mmsBmaummsmmba * An Ideal Grift . . . m gjp- 3w cannot take a small amount of money and buy a CHRISTMAS GIFT that in any way equals a pair of They are made for MEN , WOMEN AND CHILDREN and as a Holiday present they are SENSIBLE SERVICEABLE ACCEPTABLE . ECONOMICAL The pleasure and comfort that 1 each pair represents outweighs a thousand times the small price you pay for them. ggj Come in and feast your eyes on these Shoes. = = mi THE OLD RELIABLE , J. F. OANSCHOW , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. WWtW & NATIONA I < W < MV BA.NK-4 J ocx > Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $6O,000 ooo GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. Kl. FREES , V. Pres. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEHNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. Presents * Gems of the # fe Miff. season at. . . C. . * TOYS = = A large assortment. 4 # DOLLS = = A1 sizes and colors. I BASKETS = = Indiah and Japanese in variety. | LAMPS = = The latest "swell. " I BOOKS = = Qift , Juvenile and Bibles. # < 35 > ALBUMS-A11 prices. Atomizers and Latest Perfumes. * < * " Christmas Cards and Booklets. | f i Japanese Goods , Novelties , &c. I | XVXV V- Worthy Goods at Worthy Prices. We court comparison A. McMILLEN , Druggist. & . RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. There were two sections of No. 3 , Inst night. See the late btylc , Mufflers at Mor gan's , the leading clothier. Brnkeman C. B. duly has been trans ferred to Holflrege as switchumn. , % r Morgan , the leading clothier , is still selling 3402. Irish Frieze Overcoats for $8.50. Ex-Supt. Highland passed through the city , Thursday morning , for Denver , looking well. A. Zint , formerly agent at Mayweed , was in. the city , part of the week , guest of his parents. Conductor E. M. Cox spent Sunday in Lincoln , with his wife , who is there re ceiving treatment. Stipt. Campbell went down to Hast ings , Tuesday morning , returning on I , Wednesday morning. Conductor Al. Knowland will have the bridge special which goes over the division to Denver , today. If you are looking for a fine silk Um brella for a Christmas present , Morgan , the leading clothier , has them. General Supt. T. E. Calvert cauie up from Lincoln , Tuesday night , on busi ness , returning east on 12 , Wednesday morning. Operator and Mrs. R. Hickman have taken rooms with Dispatcher and Mrs. R. B. Simmons , and are doing light housifc-keeping. Morgan , the leading clothier , has just received a full line of muslin and flannel Slumbering Robes that he is selling at a remarkably low price. Traveling Auditor Foreman was at headquarters , Wednesday. Among other acts he examined the new messenger , Albert Thorgrimson , during the day. Machinist and Mrs. John Stevens re turned home , close of last week , from Michigan , whither they were summoned by the serious illness of his aged mother. A special train of tourist sleepers wen through McCook , last night , bound fo San Francisco. The cars will return car rying the i2Oth New York Volunteers on their homeward way from Manila. Frank H. Spearman has an interesting little sketch , this month , in Harper's Round Table , entitled "Second Seventy Seven , " and deals with familiar persons places and facts ou the Western division in his usual clever style. The article will be appreciated by all McCookites. The different ice houses of the divi sion are being cleaned out and placed in condition to receive the congealed fluid which will be gratefully enjoyed next summer when the thermometer is in1 the nineties. They are also getting ready at Cambridge and Curtis for the ice harvest. Bfakeman D. P. Crowe of theHastings- Oberlin run is at headquarters recover ing from his recent injury at Brickton near Hastings. His fractured arm is getting along satisfactorily. Mrs. Crowe accompanied him and they are the guests of her parents , Engineer and Mrs. C. K Putnam. R. E. Erwiu , postal clerk on the Im perial branch , was taken quite sickWed nesday uight , and was unable to go out on his run , Thursday , hence the branch and its connections got no mail that day. Mr. Erwin went down to his home in Lincoln , last night , to be nursed back to his normal health. W. C. Hunt came over from Lebanon , last night on 3 , and will substitute for him meanwhile. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THK Citizens Bank of McCook [ CHARTER NO. 276. ] at McCook , in the State of Nebraska , at the close of business , December 1st , 1898. RESOURCtS. Loans and discounts $105 524 86 Overdrafts , secured and unsecured 2 779 55 Stocks , bonds , securities , judgments , claims , etc 700 oo Other real estate 10 877 21 Current expenses and taxes paid. . 2 702 94 Checks and other cash items 851 95 Due from National , State and Pri vate Banks and Bankers 13 776 58 Specie $4 302 oo Bills 698900 Nickels and cents 10424 Total gash on hand 11 395 24 TOTAL $148 0833 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50 ooo oo Surplus fund 5 ooo oo Undivided profits 7 023 Si Individual deposits sub ject to check $50 690 23 Demand certificates of de posit. . . . . 1585465 lime certificates of de posit 1075000 Cashier's checks outstan ding i 556 70 Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers 7 732 94 86 584 52 TOTAL $148 608 33 State of Nebraska , County of Red Willow , ss. I , A. C. Ebert , Cashier of the above-named Bank , do solemnly swear that the above state- nent is true to the best of my knowledge and jelief. A. C. EDERT , Cashier. \ttest : V. FRANKLIN , Director. H. T. CHURCH , Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th lay of December , 1898. H. H. BERRY. [ SEAL ] Notary Public. My commission expires October 8,1901. When you ask for DeWitt's Witch Ha- : el _ Salve don't accept a counterfeit or mitation. There are more cases of piles > eing cured by this , than all others com- jined. A. McMillen. P. 0. Lobby. Immense Stock of - TOYS - - BOOKS - DOLL BUGGIES - and all Kinds of - HOLIDAY GOODS - P. 0. Lobby. PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS. Miss Laura Woodworth was a schoo visitor , Tuesday afteruoon. Miss Bilker of DCS Moines , Iowa , am Nellie Clark were visitors , Fridaj after noon. The football name , Tuesday evening was all in favor of the first eleven , the score being 12 to 2. Rev. Turner conducted the Ian ten class , Monday evening , on account o the indisposition of the superintendent There will be but one week of holiday this year , between Christmas and Ne\ Year. Both the holidays come on Sun day. Supt. Caviness is suffering with a sore eye , which has interfered with his regu lar and usual work , this week. Tb < member is better and improving at thi writing. The musical programme on Friday Saturday and Monday evenings was pro vided by Elsie Burgess , Blanche and Ida McCarl.Lulu Beardslee , Maude and Nina Doan , Lucile Lawson and Bessie Borne man. There is much rejoicing and satisfac tion over the fact that the debt has beei raised from the high school lantern. J draft for the amount due was sent , Mon day. And there was a small sum left in the treasury. The lantern class entertainments , Fn day , Saturday and Monday evenings were well patronized and the lantern ant piano funds were correspondingly strengthened. The slides were splendic and greatly enjoyed by the audiences each evening. The lantern slides of Monday nigh were not as good as those of Friday anc Saturday nights. They perhaps lackec the interest also of the Cuban and Porto Rican slides , which were particularly clear and attractive , necessitating re pealing the program on Sa'turday night "The greatest enemy of boyhood is the cigarette , " says Prof. W. C. Schaeffer state superintendent of public instructioi for Pennsylvania. And all who have ob served the wretched work of many boys of our city who are given to smoking the poisonous cigarette will concur with the professor. Quite a considerable number of our older school boys are slaves to the miserable and demoralizing habit , and it is observable that such boys are not at the head of their classes. The law o this state requires the teaching of physiology elegy and hygiene with special reference to the influence of stimulants and nar cotics ; and under this heading it might be well to especially teach the bad ef fects of the cigarette habit. It might be wise to urge the enforcement of the stat ute of the state