g pgg ! ? * : f SEVENTEENTH YEAR. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 16 , 1898. NUMBER 31 As to One Rundus. Considerable indignation and much disgust have been aroused in this section of the state by the scurrilous and menda cious letters printed in the McCook Com fort and written by one Rundus , a mem ber of company "L" , Third Nebraska regiment. Among others , Captain John J. Laniboru of company "L" has been the target of Rundus' malignity and mendacity. The following letter from Alajor Clendenis will throw some lighten on the character and standing of this scamp , who has assailed men who would feel humiliated to make a door-mat of iliui. It also incidentally discloses the character of the individual whose mouth- ings'are so proudly given publicity by the better-than-thou Comfort , whose de sire to get even , with Captain Lamborn seems to be the strongest motive of his existence : Third Division Hospital , Seventh Army Corps , Panama Park , Via. , Nov. 7 , 1898. John J. Lamborn , Captain Co. L , 3rd Nebraska V. I. , Savannah , Georgia. My dear Captain : I thank you very' much "indeed for sending me a copy of the McCook Courier containing the ar ticle signed by Rundus. This man is an obstreperous fellow who wrote me an impertinent letter immediately after tak ing command , which I ignored because I thought he didn't know any better and partly because I was so much amused. He wrote a letter also to the Investigat ing Committee when they were here , complaining of drunkenness on the part of the nurses , which was referred to me for remark and proper action in case I thought action necessary. He is now doing duty on the scavenger gang in punishment for absence without leave. I think the service can well spare such men as he is. I shall ask for his dis charge on the grounds of utter worth- Jessness , and I thank you again for bringing this matter to my attention. I am , very sincerely yours , PAUL CLENDENIS , Majorand Brigade Surgeon , Command ing Hospital. A Musical Treat. The concert in St. Patrick's church , last evening , scored a generous and grat ifying success. The church was filled to its utmost capacity and the entertain ment throughout was enjoyably meri torious , many of the numbers being roundly encored. The efforts of Mrs. P. F. McKedna and Mrs. A. J. Clute were especially popular , they being repeatedly recalled. The male quartette was also warmly applauded. The choirs of St. Patrick's gave a number of difficult se lections in good form. And , indeed , all are to be congratulated upon the excel lence of their work ; and a sense of satis faction is due the members of St. Pat rick's for the success of the occasion. Below we give the programme rendered : Piano solo Miss Maude Cordeal Kyrie ( Leonard's Mass ) St. Patrick's Church Choir Violin solo Master Tom O'Counell Gloria and Sanctus Children's Choir * 'Old Jim's Christmas Hymn" * . . . . Mrs. C. W. Bronson " 'Calm on the Listening Ear of Night" Congregational Church Choir Solo "Angels Ever Bright and Fair" . Mrs. P. F. McKenna PART SECOND. Gloria ( Leonard's Mass ) _ .St. Patrick's Church Choir Quartette McCarl , Beyrer , Smith , McCarl Solo Selected Mrs. J. W. McKenna Credo ( Leonard's Mass ) ' . . . .St. Patrick's Church Choir Duet Selected . .Mesdames P. F. and J.V. . McKenna Recitation Mrs. A. J. Clute Solo "Holy City" ( by special request ) Mrs. P. F. McKenna Sanctus and Angus Dei ( Leonard's Mass ) St. Patrick's Church Choir Accompanist Miss Maud Cordeal To Reduce Stock C. L. DeGroff & Co. are selling' Cloaks , Clothing and Overcoats at greatly re duced prices. It will pay you to call and see their stock before you buy. S. M. Cochrau & ? Co. carry in stock the largest line and greatest variety of sewing machines in southwestern Ne braska. They have the best and latest makes , too , at the most reasonable prices. An attractive assortment of box writ ing papers , very reasonable , at THE TRIBUNE office. Brodt & Shipman's silk-lined Gloves and Mittens can be found at Morgan's. THE TRIBUNE and The Toledo Blade \ for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance. X vt SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Best in the market. Ladies' Fur Collarettes , $2.35 up " son's. cures coughs. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. C. E. ELDRED attended court at Stock- ville , this week. C. L. DEGROFF of Nebraska City is in the city today. W. J. McGiLLEN , the Frenchman cattleman , was in the city , Tuesday. MRS. C. W. BRONSON returned home , close of last week , from her visit east. CHARLES GARBRR shipped his house hold goods out of the city , this week. M. A. SPAULDING drove up from Riv- erton , yesterday , on some business here. HARRY STERN was out from Chicago , yesterday , on business of his interests at this place. MESSDAMES A. CRMPBELL and J. W. Hupp went up to Denver , Monday night , on a brief visit. H. VANDERHOOE and Wm. Cowgill of Holdregc are in the city , today , on some cattle business , E. L. DENNIS was over from Danbury , Saturday and Sunday. He is manager for Barnett at