CUSTOM [ 9 00 DROPS i For Infants and Children. iniiiiiiiiimnimiuiiiiuinmmrmniniiniiiiimiiMimiiuiniiiimmum i The Kind You Have Always Bought JJVegefablePreparationforAs- similating tkToodandRegula- ling theStomachs andBowels of Bears the Signato EromotBstiesUonCheerful- ) ness andBestCofitains neither of OpmmMorpliine ; nor Mineral. JfotAtOfSalCf- . sfaitt Seed. ftppefnaat - JKnnSted- Clarihed Sugar * . \\u-Jfryrcav flarcr. ApeifecfHeniedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea , Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness andLoss OF SLEEP. TacSinule Signature of NEW YORK. HXACT COPV OF V/EAEPEB , , . THE CENTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK CITY. The sooiirr a coii h or cold s curer without l-mni > " -rffnt-r , tlit- better Ivin riinj : < : i' ' . . tJan ; eioii < - . Hack' ing otiii } * h ? > < liv.res- > tij. } One Miniiit Couuh Cutttji'.Hf. . i\ t tin" , it \ \ hy Mf fer ulit-n -n-ii si c ifh tnrv is xvt.liir i each ? ii ! - . io the l'it > - . A McViii'.cn. _ 69 cents buys one of those large Dictionaries at the Bee Hive. Pains in . ! ui hf-i tx'u-n ' a per oii ha.a cold imiicatf H u-mlt mI cm art ! pneii- tnoni.i. A jjic.v ot flai m-1 'lutnpeiied with Cliauitierlaiu'- Malm and honml on to the chectov r the se l > f pain will proniply relk-vt- tiirainaiid prevent iJie the threuletiesl ; if. < ck < f pneumonia This same treatment will * cure a lame back in a few hours Sold hy IW. . Mc- Coniiell. All lands of Shoe Dressing : at the Bee Hive. _ Maiiv a lum-ehold is saddened by death hecatistof the failure to keep on hand a safe .11. < 1 absolutely certain cure for croup. Mich as One Minu'e Cough Cure. See that % our litt'e ones are pro tected against 'uierjjency. A. McMillen. 9 . _ . _ . . . _ _ . In biliousness Flerbine , by expelling from the body the excess of bile and acids , improves ' .he assimilative process es , purifies the blood and tones up and strengthens I he entire systeui. Price 5oc. L W. McCounell & Co. THK.TKIBUNB and Demorest's Family Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in advance. Constipation prevents the body from ridding itself of waste matter. DeWitt's Little Earl } ' Risers will remove the trou ble and cure sick headache , biliousness , inactive liver and clear the complexion. Small , sugar-coated , don't gripe os cause nausea. A. McMillen. NOTICE FOR BIDS. NOTICE is UKREUY GIVEN : That the honrd f county commissioners will receive sealed bids for furnishing the following supplies for the use of county oflicers for the year 1899 : One 8 quire Deed Record , printed form. Une 8-quire Judge's Docket , printed form. One 4-quire Cash Book , printed form. One 8-quire General Leatrer , printed form. 10,000 printed No. 10 XXX tag envelopes. 10,000 printed No. 6'A XXX rag envelopes. IO reams linen legal cap. 5OOO printed tatter heads (12 His 1 full size. 5,000 printed letter liends ( i lhs. ) half sue. 3 gross perfection lead pencils No 2. 6 gross pens. All bids mnst he accompanied hy .1 good and sufficient bond for the faithful 'pcilorm- ance of contract if awarded. Such bid * must be filed with the county clerk on or before moon Januaiv I , iSgq. Dated at McCook , Nebraska , December I , 1898. R. A. GRIKN , CounClerk. . Oe Witt's Witch Hazel : Cures Piles. Scalds. Burn ? Frazer Axl@ Grease Not affected by Heat or Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial , Paris and World's Fair. FRAZER LUBRICATOR Co. , Factories : Chciago , SL Lou ! * , New York. DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , PleaMnt , Quick fi MlU , 5 1 t tk * . \ SURE ami G known fov IS years as the ( ' - , & BEST REBEEOYfcr P3LS3.1 SOLD BY AM , by 2ICHA2330iT HEt' . . . II. At L. W McCONWELL & CO.'S. ffifJ RT SC C fi T t ? . n"nt ! D * v * K" a Q Vi. lift ? B a is i e * SW& Lengths . J On Each BM ; Oil , SOLE MANUFACTUnCRS. SOLD BY MRS. M. E. BARGER , LEGAL NOTICE. Daniel Crowe will take notice that on the 24th day of October , 1898 , H. 11. Berry , a Jus tice of the Peace in and for Willow Grove precinct in Red \VHlo\v county , Nebraska , for the sum of $2080 in an action pending befoie him wherein Ezra T. Maddux is plaintiff and Daniel Crowe is defendant , that money due and unpaid the defendant and in the posses sion of the Chicago , Burlington and Quincy railroad company has been attached under an order of attachment. Said cause was con tinued to the I2th day of December , 1898 , at 0 o'clock a. in. central time. n-25-3ts. EZRA' ! ' . MADDUX. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , Octo ber 29 , 1898. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has fifed notice of his intention to make final proof in suppoitof his claim , and that said proof will be made be fore register or receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , December 10th , 1898h : Joseph T. Sanders , Homestead entry No. 0985 , for the EX S Wtf and WM S Etf of section 4. town ship 4 , north of range 30 west 6th P. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : James Ryan , Thomas F. Ryan. John N. Smith and William II. Epperly , all of McCook , Nebraska. F. M. RATHBUN , ll-4-6ts. Register. DeWitt's Little Early Risers , Tlw famous little pills. $100 For Letters About Nebraska. The Burlington Route ( B. & . M. R. R R. ) offers thirteen pn'zes ranging frou $5 to $25 alll KKrfKal'"tf one hundre < dollars for the thirteen letters , which , it the opinion of a competent committee are best calculated to encourage iimnigra tion to Nebraska. Every contestant , whether or not hi : contribution is awarded a prize , will re cetve the "Corn Belt" ( a handsome i ( page monthly publication ) for 6 months free of charge. The contest is open u all. Details can be obtained bv addre ing J. Francis. G. P. A , Burlington Rmite , Omaha , Neb. Writing paper in bulk and box , will envelopes to match , at very reasonable THK TRIBUNE The dUpoMiion of children largely de p-ndsiipon health If they are troublec wall worms the ; , will be irritablr , cross and perhaps seriously sick , XV liie's Cream Vermifuge i > a worm expellerand tonic to make them health } and cheerful. Price 250 ; at nlcConneH's. Table and pocket cutlery at the Bee Hive. In MuggSsh liver , Herbine.i i y its ben eficial action upon the biliary tracts , ren ders ; ! \e bile more fluid , and bring. , the liver int'o ' a sound , lu-altby condition , t'rrel > \ banishing the seiii-e of drowsi- i < -s , letharirv , and tlif general feeling ol apathv which : irise Inun disorders eli i life liver Prici-5oo. L.W.McComiell Sonic Extraordinary Mothers. Probably the youngest grandmother of whom \ve have record was a Lady Child of Shropshire , England. She had married at 12 years of age and had a child before her thirteenth year was completed. This child in turn married while still very young , with the result that Lady Child was a grandmother at 27 The most extraordinary cases of motherhood were those of 'Mrs. Honey- wood of Charing , in Kent , and Lady Temple of Stow. When the former died , on May 10 , 1620 , aged 93 , she counted as her descendants 16 children , 114 grandchildren , 228 great-grandchildren and 9 great-great-grandchildren. The other case was even more remarkable. Lady Temple , who died in 1656 , had give birth to 4 sons and 9 daughters and lived to see more than 700 descend ants. Taste of Boiled Water. In advocating the practice of boiling water ( and milk ) of uncertain purity Professor Bizzozero combats the preju dice against boiled Water as a beverage. He maintains that the "taste" fre quently complained of in boiled water is really caused by the kettle and can scarcely be due to the absence of dis solved air , of which water from wells of great depth often contains very little. Pittsbnrg Dispatch. A QccMtion of Locality. ' 'I'll tell yon one thing , " said Mad- pop to his long suffering wife , "if Willy does not behave himself , I'll give him the worst spanking he ever had. He'll get it in the neck. " "Do be serious , my dear , " replied Mrs. Madpop. "The neck is noplace on which to spank a child. " Harper's Bazar. Wbicli End ? Irascible Lieutenant ( dova eugino room tube ) Is there a blithering idiot at the end of this tube ? Voice From the Engine Room Not at this end. sir.Punch F. D. BuiiGKss. Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimmings. Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basementof the Meeker- Phillips building , a B. S. ASHTON , Pres. T. E. MeDOHAW. Csh. CLIFFOSD HASEM.As : * . . Cash. BANK OF DANBURY DANBURY , NEB. A General Banking Business business you may wish to transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE \yill receive prompt and careful atten tion. Subscriptions received , orders taken for advertisements and job-work. JOHN E , KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK , NEBRASKA. ESrvV ent ot Lincoln Land Co. Office Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD. 0 DENTIST. © All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. McCOOK : SURGICAL HOSPITAL , Dr. W. V. GAGE. McCook , - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Avc. , 1-efore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. given in appropriate cases. Miss ANNKTTA BALL , McCook Surgical Hospital. One Minute Cough Cure , cures. That Is what it was made lor. COLEMAN. If ueigbbor Boh Trnpbngan