The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 16, 1898, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
CALVIN S. BRIO'E , the million
aire , died iu New York , Thursday
afternoon , of pneumonia.
THE Hayes Center Times sus
pended , last week. There is talk
of reviving the paper , or starting
COLONEL BRYAN has resigned
his commission , thus closing an
incident in the colonel's life o
doubtful utility aud profit.
No scavenger-pile patriot can d
* I Captain Lamborii any evil with
any fair-minded man , though th
McOook Comfort does give hi
ravings publicity.
at Atlanta , Georgia , the other day
caused boundless enthusiasm and
good feeling. It will go far to
cement the sections into one grand
D. E. THOMPSON of Lincoln has
shied his caster squarely into th
senatorial situation. And thos
best acquainted with him are look
ing askance at each other and
wondering. Mr. Thompson has
entered into the fight with vigo
enough to make him a factor in
in the situation.
DEWEY is as great a success in
raising vessels as he is in sinking
them already three Spanish ves
sels have been brought to the sur
face and will shortly be added to
the number of the effective vessels
of the United States navy. < Here's
to Dewey. May there be many
more like him to uphold the glory
of the American navy.
THE treaty with Spain has been
formally signed by the special
commissioners in Paris. It now
only remains to be passed upon by
the senate to become official. The
result indicates that the brusque
and direct and undiplomatic Amer
ican is several varieties of pump
kins himself when it comes to di
plomacy , as well as in warfare.
IN the selection of the next sen
ator from this state , the republican
party will put itself on trial before
the voters of the commonwealth.
Republican success in the future
will largely depend upon the wis
dom of the selection of the next
legislature. An able , honest , and
virile man above reproach , person
ally and politically is demanded.
EBANKLIN is in a great excite
ment over the frightful murder ol
Peter Kreichbaum , this week. Jas.
Tunman , ft 15-year-old son anc
William Cole nre held for the mur
der. The body was found buriec
in the dead man's hog-pen. The
discovery of the remains aud the
apprehension of the alleged mur
derers nearly precipitated a lynch
ing bee.
THE death of the courageous old
patriotic Cuban general , Garcia , in
Washington , Sunday , is one of
the most pathetic incidents of the
war for Cuban independence. Es
caping the malignity and cruelty
and treachery of Spanish hate , -he
succumbed to an attack of pneu
monia , while in the capital city of
the laud that made possible the
freedom of his own well-beloved
country. His death-cold was * con
tracted at the banquet and recep
tion given in New York city , re
cently , to General Miles , which
adds another item to the pathos of
the sad event.
Highest Honors World's Fair ,
DR ;
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
And the kidlets all went skating ,
this week.
Mrs. C.E.Williams made a busi
ness trip to Cambridge , Tuesday.
The revival meetings are still in
progress and may continue until
Christmas. . .
Mrs. J. Frizzell departed , Tues
day , for a holiday visit with rela
tives at Friend , this state.
The Curlee boys are Digging a
cellar preparatory to building an
ice house for the winter's crop.
Henry Cozad is a spectator at
the trial of Andy Hawkins for
murder , over at Stockville , this
Mrs. F. L. Enlow departed for
Longmont , Colo. , Wednesday , to
spend the holidays with relatives
and friends.
F. A. 'Hodgkiu made a business
trip to McCook , Monday evening
returning the following morning
morning on No. 12.
R. E. George and Henry Hal
went up to the county seat , Tues
day , to make road overseers' settle
ment with the .powers that be.
C. W. Eckerman , representing
the Smith-Pi emier Typewriter Co.
spent Wednesday here , the gues
of his oldtime friend , Prof. L. Y ,
A. G. Keys went in to Omaha
Wednesday morning , to have removed
moved- small cancer which has
been growing onhis lip for some
" Mr. Bert Stevens and Miss Ora
Downs were among those to take
chances in the matrimonial lottery- ,
this week. They were married on
Miss Effie Teel was the victim
of a surprise visit from her schol
ars , Wednesday evening. Nothing
short of a jolly , good time would
describe the affair.
L. V. Patch made a flying visit
to Omaha , Friday night , going
through to Denver on 3 , Saturday
night , and returning home on 6
the following evening.
The schools here will have holi
day vacation for only one week ,
and the announcement wasn't re
ceived with anything like gleeful
exuberance by "Young America. "
F. A. Vickrey received a new ,
silver J. W. Pepper cornet , this
week. It may be noted that the
band boys are showing commend
able enterprise in securing good
Mesdames C. Cowles and F. A.