that place. > L. A. JANSEN went over to Stockville , Monday , to be present at the trial of the murderers of his late father. W. W. MARPLE of the Beatrice Creaui- * eryCo. was in the city , first of the week , on business of that concern. MRS.J.W.McKENNA came down from Denver , mid-week , to take part in the musical in St. Patrick's church. S. E. HAGER was in the city , Satur day , otf stock business. He is buying hogs for the Powells , Indianola. ED. FITZGERALD'S family expects soon to remove from onr city to Leb anon , where he is in the saloon business. * REPRESENTATIVE J. E. HATHORN canie up from Bartley , Monday evening on 5 , and took No. 6 , the same night , for Lincoln. MRS. J. B. BALLARD accompanied ( the doctor down to Arapahoe , Monday , on one of his business trips , and spent a few days there with oldtirne friends. EDITOR ENYEART of the late Hayes Center Times wss in the city , Tuesday , on his way up to the Center. There is talk of reviving the Times , andif , it is , hewill , be in charge again. M. LAWLER of Omaha was in the city , the close of last week , on business and to see oldtime friends here , where he form erly was in business. He is on the road now for a wholesale liquor house. LAWYERS MORLAN , Starr and Thor- grimson went over to Stockville , Mon day , to attend court , the important trial of the Jansen murder case being opened in the district court of that county , this week. GEORGE B. BERRY arrived from Chicago cage , Monday , and will spend the winter here. He has been employed by Max well in a confidential and important ca pacity , for a number of years , and seeks a. rest. J. A. RANNEY , wife and daughter ar rived from Nebraska City , Saturday night , and will remain here during the winter , with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Dinimitt , on the farm a few miles northwest of the city. DR. L. H.'HALLOCK , who will have charge of the northern half of Iowa for the Star of Jupiter , was in the city , Saturday , getting ready and stocked up for the work , which will be pushed vig orously in that state in the future. COURT REPORTER EISENHART and Lawyer Blackledge of Culbertson spent Sunday night in the city , leaving on Monday morning for Stockville to attend court , the Jansen murder trial being be fore the court of Frontier county at this session. J. H. HOPKINS and daughter Miss Marguerite spent Monday night and Tuesday morning in the city , renewing old-time acquaintance with C. F. Pade's family , Fond du Lac , Wisconsin friends of years ago. They went from here to Indianola on 12 , Tuesday morning , on a passing visit to Mr. and Mrs. John Wei- born , Jr. , Mrs. Welborn being a former Albany girL BENSTODDARD departed for Montana , Wednesday night , in care of his brother , who is a well-to-do stockman in that state. He fitted Ben out comfortably with clothes , etc. , before leaving , and purposes making another effort to re form him. They will try the Glenwood springs before retiring to the ranch , which is about 200 miles from railroader or saloon , making it a long time between drinks. For fancy Hose and fine Shirts see Morgan's show window. Handkerchiefs and Perfumes Thomp son's. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.- A SHOCKING , TRAGIC DEATH. John M. Stranahan Jumps to His Death at Brush , Colorado. Again has this community been deeply shocked and pained by the death of a popular young citizen in the railroad service. Coming on the heels ol two or three other depressing , harrowing and distressing accidents , the death of John M. Stranahan touches and opens anew the heart of this community as well as plunges those near and dear to the de parted into profoundest sadness and in consolable grief. While fast train No. 3 was flying down tlie grade at Brush , Colorado , about seven o'clock , last Saturday morning , a wheel on the combination smoker and postal car broke , letting that side of the car down on to the track and tearing up things badly. Conductor Willetts and Brakenian Stranahan were in the smoker at the time. The former at once turned on the air brakes , while the latter rushed to the platform and jumped off of the rapidly moving train , falling headfore most on the passing track , fracturing his skull. The tram was stopped soon without any great damage to the trainer or track , and the unconscious form was picked up by tender and sympathetic hands. An army surgeon on the train made the injured man as comfortable as possible with opiates and he was taken on to St. Luke's hospital , Denver , where he died the same afternoon , without re gaining consciousness. The remains were brought to McCook on No. 2 , Sun day morning , for interment , and on Tuesday afternoon , all that was mortal of John Stranahan was laid away amidst the quiet of peaceful LongvSew. Brief , touching services were conducted at the late , cosy home-nest of the deceased by Rev. W. J. Turner , after which the Knights of Pythias took charge of the remains escorting them to the cemetery in a body and there conducting the im pressive services of the order over