The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 09, 1898, Image 7

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The Big Four railroad has recently
received from the builders four 8-
wheel passenger locomotives to haul
their fast trains. These engines are ,
in every respect , models of their kind ,
and are probably the largest , fastest ,
most powerful and best looking pas
senger engines in any part of the
country , and are a credit to the man
agement and their designer , Mr. Wm.
Garstang , superintendent of motive
power of the Big Four , and the Schenectady -
nectady Locomotive Works. their
builders. The engines are now in ser-
unnecessary pipe or rod to mar their
symmetry. The material used in the
construction of these machines is the
finest of Its kind , and the greatest
care was exercised in both the tests
and workmanship to Insure every part
being perfect The driving wheel cen
ters , steam chest and cove'rs , cylinder
heads , foot plates , auxiliary dome ,
driving boxes and spring seats are all
of cast steel , while the dome castings
stack base , boiler front , cylinder cast
ings and tender truck frames arc
pressed steel. The boiler is extended
K %
frlco between St. Louis and Cleveland ,
on the fastest and heaviest trains , mak
ing the time and doing it easier than
was ever accomplished before on this
run. In designing these engines it was
necessary to make a machine combin
ing great power with high speed and
easy running avoiding all jerk to the
train , an unnecessary strain on the
track. This has been accomplished to
Euch an extent that both engine and
tender , while at the highest speed , ride
with the greatest steadiness and so
Eoft and easy a motion that the en
gineers claim not to be at all tired at
the end of their run. These noble ma
chines stand 15 feet high from top of
rail to top of cab and 9 feet 9 % inches
to center of boiler , which , with driv
ing wheels 78 inches and truck and
tender wheels 36 Inches in diameter ,
show trim and powerful , without an
Eskimos Find the Faithful Animal a Xo-
ccsslty to Their Miserable Existence.
"Without dogs the larger portion
of the great Eskimo family peopling
the ba. ren northeast coast of Amer
ica would find it impossible to exist
in its chosen homo. " " So writes E.
W. Nelson , in his "Mammals of
Northern Alaska. " They are used in
the winter for hunting , slcdgo-draw-
ing and tlio like , but in summer are
mostly left to shift for themselves.
They receive much hard usage , as
well as do much hard work , but are
described , nevertheless , as a rollick
ing set , full of play , fond of
human society and quarrelsome as
schoolboys. Mr. Nelson credits thorn
F V with a vein of humor and declares
v ' that their varying characteristics
can bo read in their faces. They are
worth from $2 to $13 apiece , accord
ing to ago , size and intelligence.
For sledge drawing they are har
nessed in teams of either seven or
nine three or four pairs and a leader.
The load is from 350 to 700 pounds and
the course mainly through unbroken
snow or over rough ico. With a
team of seven dogs and a load of
morn than 300 pounds Mr. Nelson
made a journey of moro than 1,203
miles in about two months. The hist
sixty miles were made over a , bad
road in a continuous pull of twenty-
ono hours. They are much affected
by the moon. During full moon half
the night is spent by them in
howling in chorus. "During the en
tire winter at St. Michael's , " says Mr.
Nelson , "wevoro invariably given
a chorus every moonlight night , and
the dogs of two neighboring villages
joined in the serenade. Ho speaks
of its 'wild , weird harmony , ' and
seems to Lave found it agreeable
rather than otherwise , The influence
of the moon is also very apparent
when the dogs are traveling. They
brighion up as the moon rises , and
pricking up their ears start off as if
they had forgotten their fatigue.
The fur traders talco advantage of
this fact , and sometimes lie over
during the day and travel at night
The dogs endure an astonishing de
gree of cold. Mr. Nelson saw a female -
male with t wo newly-born puppies
lying upon the snow near a hut with
no signs of shelter , when the ther
mometer ranged from thirty to
thirty-five degrees below zero.
An Old Ballroad Man.
