assisted by sev eral choruses. A number of fancy drills and songs will be given by the grades of the South school between the acts of the operetta. There will be one by the Colored Bri gade , another by the Butterflies , another by the Frogs. In all there will be about 100 children taking part. SYNOPSIS. ACT i. Opening chorus , "Have You Heard ? " Tableau , "Listen. " Drill by Colored Brigade. ACT II. ( Scene i. ) "What the First Snowflakes Told. " Song , "Welcome Winter , " by North Wind and Snow- flakes. Tableau , "Welcome Winter. " ( Scene 2. ) "The Coming of Winter ; " march , by all the children. Pantomime , "A Snow-Balling Scene. " Solo , by Winter. Song , by Butterflies. ACT in. ( Scene i. ) "The First Christ mas Chant , " by all choruses. Song , by girls. Tableau , "Beneath the Christmas Star. " Song , by the Dudes. ( Scene 2. ] Song , by Mistletoe and Holly. Song , by Babies. Song , by full chorus. Tableau , "The Night before Christmas. " Enter Santa Claus. Song , by Sleeping Babies. Pantomime , "Filling the Christmas Stockings , " Tableau , "Goodnight. " Drill and Song , by the Frogs. ACT IV. Christmas March closing chorus "A Merry , Merry Cnristmas. " Tableau , "A Merry , Merry Christmas. " General admission , 25 cents. Reserved seats , 35 cents , on sale at McConuell's after Monday next. The entire net proceeds will be devoted to buying needed books , charts , etc , for the children of the grades participating in the entertainment. Miss Bettcher of the Fifth grade was taken quite ill , suddenly Tuesday after noon , but was able to resume her duties as usual on Wednesday morning. The prevalence of the tobacco habit among the school children of the city may well receive attention at the hands of the board of education. Especially , so far as it refers to the use of cigarettes. In some of the higher grades of the sys tem , the per centage of those not using tobacco in some form is exceedingly small. Miss Case of the Seventh grade was summoned to Stockville , Wednesday , as a witness in thejansen trial. She was stenographer at the coroner's inquest and at the preliminary trial of Hawkins , the alleged murderer. Miss Powers of the Fourth grade west has been in charge of her grade meanwhile. Miss Wooten has been substituting in the place of Miss Powers. Make your selections now. Take advantage of large assortment. LEACH , The Jeweler. Mittens and Fascinators Thompson's. In order to reduce our large stock of Dress Goods , we have marked down our already low prices. Now is the time to buy. Call and get a bargain. . . . . LADIES' te ; are going fast. See our line before you buy. New Gooods and Correct Styles at lower prices than you will find elsewhere. . . . CLOTHING We have special bargains in this line. Call and see them. We are better than ever prepared to supply your wants in Groceries. Bring us your Orders. AT THE . . . arcjaiti C. L. DeGROFF & CO. I Jtf Jtfftr ftr aAr > ftr > * tir'rflir _ JfSr ifr r tftr iSl JtrfKr fftf-ftr rfV iJVWfV -nfir Jtr ifLr tfirJV I - j v > j j aQ * i- * V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. ft CITIZENS BANK r l OF MeCOOK , NEB. ir f Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , ยง 5,000 DIRECTORS = ! ' n.r $ / . FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. S Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion , coughs and colds , have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine ; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thous ands of hopeless cases. Asthma , bron chitis , hoarseness and all diseases of the throat , chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists , and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 500. and $ t. Every bottle guaranteed , or price refunded. Fine box candy at the Bee Hive. There are few ailments so uncomforta ble as piles , but they'can be readily cured by using Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment. Relief follows its use , and any one suffer ing from piles cannot afford to neglect to give it a trial. Price , 500 in bottles ; tubes 75C. I , . W. McConnell & Co. Have you a cold ? A dose ofBallard's Horehound Syrup at bedtime will remove it. Price 250 and soc. McConnell & Co. You can't afford to carry in coal in your apron when 15 cents will buy a good coal hod at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. All kinds of candy at the Bee Hive. For fancy Hose and fine Shirts , see Morgan's show window. ! 0. L EVERIST & CO. , ii i i PROPRIETORS OF THE j IMcCook Transfer Line BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. furniture vau in the city. OflBce one block north of Barnett Lumber Yard. Leave or ders for bus calls at Commercial hotel ; ordei s for drayiug at Ev- erist , Marsh < fe Co.'s meat market. Satisfaction guaranteed. CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough ! Bears the Signature of Chamberlain's ColicCholera and Diar rhoea Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by L. W. McConnell , Druggist. Soothing , healing , cleansing. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the implacable ene my of sores , burns and wounds. It never fails to cure piles. You may relv upon it. A. McMillen.