their deceased and well-beloved brother. All hearts go out to the bereaved 3'oung wife and the relatives and many friends of the departed in their grief for one so lovable and gentle and worthy , so tragically stricken down in young manhood in the morning of "a happy married life. . [ JOHN MARTIN STRANAHAN was born on the 6th day of June , 1868 , in Cannon Falls , Minnesota , where his parents , Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Stranahan , resided. Later his parents moved to Gothenburg , Iowa , where John at the age of 14 j'ears began a three-years' apprenticeship at the jewelers' trade. He worked at the trade in Stephens' Point and other places in Wisconsin and the Dakotas , finally embarking in business for him self at Watertown , S. D. Failing health compelled him to close out his business at Watertowu. and after a year and a half spent with his parents at Saint Hilare , Minn. , he came to McCook , arriving - ' riving here in May , 1895 , entering the employ of H. P. Sutton , where he re mained until January , 1896 , when he went to Telluride , Colorado. He re mained there but a few months , being compelled to leave that city on account of the high altitude , and returning to McCook , he reentered the employ of Mr. Sutton , where he remained until last April , when his failing health made outdoor occupation necessary. Securing the position of passenger brakeman on the "Burlington , " he held the same until his death , which occurred in the city of Denver , Colorado , Saturday night , December loth , 1898 , as the re sult of the terrible accident that oc curred near Brush , Colorado , on the morning of Saturday , December loth , 1898. He was 30 years , 6 months and 4 days old at his untimely death. He was married on the loth day of Novem ber , 1898 , to Miss Mabel Perry , eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Perry of our city. Besides his young wife , his parents , two sisters and two brothers are left to feel the keenness of his inex pressibly sad decease. Two brothers of ' the departed , E. H. Stranahan of Fargo , ' S. D. , and W. E. Stranahan of Crooks- ton , Minn. ; were present at the funeral. ] An Effective Proposal. A certain well known an up-to-date Dry Goods store has secured a bustling holiday patronage from the men by of fering Dress Goods in patterns and al lowing exchanges where the quality is the customary pattern and the price SDC per yard or less. We refer interested parties to The Thompson Dry Goods Co. An elegant bronze clock will make a rare Christmas present. Sutton , South western Nebraska's leading jeweler , has them. 1 We could not help noticing the young 1 ladies admiring the. fine Box Candies at the Bee Hive. 1 Try McMillen's Cough Cure. c CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. in. High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. , with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. All are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor. BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. in. Junior Union at 3 p. m. Senior Union at 7. Preaching at II a. in. and 8 p. in. Rev. G. W. Sheafor will occupy the pul pit morning and evening. All are wel come. T. L. KETMAN , Pastor. EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany. Sunday evening at 8:00 : o'clock , Evening Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 a. m. Friday evening lecture at 8:00 o'clock. Holy communion the first Sunday in each month. HOWARD STOY , Rector. * METHODIST Sunday-school at loa.m. Preaching at n. Class at 12. Junior League at 2:30. : Epworth League service at 7. p. m. Preaching at 8 by Rev. E. J. Vivian. Prayer and Bible study on Wednesday evening at 8 All are wel come. JAS. A. BADCON , Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at 10. Preaching service at ir. Senior Endeavor at 7. Preaching service at 8. Prayer-meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30. Junior Endeavor Tuesday aftei- noon at 4:15. A welcome to all. Morn ing subject , "Treasure That Faileth NoL" Evening theme , "The Foreshad owed Christ. " W. J. TURNER , Pastor. CHRISTIAN Services in the Odd Fel low's hall as follows : Bible school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m. and Junior Y. P. S. C. E. at 3 p. m. each Lord's day. Preaching every alternate Lord's day. J. W. Hilton , of Cotner University , will give the address next Sunday morning. His subject will be upon the educational work of the Disciples of Christ of the state. All are cordially invited. T. P. BEALL , Pastor. The Sunday-school of the South Mc Cook Methodist church will have a Christmas house on Christmas eve next. Rev. . T. L. Ketrnan is in Red Cloud , this Iveek , assisting in revival services , and will be absent over Sunday. Rev. Sheafor will occupy the pulpit here. The annual meeting of the Congrega tional church will be held on the first Wednesday evening in January , to which time the meeting-had been postponed. * Rev. J. A. Badcon will preach the ded icatory sermon in" Cambridge , Sunday , at the re-dedication of the Methodist