William M. Reed , who died in Ce
cil county. Maryland , the other day
at the age of 90 years , became fifty-
four years ago an employe of the
Newcastle and Frenchtown railroad ,
ono of the earliest railroads built in
this country. The line was an im
portant link in the routs from New
York and Philadelphia to Washing
ton , and before there were railroads
it was a turnpike with lumbering
coaches that sometimes occupied
many hours in making1 their journey
of about sixteen miles. Then came
a tramway with horse-drawn cars ,
and at length a true strap-iron rail
way with queer little curs and en
gines. Beed remained an employe
of the company till the building of
the Philadelphia , Wilmington and
Baltimore railway brought the aban
donment of the older route. The
embankment of the abandoned line
jjtill runs , a green ridge , through
Bhany miles of cultivated farm land.
Girl Porters.
In Switzerland girls on arriving at
the age of 14 are regularly employed
as porters , and during the season in
that country may be seen daily car
rying the baggage of travelers up
and down the steep mountain paths.
Claribel They say he is worth half
a million , at the least ! Mathlea How
3 should like to be his widow. Boston
wagon top with tabor back , 62 inches
diameter at smallest ring and 78
inches diameter at the throat built to
carry a wagon pressure of 200 pounds
per square Inch. Among the special
articles are Richardson's balance
valves , Jerome metallic packing , Coalo
muffler , Kunkle open pops , air oper
ated bell ringer , French springs. Leach
pneumatic sanding device , gold steam
heat , monitor injector , Janney couplers
and Fox pressed steel tender truck
frames. Some of the principal dimen
sions are as follows : Weight 130,000
pounds ; cylinders 20x26 inches ; boiler
diameter 62 inches ; tubes diameter 2
inches ; tubes number of 320 ; fire box
width 41 inches ; fire box length 108
Inches ; working pressure 200 pounds ;
heating tender water capacity 5,000
gallons ; tender coal capacity 10 tons ;
tender trucks , pressed steel.
An Experiment Showing ; the Vast Pres
sure In the Ocean's Lowest Depths.
The peculiar physical conditions
of the deep seas may bo briefly stated
to bo these : Jt is absolutely dark so
far as actual sunlight is concerned ;
the temperature is only a fe\7
degrees above freezing point ; the
pressure ifl enormous ; there is little
or no movement of the water ; the
bottom is composed of a uniform ,
fine , soft mud , and there is no plant
life. All of these physical conditions
ono can appreciate , says the Phila
delphia Press , except the enormous
pressure. At a depth of 2,500 fathoms
ems the pressure is , roughly speak
ing , two and one-half tons per square
inch that is to say. the pressure
per square inch upon the body of
every animal that lives at the bottom
tom of the Atlantic ocean is about
twenty-five times greater than the
pressure that will drive a railway
train. Professor Moseloy describes
an interesting experiment in poiub
made during the voyage of the Chal
lenger. Mr. Buchanan hermetically
sealed at both ends a thick glass
tube full of air several inches in
length. He wrapped it in flannel
and placed it in a wide copper tube
ono of those used to protect the
deep sea thermometers when sent
down with the sounding apparatus.
This copper tuba was closed by a lid
fitting loosely and with holes in the
bottom of it , and the copper bottom
of the tube similarly had holes bored
through it The water thus had free
access to the interior of the tube
when it was lowered into the sea
and the tube was necessarily con
structed with that object in view ,
so that , in its ordinary use , the
water would freely reach the con
tained thermometer. The copper
case containing the sealed glass was
sent down to a depth of 2,000 fathoms
ems and drawn up again. It was
then found that the copper wall of
the case was bulged and bant inward
opposite the place where the glass
tube lay , just as if it had been crum
pled inward by being violently
squeezed. The glass tube itself ,
within its flannel wrapperwas found ,
when withdrawn , reduced to a fine
powder , like SHOW almost What had
happened was that the sealed glass
tube , sinking to gradually increasing
depth , had hold out long against the
pressure , but this at last had become
too great for the glass to sustain
and the tube had suddenly given
way. So violent had been the collapse -
lapse that the water had not had
time to rush in at the perforations ,
but instead had crushed the copper
wall and brought equilibrium in that
manner , and this process is exactly
the reverse of an explosion and is
termed by Sir Wyvillo Thompson aq
"implosion. "
The Senuto Is Eternal.
There is no such a thing as "next
senate , " and so long as the consti
tution lasts there never will be.
The senate of the United States is an
eternal body. It never dies. It is
to-day exactly the same assembly
which met for the first time in 1789.
Every second year it undergoes a
change of membership , the terms of
ono class of members expiring. But
that change neither ends the old
body nor makes a now one.