Hodgkin were guests of their neice
and cousin , Mrs. Darwin Shaw , in
McCook , Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Cowles also made purchases
of millinery stock.
Miss Nellie Joslin departed for
Franklin , Nebraska , early part of
the week , where , we understand ,
she was to engage in a connubial
venture with a well-to-do young
farmer of that section.
A.M.Beeson and Flora Cox drove
up to the county seat , Wednesday ,
with intent to commit matrimony ,
and with the aid and consent of
the county judge were successful
in the accomplishment of the same.
The State Batik has been moved
from Yickrey's store into the bank
ing room in the same building , re
cently occupied as a real estate-of
fice by Fletcher & Son , who now
have quarters over Wolf's restaur
Representative-elect J. E. Hath-
oru went up to McCook , Monday
evening , to take No. 6 for Lincoln
where he observed the boiling of
the political cauldron. He re
turned on Nos. 1 and 12 via Mc
Cook , Wednesday morning.
It may , perhaps , be of interest
to the author of the communica
tion received at THE TIUBUNE of
fice , last week , asking for a red hot
"roast , " to learn that manuscripts
sans name or other means of iden
tification cannot be recognized. It
is not questioned that the writer's
soul was sorely grieved .for the old
gray pony and all that sort of
thing , but any body who would de-
pete valuable time to writing six
pages of nothing but words and
then omit the signature ought to
jet his photograph taken. Either
subscribe your appellation or tell
pour troubles to a policeman.
Royal makes the food pure ,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolute/ ! Pure
J. N. Puckett and wife were
visitors in McCook , Monday.
Jimmie .McCallum was a Mc
Cook visitor , Saturdry night.
Miss Welboru is in McCook on
business of her office , today.
Charles Beardslee and George
Mick of McCook spent Sunday in
in our town.
S. E. Hager , hog buyer foi
Powell , had business in the county
seat , Saturday.
Bert Stevens and .Ben Gossan :
viewed the new court house at the
county seat , Monday.
Fred Beardslee made a pilgrim
age down from the county seat ,
Sunday , on a tender mission.
County Supt. Welborn had of
ficial business in McCook , Monday ,
returning home on Tuesday morn
Judge Norris came over from
Beaver City , Sunday night , on his
way to Stockville , where he will
hear the celebrated Jansen murder
case , which opened at a special term
of court on Monday of this week.
J. H. Hopkins and daughter
Miss Marguerite of Albany , Oregon
gen , were briefly the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Welboru , Jr. , Tues
day. Mrs. Welborn was formerly
an Albany girl. They were bound
for Fond du Lac , where they for
merly lived , and other Wisconsin
points , on a visit of length.
Our stock is up-to-date. Leach ,
the Jeweler.
Joseph Dodge shelled corn , one
day last week , for W. H. Benja
The plasterers are putting the
hard finish on William Ralph's
new house , this week.
Preaching and Sunday-school
liave been discontinued at this
place for the present.
Word from E. B. Nelson , who
left here , Thanksgiving , for Iowa ,
states that he was in Omaha , last
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lofton , H.
H. Benjamin , J. G. Eelph and
families visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Relph , last Sunday.
Rev. F. M. Kennedy filled the
United Brethren appointment ap
pointment at Pleasant Prairie
school-house , last Sunday.
Work is progressing rather slow
ly on the new school-house in
the Anderson district. Meanwhile
school is being held in the old
The farmers are taking advan
tage of the fine weather now and
are putting in fheir best licks
husking corn : but there will be
plenty to pick , next year.
40 varieties of candy at the Bee
Danbury is beginning to fill out
her new incorporation clothes in
reat shape.
Manager E. L. Dennis of the
Barnett lumber yard was in Mc
Cook , Saturday and Sunday , on
pleasure and business combined.
The Christmas season promises
to be a prosperous one for Don-
bury , this year. These McKinley
times are hard to beat , though the
price of wheat is too low.
The union revival services have
jlosed , and the results have been
: or the betterment of the commun
ity ? about ten uniting with the
; wo churches in about even pro-
Grandpa Brown hns gone to
Iowa on a visit.
Miss Miuta Sly hns recovered
from her illness.
Mrs. J. Pickrell's mother is
making her a visit.
Miss Hester Brown and several
others have gone to Denver.
Charles Boatman is going to
move onto the Stewart ranch.
There was quite a good attend
ance upon the preaching , Sunday
Robert Barr has just returned
home from a visit to Iowa. He
reports sleighing fine and fall
crops good.
What kind of candy do you want ?
You'll find it at the Bee Hive.
Cold weather is no surprise now.