church at that place , which has recently been enlarged and improved materially. COURT HOUSE NEWS. COUNTY COURT. Authority to wed has been given to the following-named couples since our last report. Benjamin C. Johnson and Carrie F. Kiuiball , both of Box Elder precinct. Married by Rev. E. J. Vivian , Sunday , December nth. Cyrus A. Knox and Georgia E. Bar rows , both of Cambridge. The county judge made them happy , Monday , De cember I2th. Albert D. Stevens of Freedom and Ora Downs of Bartley. Alonzo M Beeson and Flora O. Cox , both of Bartley. The judge pronounced the words that made them husband and wife , Wednesday , December I4th. DISTRICT COURT. Joseph Menard vs. I. M. Smith , deputy sheriff. Appeal from justice court. Don't Miss Them. The lady quartette from Chicago which will appear in the Congregational church , Saturday evening , is a superb combin ation of talent , culture and beauty , and all lovers of fine music should make a special effort to be out to hear them. Their reader comes highly recommended , also , and will add a highly instruct ive , and amusing element to the program of the evening. Tickets 35 cents. No reserved seats. Eyerist & , Marsh Those prompt and.obliging meat mar ket men , have everything seasonable. In addition to those superb export cattle , for the holiday trade , they have a full supply of everything that goes with an up-to-date , first-class meat market. Just remember this when ordering your Xmas turkey , oysters , cranberries , cel- eryi .etc. Nobody more accommodating. S. M. Cochran & Co. carry in stock the largest line and greatest variety of sewing machines in southwestern Ne braska' They have the best and latest makes , too , at the most reasonable prices. There is no stock of Neckwear so com plete in the city as Morgan's , the leading clothier. Relative to Gasoline Lamps. The following letter has been issuec by the Western department of the Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company of Springfield , Massachusetts. The letter is of the date of November 10 , 1898 , and reads as follows : To OUR AGENTS : There has recently been a strong pressure in some of the Western states to introduce the compan ies to grant permits for gasoline lamps. In common with other conservative companies , we have heretofore refused to permit the use of gasoline lamps but as a few companies , who are willing to grant any sort of permit to secure busi ness , are permitting these lamps , we feel compelled to meet this competition , as a measure of protection to our agents. We shall probably issue printed permits at an early day , but in the meantime yon are at liberty to use the printed gasoline stove permit , of which you have a sup ply , changing the word "stove" wher ever it occurs to " " " " "lamp" or "lamps" as the case may be. Candor compels us to admit that we make this concession against our better judgment , under the stress of competi tion. The lamps are dangerous to prop erty , and in a far greater degree to hu man life. . The danger is not in the lamp or stove but in the material itself. All of the lighter products of petroleum , such as gasoline , naphta and benzine , are high explosives of a more dangerous type than either dynamite or nitroglycerine - erine for the reason that these substances will at least stay where they are put. while the vapors of gasoline will hunt the nearest fire and cause an explosion. The loss of life every year from the lighter products of petroleum exceeds the number killed in battle during the re cent war between this country and Spain , but legislators are apparently so engrossed in enacting laws against insur ance that they have no time to devise restrictive legislation against the men who , regardless of human life , are push ing their dangerous goods on the market for the sake of gain. We make this explanation "in the hope that you will make it a point to explain to your patrons that the granting ofa permit for the use of gasoline lamps does not make them less dangerous to life , limb or property. Yours truly , A. J. HARDING , Manager. P. S. There will be no change in our rules limiting the storage and sale of gasoline and the charges therefor. A Proper Idea. There is often a tendency in holiday : purchasing to buy articles of mere pret- tiness. It has been suggested by an ad vertiser that articles of substantial use fulness are now made so beautiful that everything is in their favor. If this subject is now agitating you , call on The Thompson Dry Goods Co. for information and service. They show fifty different lines that cover the case. Taken Home for Burial. The remains of William W. Caddick , who died in onr city , last Friday morn ing , were on Sunday morning shipped back to Chicago for interment. Brief services were held at the residence of E. A. Kiser , Friday afternoon. Many hearts went out in sympathy to the sister , who accompanied the remains back to the home city on the lake. Attention. J. K. Barnes post , G. A. R. , will elect officers for the ensuing year at our next regular meeting , Saturday , December 