Half of a Bible.
Among the treasured relics of an
ox-Confederate now living in a bor
der state is half of a rod morocco
bible. When he and a companion in
arms were hungry and very solemn
on the retreat after the fall of Pe
tersburg , tboy shared equally a
small quantity of parched corn , their
only food , and tore the bible in
twain , so that each might have a
Why is it harder for the average
man to bear prosperity than adversity ?
Fciul of 1'on.g Standing I'ollcomnu
Foley Iluil Prevented a Previous
Murderous Attempt by the Italliiu ,
Kept u DucrKcr for the 1'urjioso.
By the merest chance John Foley , a
New York policeman for years con
nected -with the Mulberry street sta
tion , Is alive today , and Juan Rossi , a
had Italian , Is behind the bars. It was
a case where the vendetta , sworn years
ago , failed In its fulfillment at the last
moment because chance , or perhaps
Providence , stood in the way. Twelve
years ago Foley , at the rlsl : of his IXe ,
entered a homo at 27 Crosby strce"
that city , In answer to cries for help ,
and grappled two powerful men just
finishing a bloody murder. Juan Rossi
and his swarthy father had cut Juan's
mother literally into pieces and strewn
the parts about the floor. That jeal
ousy prompted the deed "was brought
out at the trial , in which the father
was sentenced to Sing Sing for twelve
years. The policeman had every rea
son to believe that the stabbing was
done by the younger man , but there
was no evidence to prove it , and he es
caped punishment. Foley's wounds had
not entirely healed when one night ho
saw Juan with two companions enter
a store not far from the house where
the murder had been committed. He
arrested the trio and they were all
sentenced the next day to three months
on Blackwell's island.
"I have the dagger that you saw the
night you arrested father , " declared
Rossi , "and I swear that it shall yet
find your heart. "
Three days after his release the
young man left for Italy , saying he
had had enough of this country , but
adding that he would some time come
back and kill the policeman. The other
morning , before daylight , Foley saw
two men in the shadow of a building
on Mulberry street. He watched them
for a moment , and seeing them steal
into a hallway he barred the doorway.
Later he caught one of the men and
dragged him into the street. As the
half-light fell upon the man's face the
policeman recognized him as Juan
"What are you doing hereV" he de
Rossi shrugged his shoulders and
reached for the opening in his blouse.
But he was not quick enough. Even
as his hand clutched the handle of the
stiletto Foley hit him a sharp blow
with his night stick that caused him
to fall. The struggle that ensued was
short but fierce. Three times Rossi
reached for the weapon and three
tims the night stick saved the officer.
Rossi made no attempt to escape. His
one purpose seemed to bo to draw the
knife and stab the policeman. When
he Was finally subdued and taken to
the Mulberry street station he refused
to talk. Foley says that he recognizes
in the dagger the weapon that Rossi
held in his hand the day he was arrest
ed for assisting his father to muruej
his mother.
Then Ho Stutterozl to Ills Heart's Con
tent and Without Penalty.
A confirmed stutterer went into a
/estaurant and met a few casual ac
quaintances , who at once commenced
chaffing him most unmercifully re
specting the Impediment in his speech.
At last one of them , a pert little fel
low who had been making himself
rather conspicuous by his remarks ,
said : "Well , old man , I'll bet suppers
round you can't order them without
stammering. " "D-d-d-done , " says
Brown , and to the astonishment of the
company and the discomfort of his
challenger ( all of whom were unaware
of his being , as is often the case with
stutterers , a first-class singer ) , he
beckoned the waiter , and sang the or
der without the slightest hitch. Then ,
turning round to his little tormentor ,
said : "N-n-n-nw , y-y-y-you c-c-c-car
p-p-p-pay. "
Salaries of Uoyalty.