Austin Dutcher aud Frank Brett
finished threshing , last week.
Neighbor King has his neat
frame house nearly completed. It
is a fine and substantial' improve
We understand that Minnie
Harris will visit at home for a
while , perhaps through the holi
Mr. Green has a fine bunch of
Galloway cattle on his Spring
Creek ranch. Indeed , this is quite
a cattle section.
The literary is progressing nice
ly ; but the writer has been attend
ing meetings , just west , and can
not get the benefit of both.
W. F. Esher returned , Sunday
evening , from his trip to Missouri
for his health. Cannot say whether
his health has improved as much
as hoped before going to the insti
Our stock of Watches is
complete. LEACH , The
A little , too cold for comfort ,
G. H. Simrnerman lost a $25
calf , last week.
Corn husking is " un
usually slowly.
Joseph Spotts was up from Mc
Cook , Sunday.
Spring Creek will have a
Christmas entertainment.
"Elmer Shepherd thinks he has
seen all the animals there are in
Lhe world , but thinks the Campbell
beats them all. " Spring Creek
Resolved , That more pleasure is
derived from farming than from
any other occupation , is the sub
ject for discussion , next Friday
night , at Spring Creek at the lit
Chocolates all lands at the Bee
Last Sunday , December nth , at the
South McCook Methodist church parson
age , Rev. E. J. Vivian united in marriage
Benjamin O. Johnson and Carrie F.
Kimball , both of Box Elder precinct ,
this county. The bride is a daughter of
ra Kimball of Box Elder and is one of
he worthiest daughters of Box Elder.
The jjroom is a son of William X. Johu-
on of Box Elder precinct , and is known
as a sterling , upright and industrious
young man. Our best wishes go with
hem through life , and may the Heavenly
7ather guide them in all things. _ V.
Engraving done free on goods
purchased of us. Leach , the Jew-
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice on Dec. nth :
Mr. Channel , Pete Johnson ,
M. G. Hoskin , Henry Laperd ,
C. E. Keens , D. E. Lovejoy ,
C. S. Lane , P. McCarthy ,
B. O. Haley , C. J. Regor ,
Peter Vogt , J. B. Wolfe.
In calling for any of these letters , please
say that they are advertised.
F. M. KiMMELl. , Postmaster.
A fine line of goods suitable for
loliday gifts. Leach , the Jeweler.
You can't afford to carry in coal in
rour apron when 15 cents will buy a
: oed coal hod at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s.
Leach , the jeweler , has a fine
ine of solid silver ware.
Silk and Wool Mufflers Thompson's.
Christmas candy at the Bee Hive.
Nothing better than serviceable goods
for Holiday Presents for Man or Boy.
The Special Low Prices we are naming
to reduce stock enables every one to buy
such dependable gifts for very little \
' Everything desirable for Men's and
Boys' wear. No matter where you go ,
you will not find such perfect = fitting
and well-made clothing and at such low
prices as you will find here.
Handkerchiefs , Neckwear , Hosiery ,
Shirts for Dress and Work , Nightshirts ,
Collars and Cuffs , Underwear and Hats
in great variety.
Come in and make your selections
early and before the rush.
Remember , a special price on Overcoats -
coats and Suits for Men and Boys.
N/\ N' > y'S ' > - * VyrW kXSxXV > * ' \XV-N/\/V
We iiave a special sale on
Waists , Gome in and see
pods and prices ,
Buy here. The best goods for the least money
We > vould respectfully invite you to call
and inspect our line of Holiday Goods con =
sisting of .
Card Cases
Hair Brushes
Cloth Brushes
Collar & Cuff Sets
Toilet Sets
Necktie Boxes
Glove & Hdkfs. Sets
Paper Knives
Fancy Thermometers
Shaving Sets
Photo Holders
Smoker's Sets
Match Holders
Ink Stands
Game Boards
Music Rolls
Manicure Sets
Writing Companions
Dressing Cases
Silver Novelties
Celluloid Novelties
Paper Weights
Blacking Sets
including § - M
fi\i 1
Umbrella Stands
Rose Jars
Cups and Saucers
Bon Bon Boxes
Crumb Sets
Large Vases
Bisque Figures
Tete a Tete Sets
Trinkets , &c.
BOOKS = = Over 600 Volumes Bound Books.
Popular Authors in Prose and Poetry Dainty Gift
Books Padded Books Culluloid Covers-
Hand Painted From 25c. up.
Juvenile and Toy Books in Large Variety !
in bulk ; in plain , fancy pressed and cut
glass bottles ; in plain and artistically
decorated packages.