was forced to "scratcb for a living , " be would probably press perceptibly against bis provision granary and yawn with a buugry look quite frequently these days. He met with an accident which tore off about one-half the nail on twoof die fingers of his right baud , and now be can neither scratcb nor pull hair. Ou last Friday Mrs. J. W. Cor ner went to visit Mrs. Prentice. On her return the team got be yond her control and went spinning away on a hard run. After run ning over a mile , with Mrs. Corner bravely holding on to the lines , in describing a sbarp curve tbe wngou was upset , violently precipitating her to tbe ground. Here sb" lay prostrate on tbe prairie for more tban an hour , entirely unconscious. When consciousness returned she arose and walked home a little more than a quarter of a mile. By this time her left pye was swollen until it was closed. No bones were broken , altbough she received a vigorous shaking up. It was an experience she has no inclination to repeat , and sbe will in the fut ure insist that "John ijoes along and holds Ibp linns. " It was , in deed , a very narrow escape from serious and perhaps fatal results for which she is profoundly grate ful. ASAHEL PHEXTICE. On Sunday afternoon , Decem ber 20th , while on the way home from the Colemau school-house , where ho had attended Sunday- school and church services , Mr. Asahel Prentice received si par alytic stroke which rendered him helpless. Kind and sympathetic J neighbors were constantly present' ' with willing and loving baudsten- , deiiy ministering to his every want. Everything was done that could be to alleviate his suffering. All is sues and creeds were scattered to the winds whfMi a kind neighbor lay helpless , needing assistance and cheering words. It was sin- cp.rely hoped that he would re cover , but a kind , loving Father willed it otherwise and on Sunday , December 4th , at 1 o'clock p. m. , he severed earthly ties and today dwells in a mansion prepared by Him whom he loved so dearly and served so faithfully while with us. i He will be missed in the Sab bath-school : the assistant superin tendent will not be there any more. A teacher will be absent. The voice of a leader in song service will be beard no more. One \ ho took R very active part in church work has gone. Sir. Prentice wns was always ready to , and did , faith fully perform all duties connected with Sabbath-school and church work , although be was a Presby terian while the organized society is Methodist. He cared not for the name ; the great central point was zealous work for the Master. We can hardly realize that Fath er Prentice is no more ; that we will uever again greet him in this world with that friendly , hearty grasp of tbe hand. He was ready when the call came ; his work was all done. Dear , sorrowing , bereaved and af flicted wife and children , open the flood gates wide and let the tears freely flow ; it will relieve your beavily oppressed spirits. Now : lry your tears , for that kind , gen tle , loving father is safe , and you may meet him again some day. INDIANOLA. J. V. Harrison and family at- ; ended church services in McCook > n Sunday. Mrs. Elizabeth Finn entertained ier nephews , Arthur and Will Dull en of McCook , over Sunday. J. G. Dole ' 'bikecV down from McCook , Saturday afternoon , and ipeut tbe evening and following lay with friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Hill re- f urned home , Wednesday morning ' 'roni ' a brief visit to her parents , Hr. and Mrs. T. M. Beardslee. Arrangements have been made or a football game between our > oys and the high school team of HcCook , to take place there dur- ng the holidays. They do say that Colonel Mit- ihell slips around when the farm- irs are not watching and puts ample copies of his McCook Com- ort iu their wagons. And thus be amusing game of increasing 11l 11t iis stupendous circulation goes 011. l ! t is only a question of bow many c armors the colonel can catch "off t 1 heir guard. " 1s WARREN'S Less than One Cent a Bushel Think of 11 * * * Made with 10 Galvanized Steel Wire Cables around each Crib interwoved with $ & = inch v v Pickets , space ij inches apart , r v v v r A Crib of 500 bushels capacity , 13 1-2 feet in diameter , 8 feet high and 5 rods long , for $3.5. Cheap , Convenient and Practical. Can be put up in 15 minutes. For sale by W. C. BULLARD & CO. , McCOOK , NEB. WHITE'S CREAM BALLARD , St. * ' ' \yN 1XXXX\1/\XXX1N > rf At L. W. McCONNELL & CO.'S. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health Indomitable will and tremendous energ ; are not found where stomach , liver , kid neys and bowels are out of order. I you want these qualities and the success they bring , use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power o brain and body. Only 25 cents at L. W McConnell's drug store. MidWinter Holidaj- Rates Account Christmas and New Year Hoi idays. Tickets will be sold between points in Missouri , Iowa , Nebraska ant Kansas , not over 200 miles apart , at fare incl one-third for the round trip. Be tween points in Colorado , Wyoming Montana and South Dakota at fare ant ane fifth for the round trip , sufficient be- iig added to make rate end in naught or 5ve. Tickets to be sold December 24 , 24 , 26 & 3rst , iSgS , and January i , and 2 , [ 899. Final limit of all tickets to be [ anuary 4 , 1899 A. P. THOMSON , Agt. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand , but skin eruptions rob life ) f joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve , cures hem ; also old , running and fever sores , ilcers , boils , felons , corns , warts , cuts , iruises , burns , scalds , chapped hands , : hilbltins. Best pile on earth. Drives > ut pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. 2nre guaranteed. Sold by McCounell. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. Ul dru } > jJsts refund money if it fails to : ure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on ach tablet. For broken limbs , chilblains , burns , calds , bruised shins , sore throat and ores of ever3'kind , apply Ballard'sSnow vininK-nt. It will give immediate relief .nd heal anv wound. Price 25c and . , . W. McConnell & . Co. We'll save you money on Notions ivery time at the Bee Hive. Overcome evil with good. Overcome our coughs and colds with One Minute ! ough Cure. It is so yood children cry or it. It cures croup , bronchitis , pneu- iionia , yiippe and all throat and lung liseases. A. McMillen. Fresh Candy at the Bee Hive. His Lite Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly , a prominent citizen of lannibal , Mo. , lately had a wonderful eliverauce'from a frightful death. In elliugofit he saj-s : "I was taken with yphoid fever , that ran into pneumonia , ly lungs became hardened. I was so , -eak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Jbthing helped me. I expected to soon ie of consumption , when I heard of Dr. ling's New Discovery. One bottle gave reat relief. I continued to use it , and ow am well and strong. I can't say . " This inarvel- DO much in its praise. - 3us medicine is the surest and quickest ure in the world for all throat and lung rouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. 'rial bottles free at McConnell's drug tore : every bottle guaranteed. Two Pointed Questions Answered. What is the use of making a better ar ticle than your competitor if you connot get a better price for it ? Aiis. As there is no difference in the price the public will buy only the better , so that while our profits may be smaller on a single sale they will be much greater in the aggregate. How can you get the public to know your make is the best ? If both articles are brought prominent ly before the public both are certain to be tried and the public will very quickly pass judgment on them and use the better one. This explains the large sale on Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. The people have been using it for years and have found that it can always be depended upon. They may occasionally take up with some fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims , but are certain to return to the one remedy that ther know to be reliable , and for coughs , colds and croup there is nothingequal to Chamberlain's Cough Remedv. For sale by L. W. McConnell & . Co. , Druggists. A nice new line of vest pocket memor andums at THE TRIBUNE office. " Before my wife began using- Mother's Friend she could hardly get around. I do not think she could get along without it now. She has used it for two months and it is a great help to ler. She does i e r housework without trouble. " Mother's Friend s an external liniment for expectant nothers to use. It gives them strength to attend to their household duties almost to the hour of confine ment. It is the one and only prepara tion that overcomes morning sickness and nervousness. It is the only remedy that relaxes and relieves the strain. It is the only remedy that makes labor short and delivery e-asy > \ It is the only remedy that puts the breasts in condition so that swelling or rising is impossible. Don't take medicines internally. They endanger the lives of both mother and child. Mother' * Friend i < aold bydraj . .tsfor $ | . Send for our free Illustrated book. The Bradfleld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Qi. \ w !