One hears from time to time such
wild shots as to the incomes of differ
ent members of the English royal fam
ily , that a few reliable figures are never
without interest. The duke of Edin
burgh , for instance , whose financial af
fairs have so often been made the sub
ject of gossip , had an allowance of $75-
000 a year on attaining his majority ,
and another § 50,000 a year on his mar
riage , but he voluntarily ceded this lat
ter item on succeeding to the duchy of
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. The duchess of
Edinburgh brought her husband a
dowry of $1,500,000 and an annuity of
$56,250 , which goes to her children at
her death. The duke of Connaught
has $125,000 a year and his pay as gen
eral is nearly $15,000. The duchess
brought a dowry of $75,000 and the
duke settled $7,500 a year upon her at
her marriage. The queen's daughters ,
Princess Christian , Princess Louise
and Princess Beatrice , all iave $30,000
a year and each has a dotage of $150-
000. Prince Christian has $2,500 a year
as ranger of Windsor Park and the
Marquis of Lome $6,000 a year as gov
ernor of Windsor Castle. The duke of
Cambridge has $60,000 a year and
Gloucester House rent free , which ia
equal to another $15 00 a year , and , al
though the rangerships of the Green
Park , St. James' , Hyde and Richard
Parks are altogether worth only $550
a year , the residences which go with
them are worth a couple of thousand
pounds a year. While the duke was
commander-ln-chlef , as well as colonel ,
of the grenadiers , he drew about $32,500
a year from the war office as well.
Chicago News.
Ono day , says the Chicago Record ,
a llttlo eon of the Rov. T. V. Gardi
ner was playing with sorao boys who
had a cart , and they wanted a dog
to draw it. Papa says wo must pray
for what wo want , Bald the minister's
son , and ho knelt down and said , Oh ,
Lord , send us a dog to draw our cart.
In a little wnllc a blc one came alonj ;
that frightened them , and they began
to cry. A second time the boy knelt
but this time ho prayad , Oh , Lord , we
don't want a bulldog.
Donald B. McDonald. 08 yoara old ,
and Margaret Ann O'Rcagan , 84 years
old , of Reno , Mich. , were married the
other day. McDonald had been mar
ried three times in Canada , and is the
father of fourteen children. The bride
had been married twice , and Is the
mother of ten children. The wedding
was performed in the presence of great
grandchildren of both bridegroom and
Try dralij-oJ fry Grntn-o !
Ask your grocer today to show you a
package of GRAIN-O , the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink It without In
jury as well as the adult. All who try
it , like it. GRAIX-0 has that rich seal
brown of Mocha or Java , but It is made
from pure grains , and the most delicate
stomach receives it without distress.
One-fourth the price of coffee , loc.
and 25c. per package. Sold by all
Thinks Oranges May lie Improved.
A scientist thinks that agricul
tural chemistry should teach how to
make Florida oranges better. To
this end ho is now engaged in a
chemical analysis of the different va-
riotics grown upon different soils ,
etc. , fed by different fertilizers , with
the idea that ho can do for oranges
what the Frenchmen have done for
pears and what the grape growers
have done for grapes.
Tnoy Are ; : eiiai > io.
The American Farmer is cincere in
what it says and whenever it endorses
an article , be it machinery , proprietary
medicine , or a man individually , we
want our readers to believe that what
we say we have good reason to under
stand is true. For a year or more
there have been endorsements of the
Swanson Rheumatic Cure Company , of
167 Dearborn street , Chicago , by this
paper. People have written us to
know if this company is responsible ,
and if its remarkable remedies , for the
cure of rheumatism , neuralgia , dyspep
sia , catarrh , kidney troubles , etc. , real
ly had merit. We have therefore been
at extra pains to investigate , and once
again we add emphasis to our former
endorsement of that company. There
may bo isolated cases here and there
which , probably through neglect in fol
lowing directions , or from exposure or
some unexplainable reason , the won
derful Five Drops remedy does not do
the work. But it is a case where the
exception proves the rule. Mr. Swanson -
son is a gentleman of character and
personal integrity , and , we believe ,
would no more attempt to deceive the
public than the writer of this article. "
They'still offer to send a sample bottle
tle of " 5 Drops" for 25c or a large
bottle , 300 doses , for $1 , prepaid by
mail or express. Address as above.
Why don't some genius invent a
lightning rod that will protect theater
goers from barn-stormers ?
Mrs. TPinsioTr-s soothing Byrnp
for children teutiiir , soften.-t the jpimsf.reuuoei Jnflcsi-
zniilon , allays pain , curcswlndcoHc. ! 55centnc. bottle.
Miss Zephyr Adler , who is regarded
as one of the most beautiful women
in Nashville , Tcnn. , has joined the
Salvation army.
tvlhLKK ; It cures every time. Uov. J. S. Comlsh ,
VYuynesvillc , ! ! ! . COc. a bottle.