which prohibits the sale to minors of cigarettes. Parents and good citizens generally should use their best efforts in suppressing this great enemy to our youths. Let not the desire to acquire a few paltry and sordid dollars influence any one to sell the boys of our public schools the unlawful weed. No Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face , form and temper will always have friends , but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak , sickly and all run down , she will be nervous and irrit able. If she has constipation or kidney trouble , her impure blood will cause pim ples , blotches , skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to reg ulate stomach , liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves , bright eyes , smooth , velvet skin , rich : ouiplexion. It will make a good-look ing , charming woman of a run-down in valid. Only 50 cents at McConnelPs. Late to bed and early to rise , prepares i man for his home in the skies. But : arly to bed and a Little Early Riser , the Dill that makes life longer and better md wiser. A. McMillen. Violins and Guitars at the Bee 3ive. A cough is not like a fever. It does lot have to run a certain course. Cure t quickly and effectually with One Min- ite Cough Cure , the best remedy for all iges and for the most severe cases. We ecommend it because it's good. A. Mc- klillen. K In order to reduce our large stock of Dress Goods , we have marked down our already low prices. Now is the time to buy. Call and IRS get a bargain LADIES' la , Fflllfll1 uulldl are going fast. See our line before you buy. New Gooods and Correct Styles at lower prices than you will find elsewhere. . . . 533 CLOTHING We have special bargains in this line. m Call and see them. 5&J5J We are better than ever prepared to supply your wants in Groceries. Bring us your Orders. JLT THE . . . tm 5 3 > * g$3 C. L. DeGROFF & CO. 4 ws * * < > V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT. CASHIER. * ttI CITIZENS BANK : OF McCOOK , NEB. # Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , ยง 5.000 w 1 DIRECTORS' r , FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. . - , . . 5rr Tribune Clubblnfr List. For convenience ot readers of THE TKIU UNK , we have made arran cmctits with the followinpnewspapers and perodicals wheiehy ive can supply them in combination with TilK 1'RiiuiNi : at the following very low prices : ruiiLiCATioN. i-Kicr. . . . .V,1,1 ! ? , . . . I K 11 > U * N r. Detroit Free Press Si 00 $ i 50 Leslie's Weekly. . . : t oo 3 oo I'rairie Farmer I oo 125 Chicago Inter-Ocean 1 oo I 35 Cincinnati Knquirer. 1 oo 150 \cw-York Tribune i oo i 25 Demorcst's Mazarine i oo 175 I'oledo Blade i co 125 STebraska Farmer i oo 165 owa Homestead I oo 175 Jncoln Journal I oo 1/5 Campbell's Soil-Culture i oo . 150 ew-Yorlc World i oo ' I 65 3mahaBee i oo 150 Cosmopolitan Magzinc i oo i So it. Louis Republic i oo 175 We are prepared to fill orders for any other I tapers published , at reduced rates. I THETRIHUNK , McCook , Neb. There are few ailments so uncomfortn- > le as piles , but they can be readily cured y usititfTabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment , belief follows its use , and any one suffer- , ng from piles cannot afford to neglect to ive it a trial. Price , 500 in bottles ; tubes 5c. L. W. McConnell & Co. Have you a cold ? A dose of Ballard's lorehound Syrup nt bedtime will remove t. Price 250 and SOG. McConnell & Co. 0. L 1-VliRlST & CO. . rKOVKIRTOKN OV TUK McCook Transfer Line , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. furnituvo van i the city. OHU'o ono bUvk north of Biiniott Lninbor Yiml. Lonvo orders dors Tor bus calls nt CoinmoroifU hotel ; ouloi for tlrnyin at Kv orist , iNlarsh t C\ > . * uiont mnrkot Satisfaction gutmuitooil. CASTOR I For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signatxiro of ChamberluiirsColio.ChokMn \ \ \ \ < \ rluvn Remedy oun nh\n > $ bo lopcn to\ upon and is plcusunt nml Mtxto to ttvk - Sold by L.V. . McConnell. Soothing , healing. clcniiMtit ; . l > c\\'Ut' Witch IInel Snivels the impWnMo ciuv my of sores , hums mid wounds. U ucvrr fails to cure piles. Yon tuny tolv upo it. A. McMillen.