24 , 1898 , at two o'clock , p. in. A full at tendance is desired. G. W. DiLLON.Comuiander. J. H. YARGER , Adjutant. The Largest Ever Received. Last week , Wilcox & Flitcraft , the pioneer shippers , had on the Denver market the largest shipment ever made to the Denver yard in one car , the net weight being 22,800 pounds. This fact was commented upon freely by the Den ver papers on the day of the arrival of the shipment , which was unusually fine. To Reduce Stock C. L. DeGroff & Co. are selling Cloaks. Clothing and Overcoats at greatly re duced prices. It will pay yon to call and see their stock before you buy. Don't buy a Christmas present until you have first seen what S. M. Cochran & Co. can sell you for that purpose. They sell the most useful presents at the most reasonable prices. Go and see for yourself. The proof of the pudding is not in chewing the string. Cut glass is always an appropriate and acceptable present at the holidays , or any time for all that. A rich stock at the leading jewelers. Sutton's , of course. See Morgan's fine line of silk and linen Handkerchiefs he's got in for Christmas. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. McMillen's Cream Lotion. MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. Try McMillen's Cough Cure. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Glove Cases , Hdf. Cases Thompson's. Dressed Dolls 150 , 25c , 3sc Thomp son's. WANTED Short-hand pupils. L. W. Stayner. They all like it that Canon City coal of Bullard's. Beveled Plate Glass Mirrors 35C Thompson's. .You can buy SLACK coal at Bullard's. They screen THEIR coals. See the late style. Mufflers at Mor gan's , the leading clothier. WANTED Good coofc at the City Res taurant. Lady or gentleman. Santa Claus left an order for Sheridan coal at Bullard's. Have you ? This paper and the great St. Louis Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year. Brodt & Shipman's silk-lined Gloves and Mittens can be found at Morgan's. FORSALE Residence of C. G. Holmes , deceased. Inquire of M.II.Holmes. i8-6t See Morgan's fine line of silk and linen Handkerchiefs he's got in for Christmas. Largest and richest display of silver ware in southwestern Nebraska at Sut ton's. Morgan , the leading clothier , is still selling 34oz. Irish Frieze Overcoats for $8.50. ' The most artistic and elegant engrav ing possible , free , of purchases made at Sutton's. THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer for$1.50 a year , strictly in advance. There is no stock of Neckwear so complete in the city as Morgan's , the leading clothier. If you are looking fora fine silk Um brella for a Christmas present , Morgan the leading clothier , has them. The ice harvest is in full blast , this week. The ice is of a very fine quality , good thickness and solid and clear. It's nice to look sweet , it's nicer to be sweet , and still nicer to eat sweets the sweetest of sweets at the Bee Hive. Do you mean it ? Certainly. Go down to S. M. Cochran & Co.'s and buy a coal hodand a good one at that , for 15 cents. Nothing approaching the display of pocket books and leather goods at Sut ton's has ever been attempted or realized before in McCook. Morgan , the leading clothier , has just received a full line of muslin and flannel Slumbering Robes that he is selling at a remarkably low price. The farmers of Perry precinct section are working' an application to the county commissioners for a bridge over the Republican at Perry station. Gov. Holcomb made a good choice when he appointed Col. Vifquain to suc ceed Bryan ; and you will show goofl judgment if you buy your oqal of Bullard's. S. M. Cochran & Co. have fust placed in their establishment a handsome cash register of the latest and most approved pattern. They are breaking it in for use after January ist. Don't make any arrangements for your year's reading matter without con sulting THE TRIBUNE. We can clufe with any paper or magazine you wish and save you money. Don't buy a Christmas present until you have first seen what S. M. Cochrau & Co. can sell you for that purpose. They sell the most useful presents at the most reasonable prices. Go and see for yourself. The proof of the pudding is not in chewing the string. After the first of the year , government , stamped envelopes will be about 60 cents per thousand cheaper. At the same time commercial envelopes ate about thirty per cent dearer. An incongruity lard to explain , unless we place a high estimate on Uncle Sam's pull. If the present law and ordinance re specting the sale of cigarettes and cigar ette paper to minors is not sufficentlr strict , the situation should be covered bj a law and ordinance that can be enforced and that will operate to bring this dam aging practice of our youth to the mini mum if it cannot be stamped out alto gether. Do you mean it ? Certainly. Go down to S. M. Cochran & Co.'s and buy a coal hod , and a good one at that , for 15 cents. Men's Emb. Silk Suspenders Thomp son's. Beautiful Photo Albums Thompson's. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. McMillen's Cream Lotion.