Why isn't pumping up the tire giv
ing a bicycle Its second wind ?
Diamond "C" Soap is made by the
Cudahy Packing Co. of South Omaha.
Sold by grocers everywhere.
Experiments made in Paris show
that an electric wagon costs 47 per
cent leas to run than a horse wajron
and 32 per cent less than a petroleum
Unqualified Success of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
lia , Iowa , in the following letter de
scribes her recovery from a very criti
cal condition :
" DEAK MRS. PIXKHAM : I have been
taking your Vegetable Compound , and
am now ready to sound
its praises. It
has done won
ders for me in
relieving me
of a tumor.
"My health
has been poor
for three years.
Change of life
was working
upon me. I
was very
much bloated
and % vas a bur
den to myself.Vas troubled with
smothering spells , also palpitation of
the heart and that bearing-down feel
ing , and could not be on iny feet much.
"I was growing worse all the time ,
until I took your medicine.
"After taking three boxes of Lydia
E. Piukharn's Vegetable Compound
Lozenp-s , the tumor passed from me.
"My 14h has been better ever
since , cau jew walk quite a distance
and am troubled no more with palpita
tion of the heart or bloating. I rec
ommend your medicine to all sufferers
from female troubles. "
It is hardly reasonable to suppose
that any one can doubt the efficiency
of Mrs. Finkham's methods and medi
cine in the face of the tremendous vol
ume of testimony.
Dr. Kav's Renovator. Guaranteed
. .
wii lEcnuiatwi ;
naj to euro dyspep-
sla , constipation , liver and kidney discasos.bfl-
liousness , headache , etc. At druggists C5c & 81.
Gen. Lawton's work at Santiago was
not his first service to the Kovern-
raent. Though not generally known
ho was in 1885 captain in the Fourth
cavalry , v/hlch captured Geronlmo and
his Apaches after a 3,000 mile chase.
A Itaco Against Fire.
The crew of a steamer from Spain
discovered In mid ocean that flames
wore raging In the hold. For ten days
they bravely fought the llames. If
men would fight as persistently against
disorders there would be fewer prema
ture deaths. The best weapon for such
a fight is Hosteller's Stomach Blttera.
The Scotch forefathers of President
McKinley spelt the name MacKlnlcy ,
the first Instance of the present spell
ing occurring In the signature of
James McKinley in the last century.
TIoWii Thlal
Wo offer Oun Hundred Dollars rsr-ard for tiny
cave or Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Haifa
Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CJIEJfEY & CO. . Toledo , O.
we , the undersign" ! , have known P. J.
Cheney tor the last 15 years and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
rvtul financially uhlo to carry out any obllra-
tlons made by their flnn.
WcM , & Truar. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo ,
p. ; Waldine , Kinnan & ilarvia. AVholesalo
Drugpists. Toledo , Ohia
Hall's Catarrh Cure is talien internally , act-
IHK directly upon thobloodandmucoussurfacci
or the system. Testimonials t , < snt rrce. i'rlca
75c per bottle. Sold by all rtr
Hall's Family Pills are the
Why does a woman say all men are
alike when one of them acts selfish ?
A catalogue of 300 prizes , suitable to
every taste and condition , mailed on
inquiry. Prizes given for saving Diamond
mend "C" Soap wrappers. Address
Cudahy Soap Works , South Omaha ,
Neb. The list contains many season
able and suitable holiday gifts.
Harrison M. Seal , of Whitcomb , Ind. ,
probably holds the vottag record of
that state. He voted for Jackson ia
1828 and for each democratic president
since then.
The Diploma anil Gold
Were awarded to the Chicago Scale
Company of Chicago , 111. , at the Omaha
exposition for the best stock and hay
ecales over all first-class makes , no
cheap scales were considered. This
company sells more scales than any
other , and their prices are lower than
those of any reliable scale. They also
handle hundreds of useful specialties
for farmers and others. They send
catalogue free.
"Ingratitude is tlie world's revv-ard. "
is the favorite motto of those who do
not wish to do good. Fliesende Blat
oe's Cou li Calsaiu
In .he oldest snd best. It will lireak up colu quieter
thau caytUhis else , it Is always relisois. Trj It.
It took the British thirteen years
to remember Gordon , but only five
hours to avenge him.
Piso's Care for Consumption has been
n God-sond to me. Wm. B. McClellnu ,
Chester. Florida , Sept. 17 , 1S95.
The washing of Quean Victoria's
household costs 3,014 per annum.
CUR2 ! A cor.D irr ONE i > Vi
Take laxative Kromo Quinine Tablets. All
dru""ists refund the nioncy if it fail * to cure.
25c. The genuine has L , . B. Q. on eaeu tablet.
Why don't policemen carry umbrel
las to arrest the rain ?
arnt for -.ale. S2 per acre caSfa'.Ca
Sstn paid. . . .J. MulhaU. Siau& tj
Easily Paid What do you think of J
this tax on beer ? I think it is all
right. By the time a man drinks
enough beer to feel the tax he will
be in a condition not to care. Puck.
Col. Joseph Henry , of Vnnecburs.
Ky.t is the great grandson of Patrick
Henry , and the only living direct de
scendant of the patriot.
Are you frequently hoarse ?
Do you have that annoying
tickling in your throat ? Would
you feel relieved if you could
raise something ? Does your
cough annoy you at night , and
do you raise more mucus in
the morning ?
Then you should alv/ays keep
on hand a bottle of
If you have a v/eak
throat you cannot be too
careful. You cannot begin
treatment too early. Each
cold makes you more liable
to another , and the last
one is always harder to
cure than the one before it.
DP. Age's Ciiff pg Pectoral Plasier
ppelccls t&e tess tpes colds.
Help at Hand. -
If you have any complaint
whatever and desire the best
medical advice you can pos
sibly obtain , write the doctor
freely. Yea will receive a
prompt reply.
Address , DR. J. C. AYER ,
DC * K < vi5r ! nn' * B im ror causa * , colds.
UFi Ray s Lung dcun
( BstYoarPeBsica
Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Ajcst ,
1425 New Vori : Avenue. WASHINGTON. D. C.
Thompson's Eye Water.
fur 1 x > ) c of tCi-Uir.on'a i azii 1 0 day > *
treat iii cat Tree. Er. lULUurE. > * SSO\s.
\VANTiII ) Cow of na.i TstrMCJ tTia : 7M-P-A N-S
rlH not benefitS > nil 5o = : s to K-'rar.s
Co. . ACToi'i.for U i unsles aod 1JX > J
i'"Crr r f4. ScsrcfiJrw.
Co. cr&Co. 34 FsL.
J O H n W. M O R R1S , WA3KKSTUK. 0. a
Lstc Principal Er = iiar u. S. Prstioa E = rtii-
TjCJ. in lass wa. . li tdi = di.-uci eliti . s r-
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 5O-1S9S
fthco Snsvrcring advertisements Rndlj
Mention This Taper.
St. Ja&obs Oii i
Rheumatism , Kcuraigfa , Sctsllc ,
Now you know by this Luaifcsgo , Sprains , Bruisss , ( '
sign Soronsss ; Sliffcass. f
Lives of suffering .uid misery from this repulsive rtl-osxe turned into health ami h.ivt'l-
ness through the r.M * f
cia !
fully treatiuc sntl curinc the nioM ohstisnto ase . . wi mmfneo in -
Catarrh. or Catarrhal Disease our CATARRH EXPELLANT will
JUcnfncfis , resulting f rum Cnliirrli. ijnlrkly cured
I.o s of oniis of Mnoll and Tast t quickly rosttiri'ii.
All repulslvi'svinptomspoi'uliar totJatarrhal tnmlilos. a.s f < > > l rt\itli , uamtl Unclm x
Hacking , CoiiRhlnp , and.SpHtlnc. relieved at once. ,
tatarrlml : Affections of Stomach. Uver or l\ldncyi = . rtus'iij ln tlj : 'ftlon. Slok Momnch.
Nausea. WoaknoHg , Doprrttsloii. I. I H of AnilUIi > n nu t lnf7j. : . ariujMli'Kly MUx'd.
Most of the weakness of men and women is caused by I'alarrhal lls < ! i . . . Tli
strength fully restored. Over fiv hundred tuntiiuuiiluts In i > rai > < > f this trotitmiMtl to-
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